Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 09, 1874, Image 1

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    -a-w" "if , a- s.j . Xk a- AH H tF K ! '" H " .FaT 't JX 1 , AW . " --T WJ
S3.00 per Year, in Advance.
Noriri: to si!i:sriiiiiiiits.
rite dntc npprnrius nllrr llir printed
iiniup mi I lie paper lu the tlntc
KXIMKATIO or subscription.
tint o. tiik hiuuiltik.
l.ovo Is a great fellow In Ills wry and loads I
tho world captive. II o la as universal a con-
tier as grim death, and U tho only tyrant
itgalust whom tlioro It now show for robolllon.
"Lovo rules the camn. tho court, tho crove" i
wo Iirvo no military hosts, no warlike on- J This owning nliont tin ecu minutes before
-auipjionts hrro for Cupid to llourlsli his four o'clock this unlet llttlo village was Mid
Viow -and arrows ovor; wo havo no royal J denly startled by tho dreail alarm of ilro.
on rt for him to govern, but we have groVes During tho heavy thunder storm Unit was
thatoould cast their shadows ovor martial ' pacing over this place at tho time, tho oloe
Hosts and over princely pageants allko; trlclty paused along the telegraph wires Into
proven which eaith planted beforo many of
lier tiling dynastlos woro founded. I,ovo
rules theso forest shades with gontlo tyranny,
tnd his powor Is as dospotlo thsro as In tho
places of Kings or the boulovards of grandest
Sotno of these innjestio groves lino the i In hand, going to the tire, lly hard and well
I'aukB of tho beautiful Wlllamotte, and tholr ' directed ellbrts tho tire was put out, and tho
shadows fall on cottago homos wboro lovo Jiilldlug, vlih tho most valuablo liooksaud
ivntohos with his arrow on tho string, ready papers belonging to the olllce, woio Mived.
o twang tho bow whonovor the shaft can Ilad tho tire remained uudlcoverod a mlunte
jOioreo two timid hoarts at once longer tho building and all its contents, to-
Leandoriwauthollellaspoutforlove. Yon 1 gether with a number of cars on tho side
would havo to half ouclrcle tho oarth nud al- I tiack, and H. llauiia's warehouso would have
most reach tho antipodes, to Und tho apot been destroyed, which would luvo Increased
whoro Tieandor, cenlurlos and centuries ago, the loss to 31.",CHX or $20,000.
struck out 'O manfully, all for love. Hoi Mr. Williams, the operator, had only been
,)robably rolled tip his orlontal attlro lu au 'out of the olllce tno or three mluutos when
'.inlla-rubbor cloth, put his shoos lu his , tho lightning struck. Had ho been at tho
pocket nud towed his baggage after him, or i Instrument he most certainly tvould have
lso his lovo might not havo thought him beou killed, ami It seems providential he was
jiresentably comim itnut whou ho arrived. I out at tlm time, he having Ihjoii rciUosted
lur Leander lives on tho banks of tho fair (only a ininiilo boforo by the Portland oillco
Wlllamotte above Iudeendeui'o. Ho owns to obtain tho full artlcutars of the attempted
.1 nmriir k.u.ilmi nf rlvnr li illnni. nsrt of i suicide, and tu forwaid thti fame on tho who
vv,vvavvv4t -r ' m- .-,-..-.. ,,--.-.. ,-.
Mini thirsty for buttoniillk and for sweet
.simpaulonshlp.i l.eander took tuesum to
.r. tlm river at sunset Sho stood watchlus '
ross tho rher at sunset, nuo moou Maiciiiug
in tho faither shoro while ho baled the skin
' .-.i..fivn.otri. Sl.n ..au null analr
""""' - n .
of sculls with any one; She Is even a web-loot
whscanswlm, and when she saw her lover
...- ......... .. 11,. ..... k..W low. she
fi. i. f,,,..nlek moniout. then flipping
m'her bonnet and shoes aud
.s'jportluoui underwear npou
i ... .... -....I.k.1 l.il tl.ii rl
i.- k,ur. ,ui- which was separated from
tho landing bv tho sudden rise or the river,
Mid oou after a bareluiaded and barefooted
.-law-woman could be seen driving her way
towanla the sunken boat and the struggling
How Susau cauahtSLeander by the hair
i he was about to tlnk, and not only res.ni-
clbim but towed tho sunken boat ashore,
acd how John and she reached the cottage
mthaMarlou county side to Una a uiaziug
which he has cle.ircd, while tho greater pirt ' to I'ortlniul. He had Jiim gone out to gather " "'ol" l""t "' " ,,u,"fo r"8 '
of It bear stilt the waving monarch or tho tho Inlormutlon when tho Incident occurred, Umlty and tftiiylon unil, to Intersect tho
woods-tiws that felt m wester boforo tho aud Mr. Willi tins saved his own lir.i whllo j Auuwvlllo and .lelleisoit road at ot near
brlBColumblavoyagodhlthor.andbeatback'tryliig to Isaru tho particulars of another I '' N-al'a old blacksmith shop; report
(ho blastx beforo tho Spanish navigators who hid attomptod to takotliellfeofhliiucir. j "I' viewers lead a llrt time In npou court,
skirted ui- shores, threo ceutiirlos iigouo. Hon. bamunl llniwn aud l'OMtmaster iJalns I '1 1I1 ver to bo read a .ecouil time in duo
Across the river from .Uuniler lives fair first discovered the lire and gavo tho alarm. ! courMMiflaw.
Snsau, whoso p-itornal cottage looks though and J. U. Hayes threw the first bucketofj ' '"' "utter ol tho linwllon ofa county
.'i-eatshudimv trunks that lino tho river, to VMitorou tho Haines. Taking It U lu all, tho "' Irom .lellersoi. to J. M..tohs' ferry oil
murntl.ooonstantRa7oho.ends It. Many OervaU tiro deparlinentdul splendidly. The '' "rtli Tork ofthe rtauilai.i !wir; loport
i lime, tho days work being done, has Unii-' nnumni tliecompauy Is tho "Leg and Itucket "f viewer., read a llrst time and laid over to
ler mannod hit- skltlund wept neross Urn l-'iro Company of (iorvals." All a man h.isiloi-""l :e.imd time In duo itxitMi or law.
rlvoraud found his lair one waiting for his ' to do to become a member Is In got hold or a '" "utter or the location ol a county
omiug; reading tho Wii,i..MirrrK Kaumi:ii huckot aud run when ho heais the alarm of, road tioin tho northeast miarter iiiarlerof
by the sunset light, throwing an occasional - tire. I "O1"" s- '"wi.shlp !' south, tango I west, to
glance at him. True love Is not sensational For tho past low days the evil elements j intersect tho Sublimity and .Jeflerson road
Vhey met and together went to the liotiso havo buon plaviug havoo lu our midst, rirst ,M, " resMeneu of Thos. Ixivh; resm
whoro sho found him a drink of biittormllk sovoral valuable dogs have died, supposed "Viewer read u first time aud !uld over to
from tho days churning, then thev talked as from an overdose of strychnine; second, 1 1 fB"'' a second tlmo In due course or law.
ill lovers talk; she told him about the calves there havo been seveial drunken lows; thenl Tetlllon of Loon Delouy, f.ir ln-enso to ro
indthn butter, while ho spoko In letnru or a nun attempts to Mil himself; and la-tly, j "til spirituous ll.piors at St. I'aul, Champoeg
he amount of cord wood he had cut and the place Is struck by lightning. What Is ( precinct, was denied In cotisewnceoftho
how many acres he could havo cleared lor comlug next Is hard to tell. I!. K. I'ohiiui. lie-entatlon ofa remonstrance on which tho
ntatoes ' H'H"aturos outnumbered those upon tho petl-
'onodaylastwoek, this work ilono and his Krrm-oi I r.Ms.i.-Thesionuof last Hon.
,d pushed out on the s ream, ino river .j ,j -"; I, he states, we never have se.,,. .t Ins.rd of a
ssati rlsiuc rit; tbeskltV leaked badly aud by .sharp, iiu 1 asiies ot iigiiiuiiig, a in ,l11L,.r ,,,
, ?... ,, .... ,,,,. .i.pper bohlud. Mr. N. lMIerreu Informs us lint two tele-1 y6" ''ni ''" so singular manner.
j.eander had lell ttio i ill upper ooiiiiiu. i11.vnli .., oi t i i,.,,,.- ".ml ltcd of the trunk of the lie being riveu
.'leforo he was through tho swltt current the graph pules beyoud the Last ( lume, ana m)1,ariv u i. WH- ,..., ..,-. ,, B,0iit
Jr nw.rwhiluieil his frail craft and near the K.ilr tiround wete prostrated and as it M'i aralty is it was tut s,iiare on a .out
.utor ONCrwhelmeit ms Iran trail ami ........ .,.,.,' ,,H 1H1KlrlM tour Inches trout the giouud aud the whole
uimbled him into the big Wllaineuo wher ,.-U ,b ""1'. "" .1 ,".'.: .ree thrown straight up In lu. air coming
lellonuderod awimo ana missing uom o. -.-, .--.- ",-':""":"" . , ' 'down and Indenting the ki.mi.nI some lllleeu
the sunken skltV was swept along, an mire- tlm stood on the .o. W0.1.N l'' " , , t ,JBU aiioareutly a.,.Mjed throw.
,.. .,, ,i,u c,,..., is n broken down by h stroke that seems to luve '"- uiueu apparouiiy p ,meu mruw
:tra aud drink of buttermilk waiting for,1, . '',,,,.,, ., ,,1vof!s.,ivh,.rH
thsxn, we nee.1 not ten. auu a ..
Timwr heroine of our land of web-foot that
m. ,-n safelv leave hor to recover her ills-
,....,tlr.l nrmmith from the bough where wo
iw brr ban" them. They sro to be marrl- ". """"""'' -
l of wm"r Zander cuts cord wood faster our readers will rememlr that n few .., ...
than evtr before, and lr It brings a good ,lier)) ipoe two men ware killed in Otrgou,
j.rV-o m the fall we shall chronlclo the wed- . j,Khtuln;? lrokes.
-IlDgasa tlnlsh to this charming episode or y """"
Iive en tbeJ.VllUmette. The thormotneter at J. W. WcaUisrfonl.v
Tho Willamette Woolen Manufactory Unco's i00 yesterday: At 0 a. m.,C0'; 12 m.,
moulng a full crew on full time. 1 70"; 1 1". M-i ''""
""" ' A "''" . ' Y x"""2r
- -f.1
i Xnnvic .Arctic .e TtUgitiph Uii'mor
I " J.fj mill Jlnrl.fl Itriniitli''' mi llmitl
'.'win's Tfmjmnirihi I 'inter u Clouil
Ihgi lfyiiHi;lJ)noil.cii Hoik, . fi, c'c.
iM'Kci.vi. io tiii: nii. ituroitiC)
lintVAIS On., May A, s74.
tho O. A. C. It. It. Depot, and tot the building
on tiro. Almost Immediately nftoruards tho
sinoko was seen IsMittigfrom tho oillco, tho
alarm w as gtvou,aud thon lively times wero In
order for a few minutes, as every cltlon In
hearing mailo good use of his legs, water pail
-.-..,--r . -.,-,--
evening um.i o ui.ror., u k.i
u nmu i-ij - ..,
"J "ny children realized tor the llr-t llnis
i1lllir Kt0rni The loud
f 'l M ' ' ;" ,
left the top uninjured, aud to have entered
... 1 ....i ..1 .1.1.. 1
um .,IOuU...u., , .................
the huge trunk so that aw onoad of Move ;'"
wood Is strewed about the mad and woods l
ut then flipping "'""' whole body is riven and split. (., V uunure-, iwn. a gre-. nuuiuer o. ,eo.
d Law " soue , of his boys and another boy were riding by J l'" va vMtt J the plus, yesterday au.l to
u a couvenem uJ ro uitl.iu .Isty y.rds when il.. 1M0 ..y.";l t those who l.. never seen any
river swim to u struck. The lU.h wa. terrl.U, and the, tl 'f ! lli lightning before, the
..rlLVr, ;L... n,.-ln,. fft tl.Hi It ,.rlv threw their , w'l" "arnigeiuenf'ls warelos.
"' ""' wu(,le '"'ly N riven and split
concussion so great that It nearly threw their ,
horses from under thein. Those boy he
and experimental Idea ot the etlecls of light- j
ulng that can't -e bext at that dlslmue.
A scuti: Timi-.-Wiii. iitoenwno.1 ot
Howell l'rairle and a carriage load or ladles .
, .,,., i.ruiPt (:.. ut.r. i.a.i limn '
k8 BrranBelueW, for i.range
- ' m lMf Umm JIomUv ,
" . wb ,llH terriWe thunder storm '
-.- n-i.vrBi 1I.0 timber, aud
UUM,u,UOMtow,l ,- -
.. ,. ..i ...... u. ...... I... .1 plitain.lt... flL itlM
' f ..... ,. ,. ,! ih...lw...V-!
ry "" " ...... .,, , ,,.. I1Rrv. (.mii,i )
r.V.s,.' .,".... -...- ,..- ..-1, ,iifc 1...1
Mosiuv, May ."tli.
IN fltOIIAt'i:.
In tho iiiiillorofthoostatoorJohn Albright,
deceased; ordered that the tlmo for Ming In-
voutory ot proterty bo extended until next
In tho matter of the estate of the minor
heirs of It. 11. Dray, deceased; Until settle
ment had nud guardian discharged from
fnither mist.
In tho matter of tho guardianship of ,1. IV.
Auhlchon: settlement of accounts to date
In tho matter of tho estnto of tho minor
heirs of A. (). Jacobs, deceased; Samuel
Tenter appointed guardian.
In the mattcrnfthoguardlansblporJosopli
Thomas, an aged an Intlrm person; applica
tion for appointment taken under advisement
by tho Couit.
'JYkxiuv, May ,'ith
is ntoii.VTi:.
In the matter ol the guardianship of the
minor heirs of V. 1). Caldwell, deceased;
loliu M. Ciiectistroot appointed guardian,
l'0'IMIMOMi:ils ItlUKT.
Wi:inkmav, May Htli,
li'oo. 1. McC'orUle was appointed Superln-
lendontof tho brldgo to bo built across I.lttlo
l'uddlng river on the toad leading from
Howell l'rairle to llrooks' KUth)u.
A saloon license was granted to i'reston
llauilltnn, at Marlon Station.
In tho matter ofthe ro-locatlou of a county
toad viest of McKorkle'a hmiMi to the centre
ofthe county road on the land claim of D.
lell'ersou and I.. Sasg; report of vlewors
read first time In open court, and laid ovor
to be read it second time In duo courso of
In the matter of the location of a county
. - - .
Til t'.siu.it AM I.iuiiim.Mh Sy thecour.
y ' ,,r- l ,u" "", "" "".
wli- the eileeti ol the llghtnJ
H..tl....u place. I , all our .
tesyol Dr. l'aytou wo rode one yesterday to
ax. near Mr.
place. I i all our u:ierleuco lu
pieces Ui all il irtHtliiiiH
within a r.ulins of two liuudred yards.
Some of the pieces weighing several himd-
poiiuds were thrown ilisinr of noar-
1 ly a hundred let. A gretU nuu)er of lien
Mri.TMni n I'm m i NoMisnovs The
Hepublicaiisof Multnouiih held their lioui
liutlui; convention on Sulurday, and placed
tho following ticket In the Held: For state
Senators, David i'owell and Sol Hlrsch; Itep
resntatlves, J. I', ('aides, I'. Kelly, ('. A
IP. ' '; IIrlrtioii. N. Kennedy, ,.
( oruell and Jos. Hewitt. Mr...A. Doli
4,,lil,1" to become a .Hiidl.Isle, J. M.SY,tt
w- '""" ' ' )"w. ior ouaiy
J"1'. '
II. Woodwarl; County Comnils-
. ,.
slone-s, C. Itiickitiau and J.C. Carron; !her-
'" J
W. C'aywood; County Clerk, V. H,
Harris; County Treasurer. 1'. Harl.auiih; Ah-
,"' - 'r. ' M. lUnunlj Surieyor. Win
Clispiiimi: Siirerlnteilileut of Sj-IiooLh. 'C I.,
il.tltoti, coroner, J. A. Wutu.oji; ;oiiiuy
Cotnmittoe, James l.otwn, J. .Sluvw.i and I).
Hy Uurumu brought In asai-jplolot of new
potatMa this morning, raised lu hli gardeu
on Court strwt,
TtrMiprriiiU'C Mcrtliac nl ItmlV I'olni,
iJiirTeiuppranceSoclci;. met at Itivl; 1'olnt
Xfilf 1 1STJ i: Si IVttflilnir CliiilrliiiiM AOni
slug "All hal the ,w,u,r of .Icmis XwcAUntoZrWy.
Hro. White led In payer. Ilro. Win; Capps , Kl)nlu,rH ir'Uln. cnurtr
til. .11 millln 4lM1t'lll.l flllll l.il'll II. l ktlrHl.l. J. I.m ......I. t.l. l1ml ... .7
"'" " "' "... ." ,.- 1. - p.......
tomptraiico lectiuo. 1 ho spwikor stntcd that
every decade had Its step forward ill pro
gression, and if theio Is not some real pro
griks miiile In staying thor.im traftlo in will
soon bain ,-t nation of dritttkiiids. H.ipivo
us some startlliig llgures, nud stated that In
tho I nlted States there were iVJO.iHh) pitHons
employed In tho mm tmfllc; l:!0,tHH) licensed
rtitu shops; millions of capital wnrso titan
uselessly employed; mlllloni more used In
the court in useless litigation; 100,000 per
sons sent to prison in one yearon account or
strong drink; $l,0(Hi,.'00,000 paid to tho sa
loons and ruin shops on account of strong
drink In one year; over 00,000 children inndo
worse than orphaus In 0110 yiar. What an
arm of children wanting bread and cd 11 ra
tion. The speaker alluded to tho Temper
mice Crusade to the mighty liilluenco or
rayed against It; but wo NhnuM remember
the prophMsof llaal; ho belloved tho imiiso
Jus', nud will prevail; believed tho hand of
(lodwasln he Temperance Crusade. Ovor
'-'(XUift'r gallbus or spirts are mauiiractured'l
Mir day In our land. What n river of rum.
Tho sponger soke c tho stoinm-h bitter
that ar9o exlenslvel) ased, as destined to
.InMtf.ttf ..fn.1m1t.1lu l .11 i lumnln Tim iiiMliLAi . '
""""j ............. 1 ... .... r."i ............. .
class or spirits are useu In their irmnufao-
ture. Ilewaro of these btttors, for thoy anr
oulv a ;jr apology for using stroin; drink.
Ilro. C'apiwpald a high compllmout to tloJjrntularllhsi or tho malls.
noble women .i tbe Temperamsj nummient, ..'aT.'"'"1 oEIt??)l, "t Mon
aud sald'tlmt men did llttlo else than throw
obsthc!6s In tho way. Ho believed' wo at
Hock rolrrt should do what wnoonltDto fur-
thor the imiiso.
the whoK line.
let us linvuit move Uiim
11. H. Downing was called for, wh'o said"
there wrno .piestlonnsto thoovll nfliilem. I "" .?" '."" "" . J", "'"J " ""
pemiico, but how to do away with It was llm-l A , ,,imoJ.,MluIlor ,M tapjlItalt
run. Wituees lu 11 coxa now beliit; triod' fsironi lh
Mr. Whllo was called upon, miiD spoko drst I toy 11 Comailsslou or itfitlsll t'olumbla.
reellngly or the misery entailed upon tho lil victoria and suddenly sapssiisnl 110 nno
, ... 11 . . ,. r . 111 wiu ig to kmw wh lllmMio lut it'inoor
huniiiM lamlly by the use or strong drlnlt. wjiatlH(n...Loia.M.rhlinSc.IKor.s)ursogavo
Hobellevotl tho ladles' movement wan tlm , out an impreH.iou of foul play IK. wnultu
movement umluMJod which would' iwntii.,rtui l''raucs(s,or.ttoilast hUstn'ier l.m Tort
ally do away wllli tho ruin huahipNs, llo-j nu"
thought the ballot in the hands of tlm ladle, M'"" A,,,,1l!,'',1,'",,,A,vi V'r ,,r," '"", '" ""
,, ... ... 1 iVIchoiuio river last tSalum.ly.
would 1ne.1t the case complete y. , ,,. ,,. .. .... .. . , ,,,,
.... . ' , , , W1.1II11 Irofvl'he Om11; noma follows:
Mr. Uremistrret was cal ed for. ntitl limdel ........... ... ................
a short snee.di rluht to tlm wilnt. .
Mr. Hi... ..1.1 Mr 1v1.nA 1...1 -,,... .wurr, 4
............ ............ .,..,..,
sponen ins sentiments, nouava nts tmti
nioiiy in favor or rolling the iittnntlnnof tti.r
voutiLr to thi.ovIN ot strom: drink. It llumi'
pledge themselvias whllo young toIAt ltalOH
ami then mere wonlil tie less temptation, I
A phlir,t was clrculutiil by M."s Cleorjn.
Hunt. nr.i twentv names were niMrd to tho 1
.. ' -
ri. ,i.i ..iinnn.,.,1 ... ..,,.. , it..t
Hill, on the Ith.Siil.buth In May,at '.o'clo.h
l. )l., when It Isnxpectedtho Itev. Win. Mum
ulng wl.l dbllver a lecture. 1. W. IIiinu
.. ....... ...y. ........ ........... ... '.".' 1
Wo ; having it wet couimcmrenioivt for
May n. I'll growng season 11s u himoji,
most favorable for all crops thaaie already
lu. fn this county, on tlm iralrlesK:40iu
faruifm still linvo wheat lleldn. unsown aiiul
lire rViior an lltiusly watching d)rhowH.mifc-
to change und let them tluhdi their wutX,
Slioaid no change come hoci theee Mrmrs
msy Isll to gsl their Spring ivImsU s.od- in
tlmo to ro;.uVe gisl crops, hut thsro Is. no
ml'.ako Hurt tho present rosjKinl H imust
favorable to tin. Slate at large uh on. alt' hill
lands aud millng prairie tho-work 11 C Storing
sowing Is finished. Thorn IsMimo iprhen
slin nxpresel that the Kail wheabutay bo
fonsHl to too rank a grovrtli, but athsrwlsu
it never promised better tlta.11 nowi.
Itix'i.K.ifASTii't.'oi'lir. .atrial 'inn Just been
held at Albany lu caso 0 Itev. I'". W. Shaw,
know suent of I'utversltv and fMiilv i.iln-
flster of theof tho M. li Chiitu'i at Albany,
Jouarged by Jtev, I. 1). driver n,sidlug l'.l-
uer, wn "immoral coioiiiet" ii iiniie,iin,r
alsiwt 'S, ut the chuyoh fun.K Tho coma
cousbtted of five inlulterM .ik! tho prosoiu.
torpioslded by virtue of hU olhoe of i:i('.ur.
Thefaclsare that tliixibur.'riat Albany owed
Mr.Sltaw and illd'u pay blm, but alloyed
him to retain oil uilnry uceouut this. JVi'i,
raised by Mr. Shaw hiiomilf forauotliK pur"
se. This was over two years bro. The
cliurgo of eml.zlinK fell entirely to the
ground but tho court deolded that the money
lid not belong to tho church to ,ist for such
it purpooaidiiiiiUbo jo'.uru'U, The slug -
ular part ol thla ooso seems to bo that tho
firosecutbr was also the o'jlef Judge. We
earn that Mr. Hhaw has apaled to tho
general conference which inettw noxt August,
Vwlunio VI. Niimlicr J 2.
now bbltiK
are r.bnnt.
sthioiigli Mitb th'lr.iprrng work.
.liicl.sonilllo foUr think tire "Lightning
t'lib uliitor Ittau" it regular nuisance.
The DeinoiTatio prlaiarles of Jack.iML
e.ninty xs 111 1m heNDorj tho h ln tho
("iiiiMiitloii 1111 the 1Mb.
Therowlll He-nboiitttlreiillmesirM nuiiiber
ofcntlhi in the Walloon VaHo' lUi3i'artli.W
theio wiiM hint.
The lepill!lmns of Jhctoon crwnM' held'
tl'nlr primarl .""last Nitiinlay, amr will hold,
their conveiiiltm uexttaturany.
Iju.1 Satiuilay wkllo Mr. 'JTsylor. of
Urant's l'uks, Jaclcsoii coiimly, wa loitillng
h derringer, tho- weaywi ivas nccUontally
dlnliurged, tli" ball Millllinp (Joo. Crops,
wh was Mantling norr." by, Just above the "
Jamea JoluiMorrwas lmf week arreted for
WisJInirn pair of stiital0.ins frmi thn-dwell-
nig 01 Aiiuy mviHon. s:.meusoiivlhV. ii
bmi'aii uxamlivatlon Ixifom .hv.tl(s. 'fnrtifir.
,xvh. llxed his litxuM at 3rn.".i- In diifimlt, or
lrlilrh bo uowUiigiilHlien illJnl?,HWaltriig tlm
hi.tlon of the 0 rami Jury.
'Vhl .......lfl.it llmlllriililftn.i. uv lulling tna.tA
yorlhotlrangoipleiilot.rmifMitr at Hills- -
00 it), mo latter ?art 111 tins inonti.
Tho Tacoma lst Ollleads-toho a Money
Order onico.
Tacomultes ns-e lldgotlss; oynr another
stisMjilxxit exeimion.
Tutniltl. Mtl.ltn ...nM .1- - niwiftfli.
iWU iiinni noiues.
The Alldn la again lu runuli order bo
Jweon Olympla asid Tacoir.iw
The Tacoma StWiuic still bomitaliis of th
diiy by Alice McKtiy to (). i.r. Co.
Threo and om.half inllen -ol'tlia Olviupltv
dtaWroad Is graded and reujy for I'&n lies.
J. r. DIckltiMtn. of l'iKHnnd. Is how Iii-
Mljnipln, cnnvKivlug
r.ir "AH.imr Clirono-
iogioai i-nnrc.'
Tlio man who was Injured bjr a Islllnc
..".'"" ' . nrjn,m "'" ' 1,.,,lnl r t.;iiy.
'mum noisoiaiy on 1110
...... .-.., .
t'lin 111 st head' of wiitir..lhls semon, camw
through tho ) JVtto canal at:startp,(in the -Tlh
Thiicorner.'ilomiof tli(illljiMo.iiitlii Hul
versltyut la'.tiranilo will bo laid on tho l.'ttli
t n.1.1 .11 J.N. ll.l.lljr Jr4..in,)iiiMil. .11 u.
M"""!".1"".1 :Ul?a" ''"" ""t WM.lt by fall-
A hoii or Mr. Harvey JMiwehmn, of L
lui: oil u 11 KV-liurse.
..iiiikil. i..vjj.'.u. i.iv ...iiiiiip)i.Hiinn. i
Portland butt week IllUijU'thottaiud M)illds;
of shouldeiM anil sldus.
The case 3..I imr (Marlwjhargtsl'wlth luctot,
hum tried i.tlhu lanttenu-o! tho tluiaUllaCir- -cult
Court. TIa case v.ns silbcillted to tho
U. ........... . T k.. tt . n I .... ...1. ..W....1...1 ... .
Jury, wt.l JeiUasg reed mid weru dlschargtHl.
A Mr. 'kUMitall, residing 011 tUu Stnpss)M
mountains, iv Washlugluii ixiiuty, was chop
ping wo-1 near hm iJacn, a few .lays ago.
when Iiujui1 falso irfroko w.'th bis ux, nnt
the full .trctt, nearly sovered li; In two. iln -will
proatldy Ihi crippled for life.
fKlir TKIIU.
Mit. Kinsnii: Having rcMlvtsI a grr.it.
many iMtura from via-loiis'.paJtn of tho West
ern oi-t In referouxi to ttu bent lo'.-alltlen
for Viiiiii und I'ruuoorchikJaaad asltlwa.
tuattar. or great Imrtancsv to the country,
will tuiswor them through )b )ti:(om anil
I'a imkii. I -and Hloplug totlie North scvu-il-lii;to
oi-r observUlou la iluMllly the best.
I'auuoM la partlciuur reriiilcw tbe wliolte ssv
s'Ai.for ssiaturlug when exyoaed to the- scor
cfllngHiiiiiner hii, Tlioktatcausestbofnilu
odroi'oiiton a idopo to tie North the fruit.
ooiiiea.1.1 Uh uiiatost liuilurlly. 'ill are arts
j'ot'lioi iocalitloN aloug rWsrs or oreeka-where.
tho lull keeps xaolst tlutugh the dr' senMin.
Uvea with thoau luvoib:o localltkw nrchardsj '
shtHild bo wo)l cultivate).
ti. W. Wa 1.1.1 n.i.Sov.
The .li 1 cw.y states that Mr. Wilbur Cor-,
noil of that paper, had his room burghwll
Its'. wtek,aud twenty dollars w villi of jlolh-.
lug "Miiatohcd" tber.lVnm. Ought to pn-.-k.
nil his illlJa around with him, an wu Jo,
Theroworo present at tu.Sabl!i HcImmiL
recently frgaulcd lu North Saleitf under tho
juiispl.soi llui MUslouurr lLvptlst s.vlety.
. iw,L JiliUith, Meiiiy hotudairs uud lli
Juuge H.A.Johnson has beu appolutl
"WrwtllnB J"'' guardian., A I'Wily o!V