Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 25, 1874, Image 1

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'.I. I i
$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
The date appearing nflcr Hie printed
Staate on the paper In the date or the
BXMRATIOX of subscription.
Jews ey TELEQrpH'
Lim, Rock, April 21. An armlatlco has
been lu force since morning. Soveral arrests
'.have been aiade by tbe United States troops
of Brook's And Baxter's men for encroach
menu on opposing linos. Kolnforcoments
arrived for,both partlos to-day. This alter
noon, as some of tbo Baxtor men were nlok
ing a doiuonslratlon before bis headquarters,
applauding Ills speech, n shot was fired from
a bouse In tbo vicinity upon the crowd, fol
lowed by sevoral others from party ol
Brook's men near thu Metropolitan Hotel.
Bailer's forces returned tbo tiro and clo.inxl
ALa a..a... fSjl D....A YTmIIa.1 tll.liu ....-
W 4KOVL. bUh iravi uuium kjnti'a wur
mandant, vailed out bis company mid barri
caded itio street, anu compoiieua cessation
of hostilities. About two humlrod shots
ware tired and several porsous soveroly
wounded. Tbe excitement bas subsided for
41m present.
iiiTTLK Rock. April 22 Everything In
ooJet this morutng. Anotlior company of
regulars arrived tbls morning to assist Col
onel Rose to preserve tbe peace Prominent
citizens are endeavoring to Induce Baxtor
and Brooks to agree to call tbo Legislature
to settle tbo controversy.
Washington. April 21. Tbo Arkansas
Congressional dolegatlou bad an interview
with the President to-day In tbo presouco of
tha Cabinet, relative to affairs lit Arkansas.
They urged tbo l'rosldout to maintain tbo
position be now oecuplos and to tako all
proper measures to secure potco.
Poland reported front tho Judlolary'Coni
mltte to-day a blll'in relation tn tbo Courts
of Utah. It provides tor the United States
Judge, Marshal aud Attorney discharging
the duties pertaining to all Court, thus ills
penilog with duplication of such olhcors by
tbe Utah Legislature, and consequently de
priving tba Probate Court of tbe civil and
criminal Jurisdiction beretofuru oxarolsed.
Tbe bill also changes the mode of selecting
Jurors. Tho Unitod States Judge, Clerk of
the Court aud Marshal ure reqiiirod to draw
Jurors from lists preptrcd In st opacified mnn
nor freo from Mormon Influence Poland
will bring up tho bill In a fow days.
Hu rib tin's roport on tbo double- track
freight railroad bill rays tbe company pro
posing to build this railroad will swept tho
low rates of freight agreed upon by tbo com
mittee, fifteen cents per bushel Irom Chi
cago, etc. The company asks the Govern
ment to guarantee its llvo per cent, bonds at
tbe rate of 20,000 per mile, and while tbo
oommltteo Is not lu favor of railroad Mibsl
dies, It thinks It proper Hint tho matter
.should be fairly submitted to tho American
people, and tbereforo roports tbe bill without
any rocommondatlons.
WAsuiNaTON, April 22. Tbo Presldont
has vetoed tho Finance Hill. Tbo Cabinet
was lu session from 1 1 ;:i0 till nearly 2 o'clock.
Finanoos was tbe Mnglo subject discussed.
General Babrock, Frlvato Secretary of tho
President, delivered the messago to tho Sen-
sue, wiilon was roan immexuateiy, at tut)
request of Senator Conkllng. The President
returns tbo Fiuauce Bill without his signa
ture. He says tbe fact caunot bo concealed
that it Increasos the paper circulation of tho
country to the amount of ono huudrcd mil
lion dollars, wnlch, In his belief, Is a depart
ure from the true principles of tloauco, and
Its approval Mould bo a dcpaituro from
very message to Congrosa by bltn on that
St. Thomas, April 21. It Is roportcd hero
that tbe Botnlulcan authorities have remorod
tbe Hag of the Samana Bay Compuny and
have secured potsostion of tbo Bay and stir
Xtttadlng Territory,
JacmkC, April 18. The election took placo
In Haytl on tho 18th. Domlnguei Is ralslug
an army to take forclblo postesslon of the
Presidency. If be falls In tho election it Is
reported that the North is solid against hint.
Troops are concentrating at Capo Uaytlen,
Qctnrc, April 21. It has been snowing
heavily since last night. Seven Inchon of
snow has fallen, with drifts equal to mid
winter. Mapkid, April 21. A vigorous cannonade
of tbsCarllsts position about Bilbao buscom
palled an abandonment of several positions.
Jt Is reported tbat the CarlUts are subsisting
mainly upon horte UesU. Tbo Carlista at
BUbso have abandoned their positions at
Portugilete, and Sau Tuoroois under heavy
Are from the Republican batteries.
Ottawa, Banada, April 22. Sauford Flwn
aaing, Chief Engineer of tho Pacific Rail
road, baa given Instructions to the District
.Engineers in charge oi exploration and sur
veying parties tor British ColumUa to pro
ceed to that province at once aud contlnuo
Ban Pbakcisco, April 22. The States
Convention ofUraugersare in secret session
to-day again.
A flreoocurred this morning on Jackson
treat, near Stockton, which nearly doatroved
tbe large four-story brfck bulldlug occupied
The walls remain, but the
Interior la thoroughly cleaned out. Loss
Iobeblyf 10.000; Insurance unknown.
Tbe police have not yet succeeded in ar
rastiug the highwayman who robbed W. S.
asaras aaa snotner man on me ciin uouse
toad this euornlng.
The "ftanale Dress Reformers" aro In
ssmloo again this availing at Anthony's
A plan has been suggested for relieving our
Ootwty Jail, now terribly overcrowded; by
asedjogaome of the prisoners to the Jails of
adjoining counties.
' Tba Board of Regent of the State Unlvar
sssr mat this afternoon and determined to
rjsDUafcrtbe Ualysnltj two JtaculUae-l
one for Agrlrulture and Mining, and tbo
other of srlnnce, Professor Oilman to liu ex
oillclu President of each. Profossor Bolander
presented a lougtby report on agriculture,
which was adopted. It nits resolved to give
students Instructions Immediately In the art
of mining. Profosor 12. Carr was requested
to give them practical lessons In agriculture.
Lou Anoki.ks, April 22. Vajqnez, closely
followed by Major Mitchell and men of
In Lit t lo Tojura Canyon and took to tho
mountains vostorday morning. Tbe party
Is reinforced by Rowland and two moil who
startod last night from this city. Shorllls
More. Cuntiliizhnm nnd inon will probably
Join with tho Los Angeles partlos In huullng
tno namiits down. iMorso issuppoaoti to no
on tho otlior side of tho mountains. Varjuoi'
camp was captured and nil bis horses.
Com'.vx, April 22. Tho business part of
town was laid in nsbos to-day, excepting
threo brick buildings. Tho llro originated
In Faucett's barbor shop. Thoro was a heavy
east wind blowing at tho time, which drovo
tbo lire nt a foaiful speed, sweoptng every
thing boforo it, Bomo families not saving any
thing. About 150 bullillng woro burned.
Tba loss Is ostlmatod at $10,000.
Wasiuniiton, April, 22. The Sonato has
passed tbo bill lonuthorl.o tho Couuty Com
missioners of Thurston county, Washington
territory, to issuo uonus tor inn purpose oi
constructing a rauroau irom uuiinn iniet
tn Puget Sound, to Intersect tho Northern
Paullla Railroad at or near Tonluo.
Boston, April 22. Thoro Is a fair domand
for wool tor prosont wants by tho mnnuf.io
turos, but thcro la no dlsHUloii lo mnko
contracts nhend, or tonutlclpato their wants.
Cousldorablo supplies of lino foreign wool
aro now duo, nnd with Installments from
Calllnrnlnnear nt band, manufactures will
bo able to supply their wants until tbn tlrxt
Installments of new Kistorn ollp. CallHrnlt
holduis nro still asking prices above the
vlows of Rsstern buvurs: and no lsruo re
ceipts of now clip ure expected for some
I.inLi: Rock. Airil 22 Tbo war In ended.
Thu Baxter troops- nro being rapidly trans
ported homo. Col. Wliito's band left this
livening. An extra police force assists tho
United Mates troops to presurvo oulur.
Ciue.Uio, April, 2.1. The Tribune com
ments lu utmunlinud tonus on tho I'reni-
dent's (to. Jt snvs hotluservos thu thanks
of tho entlro country. Tho 'J'imci expresses
gnttcful Miirprtsu nt tho action of tho 1'ivsl
dent, mid declares that tho vuto will bo gen
erally linlorml by tho West, ns well iw tho
Rast.and that tlmiicHtiniptlon that tho West
favors Inllatlon is faUo. Tho Jiiter-Ocenn
thinks tho President tiiado it urns mistake.
and lutltuutoM that bo yielded to tbo pro-suro
of JUsteru cailtaIIsU. Tbo Jit cning Journal
Is uuthusUstlooor thoieto.
Nkw Yuiik, April 2.1. Initiatory steps
woro iukou yusmruay in it sun in mo mii
promo Court of this cltv. In which M.-M
Simpson Is plulutltrand thu Union 1'aclllc
itaiironu uompauy, J. upuiu, Mtuuey Dillon
and otbors aro dufomluuts, to cauipnl the
latter ns MockhoWm to nuko payment of
subscriptions to tho Atock tn moot tho claim
of.croMltors. Tlio plalutlll' asks mi Injiiuo
tlou to restrain tho trantlur by responsible
parties of tbo rocord fo poixms not nblu to
resixutl for wles of stoeK, Only flOOOO.iXiO
Is Involved in tbls Milt. Tho rnmnminnnt
alleges that tho company first bcrroucd homo
10,000,000 In inonoy on their liicomo bonds,
and madn them a lieu on all their property
nfter tho first mortgngo and land grant bonds,
but neglected to record tho died of trust by
which tLn lien was crusted, and now it pru
pescs to borrow (111,000,000 moro and to glvo
a mortgago that shall cut oil the lenders on
Incoino bouds who suppood they held n
dcod of trust lo accurd tliur loan.
Pahis, Apill 22. It was reported yestor
day tbat thu Kronch Government had rati
Hod the Postal Treatv with the United States.
Tho report was promaturo, but negotiations
are progressing lavoramv.
Maiuiiii, April 22. ?ab.tlto, Cnrllsts com
inander at Oiilpusood, has laiied a proclainn
matlon forbidding, under penally of death,
uioiiiruisuiug oi loon in tno cities ol bin
Bouasimi), ii-jntsrian nnd Irun. It Is rojiort
edtbat 5,000 Republican troops are tnurch
marchlngon Valmnzexla.
Toitosro, Apill 2i A Port Oarry special
says greai oxciinuient prevails tlinro over
an attic K by somo lrouch half-broods on ox-
rr08iiieut iiruco, on account of uowspiprr
correspondent of tha Utter about the ro
cent rouAittoii.
San FitANrtsco. Anril 23 Aliitit hslf.
past lOo'clook last nlht a lire on:iirrod in
mo i loiacignr muiiuiaclorvou lUils stn-et
i no piace istfamageu to tho extoiituf ubou
The trial of Bartlctt Troll for the murderr
isod Ailon was resinned tbU morulug In tit
Third District Court.
The mechanics ofthls city have compile;
preliminary arraignments for holding l
massinoetlng May 18th, for tbe purpose, d
o(ur.iuK tueir opjHwition 10 me repeal (
wo niinrauur law anu lueir aHire lorn
removal oi superintoudiug Architect Muh
lot. I
Greenbacks, 6SK8W. j
Large numbers of tbo principal merchants
and lmortrs or this city have addressed (a
letter to Captain Uigifius, requesting him io
withdraw bis Uttor of reslguatlou as AKeiit
of the Pacific Mall Company, hero, and Jto
accept reappointment should It be tendered
by the executivo olllcera of New York. JA
copy of the letter and resolutions adoptedat
tbe meeting has lioen sent to the oflloers In
New York.
Walter C. Benn tried to commit suicide o
day by cuttlmr his throat. His wlfa t u.
covered him before ho bled to death, and be
was removed to the county hospital.
ine steamer constitution, several a ys
overdue Irom Panama, arrived this eyen ng
hi ngui.
George W. Tyler, an old merchant
wawentof ttls olty, died ssxMaaly ys
dey of nppoloxy. llowas from Illinois nnd
caino to this State some tenty yearn ago.
Sax Josk, April 2:1. Tho tho Inlln ratss
sot for to-day was pcHtxiiiMl until tn mor
row. The trotting race was oatlly won by
Kuiikka, April 23. About 10 o'clock this
morning, at Sylark shart, of tho "K. K."
mlnoRuby Hill, tbero occurred an accident
that resiilte.l as slnif ularas it did foi tunately.
Itorry and Cox, two minors, had wtkotiH con
tract to sink it shaft. This morning Horry
began to lower his companion to tho botom,
when tho windless pavoawiiy, nnd the man
Cox nnd bucket fell 11." feet, flui whole depth
or thu shaft. Cox simtained no Injury limb
er than nsovcro Jar Unit n tow bruises,
Uaiison, April 23. Atnptmo of baseball
ylaycd lu this city this nfivrnnnn, between
tho Cnlllomln Minstrels ('tub and tho Olym
pic, of this city, tho latlor werti hiicihhnIiiI
In nlno Innings, tho score stHlidlug?2to U'i lu
their favor.
QEiErrL flEWS.
Artlclos havo been tiled lutorporatlng the
Grand Kucampmont I. C. of It. C. O. K.
lltirrows, L. Vineyard and K. P. Smith in
Tho apportionment of school runda', this
year in Clackamas coutr.y, is s-j i,. per
Tho Unlvorsalists of Oregon will roeol lu
conventloiiouthoO.il of Juno next, In tho
vicinity of Central School llouso, uluo miles
northeast of Harridburg.
Mr. Mulvennelly, engineer on thoSttamor
llenrlettil at Porllaud, roll tlinnlgli tho
hatchway nnd broke two of his libs on
Tuesday nlclil last.
Tho K)st-muitom examination on tho body
of J. C. Clements, who died suddenly Wml
iiosdnv night, at tno Cosmopolitan Hold!, re
vealed tbe fact that his death was eatisod by
chriiiilu lullammatloii of tho howcW.
Tho IrleuiN of tempernnoi nro linldlng
larrcly attended nnd tntrrosllng mctlltigs
In Oregon City.
Iho dwellers In V'orest Orovo nro short of
butter, and Pnrtlnud Is recelilngbtr stijijily
fmtn California,
Soveral nleo dnolllncs nro to bo erootiwl
nnd other Kiihsutntlal Improvements undo at
Forest (Jrnto tho iinvcul. friiHnu.
Tho Nelialem people wnut it school terti'luir
for tho summer nt Iho 1'Nli.hawk Mihonl
lioiiso. Lady leaoher prolnrrcd. Aildrnss
W. A. Foster, or DaviilJoliuson, Astorli.
Luther 1. lilanchard, orunyono InOreuiiu
kiiowliiir Ids wlinrealioiitH. will confer a tav-
or by w rlilntr to Mrs l'Jn 1m Rluucliard, Wost
Claicn.ont, iiv llitinpshlrn.
Tho .mrocjtc Ha: ituv. 1. J). Driver ro
ports it power ml work of gnicu ut Lak
creek, IlmwiiKvlloilreult. Six porsonsjol
ru tnociiuri'ii onsaimatii last, ono or twin
ny letter, llov. rt. m. Mnrr is pnKtnr,
Tho Aatorttin of Thursdiy sivs: '
Clark, l.'-i , Master of tho OreiarTi Htnto
Grsiigo, arrived hero Inst Mnndiiynveiiliig,
net ompanlcd by Hon. J. II. loiUmlt,nf Whs-
co, anil ptoeeeilfHl lo latsop oirl uesiisy, or
giui.iiiga urnngoot tno ratoim oniustiaii
ilrv there."
Tim bark llrmitns and skip John Jay nro nt
Utsalady leading Itnuberor Sm Frannlhco.
Thu Wcstnru Washington Industrial As
sociation hold it meeting ut Olyinpla n low
'flirt . nufilntii.! rf ff Tltnu tT U.nltl.. .i.
lliuiliniuumui'l . . .-. a, wa wvu.lll', n.lH
liurglarloil on tbo 13th Inst. Hut llltlo or
vitluo wns stolon.
Jnmos Cochran, of Ol.vmpl.i, will work for
tho county u month or two, because bo sold
whiskey to nu Iiiditu,
Tlt9 County Commissioners of Ilolss
county have lilttdo " order ll.xlng thy uoiul
or ti(j Tex Collector nt Jl5.0o).
At tho May-day plenlo to hi) t,lv"6ll at Po.t
Towiibcnil, ono of tho ovents or tho day will
bo n foot race by sovornl young Indlos.
t Klkhoru tirnlrlo, on Mnyno Island, a
ylelil of I'M bushuls of black nuts tothoscro
lias boon obtained, and on iiolghbnrlug land
7 bushels of Fail and 03 bushels ofSnrliiK
mo mon nf Tnmwater, thirty strong, WJII
commenco tho grading nf tbo Olvmuia-'lW
nlno Itsllroad through tholr town, next Sat
untav. A dislaiicuon tho lino of about ono
mile iiks nen lea to tiinin, , .
Js.-WvMwe'tfny, Superliiteiidont of tho I'll
get Souiid Telegraph CompHny, died at Port
Townwud on April 21lt, of heart disensn,
rtHer a f.iw (lavs' IIIiilss, Ha loaves n wlfn
3 and largo family to mourn bis los.
,t a meeting nt mo MDckiiniiiors or the
Soattlo and Walla Walla Itsllroad, ut Iho
Company's ntllee, on Monday, tho20th lnt.,
thoL'iinilructlonof Uvo miles of tlio road whs
contracted fin-, to bo paid entirely In slock.
H. L. Yesler takes two miles, uml thu lion
ton Coal Companj thrt i miles.
AOrnnttoof Hid Patrons of Husbandry
was organized In Vanvonvor last Friday tho
17th Inst. Tim otllcers devtcd woro us fol
lows: S W Drown, Master; a W Purlin,
Overfer: M , Hidden, Stouard; Chsrins
Gomldurd, Assistant Klcwaulj J t; Ullem.tii,
Ktorolaryi 11 II Whitney, Treasurer; A L
Cotfue, Chaplain; NUHiichsnan, GutekeAper;
Mrs A L Coffoe, Vres; Hester Ann Onndard,
AMlttant I.sdy Stowsd; Mrs G W Brock,
Pomona; Misa A L Knight, Florit,
J. Hougbroty has withdrawn his namn
fMin tho Dtmccratlo ticket for Clerk nf
Wafcoo County, and A. W. Ferguson has boeu
placed on tbe ticket in his stead.
TtieTygb Valley (Wasco County) flouring
mill, owned by It. Pentland, K.q., is pro
grewtlog rapidly. Tbe location or this mill
will be of gloat benefit to tbe f&rmora and
settlers In tbat vicinity.
An assessment of fifty per cent, has been
levied upon (he capital stock of the Fanner's
Warehouse at Corvalis.
The Multnomah County Temperanco Con
vention will convene lu Portland nextHstur-dsy.
i Ores
indiiir if
nils of II
25, 1874.
A. C. lMnuinds, the Individual that took
tho part of the Crusaders at the row lu front
or Molllt's saloon. 1rtland. last week, and
who captured ono at' tho gongs, and throw- It
in too river wns up neioro jiisuco uricn
Moudsy morning. A compromise was ef
fivtiHl boforo tho trial wns commenced, and
Kdiuuiuls paid for the gong and tbo costs of
prosrt'iiiiou, umoiititing to about tw.
Wbllo a jKirllon of tho Portland Crusaders
worn Manning their trial at tho l'olleo Court
on Monday, miothor party took up their po
sition In trout of Mollll s s.ttoou, and fol
low ed out tho prni-rmtue.
Tlio Kiigoun ti'ioiiif says: "Hon. W. II.
Odoll, Into Surveyor (lincral. Is bound to
vlndlistto hlm(lf or exhsiist tho supply or
writing pxper in tins county, no is asm to
bo publishing a book comprising about ono
buidml paves."
lu Curry County tho grass Is up nlcelvj
raille, sheen and horses look well after tho
unusually hard Wlutorln that section.
Tho olllclnl roport of (leu. Canity's death
aud burial hits lust been dubllshed.
Otto Truer of Portland baa received, a letter
stating that slxti-en families had Just started
from su Paul, Minn., for Oregon.
Throo bills of Indictment were fouud last
Saturday against Win. Uird of Albany two
for selling liquor without license! tbo other
for selling tobacco without tbe samo.
Jacksonvllllans now want a llro ouglne.
Itulldlntr material Is lu brisk domand nt
Tho coming races is tho topic of conversa
tion lu Union Couuty.
Shcop shearing will toon commenco on tho
Umxu Columbia,
lltker City Is undergoing sundry I in pro v-
niciiis. a sign oi prosperity.
A bnnolH la shortly to be given at Juckiou
vlllo forthosiillerurs by tho lire.
Col. O. A. Ln Dow will addross thocltlrons
of Woston, April 21,
A playful mulo team disturlHid tho serenity
of Hiker oily by running away.
Tho nubllci schools of lukor County have
boon clo.sml on account of tho scarcity of
Gmirirn llogeis, well-known ninoug Port
hind printers, now publishes tho Koaobiirg
lr. Johnson of MoMliiuvlllo had ono of
his lingura lirol.en it day or two aito the re
sult uf it riiu.tWfiy.
lUker County Iiiih a Juiiklns who caused
thoiirrnst of ii:iiiiplug party for burning it
riitteu logon Ms grounds, Tho party wero
Immediately dismissed.
J. Liyiuan, i.f IViidletou, who, lost Pall,
went to tho Ynklma mines, has rutiirned
homo, nnd gives oncounicjug accounts nf
tboso mines. A nuggot of gold, which ho
pioKuu up on uis cintm, is vaiuou at f.'
Fiiom Tii.t.i.Mooif. Wo mot Mr. Setb
lllincs, aud old resident of Mnrlou Coiiuli-,
this morning, who Is in from Tillamook,
wliriu bo has reilded Mneotho lattnr I",r'f '
last .Summer. Ho Intt Tlllsmook Mondiv!
morning, tuitking tho trip ovor tbo Coas
Itaugii on horsuback that Is, ho walked mid
led Ills liorsu. Ho wallowed through twelvo
miles or snow on thu mountains, and Tor six
or eight miles or Hint distance It lay to a
doptb or fiom four to eight foot. Mr. Illmos
Is favorably Impressed with tho section or
oouulry nboiit Tillamook, though labor mid
capital nro required lor Itadevolopment. Ho
tliiukilt Is ono or tho lltiost nnd inosttsLslly
ncnaslblo liimborltig regions ho has ovor
seen; mid tho dovolopmont or this resource
alone would yield vast wealth to Its people.
A gentleman by tho name or Simpson, ho
iAjt, who Ihuu experienced lumberman, l
commitig In thero during the pressnt
season to ascertain tho lumbering fsollltlo1!,
and If ftvnrable, will Immediately begin
preparations forcarlugon tlio business. Mr.
H lines will start on bis return in four or five
hdavb. S
Li km TllK Coil.vTliV, Yestenlay
its la
Nlixliv. wlifi ranin from MaasanhllHi
VWand sottlnd lu I.ano county, called ut tho
oMcaof tbu Secretary of. State, and In coursj
nt tun vernation uxprosson witn tno utir.ost
nnlhusiasiii, his satisfaction with Oregon,
I fn nnd settled In Lino county, expoiidlug
all his substance u so doing aud wanted no
bettor country. Oregon was tho realization
ofwhut hn wanted for a country to llvo lu
nnd muko his home. Hpwas niiiii to ruturn
to Now ICnglaml to sottlo up hlsallUlni boforo
nmkliig thli Ids permanent reaideuco, and
he thought or tho Wlllamotto Valley. It I
very chenrful to havo honost and dlslnlor
ested orsoiis cotuo hero and carry such
favorahlo liiiprosslnus u way with them.
Al.l. RltuiT It has required some tlmo to
bring our press to' Its bearings and get It to
running all ship shape, but we havo finally
sticoodcd and hereafter shall be able to sup
ply our readers with tho Kvonlng Kkcoiid
at an curlier hour. A power pross Is an In
tricate piece, of machinery and must bo got
In porfrct trim, nnd enn then bo kept so. We
trust our readers will havo patience with us
under the circumstance. To succeed In
making our local column u Interesting as
possible we shall have to claim the most of
the afuirnoon for gathering and publishing.
The news Items are wry scarce In Iba earlier
portion of the day.
Volume VI, Number 10.
something of an Idea or the amount of busi
ness done by this Company, It Is only neces
sary to say that the mill Is being run to its
full capacity, from 15,000 to 20,000 feet,per
day, and has all It can do lo supply tho do
mand. In tho plow factory, tboy havo man
ufactured, tho prosont sonson, upwards or
200 plows and betwoen sixty nnd sovonty
cultivators ; besides a consldi rnblo number
of doublo shovel plows. Since making tho
repairs on tho sawmill thoy can turn out
twlco the quantity of work thero that they
could last season, with tho samo amount of
holp. In a Tow days thoy will begin work
on tho Immense contract of oak lumbor .for
tlio now hotel In San Francisco.
Nkaiii.v a Buns' up. Tho watchman iw
the South Salem plpo factory, who nlwaysj
tires up In tho morning, built a tiro In tho
furnaco this morning as usual, and then
wont lo breakfast. Whon ho returnod to tho
milt, In about a hall an hour, ho found,
eighty pounds of steam on and no water In
tho liollors. Had bo remained away a short
tlmo longer wo would probably havo had to
chronicle tho blowing up of the factory.
But fortunately ho prevented tho calamity
by turning water Into tho boltors ; which wo
think, however, was in Itself a dangoroua
SrKAMKH (JllAltTKItKl). TIlO COmilllttOO
apjiolnted fur that purpose has chartered thu
W. T. Co's stcamor Alice, to take tho Odit
FoIIowh ofthls city to Albany ott Monday
next, tho occasion of the celebration or the)
iiny-llrth anniversary of Iho Institution of
tho order In America. Tho Halnm llrassj
Hind will accompany tho party, aud nil
Odd Fallows nnd;thelr families itrolnvltod to
go. Tho steamer will lenvn her wharf hero
at six o'clock Monday morning, mid return
tho noxt morning hobs to arrive hero botwoon
Hovun aud eight.
ICnait lluiiiiKb A. Co. Wo call iitlontloit
lo tho ndveitlsoment of this well known llrm
In this weeks Issuo. Thoy olfor, us usual it
largo nsiuriiueut uf tho best agricultural
mnehliiory, and their long oxerIciico in tho
trnilo enahlcH thoiit lo supply I ho artlulrs best
suited lo Oregon farmers, with whom thoy
havo dealt for ninny yoars. Wo can reoom
ineud that nil orders given thoiit will Ik
llllod lit the best maiinor aud at roasouablo
Wbllo lu Merman ,t Hindi's establish
ment yostorday wo uuiidvlsodly naked whot
"Pompadour patotit skoleton pnnfors" worn,
soolug it curd I'onspluulously posted up with
llitiso words on, Wo wero shown ono, our
curiosity Is Mttlsllnd. (lot servod right by
nuking foolish questions.
Skwinii Maciunm. Tho Improvod Gro
vor ,v, lUkor Sewing Mschlno for 1H7I ad
vertised olsowhero by J. W. Gilbert, nro
Inferior to none In tho market. Mr. Gilbert
lias n largo number nf thorn on hand now nt
hlsstoro, which ho protsiaos to sell nt Sau
Francisco prices. Ho Is solo agent for thoiit
Hki.kaskd, William Johnson, sentoncnil
to thu Penitentiary ono year ago, for tho lar
ceny of some homo collars, was released from
conunoiiiuui tins morning, msierm of sen
touco kavlng expired.
Fruit trees uro looking splend id on How
ell's prairie, hotter than has been known
for years at this season of tbo year.
The water roinpany will copimcnco lay
ing now mains next weok. Will put down
llrkt,wh ero moat needed In tw.o ol tiros
Paul Dtrst of Sublimity was stricken down
with paralysis on Sunday Inst, No hope
aro eutortaluod or his recovery.
T. II, Walt's ortablo hay pnM advortlso
moot In another column.
Thermometer 72"
lu the khado yesterday
"Mother Jllekcnlykc," whosu work of
mercy on iimny it Imttlo-llclil ttiitl lit iim
ny it liospltul during tho wur will ovor
bo loiiiciiibori'il, Iiuh been lost sight or by
her rrluniU fur it limp; time. After tho
war, sliu undertook soniu UuMIng opera
tions In ICitiisusforthwhuiiL'tltofHolillors'
oriiluuiN, and thoruhy bccanio Involved
in iieeiiulnry dltlluultlcs, which, it Is retir
ed, hitvu linpiilrod her rcusou. At all!
ovuiits, hIio uitiuo Ivist in 170, wioto tv
hersoiiH from Clinton Minings, N. Y on
tlio 2oth ofHeptciiibcrof tliulyenr, mid,
though sliu has slnvo boon seen In llinol;
lyu und in tlio neighborhood of Jloston,
nothing Is known of her iirescut whoru
it bouts. Oou. Hherman 1ms caused In
quiries to be instituted, but without ru-suit.