! t J flisws y TsuEqpH V.RitisfiroN, Atrll 12.-1 lie follow-; ln poftul uliuni-a Imvo bct-ii onlercd for Urc'Kiiti: PoM musters appotnltJ -Oboil (Jroun, ISronkH, Marlon voiinty; Win. J. Kfllcy, Monioo, Kenton county. Ollleo discontinued Vernon, Marlon county. Ni:w Vow;, April l.'i. -Tlie fttoiiinern AJiycHliilit, from Uvcrponl, timl MlnUtur llonn, from JJri'incn, Imvo arrived. 'Iliu Ifittor rrnnrta vory ronli u'eittlicr (lmlittf Uic whole voyiitre. The Hteiuner Un-fcc, vl(li tlm rescued pnH8entrern uml ert-w of the Meinour ISu- i one, la nt hIkiwiIciI from Kiindy Hook. WiM.lAM.si'dUT, Ph., April II. A lire this tnnrnliif; (tilppoed to he the work of an lni!nrlliiry) liuriiHl the liimhrr yrd of Blown, Marly it Co., I'henll ft Co., Fill ert, Otto A. Co., C. II. Kroinc & Co., Wlllluirm .fc Co., and Ilmvluy & C.j With ahout 20,700,000 fi-et of liiinlier. A ruunhor of ilwelllin? Imiiihi." were i1ko duMmyi-il. Loss, $:00,(JIK. Iiwuralice, SJfOOOO. C'mcAfio, April 13. Tho temporniieo eXUHiidu throughout Ohio and IIIIiioIh In is not heliiK so vigorously conducted na' pruVioiiH to the luto elections, but the movement still continue!, though tungl lilo restillH arc not firrut y wicntiriifliiL' hi fur an c.IoxIuk of siilonim Ih concerned. I Is, lioveer, jnivlnp; the ellectofaroiiH i'fiK thu t(inperaucuHentltnent,nndniuiiy nlfiiiiturert to total ivlmtlnelico pledges are lielnifolitiiitirtl. In the linger eltli'H the lriiyliK hamU have eiitliuly disappeared, km it In eaine evident that their exertloiiH Were more of u damage than gooil to the cause. WAHiiiNoro.v, April 13. John Itnnch u-uh lietore the Postal Committee to-tiny m ml" oiacv of the I'aclllc Mail Hiihsldy. Lin said he appealed solely In hehnlf of iifKiMriiiiiiiiiiiK itilervM i Hifcouniry, imhI with ri'feietice to (he Iron hIiIjm tin diTeoiiMtriictliin h, liliu fortlieeiunpany. lie gave MallMlc lis In til" lurpe Miled-dje- pidd h.V the I'.iihIImIi mill Fiend) OoVfiiiliielilH d l.cip up 1 1 nil of semi monthly htiMilneri on (he I'auillu to eoii fcrol the commerce of that oeeun for thine uutloiiH. With refcrenen to the failure of Uhi I'aelllu Mall Steuiiislilli Ciimpauy to (M their new xhlps ready In llinoreitilr Cil hy the contracts, lie explained that It U'as found that xlilns of the Hbeiinilcliiss (t'litiacted lor could out eompeli) In spued rcoiilrliiir moru than eoutiact time Willi letiueuee to the eluiiue that a Iiuk'ii niitii wai p.ild and corruptly used hy tlm fuel IH) Mall Steamship Comiiauy lo iiro rjire Iruiii Cntniivs an ndditioual euosl U.V, Itoncli Muted Ihat he Itnew nothing ut sueli piiyiueut. rnKi-anil l.uurell are in lOKKeriieniis nlMiut IMHIIU niaueis in iiiiii i u. " I In tailioi inn. i .in tjullileelaieHlliil.ilr.ii ion wmuu llli, Wlilcli has defriiuiled the liovernment to Uie extent of tliMl,(HUi, and that lie niude thecliill';eoil the be.-t aulhnrlly. I'hko Kliruili; to his feet, and n scene of ureal roiifii.lnii KiD.mil lor M'Veral minutes. A ieaoltltloli to iliveiunaie nil) cuari;e was icreried to the Costal ( ommlltce. Wamiinuion, Aiull ll.-Tieiiur W. I'ark, represeutliiK the racille Mail Com ln ii , and John Itoacli, in behalf of the rdilp-liullilliiK InleiiMs of Iho country, iiihiIi) atc,tlinclitH hefiuo the lliillse I'oiltil Coinmltten to-day, in lulvocacy of the continuance nf $,ihh,I)uii subsidy for the ticiui-moiilhly China in.ill service. An IliterestlUrt htateiueut madn hy I'arlc was to the edict that it hail been dlcovered that :ilKl,(KK) of the famous $ I!IX,(KH) fund placed at the disportil of an agent of the fompany, to he used in nveitliiK compe tition uml kcuiIiil' lucuasid siib-ldy, was Iransl'erteil liy llui ii'iil I" Ids sUter and Invested In leal cMnte In rlilliulel- pilia, and Unit tliu company expictcd to lecover thisnmiiliut. rOREXQN. Iainihin, April I 'J Advlros friim Sedro AInmiIo to llii.Ulli of April Mliile that Summit had ui.ido prnponaU lor it M'tllniilcul of tlm dlllk'iiMoi, whluli the (MrllsiK.rnJielinl. 1'AlitH, Aiull 1 1, inn litneriiiiioiii n.ii Nlicd n circular piiibibltlni; new NpaperiitlaekN cm mo iiiiwriiiiiciii. iiiiii iivi'iiih MiicMiilion'i unwerH urn Inemitesitlilo. Maiiiiiii, Apill III. --Tlio CarllstH forces l riutiti'erons Iihmi retired, the uiuulclpsl an llinllilra liavhiK Pd limn 1W,IHH reals. Vikmna, April HI.- The Kmpeiiir Kriin tils Joseph has wtil a conciliatory reply to the I'ope s recent protect iiKiilnit thn ICeclcHlaxtlcal .DHL It iHiiudeistood that thn oppo-lllon at the Vatican Is merely formal. The I'pper llotce of ihe Helch s- ttj 'ii- laj paMil the loi'leslasiliill Hill, hereupon the IINhopi wlthdiew in a body. . , Iaiiii.' Anrll I:! Itln .liuiclro inlllccs teport that Iho llrulllan tiovernmcnl J Iiiih pariloucil the ltlslion of l'eruiiinhuco. rjioirxb coast. ' hAN I'ltAM'l-oo, April II Another mur. der was commuted Inst nlitbt li III" Tenth I urd, at tlm ptlv.Vn rONlduiu'o of Jolin V. Vimwlrlek. Ali.uit half I'sntPu'ulook .lames j It, rieiuuili'U eiitureil (lie Inniv, IIumii-. iutoxleatisi and ipisvrelsome. Kilrpstrlek llnallv ontcliil bun uwiij, a lint It wan lain i aiidbuwaiiiid lo iu.llu. I'lciiituliu vmhiM I nut no, riiip.u 1 1 k look hold of Iiiiii and ' cotbiui I" tlm alieet lie- r, wliisi Muiuiuuii: lirokh awV Imiiii Idni, ran bank Into Hit. hcilxi, and iiIihcI.imI ,l . iiik 111. ill nailli'd Julin II. I'orlH'll, Klid hliiMikid htm dun u Corts'tl reKaimd liNde; and the uisn mmi! lied IntiltUHi bull, vi hem fillhMt not I'leui mint; down, and wllh a dlik l.tule Mabbod lilin four iiiiii'. They limn rolled Hik Motitnlcd niuii out on the sldew.dk, wbeielie r Iniiiid lu a dvliik' iMinlnimi and taken to a ilrui! storis wuerone iinoi niuww iniiiinnp., sioiir.ilom.ersw mi to lln bmiso . ami sue a....l.l la. ft. .all a. a 1 d -. 1 I II i I t I llt I . lit ITiiirn til iii'Miu, iiiiii mu-nu . . ., w ... .-- Claim lo 1 Hi Ml aeleil III self ilclclH'C. it'iui bin.. l Um I'li.e.ilx of lUrtlbrd. Uoiuk aueiit 01 Ni mk and North lliillah and Mer- eaiitlln Itisiiriiltcff ComiiAiiles. anioiiiila to overtlftv iiioiifcsiid ilullaiF, Unit be has us ktcin ilall ofiiN muu'rlv. but tbat It It not Milllilui to wholly o- verllioilillcleiiey. ..".1... 1 -.; ..'.; ii.:.i K.u,b ,,.ii ThMo IhoVuVr; Ulow Vbo . to 5I lablo lliy. wiin ships luillt iii ! tiliiuil lor the same " ,H'1" 'V r . ' ', . Paclllo tlude, and Um pluiiH were the.e- I'"-. '' '"''' 'V.! ?iZ' 'J'". mre,dn,nKe!...md.la,.rfK,lert,nd,n,.r,. t 'X-A SSm.' tlKlienHelilpol 5.01)0 ions uere built, .,w. ., H,.-i. . .m.i nr.i. .'jm-.i...... An esAiiileHtlou was liel.l tin. aP.eru.K.11 111 ,0 l , compelled ti Ri) till tlio .Ncr. tVtvN ,,'; Lr" ,v, . a" ' ' 40 !!.. I'lillce court Ii. il l.u -.jw ef H;;m"j;iii r0M.rvi,tU.n, whrw they probably be-j l,5,tV-.::::::?; Jt;:;:: ; iiuirilnrw! laal nbdi ton Howard sine . Join . litUlr Ural bet. " i I.'...... .... ) () Cerlvclt, who kllhsl lilm, bold lo , '""t" I French calf " Ht 73 answer for iiiiuder, and MiiiaUU-U was belli .. ,T .,., .... r 1 ... 1 r. Vreuch Kip priuu ..,, Tltliru SiaVsory "nir the fie! Vtio trl.il Is not In Uu H1u1.nu-.lsiu uuay UmA of and u!e Calf ; ::. 40 U. . , Mr.A..Cos,W,Olln.Sn-ttol,Arntl,stb8l ?utl4$Jj; A k'liooimr. iininii linkliown. Is reslr(eil 1.1., ,,,,11., iLi, h.u.llli now. ami his letin 111 1.. .. ' .. . . i. .1 .U...M. J"itiliMlLiV;Cii. liave rtcowoiUii.iuiikr mi-nt niiltii.1 Die Central racIHo1faiiroiid i Ciniipnuy for fl.Sil) lor riifiiHlifjf.lo clpllrerl HisrctiatiillMini nsli'iiHtl to tln llriii. ' Tmh Hlnaiiii r Tarntr, duo fom AutrullH, Jiat nut yht urrivcil. ,Ur-Hnlack, SS&iS?;. - Maii'HNI:, April Jil, Copioim sliowem of ruin loll at liiierv'iiliiliirli;r.ytx:i!iilny. Tlio iMnntrs Hro rejo cliitf oei dio pronjiuct uf an , itliiiiiriant narioi. Tlio llfiemtli UiMnr-I Court rnnvenfa m , IiIm plai-ii on TiifNilny ni-xt. Tlio iiiuntur' ciihuof Win Nutli ai.il Mr.i. (url).ieh will L the l)rt uti trial. i Tlm Mount Kinlilo Siitninlt r.Uil will ho iiK.'ud fi;r j.ulillo travel on the Ural djyofl Miy. . I Jackson vj m.i:, April J J. A Urn bmko ou t'i tlifx Icmn thlx moriihii.Mil nlmiil I o'clock. 1 orinhiniei) ni-nr tlio oiuli-rnxt cornor or On-Kon and CrtllforuUHlroKtH, to a ro v otnlil liHiue hiillilliigH, uml mjoii koI Ixiynnd con rot. AnhoiiK'ti no wlliil uim IiIowIiiit, iIih dry luinti-r liliireil no IiIIi tlint tlio i1iii-h -pred ho Mpiil y linn iioiIiIiik iimM lio d'Hif oonocK llit)i;()nll.iumlon until It li.nl rpriail cron lo lioii-ih of hko ctirtrncter on lln norili filile or ih iirci)i. Part of two hlookx. lubracliiit siiiiiii brick liullditigt, aro eon xiitnod, and all th IhihIiickh hoiiioa and Hm linart of the to l). Tlio Ini In between $.V),t OoO hiuI ti.K)U, wlib lon.jurullvul.v I III It- Id iu ranee. Tim majority d Iimcm went rctl trad" in, who haio Initi every ililuu. The hi avlf. lovtra t HIMior A Mru., $38,000 with $10,000 Iniiimnte, and L, Siluuiuu $8, 000, wllll f3.00) liiiilrnnce. Tlie Urn lai-up posed to liavn In en tliu wiirkof liicendlarleH uml two iiihii, Albert Jilii-"ti, n niiila'lo.and a youiiK fellow named J thn l.eliox liaM linen arr sted, and are imw In J ill JacKmo.nvim.k, April 14. Tlio followinir l a lfl of thn lii-en by thlt inuriclm:'- m, hihI the Htnotilit of low. ai firda eau now 1m h cerfahiMl: Vlltr' talnon.lliturnanil effect ( SOD J.Ji.m 7i , 3,110 rt.iMi MU , 2V"111 b.llUI TUil Mm l.dUll Krculxrr. bakery mid lock n. .laioiiF, graiu, niiur, vie. Culm, rlulhiiii; nud dry KorKl iirum. groo riv, ric Win. lliiyt.'r.Kruct'rlo, ibmit. Dciiniuii, Burner imp nil AlttlreM A ripher A. Urn . men liHlifll-e A liilllittn! Jmlii X Nutiuii. riiil,Wrrp..., Suit mull, t ih ml mi'ri'lMiidlia I.iin.'rll, liiilltlnu'and nhlicm.ikin" ftiifk I'aiii! iiulirtin ilxturi'i inn! uliKk I uli null. Iiiillillua, iihout i ltlllK'll. Illillllllf rji Julin llrtli.iliiiiuiue In 4iullilliii! r,i) 'iliriiuir ImiIIiIIiii:, nhunt S.toi Mr.MdiiiK ,v IIhvii. biiiiaiiu ;w John llil,fr, ilanmc l.i liuil.lhif , Ml IWirlil Mini, uwm li liull.lliicn , (', ('. Ilivkiimii, iUi)i.i-i hjr rciieml '.') K..I l!)un, liiillillii. l.niM Total JOJAVI 1'iuliilily tliorti nvriiHiilllitieiit. other liiot. not now u-ei rtiiltii-n. in a-veil inn iranii int.il n lu-r. j-.ik) riuik liiki a total liimir.iiicn if 17.000 ami iiliuloa thiipriibabliuietiial Iom i.i JI."i,ikiU 'I'lin eel -ons iirrs'leil on tlm Mip o-iuiin of liieiindiitrism Iuimi b mi ili i Inirjeil Iroin eiintoily, ui no liliif: could b IoiimI Hitalie-I 'I" in. .Sa.n KuaNCIIiii, April 1 1 Tlio Tarinr hriliiis lli fullmi Inir Iroin Au-tiiiliit: March lUthu hliia-k of tarilnpiake miih fell in the p,ovidi.ne..of AiUUIoe. .,.,, M.hl Ilimb rr, K, liidleutus thai lV(llH10 ttitnlliiK UroiiKly towaid llriiNIi iiiihixiUIoiim. It Is nsirted that tlm Mereliiiiit'a Kx ' eliauun all Siluy bat Imimii parliallv nbaii dniinil, not prollialile. Tliat of .Mulbiiurno Is ill a llnuilsliiuu ixniditlnii At I nit account'. Maxoy, oil" of tlm par llelaiilH lu Die l'ourtU utrrot triiKcdy,aiallV(i I ami IniproviiiK. j I'lni Mieloly of "lleptii'iipliM," or Seven UN ii Men, hiild tholr annual plctilo to-d.iy, I which Mil well iilipnilod. ' The stsiiier l'arlar, which left .Sydney I .March 1 lib, arrived today. I'aveiiKtira nil I well. I (Ireunbieks, fcSQ,NS. WiiUlinr warm and pleasant. S.N Kiiv.M'l-eo, April II, Tlio United MhIhh rnvoiititi eloHiiinr I.lniiiln uiih Mild at' auction lodiiy In (Jiaiilall, .NiNon tV Co, lor i f.'h.i'iO. Tlio Ntatuer Tartar reporta tbatat Ijitulaiii rbo loiinil the tciiin.lilp Miic(lreior, pre vlotisly reHiriiMl ashore, ulhial (nun tlm reef, wllli n linln colon feet loni; in tier foro coin. pnrtuinut, wbleh was full ol water, bhn bad latnll lu.licil under her bottutu, but would I bain lo wult for asMMuuco from Sydney Ik lorn sue eon hi no iiioM'ii, iii:ronr oisiiiiHii. ti.U'ii, Tlio fiillowhiK report rend by Mr. MX. Cliiunbeilln belcro tlm District hclionl tnett- ,n; Mnmlay eveiihiK, nUowriiiu iiinoiint of hcIiooI money rmMdved from illlfurent aotirrtia dnrluK bl.s term of ofucc, ainoiint p.dd out, balance, on hitnd, etc., etc.: t To tliu lllrectora anil Votera of Seboul Ills-1 IrleL No. -I, of Marlon county, Hiemm: 1 1 hereby niakii my annual lepurt, us Clerk of' said District, lor Ihe term cntuuicnt'iui; April Mil, lh73, and oiid Iiik April I.TlU, s"4: MOSKT IIIICKIiall. V r.i .1,111 fi.101 form -''I rV T C P" III .. . ft V lt " entlcetril from aaemieul of 1S13... V.:J VI ' ' dellu.iuniUoflsW... 3J 87 rw.ln-J from Male 01161 Cisiiity fund 2,10.! Tuttlaniiiuiitriselvi'J nu naiii'xT rain ni'T. To teachers a per arrant ,0iv es To rui'dry iK-nnina a prr wartanta for epiie rrr ami repairs I.WB Tulil paid out Halauco mi hand jT.ISi lO iv s Itt'sprci fully Hiiluidlled, ' M, l ClIAMIlKllUN. Senator Kellv vv tiles from Washington us follows: "I'luivo had several Inter-1 vluwa Willi thiiCoiiimlvslimeriif Iiulliui AllUirs In leluthm to what h known a t the Wallowa Indian lUscrvtithm ti) the poopli) of C11I011 and linker counties, to) liavo tliat vaitev set apart ior renegiiiii' and dUsttlstUit Indians merely for .summer ivort. The Cniiimlsslouer scemeil lo im liniuv.eu wiih uie snuie ., . . .. htrml,.iv l,,iiiiatod """". . i i. . a T that Jnseiih's hand of No I'crves would rosorvallon, and not Initj'ufUT bo Will; list in moiesi seiners 1 uiniciriuuii ..n. Kmh.ill Is opposeil to imviujftno waiio- wa valley set niKtrt for any sueli purH)Mi ( ,ia 1I1.1 Snur ntemteiit ret'oinillcllilcil.tinir 1 thluka that Jisepli and hia baud ought i"" w,",,, 'cough. ibija naliifid 1 VW... .. IF, ... - ..--...... -. " .., ,",. ........ with a WILLAMETTE gARMER. ? Alsiiis.'tn tome teaiii'rtcriM ct4.'r' 'Hmo rllcnt'dell or rr'ttrt iiookT lliru'Atli Ihc forrrtV amjilo ehailo, Willi no rompaalnii rare my hook, t, I dfram amlondor there a1oii!'" li ' And ri'i'l lu .atnre' pnUlniatdfe ' Of other day, !ajr Ihat kniKmio, Hut cant their thaJou on my llfn. There'll MtnellilDK In i nth r e'tfe"!" Irftf- . j That rcrvva to draw the mlml ioy From nurtutid rlu or flbmrlef '- That o"ir the heart hai! lonj; held may. JMck tlirutitfh the null! of memory rlnjr The note of Moodlaud foiiRter fair, . If tom hand had Ktrept tlm etrlo Krom chlldhiinil'ii hopen tu inMihood'p rate. Each bending tiongli, cich mlnylnsilne, That by the breeze ! toed and awayed," Evokca romt thought from ont the. rhrlne Around uhlch memory Ions has pliyed. Hero atlll 1 rlt where I.orc'a flrrt ilrcani lt mehe wote arnund my heart. And I'ncti nevrlhonKht and each new glean More iiunhwii to my ruul Imparl. T. Jxrr. Chimi. Junction City, On., April 9. lull. MRIOif tU2ITV I.MIKI'KMHiaiT 1'OJIVt.V TIO.. In response to a call of the Independent Count,) Conimllto this body aMBlnhlsd at the Oper i HnU'.H at lru o'clock this A. M Hon. T, VV.. Davenport in the chair and Mtwtra. Oonruo ff I)(inlii; and T. 11 Craw ford .SeerHiarls. I'lie Clialruiau briefly stated tlio object if tno iMeetiuK.rtH Hpcciiicit in tun tun, to noin Inateaeai dldstn f.ir roiiuty Clerk Itntoii'l i f Mr .1 I. Itnjal ilio had !en declared In elliralile. Tliu roll of ili-li-catea wai cuIIfiIhihI nearl ill reoiiileil Hliher In. persoDor bv prnxv. OiilnollonorW It. Dui'bsr, T. 11. Craw ford x placed In tiiiiiilna'lnn, Tliero liolnu no other iHiintw prei-enteil, on oiolloii of Hon.O.W. 1iwnon tlm noinluatloii u'li-. mail" by hrelaumllon. On inotlon-lhn Cotiventloti Bdjoiirned; uliii in mi i MimwwnwwijmiwwwlnM (illanutt Jfarmrr. ipactn XTsnr KATCnoaT, it OJLAltlCi: ,fc C'UAIG, I'UIIUaillllK AKII I'UHI'UIETorA. H. t II tl,K. I', vr CIUIU, Term of Siihsrrlitloii. tlUftopy, onuji'iirl.'ii niunlnrl $11,00 tlnfrup), nil ir.ulilli. ('Jii iiumbrri-i l.iO Umi copy, threii inontht (in uuniberm 73 iwwimwiw tnMnmmm.mmn k i wa ma a j l TrE ftHKETS. Nun l'rnnrloi .tlarkrl. Sin 1'ranrlnfo, April II. Flonr - llxtrn, ti 7'iGR MH Wheat-Oooil inllllnp. 1 W: cholre. J llirley Ciu.t feed, ft A; ha hrcln;. !' (il-lXil 711. San KratirlMii, prll l.'.-l'lour Demand fnrcjport (Dntliitiei. The ranitenf the neirVrt 1: Superfine, l Miir.; 1'itra. & tOii r.i for ahlpplnj, and f 1 nVaf'l US fur Jnhlilni; lt. Wlir.it-llsrkrt nrmnt f K1. I'orttatitl narkrt. Wheat ():iiiltlnn mich.in-ed -51. r.i per lental. I'lmir-$1s1 75 for landard hratiilr, and $t,Ma3fur imtrlde hraiidn. Oat I.VfnrRiioil while, lOe fur black lUirloT Hnt little ilnln--$l.W4l.l5 pnrcmul. I'ulstiira-UaMir. Applen Wiakat SOc. ll:illr-i-.'a'V. rg-i7. Href Cattle W. per pound on f,it. Mutton hbirp t3.S0al.S0 per bead. Wiwl t'.i.l'ac, arcurdlic ! qinllt). Illilr--lhil5c fur cholco dry, 7c fur izrren faltril.and itaClicfurcrcrn. Wheal In I.lierpool Average California, It rid, Club, I.aWatJi. klU SALEM JJARKET. WtlNUTAHV. I.eiul Ten dxb, buy lii(, DOC : arlllng, tic l'l.OUlt, CHAIN Wheat, bert while, V biiuhr!. Jte. 'S5. Uit, V in Si St 1:. L-'uni Meal, V B ,. i i Klmir, be.l.V rack, (t harrvl) 1 W,Jl (,) lluckwhcat flour, l,t F lluck llran. W toll .lOUXtli I) Shorts. V lu MMilllnr. V '"' (ItU'aka Meal, V ton Flu Sr,M. per lb...., Hay, M Ion baled. V ton.... 33 nia , . .M dC-... OOul.... n tiit tin . .. rtn UUOC'KllirH. Hnar, San V'rancixo rvflur.l, y a, 15,1 lllll'H iuu crulheJ. io pomleird crmul U'll Tea, ,Uun V O It, pe-iil Cotter, 1' in I a lllca, ) Kin Kono ..,. Java Halt, Carrara Mand.percwt I.lvrrpool, roarte dairy , r ' KltnTsJ.Vt.MKTAIlLKtJ. Appier, tfreen, V 'l, dried. V 1'iirhes, dried, f 1 llumr, " lleaur, T' Potatoes. V liuskti, Ouluua, V 2i Cabbaee, V 'l"' ' Canulr.V bush i Ul.1 19 7.? I 00 .: ( V.vTl ?J sou :i ,,., '.ti S3 .... Sm. 30 .... STrt 40 ....1 !.Vj;l to ....I NVBi 00 ....I Met.... ....1 oeji ; ... 4a -V W 111 .... IKl It .... liit 11 ... 4Jt 7 .... 40,1 10 . .. a.- s M W .... Wis .. lltTTV.lt.'KCltlS. Ac. lluller, nvsh rolla, .tva 87 luirkrU ".' H-1 Kcv. V do'rii tl fi I'hresa Orrrou rrtmr, V Vt 1 UrJ.pt It.V 1 OUAe. Unsnsl Oil, boilrj, ll lalkm 1 4."OI s: ran, ' ., I Hut 11 I.arJ Oil, i piUwi 1 K-V".! W (Vial (III. ' f.l....'. . ..1 fk Nratsfool Oil. V pal t MitN Tallow, V fO b WOOU UIDKs. Ac. Wheat tUrkr, l.ltrrsil burlap, eaVra. aratnles Hide, dry, raeh Krvr. salted, rach. Prrr SVtns, .lirssrd, V Sheep Mln. wool on, each,.., ....... . 1TO 37 .V N .. ..k .1 MIS 0 I Prr rUua, Cry. vr S. " drrsstd, " . .... 91.... ....1 OUrfl I.UATIlFIt, Ar fr .... ..A .- T M- l-lll... .I..I. w.ImI c.aU.KaU. W00DW0RTH fc HALL, ' v8nenorato nelt nan, Druggists & Apothecaries? j AndDeaferlln Drugs St Medicines, conntiKriAii Tni.ti Oppollte Cbemokcta nouio, SALEM, - - - OREGON. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles, COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc., etc. Physicians' Prescriptions p.tJIIlV HIvCiriiH Carefnlly complied, at ALL hours, day or nlcht, bj nunr lleaii. an oxpwlenced l'Uarniaeial. Auc. 10. 1H73. 1 JOHN G. WRIGHT, DEALER IX Crockery, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Family Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tpa, . Salt, Candles, Soap, Notions. Agent for Imperial Fire Insurance Comp'y 01' LONDON. CARBOLIC Slieep ID ip, A 6UIIK CUItK FOIt Soab, Screw Worm, Foot Rot. ANU ALL Parasites that infest Sheep T IS MAVHIt, HKTTKn, AND VASTLY )iikapi:k than .i.vr otiigk KFrECT- UAL nKMEDY FOK THE THKATMKHT OF SlIKKI'. IT .Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY of the WOOL. IW One pillion 1 onoujli for one hundred In two hundred Hherp, accord lux lo their age, tlrenitth, and Itllldltlilll. It la ('lit np In F1VK-UALLON OANS-1'rico, l?li prr can. twnd for clrrnlar, to DAVIS A. SOHUTXiim, FOIITLAND, OHKCOK, W110I.ESAI.K AQENTS FOK THE STATE, Or lo jour ueareat Hetall llrusglat. Noy. 1, 1(71 37m JOHN W. GILBERTr win. fait CASH FOR HIDES, Sheep Felta, Seer and Elk Skins, Elk jjToiTJi. balem.Nsy . 187 41tf THE PARKER GUN. .fSBWW!- SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. HOME FOR THE SICK, located near Capitol Square, Ai,i;.yi, ... OKKUOM. II (UarriTan, M D., Atleadlng A Vlsltlae Soreeon. n ratios. M II,. Attending A Vlafllnc rhjslclan. flllllS I.AliliK AND COMMOIIIOITS IVsTiril. . lloa i.prondedirliheiery facility lo ln.urs the comfort andrilkf ofallnlio may apply Allclai.ta of dtsea.ei n 111 b treated eaeept those eoniat,'.in tn character K.peelal alientlou alll l glieu 10 cafes of KK and EAU aaVvtlons I'rlees per wek, Inclutlir; board, medicines, and attendances Forordlnary aleVneit $tl M For etiraordluary ,lckses, requlrtus addl- tlocil attentlJn SIM Operatiiuis ccar;ed extra. rera.nn aeeompanylnj their rrlenda ... IN Application may Is niaj ellUr by letter or In per ion. lurfsrthur particulars. addnsa either ph)lcLiU. J. O. SBSLTOH, M. S IJIIVSICIAJI AND Mllinf.ON, SM.KM, Oreroa. oeice, front rww oa second floor of h N. O. Farrlrh brick. Commereial street Hell deuce, northeast corner Front aud Dhltloa streets. Heliiea tradaata of the Iliyalis.Vedlcal. vr Curtis Cullree. Ctnclmiail, tlhlo, ae are pun-Jv retoini inonr ptacllce, dlscardlae alike bolUmlnaral aad trsnable poisoaa. 35 ca-jeoouuaia. - rr . Zvujr rrf i. irtmrttr CARRIAGES. NHHHUHI..B'' .ww. and keen Ihe money In our oali State by 11 Inz too best Wajona oyer otleied iurchaa- for salo In Oregon THE BOWIE WAGONS, manufactured In Salem nre made of the r VERY BEST MATERIAL, I Wheel flOlLEI) IN Oil. before Ironic;.', every part FULLY WAHHANTED. near limn jour nelRhbora say: To the Farmers of Oregon Wi, tlienmlcl'iiril. own and use ll.n HOWIE WAOONS maiiiiracfiireil b T. 'nnnliiKham A. Co. Haleui. Oregon, nnd tako ulenrur In 11 ciumendllig them to jnur notice: .. lr:-llecansovc know they aro an "A No. I" W!4(Wi(f-Hecano It la an Oregon Institution and we feel It to bo onr duly nnd IntcreM to encourag HOMKMANUFACTUJIK. T. L. Dasldson, D. N, I)nrrenRh, Klsk A Walker, J. J". Capllnjrer, Wm. Porter, J. W. Oloyer. We.ley Howell. Dr. A. . M. Holt, J. L. Owln, J. N. Oloyer. C. I. Oloyer, Oeo. D. CoBn, Thos, Galea, Cuas. l'earee, Cal. Oeer. L. W. Crump, Ferry Wataon, A. K. narrlson, Alonio Hwarti. Wm. Churchill, II. I), Osterbonlt, J. A. Kemp. I). Newsom, II. B. Kenady. J. llolllnehed, Abram Nelson, K. C. Oeer, J. Voorheea, John Kaya, .1. W. Mlnto, C, 11. Adam, and 70 other. John Earl, Woaikyonr aiflitanco In bnlldlnz up Hit Mt ehmlral Interests of imr own State. 01ellOMB JIANUFACTUItEthe preference, and ffuatwu tu yu a Btlttr anil Vheaptr Wagon than cm Im Im vorttti, T. CUNNINGHAM &, OO. Mar 3if L. S. SKIFF, flfiSR DENTIST. Office over the Bank, BAI.liM, OHEOON. Mestdmcr one door Huntb of OI'EltA IIOU8S on Liberty Street. Utf. O-t 1'1'ltE MKIttNO IIAMri, mid B Cntswnlil lLim, 10 Oraded Hums, 1'L'ltU lluu Corbtn clilclwi. Dark llrnhma chickens, Llcht llraliiniiihlcktiis. llouilau thickens, dame chkkena and IVa Fowls, Apply tn J. t,, halem, July 20, 1873. VAUUIMII. xitr ti:.STAlll,ISllF.U 1855.JUJ Willamette Nursery G. W. WALL1K0 & SON., F It O ! 1 E T O It b . Oswego, Clackamas County. Oregon, OroMurs of the Cholcet Varleilea of FRUIT TREES AND HUH UUHFJIY. l'artlcnlar ultcntlon giveu lo Cherry, 1'rune and l'lam iraes, I8t SB. H. SMITH, U331STTIST, SAhliJI, OIIUCiO.N. mniiim s 1R. FMITII Imi filled np a new JmmmmWm9 Otliee, where ho ulll be found ready UTWBBfcto ivaiton lili old frienda and cu. JJ-a-I-rtoniers, ns usual OPJco In durkey'a block, oter Farrar'e store. In front of l'oet Oilce. Annst :m, isr.i. istf Willamette University, SAIiEM, OREGON. milK OLUfcST AND LAIIOEsT INCOItrOEAT. X rd School In Oregon. Classical, Comniuclal, Normal, and ?rlentl(le Conraes of study. Fur lull Informatlou, addresa the President, T. .M.OaTca. r, . C, N. TKII11Y, ' Sep.S lb'1. HscreUry Bcanl of Trustee., For Sale ! f ElllS-O AND LEICKflTKRSlllRB Aia. nuiiui', ureti Dy JOHN JUNTO Halcm, Orucon, An, t, '71. SSL Farmers Convention A FARMERS; CONVENTION CAN AT ANY time he held at the itore of HERMAN & HUM URI8W0LWS 11LOCK, 8ALRU. WE Kllcia In Csrmtrs, aj,l will url.,wllh them to cheapen flTliht", and so (cheapen foods.- W Are not Speculatoi-s or Monopolists, Hat Farmers ran buy of 11a, on the MOST UEASON fONABLK TERMS. Fanoy and Staple GROCERIES, Gents' & Boys' Clothing, HAKDWA&E Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, J - Crockery and Glassware. k,Sr ?'A"UltS' ''KOniVt TAKFS IN K chan at hlthe.t narVe t rales, OREK.NllACIih TAKKN AT A J'REMIUJI. HKHMAN A. lIIHSCn. Salon), Sept Vrt. 1S7'I yt NOETH SALEM STOEE, M. L. AV.V.X)!!:, I T THE 01.1) IJUEEN J.TORE. HAS Jl'ST RE--sv cilicd a lull anrinicnt of General Merchandise, Dry GoodSj Groceries, Boots 8L Shoes, Hardware, Clothing, Calculated for the City and Country Tradr. lkrarht at i,J.-ho.s'ELl1. AT COS',, tf"Gc! dellrered to any part of ttc city fre of charw. Norty FOR m SALE.