Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 02, 1874, Image 1

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    'W- fffL till, Jls2$ , jMa$ Jf w WtL
$3.00 por Year, in Advance.
The date appearlitK after the printed
Me on the paper U the date or tho
SXPIRATION or subscription.
Qee1- News-
Tacotna U to have a Congregational Church.
The new brick building at Olympla pro
The Fakir do Bordeaux Is astonishing Ta
coin altos.
Temperanco prayer niootlngi are lu ordor
At Olympla.
Tho Taeorua Tribune has commoncod its
tonth volumo.
Tho Tacouia Brass Band has rocolvod acldl
clonal Instrumouts.
Tho Olympla crusaders are preparing for
uu uuuvk on ku nuns.
Load, almost pure, has beon found uoar tho
IVm d'OrlolIo lake.
Tacoiua Is going to havo a Lodgo of tho
Champions of the Hod Cross.
ATacoma minister preached a sermon last
.Sunday for tho bonollt of hoodlums.
Micbaol Ilnrllgan, convicted at Vancouver
of tho murder or J. C. A. Vohwlukol, has
l.ecn sentenced by Judgo Grcono to bo hangod
on tho 10th of Juno noxt.
A Mrs. Smith, of Walla Wnlla, was arrest
nI a fow days slnco on a charge of bigamy
Sho capped the climax by saying that sbo had
never boen married to Mr. b.; shoouly llod
with him occasionally.
On tho first of May eight hundred men
will bo employed In building a railroad
through from Bingham, Utah, to Dry Can
yon. Tho projectors of tho uew ontorpriso
mean business.
Colorado, which was settlod ten years later
(ban Utah, now has 120,000 Inhabitant, sev
eral nourishing cities, thirty newspapers, a
XI no tchool systotu second to none In tho
ountry, and six hundred miles ofcoinpletod
Gulou mining la starting up quite lively In
Julius Strauss, of Bowiman, Montana,
shun bora In Jail. Ho stolo $300.
Vancouver boys aud girls engage in tho
uiuooont amusement of playing marbles.
A wood-chopper named John Rock was
Jellied by the Indians noar Fort Shaw, Mon
una, on the 2"tl ult.
The first brick residence on tho Sound, If
not In Washington Territory, is lu counto of
-unsirucuou at uiympia.
Tho little son of Colonel F. C. Doimllng, of
Virginia uny, uau ms log urokou a row days
J uoo by a log rolling on It. .
Tho Tumwater people commoncod the
grading or tho Olyiupla-Tonlno Itallrond
-through thoir town last Saturday.
The Vancouver Register says: Wo havo
wool red a largo dose of Spring poem, and our
digestion Is somewhat Impaired.
The argument for tho defence mado by
John 1-'. Caples, ill tho Uartlgan murdor
trial, ou Woduesday last, at Vancouver, was
an ablo effort.
Tho Vancouver Ileglitci' gives In dotall tho
rial of Michuol Ilarintau. chanted with mur
der. It is at tho hoad or tho Washington
jcr.iturj iiat'Hj'upur wuriu.
A niau named Doroughty, llvlug on tho Knn..on of thirty oyMonncii. has biokeu
Ivtiimulup. W . T., cut his loot erv badly d,mll ,0 opposition of tho old companies,
lately, and piobablv would hao bled tow,0 combined ngulnst. thoiii. Tho Wash
lciUli had not tho Indians found blm lu lll(.toii Conipatty bus now a foothold lu the
tltno I S'an l'Miicltco market, and tho price of
Tho Washington Companv, at Shcalwalor osters has sdniiced. Them urn ubout
Kay, nil orgJiilrjitlon of llilriy ojstoriiwu, i thirty muiu owner, ol oystti-uds who tall;
lias broken down tho opposition ot th old ' of forming themselves Into u company.
TOinpanlts who combined iiBalmathoiii. ' Wnlla Widlii wunts u bnv-s band. Tlmy
Mrs. MeFarland, wll'oof ex-Miorlll'.Mcrar- should hare or.o.
and, i f Chohalis county, on tho norta luud , Tl0 i,Cww Rt tin. Umatilla Agency mo
it Uny' liarUr, rtccldcii tally shot horM-U proniing lincly.
t?Vi l mo room to nit- ,in Ualli Kor tho Brass lland'H benullt this
rerritorj, lu tho euiit of a failure to uhUln ' ,1" roolofUNuou bulldlngiiiid washCtloii-I
. imw till trial, iixklti" that the sentencu i "u,lri-u
of M1..0 Hartlnaii bii coiiimutcd to the I'enl- Tho street" and giitloM of Walla ull-t are
wutlary lor Hie, Iiistoad of tho doath penalty. ;
A "vatiety supper" Is tho latest nt Wnlla
ItXio water works Is what troubles Walla
".Valla lolks.
Tho i-rhl,. across tho IMIou. at CWfts ha. , ""nccnrrl inour VoVVbnTco U U
&ren iiuisuen. ' astoiiNhlng to co how many Nasbys wo
Mr. John Campbell, of Skagit alley, Ins i u.nt) jn 0Hr mliht.wlio uro willing to forego
discovered qtUto a Jluo tract of opuu country '. eroual preferences and thtlr tlino to the
ou the richt bsnk of tho rher, teu miles I vrvlce ol the Government and the accom
Jtarathojam. One or two settlers havo al- modatlon of tho public, by running tho l'ost
sxuly located there for tho purpose ot rals- utllco.
fnghopsonan extensive sale. Udli ponies are plenty and cheap at
At a meeting of tho Second Advpntlsts at i Walla Walla.
"Wnlla Walla havo beou commenced ut their ' ...,.., . solllll,. a, n0iena. Montana, for
iet. and havo already awakouod conslJera-
Alo interest.
Tho printed statutes of the last sosslon aro -
miko'a volume of 7S3 pages.
JTlio tolegrapu lines betw con Sound iolaU i
5iU:jbeing cnaugea
Taoouialsbelnz eularged for the ninety'
ninth time inoru or lu.
The Walla Walla jail U more thau crowd'
3d- Fourteen birds.
Sound naoera ara urowling over what they ,
biow about Masonry.
'Che Islands of the North Pacific are attract-
riK considerable attention. '
A.s.iupaiiyofixmen left Walla Wnlla a I
A blooming wouian In bloomer costume
has put In an appearance at Walla Wall,
A Grange has beou organized at Wallula.
Olympla records her regular tire alarm. No
Walla Walla chinamen havo a comotory of
ineir own.
Tumwater prosonts a business ltko ap
pearance. The Odd Follows of Idaho will eclebrato
on the 27th.
Tacoma's Nlmrod klllod a doo and two
fawns at one shot,
A party of Lcwlston miners havo started ou
prospecting tour.
Tho cbomlcal apparatus for tho Sllvor City
School has arrived.
A working force of sixty mon aro ougagod
on tho Olympla railroad,
Owvlieo iwoplo want to know what clap-
uonrus are. ask your cuiiuron.
ThoshlrmhnrofTacama hasbcon increased
by tho arrival ofn pllo-dilror.
Tho Tacoiua ball, gtvon for tho bonotlt of
mo puuiio botioois, uottod lltty dollars.
I. II. Whlttlosey, ofTacoina, has been ap
pointed a Notary l'ubllc by Gov. Ferry.
At Olvmpla on tho2.1d Inst, tho mercury
stood utM) in tlio shadoand 121 lu tho sun.
A concert for tho bonotlt of thu poor was
glvoti at Silver City a fow ovouing nIuco,
which netted 1!KS V.
Tub Ayoars, tho omhoz7llng Deputy As
sessor c." Heist cr.m.t, s loirlc. lu u6 it.
Los Angeles, California.
Tho roseola, orscarlatini, or scarlet fovor,
of whatovcrthoopldomlo may lu reality bo,
Is still raging in Sllvor City.
It Is reportod that tho wrecked schoonor
Kllda.on sho llos bottom up betwunu Victoria
mid ICs'iulmalt harbors, has been told lor
$100 to Mossrs. Starr and Stalsnildt.
Deputy United States Marshal Georgo
Gllmoro has recolvod ordors from hordquar
tors to selzo all wood and timber cut this
Winter on what Is known as tho Kuott laud
Tho roof of a Silver City tin-shop caught
tiro a low days altice. und If It had not boen
discovered In time, or extinguished boforo
It had gslned uncontrollable headway, that
towu would havo now boen a heap of ashos.
Very strango conclusion.
Sixty months labor, valued at $2,400; 4,07s
aero, of land and 1!G town lots, valued at
$15,000; 82,250 worth of material and K',000
cash, havo boen subscribed to tho Olympla
and Tenlno Itallroad.
Mrs. May l.aatman and Miss Maggie and
llva Ostraiuler were tho first to wheel dirt on
tho Olympla aud Tenlno Itallroad grade.
Tho crops on the lower Chohalis, W. T.,
aro said to look oxooodlugly well, promising
a bouutllul harvest. Tho area or grain
sown Is much largor than any previous
Tho Seattlo Dhpatch says that since the
Anuersou was liauieu on tuo tort wrangle
and Victoria route, tho other linos havo
raised tho faro; but tho miners, being o-
imsod to extortion, havo Induced Mr, Chas.
ilillard. or Victoria, to nut thodoublo cylin
der steamer Isabel on tho route, in tho place
of tho Anderson. Capt. Morrison will liavo
charm) In tho pilot-house, assisted by Smith,
tor noriyou mosiiKa rouio.
i x up a i ifoi i tin imi air inii kjuuiit niri
I fTtA 'f. it (i . it tunvtiu fvMii Ulmnt U'alns
to I o i.-auci in ordor to uiM:otiio irogs moio
! Olvmnl.t and Sound nconln nro still await-
ling tho arrival or tho fctoamer 'labor to luko
the rmito regularly.
J2 CO p venial.
TMn.iB linti ailititllftAil I(Sj tliJk IL-4 itrt O t mas.
k o ,wr m wholosole.
a two- to y.;0 0o0 ilro-p roof Uu Idlng to be
- "': ' , v..... itt, nf iiA,
Tho VirsL National Bank of Bozeman has
!had anlucrotso of $lt,KX)lu its clrculsllou,
which make its total circulation jir,000.
A mau tiho was pardoned out of the petil-
teutlary lu Washington Territory last week,
spent Ills first nigiil aiier ms release, in jau
f0r druukeuness.
Lewis, Bull A. Co., owners of the famous
Legal-Tender Silver Mine In Montana, have
r.uo'.Uicd lu tho lUst lor couuitUr.Olug mu-
chtnery. which wUl be .shipped and plaood
Walla Walla llremen aro quarreling about
Chief Kuglneor.
Tiger Englno Co., No. 2, at Walla Walla,
grew indignant because tho Common Coun
cil declared Its intention to abolish tho oillco
of Chief engineer. They met and passed
resolutions to adjourn, disband, disolvo, toll
their boll, drape the engine in mourning aud
quit forovor.
The Helena Jfemhl says that Mr. Vaughn
has struck tho three foot of oro In the Little
.Tonnlo Mine, tho average value of which, by
actual assay. Is tn cntu-cinht Ititmlrcil ttullai
tier ton, of 2,000 ttis. At this rato Mr. Vaughn
Is llkoy to nbrldgo the period ho has set
down In his memorandum book at which to
accept tho title of millionaire.
Gov. Ferry pold an nlUclal visit to tho Ter
ritorial asyium oi stoincoom ia i ucstiay.
Soutliorti Orocon has been stirred to Its
lowest dopths latoly with candidates for
Covo. In Union county, haa a Union Tom-
porauco Sociotyjiist ornntiUod, with 52 mom
liois. fEWS By TELEqf Ij.
Nr.w Oiii.i.anx, April 23. Tlio Captain of
tho steamer Iberia reports that famllius tire
abaudlng tho plantation aud moving to the
highlands. Whoro llvo thousand hogsheadN
ofsugar wasantlclpitod only seed Is hoped
for now. Tlio watorlsnvor tho Morgan rail
recti loi tc:it.r-ivo miles T.'Kf '.r.ns vrro
drowned in attempting to cross l'carl river
Moxitoi:, La,, April 2rt. Tho rlvor has
fallon Vi iiioheH in twenty-four hours. The
steamer Garry Owen reports the water as
falling all tho way down.
I.irri.i: ltocic, April 28, Baxter, upon ro
colvlng advices from the President that his
first requisition for troops to assist in sup
pressing tho Insurrection did not arrive,
repeated tho samo to-day.
WAMUNinnx, April 2.S. Tho IIouso Com
mltteo ou Judiciary to-day authorized tho fol
lowing naniea mil w uo roponou : a uiii
reneallmr the snoclal act retiulrlm: California
tooled her Itoprosentatlves for tho Forty-
lourtn congress during me prosont yenr.
This iKistpoues the ConirroAsloual oloctioii in
that State till August, 1.S7S.
Atcukkn, April 2.'i.I it tho battle of the
11th Instant, olght thousand natives mado a
coneral attack ou the Dutch positions at
Krnton, but wero repulsed with great slaugh
ter, after eight hours' lighting. All the
Dutch forces, except u garrison of UkW now
lu K nil on, will return to Java to-morrow.
San FitANciMX). Anrll 20. A llro occurred
on Clay atroet near Suisomo at 10o' look last
night in thoAuiorlcan tea store, Wolf x Flet
cher's market and ltatman's printing house.
Damago probably 10,000, mostly covorod by
Tlio Doniocrotic Convciitioiiof Doiiglns
county met last Saturday und resolved
that "half n loaf being better tliun no
liicad," tlicy would besatlslhMl to dlvlclo
olllccs of that county with IteiKihlkaiiH.
Tliun tho Couvoutlou prococilcd to mtilio
Hh lialf of tho noinlimtlotis an follows :
For Ucpruscntatlvc, J.F. Klce; JniuosII.
Ik'tm, James lllcliaids; County Judge,
Major lltown; County Cletk, J. I). Vim
Huron ; School .Superintendent, (julnuy
A. (irubli; County Coininlssioiu'r, (I. .I.
Callnliiiii ; Coroner, Or. Vouablo. Then
tho JJuinociats soiit acoiiiinlttto to Invite
tilelr lliTc(llt:u,v foes, the Hi plllillciuin, to
bury tlio toiimlmwl; and come into com
panionship Willi tlicm to divide tlio
fcpollH In Joint Convention, which wis
In the mcantlms tlio Keput. Ileum liud
also coiuludeil to divide tlio lo.it, niul laid
portioned out thiir t-hnro as follow:
i1!1 Ktatfl Hoiiator, Mr. iSruwii; lleprcHoii
tuthv, Mr.Woodiuiri rslierili; U. Livings
stouo ; Treasurer, J. II. Noblu ; County
Comiiiinfeloiicr, J. Applcguti; AfcfciMor,
I.. Until; Surveyor, rotor Appkgato.
Tliun ilio initoirilUd DcinocrutH and
tho harmonious Republicans met in Joint
Convention and hud a lovo fcust, whoro
tlio lion und tlio lamb laid down together
ami tlio common motto was: " Lot us
liavo ptaco." SpteclieH wuro mado and
hands wero bhakou wlieio lists liud been
shaken before, and tlio I'nloa of tlio old
parties ofDtniglas county wusuomplctc.
Of ooutnu wo llku It, for Wo liavo
preached freedom from jxilltical bondage,
aud union, ami emancipation, and broth
erly love, and all tltoo things, anil to sco
tku Kilkenny eat tight of polities end lu
peace ami harmony shows that nur teach
m;; aro uvt thrown away.
A "Dead Beats' Directory" has been print
ed anonymously In Chicago. It Is Intended
for tbe uso or boarding house keepers,
grocers, butchers, Ac and contains tho
name of a thousand men who habitually
:ni,U.t iujlu' lUlr bills. Tho list luclu.!...
lswysm, actors, ministers, aUarmen aud
uncials, and Ja to bo reylaed oiuuihJy,
Tho following note wrltteuolf CapeStl.ucas
by Mr. W. F. West of this county (who Is on
his way l'-ast via. Fanama,) speaks for Itself.
It seems to us that tho leading real estato
mon of this Stato should take steps to secure
for Oregon some of this Immonso emigration,
that aro seeking homes upon our shores. Wo
nould suggest to Jones ,fc Patterson of this
city, who aro porhaps tho largosts doalors In
real ostato lu tho State, that thoy take the
matter In hand, aud confer with others en
gaged In llko busluoss. A good actUo agent
In San Francisco, well supplied with maps,
statistics etc., could turn many; In this d I lec
tion, mat now seok homes elsowhere.
Oai'K Sr, I.vcan, April 10, 171.
Mn. r.niTon: I wish to say now, what I
failed to say boforo leaving San Fraislsco.
Immigrants aro pouring into that city from
tho lUsteru States, at tho rato of fifty to a
hundred jver day, In search of land mid
homes, but they mo porslstoutly and con
stantly turned from tho North to tho South,
by laud Jobbuis aud .speculators, who hiwo
control of all tho valuable tracts of laud ex
tending to the Mexican Hue, all along tho
coast. When I was hero ten years ago laud
that w as otlored lor ton dollars per aero, can
;.(,. It pu ;.ki-o; now o. tsitif.u u.ty tt
theso compaulos. The arbltnry prlwi of
tlieso monoiHolles recolvo thojust excrcatloii
of all good cltlons. If wo had a good agout
at San Francisco to roprcsont Oregon und her
Interests; our stato, tho present season might
recolvo a largo or coinage of tho thousands
crowdlngtutbore. Yours as over.
W.M. F. Wkst.
FiiisT CiHL'tm in Haucm. Twonty years
ago next fall the first circus company that
over Hrformod IifSalom, pitched thoir can
vass whore now Is the corner of Liberty aud
Slate streets. And although a sooro of years
has ssed, and loads of gravel has been put
In, aud thousands of vohk-les of all descrip
tion havo passed over it, most of tho orlgiual
rlug Is plainly to lie seeu. Wo can readily
understand how the remains of aaelent
onrth-works, withstand tho ravages of time
by this simple Illustration. Shaking of this
circus It was orgaulrod III Portland by Joe
Wethorell, and Joo MoKlbben two saddlers
by trado. Wotheroll was known ou the bills
as tho "Hon loajwr of tho world" whllo Mo
Klbben was the funny mau. Tbe horses
wore Intelligent and highly educated
"cay uses" from Soutborn Oregon. Tho Hinds
furnished, toget up this colosoal hlpKdrouie
raino from a wealthy widow that Joe Mo
Klbbon had married but a short llmo boforo
the Inauguration or tho enterprise. The
company after performing here, ntarted for
Sllverton but boforo getting there "b lotted
Facisaiioi'i Immkiiiaiiok. Mr.A. Myorn
who camo up ou tho last steamor, conversed
with many of tho pissongorsuud Informs tm
that while a portion of them wero on thoir
way for Stlckeon, or Intending to settle lu
Washington Territory, tho majority or them
wero coming out to meet Irlemls who aro old
m tilers lu Oiegou, and thoreforo will llnd a
welcnimi awaiting them an I understand
lioroioimnd what tioxpu't. 'I ho greater xr
tiou of tho luiiulration goes to I. Inn and
I.aiio oniiitlns to settln ihortf, Thoro wore in
all about -l''0 pavongnrs on tho hleidniis,
mostly Irom tho far western Suites, with a
spiiukllug fruui Virginia and Ohio. Thny
brlugwlth thein ccusldcniblo mi ins, sulll
elont genurally to piirchise. boines, and one
man h is gathered up tweuty-nlnu rulatlons
from dlllsren. K'Ctlous to coiuo 'ind inal.o
their (.ouilnoii homo lu tho Willamette
The old I'liiou Hotel building Is to bo lorn
down, uiul an elc' mt resltlnuco,aiid trtefiilly
arranged grounds, to bt hubstituUd lu Its
place. "A cousuiirallou duvout'y to bo
wished for."
"Comingovents oust tbelrshadows before,"
Mr. Wm. U. Oriswold's baggage camo up ou
the steamer and was r celved hero to-duy.
Mr. G, toiaes overland and 1 expected to
arrive thu last of tho week.
Ilichard J. Savagoaged about eighteen, son
ef Mr. William Savage, has takeii forty acres
on the Chit wood farm just le!ow tho city, to
cultivate en shares a good example for boys
losing arounu aoout mo ktreeis to emulate.
I'eoplo in Kiirch of Government land, or
good stock ranches In the fun-hills ta-st of
the city, axu get much valuublo iuormatlon
by oaUlug ou Mr. Delauey vomer of Stato
and High street. .
Two Intermeats In Odd Fellows cvuneVry
daring the month of April, one male, ono
Uttaait, boU brought la from tfio country,
Volumo VI. Number 11.
Four arrests as follows, mado during April,
by Marshal J. A. Baker. For larceny I,
assault and battory 1. Assault with a dan
gerous weapon 1. Druukaad disorderly I.
Not a single death has oocarrod lu tho oily
during this month. Whore la auotber city
of 5,000 poople that can say thosamo.
I) K AT II OK Till! llK.MCIA BOV.'h HlSTIill. A
special Berlin letter of March li.tli, pub
lished lu the London AWi.t of tho 21st lilt.,
contains tho following announcement : Miss
D. Ileenan, tho sister of tho well-known
American boxer, died somo days ago In
Ilerlln, literally of HUllocntlott. .she was un
doubtedly one of tho most coi pnlent women
lu the world, and had beou for somo titno
oxhlliltlng her not tmeomoly features ami
hor nil too solid mass of llosu to tho .admir
ing Jlorlln iiubllc, toirotlior with r solcctlon
fnim tho silver cups ami other proseuts re
ceUed by hor from enthusiastic ullliicus aud
crowned lic.ids during tho lourso of her
traels, when, almost without any provloun
warning, tho poor lady's career was cut
short lu the way I lmo montlniie.l. Thoro
Is nn oxtraordluary damaiid imt now lu
llurlln for phouniueim of thiH class, and the
enterprising person who had engaged tho
professional servleesof Miss llroiuti showed
lilmseirat once true to time mid up to the
mark as a caterer for tho reigning tasto, for
tho very day following Ills beioaemant, ho
was provldod with another mountain o(
breatlilug tlesh lu the plaoo of tho colossal
How about tho old homo? What Is to bo
done with him? Or. w hat Is to bo done with
a horse that is growing old? Thuso aro hard
questions for a liumauo and modnrnloly cir
cumstanced farmer to answor. Thorn can bo
notlilui: wronir u d simjs nir of n homo III
years old, having considerable work In him;
but how old and feeble should ho b boforo
it would aeem wrong to got rid of hlraT If
ono haa and old horso and ho cannot well bo
kopt, tho best way Is to llnd some humane
farmer who will take him for w hat ho It
worth and agroo to koep him mo long aa ho
lives. But, If posslblo. lie should bo liept on
..u i'iwvu auu uiiivu nittl iat.ut.1 iui.im " lur
the good ho has done; and ho will buimeful
for tho women and children toilrlve. heeauan
I his ways aro understood and ho willy baa
vaiiu claims to u imug irom mo mrni, a
humane man will bo certain to havo a calm
and retlectlvn mind, and such a i.ilnd will
devlso ways for keeping a horso or worn out
animal which a cold and cruel mind would
not think of, bo that nothing would bo lost.
AxnATim Watkiim. Consumers -ofaoratod
water should bo on- thoir guaritln l&ntisli
MaticnlJom-nul of.Sutnriluy there l a letter
frost "An eminent Follow or tho ltoyal So
cloty,"on the rosult or the ezainhm
tiou or somo artificial asratod wa
ters sodaandsolt7or watora-sohUn "siphon
bottles." This examination disc losod lu all
cases dangorous contamination with apolson
ous uiotal, Thoro was quite ouougll lead lit
all the wators examined to iiiidermlno health.
Aud tho HritUh Mucl Jmirmtl remarks ou
this discovery! "When wo oxamltted tho
ordinary aerated mineral waters' of com
merce, somo tlmo since, wo found that they
wero of tho most various composition, and
that they only .occasionally corresponded
with what was lmpllodintholrna.no. A
great many of them, too, wero iiiimIo with
well-water which was iniylhilig but pure,
and xomo of tliom werodaii;;ih(.usly Im
pure." Soiiiih.nii S ill v. Ono of our exchanges
gives tlm composition of Mrs. Yhihlow'x
soothing syrupas follows: It has hnou shown
tlist an oiiiii o ot tho svrup cnutalivt ono grain
dfiimrpli.il. II, then, Mm. WIiikIow'ii Instruc
tions I xi fiiltowed.tlioileso for an lnlaiitthroo
uiouthii old uiiituius an equivalent of ton
drops i ladaiiuiii, and this Mi. Wluslow
recommends to bo iinc.'iUiil ooi v two bonis.
Tho Injury tliul may lm duiio by tho Iguoraut
uso or sueii a nostrum is iiiiiOJy to tioonti
iiiKted, and yet t ealeuhitloti hau btott Hindu
that not Inns tluu ri.KOO.COOoiiuiesol tlm syr-'
iipitis iiuuiially Kohl In tho t lilted .States;
in otanr wortis.tuni tuo ciiitiiruu or imsiiiiin
try nm dosed e ery your with us many mil
lion grutus of morphia,
Aiaoug tlm "Boston uotloiut" that aro pret
ty boro to hi geuorally adopted throughout
tlio country, is the laleht miv of soiling eggs,
not by tho douu, but by wlghl. Ai onllnir
to tlm now law adopted in MnssachlisetU.
twelve eggs no lougur ooiistltuto a lawful
dozen, but us many hs It shall Uko to weigh
ojo KMind and a halt. Light gisxl rich eggs,
laid by well-led t.iwls, will wolgli a)Oliiid;
whllo It will take toil orlwolvo xior oirusluld
by puny fowls In tuako that w olght. 'ihodlf
feromo leases tobou trlllo vthou prlco mugo
from 10 to IX) cents por doeu.
A Kuiil'.wn M mini ant. A who'josalo gro
cer lu New York city, who became rkdt la
his husluess.says hit rule always waa, when
ho sold a bill or goods ou credit, to Immedi
ately subscribe lor tho locil )ior of hlsi
debtor. So long as hit cuhtomur advertised
lllivrally ami vigorously, ho lotted, but as
soon as ho began to (vntract hts advertising
spauj ho took the tact as evidence that,
there was trouble ahead,, ami ho lnurlably
went for his debt. Said he, "the limn who
leols too jsior to do buslnuhs." Tho willi
drawlngorau advortlseiuunt is au evldeum
of weaklier that ljiis!nes men aro not slow
toobseroaudacl Ukiii. -V. 1. Uuu.
An Iowa school headier has been dliiuLsaed
for aiie otlsnso nl kissing a female assistant.
Whereuiion a local paper Inquires, " What
Inducement there Is for any person to exllo
himself to the country districts of Iowa, to
41ml thu young idea in Usjg!M.ct notice.
If haJto be denlea tbtj ordjfcarr lUAUltW 0