Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Wi;umsI)AY, April 1.
IT rott DAMAtllW. Procoellltllts liaVH
commenced, lor tlm April term of the
mbia county Circuit Court, by one
tro Ileum t, or tliHt romit.v, vs. . It.
ibar, I. A. Owens, It. 1". Maury, J. W.
rtrttr, II U Silnve, John Majors, Philip
ffr, Clunk's Capita, It F. Gllttipr, ami
eorgo Thing, 'f '"' sui' I-1 "" action for dam
IM, and the complaint Is based uhiu the
Hawing statement of laets: It Is alleged
Mplututlll lint in .May inm, . i.. iniuiiur.
was n lieutenant lu tin- service, by nr-
f Col. It. F. Maury, iiul Hilvlsed mill
rttlD nbet'ed ty tlm other defendants
Si d,nssultel nnd arrested said plnitillll.
ug liltn to Nuiicouvor, V. T., wlioru lin
coiilliitil In the guard house for h period
ftilght ttnjs; bv which ineins hu was gleat
riliijurcd In reputation and business, and
ttirwlso damaged to tlm extent of 3,000; lit
filch iitnottiit hu lays Ills damages. Helmet
Maricstcd lor rt Jnlelng over tho nssnsslnn
Mul L.nctiln. iSorvico has been had upon
Ir3ltinbar, Htul holms employed Tiluiau
ft I, Kq , to tlefrnil. Croiiln A Hodgkln
ij of Portland, aro prosecuting attorneys
oitliliit.i: Appiiay. This morning two of
ar well known "tlrst clans hoodlums" got
it nn altercation about somo fair damsel,
hllo standing on thu corner of Kerry and
rent street opposite Kinney 'e mills. From
igry woids anna blows, wlioti ouo draw
if a long sheath knife, the other at tho sumo
M drawing n smnll pistol, they went Into
2b other "benutlfuly"ono got a handsome
abnhls loftcheek whllotlieothorgolnnlco
rperforrtcd bullet hole In bis right shouldor.
M combatants wero sopuratod and tnkun
da Woodworth A Hall's drug store where
lilr wounds wero carefully dressed. Tho
Mr of courso brought to tho storo a great
anborof people Including tho young inons
ilatlons, friends, acquaintance, reporters
1st others- Tho young inon nro getting
eg as well us can bo expected "under tho
turnstonccs" but tho crowd that wont to
lit drug store, want to Interview thorn for a
iwjmlnutes outside of tho city limits, It Is
irtutiule, on tho w hole, thht tho 1st of April
tat como but once a year.
FlV!: iiiitA HAi.r. A spruco young gent,
rtbo smntt u I ec k persuasion, i-auntered, In
iMllyStantou'sthoothorduy and observed;
alio 1 putting on airs, alnt yo ?" Hilly
(filed, ''O, no," and then a lick said "I
aa you don't know mo. Well, I' vo grown
i Improved n good deal since I loft hero,
itj I hardly expected anybody would
MW mo." Then ho Inquired If ho hnd any
gar at two for n bit. Hilly said ho had
MM utthnl price, but had no mo that ho sold
;Mio rate olthrco for two bits. "Well;" said
'Mk, "I supjiosuyoii won't object to soiling
vf torn half." "Hilly told him not at all,
adaotoulllie box. Ho picked out live,
lUdown tho hhlf and walked away as well
itiefiod us If tho remainder of the box hud
bm thrown lu.
Ginci Kast. Itov. It. V. Stowait, pastor
rtk First Presbyterian Churcli In this city,
arte Kist to-morrow morning to attend tho
iaral assembly of tho Preshytorlan
birch, to bo held In .St. Louis. Ho will
) over Bt Kugeno City, probably ono day
lakend tho Presbytery at that placo, alter
bleb ho will cnntliiuo his Journoyovor land,
ftw tho adjournment of tho assembly, Mr.
iewart will probably visit Pittsburg, Haiti
low, Washington and other Kastem cities.
liVlll boabsont nboutthreo months; dur
itvwhlcli time his pulpit in this city will bo
lulled by tho Prosbytory. Hov. John
hja.lato of Pittsburg, now of OlympU, will
MBpy tho pulpit no.il Sabb.uh.
TfCMfintAXL'K Convi:.ntio.v...TIio following
iwlutlous woro adopted at tho Stato Tom
wineo Convention held at Portland, yestor-
Jff.Norci, That wo lecotumotul that In all
MBtle.sof thlsSiato mass tetuperanco moot
tft to bo held at tho county seat on Satur
iy, April 'S, 1S7I, to nominato tempera mo
n for county and Legislative olllcers, and
talect dologntos to attend a Stato Con von
M, to bo held at Portland on Woduosilay,
lay (1, 1S7I, to nominato State Otllcers aud u
MMjressinan, and further.
Mt.iotvert, That a Stato Central Committee,
looted, whoso duty It shall be to issue
M call and iiirry out tho spirit of these
JjCessrs Cllntou Kelly, I.'. V. Ityan, N. A.
i'Howo, W. C5. Welch, Wm.MoLood.Oeo.
JDltumick, woro appointed .Stato Com-
iiut Lanii 1'ati:xt. I). II. Murpbv
ty clerk recorded a few days alnco tho
land patont ever issued by tho United,
for tho Territory of Oregon.
was issued during the admluistratlou of
is Hiicliamn to King lltbbard and Nancy
ard. Tho land Is now owned by tboir
Mr. T. It. Uibburd living on tho
Until recently, It was deomed uu
sary to placo it on record.
XKitous. Mrs. Kllzabeth Illatt of South
, who so unfortunately lo&t her cow
k ago, was much surprised upon tho
ntation to her of another, a day or two
i, by several of her neighbors who had
together and, by subscription, raised
m sulllclout to buy a cow as rood
one which was killed. The lady knew
Ing of the action until tho presentation
made, when sbo expressed feelings of
gratitude for the klnduoss of her
liAST Dav. Yesterday was tho last
in which our sorumen could slaughter
rim game with Impunity, and Judging
j the score or more of nlmrods we saw-
full equipments, frantlnly bent on gelt-
m or town, It must have been well Im-
hiuoiet Williams was tho most
sfulone wo have heard of yet. He
flit In eleven grouse and two grey
Odd Circumstance. Uncle Hob Kin-
Bid us, this morning, that he had Just
had six men together tho oldest of whom
was elghty-tlnee, and tho youngest sixty
nine; tho combined ages of the lx being
Hour bundled mid seventeen years. Tin
six gentlemen wore himself, Daniel Waldo,
Potor Hllyeu, C.ipt. Lngllsli, tleo. Wagnon,
aud CJov. Jackson,
TiiftisliAY, April Z
Is Cosrc.Mi:. During the wlntertbo l.tdlc
of Ssleui a few i.f tlioin ul teat liavo met
weekly and devoted an uu'iiiug to Shak
spotlan re.ullngs,;nithor,oxeluslvely, leaving
tho gentlemen to study the great bard by
themolvos. A gnntloinu's club has bjeii
orgntil7.Mil fiir the aiiio purpose, and the two
societies nave inado u pUa-aut progress,
grnvltattui.', of cniirse, towards each other.
Thero wiisn tvuiiinniil tho two, last evening,
nt the residence ( f Mr. and Mrs. Ilowmaii,
planned orlgually tor a merely social even
ing, but uW'iiliMlly .isMiiuiug tbofenturos of
iwuaHiuoriidc.Miilini b common consent tho
ladies and geiilleliieli ill' the two clubs iigrccil
to come tugether In co-tllinu ami let their
liaksporlsu reidiugs take shspe. The host
and ho.stess received their friends rather
grolequoly. The lady presented herself to
tlieni as "riniaud Klaine,"and the gentle
man was "Uim't Hi) lil.'r Me," with tho
music stacc.ito'd all over his person. Hut
neither lire and llame nor such a motto as
that discouraged the throng of masipmradcr.s
who were announced as follows ; Kden and
.SallloC. were"Klowr Cllrl"ntiil "Daisy;"
Mrs. (leo. 11. J. was "Apple Woman:" Miss
A. (not V.vc) was ctiaruiiugly arrayed as
".Snow Maiden;" Mrs. i:. M. W. was a "Ger
man Peasant Girl" to perfection; Klva 11. was
n "Gypsy" and told fortunes with tho hap
plost etl'oct; Gertrude M.as "Ophelia" and
Mrs. M.as "Spanish I.idy;" Jenny S. was
"Spring;" Mrs. MattleH. was "Snow Flnko,"
and her sister Kiuuia Q. made a ".Scotch
Lass" a Highlander might bo proud of.
Marian and Hattlo C. wero "Tho Starry
Hours" and "A Huntress;" Genrgio 0.
"Pocahontas;" Dora II. "Night;" Lena W.
"Morning;" Marin S. "Kalry Quoon;" Dora
S nud Mlnnlo J., were "Wnltlng Mnlds;"
Clara Watt as "Music;" Mrs. W. W. M., as n
"Nymph." Mrs. Hattlo C, and Mrs. Kd.
II., woro In "Domino." Many of tho ladles
worocostumed with oxqulslto tasto and tho
majority of thorn wero quite Impenetrable lu
their dlsgulso.
Thero wero somel miles nud n numborof
gentlemen present In plain dress, and of tho
latter who woro costumes, Prof, A. I.. V
was (pi Ho elegantly got up as l'alstutrs
"Prlnco Hal" Henry IV; i:. M. W.
dropped tho Job olllco and took up the role
of "Dr. Hollowny" of ointment ftino; Mr.
S., dusting oil' the (lower of Salem mill's be
camo a capital "Othello;" Illlss It. showed
tho bliss of an "Kngllsh Farmer;" our
Frank G. was extended and developed Into
a full pauiiclied "lloss Tweod;" tho other
ono was n smart looking "Colored Gentle
man;" Gus 1). was a "jailor Hoy;" Cllaboru
W., win n"Hlg Injun" well arrayed; O. 1).
I)., was also lu thu sumo lino uf business,
aud II. 11. G. was thoroughly equipped nud
disguised as "Modoc, Csptalu Jack." A. T.
Y. mndo an appearance lu "Sheet and Pil
low Casii" that was entirely becoming;
Souiebotly peisouatud thu "Dally Graphic;"
nml Marl O. w;ns "Doctor Korgerson." After
umsqueradlugnwliile tho characters woro un
masked nud recognitions woro quite amus
ing. Tho evening was pleasantly spout aud
tho sport was harmless mirth, whllo tho
social features of the occasion wero all that
could bo desired.
AitkuManv Days. I'ltty-iilnn years ago
thero wiiM an administrator's sale near St,
Louis, Mo,, at which tho widow put In n
bid for a fnvorlto horso which she desired to
retain for herowuiise, butarurly fellow who
took a fancy to own tho horso lilmsolf, bid
against her, and when remonstrated with,
auswored with an oath that tho widow had
uouioro rights than anybody olso. That
was lu tho early part of tho century, about
tho year 1810, Just after tho second war with
Great Britain, aud St. Louis was only a
smart town, hoid-quartors of tho fur trade,
resorted to by frontiersman and wild ad
venturers. Missouri was the most wosteru
territory, beyond which thoro was no trace
of civilization, and Indeed thero was not
much to spire thoro. Looking on at tho sale
was a young, sturdy-built fellow of twonty
tlvo, who remonstrated with tho bidder and
wound up with n most cogaut whipping
which tho bidder received at his hands and
then withdrew his bids, which sort of argil
mont was popular In tlioso days as was
evldencod by tho admiring crowd which
gavo n hearty verdict In favor of the widow
and hor champion. So the widow retained
hor family nag and many a rldo she took
with hor boy "Hob," tvho was only 18
months old at tho time, and as the century
went sliding along the well oiled grooves of
time aud Hob grew appreciative, she told
him tho frontier story of tho purchaso of the
nag. As years made "Hob" a man he and
probably his mother pulled up stakes and
pushed westward, transferring the house
hold gods from tho shores of tho Mississippi
to the banks of the Yamhill. Hob was one
of those who got their start In Yamhill and
throve there apace, and found himself at
mature years with sons and daughters about
him, aud like a senslblo man moved to
Salem aud throve evon better, until finally
his purse weighed nearly as much as ho did,
and still ho did not forget tho traditions
of his youth. And that champion pugilist
also came west and settled in Oregon aud
throve for awhile, aud ono day, oven so
many years ago, he thought Oregon was not
so good a country as some others, aud when
ho had fully reached th3 three score and ten
allotted to mau he gathered his family about
him, almost as numerous as old Noah's and
went prospecting for a better country. Of
course ho didn't tlnd It, simply became It
doesu't exist this side the e.her,and w hen four
score years, almost, had piled thin wrinkles
upon bltn, ho came back to Qnlsh bis days.
with us, minus most of his sparo cash. To
day tho Infant of ISIS Is three scoro and tho
sturdy champion of widows rights of those
days Is white hatred and bowed by tbo snows
and frosts of eighty-four winters, aud wo
happen to learn tho fact that young "ltoli"
once, old "Hob" now, In memory of that
elreumstauco of value of tho years bygone,
has given something of his plenty to tellevo
llio necessities of tho hcio of our story. It
Is well done; It Is timely, oven If It happens
"after many days;" yes after very many
An Usroim'NATi: Joi'iisi.Y. Soiuo time
ago we published an Item lu reference to a
small colony of persons who wero on their
way to this Stato lu company with Dr. J. C.
Applewhite. Sluco then wo have learned
that the company mot with great mlstorjutie,
lu tho way of sickness on tho route. At
Omaha all tho children In tho party wero
taken down with moasels, and wero sick
during tho remainder of the Journey to Port
land. Hero ono of tho ladies was prostrated
with a severe attack pneumonia; aud shortly
afterwards Dr. Applewhite was taken down
with typhoid pneumonia, aud for some days
his recovery was oxtremoly doubtful. Last
Saturday Dr. Dawue went to Portland, lu
response to n telegram, and finding him
very low, Immediately took steps to Rceuro
for him that caro aud treatment which his
case demanded. Dr. Applewhite has a good
many acquaintances in this city, mid some
friends farther up tho valley who came
through with his party, all of whom will be
glad to know that ho Is better and still Im
proving, though not yet out of danger.
Fkabtoi' Passovkii. Tho Jewish feast of
Passovor began at sundown lastovonlng, and
will last for a period of seven days; being
observed by tlioso of tho Jowish faith by
the eating of unleavened bread. Tho Institu
tion is commemorative of tho deliverance
of tho Hebrews in Kypt, at tho passago of
tho destoyiug angel over tho laud. Tho tlrst
and last days of tho least aro the most
strictly observed, and In many places no
business Is done on those days.
Gun Huiisrmi. Kd Terry had n very nar
row escapo from Injury Tuesday afternoon,
by the bursting of ndoublo barreled shot-gun
lu his hands. Hols unable to tell whatctiised
tho gun to burst, and only knows that when
he llred It tho chargo camo out about half
way between tho broach mid nnt.zlo, causing
tho piece to recoil with such force as to roll
lilm over two or threo limes mid send tho
shot whlz.tug uncomfortably close to his
hoad. Fortunately ho sustained no Injury.
Woiikon Stati: Capitoi.. A small force
of brick masons, live orslx lu number, com
menced operations on tlib Stato Capitol build
ing .yesterday, and the working season
may now bo said to have opened. A full
force of w rkiuen will not bo put on for a
while howover, as preparations nro not quite
all completed, and thero is no certainty that
tho weather Is sot tie I yet. lint probably
beforo this mouth closes operations will bo
lu full blast on thoeapltol grounds,
l'liu:. Tlio alarm of tiro was sounded
about ten o'clock last night ami, ns usual,
tho engines wero out nud llylug through
tlio strut ts towards thosceiioof llnieonllagrn
tlon. Hut when the boys found out that it
was lu tho vicinity of Champoeg, they con
cluded they wouldn't go down unless they
woro soul for.
FimiAY, April !1.
AssKiNr.ll's Sai.k. A. H. Cosper, Ksq.,
assignee of tho ostato of Oliver Plckard bank
rupt, made n sale of tho real property be
longing to tho ostato yesterday, nt Marion
.Station. Tho farm consisting of I.V) acros,
sold nt $i:i per aero; and wns purchased by
Allen V Lewis of Portland. Tho warehouse
sold for ?.VK to Goo. McKay. Tho town lots,
of which thoro woro oloveu, brought about
fJO apiece; Tho salo aggregated, for nil
proporty sold $),(0I. The bids wero lu till
cases low; which may bo attributed to tho
fact that It was a cash sale. Had tho proporty
been sold for ono half cash and tho ballauco
on time, It would undoubtedly have brought
n much hotter price.
WitiTi: Piiinck. Mr. W. C. Myor, of Ash
land, arrived in tho city yostorday with tho
Porchoron stallion Whlto Prlnco,',lmportod
from Franco. This horse, with soveral of
his colts, was hereon oxliibltlon at our last
State Fair, and they alt gave goneral satis
faction to tlioso who oxamluod them. Mr.
Myor has brought this horse hero to stand
him for sorvlco, and may bo found at Dur
bill's stables during tho season. Whlto
Prince wlghs, at thlstimo, 1,WX) pounds, and
tho horses of this stock generally will weigh
proportionately, according to age, etc. Their
chief merit Is their combined action and alio,
which tits them for all kinds of sorvlco and
thus enablos thorn to supply a great desider
atum in tho community. See Mr. Myer's
advertisement olsowhere.
Steamkii Hailkd. Tho steamer John L.
Stephens sailed for San Francisco this morn
ing at 5 o'clock. She carries away the fol
lowing passengers : S. S. Whitman, K. W.
Cooko, H. F. Price, Miss K. F. Thompson,
Mrs, Lancaster, Miss Ida M. Squires, L. A.
Dougherty, J. II. Garrlgan, A. Wolf, Km II
Frank, K. C. Frotzman, Win. Church, Win.
Kawllugs and brother, W. It. McNeal and
wife, Mrs. Hawllngs, and two children, Miss
0. Stump, Mrs. Browning, Jas. Paine, I).
Kurtz, A. Hall, Mrs. S. H. Brownell, Mrs.
J. II. Mitchell and family, Miss L Uvy,
Wells Fargo V Co.'s messenger, and in In
I.NTKKMKNTs. Mr. II. Javens, who has
chargo of tho Odd Fellows cemetry, Informs
us that tl.ero were soven Interment .In that
cemetery during tho month of March; four
males and three females.
Notaiiy Poiiuc Samnol Hughes, of
Forest Grove, has Ixxin rc-commlssloned by
Governor Grovor a Notary Public for Wash
It'a'ou County.
Puut.tc Lands Dkkii:i. Col. T. II. Cann, '
j Clerk of tho Hoard of I.and Commissioners,
has executed deed9 for public lands as fol-
lows: Wm. V,. Dyer, S'.'iltll acres, School '
land, lu Lane county; Peter Peterson, 15S I ft
acres,, UnUorsity hind, lu Polk county;
jJoslah O. Nelson, 100 acres, School laud, lu
Yiiinhlll county; C. V, llelcher, 10 neris,
Unherslty land, In Washington county; 11.
D. Sliattuck and Win. It. Sewall, lt'K) acres.
University laud, lu Clatsop county; Joseph
Peiiulg, !1 UK) acres, Statu land, lu Jackson
Iwkamt. Loss Maui: Goon Mr. C
Weeks Informs us that at tho lire on Feb
'JTth, when the residence uf Mr. Phillip-, was
consumed, his premises adjoining, were alxi
Inlured. neeessltu'.liiL' ronulrs. and that thno
repairs have been promptly matin by the
Homo Mutual Insurance company nt San
Francisco, through their agent C. W. ltoxitl,
of this city.
COMMlsstONltll op lllil'.PS. Win. It. Hill,
of Maryland wns yesterday appointed by
Governor Grovor a Commissioner of Deeds
for Oregon, to reside in Baltimore.
Satuuhay, April I.
cu-iais itit'i:.
'Triitli Stronger limn I'lrlloii." A Miort
Nkrlt'h of 11 MiikiiIiii Hl'lllK Ills Visit l
Ills Mother iillir 1111 Almeiier 01' I'urly
Years-Ills IH'CvntrlcltcS' liiciilcnls, lite.)
Tboiu Is 110 plsceoii larth, where the novel
ist cau llutl more material from which to
weavo a sensational romance than lu many
nn isolated cabin on this north-west coast.
Cabins rudely put up, occupied by men
whoso experiences If put In book form, would
bo tilled with adventures In the mines, with
sivages,halrbreath escapes from wild beasts.
Mon who wero rich lu "dust" one day and
the noxt, living on beans "straight'" Who
have spent years with their blankets, pan
and pick prospecting out of the way plsv.-s
for "big strikes." Men who left their homes
years ago In the llusli and vigor of young
manhood, expecting to realize lu n few short
years n fortune, ami lettiru to tho land tif
their nativity to live tho balance of their
Uvea In luxurious ease. Many of these
Chrly adventurers have had at times bugo
"stakes," enough to have kept thorn lu tlm
States 11 goo.l many "rainy days;" bin It
was not enough, aud whul thoy hntl matlo
went In attempting to mako more. After
several tips and downs of this kind, spend
ing the most valuable sirtlons of their lives,
tho average miner gets discouraged and
"down on Ills luek" and quietly subsides
Into n small rancher, or travels around the
country working now ami then, Just enough
to koep himself lu food nml clothing. Upon
tlrst coming to this Coast they kept up a
regular correspondence with their relatives
hiitl friends at home, but alter it whllo thu
letter writing slackens, by degrees, until
Dually It ceases altogether. Thero aro thou
sands nn thlsaldt, of tho Itocky mountains
to-day that hnvo not heard directly from
their relatives tor years, aud who have doubt
less been mourned as dead by some fond
mother for many long years, that would
give worlds did sho know that her absent
tiny was still ullwi.
Thero Is living within a few miles of this
city, not far limn tlm banks of tho beautiful
Willamette, an old miller whom wo shall
call Captain Itlcn. Ills house a comfoitnblo
log ouo, Is situated lu n little grove of second
growth 11 r trees, under which ho has tor tho
use of himself ami an-occasional fuller 11
semi-rustle seat, where 011 11 pleasant siiniiv
afternoon you ulwavs llutl hlui, If alone,
dreamily poring over some old voliimuo of
history or romance or leading tho current
news of tho day (for ho takes Hovorul papers). s jmvlng been iiitiimeiiceit somo soven
Ills lltllo farm or twenty acres, with ncoitplo yoirs ago but virtually dismissed; and says.
or cows, a Mrkor or two, and lots or chick- tlu Kudgooiis" liavo all bltnt Itusiiu Aprll
ons, nllord u comfortable If not luxiirlotiH loot catch. Tho Xnr.i man Is tho worst
living for lilmsolf anil his companion a gudgeon wo know of, as ho Is tho only ouo
largo Newfoundland dog. Inside of IiIh I Hnlil; lliu flrhlKiirviftiliu tliu onw IiuvIiik Ikjoii
cubln everything Is ns neat as wax. Tlio,,btnluilliulii low days ngo.
busiest and neatest housewife In tho world
could not Hnd any fault or a speck of dirt on
the premises.
Forty years ago this spring tho Captain,:
then a young inuii of twenty, badu his
mother (his father had then been dead sever
al years) good bye, gavo his llltlo sister a
parting kiss, anil promising his younger
brother a handsome present when ho camo
back, sailed from Now York for Liverpool as
n bund "bo lore tho mast." The vessel was
wrecked olf the coast of Ireland nml out of
thu crow but lilmsolf nud two others wero
saved. Arriving alter somo little hardship
at Llvorxiol jioiiiiIIoss, hu fell In tho bauds
of ono of tlioso laud sharks, that keep sailor
boarding houses In all largo soaport towns,
who after ho had run up a good board bill for
a consideration, managed to drug him, anil
ho woke up to Hnd that ho had boon "shaug
bled" 011 boartl of an lUst India bound ves
sel. Tho ship was under easy sail going
down the Fnglish Chauuol, when ho was
mustered with othorw In a like llx, nude to
sign the articles and put on duty.
Tho next fourteen years of Captain Rico's
lire was spout lu tho coasting trado on tho
Chlnoso coast making short trips to tho vari
ous stations of tho Kast India Company.
Whllo engaged In the Kast Indies ho wrote
sovorul letters homo but getting no answer
It Is doubtful If the letters wero over received.
In January 181'.), tho Captain shipped fur
New York via San Francisco and Cape Horn
from Calcutta. Arriving at Sail Francisco and
learning of tho gold excitement, ho loft tho
vessel and sUrtotl for tho mines. Ho met
with tho usual success of tho early pioneers.
Making during tho few years following,
thousands and losing thousands; making
money one week to lose it lu some Utopian
scheme tho noxt. Thus passed away twenty
years of his life when ho found himself
growing old Crow feet wero planting their
foot prints In tho corners of his eyos, his
hair growing gray with hardship and age.
No loi'Kr btilim able to undergo the
rough life of his earlier years ho sought out
and found tho little spot 011 which ho now
llxes so contentedly, resohed to spend his
few remaining years In uuliiteruptcd enjoy-
Hut now comes tho mot rein irknbn portion
ofCaptaiu Itlea's lifii. Letrntiig Incidentally
last summer that his M titer, brother and
sister wnm still llvllij , an irrepressible de
sire to -uti tlii'in canto over hliu. Leiiv lug
his cabin in I'liiuuu of a neighbor ho stilted
for New Yolk where l.e arilved In tluollnie.
Upon enquiry lie fuin I Hi tt Ills brother mil
tlu MaMel i.l hum til il cfninoiis ''Black IU11"
Hue nt clipper ships runuum bitwmiti N v
York and Lhtrimul, kiiiI iliat tlie vessel a.is
I "'"" M l,"r l,,,ttl' " Hurling -lip. G"l'u on
l"""1 ",r' " ,'' 'ruing, no louimea
I '' H' decks moil lit-, brother made bis
f .itiii..iriiiiit. when all. r t tkin i l-o.i.I ImiLf
"i'i - - " "-
luoU 1.1 Mini, ho ualked .tslioteaud mtibi Ills
way to llronkl.wi In n his mother and -Is-ter
resided. Fur three long tlays he unietiml
the tloors of the house. At tho end ot that
tliiioono siiiiuy afternoon his sgid 111 iinr
uf eighty scoro ye.ir, uccointMiiled by his
sister, came out for 11 short walk.
The caplitlu passed them ami met them
several times, anil w ho can tell his thoughts
us ho looked upon their laces idler lotty
years supination. He says that tho liupulso
to uuiko liliiisnll known was "hard to tight
against." About tlm "tightest spot he over
wits lu" but ho succeeded in not "making a
fool of himself." What would linvu been
tho feelings of that mother and stlr could
they know that on that pleasant afternoon
they had met tho long lost wanderer, can
better bo Imagined than described.
Tho snmo evening Captain It Ice took the
oars at Jersey City, for his homo Uhii tho
Willamette, whom In duo tlmo ho arrived
having been absent n lltllo less than a
The Captain leudlly dropped Into his old
habits, ami the wny-furor who passes bis '
cabin and accepts of his hospitality, will Hnd
a genial oltl mau with rare conversational
powers, abounding with scraps of adven
ture taken from his tiw 11 life. Thero he lives,
calmly nud pcacorully, awaiting tho great
clianue that comes to all, sooner tir later. Ho
has ulsnrrungoiiioiilMull ui.tdo for that event,
n I his only wish Is, that when ho Is gouo
,i.tt its body shall be laitl upon the banks of
the beaiitlrul rlvt.r that Huwh pasttho llltlo
cabin where ho has passscd tho happiest por
tion of his life.
Lo.Mi at Ah mill a. Kinney v Co.
1 have chuitercd tho British ship eruiont,
with capacity to curry I WO ton-, which will
soon arrive at Astoria, uiitl thoro load for
some Kiiropenu Mirt. Thoy liavo grain and
llour for her loading which will most of It.
bo sent direct from tho Upper Wllliiinettce
river, to tho Fanner's warehouse at Astoria,
ready lor shipment. Tho Vermont will bo
tho largest ship that over loaded III tho Col
umbia river, mid nlsotho tlrst ouo Hint over
took on her entire loading at tho mouth of
the riser. Sho will ho loaded on a contract
made by Salem Mills Company, which com
pany seems to hnvo tho enterprise to test
liiipoitaut questions relating to Oregon com
merce. Cnai.l.it.Mii: Aii'itiTiui.- Siwir.i! wt-okt
silicon challenge to a debating contest was
receUed by tho Alkn Society, of Wllluiiietlo
University, Iroui tho I'liilomatheuus of
Portland. At tho meeting nf tho Alkus lust
evening action was taken upon tho maltor,
null It was decided In accept tho challenge.
Tin tle'jills of tho delialn havo not yet been
arranged, but will hu uiado known in duo
Soi.ii.TIio AYnvi speaks of tho suit nf
Snulrn Bonnet vs. '..lent. Diinlur nud others,
Monhav, April ll.
miiii toii.vrv imii:i'i:mii:m o.v
The Convention wns called to order by
Hon. John Mlnto, ul ten o'clock this fore
noon, On motion, John P.Colo of Lincoln pro
duct was matlo teinKirary chairman nml
Messrs, John Hurry and John Hunt .Secre
taries. On motion of Hon. Geo. P. Holmuii 11
committee of one from each precinct was
selected 011 Credentials,
Tho following commltteo wns selected,
H Fnrnir, Win P Pugli, T II Crawford, Saml
Brown, G W limit,'!' It Smith, W II Iteeso,
J W Grim, II Magnus, T H lliiusnker, Chat
Miller, T Goodrich, W T Hall, A Thompson,
W II Dasby ,G W Dlmmlek.
On motion Convention adjourned half an
hour to give commltteo on credentials tlmo
to report.
At cloven o'clock tho meeting was agaiu
called together.
Committee oil credentials reported the fol
lowing iKirsous as entitled to seats, report
,S'itvrrlo.T W Davouisirt. John Hunt,
Wm Simpson, A Thompson, H Warren, L'L
Mesher, J Davis, L Cox, L F Isuuhart by
Win Simpson proxy.
Xurlh .Viiciii. Delos Jelfersoii, Chas Clag
gull, John Brooks. II L McNary, S It Scott,
Win P Pugh.
JIulrvilli:l J Pendleton, W II Itecse,.! J
.lariii. T II Hunsakor, J Parrlwh, I)
UI010W11. P L Kenedy, Jos Smith, U II
Adams, G W Diiiulck.
JetferiMH. 0 Mlller,FStlowor, WlilStow
urt, Wm Pate.
f.uu-oln.U Smith, W II Baker, Gtiyon
Gibson, W 11 Dily.J P Colo.
Miuilrtil.J S Skalfo, F l.oos.
.ViiWfmi.i. G H Downing, John W Green
street. Joliu DowiiIiil. U T Perkins. Win
Smith, G W Hunt.
i.nuttn, win .M Collard.T Goodrich, J v.