$3,00 por Year, in Advance. NOTIOIJ TO .SCBSl'HIBKK. The date appearing after the printed namo on the paper l (lie date or the EXPIRATION of'subscrlptlon. QEftSrrL EWS. A now gas bouso la to be bu)tlii Portland Tlii) womou'a lomperaoon orusado still continues. . 'Cue Ortgoniim NuniMifl"a crusade among tht (louiese houses of III fitinu l Portland M.)V to amend by Inserting after Cblneo tint word, while folks, klo.tkas, uUger aud alwasli. Die wrnek of thn brk Ch'ti. Vim, for nvirlv of Abernerhy Hum of Portland nod Ha Fradclsci paoknts, still linn In Coos Hay Mr O irrlnn whi dlsappnarol from Ksst Pur land last week l suppood to havn drowned blniHHir In it At of desitoudeiioy, having beou out if work for snmntliue. Mr IItirv Warren, tho. father of tbn latu Charles 13. Varrun or qragou Cliy, contra dim a the rejKin circulated lb-it bo has thn .1111 ill (XII. A mau named Henry Jackson, at. work Rt U Ingoing u.li)J down the Coluiillit l, hud the im-f iriiiltH iohreak his b'ft by above tlio a.ikb-.lastMonday, while eugaguj lit haullug logs to the rlvor bank. A coiuinny has been flrganlxed In Marys villo, California, for the purpose of outraging In hydraulic mining In Hakor county, Ureifiiii. Snveu Indians wern drowned In onn of the lakix In i'iii Modoc country on tliti lih ni la Jinnntli, and their led tiro'Uren are mill howlltu In honor of.lhelr'iii .mury. 1'ho lido of travel in ibu mines In Etstern Oregon liascomineiicod. Motion horseback, on foot, la the each and all oilier manner of uuiiveyance, daily pass La Grande. ltuv. Mr. Adams, of La Grande, mot with an uccldout thn other dav, by tee horse be was rldiug falling aud crushing hU leg. Ground has b -en broken and labor com. rnonoed on the Hluti Mountain University, to bu erected at La Grande. Jas. It. Karrlib has ho far recovered from bis temporary uttack of Insanity ai to war rant his discharge from (lie Asylum, lie will bo a paaaeuger on tbo next steamer for Sail Francisco. A petition I In cireuWtlon lu Portland asking the Common Council to reluso to license tho liqiior tratllc wltliiu tbo corporate limits. Ltst Monday ovcnliig lu KarrN Gulcb, Jaokson county, three Chinamen were In. htantly killed by tbo caviug of a bunk. Their remains were taken to Japksnuvllln and buried wlthgrott pomp and ceremony by tbelr couuirymiiu. A number of persona lea Portland for tbo Hllokeou mines last Wednesday oil the uteaiuer Callforula. Tbo (Jovertiniunt I)redKr lino cone to com mon c work ou UredKiuK out I lie bar known as "Hog Hack," a abort dUtauce. aboto Asuiria. , Tbo plaqa and-tHppclik'iitlons for tbo pro poseil liht-bou at I'olut AdaiiH'bavn been accepted by the lepattuient at VVaxbliiKton. The llhlug teaaOn 'bna fully comuienced on thn Columbia.) The last ateamer took out several hundred rasex. A ''denizen of tbo foreHt," uiimtd "wild George," who baa'bee'n dUuirlilni; the pmttv of lb.tnon for nonio lime, wm nrreitd a fow days since mul lodcitl in Jill, lie re malned tusldn but. a abort, llmo. I.ik the gopher be dugout, The steamer Onward ban. Iiejii trantferred fro 'ii the I'lUUtm Hli'iir to (be Wltlmittn. Ttieiotal valim of tbn 'Xirta br wheat and Hour frotn Ureicon to forelnu porta, for the year ending March 31, IK74, unionutod to -',412AS2. Tho Jhtllrtht la Informnl that the llritlsh bark Hnarrowbawk. owned by Mensrs, Cor bitt it Maclttay, of thin city, will, On arriving at Astoria, lo-ul witbaalnion forthoKurojaau trade. Portland has hail several lire ulanns dur Im; tbo rust week. 'Kortuuately but little damage haa been done. Durlnc the (juarter ending March SIf.t, Wells, Karito A Co. sblifld toHiu I'ranchro from Portland coin,' bullion and currency auiountliiR to f I IB, (KM '& The Talor streel M. K. Sabbath .School, Portland, U largely uueudud, anil Is rjulte prosperous under the elllcieul tuauaemunl orSuperiutt ndt'tit J IC, Gill, Tlio laillonMul fiit,!nli of (,'eiuen.iry M. II. Church, lUsV J'orlUnil. ai a aupprr on WednsHdrty bMniijK.of.it phli nml raised sixty dollars for the )xirKuo of runovatiott the cburvu and psrMHi.iii. - The Dalles, with 1,W lubublUntf, baa .ov,t onteen places where lliiuor is i-old. I no Jlaitl; JJic bvirnt that a jouns man nntned Willh, rf.l'llnu a few inllen llflow' r.imeiioClty, accidentally at.ot bluiMilr u Wednulay, In foollim wltb'a riilubushni bitnself In the Jaw, the hall varrvinc am ay a portion of Uha jawbone, lie v. Ill likely re cover. A new paper la to tie Wurtml.ln Ciklarid to be railed VinjUjun rait. It will to ptltnlhhcd vy iuouj.it .i. MAir.i i Linn county bai onelxlh oftbe Graagm, luinonmie, ' i The Toriit Urnve linlrjui,cnt wys tjirn? Is some talk thtt hY.ink l ven 'r 111 take ed-1 Itorial charge of the J'royretion(M. ' n Profouor James 3(row u of Ibis dty Ltkt-a cbarge of tbo District School at Jaukho'nrllM this date. " ' IlrldKlnfc tbo Yamhill ltlvor at MoMlnu vllle will cost (2,000. Henry Warren, of Oregon City, bad tbo varllold In the mildest form, lie has al most entirely recovered. Tbo ateamer Onward, lately transported from the Timlatln to tho Willamette Ulver, has been sold for $2,000 not the value of bur machinery. A son of Mr. 11. IT. Lewis, of Lafayette, Htfed about six j ears, fell from a wagon on Thursday, aud one of the hind wboola ran over blin, bruising htm badly. An Albany boy Induced bis lathor to ail down In a pan of hot greaso ou the llrst of ipru lie now mourns because no alii not j.m balf-soled with sheet Iron ou tho Illstof miiri'h. Ulckous, who lust week attempted lo com mit rape on tbu person of Mrs Geo. I'aul, in be forks of lluiSanllahi, has been adjudged an Idloi by the Linn County authorities and ntt to tlieHBiluui. Win II. llio.ikutt.a well known coutnvtor of Portland, was seriously injured ou Wed iiMMilay last, by tbo giving way of a staging Hn which ho wa at wrtrk. S'bool begun at tbo Lafayette Academy on Monday, tbn t:tb lust., under the manage iient of Prof. Itnyal, lato of Cornolltis. Uni'In Hilly Cochran, ofltrownsvlllo, has a leturau linn-o ne.aly thirty ytiirs old. Mr. ('. iirougbt this Hiiclent emtiiui accross tho plidni twenty-tUo years ago, There aro morn old men In llrownsvllle, lu propon Ion lo the population, than In any ether town mi Hid coast. Mrw. llridgnlHriner, of Albany, had bar ciutiubliil sliscl.leH knocked oil by Judge lion bum lat week. Philip Phils who Iiiih been thn ferryman t Cormlllt torlweutv two years has gone lo lo mi ou a trip to tilt his ol 1 homo. Mr. John U'lhelin of I'orllaud has recclv ed a loner, staling that about twenty fam ilies in Wisconsin are prupaulng lo come to Oregon this .Spring. They are all fsruiers and will be Welcome lo nurStato. A young Grangeros of Linn county ha plowed aud harrowed in TO acres of wheal ibis spring. Mrs. Mart Taylor has a dhorco from' Mnrt and has the custody of Ihdobild. Tho Oreypnlnn gives the following Items:, ' All'Poiigl.i comity Ispropnrlngforagrand pictlu on the'tlrst of May. The Hoseliurc Pfalutli tiler cornea to th hUrlace again on a half sheet. ,I)r. MoKav's Indian scouts nro to arrWo at the PsIIpi this (Monday) evening. Tho firm of Samuel Coad, on tho Luckla. unite, Was sold last week for $1,000. Tbe'rn are still fourteen thoiuaud busbelfc of wheat In tbn warehouse at Corvullls. There are 28 oausea In tbo docket of the Cir-i cult Court, lu llonton county, for 'the April lernu , Geo, CoflW. of LoniriTom. Iiaii tbroo eives wbluh has Jort proiontoil him with uiim luiribs. ,, ( TbeGooil.Templarhpf PiiHoutify, will navua gnuiu picum hi imuus on isi iiroxi mo. . Tbo tirand Tlu.slutisH Council fir' tiuio Co'., a 111 uittvt'lii IllUeuo City tfio ttrst Tuesday' In Mky. Sih. A lull attendance will be. de- sired. ' In ICIng'a Valley', Jlentou county, every available aero of irritiiud la being plouod aud prepared for a'owiug gralu. We learn friiuilhb Hallelm that Mr. J. M. Gamble Superintendent uf lllo Westam I'nlon I'eteJsmpli t'o,, has nude a llbvral pro,).t.ltl()ri to build a Hue botwtxu'i Portlapd and Afctorta, Joniipv Hul'ou of Poitliind t.ikos a wr' lo'ci-i wllb I'r Mj'Ki.y In tho f ij'erln. iiiii'uU to bd gix'on by Ibn Wnnn tsiruig lis dlans In tbelr tour through the KaMorn btatns. ' ThiV Mrnengtr of last Hsturday nays' that the weather condones fry Uuo. Tbo 1'iiiui ers lu this vicinity are getting lu their grabi lit good tluiu. The .Vrejdtli of 1 tud sown is greater than thsl it last mou. Tim Jlultt tin stutt s that ft I rumored thai the direclorn' arl.y of the Northern Paclflc ltnll Hotel isMooii to be lu Portland. ' The PooploH Convention .of tho loiirth Judicial district held at Portland last ftalur. nay npiiiinaiett L. u. auatiuiiK uuiige aim II. V, Tiioinpon Djhflcl Altuiuey. The Ailiucatc.kUu-i that (bq ChrUtUu c.ou Kreatiouat iislla-, the county teatof I'tilk county, waabrganll by KldersU. W. ltlefi ardson and ll:-M. Waller, Ih-cnube'ry ltli with about thirty members. .'t'lnJr rlrst W. dcrs were T. Htjovtlady, K.M.Jsy uinlilt uro-tKefVell. slid it 1 bellnveil llier ivlltt mi nr. ul Liiii iiniuiii ox Mirr niTiiua. aii(r C? ...... ..I IP I J.l.,.l I.....l...f...l'il, .h. nf ll. nr... w,1 r.i ' I ,1 II .el In.Mulutuinil ni i ..b.ai. i iiiiit.ir.iuni. ..... ni:.-.. .j.....a.i...ii. ....I'.i. ....'..r' ...... ...." ... n,. ........... .. men of Maid Ulrfp,. ,u. u woibe if .lb .'lbe .b,f..rm. ' , Xm"' TXX'l T"C- ' W- j 'T""i il L, to, 'i ProrT,l'bu,ipb..!l'w.VealllsJ',iiVon1wf)o''dd by ih-feneral i.iierr.niei,i, r.r tl... A alU exctiaiig has bfei rlnU'i.'a ' Mf" ' " ', i 1 ,1 tupbriiiig and l(iiprovnmiil fsll our harbor t.rlvale le tt.r' to i apti.Hi) irr that tity tlilte.ital Urn ii,t-..i1ii,: vudi r finv ;m-i t1,. n,t tt,icl ,u7,.is fl)r .',lh (Jlll.lrm,oll f,,t lt.ri. Iromafrlendln thuSwocknilnei, In wb.clv ttmarka. Hr,u, Dnvr aiifl UU Lskv ltil,a; Hie ipiong other things, It ek" or mtrioa Tim Comioiltii not M.t reporting, a recirs .oiiiplullyu 01. ttiy Olm' ami Calllornia !;.lllifc!! lL",At,,V..:,,!Ji',""i!.!" wastkens..bj.cttotbe.-llofthobalh 'Jiy ."!M SoiHl'"". I.l.ei.f tilt .Siittr, .- pnivn i."ls. good 'jtng mint. At tllnjtirmmitt.eiiu Crtnlilltluli i-iipurU.il Sb.i fol mmly illscoverod cainp tbero Shjho ", l, ,,,,, .K,,, ,,,, s..l !...-.. 1. i,luiilii.Tililiir uml ilia niliioru !. " n ..,,,, 1.,D.ein,.M.j ....j-. , .T,...,... ...,.." u s-i. nnli.ir ii lii.il il u till irii 1 illkl I I ill it,7ni'ii flu.Ir oluiinw. Tn lh fivLAfk iiiiiirv f aniifii k. fiiia ! '. i".rn i. .ib. ..- . II '.VTt llllkll V ifl I'M t'f'II III " tbo nlnts urn kMII cold, and there s w..t (s.,, ,.f u , j tytuiui, y u Duiibiir, i N jonch doing (.iinw' rafiiHiilM'rt Ui tlirenrit.it i., . k iL.,... s,lllU'i. i;UJ v iiutti,ll: r Ibep, suit UMttllng mid melting a liHUs..H""""' ,,rur ?'"uu "J -1 ""-. Tb'j ,writer,sepnis to have all titb in lho,!3tlr i , ( iy i otb to placet uiii1Viiarui.iiiiulng; r i . grtat wool Curry flonniy proiiilaea tuba grow tog acction " Work on tbo M. ; Church at lukw City lii biaru lomuieuced. ' U.ti i- . j W . SALEM?, OREGON, APRIL 18, 3: Tbo Oswego Iron comiatuy are turning out ten tons pig Iron dally. Tbewtoamer Satellite at Coos llay has boon repaired. ' , limplro City, Coos Hay, wants (cle grapic communication with tho outer world. Flour has bean reduced In Portland to (5 &0 por barrel for the 11 nest quality. Tho new baud recently organized at Junction City, purchased yesterday tbelr Instruments of Mr. Gray' In Portland. H', K. llauna has been clectod city attor ney at Jacksonville. Sdinner Is tho name of a now town laid olT on Catching slough, Coos county. Tho Commercial Reporter at Portland has been sold to Jones and Turner. Jack .SIm-ou of Hmvlos Island liislmsu missing since Saturday last. He was last urn In Portland; and It la feared that be bad been dribkio and Hint while going homo he met with some, accident, and lost bis life. Tho Clarke county, W. T., District Couit Is in aosslou at Vancouver, Ilia roporud that SaluuluH llnrlloldn, the new contractor, will secure tbo lion Hi inner Klili'lllur to carry thu ui.ill Iroui Port Town MUld to Sitka. Pour men killed fifteen elk opo diy In Clalam county, W, T., ri cutty. The Territorial election lu Washington Territory does not take ptnco until tbo tlri-t Monday In November ilcxt. Mr. C. V. Hwlft, or.S.in JtiHit county, W. T , writes (bat thn county will clip ibis neason thirty thousand pdiinds ol wool of lair quslit)'. 1). II. Wanl, tiniuber on the 8l(okoinlb Iteservalion lor the pnst three .Murs, Iihh uhnii pUi-M to Mr. 1'iuiin), lato blacksmith on t It tt miiiij rvMirtiitlou. Tbo District CourS lit Olympla on Wednes day, last week, iK'ntenced N NuunatnaWcr to one da's linprUoiilllbnl and $100 lino for Milling liquor to Indians. Mr. II M. Kniipp. Master Of Mill Plain Grange of P. of U , baa been atHiluted Dep n ty lor Clarke county, W, T , to whom ml applications lorthe organization nf Hiibordl nate Granges should be mldicHsed. A few of tbn farmers In Puyallup Valley WjT,, are raising small iiaiHisorsuisip wiiiiiu am looking very.woll and seem to thrive but; leron the liottom laud tbati tho owiihih had anticipated j and wool and mutton will heio afier bo the principle articles of production, Thu llev. t). It. Ilonnell ilerlliiea lo leavo Tecoum, to accept tho Hoattls call. Tbn fiillowluir Is from tbn .lifon'uii ! "l'.li:lllccount, W. T with a population of i, us., nas ueuner uociororurnugisi, justice uf tho Peace, cliustable, lawyer, Jail or court houi'O. At the last unnual term bf tho .Dis trlot Comt the Jury were distulssfd btstaiikii of a blank docket. Sim has money In tho treasury, jtud to Ioju; her olll.eiis- are healthy, with iM-acooud plenty, Homo of thu lud I us, of Oly nipla ba u iigtced to lako the plactw lu Ibn kitchen qt tbelr eblnrsn help, and send thn Johns 'out ou the itrtun to worK. 'inai roan will ikj put' llimogb. j 'The VisuabHstiiriUv iPfetlng oflllvuipla Grange was largely Hitendiiliou the lib lust. i'wtmy-onu.uew members wro admitted. Thnro is a good dual of sickness among thu, 'children lu silver Citv. Idaho. . The doctors I aro wouderlug whether it's, scarlet fuver or not. Mr. John r.lohar.ind Capt Warieu (!oe,) both of htellacooin, left hern last wnek for llnotl's Canlil, wbfldthey will otuluirk In ibn llshlng business and tbn limnlllii.tul of (It'll oil, I Mh.i;:.n;ii:i Mair, yi:ti., v. ientiolt called i d.,i-l,y".".H.1!lkina ' I 1 I.I nt .. av , and Clias. P. .CburcU vfClaclviinas county '. ' T ' ' " temporary Secretary, Ou mmlptiiho foiloMug persons worn up. IHiHtsl ComiulUeo(i ('reiliiutlals. J, H'lukon, II. M. Hill, I. D. Ihlrnett, A. J. Mourot, Unman Ituck.A G. Mulkny, J, II, Htuinp, A. Luellllng, W. M. Ilabd, Krabk Martin, j Hart Curl, JI.,J, lisle, P. S, Suboyb.r. (n motllm. C'onventton tsk a"rvts;ss of ilf ail 'hour to glVii Crlhlililtlen 'tltnu U) biilf reiwrt, , At tbu tmw sgt Ibn convention, nas (iiliutl t) order, i On rriolltm of W. Hj.Klklns tbn reprnNijut.'t Melting oilbsl irt ord-.r at tbnsi o'clock. ,. ,., 1V M.llui.1. A I Mm. .."., ....... ( j .w rr,,. -, H .-... rmt. 3i'fi I f Inttrittti. 'V I lu i Mm n. S ItSfO t. , fMii(iMM. W btar;.ie.Mbiir,dIuiBi oi i.inn county, wuo iiounnaioii m.iii. h. iiiiu- K, .Wmd lo bopo lor a riunady for tbesu uvU bar of Msrioti cotnlty tihlii)rary Chairman ' tbiouKlMliuaueiiuy or thu two nolllical our. ' t lid i winniiiir iirnii.i innin i"..itrnii r n il ,n ltnnk. I sl'rnst l.if II Duck l.roxc. ,L II C.iliri'iu!c. nboulJ Isi In slll'liiCtJoll lo Jaw. Iltonrett. Jas Winston. O P Church. m'r'."'t Wuillil glvo all ptojur aid, ma.itr lUimMjr, lbe Conventloi. to ai d)eBat6tf to ropresent abucntcoi. ' ' . J to autborl7u tho) 1874. M'nwii. J II Boutbltt, J llmkley, (1 W Bit ford. T M Ward, W M Hand. VamAitt.-K 11 Laughlin, A lUed, A J Pit man, I) O Durham, V Martin, A J Nelson. ibi.-J ,1 WIlllaniN, L t,'aa, I M lloonn, J 11. stump, JasTatem, J V 11 llutlcr. JfufrnoMinA. II J Mi;Intyre, .1 1). Incite by H J Mclntyre proxy, Win Galtou by Geo K Strong proxy, P V Schuyler, H Weeks. Cbas Hodge, W Lslr II 111. Isaacn llltim, K 1) Hacknutos,J Toropeon, Jos ltuchtel by O P Iant, 11 llllmau. There were Ibtir vacancies In this delegation. Tbo delegation ailthotired to cast full vote. Linn, W H Ktklus.JiiN Nixon, F Partnn, MC Calloway by K Parlou proxy, J Wawon, It Marks, J It Itoberts, II II Untitle, HP. Fanning, A It Morris, John lMtlus. ' (.'rctiit.T-lUrt Curl, Poler CarrK Oontliis, N Webb, .1 I), llurueil, It M Guriiey, II Conn, W Wilson, !' Sutherland, M M Mclvlii by W II Wilson proxy, P. Young, N Cornell by J i Uornett. irniAfiioruii A l.uelllng -ahs inthorireil to cast the full vote of tho county, four votes. LdVfU It Dum, T D lMward, J Simp ton, J W Hiirijo, II II Gale, II N Hill, It V Howard, M WhIIIs by W W Iblstow prosy, tnui(i(((i. l'.ilytowsrt, Andrew Church by i;i siiewart proxy, 11 J Halo, II McAillior, ami M T Wblloby II J Halo proxy. 7(fnM)i.-L K Wilson by It 11 Kiddle pioxv, K llsrtless, .1 Hants, N 1' Newton, A (I Mulkey, It It Itlddln. 'I'hti Nhc.incins lii nriotis itelegntlons to be liiliil li, lie pontes piesent. Ou uiotlim the temporary ofllcsra lien liniilo the jHiriuanenl ollliiers of the Coil ifiillen. The following Committees wernnpHilnled, "or,der of buslnns." It Weeks, 15 t) Van nlng, N Wnlib, J Simpson, G P llolnian, II ItuCk, K Hartles", J Tatbui, A l.uelllng, J llc'isloy, DO Dunliam, II Curl, 12 Stewart. Coniiiilltceon Itsolutlon. W Lair Hill, W S Klklns, KKoulhnrlKiid, II II Gain, J W Grim, It Ilamsby, II It Kiddie, I, Case, A A LHIIIng, J II nouthlt,:A.rpittmau, It Curl, H .1 Hale. CoiiMiil6n udjourncd until (lino aud a half o'clock to-morrow mormug. aeeAiitt 'liny, Tbo Convention Mscmhlud nt US o'clock this A.M. W. It. Dunbar lu the Chair aud Clm. P. CliurnU isoiotary. Minutes of aftoruoou sovilou of yoitcrday, read and appnned. , CoiuuiilUn ou Order of business rupurlod a IoIIown : 1st Itejsjrt of (;oiiiinmee on Itnuoluliou; 2d Noiubiallou il Congressman; :M .Uoveriiqr; lib Soc'rotiiry of State; rub KtateTrcHsurnr; tltb Mate Prlntert 7th- Miperlutendnut of Public Iustructloiu hlli Disti lit Olllvem; Wtli tiUUi l.'euiral CoininltHo. W. lalr Hill, Ubalruiau ol the Coiniullleo ou Itesolullous, roisirtodthn following. l-LATl'oliM. 1, That iixtravag4iiuvani coirupllon haw beuouui so prevalent In tbu wdiuluiairutlou ol if M:rmj and Nstloi) as to (mrdeii (Im people i.Mi i.ix'ib that roiluiiccflksirvtogeod gov- ''""''!!!" , in" a. ngsrlMi-ii'ri ' isie' biin'l. HIK H,,T III"! lug tllli moials of hooMyi that there Is no ageuoy of thu two political pur 'il lierelfifiui rultul lli.t iviiitilri 'M" thai have bunuofoie ruled llmwiuniry, .....I l.... .La u ..I..... ..t .1... ....t.ir. .,... ...1. andlbattiin nelfare of tbo public demands tiiut oiory cumin, laying usiiin an party prcj no ices aim oiiiert'iieesoi opinion llsill lllllna Iterliilpolnts, umU lu selecting for tbn public eervlce, iiikii who exert theilisolvis u sraairu '....lu ..... i... i i -.. , I'M i.i ie wvu'iiij, M'MTieuiirieilfcliiiiJ IfSiui iiyn ol taxHllou In every practicable way. 2. Thai wulftv wdli alarm tbn reckless (.cjurse oftbii State Aint Naktbbsl Government in inn inuiupiinuion or otneors onynuu inn phlille sen ice, many of whom while 4clviiig salaries fmui the pulillo'ljoasury aniiievotiug tbemr.ultrn l( tiielr pflville pur suits; slid we demand that olllcer nalil by thn Unit rniiif nt, ilo glie their llmo ex l lut-Ui-ly td Ibn service lor which Ibey am sppiiltilrd. ' ei t.. ..- ., , ,.... i... .. i i nit ., i.itui inn niiuiiii'in, nv ion 1'UlKll Leillrul KlIIMHV ti .JllllCTtll C(tv; Ibat tbo Interests of tin. Saif demand ibnsimpletiou of tho Oregon C ntrjl lialiway to Asii.rU. That wo lavor such Hid as iim Im consistent wit prodypi ( nel punlti tisiniriiiy, lor tbn coiii-truiilloi) pi ffvor Ihtj liumw.lUtrii'mutriMlnittii'ii wvtWm f(,,l l'mg Iho soiilb bank or the Cnlilinbl. v,r ,.. ,(M UM1,blir,,lu H4lltly , ,,, all.ts. , , e.i'.f n'lii'ssoiir iiiounmiu cuau; auo wn . That all proiii.ity uglily, ludjtldual iid Hlfllllllllic Mttl. lin.lei.l 1,11 locoriaii.illuiis.om. oanloa or persons (jdzaifC'd In trausnoitrtlon. 'ujmniercc, or any other legltlnutu pursuit, uir IVIIHI-1HII III till- u ' LKIIIIUI Iklll I1UY Volumo YI. Number 9. but wo would bold all suhjeet to law; and wo demand that tbo rates of rrelghl'and faroa oo railways within thn Statu be tlxnd by tht la-glslstum of the Htate, aud ou Inter-sUtt railroads by Congress, fi. That wudemaudn return to Ihnsatsrlea flxial by the CouMltutlon Tor State oilleert, and wo condemn all thn schemes that tiavt t rll devised to Iner s snnli kalsfle liv In. ill reel Ion; that the compensation of nil o Ul cers should be only such as would pay tbouj lairly for tho services limy perform; that Colilil V Clerks nod .Sberllfs should have sal srlct.llxi'd by law, according totbslr services; that the law liicirsslng their fees should be repeabst, and a law enacted providing reas onable fisialo bo charged sirdlem In caaa wbeio prhnle parties alone are concerned, such fees to Itn paid by olllwrs lutolhnCoun l.v Treasury; tli.il we demand tbo passage of it law to protect thn public uualtist iiuieasnn shin charges for the Slate printing. tl. Thai wo lavor a liberal system of Pobllo Schools, but we eoiiileinn tbn art creating iuntioHily In the sale of School Hooka aud deitliiuil its repeal, i inn wo iiciiniuii tbn repeal or too Liu- umit I'rlutlng IjiW H. Tbnl'wndi demand ennui rluhls for all i'ltl- r-ns, anil accoril U eclsl privileges to none. II. I'liat tho luleresis of the eopln ib maud louipilllloii In the iisnsporiloii r frelghui toiiiul fr-in our smlioHrds; that wo aro op y siil lothu puicbiiMior leasing bv IbnStait thn Canal sml lol(s at tho fulls of thn U llhiiueite but will bold Isitb tbn State and l.is'k im(aay to a strict isinipllancu with tbelr existing ronlinui, ID. That we epicully condemn Ihono nets ol Iho I.eulsUuiro that have nna bletl six culalora to obtain tho nubile lands of Ihe.St'Uelu Initio tnii'is, lo tho exclusion of poor men, ami iilnu of moderatu uieiins, who would lake them for b mies, II 'I'liat the rrinoval of a faithful ami 'mil competent. i. Hirer meiely lsa'auof his pojllli il npiulous Is a gross nl)il-i) of power; that the iisiiof tbn appointing power lo ro iMin) loltileliiUM for Her vices In isliii'eiuloiia slid eli'islons In no less eorriint. than anv other hpicles ol brllsirv: that tbn removal of intuitu pulillo ntllivrs for tbo concleiilloiM S'ifiiimau(si of their dutlea is, ait otitrago upon good goveriiliinut. l'J. 'I'llllt luirsttllill eltutti.l.tr lu Oi. nmiui. criterion liy which to Judge of tbo tttness or men for public kisIIc,h, and it is dangerous to I'litrust tin, pulillo lin.lness lo Inon of lils- repiimniii private Character. Kl. That the General OoiornriMiiit should pay all the expeures, Iom", and dstuagaa nrc(.sarlly arising Iroui it course of deallUR with lllo IndUiis, ami wo demand Jhal our fellow I'ltiensln lUstern and Snuflinrii Or t'gnn bo ludiimlillbsl by thn Government lor tin ir losses ami dsumges In thn Mod on War. II That wn aro In favor of sued legltla Hon on Iho subject orilmlliUortratUu as will id low each piiclnct lo decide, by a voloof tliecltleps (In uof, whether lliiuor shall lie sold In thai (iritcliict or not: ami which shall tuakn ibn vendor of Intoxicating drinks re-ss-irislt)lo Ibr dalnsfes which luay bo tlona by tbenbiihuuf the prlvltegu wheru its sale is P'OJIllltlll. in. Thin the uprising of tbo agricultural (ibiM.es, aud Ihi'lr orirHnl.atloulntoaciiinpsct society formiiMI'il proincllnu iigiilnsi the ex torilous ami oipi.,l(Wisor monopolies, com mends llselftn iho favor of every Just mind; mid cannot but ivsult lu uttliimtngood to tho whole people, Tbn Itesolutloiis wern unanimously adopt ed. G, K. Strnugaud II, II. Hidtwern'.iipnlnt ell tellciH, Thu l.'ouvMitlou thou proieinlcd to the iiomliiiiiloii of yta)o and district oQIcori, i.c Ci'i;l1l'iiiil-Hon. U'. W. lUvrniinrl of Marlon County, by acclanutlou, (.! i,ie,, -Thomas p. ( .implsH of Polk CAiur Ait im u-iu.'nuly obcted. .VoilHii i Ntittr Hon. J, A. IkJlllbiU of N'hhi I'oiinly, iSri(r7'r(anr;r II, Hnac.Uof LlutiCouuty. filiitif, V, let-., Win. M. Hand of Vaaoo County, ( iVii', 'iiWfv ;i4(. r den M. M. Oglssby (it Douglas v'oiuiy. Tjio liiltoKiug wero the district nommiiia tlon t I, SHC'MI JIHlll'UI, lllMrillLT..,, fic John lliiriiett, ' . ., I'lofiutui'j Iffui nri--J.'.L Walton, .niiirrinii-riiii.T. , pKomfmy 4ll(t),)iry TilllnatiJ'iird. I'III HI'ISIIIILri'. ,n ribey ,UUi IU.V-.0. lilllilasolli L. IMntly of Polk iuinty was selected ssJollitMi.ilst.it for lillnnd bunion county. 'flu. fiillonitig pik'iis wern olf'( led us In- ' Uipi niteiMHfiti, Ci i.tr.il fr,mmltto. Joseph Iho-I.t.l, ('Iri.b.oun, .1 Vi Ihlrnett, II N lllll, II PaM.iii,.lns,Mim, LIU! lttourelte, II It lllddle, J I Ihoiiiptou, IJi.cJ booUeld, Geo lluiib, Jf ll.niieU, Divid Suce, lliis Mu Coy, ..is Jtvolv, John Htinllev, Joslah .West, J..i I'nll, J 'Hamilton, W Wblto.Hlt lUnttt, M 1 1 an lei, W Db'tlllwull. .ninrijii.SAi, UK.vi.irrio.t. fi'vViri.-.Thbt bs Convention luirdlally In He lls j:i,ell I.ny (,loV, It'll. Ill of (,'ullfor- i.i.t, in Mill our ripm. mul ii.iress tho people on ilii.iH,)itlMrhtiu.itlnu, p(CMf.-.TIiiiitle luarty thanks of this foon - i.lt.ii,b,i himI ilmt ale In.rnby t.-mleriid t u,,, lmlrpnident I'r.os ol lb., blate, for their siroimtauil.v.tl USv etforls lu behalf of ll'r I'irpl'i "Udiho caiiiuol pullUi.-al reform. Uyii'f, Y- IbHuH'1 W,,H oallnd loruud mldiuskiil the Conwutloiu after wblob tbo ii-ual'vota ilf.tluii.ts i.uro given tq tho I'lrtoors, and Dip itti'blliiadlbiiritt.d.