Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 25, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Sillitituttc iitrmcr.
"sALlL FBIDAY, APML 21, 1874.
Mil '
Sav Fisancisco, April 13. Greenbacks
)SSSS. . ... . . 14. . , i . .
In tlio Citv 1'iImiii, by selling litu lo bis cell,
jlo was nearly dead when taken out.
Tbe steamer Cnlimi Iihh been furnished
with new pioptller, ami will will for Fann
in to-morrow.
Dr. A. Fnrnswnrtli, Assls'nnt Surgeon
U. S. Arinv, shot himself throutih I ho heart,
ttvdHV. nt" his room. Howard strict. Nit
1 uH It known for tho sulolil". P.ls reported
Ijo bad been nrliiKing uoavny oi lain.
Aaronsnii, who tried lo hang himself In
the City Prison, last nlttlit, was examined
i.r,irMihM Commissioners of Lunacy to-day.
I Thev foil nil bun to bo mup, ami bo was ro-
jusntlod to tun custody ortue ponce.
Moiiksto, April 15. Tho tlrsl celebration
of the Grangers w held hero to-day. They
jnelat the Grangers' llll, loniicil u proces
sion about 1,0(10 strong, inarched to tlio pic
nic ground, Btwmt ti half inllii lioni here,
beaded by tbo Modesto Brass Bind, follow
ed by both grangers and gueais afoot, anil
then earrlaiies. After arriving all he grounds,
tbcy bail both vocal anil instrumental music,
follownd by tbe Declaration unil Purioses,
read byC. C. Luther; then an orallon bv
Prof. Carr. Alter Iho oration was eiiiieu an
the Invited guoeta w ere solicited to purtako of
a dinner.
Tacoma, April 15. Cap. Alnsworth oimo
iere lact evening, and together Willi Major
JHbbard, baa Used tho price of loin at Taco
ma, tbe lowest at lllly dollars mid the high
eat at tlvo hundied. These extreme low tig
urea give general satisfaction, and consider
i.blo excitement prevails at all points up and
down tlm Sound.
Skattlk, April 13. A telegram from Tort
Miiillknii mmvn lliri'o nripuiiers, tmiiiud Mini
Wl.ltu U'ltlliim I.Vrrell mill YnUIILE Soltlerl.
escaped from Jill lastnlglit. About 11 o'clock
inn Utter WOlltllOWIl lO iis-k mem n moii
I -cells, leaving n boy up stairs. Whlto selz-d
t bet Jailer and put Hint nuo ono oi mo c-nr,
liuklm lilm lii. Seihcrt rail UP stairs before
Iho boy could shut I lie trap door, and grasped
luebov by tlietbront end utter choking him
eveielv. ord.inl lilm to ml- the imp ""'
let ilwn.herstip, which be did. Thoy then
Iinki'd the Ikiv mi lii another cell. A man
HHiuedTavlor, who Is paralyzed, was sleep
ing In one or the upper renins. They. jr
tiered blm I go below and be locked up. Ho
rfniAil. nil ilinv ihen locked him m bis
room. After going below and getting their
lotus, etc., lliey Jell, IBKlugiue Keys wnu
L ' W " .. MM ...
WasiiinotoN. April !..' nto finance
31111 -will bo iireseiiiodto tho l'roulotit to
morrow for his niiprornl. Tho Hciiiito
Territorial C'onimlttco have decided to
reconiintinl tlio cotillnuatlon oi uciiemi
McCook aa Uovornor of Colorado, In
..,.... t l.'ll.nu. . r 1.. Kitltllltlnil
ItJllCU Ul IjIUV'11, H "U Itui'ni".
Tlio House Territorial Coimnltteelinvo
.agreed to report of a bill for tlio mliiiU
kIoii of Now Mexico Into tho Union.
Much surprise is expressed litre at tlio
apparent provaicnco oi tno iniimwion in
California ami Arizona that tlio Interior
Department and Indian ltureaii aru hos
tile to CJencral Crook, ami Hint they aro
collectiiigdnta relative to the conduct of
nlluiraoy liiayiinoriiiiiaio oinecrx, witu
tlic Intention of niakiui: u llirlit on lilm.
There la no truthful foundation whatever
lor ucli reports.
WASiitcroN, April 111. Tlio llepuh
Ucan iiiviiibcru ot Congrvrrt from Arkan
ma called on tlio President ami Attorney
3encral, this nioriilng, to confer regard
lug tho Uubcrniitorial muddle in that
State. Subsequently tlio Attorney (len-A-ml
telcKraphed to (lovernors Brooks anil
lhixter tiiat tho President deellncH to in
terfere, except to preserve peace.
In the House, llolmaii. of imlinna,
moved to reduce tho Prcslilents's salary
from $30,000 to $ij,000. Ho argued that
tlio Increase of Hilary last session wnsiiii
fonstltutloiinl, ami ho also criticised the
items of tho President's household.
Hale, of Maine, opjioseil tho amend
ment, ami stated that so much of the
l'csideiit's mansion was occupied for
imbllo purposes that tlio family was hud
dled in smaller apartments than wore
occupied by members of private families
all over tho country. Ho declared that
none of the items for tho President's
liousehold were personal perquisites.
JjItti.i: Hock, Ark., April 13. .losenh
Drooks, claiming to have been elected
Governor In Ih"', took tlio oath of olllee
lo-(l;iy before Clielf Justice McClure, and
then took forcible possession of the tiov
t'rnor's olllee, ejecting Governor llaxter
Hiidtaklngpowcsslonof the Court House,
llrooks bases his action on tho decision
of Judge Whltloek, of the Circuit Court
of this Htate, iiindo this morning, over
ruling tho demurrer llled by Governor
llaxter'H counsel In tlio suit brought
against him by llrooks lor the Governor's
cofllce, and Issuing Judgement of ouster In
Jlrooks' favor, this action oi too court
vmn taken In the absence of Baxter's
counsel, who had no opportunity to mi
wer or move an appeal. Baxter has es
tablished his headquarters at St. John's
College, and has telegraphed to Presi
lent Grant the facts In the case, and
iiskipg lilm for the support of the Gene
ral Government to regain poss-esslon of
the olllee. Tho greatest excitement pre
vails. JjiTTu: Bock, April 1(1. There Is little
'liangc in tho Gubernatorial muddle.
Jtruoks holds thoStatolIotiso.siirrouiidcil
bv .about one hundred men, with two
4'anuoii. Baxter's headquarters isstlll at
til. John's College, In the suburbs of the
city. He is preparing to retake the .State
Bos'io.v, April 10. Alice Mason Fum
Jier, wlfuof tlio lute truiator, peiitions
tlie Prottnte Court for permission to
rusiinie her tnalden iiaim , because she
wu divorced from her Into husband. It
should be tatel thut her appe.il to the
XcgUlnturu for iermlsiloii to marry
ngain, was presented before the Senator's
atal Uiicss, and that she preserves the
3tpcct of Mr. riimuer's best friitmis, who
know tho cause of this alienation.
IIxwpon, April IS Fifty tbouand persona
rera preaeot at tbe landing of Dr. Living;
I atone' remain. Tbe Ueana waa louowea
William Ferguson, Queen's surgeon, has
identified Livingstone's remains.
Havana, April 15. ThoJudgo Advo
cato of tho t'ourt-uiartlal trying Dock
ory, ex-Collector of Custom at Jackson
ville, Via., demands sentence of ileMb. The
papers In tho ct'o bavoleeii subtnltled to
C.ipniln Oeneral Coiicha. Si mini etlorts will
be uuiilo to obtain n roiuiuutncaltou oftbn
sontence to linpiiMiiiiiont.
Cotiuliti ImsMupprnisfd the I'.ilomi timvi.
p.ipor, and luulshed tho edllor, Juan Ortegu,
to Spain.
Ottawa, April 13 In Parliament, lat
ulght, Cartwrlghtdellved his buduut. He
estimated the delleleney lor the llcil ytitr
ending June KOth, next, at nearly .JJi'OO.OdO,
bolug the llrst slnco llioe.mfedcmiion, an
Important olttnient of this lncrcaoblng tho
Public Works. In iho Commons this arter
noou Hod well mm eil Urn expulsion of Kiel.
Iloltou moved ii poMpoueinimt uiull the re
port or the enininlttcii. Mo-nenu moved lo
present an address to tho Qaooti tor Ida pir
nlon. San Fii.ncico, Anrll 111 O. O'lbtra
T.tnle, D.mlsb Consul of thN cll.v, died last
night si Ills homo In Alim-iU, ufier n brioi
Illness. Tho American mid Constil.ir Jlng-
nre at hnlt'-tuiist, In tespici lo his nu uiorv.
Tho master of the bark Dublin, from Port
Oamble, reort8 tbat on the Sib of l-Vbruury
John Oakes, second mate, tell Ihrougli tho
hatchway and was Instantly killed.
Los Asoki.ks. April 13. Information was
received by mo Slierlff about 8 o'clock this
morning that YnMiuoz. with lour or his gang
wero at San Oabrlel Mission. They look up
an Italian by tho naino Alexander ltcpirto
and coiupelffcd him to sign a check on tho
Hank hero for ftW, and sout his sou. with the
check to draw tho money, threatening lilm
with death If ho divulged anything about it.
Tho Cashier mistrusted something wrong,
and tlio boy told the story. Tho ShorltV Im
mediately started with a poso of fifteen. Uo
had just returned, and reports that It Is A as
quei. His mon are after them and ho is now
getting additional men to assist. Tho man
was Hod up, but on the appearance or tho
Slierltl they untied hint and fled.
muKUsm:u, April Hi. Tho news of
Vaquez' exploits near Los Angeles, and his
subsequent escapo Into tho mountain pusses
ucavUoledad, which renders successful pur.
suit almost Impossible, wero it not prob.ibbt
that bo may encounter Shrrltr Morse and
party, of Alameda county, who are reported
to havo camped at tho mouth ofTeJon I an
yon last Sunday evonlug, fully prepared tor
tho war path.
KuuuNi; Citv, April 10. Tho Lino Comity
Tomporaneo Convention mot to-day, and
Indorsed most of the llepubllcan county
ticket. Tho oxcoptlous wero: O. w. X lib
nV, hi place ofJohu Kelly, Souatojr Hob
Voaeh, Instead orWIlklns, for County Clerk;
Alloullond(Indopondent(. In placo of llon
tiett, Kopresontatlvoj and K. P. llondornon,
In place or Callson, Scliool Superintendent.
After electing dolcgates to tho Stato Con
vention tho meeting adjournod.
Tacoma, April 111. 'Ibooxcitomont Is con
siderably on tho Increase to-day at Tacoma,
and property finds roBily salo at prices vary
ing Irom $150 to $250 per lot. Since yestor
day l'J2 lots havo boen sold for ciiih.
A, largo number of pooplo are arriving
from alfpolntH.
Wasiunoton, April 10. A Joint reso
lution was Introduced in tlio Senate by
Carpenter, to-day, declaring It to tho du
ty of tho United States to recognize the
independence of Cuba; to accord her bel
ligerent rights, nntl to observe strict neu
trality between hornuil Spain. It Is pre
ceded by a preamble setting forth that It
is tho undoubted right of any American
colony to declare its independence of tlio
mother country; that the people of Cuba
have declared their iiniipendeiieo of
Spain, established their own govern
ment, abolished slavery, and lor over
tlvo vears havo maintained their posi
tion; that tho war between Spain and
Cuba lias been ami Is conilucicil with
shocking barbarity, and that there Is no
reasonable prospect that Spain will bo
able to re-establish her authority over
Cuba; that In consequence of tho prox
imity of the seat of wartlio contest H In
jurious to the Interests of tho people of
the United States, and that It Is evident
that Its prolongation will only protract
suH'erlngand bloodshed, and result In the
Until recognition of Cuban independence
by Spain.
Wasiunoton, April 17. The Senate Com
mltteo on Couunerco to-day con-ldered a
Joint resolution of tho LoglIatuio ol Califor
nia against any grantof additional s ilwidy
to tint Pacini) Mall Steamship Company.
Nkw Yolill, April 17. A Boston ill-patch
announces Iho election of Wushburn as
Lnn.K Bock, April 1(1. llrooks Issued a
proclamation to-day lo tho people of Ar
katibas, reeltlug at length tho history r bis
couletl with Baxter, andi'loclarlng his inlen
tlons to sustain himself in olllcu by eicry
means at his command. That any attempt
to plow Baxter again in thuliovern'tr'solUisj
must result in strife and blooiUluil, as he
tllrnnks) will resist all tnobi tha', may as
bumble at Baxter's call; but that he Is al
ways ready to submit to tho decision of the
Courts. He concludes with advising tho
people to quietly pursue their usual voca
tions, and it their services are necessary lo
presbrvu peace ho will call for Ihum.
I).nik)n. April 111. In Uo Houso of Lords,
to-nldit, Karl Bussell gavo nollco that on
May lib ho should usk for copies or corres
Itoiidunce of tho Urlllsh Government with the
Governments of Kronen, Germany, Bussla,
and Austria, with regard to tho lusiutimiineo
of iuwca. Also, that ha sbouldeall for copies
oftransactlons sent to Thornton, Minister at
Washington, wlili reganlloliiowregon noun
dary (iiiesilon; and turtlior, for an account of
.......... ..i..il,.i. muilu lv din United iitatos for
damages caused by tbo Fenian raid Into Can-
HiiKsT, April 1(1 Tho Rteamer Amerlquo
foundered during a violent tempest on me
4th Inst., and was abandoned when on the
point of sinking. An Italian ship saved tho
largest number of the crew ami passenger
ui... .nifu.1 iirn iii ilut- One hundred and
forty-eight of the crew "anil forty aengers
arrlvedbyiiNorwegl.nl bark Thlitv more
passengers nave aiso airivuii. nu i.wn"
vesstllmsthitrest. The psengls uiiilo in
praise of the coolness and bn very tf Captain
llivsseau, oflho Amerlquo.
Oitawa, April 17 Initio Hotiso of Com
mons, last night. Bow en's motion for Wei s
expulsion was .juried, L!l lolW.snd anew
writord'iied lor an election in the Province.
Panama, April i News hits rose bed hero
of the lo, on tho 1th of March, of the Chil
ian coasting steamer Tacna, with nineteen
porsons. ls of llfo is aurlbtited to panic,
which seized the crew, two or whom made otr
with the only boat.
Nkw Yonif, April 17. A Havana letter
i. i. .i..ul ilia, r!nni-hA intends to
para tbe Ufa ol Boekery, as a matter of cour-
J. 17 v.. ... Ar.nl lT.Thn roillltT
and U terribly ovarwowded. Soma of lb
Keperiaay n i w "-
Greenbacks SSK0S?.
Tho owner or "Joe lunlols" hastolegraph
ed to Dr. Martin, of this city, to withdraw
his acceptance-of tho clmlteou- to run "Dan
iels" aicsbist ' I'hail Stevons." foiir-mllo heat,
for JU 1HIU, 1'ieaiiseoribHilelH.v of'Stoveiis' "
ovvnei'ln making (he requited dspo-lt.
Potatoes havo been sioppul hero from Sin
Diego dlirliiii tint wveH, llio llt't tlnw this
kind of psoduco has ever b.s?n res-eived from
ttmt quarter.
The Alaska sails fir Hong Kong aud
Yokohama to morrow.
San Dikoo, April 17. Tho Tucson Citi:en
s.i.iHihil the prospect i'f fcn now m-hiis
qiiitecneonra:jiiig whti tlie lloslpais, Insieiul
of i protracted war, as Itmred by iiuny. They
Have nearly all siirreiulertst. oHlt of tint
San Carlos Apaohes have heisii killed and a
good liiinv hato snrrentlereil. IT It Imil not
heeti fir tint prompt and elllehiit iiclion of
Gen. Crook, wo slioiibl, no doubt, have had
n protracted lndlin r.
VicrolitA, April 17. An Iiiilinn woman
named Kuitiia Hurt and her son Imiso, about
lle vnirs ol ii' were tuuiid on Wednesday
last," a short distance Iroin Naiialiuo, wltti
their ihroals cut and skulls fiactnred, ap
pireiilly with a blunt liisiitiuiuiit. At the
latest ailvlces no eui hud bch dbeovered to
tho porlraloia of the horrid iImI.
Diiruit: the qnmier ending March ;tlt Nil
nalmoshipi'ed lil,'W7 tons nl'isul, in.. Van
couver CohI Coinpiny exponln.; uboir. 1 1,000
tons of this ti'isnilty.
Yv'ASittNUTON, April 17. The Secreta
ry of War has Instructed the ulllccr at
lnival's Blttll'to proceed to Little Bock
and investigate the reports that Baxter
had seized the telegraph olllee to prevent
llrooks' party from using the wire, and
to see that telegrams to or from the Gen
eral Government are not interrupted.
Postmaster General Creswell has tele
graphed the Postmaster at Little Book
to deliver mall matter addressed to Gov
ernor Baxter, or Baxter, Governor of Ar
kansas, to Baxter, and those similarly
addressed to Brooks, and to hold letters
addressed simply to the Governor of Ar
kansas for the present.
Wasiuncitox, April 17. The Cabinet
session to-day was unusually long, and
was fully attended. The Senate Finance
Bill wus'iliscusseil, the President explain
ing his views at length, but what they
were has not transpired. It Is generally
believed that the President will approve
the bill.
Wasuixoto.v, April IS. The Presi
dent's remarks to thcKew York Commit
tee vesterday, aro accepted by tliein as
iiulfcatlng Hint ho will not veto the Sen
ate Currency Bill. ....
The President's refusal to interfere in
the Arkansas Gubernatorial strife is
commended as n wise revcisal of his for
mer couso ill Louisiana.
Nothing new In Pacillo Mall and Ball
road combination.
Mayor Kramer, of Utile Bock, tele
graphed to the Attorney General to-day
lor aid in preserving the pence of that
city. The Attorney General replied that
the United States officers stationed there
had been instructed to prevent blood-shed
and asked tho Mayor if the people of Ar
kansas have not patriotism enough to al
low the question at issue to be settled
peacefully and lawfully, and not bring on
the Stato the disgrace aud ruin or a civil
Sr! Loina, April 18. A special from Boring
Cross says llrooks Is being rapidly rein
forced, aud Baxter's frlonda are not eiilliu
siasllu. IIokton, April 18. Butler's frlomla aro un
able to coneial their niortlilcatlon at tholr
defeat In tho election of Washburn who has
thrico defeated tho General for Governor.
BAl.nimi, N. C, April 1H. A private dis
patch Hits evening roimris that llild and
Mono Mountains aro alarming tho adjacent
counties with their trembling, which is much
more serious than previously, Sclontlsis
cjutldontly expect an eruption.
Sr. Louis, April, It. Tint Democrat has n
spoclal from Little Beck, by Duval's Biulf.
It assorts that Brouks Is In receipt of as
surances fiom merv point of tint Statu that
tuo people will support him. lie holds tlio
Con it House and all tho Government olllcus,
the neurits end great seal of Slate, and Is
supported by other statu oincom, Chlel
.luuit-o of tho Supremo Court and all llu
hading liieu ol'lboCoiiser,i'ivo, Deni'X'i.ulc
ami ItHpubllc.nt parties, lt.tx er bus ap
pointed ins military ollliers from the Hour
lion Duiuoer.icy. HrooUs' position Is in the
Court House, guarded by :K) men and two
pieces of cannon.
liONnoN, Apill IS. The funeral of Dr. t.lv
IngHuiio tuou pli.co this iiioiulng at U est
minister Abbey and was attended i y it largo
croud, Including a lull represenlMion Iroin
tho ltoyal GuouraphicalSoivity. Tho tjiuen
iii.4 Prince of Wales sent their carrlugcs,
I'horo wasuMjiecla' funeral stirvlci early to
day itnil unolliiir will tin hold by 1 : I Stan
ley to-morrow. Livingstone' gtavo is in
iho centre of Westminister Abbey, near
Bubdrl Stevenson.
Nkw Yoiik, April IS A luulon letter
sas In tho eiisu,r.i counties of Knglitutl a
very bitter coulllct has luoKeti out between
tbo firmer and their laborers. The latter
bivo Joined tho Union which was sumul a
cnupltiofyeaiskgo, with its headquarters at
WarwicKblilro, ami bavu duinauiled an oxtra
shilling n week. Tuts has been refus-td, and
tho laborers havo consequently struck on
one or two fai ms. Farmers generally re
talatud by locking out all Union mon, and
dkclurlug that heuixifoi ih they will employ
only liou-UiiloulsiH, It Is siiid tho iMiidlorils
arssupportlng the farmers, and threaten lo
eject tenants who do not hold alool from all
relations with tho Unionists.
Iajnuon, April 17. A lockout of l.'i.OOO
miners Is threatened In Cornwull.
Walker, tho iniwly apMlniel Solicitor
General, apoaU lo tho Voters f I'restou lor
roeleclion. It is iiuilerstooil thai .liulib
Bright will eoniest the election.
tAN l'UANeisCO,Aprll 111. AilUaslroiiHcon
llfgriitloiioccllrrtil ihiHaUenioonoti Altnirs.
Isliilid, by whic.li all tho Iramo buildings nu
tun south and west sides ol thn Island weie
destroyed. They wero lined as storo-housts
and barracks for the garrison.
1'rolesaor Alien iiikiIonii lucent with the
capllwi Imlo.ii ".Sierra Nevada" this after
nisan from Wisidwiird'sganlens. When last
seen It was hovering over Alameda, golug in
n soulherly direction.
Oakland, April IS. Tho paring rare at
tho Oakland Trotting l'aik this afternoon,
between "lNjuanoo," In wagon, and "S .
James," to haiuen was won b. "D.illnco"
In llireo straight heats. Time -!lWt, -:-',
The trotting rsce, tlireo-quarters of a mile,
was won by Charlie." Tlme-lsW, UM.l'M.
The lirillsh Benevolent Society held the
Urgent picnic In several years at Badger's
Paik to-day. Over 0,000 person were pres
ent. Palisapju, April IB, Tbe engine for tbe
Kureka and 1'alUades Narrow Gauge Ball
road arrived to-day, and a train of live cars
ware run ont to tba end of the track, which
la afcott Mil froui town. Krerythlng
worked smoothly. Thoy oxpect to rush tho
work now until they nave tho road com
Skattlk, April 13. Tno bark Jenny Pitts
went ashore at high water '''.V'l'.nV.'.L'
about live inlles lro.it tills c by, at. o clock
this morning
on,, ""7 'f " V" ."; ' ";
.aninr h.ta Whlto has gone
ends. Tho ste:
down lo io.v her oil.
l.-.. .!. Murloii I'oiiuiv. Oreuoil
San Fiianoisco, April a). Tlio steiimr
China arrlvisl at '1 o'clock this morning. All
Yokohama dates aro to March 27th, but
tho nows Is not very Important. I'ho niton
tlon of tho Governine.it l occupied with
iii.iiv i.ivl.lons. Two o Ulcers ol the eor-
i....u t ..au air.ii oito.
Japmeso eanltallsta havo purchased tho I.
S. stoieslilp Idaho.
Tno most prominent of tho rebel prisoners
escaped Iroin Laua.
San KiiancI'IM, April il.-Prof. Allen,
witli his jiarty, made a successful lauding
ofllie balloon "Sierra Nevada" lastovenlng,
near Niles' station, AiaiuedaOounty.
Tho lire at Aleaira. da.nagesl tho place to
the extent of nlHintfJ.'),lHHi.
TlioGrand Jury descr.bo tho crowded and
filthy eciidllloii of tlio County .Isil In this
eliv.nndilenouncoltas the " lllack Hole"
ofSan Francisco. Their stricture upon the
condition ortho City Prison aro Just as so-
John Fil.pitrlck, In whose roldonco James
Fleming was killed by Corbelt, ha been
held to answer for murder by the Police
Court, and tho Grand Jury has Indicted both
him mid Corbelt f r the crime.
A little ghl, tlvo yeir ofagn, was raped
and tcrrlblv mutilated by some lleiid nt
Alameda yesterday. It Is feared that tint
child's Injuries will prove fabd. Tint man
has not been arrested. ,
Giiass Yai.i.KV, April '.U Tod iv BimiJ.
Overniayor, a teamster, while eonilng Irom
llluoTeutwilliii InadoflmnUtr, was thrown
I'nini hU seat ami thn html wheel itassedover
I his breast, crushing him very badly. His
I InJurlHs will probably provo fatal.
.MKIlKKIi, Aplll -O. A liiacasiiiiiii iiiiineii
Alexander MUbsaland, was arrested hern
on Friday last, fir bamg drunk, and died
sudibnly in Jail this afternoon Irom over
drinking. M.vhvsnii.i.1!, Apr.l IC Goorgn Turner, an
old elll.jn mid firuinr, who Ii id been living
alone In n small cabin on his farm, about
iilnn miles out of this place, was yesterday
lnii.nl murdered. Ho was lying outside or
his cabin. A shotgun with one empty bar
rel was lying near. Ho had h?eu shot III the
head ami struck by sumo heavy Instrument.
No nliio to tho murderer.
Wm.us, Nov., April 20. A shooting nu'ray
took place last night on the western-beimd
emigrant train, under the following lirciiiu-statu-.is:
Goorgn .Shields, nik-Iioii foreman on
tho section west of thn Wells, had been in
town during the day, and Justus ho attempt
ed Ui get into ouo r the emigrant ears to
return homo ho was mot by a passenger who
ordered lilm not to enter, aud at tho same
timet prssontoitn pistol to ills breast. Shields
slrucK tho pistol down Just as tho passongor
was pulling the trigger, it was uiscuargeo,
thn ball entering Shield's loft thigh, whom Ii
now remains. Uo Is lUtondod by Dr. Town-;
.mu. TI,. vvr,,,l,1.lin xinnlnrnr lias benll
the I'niiiiiilitii on ('oiuuierce.
The. Sen. Uo pisso'. llm llmiso lllll enabling
tho Secretary of Iho Treasury lo gathor ro
liable inlbrmVlou as to tho condition and
l.iiportanco of the Alaska fur trade.
Tho Iloiiso Commltteo on I'libllu Lands
has agreed to reisimmelid tho passx;;o of a
bill providing tliatnll liinils liereunoro grant
ed lo rniroaii isnnpamus snail no sin
lo local tax limit tho sauio us similar
..'."'"'"i'V:'. ...,r..... .........
H..I.1....1.. i
&r lias vOTK'siffi '
Co ri,rctal,,adrt'hartt elm
laws has been delayed mid obstructed, and
I 0.111111,01 , n iiiiiii , niwic . les,,,,,,,,,,,
illiri'llin: tho Judiciary Committee lo report
a bill lor regulation of legal Jurisdiction ol
C.iurls and olllcers In Utah.
KosroN, Aplll 'JO. i'ho executive Commlt
teo unpointed ut tlio recent mtetiiig at I'm
(nil lllll, to lake action In upholding public
faith, havo Issued an address, recoiiiemli.ig
Iho I'm iiiatlou of leagues throughout the
coin lev lo mil,., with Dim people In favor ol
ileiimi. Hug that lioverninent shall redi
Its linancal nlulges, and create n stronger
piihho Mniiimoiil In favor of spoolo pay -
. ,, . ,, ,. , ,,
Lrni.t: lloiif, April 'JO.-f.ol. Boss, coin -
B'1'IIIV ,,i.-
iniiiiilaiii. took iiossfsslou of tho teleuranh
-.- , -, . ,. . ., I.i
olllco I.i day, and opened it to tho public.
(iwbig lo bis inlorlcionco will military
operations, Itix.er has accomplished H'".'"
lug. Baxter wiul President Granta dispatch,
represeninnr llm cisn, am staling his jwisl -
linn. lie couiplslns lhat tho United Males
i,,r,is -.-. "-rr;,"-
slim ol Insurrection, and requests that
witty uu in ui-. rii in 1,-sisi. iiiiiiiii i,ii,n.
Maiiiiih. Anrll '.'I. A vigorous bo.nbir-
inent ortho Ciirli-ls' Kslinn is progresslmr.
Tho Carllst ibiier.il Sitinllo. also his n.hII,
were rM-eiilly e.ii.urei by Iho llepublli-iiiis
ui-iir Vieh, Inn .-at. do, with soiiin of hi
olllceri, siibs'ipienl - escaped and crossed
tin. frontier Into Fnio-c. Tho army In tint
ni. r.h has bm-ii heavily reinforced and now
iiiiiiiIk rs loitv IIiiiihiiiiI men and has snvnn
ly pieces nf artillery. Preparations are
nenrlv comtilet-'d for a I'ltunral attack on the
t aril-t hiMi"Ii '. ililbna.
Hi. m. iv. Aprd i) Tho i.ennnn frlbumil
itss-i an bus liuposiil a heavy lino mi Iho
15'sln ' Nancy lor his cliargn to thn ulorgy
! l.iM.ln'...
s.w I ii.i-.iift'n, April il ilin Oakland
(H.licolmte not vet fun i id llmiiiHii whoH.rpe
trab-d ilii I'orrlbbiou'raguou it Utile child at
iM.-.i.-...ui.dat inn. .
Fn.,1-1. klinv hiss I Jo in L Bouse to
r,.,, ..r i ..ui..r f.N imprisonment.
.-r ..Miim-ii' M,s-'-
i -... .. P. it... ii i.o'u'nt of 8!iS,000 has been
, ...i- i r. ... M. T....I ' '
r ,U... pr.i.net.V of drug Morn on
I '' ' "":,. "-'""" "!"' ff rom
merit iso
l morjiiiine, aiimuusiere., oy
Salt L. lie.. April 21. Old man Bendor, i
now hi Jail, has been Identified through '
photographs of him sunt to Kansas, aud win
bt taken mere. Thn young man arrested aa
his sou, has l:in released, proving to be a
denerter 'roni Din army.
Brlgbaiu Young returned to tbla city yet-terday.
...... . .. . i i... in i-iin ini i nv iinr iti
i k i oiik. iu ii.. . """"' ?, ., , that t in M ut at that placo will tm compelled
till clianges have been ordered or . o I ail lc ( ,llom,w fr wBiit of hinds. Tho
?M' ,",",!,l,-r up po ti e i-J'i'i es I ., M b ,,,,, ,llIllllM1M, nuantltlox
W hillock, Gicwiivllle, In mas U a I ti , t II; ,. , lUU ,. wllch ,, ,, ,IlrK (1().
f.mia; David G. OierhoU, """y" ...and, . md which aro supplanting the, Mex
Giaut County, Oreiron. Discontlii'ieil-Aii- ,,,,,',. ,. I1,1,1ll111,11, Ilf ..irculal on In
i'ikh i'i-tiniin "- "':."'.... i ,1.. scereiaiN oi inn 1 1 ,n-ury will i.iiiimrizo ino
draw up the propo-als ol Japa , and the s.,,,,,,1,, .!,, lt to eonlliiue, as iliero Is no
troops i.bloh had been dlsmiele.l smith t(iulu Um. spe. lal appropriation wll bo
against Iho rebels are gradually rei it liig. .,rillll,,lv liwui,. by Congress.
A lire nt Yokahama oil the l-th h'stri ed i SVxlu , ,u, ,. ,lf . TimCl wn,.
ten whole blocks, known as Uio lUult liullil- ................i ... ,h i.. ,x vtH,u,.t Conn lo-ilav
. .. . i .. ......I....... ...
ltmidiXmiX depilirimt In winter, Mx Inchos. In su.iii.ior,
has gone for hiui with a warrant from J tistlu. fir' , ,,, ,Wev,.r, Hie covering Is put
v IsViiN nroV Anrll "0 - Vnothor nellllon ' "' """" 'bicker. It Is never very heavy, n
rJ?.?n l,". iV !.ril7v'Vrmniit I. economy ofspnee Is llm ruin at all seasons.
i'p.ffi,Vi i,ih,,V pits has marked
Tlio following telegrams from tho Kast
navo not horotoloro appo.irod:
Nkw Yoiik, April ll.-A special from
w'J,m , ' Tll d,,!,,,,,,, nf tlw
UniisoCoiiini Ult-oonApproprl
( . ft ,,.,, from Uo
iiuons receiven
duv a dUiuiicli from iho SunerlnlemlenD
oftbo Mint at San Francisco, notifying hint-
Cinb.i. Uo has also boon coining unusually
Isro quaiUltliM of gold, ntnl It Is understooil
that on tills ai-couut tlio appropriation ban
been exhiusted. Appropriations for tlio
next llol year will noi bo avallnblo for
m no than lo months, it will bo neccosjii
ry to in ik a special sppronrlni m In order
tiist woik m.iv toi'tiiue. I' U piobablo the'
lit del'aub oflll (K'll ball 111 tho WilKovCh.im-
berlain unci sun.
Chrbt.au Me.xor, llm Communist, who
was convicted of a-siiiltlnii Serwe'lit llerg
litilil during tl'o lao I lot at Tompkins Square,
was to d.iv senioiicid to six month.-.1 Im
pr soumeiit.
ltoi'in:si-KU, April II. Tlio second meot
Ingnflho tniliistilal Congress or tlio United
State-i, com posid of delegates Irom the labor
orgaui'. itlons Irom all pin. of tho country,
was held In Workiugmen's Hall bi this city.
Chrlstonlier Kitn.of ilinCrisiiins' Association
delivered an appropriate address or welcome,
af.er which a Com mltteo on Credentials was
appointed. The commltteo reported repre
sent Hives rroui Massuelilisetts, New York,
Yermout, Ohio, Vlr-rlnU, Kenttieky, Wis
consin, Iowa, West Yirgluin, Kansas, Mis
souri, Delaware, Michigan, Connecticut anil
Tennessee, presidents of various National
and Industrial Trado Unions, and iilsoiho
elder olllcers of Iho Patrons and Sovereigns
of Industry. Tim general feeling senilis to
ho that an etl'ort lo co operate with the farm
ers will bo pushed forward.
ai.iunv, April II. At Hi t'htrlnr Kindlon
to-day tho Itepuhllcauselecied Judsou, May
or, over McC.iny Deiuocrat, by 1,'JiXi ma
jority. Tho Hoard ol'Snpervlsors and Com
iiioii Council stand eight Itepublleans ami
eight Democrats.
DKl'liotr, April II Lito this aneriioou tint
largo factory of llm Detroit llurlal (Usn Com
pany was liumed. Loss, $7il,uoo; Insured
lor SiVOtX). A slroin: wind nrovidled unit
several bulliliugs in various parts of thn city
were sot on lire, ami more or less ilauui(eilr
aggregating an additional loss hi tho neigh
borhood 01 SIIP.OOO.
Hi:i.t:xA, Ark., April II.--A lire horoyes
tnnlav destroyed nliio frame hulldimrs anil
ouo brick building mi Main street. Losses,
Ni:w Yoiu: PitiTCii's FiiM.n. Thn burial
plls In Now York Poller's Held am deep ex
cavatlo.M (tho averago deanth Is abolition
feel), as may bn Inferred, and extend almost
below low-water mark on Hart's Island.
When Iho Fidelity brings n load of bodies'
from llm city, thoy aro laken to the ground
and laid sldu liy side In Iho pit. There Is no
Indecency about tho Ireatinnut of th'i Isxlles.
and thn haildling Is careful ntnl orderly. A.
colli a may hurst open now then, and Its
Irighlful oontonts for death Is frightful nt
all limes, uuilorautth i circumstances doubly
so tumble ont. but the inlslian Is soon reotl-
.. . ..... .. , i i.i.... 1....1 ,.....
"""',', T" V, lSat load ,,r ' . t hisl ho t
polled. As II IMHU load Ol UIIIIIIS II 1110 IH
German, and appears to bo perfectly at homo
In tho loathsome business, dir It cousinly lx
loathsome hi summer, if not at all limns. In
those pltsthn burials aro promiscuous -whlto
nii'l black, men, wouioii and children am
hiidsldn hysldo.
iiisktf iti ftiiviiniM iviiii nnriii. iwil his iihil iih
I nils OLJtiii iinmi nrt i. . ..... . n ...-i... .i .n
'i, if rant- I '"-"..' . ,. ..... .........--,
lhi ',,',, ' slngln graves can ha purchased for tlio mod
iiroiiiir .orelo price or llneo dollars. These giave
14 are u.iliibered anil tho sum named rover
HOlullou "" expenses, hometiiue.s bodies which arc
For tint hiiuulU or tho poar win ilnslrn It,
esi ers
all oxnonsos
hometiiue.s bodies which art)
. .,.,, ril .,,,. M,,ir..1(,
ks :s rrs, n zm
" '' Kicral placo of sepulture.
Nr.ws or IIiiiii I. in:. Miss Grant's mar
rlngn to Mr. Sarlorlslsllxedlorllmobor next.
Mr.Strtoils Is tint Konof Adelihln Komhlo,
iiini nephew to Fannin Keuiblo Hollar. Tho
voiiug iiiiiii travelled with Miss Grant li)ii
lior return froui llorope, morn I bio threi,
vears ni!ii. lie did not tlis-btrn Ills lovo lit
- . " . . . ... . I , . ..
ihaillme. nut we it v esi on n.s j-.i r.ey.
I Happening In hi. In St. Loiih whe. tho
Pr.-lils.il visited thero la.t spring . a .1 w ll-
' ""' '' homage that was ml, h I . I.
ilmt occasion, It si eiued to dawn iimu tin.
' mind of the ioting man that the daughter of
,,,, Alllr(.,, ireslil..ul was not altogether
,...,..,..... ii.. ,.,.., i.,l-.,..ivm ni.i, ,.,.., iIm.im
I III III 'lllft.l lillllrtiliinnuiiiii.
,( ,,, yming ladys father, who rej-ctod lilm
i H,.,.mltr tho want t.r lorliiuo on botli
I HlI.r.j lur, mud the Prnsliloiit my daughter
,,H ,l(;,twry, anil ho might hao addeil
' , )Ur r(.,Mltir-eti form or novum nt lor
, U, ,' )(llu, v , ,y (:Kr,.H1 w,oii
ik iiieiulierol tun royal I iiuny inarriiiH.
J ,..(,r mnK neKoatlons worn suspended.
but an aceiile.it to thn oldest sou and heir re
moved all luiHiilluiuntH, ami as soon as sart
orls' yicic recovered from tho shock of his
eldest son's ib-Hth (which was caused by hi
being thrown from Ills horse), linwroln lo tho
President and said thai Miss Nellie's adorer
count now support her eomforlalily on forty
thousand dollars a year. This produced a
revolution, and after a few preliminaries thn
engagement look pNen and was aunouiicml.
I am told Hist tin. Sarotorls 1 louse, neac
l ..utiii, lu flu r.'bii.L nf till authors. aitlslM
1 IP im,.i ..... . .. .- -.. -, --
ami coluhratles.
Old lliib,nhlnck luirso owned In Hartford,
was hitched to a watering cart. Thn glrtli
iraiue away hi uu attempt to back the cut to
its plai-, and its the water was heavier than
Iho horsi. tho esrt dropped and the shall
rosn the horNii going with ineni, hanging by
i "''. ",-'"::.: ' r.r,-: .v : : . ,
. " U"'""". iu ........... -.. w--.
Wclcd In terror, lie was rose led frt i I U
iilHiigernus hltuatlou allor much Iroublo.
. W'limi bo louced tho ground, the sr beast
stood for a ino.neiit appireiitly IsiwilileroiL
' lh;!'. .v'l"H i'i . '" iSi
''" VnCi ".; ,7m. aiauTrt hS
, -j" , tl.o o no Who was most active hi
ivlng lilm.
Asenslblo man; Lainartlne was asked by
a friend If bo did not spend loo much tluio
In advertising. "No," wsa the reply, "ad
vertisements ureabkoluteljr ueceasary. Kven
divine woisblp needs to be advertbvetJ. K1m
what la tbe meaning of ckurcb btllat"