Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 16, 1874, Image 1

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    $3,00 per Year, in Advance.
Notki: to Mitscuinr.it.s.
The ilnte niiiieiirln:: nilor Hip printed I
name on I lie paper In tin- ilnte
UXl'llIATION olMllisciliUloii.
This was tho tltlo of How P. S. Kulght's ,
last Sunday evouing lecture. TUo lecturo was
delivered in Mr. Knight's usual plonant off
hand manner, niul was listened to by a largo I
tutdiouco: ;
Mr. Knight commenced by stating that ho
was all mixed up about somo subjects, and I
this was ono of them. Ho would really liko '
to know what a "clover gentleman" was,
but leaved ho did not. Ho might glvo Wob-1
ter's deflultlou of tho two words: Clovor I
Doxtrous; expoit; lugonlous; good natured;
.-ul'uble, Gentloman Ono who Is well-born:
well-bred; polished; good tnauuorod. So
iI.a hiaii.1i 4 ilAirn1 miit I itmttl Ainn ' ImVil tti I
..." - I" u .:. " L"IZ" " w
MUU OVUCU Itiuimi attvaii)( ftiiHf mv-wm j
to Wobstor, a ' clover gcntlomau" Is either'
ono who Is affable, pleasaut and sociable; or
who Is also dextrous, Ingenious, Intelligent,
.pilck-wlttod. Hut It requires vory llttlo
knowledge ot' the world to oonvlneo any ono
of tho lusufileloncy ofthli deflnltlon. Wo
hear tho word used ovory day with a llborty
justified by neither or these uioaulngs. Tho
fat is thero is scarcely a inau In tho world
that somebody Is not wllliug to call a "clover
Tho expression Is used as an apology some
times in a most curious and contradictory
times ma most curious aim cuumuiii-iurj j
sA-ay. Ono person says or another: "Yes, ho 1
is a momborof a church: ho U a Christian; ,
ho Is a preacher," otc, etc. Hut thou, ho Is '
a II olarnr nmit!finati!" as much as to
.... i'.. i.i- ,itt.. ,w. r. ,. lilm I
r.WV Ulul. Ilia IBitfliwn .vvj ..w. .....
urlv. vulcar. Illuiauuorly or mean. Some-1
(i,,i. ono politician denounces ano'.her as a
.oriuntlonlst, briber, euibe7.1er, liar, horse
ihlor, bigamist, swindler and villain. Hut
whon ho talks about tho samo man m pood ,
statural moment', or lu decont company, ho
will say ho Is a "clever gentleman." So In
tho samo absurd wuy wo hear or men who '
jredlshonost. Thoy mako contracts that thoy
nover fullUl: Incur debts that novor pay;
but thoy aro "clever gentlemen."
Woboaroi'othor "clever gentlemen" who
swindle tho assessor. They wlgglo out of
their taxes ovory tuno and by ovory mean
-ubtorfugo thovcau, even comuiitting per-
iiirywliou nothing elswIU serve. Thero
ro other men ougagod In tho meaiieU kind
-f Mlaudcr-mcro traders In wholesalo and
scaudal meanor than any J.ianap-
int slave trader that over llrd who uo
the tousuo, tho pen. and tho pross, lor their
vllo purjio-'os. Yet they put In their claim,
mil are rocosnUed by half tho world as
"clevor geutlouieu." And thero U your cold-,
nloodod, smooth-tongueU, ciauniiy-nnuueu,
doublo-slded, eel-llko spoclmen ot a man
who goos wludlugand wiggling through the
world, leaving hlsserpeiit-liko trail 011 every
thing bo touches. An Immaculate shirt-
iiosoinauda Hue coat will make of him a
' clovor gentletuan."
And thero is vour dirty story teller, whoso
longue rolls in tilth as naturally as a muck
worm In his native olemeut. The oud of hU
unbltiou Is to gathor a low crowd about
liliu-lt suits him all the better if there are
.,ovs amoug them, aud tall vulgar aueedotes
hat would make a baru-yard blush. Yet
... 1.1.1 ..invd. mill a starched
oven uecau pui u iu .. , ,
collar and appear at the receptiou lu tho
presence of ladlosas a "clever geutleman."
It Is said of another, that he drinks. He
koeps his wife In rags perhaps. Ho comes
, home Intoxicated aud turns his family out
. .t i HI. A a nrstlt 111 4
' Ti.vITs tub his breath I tain ed
stomach llko a 111 tub. " ,ie two
vvltUrotteuue.s,a.u I hi J; J,0
slimy eutrauces for the rinu of ueimum
tremens, nut men a .." , ? ;"-
oe8' , , , , . , , 1, . Than Noah
Ts the world right about It . Then Noati
.'-ii.. an Iffuoramus. religion Is a
i-heat. George Washington was a traitor,
hollow and I want to die."
Jlutwesay the world U no " s
1.- ,b ni "a clever ceutiemau" to tell
....i., .tnriM. He does not pnu uis iou.w
He does not pnu uis iou.w
IZZZ V,nr his whisky breath In other
tiwv - . .....
neople's faces uulevs he knows they iiko 11.
Jle is not a whited sepulcher run or ueau
wen's bones. He doos not lie, nor stea , nor
bribe, nor embezzle. He may wear a patched
coat, but ha does not wear a coat that some
.me eUe has paid for. It Is that which Is
Miilt, uot the externals, that makes
clever gentleman." He Is kind, peaceable,
'fearless, true. Ho may not stop to shako
"amis eory tlmo ho meets yon: lio may not
HieiUDw liimseiroti the sitiowalk lit excessive
politeness; o may not use In addiphig
-"" you all thotlllen that conio'iofoio and after
your name: he may ovun seem grull and
Itrltable sometimes. Thcroaiomauy things
In the world to mako men so.
In short, 1 tako It that tho "couimou law"
of tho truly "clover gentleman" will bo that
matchless precopi which tho united voice of
manhood has called
Tin: iioi.m:v Iti'i.i:.
"Whatsoever yo would that others should
do to you, do yo oven so to them."
We should have mentioned bcl'oro that tho
Independents of Multnomah havo placed nu
oxcellent ticket lu tho feld and aro bouuTl to
olect tho samo, as follow s
Vor State Senators-William Strong and
J.S. M. VauClovo.
Por Koprcsentatlves Jacob Johnson, C.
W. Gay, P..S. Jewell, John Gearing, William
Sherlock, S. Norils and Halolgh Noll.
County Judge W. K. Trimble
County Commissioners II. Hansen and
Chus. Holmau.
Sboritl V.. J.Jotlroy.
Clerk Georgo L. Story.
Treasuror A. Walnman.
Assessor John Dolau.
Surveyor C. W. llurrago.
Sunerlntendent of Schools Itev. T. 1..
.... '
I""1' 0 Kollo,.
toionot-Dr. I., uoiiogi..
km'IHUI'O. OK UtliilU.
Thn Konubllcau County Convention of
Yamhill county mot at I jilayetto on Monday
last and mado tho following nominations :
Souatois-J. W. Watt, K
Keprosontatlvos '. H
I. eo
l.aughlIn,.oel Palmer.
County .Iudi;o II. Hurloy.
clork It. II. I.ann.011.
Sherill-A. II. Henry.
Comnii-Moners -T. (Jroves, I.. W. Hoger.
Treasurer l!oo Kelty.
Surveyor T. s. (Illbert.
Ases-oi -Mr. DavN.
School Mipprlnteudent Mr. ltobb.
Tho I'.oimbllcani of Yamhill claim that
. . . ...... i. 11..1 i.
moy uavo no ur minium. ,.. .-. -.
done homago to tho Custom House King.
They havo placed a very good tickot in tho
Held and tho votn nor that county ran select
., . . .11 i .. ....... If. l.,., tli.Uii flint
irom me wnoie 101 i iih" "-"
suit tiiem.
The Independents of ClaeKamas met on
Saturday last and made nominations a fol
iows .
state Senator Mr. Starkweather,
itoprcsontatlvos-lt. Itamsby, Capt.
0hrau, Joseph Young, Mr. Strlcklor.
:j;ori,s. 1.. Stevens,
''eruu.S. Huck.
Judge Win. Moioland
commissioner!' Messrs
l.atouretto aud
Trcasurer-Dr. lloss.
School superintendent Pror. Morelaud.
Assessor-John Thomas.
Couuty Central Comnilttee-W . W . Hock,
Thos. Jean and Jos. Winston.
ANOlimt Pionki'.ii Hoxi:. We regret to
lerru of tho death of Orus Hrown, at forest
Grove 011 tho Mb day of tho presont month.
Mr. Hrown was a brother of Mrs. V. K.
Prlugle, aud since InW has resided near
Silem with his relations. He was lorn In
MW and came to Oregon In 1113, crossed! the
Plains from Missouri, and located a donation
ad cUlm 0Il9 no'north of 1-orest Ciiove,
returuea l0
, ,.. . ,.. al, . w ,.aule wk with
' time previous to his death when ho returned
tiuiei 'e 'G whflre Uu aleil aUovo
. '..,., ., ., omiirranu of that day aro
gMauany passing away and the dplonocrsi
J Woinc.-The Lplscopal church is to
be Improved bv the Introduction of a new
u ""I 'u ".. ., ,, wi,i,i, .rH
- - ,infirture
W " miuuT-ctuwi the shop or
v niiuii bv I) W. Prontico. His
0 iv i.cum. i'j
now .
rnnk'n v. tip
.... fino workman Is welliunderstood
but work ln ,,uestiou Is said to bo liner
k h,p thall haw over beforo lon
ont . iek,ni,,, ,,r State. It is
trimmed with black walnut
mi Jn placo wl, bhow
I lwc"
Itucli I'oint I'luiiit'is Club.
i mi Miiniii'intiiriiK lit be fimmrinnl. VVi
i -jilil ..ml "j lill .v uglit knul m' Hi fii.
(in 11 1 lu ruttlli ii' Hie " liiili-jiemb-tit "
i,i "'Hi miHii '1 " iiiurfniviiti, tie,, (c.
i'i:i 1 vi. 10 Tin: lti.roun.i
The ISivk Point Kunners Club met, May
Slli, 1ST I. Ir. MaltUon w.isehoou Cliairinan, '
protem. Mr. Denyor said In repaid to. start-1 1" "& geucranv m, since the
lug Mauufastorles for Kami machlnory, he imigiintlon of crop roMits. In the South
had somo llttlo experience, thought tontarl I vory few exceptions to tho general vigor and
In n ..mill wav Mt snv two nrthren tires In I vuu luxuilancoofthogrowthhavoiippniid.
In a small a Urst.saj twooi mo mes in ( tllir (-u)ri.0H,t rciuu th(l wimcr pasturing
a small oMablUhmont, saving the expense , , wuolli ,loui jj.ls i,.,, j..-um,) t tho nd
ofnuoxoluslvobustuossagout. aud grow up v.iutagu of tliu ciop. lu New York and
with tho countrv was tho IxstpUn, as such j Pennsylvania Jho weather suico tho niiddlo
, , , ,e ,,,', . ,'.., ,,, ofMaichhaHbcouiiulavoriibloouiioeouiilol
a plan would ho self-sustaining Irom the lllOMullou changes of tenipemliiro and cold
start, and such an establishment ought to bo Winds, to tho Injury of w heat on clay and
built up In ovory Neighborhood; ho thought nndraincd lauds. "In Ontario, Nlagnra,
1,.. ..mii.i lmti.i L-no.1 wnunus us tho Livingstone, and Oenesoe, four counties
ho could build as Komi wagons as 1110 whloh nrodm'o onn-tlilrdoflhe Winter wluuit
Studobakor, In Aumsvlllo. and Just as well 0fs,-ow York, tho avoiago expectations aro
llulshod and as cheap, had orders for n outortalued. though somo Injury iVom free.
number already; thought If our people , JuR thawing on low .BWuyrtK wrjjlo.1.
would glvo propor encouragement to our
to iuip.
own workmon, woshoiild soon have plenty
of shops near homo.
Mr. I Moll thought Mr. Honyorwascorroct;
build up our own factories aud thou wo will
havo a home market wo aro too prone to
look abroad lor help, let us help ourselves.
Oregon sends abrotd a million dollars an
nually, for farm machlnory alone, bolloved
wo should pay this money to our own work
mon. Mr. Hunt said li'Mr. Denver was will
lug to build Just as good ami Just as cheap
agricultural Implements right hero among
us, thou why sond toSouth Hand or Chicago.
Tho fact Is wo tindorestimato our rosouicoi,
wo haoa lubltofheudlng abroad for ovory
thing, we fill to appreciate our own re
kources. Dr. .MattNon thought It tlmo wo
quit sending abroad Tor overy thing wo ue;
thought our doinostlo inliuit wasjust as good
as tho Impound aitlcle. Look at New
r.nglaud, poor as Is her soil lior manufac
tories hao mado her wealthy. Wo iy for
shlpiiiug our raw products to other countrlc
then pay for shipping the
iiiaiiiifuutuiuil '
article hick to us, paying freight both ways,
our water power Is abundant, let us utllir.o
It and wo can frod the mechanic horn at
home. Marlon county pays out lor pickles 1
and canned fruits put up In California ' llwtitou am. Ci.iiii-l'.m.AKi'.it. Mr.
twelvo thousand do!l.u, twelve hundred I A1I1I11 llorclicrs pulilMiis tu day 11 tt'sll
doll'irs per year for Imported soap, twenty-' uiunhil liolil scviT.tl f till) best known
four tliou-aiid dollars lor boots and shoas, in and inot rcllnblo fanners of .Million
this county alono. Tho leather In u gicat part
Is ni.idti here, then shlppsd to Calllorniii,
mado up and sent back hero; ninny ol'our
vegetables aro shipped from abroad; seventy
two thousand dollars for clothing, hats and
caps ror this county; is It any wonder wo
feel tho want of money sometimes. The Dr.
called attention to Aumsville as n good i)lnt
to start alarm Implement factory; there was
an excellent opening there for something oT
the kind as tho water jsiwer was llrst-iato
mid could be bought low, together with the
grist mill now lu operation.
Mr. Hunt otleied the follow lug leioluttoii,
Heslved, that n Committee ofthieo bo ap
pointed liy tho chair to take under advlo
moiit tho subject ot a Urui Implement factory,
in tills vicinity and repoit at our next meet
ing, which was ndopted. . W. Hunt, Job
Denyer, John Downing woro appointed said
committee. Clubadloiirned to meet 1111 our
regular day. .Mibiect for next mcutliig a
Ireo talk on matters and things In general,
(i. W. Hi XI', S1.1.
l'AUMI.Ils A'llllll i.ti iiai. WoiiKs. Mr.
Chas. JJowlo is now ciuvasslng the couuty
forHiiliscriptlousto the Urmers association
rbrthoiuaiiutartiireof wagons and agricul
tural implements. Tho capital stock of the
corporation Is to bo JW.dOO, shares $) each.
Looking at hi subscription book we iiud
manv names of good oltleu already
rewrded, with subscriptions annexed for
oiioortuoro shares, so that agood start has
already boon had. Mr. Howie is deoilug
his tlmo to this matter and we ho will
meet with success In bis einvass for sub
scriptions, livery firmer can afford, to in
vest $100 In such an enterprise.
1 1 nxiTi ui: MAMiAiTOitv. D. W. Pren
tice annouueos by advertisement that he is
prepared to manufacture, for tho wholsaio
trade, and for siecla o.uers, 1. ru.iure 0 a..
U-inds. lu couueetlon with tho establish-
men of Messrs Cooke .V Dennis he has every --j .j-
facility for such a business, and his skll as aollo hundred.
, . ,1inl. ,1... i. UIU n iri 1.
WorKliiau jusuiiDi in" "i. -
make ilrst class work add build up a good
, , iinl
Tor the Jlrst time In ton years It !s a n""'
cult niatUir to rent a comfortable dwelling
houte In Salem.
llif Crops.
ixitiruMUMi i;i:roui. ot rin: wihiat
flliJl AN Vl.t'NHNI' IIM.U I'ltOMtslIK.
1 Vsl1iN1.10N, April '.U'l'lui ltcputnitmt
, of Agrtculturo has received cry lull Infor
mation eoncertuni: tho nppeaninco of wheat
tliroiignmit tun country, 'i no returns cover
a lnrgo pniportlnn of tlie Winter wheat area
In each .Maw. 1 M inter tins mm exireine-
'"" I""" '" !v v---":-i
uliio-tentlis of the counties malting nivorAiuo
latnrns. manv oftheni ervtlattcring. Fully
thrpo-foui ths of tho hlo Valley rosirt either
avorago or superior )tidltlon. Ilpyond the
Mississippi, Missouri and Kansas havo still
fewer unpromMiie reports. Thoro aro lu
pous from tho North-west which aromoro
favorable ban usual, but aro of llttlo conso
(piouce, as the Winter wheat (if Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Iowa constitutes less than
two percent, of the wheat of that region.
Tho prospe-'t in California is vory promising,
though complaints of Injury from an unusual
pause wet weather havo comofroni several
coi.nties. Tlin Secretary of the statu H0.111I
of Aurlctilturo KHMiits a promise of lil,oil,.
Otlil of bushels lu the Stale.
rii-nir niul Mass Mccllns.
llaiul-liills tuo mil uiiiioiiiiciiiK t hut
llieic.wlll l(i 11 giiinil Imlciu'iiilcnl tiiin
nlit of the people of .Minion county, in
.Marlon miiiuiv, Sulcin, nit Sulimluy of
next week. A grand pinccs-lon of wn
gon, liiii-ciiioii, niul l'lMifi.t: will form 11 1
11 o'clock niul iniuvli llti'ougli this city.
niinier nt niMiii. IVupIo will luiiig their
bankets well llllcd.
will bo !n'i clips by
Stilllviin, Miiilntlit'i's.
After (llniici'i
lllllgl' llolt',
I'. f.
county I'l'ttliylng t tin-viiiiio or dim in
vention, which bus been for some time
mlvcrlisci! in Ibc I'.UMint. Tlu success
of Ills Invention swim assured, and lie is
ready to dispose of fnini lights on reason
iible tonus. The machines eau bo niiiu
ufiieluied by any wagon or plow-ni.tkei'.
Haw lti: 111 lis. Mr..!. Wright Sherlll of
DouglHS county brought down this arternoou,
tlileo reel ults for the I'onlteiitlary. Their
u.iines are James rield, sunt lor "larceny lu
dwelling," one.yo.ir. J. T. Stump mid John
l ler for two years, oa'di, fur larceny lu a
store house.
The dollnquoiit tax lor lsT:i hi Mailnu
(siuiity, amounts to less than f .Oik), aud Capt.
Scott pinposes to commeiieo tho llrst of next
week to "Interview" tho al'oies.ild ilellu-
Sin, 11. About "mi acres of tho Itlco dona
tion claim, locato'l lu Spring Valley, Polk
County, was sold last week to Mr. Sears of
Lincoln. Seven dollars per aero was the
price paid.
About thieu hundred lollois Is the average
number sent from this jiostolllco dally.
(iralulii I 11I011 county Is doing remarkably
Jacksonville wants to celebrate tho fourth
of July.
Sheep shearing In I'nloii county lias ralrly
Speculators from Victoria are buying up
sheep in l.'nlon county,
llaker biu! Canyon City aro to have weekly
coiiiiectlou by mall.
Cattle aro dying rapidly In tho vicinity of
Itiirut Kiver, lasteru Oregon.
The farms around tho residences of llaker
City folks are being turned Into 01 chard.
"Harney Ilaiider,"the fast trotting horse
of Jacksonville, was sold for f 1,000 last
P. L. Mace, wlio recoutly wont to Cali
fornia to purchase somo Angora goats re-
jacKSonvine on uionui iui. mm
On Thursday last Itev. Mr. Hell, of the
Arkansas Conference, while cutting some
lire-wood at Ashland, cut a severe Ksh lu
his foot nearly severing It.
II.. fni.... ...Innv fMi.n U.ialii. fli'ni.
I i i. .'i.iii., iiiim.1 ii.i... I'"-.." ...i..,
Was brought Inlo Lulon last week, one-half
ur bis body belug jiaralyzod. He will
uUlw fall ou the county for support.
; 2ji r
Voliimu Vr, Number J 3.
" ri.ll.ll AM) AUIIttUII."
Wn publish tho follow lug card by rciptcst
ollluv. I.D. Driver:!
Mu. Km ion Under tlin aboxo heading
tltNit st.ilcmouts wero mado lu the dally
.Vnr. )iiuii of tlin Ttli 111st, lu tofrenco to ttip
preliminary examination of Itev. C. W.
Shaw, which llioCommlltoodcslrolocorroct.
Is. Tho staloment that ltev. I. D. Drlvor,
was thoaccusor Is faNo; 11 was ltev, II. V.
'.'d. The notion of tho olllclal momboni of
tho Albany church, aud tho presentation of
charges, mado It the olllclal duty of Itro.
Driver to act and preside nu the occasslon.
And wo bellevd that Hro. Shaw, had affair
and impartial trial.
;;d, It Is tint Iruo that Shaw was necililttod.
Tho charge was for Immoral conduct; and
was sustained; three or tho specifications wero
sustained, and ho was reipilrod to mako con
fession and restitution; and 11 failure In any
nmll would subject him to suspension.
Tho committee required that ail tho forego
liigcoudltloiiH bo compiled with "icn' ami
wm;" aud If those conditions havo not been
compiled with; by tho action of tho com
mitted Itev. C. W. Shaw, stands suspended.
John W. Yomr, Ch'm,
A. C. I'aiiu;iiii.i, Sec,
N. Oi.auk,
.I.N. McCain.
ltev. P. M.Starr of tho abovn eomuiltlofl
could not. bo semi in tlmo to sign thnabovo.
Nm.um Mii.ijs Sijason'h Woiik. Woleani
that tho year woik of the Salem PlourlnR
Mills Company Is considered us closod.
Orion this tlmo thoro may bo occasional runs
of 11 fmv dayriatu time, but tho year work It
cousidored over. Tim llgures of the work
done since har est, S mouths, urn as lollows:
besides custom work TT.TW bbls.of lloiirluivo
been giniind and shipped dlioct. fioni tho
mills, of which .d,'J7D bbls. woro shIpHid from
heioiiv boat mid the romalumg IM.iW'l bbls.
woro sent by railroad. Also, thoro wan
shlppod ilurlng the past season, by lioat,
T.'iT tons mill Teed. The amount of
wlie.it ifiiiired to bo giouiid into tho
llour sunt nbioad wan t.'i0,(KK) bushels.
Tho company also purchased for foreign
shipment .'"O,0O0 busliels of wheat that wax
not ground, MH) tons or which was
ralspd in Walla Wal'n. Tim total amount
of wheat handled by this enterprising com
pany was not loss than tluee ijinnors of 11
million bushels,and their business, Including
I101110 work, did not lull far shot I ol 11 mil
lion dollars.
Jotiu.SAli or Couii:ik;i;. The Illustrated
million of tho Han Krauelsco Journal nf I im-mci'.-.
, handed us by Mr. A. Myers, yes
terday, Is well wmthy of loading mid pre
serving for future loiortmco, II is hand
somely printed oil tinted book paper, ami
presents ns neat a specimen of the "art prc
servatho" ascitii lie found. The Mist p.ig"
contains tho likenesses or thlrty-slx or tin
leading business men of thai city. A con
cise sketch nl'Sau l''ruiicIscopastnd present,
with Hue cuts of a number or tho blocks ami
prominent buildings of tho city till up a
largo portion of the balance ol tho Kiper. In
Uvt this extra edition gives 1111 upitomii of
tho business, past, present, and prospective)
of tho great city of tho I'aclllu coast.
Pliiiuv Hoai- Aivuin.Nr. lu ferrying A
load or cattle hcioss tho Sautlaiu at Jotforsou
yesterday tho foiry lioat llllod with water,
spilled the caltlu out Into tho river, broko
loose fniui Its wire cablo ami timk a short
spin down the stream. Tho drovers, who
woro 011 tlin boat with their cattle, succeeded
lu getting 011 the wlro cable aud cooned" It
to the shore, while the lorrymau stuck to bin
cralt and lu a short time had the boat safely
moored to the bank below town. Damage
were repaired, water balled out, aud tho
boat ready for duty lu the evening.
Ac;iii:ni'. Mr. Sam Owen wbllo engaged
this afternoon ou the new house or Mr.
Joseph Heriisrdl, 011 High street, roll rroui
the scaltoldliiK striking his lot' elbow on a
pllenrbrleks and fracturing several of tho
bones and pulllug that Joint out or placo. Ho
was Uken to Messrs. Wood worth it Hall'M
drug store, where he was projiorly attended
toby Dr. Carpenter.
HeN.vmT HoUsk, Tho Henuett liousols be
ing overhauled renovated repapored anil
generally fixed up. Tho rooms are light aud
airy, the house is lu a good locality. Tho
prices are low meals and lodging only
twenty live cents each aud Mr. lluclianoii
the landlord understands tho business.
Tho nlt'alrs of tho lllg Kl Dorado Ditch,
liakercoiiutv, havo been i nupronilspi), and
the ditch placed In tho hands of Messrs.
Packwood iV Carter to bo opened, Z