Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 18, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 11

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    I W Batumi for Makuu Mr. T. Pierce, of
ioiu, Polk county, furnishes us with tbo
allowing weather report for the mouth of
l.rulf: mean lenippraturo for tlio month,
highu-bt, fii,ou the 31st; lowest, 37", on
be7lh rtiul Slh; amount of rain fall, S:0d
iihil oleariiays, 13; cloudy days, 7; general
liri-cliou of winds, Irom tlio south, On the
i.irutng of tlu 3d there was eight Inches of
n()U,aiul snow fell till uoon. Snow also
fell on the Uih, but was all gone on the 9th.
the mr.nlh or March, 1873, save 18 ralnv
Ih.n, with H: 14 Inches of water; Guitar and 7
lltmuy days l'Ue mean temperature for that
Douth was 41"; highest fi88, ou the 20th and
1st; lowest, 3(1'', oil theCth.
The Calendau of CniMn. The State
eiiuetitlary, at this place, hii already re-
Blvod from Llun uoiituy, during the pres-
km teini of Circuit Court there, fourconvlcta.
rwo ut these are wouttnced for the most re
rolling crime known, that of Incest, and tlio
hople of that county are fortunato In get-
tig them out of their midst, oven for tbo
kl.ort period of their respective teruis. In ad
dition to those iiiantloued, another man is
low on trial there charged with the crime of
Malhkuii Aqkncv. From Mr. Henry
Doleuiuu, who conies lu this morning direct
Emm Malheur rsservullon, wo learn that
Iverj thing lb quiet there, and that there ha
in en no trouble with the Indians as reported.
Ir. U, also informed us that O. A. Drown
Darted for South-eastern Oregon Home two
tionths since and has not been heard of lu
Ix weeks. Ho had In company with him a
rblte man and an Indian. The impression
P the reservation is that the party is snow-
pbpuiid, mid will be in as soon as tlio Spring
ww comes ou,
tV . .. ..
iv. a. ijiiown .ir. !;. x. tutsan living n
hoi l dlstutiie below thn city received a let
ir Irom his brother, this date, stating that
0.' A. lii own ii ml himself had arrived ulCan-
Ef n City the 30th, lilt. They were on their
t-fl'uy to the Mulhucmiicuov, and from there
fltaletided locoiiiHillin-t to Sal. m. This will
irt at rest the minds T many of Mr. HrownV
riend, who have lor the past three Meek
ken anxious to hear from him.
fp, iAnniji iiuuda .iiuwji sr.r.Mr.u I uu
OWA Kf .....I.. If........ SI...... V. t.1..
inriners mid truck-grim nr whndesiid upon
le local consumption orsalem, are iiiniiy of
kieiu complalnlog of tlio want of a market
pusoliilhlsclty. They say that the pres
It system pub), them completely lu the
qwerot the retail grocery keepers, or mill
A men, mid lauliko burdensome to nro-
cor slid consumer wo coiiimend the sub-
el tothoiittentlon ofourclly government.
VKii n.Nu. Tlio heavy frost this morning,
With a clear NUiirNe was rather rough ou
'Mtly fruit. A few such mornings and the
ill consumed lu this suction, would bine
l be Imported.
IRirrUKNHD. Mr. John Martin, who was
fudged Insane u short tlmo since and sent
flho Insane, Asylum from this place, has
en discharged from that Institution as
Mred. He returned to this city last evening.
Wednesday, April 8.
ftrimciiAMK or Sti:am Fkkky Mr. J. N.
lalbony has purchased of Mrs. A. II. Wlut-
fly the property and franchise of the steam
fjJbrry which runs between this city and I'olk
uiuy. Mr. Muttieuy Is an old hand at this
business, having bocu engaged In it at this
place Tor n iwrlod of sixteen years. Ho built
the Urst steam ferry boat ever run hero, and
iwore it out; and afterwards built tbo ouo in
i at this tlmo, selling out to Whltloy and
(fciltli about two years ago. Having again
1'porchased tbo properly, ho is going to build
f'wlro ferry, which wo presumo will bo In
(Meratlon at no very distant day.
I)ki.koati: to Guand I.01XIK. At a regu-
I hir meeting of Anniversary Lodgo, No. 13, 1.
O. U. F., II. Carpouter and Geo. Williams
IMre chosen delegates to represout that Ijodgo
the incetlug of the Graud Lodgo of the
ate of Oregon, to be held at Portland on the
third Tuesday lu May,
VnHni,if.tnuii 11- t a oi.ur I..I"
w vAtiru,.,iA. !, aj. ,-j. onm, imutuis
I that be will leave on the next steamer to
1M absent for n month In California visiting
la relatives In that Stato. Ho will llml
Uprll and May delightful months to Journey
i tbo Golden State.
cMaiiuikd. At tbo residence of the groom,
acsdyAprI17lh,1874, by ltev. K.J. IMwno,
eo. McClane to Nelllo Heal, nil of this city.
lo cards.
Thuksiiav, April t.
April Tenu- . Terry, JuUse,
Monday, Gtb.
In tho matter of the estate of Joseph Hart-
deceased: Administrator presented re-
iplsoftho holrs-at-law for their respective
res of said estate, and was discharged
m further liability.
In the matter of the estate of Tbos. D. Kel-
r, deceased: Ktato finally settled and or-
r of distribution made among the heirs.
In the matter of the estate of Tbos. Keiine-
deceased: Application for final settle-
Hi set for laming on tlielHh day of Mayut
rclock p. a.
Tuesday, 7th.
the matter of tho guardianship of the
nor heirs of Charles Miller, deceased: A.
I McNary, the newly appointed guardian
Id minors, tiled his inventory of the es-
of his said wards.
Intheniatteroftbeeslatoof John Albright,
eased: Jennings Smith was appointed ad-
alstrator of said estate, and Sol .Smith, II.
Mount and S. S. Cox appraisers thereof.
In tho mutter of tbo tualo of Levi Doutblt,
eastd: Application for final settlement sot
htaringon the 0th day of May, at 1 o,clock
Wednesday, 8th.
i tho matter of the estate of A. II. Whit,
deceased: On hearing of application of
executrix for order of sale of real estate, the
hearing was continued until the 7lh day of
May, 1874, at 1 o'clock r. m.; and citation or
dered to be issued to Jas. A. Scrogglns, one
of the devisees of the mlll,to appear and 8 how
cause why such order of sale should not b
April Torui-Tirry, Judge.
Wednesday, April?.
In tho matter of tho Salem ferry: J. N. Ma
theny, successor In Intorost to A. U.Wbltley,
Hied his bond, which was approved by the
Court, and the license heretofore granted was
transferred to said Matbeuy.
In accordance with a petition or citizens
and tax-payers, U.D. Mount, John Newsom,
and Geo. F. McCorkle wore appointed com
missioners to examine into the necessity for
the construction of a brldgo across Little Pud
ding river, on tbo road leading from Urooks'
Station to Howell Prairie; to select a site
therefore and report plans for and estimated
cost of construction of said bridge.
In the matter of a petition for a County
Hoad from a point In the centre of tbo road
leading irom Sublimity to Stayton, near San
lord's bouse, to Intersect the road from Aunis
villo to Jetlerson: L. II. Judson appointed
surveyor, and W. G. Porter, Henry Smith
aud Audrow Sauford viewers; to meet at the
house or JosophScbatrou the 20th of April,
1H74, at 0 o'clock a. m.
In thn matter of tho location of a County
road from JeHVrson to Intersect the road lead
ing from Marlon Station to Santiam rivor:
L. II. Judson appointed surveyor, and J. 11.
Terhune, Jesso Looney and Henry GutliVHii
viowers; to uiect at Joilursou April !d, 1874,
at 0 o'clock a. i.
In tbo matter of tho location or a Comity
road from tho N. Kcor. of tho N, W. quarter
ol'Sec. 8, tp. t S. It. 1 W., to intersect the road
leading Irom Sublimity to Jefferson, near tbo
residence of Thos. Dvis: L. 11. Judson ap
pointed surveyor, aud Win. (I. Porter, Henry
Smiltiaud Andrew Sauford vlotvors; to meet
at the liotiNo of Joseph Scbatf, April 20th,
1874, at U o'clock a, m.
Tlio rorry license of Alox, Spong was re
newed. In tho matter ot tho location of a County
Koad Irom tlio southeast corner or George
M'lilemlru's land easterly to tbo southeast
corner of secil'in six, township south, 1 east:
The assessors heretofore appointed to assess
thodaiiiages that Mould bo sustained, In con
stqutuco of said location, by Mrs. II. Q.
Wiuto, reported adversely upon her claim
for damages; whereupon, It was ordered by
the Court that said road bo located and estab
lished lu accordance with pra,urof petition
aud report ol viewers; that a report, plat and
survey thereof lm recorded, aud the Super
visor of said District be required to open said
road the legal width.
In the matter orachango of a County Koad
loading from Silverlou to Fulrllold: Tho re
port of viewers read a first time In open
Couit, and ordered tiled to bo road a second
time lu a duo course sf law.
Iu tho matter of the vacation of part of the
County Itoad leading from Marion to Till
dall'a ferry: Tho report or viewers read a tirst
tlmo iu opou Court and ordered filed to bo
read a second time lu duo courso of law.
In thn matter of tho re-locatlou of a part of
the County Hoad loading from Salem to Sll
verton, betwoeu 1). Jefferson's and A. Me
Corkle's: L. II. Judson was apoliitod sur
veyor, J. A. Iliillman, John Savagoaud J. 1).
Smith vlowors; to meet at tho long bridge ou
said road, April Dili, lh74, at 1 o'clock r. M.
In the mal-.or of tho construction or a brldgo
across Pudding river, on the road leading
from Salom toSllverton via. tho poor farm:
Report orcommlssloners rocommendlng the
building of a now brldgo rocoived, and G.
W. Shaw appolntod Superintendent, with
authority to contract for aud superintend the
construction of the sumo.
Renewal of ferry I Icon so was grunted to
James X. Smith, to oporato a ferry on the
North Sautlam river.
TlIttllsllAY, Htli.
In tbo mattor of a chaugo in Salem pro
clnct: It was ordered that so much of said
precinct as llos east of Llborty street be and
tho same Is attacbod to and inado a part of
I'ast Salom precinct.
A Batumi llcetisr) was granted to A. K.
.Smith or.Sllvertoii.
In tho matterof achnngn lu South Salem
pre'Ii-': Ii wisurilni lha! to much ,f nM
precinct as lies north ol the south lioundary
of the city of Salem bo attached to and made
a part of Salem precinct.
In the matter of tho construction or bridge
across Heaver creek and Pudding river, on
tho road leading from Howell Prairie to Drift
creek bridge: lUport of Commissioners re
ceived recommending Its construction; and
T. W. Davenport appointed Superintendent,
and authorized to contract Tor and superin
tend tho construction ol the same,
Iu tbo matter or n change In tho County
Koad leading from Sllvertou to Fairfield:
Report of viowers road a second time and
change ordered to bo made.
Iu tho matterof tho vacation of a part of the
County Koad leading from Marlon Station to
Tlndall's furry: Kojiort of viewers read a
second time aud rejected, because tho same
did not conform wl h petition.
Mashiied. Hy Klder S. C. Adams, at the
residence of Mrs. A. A. Wheeler In Salem,
April Oil), ls7i. Mr. A. F. Wheeler lo Mis
Laura Ncally, all of Silem.
Fill da Y.April 10.
SlNOUUVIl SUWIICAl. Oi-euation. We
were given tbepirticuUrsof a singular and
delicate surgical oporutlou which was per
formed yesterday ut tlu Oregon Home fm
the sick, by Dr. Carjienter assisted by Dr.
Pay ton. Tbo caso was that of a Utile boy. the
sonorMr. Morris residing near Aumllle,
between thirteen, aud fourteen years of ago
In conscquenco of a dl(cad condition of the
right arm, from which the boy has been suf
fering for the past elgteen months, the ulna
or smaller bone of tho fore-arm had split.
The outer piece of bone', beginning at the
wrist, had sepcrated rrom the other until it
bu rated entirely through the flesh and
protruded somo four and a half or Ave Inches.
Uy means of local treatment the laceration
thus caused had beon healed over, save Im
mediately around the protruding bone, near
the elbow, where the sore still remained
open. After putting the patient under the
Influence of chloroform, an Incision was
made from tho bouo to the olbow, and the
protruding piece unjolutod and taken out.
The little fellow was very brave about it, and
so excellent had been his trcatmont whllo an
Inmato of tho Homo, that ho was ublo to ride
out to his father's house In the afternoon af
ter the operation. Tho watchful attention
given to patients lu this institution, by the
stoward aud matron, and tho prompt and
skillful treatment which they receive from
its physicians, are combining to give to tbo
Homo a reputation to be envied by other
similar Institutions, aud one which Is bound
to Insuro success.
Piikcincts Chanoki). During tbo present
present term of tbo County Commissioners'
Court, tho following changes have been
inado In tho boundaries of city precincts: In
Salom precinct, tbo eastern boundary, here
tofore running through the center or High
street, has beon removed ono tier of blocks
to tho west and established in tho center of
Liberty street; leaving tboso blocks east of,
aud adjacent to Llborty street In Fast Salom
precinct. Tho northern boundary of South
Salom precinct, heretofore designated by
South Mill criiek, has been romoved to thn
soiitborn boundary or the city limits; throw
ing all of that portion or South Salem pre
cinct which lies north or said southern
boundary or tho city lu Salom precinct.
Cuiik roil Poison Oak. Mrs. S. (J. Hatch
liHtids In thn following autldotn fir poison
from tho poison oak: Take a wad of soft
cloth or a s o-ign and dip It In hot water, and
hold It ou tlio Hilsoned spots or let the hot
water drip over them; as fast us you are ahli
Incroaso tho heat of thn water, and It will
allay the Intolerable Itching. Then wet tho
skin often with a strong decoction or tobacco.
Another remedy Is tomb the poisoned places
lth a salvo or sulphur and sweot Isnl,
Kllhor remedy is a sure cure, but I huvo
round the quickest roller from tho hot water
and tobacco.
iMMMHANTrt. Mr. (I. P. T.irroll, who
was a passenger on tho last steamer from
California, Informs us that many Imuilgrtiits
are coming Into tho Sluto by every steamer
now. Ono hundred mid llfiy cstim up us
steerage pasmmners ou tho OrllMmimi thl
week; mostly Germans, from Iowa, Mis.
sourl and Michigan, and somo coming from
too Kastern States. They all coiiih for thn
purpose or locating pormauuully In Oregon,
and report largo numbers In tlio Kist, nud
Western States, who will como during tho
Fiiom Wasco County. Mr. Frank A.
Cook, our agent at Antelope, sonds us thn
rollowlng, under date or April fth: "I ar
rived hero ono week ago. Grass Is very good
and but very 1 II t lo slock handled. There
port that hair or tho sheep in Autnlopn val
ley tiad dlod slnco tho lint or March is raise.
Sheep aro doing woll. All or tho subscribers
hrosnem well pleased with tho Faiimeii,
KxTENstyHCoNTiiACTH.-More than double
the quantity of tlax ovor boforo raised lu
Oregon, in auy ouo year, is tindor contract to
the Pioneer Oil Company for tbo prosont
season'ri crop; and will aggregato upwards of
8,000 acres. Of this vast acreago, tho greater
porlon Is In Llun, Lane, Ronton and Marlon
counties; and tho yield is estimated ut from
80,000 to 100,000 bushels.
AlililVED. Mr. O.A. Ilrown arrived In this
city by tho morning train from Portland, di
rect from Mulhour Agency. It was the
quickest trip over made between the two
points, having been done In Just one week.
Thanks Kvory slnglo paragraph under
tho head of "Stato Items" In tho Portland
llutlctin or last Thursday was taken rrom tho
Daily Statesman or tho previous day with
out credit.
Satuiiday, April II,
i.ovi:, jiui.oi ,si,y ami i:uhs.
Ignominious l.illiire ulnMrsm bvut waller
lo 'rut wilt" it Niilrm Imj lliuiiilnif nil
'.Ki M:iiiMllet A licstiiirtv M'l t'i i. IMwu
"Xlppeil lu I lie Hud-- "All quiet ou Ihe
Willamette," dr., elr.
The rollowlng little eplsodo lu the llfo or
lilllln '. or this city, is ouly another
illustration or the old adage that "The course
or true love never did run smooth.'
Hlllle for a long tlmo lias been very par
tial toward one "bright particular" piece of
clay that he was ready and willing lo "fall
down and worship." The olJH;t or Iilllie's
adoration la Lizzie X , who lu Ids eves Is
Just tlio sweetest, prettiest (litll pluco or
"calieo" In all Christendom,
Now Lizzie Is a regular altoudant of Prof,
Prentice's singing class for youngsters, and
ou school nights, llllly's custom has beou to
take oil' his shop apron, put on Ills "store
clothov," gut his curly locks b.irberlzud (lie
don't shavu yet;, drop a littio "puppurmliil"
on his kerchief mid escort MUs Lizzie to and
from the school. Ho had done this so many
limes that tho biUtica or tho cUs toother
with the ro.-t of the friends aud acquaintances
of the parlies, began to think that everything
was settled upon and In duo tlmo MUs X
would commence her iiamo with the lal
letter in thu alphuhot. Trin Hilly us yet
only wore roundabouts aud MUs X hud
not jet got outof short droies, but that thy
mvedeach other with the ardor of a "ruriittc
heated much times hut" is a well established
fact. Life to them was nothing moru thau a
merry picnic ou a bright May morning.
"Two souls with but a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one."
Such a perfect statu of bliss couldn't in
long. These two happy little beings woule
have to learn that thero was au occasions'
ripple lu the stream or lire; that the skle
were not always cloudless; that flowers dlt!
not blossom tho whole year routid, or thai
tho wind came always from ouo direction.
It was too bad to wake them up rrom such
a pretty dream, but it was done, aud that tn
by a dashing natty, spruce young chap who
holds the responsible position or " Cabin
II. ly" on board or one or the "monopoly!"
bnats that puffs up and down the beautiful
Willamette. Jimmy Q. met Miss X , and lu
too was smitten with her bright eyes and
winning voice, and resolved to "cut Hilly
out;" and he had the ud vantage of Hilly hl
broadcloth was a shade finer aud got up by a
metropolitan tailor; ho woro an oroide chain
and had a big hunting cast) sll ver watch at
tached; Alaska diamond shirt buttons, and
could changn his linger rings every day In
tho week. Wheu on shore ho usually go
himself up "regardless of expense." An ar
tistic tie to his bluo cravat, a stunning hat,
an extra "shine" on tils Miiiaro-toed boots.au
ebony cane with an ivory handle, and he was
lu "full dress" and on the "war path."
Tako bliu wheu tin was lu full rig and
Jimmy was rather foriulilabln, rival. Al
most any rourtoen year old boy would
weaken when be was around.
Several weeks since tho sti-amor that
Jimmy was running on came In from above
and remained over night. No sooner had
the lauding been inado aud the gang plank
run out man j. ii was ashore In full feather.
Such an opportunity to call upon Miss X,
dldu'l happen every trip. Upon arriving at
the house he round Miss X. already and
about starting for tho singing school ol
course hoaocouipuiled liHr,and Hilly, think
ing nothing of It, gracerully gave way. Mi,,,
X. seemed rather pleased with her new con
quest, and being endowed with thn avenue
amount of coquetry, usually lound iu the
rlrsex,sho brought Into play all her mwers
in doubly enta. gin In her urn I he sor cabin
boy. That she Micceeded tho countenance r
Hilly y.'s the next morning plainly Indicat
ed. Hui Jimmy couldn't bo with heral
ways. The steamer blew her whistle und
wentabmit her business, carrying him with
her that is all ofhlui except that portion or
his anatomy called the heart or 'gizzard,"
that was left III Salem al the feet or Miss
For tho next Tew days everything with
Hilly ran In tho same old channel. Again
he was living ou sunbeams, humming birds
and po-dle dogs. "Kverythlug was lovely
and tho fimthnred blHsl was aloft." Hut
strange ss It may seem the steamer ou which
Jimmy was ohlnf disliwaslur and second
lahlo-uullcr, got Into thn habit of coming
down ilio rler every singing school night,
and laying oer until moiiilug. Our steam
boat hero took advantage of this araugeuient
unit lor several nights was Miss X 'n es
cort to and Irom the singing schools.
To Hilly this thing was gelling nionolon
ohm and ho resolved Ukiii a ctmjiil' rtitt.
Calling about a dozon of his friends lo geth
iiruscliemo wusarrituued to settle Jimmy'
pretensions. And tho time llxed iimiu to
carry out the plan was the noxt tlmo thai ho
should attend tho fair damsel lo Professor
Prentice's singing mciiooI,
They hud not long to wall boforo an oppor
tunity was given them to commence opera
tions, fur thai n kino night tho slimmer came
down tlio river aud Jimmy weut through tho
usual programme, with the ftir Ltzzlo, Hilly
and his crowd woro on baud with their
pockets full of eggs, resolved aflor Miss
Lizzie had been left ut the "garden gate" lo
make ll rather warm for tho young steam
boater ou his way homo. Hut Jimmy was
lu luck, the plot bad leaked out iu somo way,
and as soon us ho had bidden Ids "ilulclnea"
good night, ho met G, II. and O. W.(a couple
of bis friends), who had followed him, and
ho n us told what was I u store for bliu. At
this moment two or tho deck hands who had
been luforiiieu tho llx their favorite was lu,
put In un appearance. Jimmy was escorted
in triumph to thn bout whllo tho young
gentleman lu tho egg business slyly slipped
thn "hen irtill" back Into their pisikets, unit
slid around tho corner and outof the way.
.Ilminj 's Irish Is Mp and says ho will have
Miss Lly.le if lie has In Import every hood
lum in Portland, Oregon City und Albany lo
act as his body guard whllo perambulating
the streets of thot'apitHl city Willi tho iliariu-
hit 'I 4i K. II'vsay'H m ctn'l Iuvh lier
uh long us the egg crop holds out.
Wo await the termination with ourjxincll
iu "mid air" and will assure our readers that
every Item lu relation lo this interesting
jtlalr, shall bo duly chronicled, and sent out
as fast as our Taylor's double cylinder press
can throw oil' the particulars.
i'o.nmsMo.Mats' t'onirr.
April Trriii, Terry JihIkc ,
FlllDAY, lOtll.
Judgts of election wero apjxilnted for IS7I,
iu tho dill'ereiit precincts, as follows:
Xulem I'nancl.-O A Reed, R M Wade,
Geo A IMih.
.Vi( .SVirwi. W II Watklmls, J M Patter
sou, Geo A I'len.
NVfi .Wcm. Chas Olttggetl, I N Gilbert,
Puul Crnudall,
VoMfi .Silcm. !: Iv Miller, It II Dearborn, I
Gun Mercer.
JrjfrrM,i.Q H Roland, U R Doty, Win
Cos i r.
,1uri'oii. Jjsso IVrriih, T R Ilrown, Isaac
.mrriii.-.H Coiullt, Jos M .Shall, T J Wil
cox. Sublimity. II llobson, J no Downing, G
W C ii ick.
.Vireiroi.-Calvlii G.er, II D Mount, W R
Aliijitii. Wm M Cllne, T P Jsck, Win
J.dtinh, L Hooks, rUmuol Rsmp, H; C
frnsus J W lnoruoury, M A Wado, Jos
inWetini. (1 F Hall, Jos Smith, Hon
jlMorct.-SlephonPmlth.MKapps, Samuel
tluttnitte.-J V Huohttutian, G Peter Feller,
lonrj IChlen.
CAampucff. S L Jones, J HP Plotto, M OC
hirlr7ii.-l M Keotie, Jos Untlmnk, Goo
II Miller. '
IfatvtH iVrtiWc-A II Simmons, J W.
O venwood, GeoMcCorklo.
jrubbant.-il U Dayton, Joa Sawyer, AU
frod lloveiideu.
Tho attention ortho Court was farther oo
eupled In auditing bills, etc. Account
against tho county wero passed upon and
allowed to the anion nt or $.1,903 It),
An OtiKtioN Hoy. A paper publlshod at
Kankakee Illinois tells orallttlo boy thirteen
yrs or age, that sots typo on that paper,
who has sot from a full caso between the
hours orclght In tho morning and Tour In
tbo afternoon eight thousand ems, with an
hoiirout for dinner. That may do very well
for nu Illinois boy but "wo have n bright In.
tolllgnntllltla fellow In this establishment"
who Is but oleven years of ago : Sumter
Craig, who can till his case and set seven
hnnsaud ems fnun manuscript In the same
'line. Sumter has never been to school a
lay In Ills lire, but Is far advanced In studies
lorn boy of bis nge, having been carefully
educated al hoiim. Iu tint history of typo
se'tlng wo do not think that a boy of his ago
lias over been excelled.
PAssKNdEitrtFonCAi.trouNtA.-Tlio steam-
r Orlll tmiiio sailed for San Francisco yen
icr day, at 2 o'elivk i m., with thn rollowlmr
pivwonuors : W I. Hulsey mid wife, Mrs W
PSInvenson and infant, F F Adunis, l)r II
Sauford, Lewis Armstrong, Mrs Miidhlirst,
Mrs A A Wheeler, I.S llullaid, Too Fam, R
W Moore, I)r LS Skill, K Mllwuln, I HTay.
or. C O IIok'ii.', II P Reynolds, J .S lading,
well, V P Voluuiii , sister, Win Kennedy ,fc
wlli., Mrs Savior, Jus Morelaud, J A Craw,
ford, Mrs Mynrs, M Hess, Mrs D llurmws,
Ah O.oiug, Geo Hrittln Phillip iM'.til, F Ii
P. ok, KM Taylor A. wlfis Jaiuns Clark, G
H Fimplo, W F A. Co's ninssiinger, J P Will
mer, and 'J.', in tho steerage.
Hkaiiii Fiiom Tho Inm glnlers wlilo'i
wero ordered by the Hullillug C.imml-sloii
somo tlmo ago Tor tho new Stain Capitol:
liutii been heard rrom; tlmv have been
shipped from New York and will be in San
! ruiicisco In u short lime. Thero aro live of
them, of two dlllerent sizes; and boforo being
shipped they were examined by u competent
engineer as to wolglil aud tlio aiiiomu of
pressure they will bear, so there Is no doubt
that they will be found ou arrival hero to bo
Just what Is required. These glnlers could
not bn uiuiiufactiired ou thn coast, and hence
tho necessity tif sending to Now York for
Seed I'oi-atokn. Mr. John Hughes, of
this city, hits received uu order ftir MM busli
ols of potatoes, to bo sent to Iowa. Th
order whh received through Kverdlng .V Far
rell or.San Frunolsco.towhoui the shipments
are made from hum. Tho ticvaslon of this
order, Is that the potato crop throughout
Iowa was destroyed last your by tlio
Muto bug; und it is an Item or no
llttlo lniKirtance that Oregon furnishes that
Stale with a portion of Ih this year's smxl.
Mr. Hughes Is buying und shipping as fast
us tbo potatoes cull bo round.
t'l.AUKAMAH Cot'.NTY. Tho Kntrrprhn saya
the Inilependenlsof Clackamas county will
hold a Mass Convention at Oregon City to
day to elect delegates to attend thn State Con.
volition to bn held hern next Wednesday.
Monday, April IS.
t'IMT:it l. Till. I Mil AM lOHMItV.
Reports of mi iincertulu character havn
bsn circulated hero or late, that our friend
"One Arm Ilrown" bad been "taken lu" by
Indians ofl'astorii Oregon, but wogave llttlo
credence lo them, knowing Hint Ilrown uu
derstnuds Indian character well enough to
save ins scalp Irom the worst or them. And
sum enough hero comes llrnwn himself, us
Irrepressible us ever, looking hardy as
knot and none tho worse ror evident wear
and tear. Ills face shows hardship and
exposure mid the relation or his experience
prove it. Wo loam that his services wer
required to collect scat tend Indian bunds
nud iiil.ig Iheni li, .).. i .nt ,f r T.hiu!, no
man U more competent. A row days after
arriving ut tho Malheur Agency, he and
"Chuck" Gleason, with an Indian forgulda
and assistant, took tho route for Camp Har
ney, and nu beyond there, n long way
southerly, to Cump Warner, expecting to
cross over tho mountains west or thero, to
where tho band or till elder Ochoho wero
wintering, for the purpose of bringing them
to Malheur. Tho distance or uctuul travel
liom Malheur to Warner Is about two
hundred and twenty-llvo miles, tho country
to bu traversed was sago brush plains, with
hurdly a settlement, mill snow overlaid Ilia
fiue or list Urn and oll'ered little hospitality to
until or lienit. This winter Journey wax
safely inado, mid Camp Warner reached, but
they wire thorn met with tho Information
that lbs mountains to tlio wont wers
covered with snow llftieu feet deep. Tills
of course made further progress Impossl
bio, us they hnd only been able to subsist
their animals over tho plains by tho use of
grain und lloiir brought with them nu pnclc
animals. They reiiialnisl seven weeks at
Warner and seeing no Indications or the
winter breaking weio compelled to abandou
the prosecution of tho Journey. If thn hard
ships of kho oxdltlou wero great in tho
trip out they wero doubled on tho return, as
tho snows wero deeper and thu cold inoro
Intense. Camping lu snow and digging saga
brush fur fuel is not uu enviable lot, but
Ilrown sullum still rrom the fact that his earn
und fuco wore frozen on the return to Mai-