Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 18, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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    SlillsttiKtte Jfarwcr.
Cimcauo. April 8. Washlm-ton dls
ntches sav tliu 1)111 of thi' Military Com-
ulttce rediicjng the nrmy win In regular
rder to-dnv. Members of the Commit-
ee arc of opinion that tliu House will
ass a mil more swooning in lie rcuue
ions. Tlio ponding lilll gives to heads
f various suill" depnrtinei.U the rank
mi luiv of brigadier generals. It Is
bought the rank nnd pay of these ofH
ers will nnniiy no nxcu nseoioneis. in
lany other respects tliu rank ot stall
fHcer will lie Komcwliiit reduced.
Washington, April H. (Jen. mitier
ppi'iiri'ii before tin- Way and Means
amimittoe. no oompiuniou inai wn-v-avs
had been examined In relation in
is private uilulrs while he was not
resent, ami he had not received notlflea
Ion tlmt such testimony would he taken.
Dawes explained that all reicieiico io
Im (Under) In the tcstlnioiij liad heen
ncidontal. The Committeu could not
now In advance what witnesses would
ft Hock Informed Butler that Sanborn
Would bo examined to-morrow, and
Would probably be questioned with
jegnrtl to ills operations during the war,
wriicn ho lield sumo commission under
Butler paid lie could not be present to-
morrow. Hn sold tile OIllV OlllecMlllUoril
n , held was Unit of provost messenger, to
e ' t. i .. i.... -.....-.l... l. ........
Seep onilT till It uwui liliiuiui; wma'u
Baltimore nnd Fortress Monroe.
Wltertholdv. tlio now French Minister.
' ' presented his credentials to the President
. riio-tluy, witli tliu usual formalities.
KKff YOHK, April b. At a meeting oi
aster mechanic and builders last oven
nlBg, it wns resolved to employ, nftorMny
uat. no ineii wno arc unwilling to worn
ten hours.
This morning JJoonoy Harris, n wen
'known pugilist, quarrelled in Clark's
ilonn.l In Amitv street. With V III.
iClough, son of Professor Clotigh, and was
fctnlly shot. Clough escaped.
.The steamer Europe vas valued at one
ud quarter millions, and was Insured in
French company at about two-thirds
her value. Her cargo was very valuable
ahliily silks, wines and sardines. The
gents think tlmt lliu value of her cargo
ir8 not less than olio million; probably
HJoston. April 8. Fifteenth liallot:
! Dawes, tllj Hoar, 0T; Curtis, 7:!; Adams,
M; Hunfnid, 11; VVnshburuc, 7; Colt, L';
iwh lit or nnd Ph 1 ph. 1 eacli. Tliu con
rWnltfiii tfmU it r-ccosM nf mm hoiti.
B'Ai.iiany, April 7. Tho Kennte, with
aly three negatives, and the House
.MMiiiimnusly, iudorseil theatui-iurlatlou
aessagu of tlovernor l)ix, and passed res
olutions Instructing the New York Sen
ators and Jtcpicscutallvcs in Congress to
mist inilallou, and laiiorioru speetiy re
avniptloii of specie payment.
.MWasiiimiio.n, April P. Tliu Pn"liloiit hss
t.Neelved tliu resignation of ux Govoriuu
Uw, Minister Io China, taking tiled hjhui
"mhmiIhiiiikiii of his xiiLi-e'O-or.
"Ni:w YoiiK.Aprilt. 'Ihinipwcornlilniillni
Mlwettli tliu l'aolllu Mall, Union I'ai'illunud
, Panama ('ouii.inies Is regarded ,ns uIiiuhl h
fcot. Yesterday there wan an lulortnid meet
teg of repicbPiitattves of tho three corpora
'Mao at the Pacific Mall Company's nlllee,
Kaasel Sagu and Uoo. Scott representing the
fVnuniA uiul 1'iLclllft 'iiiiiiatiiHM. and 1 lit.
'.Mtlvo Dirtctom representing the Union Pa
- 'Ho. Tlio advocates nnd promoters of these
" fMtorprlsus say that their kiivcral Interests
fWill hosubi.cred hy iquitablo working ar-
t ibuciiioiiih, njini-n-v iiiaiviLiiiui lhiiiiiuii
' Men will bo avoided In viow of tlio propood
k (ztensioii of facilities to outside orgaulmt-
i,- tons. Upo. .Scott will go to Duropo at an
' tarly dato to make arrangements with tho
J BBgllbh and (lerman suliatlanllo ccuipanlos
With a view of benetUIng tho l'atiama Kail-
IWd Company. Sydney Dillon regards the
proposed combination us a desirable nrranKO-
nent, nnd rays It is piobalilo tlio agreeuieut
Will bo consummated.
HGALVKiaoN, April S. Tho mull coach be
tween Sun Antunl and Austin was robbed
)Mt night. Tliu pas-engerri, II in mnnber,
'. let all their jew dry and money, about (.),00n
tf la all. Tliu mall bans weru also rilled.
vTfcCllU'A(io, April W. Tlio weather Is ex-
uuuoiy cold, almost unprccediiiuu lor tliu
soil oi i no jeer.
HAintlMiuim. Pa.. April S. The Demo-
erstiu Legislative Caucus this aficrnoon
' agreed to opuoso tho Ceutonnlnl Approprla
MMen Hill, and ti bill for iiicrp.e-liig tliu debt
r rhlladelphla until tho Heiitiblicau major-
a' in thu House agreo Io us Ibu Appruprl
on Hill lor thu city,
f Iii:w Oui.kans, April S Serious damages
('apprehended hi this city from tho over-
wing 01 tnu river, wmeii lias uroKeuocr
i levee in suteral places, a break lias
Mcurred hi tho luveo below Larroltou, and
w water is running through brisklv.
iSKkw Yoiik, April H. At Patlensburg
M(w Jersey, lxstoveiiing, one of tho four
bailers used for euinprt'sliii! air lor thu lite
af' drills being worked in Jugtowu Tim mi
aiploded. lour men were instantly killed
aad several Injured. Mrs. .Simmons, who
driving by in a carriage at thu time,
fatal I v injured bv LcIiil- thrown from
Mb vehicle.
HBo.sto.v, April '.Tho elglileenth ballot
atultid as IuIIowk : Dawes. HI: Hoar. TJ:
Ctertls, 71; Adams, ir; Sanford, 8; lluuks, 7;
iWashburil, 4: Whlltlor, 1,
WASHINGTON, April t). Houghton lllls
btcii authorlzeil by the House Committee
aa Pacillc ltaiiroads to report n bill re-
ajtrlug tliu Union Pacillc ltailroad Com
Buy to operate tlio bridge across tho
bsotiri river at Omaha as part of its
.aaaninuous line of road. This bill is du-
t BMRICU to put a stop to tlie present ixtrn
.afiarges for fa-lglit and passengers, ex-
aati'd lor transiorrlng them ncro.-s tho
iiTer by this biidgc. Ten dollars per car
now cnurgeii lor br h Il'u to s. nnd
ch Inconvenience is occasioned ml
I'll IllV-'UllVUIIieilCU IS OCCU.SlOlietl IO ' .l'wn ....J.'H, nil, .. moi.iaiiii.in,
sengcrs bv compelling tliein to cliaiiL'eion ,bo Tichborne trial, was found guilty.
eiiberu. (.iiiua.iiiiij,uitinioiiianti Ie8l, i.me were sentenced to (Ivuauif seven
111 tlie District of Columbia investlga-
n T nomas Lucas whs exam net to
jvo tho priority of the contract award-
I to him for paving tlie streets, which
is Kubscmicntiy given to ll iighain.
stniiistiT at liiiladclnhla. who was
Id by (Jov. iShcphcnl lo bu jiresident of
! the Illddle Keystone P.ivlng Co.
In ther-anborii Invcsllgutloii. Mudge.
kief of the Biiccial agents of the Trena
il, statisl Sanborn's rouiieotluii with
the Department, which It appears wmb
to detect smuggling between Cauadaaud
Skw Yoiik. April 10. Itepresentntlvos of
tho Puunm, Union IVcltiu and Pacific Mill
Companies held a imetlti yo-terday, slid
mi' hm d their proposed agreement.' Tliu
Union Paclllu directum wished the raics ol
freight on itn io be nisei I to the former stand
rtrd, Hvh rents pnr pomul This w.is op
I o-eii by tho PacIIKi Mull and Panumii dlrHU
nrs. who ihh k tht-rc N inori' money in esr
r. Ingies hi 'our cents r pound, as liy (but
rate trafllo will bo Httrscted
Ai.iu.ny. April 111. Lofiistetii.CiiuvlRit-l
of tlie minder of a p.iliUer last tVII. was
hniiged nt":'.M this mtoriKion, pnnusihig in
niH"ene Nasiivim.k, April 10. Hrystit, the murder
er nl h e. le. .. Iixnetsl ii nl'icriiiHiii.
Ni:w YiUtK, April 10 A illp.eh lioni St.
JdlniM, Now li.inulUiiil, Hj! lie stcHiili'i' Tl
4rcsM, ol iIki l'uliirlo HXilltlon, while shiI
inuiilnt.'. explmled tier tkiilr. Two nllleeis
and twenty of rrew m ro KiIIhI.
I'llU'Aoo, A prllU. Vhe west her fiirl lip pnl
three days has Ih-imi extieni- ly enlil llmmuli
lit the VVixl. and us Ihixiii h s l.llile Hork
Snow ft-II io day hi Snutiiprti Ohm to the
depth ot live Inches. At t'alro therouiMl
whs white with slum'. At UiiIh Hock miow
md eold rain preMiilrd. llival fesr are en
tnrlaineil lor iIimmhI'k'V oniii frill' erop
VASlll.voTON,Aprll 11. Mr. I.uttrell's
argument before tliu Pacillc ltailroad
Committee, advocating Ills resolution ill
rictiiigan iiivistlgatlou into the allUirs
of tlie Central i'acillc Itullroad and Con
tract and Finance Company, was post
poned until Friday next lawyer, ol the
committee, stating that Huntington and
Franchatlee, the Central Pacillc lobby
lawyers, desired to oiler argument in re
buttal. The transfer of tho Antl-Chlneso Bill
of l.nttiell, Page and Houghton, fioui
the Committee, materially decreases the
probability of action on It this session.
Washington, April 10. On a motion
to table the motion to reconsider tho vole
postponing the Currency Bill, Clayton,
Luttrcll, Page and Nesmith voted in tlie
negative, and Houghton and Kendall in
tlio nlllrmative.
Tlio .Senate has confirmed tlie nomina
tion of Benjamin P. Avery as Minister to
Washington, April 11. The Kansas
Pacillc Bnilrond has been awarded the
contract for carrvlm: Government sup
plies, Indian and military, over what is
known ns Boiile No. 2, in Colorado and
Now Mexico.
Boston, April 10. After tlie second
ballot for Senator to-day, tlio Joint Con
vention adjourned till noon to-morrow.
The prospect of an election appears as
distant as when the voting began.
St. Loi'iH, April 11. The Democrat
lias Information Unit ArtliurMcCoy,who
lias tn'oii connected with the notorious
.lames and Younger brothers, was shot
and killed in Arkansas, six weeks ago,
and Frank James wounded, In a light
with a party In pursuit.
)i'ki:ns row n, April 7. 1 ho sienmer Kgvpt,
liniii New York, March 'JSth, nrrhed tills
morning, and lirotijiht the Crst ollUs-r and
ihu salvage erew rescued from the Freheli
rrulihullaiiliu Co. 'n steamer Kuro)-e, bill were
compelled to abandon her In a sinking Mine.
I he llrsl ollleer of the steamer lireecn rupuris
hat lie encountered tint ldiropc on tlio L'1 ol
prll in a slnklni; condition, look till' imkmii
aers mid crew, miuiberltig lur iiuuilred nod
piocevded on I he way lo New York. An
Ulcer, wllh a crow ot twenty, remained on
tlie Kuiopo. On tho Ith the Kgvpt look them
mow, but a heavy sea parted the haw i-ors,
anil, i.s tin. watir coiMmitlv ealned. Iln.v
Coliulllded liiitlmndoii the ICiiiiiJio, and Welu
Miiely lakcn on board the IVypi. Tho Ku
rope sailed on Match "Jitli Ironi Havre for
New York.
Ml'.MCll, April I. Karl Bach, tho cele
brated liNtorlcal painter, is very sick with
I.onpo.n, Aprils. A speelal from llerlln
lo tho AVciikciici saj that, liiconsiquenco of
urn mow reiiivory in iiismarK, it is propospil
to appoint Camphatihon Vlco t'haueellor, lo
pertorm tho functions ot Chancellor mull tlio
recovery oi liisiuark.
Tlio British Government will defray thoex
pouses of I.ivlnghtoiitt's funeral, which will
iaKu piacoai weaimuiisier Atiney.
Arrived at ijuc-oustown Hark Admiral
Fltrroy, from San Francisco, and ship Coutl
doiiee, from Portland, Oregon.
l.o.M'oN, April b. A special from Calcutta
reports that ."oo natives liavo died from dls
easo and starvation in Hatcoul. Tho mor
tality from famine was somewhat abated by
tlio relief nieasursot tho Government.
P.miis, April S. The Tetujia to-day pub.
llsht-8 a full text of mi Huest's dispatch to
Mettornlch, the Austrian Ambassador at
Paris, dated July, ls70, saying "Wo consider
tlio caiiru of Franco our own, but an alliauco
of itussl.i ;md Prussia prevents tho armed
intervention of Austria, and advising Mot
ternich to suggest that Franco may gain tho
good will of Italy nnd hor mediation In tho
sottleuieiit.of tho Franco-Prussian dlftlciilty
by ermlttiiig Italian occupation of Home.
On-AWA, April 8. Tho Hlel question Is
postponed mill to-morrow. Hill w ill not ap
near in tiU .eat until Archhlnhnn 'runlin u..
rives from Manitoba, when ho will bo guldod
by his nil vice,
Iindo.v, April 10. A Iierlln dispatch to
the 7inf.v A'mvi represents that tho Couservn
tlvesaud I'lttiimoutnnes aro activoly Inlrl
gulug to supplant DUmarck by Gen. Man
tetilel. A steam boiler In a factory at Hamilton,
near Glasgow, exploded yesterday, with ter
rible ell'cct. A large portion of tho boiler
was driven several hundred feet through tho;
air, and crashed Into a school-house. Three
children wero instantly killed. Thirty (air
sons aro reported more or less Injured.
Three thousand colliers aro ou a strlko in
I.o.npon, April P. Thotrtul of Jean Lulo,
for jHiiJury, began to-day.
Ottawa, April P. Tho excitement con
cerning Hlel Is somewhat subsiding, It Is
now believed that ho will not lako his seat
and subject hlmselt to expulsion.
London, April 10. Jean Lule, wasoonvlet
ed lllls morning for perjury ontheTlchborno
trial. Captain llrown, for a similar oMence,
Is now ou trial. I
The Dutch havo onened soveral Aeliw.n ,
ports to trade. j
Sir John Karslako has resigned the Alter
ney Generalship, In consequence or Illness,
and Sir Klehard lUggalley succeeds him.
Captain llrown, witness lor Hie claimant ,
years penal servitude respectively.
m.iu.i.N, April io. iiio tejiori iiiegrapnod i
hence of the Conservative and Ultramontane '
Intrigue to supplant HUmarck by Mantoufel
i wiiotiv umouuiieu.
London, April 11. A dispatch from
r..n.,,, ....... ...:..... .1.... .1. . ' i.i..'
,i.l-l"uill iiu nmiui mill iliu niwilllinillll
Mclliourne, Ironi Sun Francisco forBvd
ney, before reirortisl nsiioro at tlio FIJI
Islamis, would probably be got oft' If as
sistance arrived i-ooii.
TlicoiK.'rutlv(.'s in tho cotton inllls nt
llalton having struck work, tho Associa
tion ot Master union spinners nave
resolved that unless they yield before
Thursday next, notice will be given in a
fortnight from that date that all the
mills of that city will bo closed, and
l"),tKM) opeiatives locked out.
A special from Calcutta reports that
the famine is everywhere under control.
rir. John, April 11. Thucaptaln of the
wlmllmr steamer Panther gives the fol
lowing account of his meeting wiih the
Tigress on April .Id. The Panther was
in long. 51 In', Int. 50 i.-!' N. She re
pot ts billing in with u steamer moving
under s.ill, with Hags at half mast. Went
on board, and discovered her to be the
Tigros. 1 learned Unit on tliu day be
fore that the boiler had exploded scatter
ing death and confusion through the
vos-ol. When I reached the deck of the
Tigress u number of men weie nailing
together rough pine wood boxes for re
ceiving the bodies of the men who had
been "killed by tlio explosion. The
weather was ilreadliillv cold, with a still'
breeze blowing and heavy squalls. A
number of men had gono below after the
watch, and had turned in on top of the
boiler for tliu sakeol w-armth. Nineteen
of the cieW were reposing this way when
tlio crash came, and some of them were
lltterully scatteied beyond recognition.
Tho engineers on duty at the time were
both killed.
San I'ham'I-im, April 8. This mornliiK
another t ruble iraueiiv was enacted In this
city, in a boarding house, on Fourth street
near Minna. Two oting men, Caldwell and
Alaxey, went loom mates In tho house.
About 7 o'clock reports o! pistols were hoard.
.in ollleer came ami piokuopen thu door and
found Caldwell hi bed, dead, shot through
the head, and Maxey on tlio lloor, shot
Ihiougli the side and mortally wounded. Ho
was able lo speak, and said that Caldwell
had shot him and then shot himself, but as
tho pistol was near him It is believed that ho
lirst shot Caldwell and then shot himself.
Maxey was still alive n fow inluiilt.s ago. He
had been employed In a hat storu on .Mont
gomery street, near Pine, and Caldwell was
a conductor of tho North Ileach and Mission
ears. U In not yel known what was tho
cause of tho terrible ullalr.
In tho Police Court to day Bev. Father
1'owors was line ?230, for boating thu insane
woman Id-lla Hiowu, InMt. Patrick's Chinch.
Ho paid tho lino promptly and was released
from custody.
Overland passengers M. C. Oorswold,
sjuleiu, Oregon,
At last account Maxoy, who shot Caldwell
and then himself, this morning, was still
alhe, but there are no hopes of his recovery.
Ho is partially paralytod and is sinking
siACiMMKNTo, April S. John Kruso, n
German aged about 'St, employed on the
schooner Clara lor U months past, wan
murdered this moiulng about 1 o'clock on
h'lont siioct.
Jai'1'no.nvii.i.i:, April 8. On last Monday
evening three Chinamen, working in ll-n
Georuu's claim, on Fairls Gtihh, in this
enmity, leading Into Applegalo Creek, about
flghtoert'niile.s Ironi this place, went caughl
by a caving bank and instantly killed, ihelr
remains were dug out and brought to this
place, and hurried in thu Jacksonville ciin.
tory to-day, amidst ureal pomp and cere
ninny by their coin" - in H Many whiles
itlleudfd, through ciuioxny to witness the
prtuan rues
l.. oNNKit, Aprils' Frazlor Ulvor I rls
inn slowly.
Work on the saw mill at Itlflhi linck has
been completed. Work on .Sislora Hock has
been siispondisl.
Tho steamer Onward look down quite a
mitnberof miners en rout, for Casslar.
Atlvics from the Ctiiyon resirl tho read
almost Impassible for tenuis, on account of
tho depth ot snow.
Man FiiANctsi-o, April tl. Tho Presldont
has uninitiated liunj. P. Avery, of this city,
Minister to China, ice laivvo, resigned. Mr.
Avery was lecenlly one of the editors of tho
J'vcmtiii lliilhlin, and well known through
out this !S ate.
James l-'liz. Simmons 1ms been arrested on
I 111, tSlllltlltllllt. flt'lllw fllll.lll.lt- lll.fkjl ulu.nl 1
. -..' ...., '..... ... ..... .......i.., ..i-,, ...fir,,, ,,
who charges him with having attempted (ho
' crime of hit est with her.
Charles Maxoy was alive this afternoon
and able to converse. Ho also took some
nourishment. Ho still maintains that Cald
well shot him and thou shot liliuself, llu
says ho was asleep whou tho shot was fired,
and that I hero had been no quarrel or causo
of quarrel between them,
Bernard McAravy has been on trial in
tlio Municipal Court nil day, for shooting
John Donaldson, with Intent to murder,
Tho defoueo wan that Donaldson seduced Me.
Aravy's sister, and (hat In a moment of
p.isslou, following his knowledge of tho fact,
ho mot and shot Donaldson. No verdict
MoNri:itK, April !'. A vnlti.ibleco.il mine
has been leceiily discovered within about
six tulles of this town. During thu past
month some twenty tons have been taken
out, with only asmall force t workmen. A
iiim ting of thoso Interested In thu mino was
hold ou Monday last. A company to bo
known as tho Mnntnrnv foul Mintmr wn.
pany was organized. Tho coal is pronounced
uy ex per is io no equal io too oust unmoor
land coal, nnd far hotter than any yel ills-
covered In this State
Ci.ko, April !, Tho man found drowned
in llumbolt ltlvor. four miles east of Carlln,
from tho description furnished by Wood
worth of that place, Is a shoop-hordor who
was drowned u fow miles below hero hi Dec.
while crossing the river ou the Ice.
Allollhrtstoilud tho body or.DnnutvShorlll
John J. Kills, who perished In the snow some
""eon miles uoith of here, have boon unsuo
Salt Lai;i:, April P. An old man, sup
posed to lie iteiider, of Kansas, was arrested
In tho southern portion of tho Territory some
weeks ago. and arrivud here last nbjfit, and
is now In Jail. Parties hero who claim to
havo known him, Identify him as Itonder, of
Kansas, A young man, supposed tube ids
sou, is also hi custody at Salk Creek, and
will be brought here.
Several miners who loft hero last Fall for
French Guiana havo returned, disgusted
with that country, and glad to gel away wllh
their llvis.
I'ho milling prospects aro excellent for the
ensuing season.
Hrlgham Young Is sllllat.St. George, hut
' excted hero soon,
Kan Fiiancisco, April 10. At last accounts,
"il morning Maxey was alive. He has ad-
- - - - - 7, , , i. . -.... .-..
' ho and Caldwell hail a quarrel about a
girl which tho latter was u marry, during
uw i" "is lormer statement one io the eiitel
which Maxey called her hard names. 'Ihoy
j jiw mu uihihuo, iwun eauo inner
W'" "Ight, and worn lo sleep. Tho next ho
knew ho was shot, and then Caldwell shot
himself. The general belief Moms to be,
however, that Maxey did the shooting.
Greenbacks, MKej,SSJf .
There weresllglit showers of rain here last
Man FitA.NCirCO, April IL At Agricultural
Park, Ibis alien. immi, a walking match, live
mile out, for -VX, will come off between Ir
w hi Davis aud the hairless horse Caoutchuc.
liuYciniiMunisol' money will uhano hands
ou tho result.
Greenbacks uuchangod.
ihe news or Avery's contlrmallnn was re
ceived with ureal satisfaction n this eltv.
Thomas Km lulu, a convicted forgeV, ro
ceiitl.v pardoned by Gov Booth, killed film
sell' bi-t evening by taking morphine.
llalning hard again Hits uvotilmt. Hepnrla
irnm various perilous or tlie Interior ot the
Suite show heavy rains to-dav and this evon
lug. mh'kkk ii.at, April it At ft o'clock this
mornlmr'i") kegs of powder were explode!
in the Hint. Point mine, which broke a lii:
auiount ofun,.ind. Tim Knier), rise Company
am piepiilnir to llreoueofiUHi kegs v,
Ciikvknm:, Aptll 12 'Ihe Cheyenne
l.uuler has the ,iollo lug fiom a ciirres
IHioitetii ai Ited flood Agituev, niidur date i f
April 7 li.Tlie Comiulssintiers returned rniiu
spotted Till I lo day, having accompll-heil
ibolutelv nothing, Their powowinu at the
Xgetic.v has rather isimplfi'ited mstters
between the Government and the Indians at
quitted Tall, as It Is staled thev r"ftie lo
have their Aiteney removed, anil say thev
are tlrnl of seeing l'oiuiulssloti-.in, anil h.ive
invited Hie pleseitl delegatlell lo leave III
Uuguaite mine lorcll le than polite. Il Is
understood that Ihe (-'iiinnissUners will pro
its I M-i.t nt oncHiiud ask tor a a' rung milita
ry escort and return within a month anil
move the agency. The visit of the Commis
sioners has only served lodostrov the moral
r-ll'eci produced by the hoops The Indians,
who are keen observers, have no' Iced that
here is n hitch somewhere in the working ol
things relating to them. Thev expect one
thing Irnm tlio military and are led to believe
something cImi Irom tlio IVace Commission
ets. Spotted Tail accused theCouitul-sioiiers
In council or seeking to stir up trouble
between Ids people and the Northern fudians,
and to I Im language of Ihe Interpreter said he
wanted them -o "Dry up." Ha sava ho has
been moved around and pestered so much
; ., " ... ,i , '," i-"- " i laciini ironi enu in emu ami yet n is m
by these "llles' troui lhoGre.il lather Ihat , wnrtlileu that no man will waste lime b. ho
bo vvnnlH his words written down this lime, come Its owner. No savs United States Maa
to show- to all or tliPin who eonie begging ; Hm Wheeler, nnd so say the records of tlio
around hereafter that he won't talk to them Lund Olllce.
any more. No doubt Spoiled Tall nut Bed .m ,.i ,o .. , . . , ,
Cloud aroiu-llng In accord The forn "er a ta ThneltleimofSalt I.ko bavn been so long
large council, alter a fow words so. k . I.. I "PPWhwhI '.V t he heavy axes iiikmo.I liy
..,!., i .,.,..,,., ,i...,.i i.i. i'...i ,..,,..;
".-. .,).- .mini i. iiii,
IHsipie, and tliey all loft. Tho same scene
occurred at Bed Cloud
A show or counting the Indians has heen
made. So far six thousand have bcmi regis
tered. There are probably four thousand or
less. Several bauds liavo refnsisl to either
bo counted or chargo the number for which
hoy have heretofore ill awn rations. Some of
them, after they had handed in their num.
tiers, camo the nuxt day ami claimed thev
had forgotten their women and children, anil
wauled lo register tlieui. Tito Peaeo ( .:n
mlssioners arrived at Chevenne vesle.ilav.
Im Connkii, April 11!. It Is reported from
New Westminster, II, C, that tho body of a
mull I1UII1I..I Jf.llll Pn.AM u.....u.un.l 'in I...
...-.. .......... .. .r.... .....v-.r-, n,,r.f.ni-. ... ,., -
rrom Pttgot Sound, In search of a saw mill
site on the Frazlor, was found hy tlio Indians
in the liver, near l.adiior's farm, on tlie south I
arm of Frar.ter rlvnr, ou 1'rlday last. Iteport i
says, when last seen alive. Powers had In his I
pwsession a uiiecK Tor jri.OUO mill .VX) In
gns'tibrtcks, none of which was found on the
body, and foul play la ausocloil. An In
quest Is being held on tho body at Now West
1.A rim. The verdict of the Coroner's Jury
n the Powers ease found no evidence lo show-
I.. I,. 1 ... .. .
II. in lll-cen-eil l-lllllll III llS OOaill, HOCOIISCtl , Slid Was UOIIIg SCatOII.
UH ,.1? drl-'ed w.Vn"i:,i '.'"i Vi" ik ,mlr7T 1 A Walla Walla m-wr savs: A u.unber of
all and dressed well. Ho had been drink j families have arrived bom the WlllHinetrfc
,,,' ,. , , ,,,,... Valley. They eanio liy boat to the Dale.
,11 I S ! 'orT1 r111'1;' ''""' tluincohero by land. Th-v tl
iil.Mltr ! dlMrlets for distribution of H,rt ,,,,1,,, tt lieavy emlgrndon from Oregon
a i.nii.. -i ii to this nitinlry Ihla season. Some oriheiD
w.H. bU m - lTriitU."7W' V?1'1 "K i Plain thai Oregon Is getting to bo loo ot
Willi lil parent-, was fatally poisoned to day 'a,.,,.,,.!,!. rr thorn
by eating a quantity of green palnl. n mi r lorinein.
('apt. Umborl will sail on tlio Arizona to-! Ihu legal tenders of Ultlllas alloy, W, i,
morrow, anil will pro. I thence to South ' nr" , """" n,WHi caivs, uimiier, pigs nun
America, lodeliverto Harry Melggsthoiiar i,'"r'' w '
il"ii granted hlni hyllm l.eg'jsl ittire. Some of thostncl; raisers iinar Walla Wallo
Since the llrst of'.lauuary them liavo been, templaln driving Ihelr binds ofcuttlo rp-
In Ibis eltv, iilnntv one deaths from accidents t Nevada, whom they expect lo soil nt goou)
ami violence. Nevoid were sudden deaths ' figures.
from dleaso. i ..., ;;,jl (,.y,r,,f, n ,m.plit pitliIt-
SACUAVir.N.o. April III -Phillip Cola and ' linn, has .put In an apiaaranco i.tlleloiw,
Domingo IvsHiidii.thoinurderorsoflltoHallor, Molilalia.
John Krtlse, were thU morning lakeu befnro mm . .n in,. . .
Jti.lge t1imwi.ll. In the Police Con . A, ii'boslea.i.er (llyinpla will lelurn, and ply
Immenso erovv.J tilled the court-room ,,;, s'n il' watersol tbeSound Ina shorlllino.
tho halls, wllh tho hopnofeatchlug ii sight on An orgaul.atlon bearing tlio title, "Ken
the prisoner.-!. The dofeuilants stated thai i ml t'"H' I'oniluiliy," located at Seattle, has
Ihoy hail ho counsel, and tho examination ! been ellectoil In San l-'iauclsco.
vvas put oirtlll Monday inoruhig, to eniiiilo 12 W. Hyan of Portland, through tho .V,u
them to obtain such. ofOIympia goes after A. C. McD.ittgal tho I.
Tlio Hlrlt of reform has reached the far-oil'
town ofSalem, Oiegoil. It has not taken the
form orn totuporaueo crusade, nor of praying ,
and singing ou lliu striots, but soiiiethhig
., . . , , - n
union moro pructleal, which. In all uiimmr. .
niices, will prove morebtinellclal. Thoyoung
women havo formed themselves lulo a ..oelo -
llrst iiimtlnir was linhl rnonniiv ...,Vi .... ...
fom.nau'mus.ac r fcS "
can faintly huagluu tho vveari.nd tear which
an average young man inustsulliir while nit-'
dcrdlsoussfon byu.scoroortwoofactlve, bcal-
thy young womun. Thu musical victim vvas
not dlapoiedofat tho llrst sltllug, but was laid ,
Usin thu lablo for two weeks. His ease,
ihfnJnVr, ,','2 I .' ... 1" ivnU C'1 "'si by
'V. I"1" w'"" l sitting, but I
"'."V'.0"' f"r.. :w''.ww,k,i I'jngor, intlst
nn.u unit rsjuiu niUKIHI nillOCOUOUIS 111 Ills
lory of Salem are only another ptisif of the
iaci ini uvon mo worm win turn wiion trod
den iijioii. Vttcttyo V'i'i&iitic.
A Caiii.oaP. What eoustihiles a car-load?
As a gonortl rule, Ul.Odil pounds, or 70 bar
rels of salt, 70 ol lime, 1) of Hour, IV) of
whisky, 'JIM sacks of Hour, tl cords or hard
wood, 18 lo 'JO head of cattle, U) lo VM head of
hogs, sij to 100 head of sheen, '.i.hoo reel of
solid lioards, 17,000 fisit of siding, iniMto loot
of Mooring, 10,00" sliluglos, one hair less of
hard lumber, one fourth less of Joists, a'-ant
ling, and all other largo timber, .110 bushels
of wheat, :Ui0oruorn,liS0of oats, IMlof barley,
.xj in omnium, o- in npjnuN, 1 HI Ol Irish
H)Uitoos,. '100 of sweet jKiiatoes, I.IHH) bushels
of bran. Tho foregoing table, which Wo llnd
In thu St. Iouls Tkim-a, may not bo exactly
(i-irriijit fif t lut ru'ibiiii lliul v.. II....... I.. .1.. . I
correct, for the reason that railroads do not
exactly agreo In their rules and estimates,
but It approximates so closely to tho general
average that shippers will llnd It a great
convenience as a manor of reference.
Tho Professor of Natural Philosophy hi a
certain college recently gave the class a prob
lem to think of during tho ulght, and answer
the next day. Thu question was this: " ir a
hole wero bored through tho eenlro of the
earth, from side to side, and a ball dropped
Into II, what motion would tho ball pass
through, ami whore would It come lo a statu
of rest?" The next morning a student was
called up to solvettiuproblom, "What an
swer have you to glvulo the question?" asked
thu profeahor. "Well, really," replied the
student, " I have not thought of the main
question, but a pro-llmlnary ono. How aro
nr.,l iTui ,.?!, .i.,' . " ""l "" smoked II. Ntieli conduct was consli orod till-
K, ur)? .1' .' " " ' " "''i""1 ''r!"'",t '" ' becoming an ollleer and a Kontlom.iu.
tliu gridiron process, anil have lormed an or- ' ,, .? ,, ., ,., ,, , ,, ,
ganrratlou and passd resolutions that Ihoy , lU'.?' Mirf -''" ibI'.dsw.palCliiinili
will not associate with any young lady who has llnally acceileil ofaeall toSiattlo. This
cliowagiim, wears aprons, of talkStoo much. '" 1ll"lv1" V" l."r'' ' ". ,1li,""- be up
Thoso iinrortunato e .Nodes In tho social hi., idled by Hlshop Morris with a now minister.
io i -n ivii inn iii.ii(,rk.-.i.. . . - .. ... ii
are you uolng to get that hole bond through?" I
Waltsburg, W. T., el. Inn to be the mot
moinl town on tlio coast.
A parly of miners from Salt tjskoro pros
pecting on Green river for plac-r illgptius.
Olio thousand sacks of Hour werestil qicd
from Taeoma to Victoria by tho North Pacilll
last Monday
Advlooi from llolse Valley, daled April 1st,
sav tlip spring has eotnn in i artiest, and every
thing liaiks bright and promising.
Thoownors or the Dctisirt tnftip in C'ab,
will sixin wot the machinery to work, sonn?
long-standing dispute being now settled.
John H. Hneklus, who was last htvird fnun
In Maho Tenllory, Is eequlred for by bin
sister, Caroline l'.ockllis, N,,, avjs Was'lilnit
tou Avenue' Philadelphia, Pa
A Council of the Patrons of Husbandry ts
called lo meet In Olytupla April ISth, 187ft
and delegates from ev on I) t atiurs ate expect
ed to participate in tho del b -nil Ions
They had rough weather all thrntiuli Miucb
In t'tidi. On llie.ttstlheV'iif.iiiiCMivs: ''I'lilf
i lie last day of bowing Manih, wlileli cjiiiiO
In liken million and will go out llkelhe kins
of hen-la.
Tho greatest velocity of wind regU'ered
nnytliuo on Pike's Peak, has bei n eighty
lillbs an hour. This took place during a
severe snow storm, how over, anil tho f-osl
work collected so fast upon thu mac h tin that
It had to be taken down.
A considerable sum of money will bo ex
pended at Bocky Bar, Idaho, this summer lit
developing lbs mines. The sum or tTiO.tKlO
has been raised In New York by one isim
I'lny, and f. '10,000 hi London by another.
I loth computiys are located at Itoc'ky lUr.
Thers is enough iron ore of best ipullty
out-cropping In Montana, and lying upon tlio
surfsee, to make the rails of ihe Northern
'aeilln Irnm end to end; anil yet It Is so
aiormon city omeiais, mat inoy are now i-
,,.-,-. lr. L. ...... ...l.nf .....
lermlned to know what goes with Hut
monoy . A committee has ben appointed tp
overhaul tho city books of account, and aoiup
"Irregularities" of a startling ehsraclor are
likely to be developed. The TVibuneof that
lily In stirring theSnlnls up terribly.
Fifteen criminals urn awaiting the next
term of Court at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla lieef-ealers are growllugnbout
the niuro color of their steaks.
The llrst boat of the snason nbovo Colllo
left for Wallula on the lib lust.
Freighting between Walla Walla anil
Wallula promises to bo very lively hi a short
A sate of horses took place nt tho garrison
al Walla Walla a fow days since, Tliuy
brought gootl prices.
A Walla Walla man was arrested a few
days since for stealing a horse In l.a Graudti
over a year ago,
Klforla are being made lo Inaugurale tho
woman's toinpranco crusade In Walla walla.
A voutig ladv In Washington Territory In
sull'erlng Irom homorragnof tho lungs, cau-
eil bv mililfi iitwi nnllliiLr r eltiilr awiiv IllsL ir
I . . . r--- - rf rf - -
ii. j. .who leuiurer.
Simmy Cyphers n young man well known
hi Deer Ualgo and Helena, Montana was
recently shot and killed In I'loche, Nevada.
a l........ ...int.... ...in i i .., t
iiiiiF I'.iiiivtT n ill im, .11111111)111 ii nb ll Vlll
,,!,. I,. ,. i,ri .... i.n... inr....,..rU ... n...
Union Academy, to bo used for eilucatlou.il
1 pitriHisos.
, Vto..-f .-rt along the Soma., Inolu,
' big a fow Tacouians, havo iiinilo it eonvenl-
I "'" ' ?? ", 'l'"'"' f'' "'lk''' ts.vln
l",,,,r"1"1 nalliow belil.td.
A soldier was miirdered ou the evoiiltiKOl
'March Itiih on San Juan Island.
Olympla Grange, Patrons of Husbandry,
now numbers mure than sixty members, nlnl
is growing rapidly.
was recently easlilerod, speolllod that on a
c-ortaiu occasion lie onlor.'l a store in Sltkn.
Alaska, and sealing himself ou the lltwr Im
1,1.. .... I. .,11,... ,.. ,..,.1. I.... ..-.I
Tho City Fathers i f OlympU refused to
hearken lo thu Ht!tii of tho Tnmperaue la
dles praying for pn ectlon Irom the evils of
Intuiii'airauco by granting no more licenses
to liquor dealers.
A Library Association Is to bo organised at
Walla Walla, In eoiiuoctloti with which will
bo a ly cell m or literary society.
Win. Green of Vancouver has laieu ad
Judged Insane and sent to tho asylum at
Mr. II. L. llrown of Vancouver suicided
at that place last Friday,
Tho farmers of For n Prairie, Clarke county,
W. T. aro priqiarliig to orgaliUo a Grange.
Tho Hrmnttr of Vancouver wants the early
settlers ol Clarke county lo organize a Pioneer
f 'liiiii t
Cheap army hats aro all the go In Van
couver since tho Government sale In thir
dly. Plum and cherry trees are hi bloom hi
Mr, IMItor: I would like to hoar from
some of your rustlers hi regard to Artesian
wells In Oregon, If imleid any ono can spare
time from tho all excitlhg llii'ine, ilulu.
Any Information In regard to the boring ot
Artesian wells would bo gladly received ami
appreciated by a number of your readers.
And more osis-dally some one's nxirlence
as to cost of borlr.g, dllllculllos, whether or
not Is pays, cost of prisiurlug tools lo work
with, depth tu gel K'ssi llow of water, ant)
any oilier lufuriuatlou in regard to the
V. H.