I 11 m huer, and the ruthualnMii wltti wlilcb he greet tiieso familiar seem attostH bis gratl bide for his nafo return. Wo furthor loarn fmm hltn thattbe report oncornltiK tbo tliMtflaulion Htid hcHtlllty ol ttie Indians now ou tlio Miilbour reservation are ery far from being trim. WlnnemuowV fc-nd Bkuil leave logo away and ern por lilted to do no, and lie aHurt that uyunt fjluvllle li dolug wiill and having no dllll 5ultlonora,orloui character to contend with which wo are glad to know Ih the cahn, Mr. Ilrown meet hore hlu brother from Uay City, MlchlKn, whom he ban not mil for nearly, or quite twenty yearx, and In throe wuekH tlmo ezpeutfi to return with htm to visit lila old eiiMorii home. HI attaitb nient to Oregon In hiicIi that he will not ion aont to iimlto a )rmanent borne nUewherM, but Inlondn to roturn horoatUrtbree month abwouoo. ANOTUHlt Kiiik. A lew inlnuloN ftf-r ft o'clock tuaturiltty evening, the realilentH in Lho block east or the Central koIhioI lion-" wore Martlwl by the Mingle cry or lire; ami u looking out, diHeoverud a (.mall barn on IhocBht nldeof the alley near the centre of the block, belonging to Mr. MeNell, to bo In flaniUM. Several men who lived loo lij were on the ground In a few Mtcoii(lntuiiliin a way for tlititjnyliiCM, which were therein an Incredibly nlwrt lime after tlio alarm wa given down town; but the llamea had made o much headway before dlM!oored that Un building waa nearly conaumeil before any water wat thrown. Tiger ongluo wax flrat in ponltlnn, but It took them notno tune to gel water through their hone, and Capltala got tho ilrxt Ntream ou the lire. Thouuh the liullillng In which the lire originated wan entirely vonaumod, nothing cIho was burned, and tho lota was lucoiiHlilemliln. An lo the origin of tho lire, report vary; though It l uutjuat to May that, had It not boon for tho prompt renponae of tho Department, in all probability it would have extended toother hulldingi and much valuable proporty would have been dcMroyod. An Ihath Chinaman. The norvlcea at .St. I'aul'n uhurch wore Hiuumarlly Interrujited yoatorday morning, In n nmnner tho Itidl uroiiaiikan of which very much dlMurbod the aolemnlty of tho occasion. Soveral Minall koya allllcled with the mania prevalenl among theyoulh of. Salem, were having rare port with an Innocent Col eat I ul, who neemed willing Ui contribute to Ihelr enjoyiueut uu til a at ray pebble took hint a illH'Jut below the baao of bin iii)ue, and then bo thought thorn wiu too much variety. He didn't oatch lho boya before they got Into the ohurch, but he entered aborlly after with the very coinproheuhlvo remark "what'a the matter T loo mticbee dam looteo 1110." A young gentleman lead him out, anil pre vallu I ou blm id look up lho MiuhIiiiI. I In lartod down town, but before be returned the aervicea were courluiled and everybody had lull I be church. r.XMMi;:i(inus Cominii. Tho ateaunir .lohu I. .StfplieiH Milli'd Iioiii Sau KritucNco ln-t tJitltinUy, with Ibe lollowlug paoengern : Hon. .1 N Sinllh and wile, l Ojijieubelniel id wife, Albert CouU,. I I'm vera and -nous, .1 i: iLiiiipixy, l VV While, S l SiuiiuoiiH, UIsh li V llmwiier, Mra M l.iii'linmii uml ehlld, Dr K I' Jtllrey, l A tsbasley, H M Allen, l II I'limbersoii, J II Shoemaker, .Mra .1 lluwley, dipt I'ini'li, wife and Melee, Mux Vogt, J Simon, J A Myers and family, .1 Ilrown, M I' Klinoie, l.elb, S Hall, Mra Ki. win llusaell and mother, 11 I-' Isli and wlfii,;.! II A l'uvera, J lv Wulln, Win Church, Jr., .1 I'raukeulhall.TAT.ilbertMlisM I" I Iron -nor.M II (ireenbirg,.l S Dim', l)S I'itrgerald, Thomaa riillllp, A Sprauld, Henry Hill man, Mra lilaimout,(i Klllott and wife, M Wertbelmer, (' KTullln and wife, V Mi), lllliouc, M Dppoulieliner, T S Moore and family. 1'ArnoMs in1 lltiMiMit. -D.wil. Clark, Master of the State (!ruii);i, has vlaltcd home of the Oranges In I, Inn county last week mid luforiiiM us that he fniiiitl them In healthy tsiiiditlon, To-morrow he leaves for I'ortl.tud where ho will leni.iln one day, and cm be found at lliel'laiendou Hotel. Hewitt then proceed lo Olyiupla and return again on Saturday lo l'orllaud, mid remain there over Suiulay,i pooling In visit Astoria and Clatsop on the Monday follow lug. As many people about the Slate are desirous of uicelliig lilin ou business connected with tlio outer, thia notion is given lo notify them of his move ment. (loon Horn.. Tim M. Charlea Hotel, Port laud, (ilt'cra in col Unit fare and Ibe boat ae oommodatlou that city atl'ords for the very nuhoimhln rates named In the advcrllhumeut wu niilillnli elanu here. Mr. I'leiuot dtvser iw lo rocoUo a large and liberal patronage. lti;Mi;im:iiKn. Onr lyH)graphical fileml tiiHirge I'. Mi'Clauo w Iiomi marriage waa pub lUlied a few dayanllico, has sent this olllisi a haiuUuuie wedding card we moani'iiUo, made by the fair bride. The whole nllltv liavo bad a nibble and all iiiiaiiimoiuly pro uouncolt A No. 1, and the Iniya of ibe oMiiti. lUhiiieut like "Ollt or Twist" are aakltig for "more." Ill in. Wani'kii. A good girl who la com potent In do general housework can gel a good ailliatlon in a lauiltv III this oltv by eu lulrlug td 'IVrrell ,t llllllnghaiu. Wages $1 ler week. api:i:d'Jt:wlt; W.vnn Ceis.- All jvrtu- linlrl.tsl to I,. Hj-,-rs A li iv itiiuolisl to i all ami m Itlo lielore tl'ie iirl ul the iiumlli, or their aivetiuU will l Usd in Hit' litiula uf a collcv-lor, liil'J U Ciiu ronMM! Mr J (' 'lio ! in rxr ll.nl nilK-ltiuM. wklcUlf will ulrii of at a rraenablt pilio. a.l lld.tf MltV nil.l.lMdtV ;oous, M'liIKU muM'iniiuMIUi. Mn U VuKiM, Kinifli Mllllurr. corner Ute ami l.ll.ril) (lrtrl. halrni, lias ul irlunnsl frwiii U'lim allti a full and wrll rlrCKsl tlisk t( Mllllurr) aiul k-'ai.ri IIikkI., nt Uu or j lalnl rhlon 1brjitH ol halrui aud iichtll; ate icr trull) Intllisl imatl tud rtamluo tier luca, and rv lr lhiii(lr. Ill dJUIuii. I havi fluid ii a Dim uaMuj; rdaldlrh aicul, Mtitrndrraita will kpuil and mads In thr crj Uttl illcf, tud al rratouablo rale. Mj Irnut ar taati. iluil SPECIAL NOTICES. OBSTACLES TO IWRIAQI. Ilniij Itrllfffor Yonnir Men frnin ilmcllbista orKri'imaml AIiiic In early lllc. .Miinlnxi.il(uHnriil. Inimllm"'iii In Marrlaiti reinuvisl Nrw ami ru markali'ciemeilliih l.k Ati.l rin-ulara "'lit free, lnM!iil(slenieliiiua. AihlreaK. IIUWAItll AfW4)CIA. TIIJ.N, .Nn.'J .Sniilli Nlnlli ft., Philadelphia. I'a., an IiiMinillon lunlnx ahl, 1. rciiiuailnu liir limixrnhlu umidiii'l aiul iiiiili-i-Blmial llll. nnfilAwlv 3NTO,Il,ICJE! To Farmers and Grangers SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS 11 Wi; iiavi: ih:kn api-ointkii iivmii. km.ih IIKAH iMd'ajPiit fur Ihu Carina tnt) AfcnM for Ori-K"" ler WIM.lAM I.Alltli ,M CO 'S Patent Soamless Grain Bagc. MASII'MfS WOW ON VlltW. IJrnll,s-, 3IiiimIi At Co., I'lrat ami Stark Streets, POItTIANI), OltlXlO.V. iiiiiiiAwir viii'ritJ jitiNoi!j," FULL BLOOD MARE ''DOLL" and FOAL u The Imported I'erelirron Hlalllaii WHITE PRINCE 99 WIM. 1115 AT TIIK MVKKVHTAIII.KefMe'ura. Marshall t hdili-cr, .Mlunj, Mundsr. I'. .. Tucdaj and WrilnvMlay, A. M., of earli itI-. And Tliurisl.ir, I". v., Crlilnjr jnd Salurda; ul tach wcrk.nl tlmllti-ry xlublnnr Mr. N, Durhlu, rlaleni, hum April VdtnJuly trt, IS7I Terms fur (hcSeiisoii, ending Juljr 1st, 1S7I, $30 in U.S. Cold Coin. l'or Insurance, (i.'.d, It. N. IJoltl .'oln. Iliio wln'n Ihu Mrr Is known In lm with foal, or pillid with, W. CM Villi. Anldnnd. Ori-goii Mnrih lt, S7ldAw;:ni .1. HANSON, Oarriago Fainter and Trimmer, Uai iikmiivi'.ii mi siioc ritoM tin: iii:n nrl IIiiiiiii lo tin brick liiilldliuiiypni.ltlhi'rn. li'in llrayaud Hark t'liinp.inv nn Plain Mrrrt. a'M.tw:im KEARNEY'S n.i'ii i:xtka(t BUOHU! 'Ihuoul) kmeTii it niuilir lur Bright's Disease. ii.l a -l it i 'mi' l fur Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, LMupav, ViMi-rt'lciiiioii or Iiii'tiitlutMi.'ti of rrlie lrriution. I iiilniiuln.il nr ri.rrallon of Uu Itl.AIMH'.U AMI (II.i:V!S, SPERMATORRHOEA, 1 cti. Iiorilura m XVInlc, Hi-raw f llio I'ro. 1 1. Hi; (.I.iiiiU, None In liit- lllnddor, I'id. 1'itliuiiiiUi I in' llu.'kdiil Ivi.vll ant lliu'iii nr Milly n:li.irKCa. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU l'criiiiiu'utl) Cuii ml IllM'ni.rs iif the Bladder, Kiilnrjs and Dropsical Swellings, i:UtinK In Mm, Women and ISjIlitrcs, tir.Mi math it iiat tiii: ai:i Crtif. Mctilr m: "line ImiiliMif limrncy's Klnld t:llnU llikhil U wi.rlli moic Una nil iHln-r lliuliua t'liinliliul." Cil.'O tint) DolLtr per ltoltlo, cr Uro i.dlr for M llnltlo. UrMi( 101 IlintiioMfss't, 'cm York. A l'htUliu III nltrmtanw to.iiiiiur rurrciond. cihoaiKlgltoadMi't'itniua. k'Ji 'NmiiI Nniiip lur 1'nriii Ji!cl. Irrti. ,3 vld l.valt Hriij.1.11-. TO m-x EJ NKKVOUS AM) l)KBIIilT.ITGI) Or UOTH SEXKS. No Charge far Advice and Consultation. nit.. 1 11. iirorr.(m.iirATi:oi'ji'.iTi:iios Mi'dk'.il l'ollia'0. Chlhiilclplii.i.Hiithorotrricr.il .lliMtilt iinix, cnii is coiiMilinl on all ill-onf IliOM'Viial or I'nuart Orrm. wlil-li ho lis" nuilu an rsvlal .liiily.rlil.ir in nulooi Icniali', no uuitcr I'li'in wli.ll. .111.0 ii U;iinlliii; r of tu loiij; .IMidlUK. A pi.U'lUool MtiMMcnalili'. him lo hull iIIm'.i-t. hiIIi nvc". I iirc4K'iaianiisil I li.iriw himmi.iIiU'. Tho'O at a ill-l.iinc can l.irwunt Icllcr tlovrlUnit j m4 urns .tad en. Iiulng l.tinii In pri'liif isvliuo. Is ml lur IIh (,iiii u llntllli I'rvo UV. J. 11, tirr. si n., ChTM.'Hn.indsnrx'oii, lot Pnano atns-l, N. V irliKdtsal l Medical Wonder, lilt. II Y. STKHI.K. l'roprletor. I'l ItK Al.l. Achos anil l'aius, Chills, Colds, siiruhis, llrulst's, Itiirns, c. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Tor utto hy iVH.llwim WKATIIKUKOKDAIV). Ilriitjptia. Satfnu FOR SALE. 1 TUFT'S GENERATOR. ONE BOTTLING MACHINE. TWO COPPER FOUNTAINS. ONE LOT OF SODA BOTTLES for NuiHii.'h'Uimi- Mtlc nLi. ThoaUucspiktiatnt u.iaiH't npln Salem IaI i.ir Slidlhuioiylih tMnl, It sturaiiinsllolvivllablr. vsiinidrio and 11 ppsst welkins oixlrr, ail lor rspl.1 tirkc.uinisl'l4t llwllliiiiiinrt.viotsili.rhwir and will mj lhioMalor I.M pmtlt Ivrd4 dutliij; llm.mU mwimiIi run lulu lull cjuoll ltilcn fll wlllls) xikt jdluiowurr i In livli'o Irf'illhand iiiuUIo 10 tin a d it's work. II nu It .tin hi lho Invloro ofli V. I'uv, t-"ill luMrucilout will t Ultra M llwt irvhl.-r. J. W, NjUTlll.K. ..U.dAU . BMMSPSl :XTIl.Dii"X"X- r xxva-xxxi , In 1 vorsnll j coiiivilccl lo be the LciuIIhi? Rccd Inilruuicnl or Ilic Arc. Church Committees, Organists, Musicians onnl'y!he"d e"po" cla ly those desiring to purchaso Organs for oitnor Churches, Lodges, Societies, Associations, or Private Use, hould not fall to fiamlnu that wondcrfull triumph of mechanical and mu.lia! .-cnlu, THE BXJUDITT OEG-AIST, WSIS! iu'iay ..K1nCmoc&;;n,rin,0 tiJ-hcml rorMtrclnl I'rlce 1.1st anUlirnilnra. STEINWAY & SONS, Guild, Church & Co.'s, and Haines' Brothers PIANOS, Si.EET MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, VIOLIN STRINGS, ETC., ETC. Pianos nud Oritana sold payalilo lijr oa.jr Mouthly Inttallmonta. E7ERY PIANO GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. KtTKI.XD FOR I'KICJ: LIST A.M IIXUSTKATI2I VATALO.UI..i i GRAY'S MUSIC STORE, ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON, F. J. BENITZ, Manager. npICH.UT Proposals for Cavalry Horses. .it'M iirncr, ) IlKC'lll.VMUIA, J Kon, March 10, 1874. J L'llll KUL'A llTKUMAhTr.il URI'AIITMK.NTIirTlli: 1'ullTI. AN 11, Urc'ifuii , SKAI.HII PIIOI'DAUS Wlt.l. UK RITKIVKP IN thlHulUw'e until Uil iniltio 13th llAYOFAl'llll. 1H7I, for TWO lUI.MMtDHANU l'Otll!!0l CAVALRY IIOBM. To le ilcllvcrol a follow: MO Ht Fort Wnllit Wnlln, W. T.i Ul h t'ort Kliiuinlh, Orrtro.it 40 Ht Oinip llnrury, Orrgon. Tlie horH'it will liamililrtt'iltnacarrfiil lnpoctloa hvfoii Ik'Iiii? n.vi'ptt, iimt iniiat Iw of it.irk colon", niiiiil In Hi uirlliiliiri-. well liroLcu. In tU flcMinwl ifuikl t oiulitloii. Iriiin 13 tu lulumla high, from .1 lo j-cariol'l, ami well KitHptvl Inefvryway fnrcaralr; i.ilrlinw.4. l'roimuih wilt liu lumnlileinl fnr tho wholu miinbvr rciiiiit-i ul hiiv "I tin! iiliovc naniiil iol. Ucllverj- nfihii ImrK'H u ImlMmpli'liil wlthtiithlrtj 1301 il.iy alltr tlnn'onliaM Ixnuanlnl. l'rHMHln olimilal rime the ptic" "iier ciipltn"l l.i'lKil Tciiilvr. In wrltlni; wi'll mi llgiir', nml inul iKiiu'ciiinimiiloit hyn KiinnmUT, hIkih'iI bv Iwo riiunilblu pMi1li",lht It 1 1 li) I il' I la litvcplcl tho I'M ilir will, Mlililn ti'ii ilniHUllfr lho nvvrplunco ofNiUI l.l.l, ontrr Into llio minimi oUIipulmiH or t'ontmcl wlih ro.n1 aiul (.ullloifiil Hviirlllca. 'I hi' ri'KpMimililtlt.viif tlioKii'iriinlorainiiAt lo vcrll fliil luliy ihi'l' orlviifal-'oiirtoflEiviinl. .No hlil will liiTiik'ttiiliiril friiiniiiit tarty whilm hori'lnl'iiit' ttllh'trnwiiorlil'ril In tulillt lil'i'nnlnut. 'llieliiitviniiioiil ri'Hiru"Ui llull tlio rlhl of lo ';ii or all bulii. Iiljuka will lm rimiMHil mi application nt thu of- ll.K'. l'roK.i1ii will Ih) in.i'lo in trlill.'.ilo nnil linlnrKil "l'nivin fur I .nlry,"uti'I a irt'K-il liithoiiinler rlir.i.'l. it. n. iiatciii:i. 111:11, Xiijuraml JiiarIcniviliT, U. .S. A., Chit'f Quarter-iiH-lrr. inh'ilCl TO THE UNFORTUNATE. KKW KKMKIIIK-! .NKW IIKMKIUKSI r?t. ;ijito.'.s DISPENSARY, 023 Koarny Stroot CiirniT CmiiiiHM'i'liil St. SAN FRANCISCO. Kt:ilnllHMl in IsM, fur the tir.ilmrnl ol f-n.il ami N'inliul IiImm-o, riu'li u (ionorrhra, tllot-t Mrli'liirc. ."i ptilll In all il loniw, .Tiiiliin WlMkllUM, llllltl'lli,y. fit!. Wtlll ll'.l.f o )ti' ManitliiK ""'I Lli-fiatcl l.te .uoct'.-fullj truitiil Nrniiuul Wrnkiirv. tVmliMl fiiillou tlio foiitiiifiioc ol fell l ux. 'I'liU Milluiv !, or ili'i'iMUi! Krxiuil liulul Itciwt'. H pntt'lU't'l li" tlio )oiii of both nc to an iilinn-l inillinilnl oxttnt, prmliU'lni; with liner. rlni; ocrt.lliit, lho Inll.nHlij iiiiln ol inorliltl m tn loiiii, unli'4 I'liiiilkiliil hy KteutlllvS mo.lU'4 nltiKiiifi', lt: iMllmr I'tHiiiirnaiit'i'. lUrli t tinilrr lho trv iviiii lii tlio ht'.til. rliiKliK In lht r.ir, iihIm) ilk (ho rii-lllnt; of li'airi ami Milling of vlurotHi uiua.lnoM alxuit lho IoIih. coulu-nl tl.lon, blunt tl liitollivt, Ii'-h of t'ouilili'iu't', illttlilt'iK'o In a, prtklilii,;iilraii.'iKi,ri', tlMll.0 to form now aniialnt. niut'', a ill'Uloii lo Minn tovU'iy, lovt ul iiumu. ory, IiivIUi iltihf .111.I turOut rruplloni. about Ih laco, llirrcit tonuo, U'lM brt'.uh, t'onnli, ron iiniptlnii, nli;til t'U, mononianl.i ami Ire iiit'iit lnanll. If rt'lltf lm not obt.ilin.il, tlif .iiili-rvr liinihl apply Iniini-Ujii'ly, tnt'rouor by Uu rr, ami li.nn a t-uip t'lrtvlttl by hi now ami Mlt'iiilll nitulo of trfntln tttla iIImmi', whlt'l iit'ior lull of t'lTivIIni; a ti'lvl ami nutk'.il euro I r. li, will alto 0110 linmlrt'il tlolUrt to ant ivp'Oii who will prom KiU..,uliirlly 10 him thai (if w.H I'lirttl of (hit compltlut by I'llhtT ul Itu Mil t'ruiwl'voatiati.. t'urt'U nt llouir. IVr.nn. at u illliini-o miy no I't'KKI) AT IttlMi:, hy oiIiIivoIiik n li'llt'r 10 Dr. lilbUin, malini; caM', njnimouis it'nKin 01 111110 me iint'.ix li.m t'ontliiiittl.aml hao nititU'liio rTomptly toi waiilf.l, llt'o troin il.tini;t ami fiino-ltx, 10 an) Mrl ol tlio t'ountr), with full ami plain ill uvltoii for iliio. IVrMint wrllliif; to lho lvor will plrt ttatt the name of tho piptT lho) kiw this ai(icrttomrui lu. llv liu'li!iiK I0 foln. In n rnrlMcrcil lettfr tarouKli tlio l'n-l iinit'i'. or IhroiiKli Vrlln, t-'arn" A Co., a ivwk.iKt! of inoillt'lno will bo lorwanlt'il lu an part ol lac I'nloii, Allforrrniioiiili'nfOi'trU'llvi'oiiliilonlL'il, AihlifM lilt. J. V. litlllloS, if: I Koarny Mutt, .-an l-'iaiit'li-oo. rorttiftloe lloi I.W7. l-'t'biu ili'ivllwlr GRAND OPENING OP V7 v TV 250,000 COPIES SOLD! Ok' RICHARDSaN'S NEW METHOD I'OKTIIK PIANAFORTE!! TIIIS.'IIIKl'AKL'M'kl.l.KM'EOr'Al.l.l'IANO MK'IIIOKN MAIMWINt TIIK I'KUNT KA.NK, SHlls!.K Kfl.llKSTIIAT OF Al.l. OTl. KKS FOKKIliN UK AMKIilCAN-COMlllNKH. TIIH rillll.lollKKM'I.VIM UN ANNUM. NI.K U tU0 LOI'IKx INIIlil'UTAlll.K I'KIHIK W rionivi; ami iN-.uii.NMr Mr.itir, ami its Spring Goods, -AT- FEIEDMAN'S FIRST ARRIVAL 11 y tiii: STEAMER ORIFLAMME OK STAPLE GOODS, WHICH 'ARE NOW ON SALE. Cubot W Domestic, 8 jds for $1. Cubot A 7 yds fur $1. Bcdfurd R lOydlV $1 . Bleached from 10 to 15c per yd, Fine col. Alpacca at 40c per yd. Nime an lias btt-u m-IIIiik at C2J heretofore. Socks from 0 lo 37c per Fair. (liio half Hie u.nal retail rate. Luiics Cotloii Hose, 'i (o 25c, IN A FEW DAYS i "wilt- oii'ificit My Stock of Clothing (ONSI-TINO OK Fine Castor Beaver Suits, From $20 to $30. And the Finest Lot of Cassimcrc Suits from $10 to $20, THAT HAS EVER BEEN IN SALEM. ALSO A at.M IHMM.AY -OK BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OLOTHIiVG, IN HATS, I HAVE ALL STYLES Trout llioOraiiKCrtoitl'liit Hut That will aniwi-r for an Uinbri'lla. i iiavi; a nxr. li.m: oi TjJSJDX3Z1& SEE03I3S, HAT I WILL SELL FROM Si to S1.50apair The mioo a )ou centralljr jjjr from fi lo H J0it.'r vr. 1 AM Ori'LIlLVC TRUNKS, VALISES, CUTLERY, Haudkoroliiofs, Lnoos, and ALL MY NOTIONS AT GREAT BARGAINS. 'll nud Kt huH 'Hi Yourkdr. S. FRIEDMAN. SL000 REWARD . a J J S roil AS DTCTTRABLE CASE: r tin. E KICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM. Alter ten year trial on tnu eot hai nroren itself Ihu unit tiiiriillvu In a tierwln iiIiim of ill6co pro. nniiiiciHl br me Ileal praetllloners t IneurahU Dr. Le'Richau's G0LDLN BALRAM No. 1, ciire Clianchru lint antl eeoontl ngen, Sore u lh l.t- 'r ltotlvi Sore Kr, KTe, Nime, c.: L'niw.. eoloreil Illolt-Ws, . iiilltlc Cnlarrh, IilaKilRiu ami all irlnwl' formof Ibo illMe known u Syul! Ill, rrlw. Holier bottle, m-twr fr9. ' Or. LeRichau's GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2. tftirei Tertiary, Mcrcnnal, Svitiltltl IthcimMtlni' I'alnoK In the Ilnne-s Hack of HicN(-ck, UlcerateJ) SnicThnmt;Syihllltio ItaMi, Lump anil ConlraetM CiinK llflneis of thu Umbo, miO cniOloatet aU illmaice' ! Ihe ytem, li 5 her caiiHi' by linltsert. lloiii.r faiipe ofniercury lravlnn Iht bloml imroiM healihy. Price. V vr lmtlle. o two Tor 19. Dr. LeRicnau's GOLDtN SPANISH AN- lltlotc. for the Cure of Uonxorlura, C'leet. Irratloa. lirarel. anil all Urinary or Uenltal disarrangement? Pilocf2 Wiir Hollle. Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN SPANISH INJEC tlon, a aMi ami Injection lor revcro cae ol lion, norhtea, Inflanmialory (Heel, Mrl.'lurcs ami all ill,, ctorthe KMno.uaml Illadiler. Frice, II SO yerhol. Aln Act-ntd lor lilt. LK Hll'llAU'S (50LDEK PIl.LSfor Seminal Wiakiuwt, Nlplj KmlMlon, In. IMiiency, aril all ill-ea.-e iiiiliiK liom Mantmbatloi nnil ttXec'itlTi-abiiae. Price. IJ r lrattlc. The (rennlnc CoLIH'.n IIALham h iiit up only I, raiiml iHiiilen. On it-telpt of price, lhee inoillcl'ne. Mill bn winl to all pain i'l' the couutry, by cxpreai ornuill, Hvnrely ucketlnml fi ve from bscrrallon. Soto arciitB, C. K. TtlCltAltPS ft CO., Wholesale aid Itctall l)rnrctl anil Chrmlnln, R, W, corner Clay ami baiueine Mreel. San Kran- eldt'O. ' MutI77;I:iUw1t A Scrofula Liniment, A Sure and Speedy Care for Scrofula la any Stage SOMKTIIIN'n OF OltF.AT IMPOHTANCK TO lho public, anil ofpeal rnlue lo thox MiOerlnr from Scrofula la anv torm White Spelling, Tumorit Ulcers, Kiim! or Irritable Krml,iela, nroldSorei. I Tko Liniment In only ineiareil bynie.aulii have many le.tliionlalf but clro only Ibe low that fl- Tin i.iniuieiii in on it nieiareii uynie. amu not knnwa In lho public. I hate tlier rcraclU. low isliK'h 1 !! In connection with It. Some canca cum by tne have liven IS lo 2a yearn ulanillilr, Atldita dm through the tw4orUoe. JAMES EDWARDS, Halvn, OrofOi. TcitKtivnr or Idaho, I County of Ilnlre. " I, KIIm Foxier. hcln duly tworn. iloccrllry tint I hail mm nfmy anklcn llirown out of Joint, a art I he Doc lor fullhift lo fet It rlkhl.I .utTcreil very muck I licet. " teiliiencc, ami coultl Unit no relief imtll Icommcnoil ikIiir Jamc Kilwartla' Unlnicnt, which actcit like I charm. I bail been aOlictetl about live vrara. lag ' now entirely well. KI.IJIA I'OSTEII. SuW'rlkoil unit tworn to before mo thli Ulh Uay tf . January, A. D. lilt. M. II. Mookk, U.l Probate J uilje. ; SAl.KM.Ogn., Keb. 7.187t ' Till It t certify thai I, Itlchanl Jacob, father f ' KlUn Fniter, alter welnp the almiccertillcjitcl ileea it pmicr In nay that It l all liftht, ami 1 wl II make II mnro minute, llrraxkle became full fhnlra, whla ncalTil Scrnllus UIccm, ami I emnloyttl the ben nitilli'al rklll IfoulJ Uuil, namely: Dnctnra Maxerf, Wright ami Cunili. Atonu lime roma ol thenpr. noiiuceil it Hone Crnma, ami wanted to uutit of, uhlch ho woiilil nat haiuilnne. Aflcrwartls Jtmn FilwaplKciireilii. alter the itnctnriicoiilil imt heluhet any. Mie was artllcteil tlu 3far amlliaa been well . . . "- ... .-.-.. jr Hill lecn vrara wu nont ll return Inc. HIClfAKD JACOBS, I'atherof tlieaboie Kllza Foster, SALhM, Kor. M. 1671 It M well known lh.it I liavo been affllctnl tori number of year" with a wre on mv lee at UifTcrrit i imii, aim h wa uivomi lgmnro tiinicult lo healeail lime, bin In-Ihu iii( nfj.iuiea KOwanla' l.tnlmcnll oiiiirt n-tlef In a fun il.iin, ami now mv legla heaW ami feel" belter than llluiffiira nnnili'r ol jrai:.l iv, .i .tu,; mi uvi innit'iiti unf, r.tinariis uu mem trull who aruariicieil an I have ln'cn. fcbll:iU3iii ;. W.SCKIIIKR. COLEMAN'S; No better evidence of the tl flcacr ol Ilr. J. N. f'nla. u.it.t'N Coinpniiml Hxlractaf r.iit'aii in .'nil im. imairafl in.ui tup iiuniii MiNiuury or caree, licaliil will thin leiiio ly alone, by lh.it eminent pbytlclan. Pi. ti . " inntr.n, iiiuir U Marlnullnipluil.iiiFrauclhvi.l ri.ileitln i mi- Augiift No.l8it,l i-iiciim jieiiicauouraai: No. Caui Treatol. & ...19 .... 9 4 10 .... 3 .... n ....27 ....13 7 4 iiiiiit'in pny.ician, ir& EUCALYPUS RemltUntFevtr Chilli and Fover Typkold 1'ever , Iaflim.ef th Kldntyi pioretli Iacontinence of Urine.. 8trlctnre Inflam. of Bladder Bltinorrbagti DUeaai of tte Heart... Dyientery Ohro ale Starr kaa 13 "vaorraiM ja UtOftJ 6 Completely corroborative of the above. Iiortsoi the exuertim-niM itlih i'n..nUt.rna , iir j.orrlincroritcrlln, Pruola, ami Dr. Heeler, Chief Ph)McLinoflhoAiitrlan Hallway Co., publuheiltt ItiuAiu. kl I. Jmir. Jnlv. ik? ' ' ' Itwlllhcfounil very eiicn.'lona in obntlnate f ai j ut i".fi'". iruucniiLMiucklnK Cough. ClirooK 1 .t.i ..,,.., ..rmiiu, eic.,auu m aauien uunu prt-Kuacy. CureU. 6 V 9 3 7 3 4 25 10 3 9 15 3 Improved. 3 are then- JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D., OCULIST AND AURIST. Prorsor or lHM'aos of (be Ejro and Eur In the Meillcal Deartmont of Willamette Uulerlty. H KirE-lkunr nitvk, Portland. Trealu at iivi;;Vrj?( rmitv i . r. .ne'ohVir wrT' lu IIS VAI.UAIII.K KXKItCl-Ki AS WKU. As- ' nK""-ui3 IVS I IIAKMINii hi IIKATlt.No. A NhV KDITIHN JIT K-UKD CONTAINS "M-lll'MANNV" UAMklA" AMI THE FAMUliS "IV.KItN'j I.K1Thll- ON 1IIK AKTOF PI.AY 1M. 11IK I'liMl" "Itli IIAIIDON-S ShW Mh'I'lliiD." I lll IXlMTAIN.s UVKlt PAUK-t HH. I. XlllMl M.K. AMI I JIMI.Y CLAIMED 1 UK TIIK UIT I'UMI 'r.TllOD EXTANT I'HM'i: 83.73. fr- 1KD HV TIIOl'sANIW OF TE VCIIK11S AMI .-OLD UV Al.l. HlKIK JUDHUMU DEA l.KUS. JK'HI.ISIIKD Hi' 0, DITSOK CO, liuslo.N. OHAB. h. orrsoK & CO. 711 ltt-JwT. .New Turk. ANDREW KELLY, BLACKSMITH SHOP, (SiuvcsMir to A.J. Ilrown. Commercial Nlreel, Knleiu.OreBoii, HOUSE SHOEIXJ Jfe CE.NEIULJOinVOns DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. VGOS MADE & KKIMIREB. irchlCtUwif Dr. Coleman's DouWe Extract of Eucalyptus 4 M U a 'poclal preinratlon for Ike treatment of Fkvfii and Aor aadla WAIIHANrKD ro CTM ei ei y i-.iKJ trentetl aoconllnj to irviiuii, niiaoui mo injnriou.rc Milla of tho urii.il iiiilnlno anil IT' M-nlcal rt'itwllm for fhni ili4ejue. A I no, puro Flutil Extract or Eua- j Ivntllii. In ono timml linlll.'j. fcr s! ui, nit.-i.iiia- iim. iiewaru i in ' tlon, ami lake nono hut Colenun-a. For Nile vu-ry where, anil by 1IOIICK, CAI.EF I -.u., iufkui, i oriianu. oic Asvnts lor ureron. 4. Vj J.-1I1 '1m Jrirtt ' V " H nn-J-.-ilnu-.N. . i-attfusos, otarvPubw ro. h.jonku". lte.il EUito Uroker. Jones Patterson. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. MHJOTI.VTi: I.OAXS, MAKE COLLECTION. AISENTS FOK Union Fire Insurance Coapaij, of Ran Francisco; ami Mutual Life Insurance ConpaiT,. of N'etr YnrV. I'l OPERA HOU8E BLOCK SALEM OH1X.OX. OTTa UTTIiES: We bny or fell only en eommiMlou -charrlngaf centage lor the amount hlch the property lioH? IraiUt , lor iiiirM.'rilc"d,iluo when thcccmraacf-1' or iraile i maile. Vie villi Introiliico rurchasera to the owner ellf' in tj:itj, ami it'.itoineniiriTioma.eineieila-' they can, without anv Interierenweonoiirpart. o iiv all aiUertlFinc ctionH's eienillng on V Cinimtlnn. Uhln n .iIm nr Irq.ln Id M,.l. Wefhoi, i "I iirncily, where vtlthln reach, or l"l Icttero ! IntriMiicilon to reliable jartle. ilvlns- All leiter uflniiilry pramly anil fnlty anrwei e ha e many application irom gooil. proroi ! Ingmcti, ho will uv li percent, for money, a Rlietlr.tclaMiier.oual or real wtate feoitrityt' PJyalltheeenK'iialteiuliiicaiakibgoutlhe l"f Ac. Paanlet having mtiuey ti loan will ao eJ apply to nt Leroro iilatSug It e ewl ere. We cMT the lemlera noHUngfor our.airvite; lae bormJ lay n. jEctlro Uictlon c.vwi ra-arJlne k iirlUaa. I M S i V. I