I fit itU t fl vn Ievs by TELEqpH. EASTERN STATE3. Nkw Yoiik, April fi. -The IJonrd of Dirrulorn of the t'uolllc Mnll titcnniHlil Coinpnnv, tit it int'otiiiK .Vcfterilny, com Miilorcil, In vlow ortlic iiihiniihI ilciiiuuri iow niiulu upon their currying capaully on the I'nrlllu Coast, to enter Into u con tract rorlmlldliiB four new lion Meuinerx, of hiicIi capacity as to meet the lncreaH hitf luminous. Of thee new hhlps It I" anticipated that two will ho coiiHtrneted hy John Itouch, thu hiillder of tho City I l'uKln. The others will bu uwarded to other liiillileiH. Mr. Ktcarn, ono of the Ooniiuhsloiier'' of ('harltleH, mivhTu'cciI Ih In the hiiIVm anil roust htrlctly Kiinnlcd tiortlon of the jirlniii, fioni which ho could not escape unless i weniy-iwo Keepers, roiMuniiy m UUitnl, wcio lirllieil. I'lirtheriiioiv, lu does lint think It devolved upon the CoiuuiiHsloucrrf to niitl.c a martyr ol Tweed or to exeielfo any uunecctsary Hoveilly toward him (luring Ids term ot imprisonment. Foster H. Dewey, for nurly Tweeri'H J'rlviito .Secretary, and now Ills bushier! HKenl, hu.vh tho room occupied ly Twi-cd Is certainly umrt comlortahle than thu cell, hut Its furni ture was not worth mom than $'0. Hohton. April O.-Tho iallol to-day re aiilted as follows: Whole number, KM; ueeeoMKury to u choice, U8. Duwcm. (I"; Hour, AT; Curtis, Till; AdaniH, 7; J tun k, (i; Washburn, Whlttler, Phillips and Pleice I each. Vahhinoton, April n. The following jiOhlal cliuli(,'es have li.-eii ordered: J'ostnuiHters appointed-(leo. K. Iliim- mcrrlcy, at Camp Creek, l.auo county Orrguu; C K. J racy, nl i iiiciilla, Don- gins county, ur'non. OniuiMMscoiitluued Centervllle,Wash- inuUin count v. Oieuou iteprcNentatlves Kendall, of Xownlii, ami (;rouine, of Nebraska, had an aijju inent yetitenlay befoie tnu House Coui Milttio on Public I i e h, In advocacy oi Kendall's bill piovldln for Hutu tuxii lon of lauds heietolore minuted by Con fns in rat ruiuK loppleion, ns riiium i t'orthe Uiilmi I'nellln Uailiituil Company, r: ued against the pioiio.sltinii. Wahiiinohin, April 0. KHIiiIm an being inii'lc for a combluatlou in lb Henute todefeul the Iiillul IoiiIMm. Il I tiuiiMtaln, therefore, ibat tlie hcheini' 'Will succeed fur Incioiifliig the leal len der and Intnl. clicuiiilloii eiieb hy tout milllouf, iiiiIl-s accompaided by nunc plan looking toward a gradual coutiae tlini. I'liclflu ciuhI people here attribute Mouator Mllebell's iiulfoim voting w lib (he lulluliiiuh-t to a ileclic in conciliate Morton, Chairman of tin- Cnoiinlttoc on lOhcliun, In wIiom' bunds rest die me IlimliilN iiilullvo o Mitchell's cim1. Mr. Kiinboin appealed before the Ways nnd Meiilif Commiitee l.i-iluj , lull acting under the ailvleo of eounsut declined to make a written statement. Suulmril sain ho bad leceiveil between iJIU.OllO n l , i;i 1,0(10 tinib-r hi conlmct, of which he ' has proliablv palil $H(i,UIHI lo others, and , dad et In pay men. He paid S'J.-,,(M Jo l 'MIO.IKKI as coiiifel fees, hut limbing lo Internal Itevcmie olllcers. He made Ids entire arrangements with Houtwell. The Additions to the emit met wcie olitaliied from Itlchardsnti while llouiwell was in llo-ton. Witness bad no doubt Ulchard hiiii knew peifcctly what he was signing. W.KlllMrn.N,Apillll. - Senator. Mitch ell liliule Ills llual argument before the Senate Committee on Itallroads this iiini'iilni! in favor of his bill in aid of the J'litlluuii, Dalles and Salt Uiku ltallroad. I'jverv ilidlcatlun points to a favorable icpoil at an early d.iy. Tho coutniiltce. will conclude Its coiiKldciatlon at anieet - inn nel Mondav. j: . ..,,- Inrinil In tlm L'ommllteu on ('olllUlerci1 Tho lloiiso Misiended thu rules and liaised the bill itlvlntt Olil acres In the i'ort rjtellacooni Military Itescivallon for sin I iikimo Asylum lu WushliiKtoiiTerrl tory. Ki; VOUK, Apili ". A XMiMiinuion ...... ., . , ,.,,, i . ,. . h'hvIuI says the Mnaneuil Hill tmsMil the Keiiutu last night and (,'ocs to the Mou-e, where It cannot he reaelied under tlie rules bv any menus whatever heforo ue.t Mondav, and then It will reilllie a two thirds vole either lo tulte It up foraetlon or to order II to u committee. Tberefore ..'. .i. ...i t i. in i,..., .li- Wak i niN w ahiii.m. I i.n, A I I ..- 1 1 Ho I Icon Ways and Me.uis tTo-fevm .11 .Sanliorn al Kieat I i "ti , If limit elicit- IIIK iiuyiiiink ' i '" ri.fiihis to ttlve a ilctalhsl statemt . his cxiiendltuivs. nnd all elUnts have fulled to make lilni admit auylhluKeon- neellmr (leu. lliiller or any oilier mini- her of 'unijless with his conliacts. He ! ..Iili..i'il..iil7.stbat nutlelhadelvenhllil -". ......: , i. i.i..... MilVlceorinuueuee or eise lie i-iunu inn remember. 1'lloMlihbClt, It. 1 ! April il. -K i miil.ir Htood Una ilu. pus .Vilnius 1,, b,..krup.e. MK.li.tl the.Spr.K..e Msnuliii'tuiln,: (H....ui.y will ..dlris.iitlniil in e.ln.r,U.v M:w A.Hiif. April " . W'"'"l", Vs ., ....!. MM... I.....1AI. t.illt fi.r Mna or Aiueneli liri"eiiieii u memorial i ". ; : J,", V" ,,..Vii... ...... """" " """r.-."v..s ....,.,., ..... ,dKned by ......;. eltlJe.is of tho Slate of I , "f "a1' I vor o" BSr1! ' " mM' OreKon and .irllolles of n.i,iiKtnii ,,. ,!, ,mriles eoiu-erued bus Ihh.ii tin. I nnd Idaho, axliliiKtomjri'ss to nialie an lM,u i.,,,',,,,,, t uKld, mid bis mother- 8ALEM MARKET. .s)imiii bit Ion to open Ihol iililinhla llv-ji u-, Mrs. Wiirrnu to ily, tlmtonuof them i'P lit tho eonimeli'O of the world. Ue- , ,,,,,,, ,i Imfnni tlm dav was over. Ilnllii! MONUTAIIV. . i . t . i ' titi. ...ii.ri.ui lit in., iiiiiii.i uiiiii. nun u Mf.il tru ,., i.. ...- i iu..k.. .nr.....i i.i.,.. lmiiiviiiiiiiiiii iM.wiiiiiiie.Mimi.uii ',lni :."",. .,. ... i,U wife-sent for. Her lUllroad IV.i.pan.v ..;., the ..Iste nf Jsv 'm K ' ' S''' l'r' Conko .V Co., hiTi'liV llielr ml snoei I.i lie , r" ' ..,',.":" , ,.,., 1W1U. vr the road .u dlu'lmiKnl.y the .iieiM-liiti.e or lie ,MVl v. I .. lUe.l but a .l.ort llni.Vaii.l died Company',. Ilrsl uienp.Ke ' .! and othei J,,,,!.!",,,. ,11.1 not speak aflerlhef.ttal ' ii'iiiltli.. . tired. Ills brother, who lles till Nkw YmiK, A im I tl -I his m;.nili;ii ; H s" iw5,(,i, hi. b.s.i. .ent lor and lll he blniiner riiy ..f ll.iuti.ini.W . f the ,.. It I. -J" " ..Munl.mtlnn w HI be liebl ' tin. IViiaimi i.iiim. Sw I'uamwi, April 7.-llreeiib.uks, I iieimtiir loillv Mti.nl ,'JiSl et. vein .'.latj; Another murder was cmi.nllted lo iliiy in lVawIsS;: U-ui l.7'TirtN. 7.'! A.Uii's. li a s.l.sm ..a Third Mr.et. n,r MI..U.H. lUulls J Kil... i.f. 3. Tim Uilllhlh b. , Mhh..el lrt.l.W and Hire., oilier ..leiiwe.o lot was a. to'iV. Ihiw.s, ,',i ll.wr, SI j pb mn ells .fn the hack reomof the-al k.h, OtrII..7l Ail.iii-. III! M-attet till', fl. when the Uirkeeper ..id luuil ".'"' On Mivh iVI. I'rohient il.inMlr.i.f Snl.i , the iew,rl el a pis ol, an. tl.rr.. n.e n rail e Doinll.KO, etlli'lally abre.trd the .sSuaina'of the r....... Into the Mreet. He wenl In ... 1UV Tt.-Mi. mi neuou.it ef u.i .siiiipMi.y's. found lhey dead upon tlie Hot r, , Mint Mime to psv thn sni.tial iei.li.1. snil the Uov tlirmuti tho temple, and uii.iiey settereil hi wo.lle.it u iihiiiii li'n inn ii'U'ini oi tin. ier- Htnrv "..' . . ,, . i. llAltri'Ollli, AlUII .'..enini: iiikviwui, m. ill I.I. re vlirlnl l.ynmr l.y mi liteuss ed in.liirlty. Iloili lou.i r.f the LeaUl lure.te Uimioorau. ltAiirnutn, April 7 InpeiMdl's in.Joiliy l.i Ilu, Sl.te w III not lx . . limn '.'.."sXl, Thu ,-v.iHle hl.inla 17 linoortlM and -i Itnpuhll. cmis; the IIoiim.' Ill lK-lniH'tat., W llrptlbli. cii.mid 'i liiilopenili'iil. AlliANV, April ;. tlmeruor Dlx Mint uicmsku lo tliu UgUluture, ktrengly Uepro- i'H li... in i .1 MH'irii-. nl It-piti teener 'Hid National Mink pxpor anil tho ahandon inmit ot Ah h i ini m io.im sp-cln n-yitiwiN hs. In ld ni.lnlnn, franirbt with u'lilfi.MirMnl ruin nml ilNrtStur to llin Indus tries t.r tin ui'iimiv. mid Invoking the iiUlntim oil" nil in it" oer to prevent ' ilsailoptlon. i C'iiicaoo, April 7 At llio uniiilc-ipxl t-lcc-, inns lie 1I in IUhii l" Michigan hiiiI Iohaj yedrnlij, tlm iMiipeninei- fiii"lloii entnrrd nto tliiiriuili".' lu Mi"-! eriK-n,iiiiil, exc-il In I Ohio, the ti iiipeiutlen llekcls nut villli little -urtMAs. Cliii-liuirttlelis'teilH Di-innerHt'crlty lekot, -v I ( 1 1 iilUHjnilly of tlm Council, by (iter I.OOO majority Ititli pnrtlfs list! Hcum, , iilHtroruis lu I A "Im Htitl niniliipnlv still I nil-l(jlii'i'iiiiiee tleKitu were aii.'ccmui. 'Jliln null I nip ri'iien pnnp'i, rnrfleil VhIi n'li'ii f'eurl IP ue wlierotliiiwtinioti'seru ado begnn,',l)Ayton, Sidney, I'omerov, Ilu oyrus, MhelliVi ClevelHiiil ami (tlillllcotlio, wnilo loinporHlico tliikiiis wore iuci:ieii in ii nm, -I-. n. i. , inulMn, K'-ntnn, Marlon nnu iiaiavin. FOHEICN NEWS. PaVoNNI:, April 5. The llrst netlvn opo-n-lull" I tfore Itillimi, slncii Mnreli 2stb, wore Mitiii il nn thfi .Id i.f April, with tlm botnli iHrilmeiil nf Almntii. Miirrno Is ro-oriianlz. ug bis forei s, anil tho Csrllsls sro slrniigtli nlug their )ltlons. Oun. Trlstidly Is n-purtnd to Imvo cxptured i drUehnient onK) Itdpuhlli-stis near Calntr, orly-slx mllis fri'in lUnvlona. Thu sur iImo whs foinpli'in. Thn Hoputilluans sur etiilcred wlilmut tiring n gun. IIkiu.in, April 0 lllHiniirek Is Improvli g. In uhshIiIii to lesve Ids bwl to-day. IIavonnk, April 0. The (;uro of Hunt ' 'my. has Pupa Htalttel of tho ulitrgo of vln Mtlntt of tliH iiniiirsllly laws and illxliHrged, nut Is fiirhlddmi to remain in I'rsuce. IIava.va, April il. (Iiiiiend CoiicIih, the nuwunpiHlu W'iipmi ii nrrivi-n. "pacific coast. Ha.v Kiiancimm, April il The reMirtutrcu I tteil last ii tx lit tlist II. II. (.'(union hliot (!lms Konheliralli nil hiti.uiiI of Jiialimsy, proves i Inivii hn n untrue, n Ciiiulon's lle Is In Im lvisl, anil duo not even know the victim I'her hulmiiil's wrulh. Tlm theory gener nly iieei-iilnl by the fi leads tr the iimtlis Is, hat Knehi-nrai It plHyeil prHelienl Jokes on his i0 Mirkei till he ilinve him erur.y. Tim i'seilln Mull t'nuimiiy will linrcHller end a si. inner in I'.miinm, ('lilniiuinl .lupaii very tniirlien diiv. A liieelliig uhh held llils-evenlllgut Alltho in Hull of wiiiiitii, Interested In iln HMiilnnu Mrs Chirk prelilril, and u general I l-cii -i l ti I' prevailing liiohinns him hint. The lil'-etlllu illially n -nl veil tlml wnuien's ilresi-M ought lo lie iiiailn iiihi'Ii sburier lu the skirl; Hist iihtli-s shnulil I'O (llKcardiid ami f.iNn hair thrown away, i lino, April 11. n cxcurNlmi I nil il Hr IvhI limn. vHiTMinenln this innrninn liriiiglntr the .N.ieraiueiito .ouaves, isiiiiiimuileil by 1'nptsln Win, (lilt. 'I'he iiiiiintiv biMiiiilen I'riHil thociilnrid eitleiis i f this place lo Join em ill eelelirsllug tlin aniiUe.uy nl the I'irUoillll Aliieliiliueul. They III trelied liniuuli nur town, leil by the Siterainenln Urns', ll.mil. This arierunnii lint enuipituy .tent Ibinuuh tlmlr drill hy tlm lap nfthe ilriiiu, which drew a large ernuil. Tills im-iiIiii; they give n Kraud hall. 'I he ruin piuiv will leiuin toSaeiiiuiiiiilo In uinrriiw. 'I'llllAMA. Anrll (1. This eveuiiiK's triilu, whlhi iuinhIiiu Nurd SiHtlun, L'liisM-d over a ,,i ( meil .shniln. nirluuc botlt of lux leu iiniii hU body, U Issupposeil that hn ins lutoxiiatod, and wliilolu that couilitioii laid down on tin, track in sleep. Il Is thought thai hn ciunnt ihxkIIiIv Its-over. Mll.vsrA, April ll Mlllnn Shepaiilsnn, w ho Wrt enn vlctid Mareli 7lh for Mat-e rnhbery, waa lo tiny siintiuiced In thu Mtatn Prison font enn nf nuvuii yenrs. .Salinas t'nv, April (I; -Another font fnl ir.igeily occurred to-day, hy which a man Inst his life mid another was tiailly wouuileil. Thn parties were unmet) Downey anil Den iiIniiii- The tragedy gruwr out ufa, Imrtnlexs Jiiknou Diwuey uu April 1st. Snnni nl'tlin yeunit lolks at thn Dluuiond llntul. on April V.miI'm I In v. hi.iit Mm. DiiniiUnii In Downey's rnum with a letter containing the words "April l-'isil." DuiiiiImui saw her ceinlng fiom tlm nsim and, taken with a lit of Jeainusy, rcprcaniiou tier wiiii iiuinr nurip, .Inivii in I'niiilnv'H sithsMi ho saw iMwiuty I nnd lulled blui out to seiik lo blui. lli-i Pk,i., thrniiKh a narrow hull to the inir of thn bulldlni; in n little buck yunl. Den- nisiiu wiiii m Uawney, ;"You are a t!ml d-d son of a li h you ciutml my imnlile." Ihiwnny then strui'U him ltli i mi iii mm Kini'ii'n ...in .n..,. .-. -. ((iW ,N ,,IO( uml ),mm,v MKn , for llm a,l tlm pistol was diM-lmriuil, Ihe , , htrkliu; Iinnuey In Hie lift shin i-.nn-1 . inj; cnmai't with' one nf his rllw and I Uihti rlim sroun.l and eniuliiit out uenrtlie I aplu.' limviiny thon iluil ud wristtil llm ! pl-ml tinni blui, lu-n Demilsiui turtie.l and . ran ihi.ini! ilhrthalontlaad tin llm stree', fnl-' hl I vt uiul klidi'Ui'il lUlll UnVMI. Iieiilicon VV,,U" '" ,r"."t.V1 U,H xv, j.,,,.,,,,,,-,,'!,., Hi,l,I,,l and Ml. At , , istlllll'()f .,,,, ,r, ,wt,y tired, ihesh.u . ..i,,,.,..!,.,., ,, n. ,u.u t,.mple nnd eniiiluit -- : .' . . .. . .. i . ,i i.f.v""'"' ""'. .."."..:.:.; .ii ;, ; ..... l.u.rlli.. Iillll 11,1, IIM.411 .111 lllll 1IIIL Hlllll. ii.iwii.iv will HrriiiitHi ituii i.inrfii .,. .-,i,'i it pli UWi' nf tlm Mln. rill', lie nils t.ikeu to I lie ilrun i tore, nnd Ihnnen to his nsiui at the luuci, Nvliein he still coiitluut'il lo smoke a cinur ! wldcli Iiml bion In his mouili sll tho while.. He aid, while 1-eluK tnketi to tlmiliiiiii. Ion;. ..if t nm m.iriiiiiv wnniiiiHii I inn vim an - .".v ,:"',..; V.,.. ,ir.,ii ii,,,u., I nil"" ii - --- - W11S iw''U mi" me i'ini-ii"Mi uiiiii nn...- ...... '...I. i.... .,... i ' .V ," l'" Vl l.l. I r l.lm. nl v lU ' ' ', f J ;ll1', ' nCm I "K .21lv Vll.i. ' i V, , i,l ,.! .inl hrilns trlekllin: fro... the ,iImi i,.,i... Tin. IkhIv wss tskcii to the I kUf LSIW,. " .! '' . H"v. lather Jo-opl. Power. wi eon letiM li....... il, ii... i '.,,,ri iliU yflcriiiMin nf u.ntnn I" ". "",'; ".;'" ., " Vi ii.. 11 .... .. I ltella llmwn, lu askuuil . im icrj in. i St, I'.lrlok'a Ctiua-b, .botil four wwk. since. I ii.. ..in u.,.vp r..r waiiitMiniA lfiiiii, rniw. I Kldrlili;.! Mowrey Hopkins, rrt..l fer the murder of Mlch.nl Khey, on llilnl atiMt, till, moriiltnr. dealt .11 k.iolel;n of llm tllr. but U fully ldentltle.1 iw the man , who llnM ll.u r.i.l noi. nn n. '"""'.' . Isaac llnpkttir, employed In the Mint,!.., IhUclly. ' WILLAMETTE FARMER. A Lesson from Mother fioose. "There was mm (and he had Dnufjht)" Wh Mould not make bin llrln; 11 hoDcrt labor, to he tlioulit He'd run fr ofUo, and mi doubt Could cheat, and utter be found ont, If he was n ire In Rhine And to he cot nn ofllce, srnnd, And paid hit clerks full double ; They urota for him hl note of hand, And uf lit n chrathiKuould not tell, And managed all mi cry well He never thujlit of trouble. He llvnl In ftjl but ono fad ilay "Tlio robbera caniu to rob him"; Thu " mlnloiiK of the law" were they, And wliei, they toi-glit his Hi f t ttop, " Ilu crept up to hit chimney top, And then they thought they bad him." " i'.nt he flipped ilonn the other fide, And then they could not find him"; lie fiiiind It enfy, unite, to htdv. And while they fcarched the unat highway "Itan foitrttcn mllcf In fifteen its)', And inner looked behind him." You wonder at hi fpeed, no doubt, Hut, In thla wondrouii nation, The thlrf will fcldom bu full lid out, I'nli-pa lioV puor, or trlca to roam 'J i fur away frnin friends and home To peek hi rccrealloii, Dti.t.E W. Cooki. halcm, Aprlll.laTI. Kiikoils CoitUKC'Ti:i. All subscribers arc requested to carefully notice the dates on tho tags, and, in case of errors, please notify this ofilce, nnd wo will cheerfully rectify tho same. If we at any time semi statements of account which are not correct, wo desire to know It. Hon .Tiiliu (tAlleyef itolso City has lost over a thoiiMiud lio.ul of sin op during the past whiter. liHiinutt farmer. iif mi icvrnr niTLiuur, nr CLVItlCli: Jto CKAIG, rUHI.MIIIIlS AU l-llOI-IUKTOIM. f. A II.AIIKK. II, W, CIIAIll, Terms nl' Nuburrlptlon. Oun rnpy, oiiL't-ur(Vi numbers). $3.00 OniKiipy, fix months I'M nnnibrn) 1..1II Ouccojiy, thrie mniitbs (l.'l number) 7fi TZ f!,rKETS. .Sun Pruuclfico .tlarkcl. Han I'ranclicii, April ". I'lour-Kxtra Jobbing at fofilW. Wlirnt Tlm prlee apppcar to be )1 KQ,?. Hurley-Ki'i'd, f I Mai (10; brewing, (I Wat W. Oat'-Orrunn. (t W; feed, f I 65al 73. I'litnloix-I'ctaluma, $1 S3, and Humboldt, ft Wat. Ilnlonf iiti. I'nrllHiKl Jtlnrkrt. Wbrut- Ijui'lallcim iincbansi'd-(l.U per cinlal. I'loiir t'lail il fur ttamlard branda, and (Sail for nutnlile brand', (lata tk'furcood nlillr, lOv fur black. llirley lint lltlluiluliis-ll.lOat.U periental. l'lilalnea ISaVV. Apph'f Weak at .W. Hiillcr W:Vr. licit" -ITc. Href t'allle-Sail per piiuiid nn fot, , Mutton hbii'iv t IMt 1.3d per head. Wiinl l'.'n'Uo, accnnllui: to quillty, llldi'D- HalSc forchuUvilry.'c for crrcn allrd,aud talt'ic forgrrcu. I.toALTKSnniK, buyluu, 9U i ellluc, Die. KLOrit, (llt.MN Ac. Wheat, beat n hlle, V buthr! (HI., V bu I'nrn Meal, V lb Kliuir, ln'.l, V 'aik, (V barrel) Il.icknhi'at Hour, V t Ilrau, )l ton Minrlf. V I"" MlibllliU. till'" Olll'ake Meal, V ton Klax Si-fd. per t Ilu), It ln fulled, V t"H ClHOCEltlKS. Huzar. San Krtiieifco reflued, l th. I.l.u.l crti'hed ponitcrvd L'ratiuliti'd Tea,.ln"ii, V f .. S3 idi a ..I Wat ti .. , i .to ruiti'J e .ss rutt .. ..: it.... Hill 'ni "tit . .. an .... Hut IS .... lia ft .... Wt 11 ... ua m ... t( . ... 7.V.I HO ....I s.ti w .... IO SI .... JV,S .ti .... 5N0 3D .... ilTil W ....1 "-4t Ml ....1 .Vkit-i W ,...t MVt..... ....1 iV.l V luitieriai fone,Aiiiiie. . .. ..'....... . k lllii .. Kiino .lata ball, Carmen l-lauil,pe.rct. I.brrpool, rnro dlr Hay Flll'ITS. VKtlKT.MII.KS, Ac. AppU'f, trei'il. V '.Kii.,,.. .TrliM.V IVarbif, ilrlwl. V 8 riuuif, ' " lleain. V 1'ouli'op. bu.bel tluloiif. V tb l'hbi;c, V .l' Carmtr, V buh.. ..... IUTTKII. UfHIS. .t llulter, fri'fb rollf , V parkr.1 Kskf, V ibuen I'ltreto llre(ii prime, V Unl, V . OII.tf. Da 10 Hit im it u Ul 7 !(. M Vt ..til W JOldk .. SillS ll)e 1S.S I.liml Oil, boiled. V Italbu. raw, '- I.anl Oil, Kalian t-ivtlOll. " Nial.r.Mt Oil, V cal Tallow, 1 fi..,. .1 4-Xll 37 .1 leitt s .1 su .vi . ui 7S .1 rv w r3 WOOL. UlllKS. Ae. Wtu'4l Sackf, UerHkl burlap, extra... 176 .. eamle S1.4 37 tilde, dry, each 44 .. (reeu, altrt,M(h 4 SUitS W Deer bkliif, dtVf.cJ. V 7Vtl 0.1 Sheep bktuf, Misilou.rach t W LKATlilTlt, AC. (Corrected by J. W. nilb.rt, dealer, balem. llarncff Lmtlier. V tt St 40 M-lrlll. Uather, " S-Vt .. lUUIa f.ealber, ' m Fremhl'air ' t-V- 7 French Kip er.loa,.... t 7i,tl(0 l'.l. ud UrKU Clf ' VVt 40 hip " MA W Santa Oua bole, pr ?.............., JjO si Hide, dry. ' " lo. 4. ),r SUu, .iry. i'r ....!..;;..;.. ' " lii. J cret-n, eacn .., siwa u O.Vi.1 w C. . WO0DWOBTB. " "A,,- W00DW0RTH & HALL, Sneceaiora to licit & Hall, Druggists & Apothecaries, And Dealers In Drugs fc Medicines, CO.llillKHCIAIi STHKIUT, Opposite Chemckeia Houfo, SALEM, - - - OREGON. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles, COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc., etc. Physicians' Prescriptions AMI HUIILV iiuripus Carefully compiled, at ALL hnnrf. day or nlirlit, by lUnnv Ilr.AH, an expivlenceU I'lurinaclit. Auir. Ill, ln. " JOHN G. WRIGHT, DEALEII IX Orockory, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Family Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Salt, Candles, Soap, Notions. Agent fur Imperial Firo Insurance Comp'y OK LONDON. CARBOLIC Slioep JO DP, a sum: cuitn koii Scab, Screw Worm, Foot Rot, AND A I.I. Parasites that infest Sheep TT IS SAI'KIt, IlltTTIIIl, AND VASTLY CIIKAPKIt THAN .I.V1" OTHKIt KKrECT VM. 1IKMKUY FOII TIIK TJIKATMnNT OK SIIEKI'. IT Improves the Health OK TIIK ANIMAL, AND Till: QUALITY of the WOOL. ?y" One itallou la inou;h for one hundred lo lira hundred Sheep, airordln, to their a;i', tri'ni;th, and condition. ' It l put tip In KIVr.-OU.I.ON CANS-I'rlc. ia per ran. Send for circular, to DAVIS & SOHUYXsER, rOKTl.AIND, OIIKUON, WIIOI.KSAI.R AHK.VT.4 FOII TIIK STATE, Mr lu your nrurral llrtull Uruccl. Nov, l.l : l. s;m JOHN W. GILBERT WIM. PAY GASH FOII HIDES, Shoop Folts, Boer and Elk Skins, Elk Horns. Salem. Nov l. I 4ltf THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAT.1P FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. HOME FOR THE SICK. Utcatcd near Capitol Square, SAM'.M, ... Oil .(ION. n.OuircMKH. U 1)., Attending .t; Vt.ltlu.- Sue-eon. p I'jUtov, M i Atteudluj: X VWtlri; I'hyflctiin. fllllls I..MU.K ANII CtlMMOPIOl'S INbTITl' X lion la prtnldiM ulili I'tery faciliiy to lu.uro the coiiiforl and relief of all ho i..a apply. All clafe ef dltean'a will be treit.il . ceH tb.no contai;tou tu chancier K.peclal aitcriiuu wilt bj i;len to caret of KYK ind K.Mt tlUtiion. 1'rleef per week, tucludli; Kurd, taeJlclnei, and attendance For ordinary flcknetf 1100 For eitraordluar) leknef. nsiultlns addl- tlonalatlenilou .IM Oporatloni charged extra. I'erfonf an-ompanjlic their frlnidf ... ICO Application may b made rllher by lett. r or In per. ton For further urtlculam. ad.trv 1 1 Ither pbytlcuu J. O. SHEI.TON, TO. D., DIIVSIC11N AMI MJIIfiKUN. SU.RM JL urcvii. OSire. frout rouni on tccond floor of mo ,t. u iiiiiii oriCK. lommercia. insil tteil dence, northran rorner Front au.l llUUIon Ireeu. Helm;, ciaduate f ihe l'hylo-Mnllcal, erCurtlf Coll. , Cincinnati, Ohio, we are purely rvfoim, Inonr practice dlK-arJIoj alike both mlucral and Trv-eiable polfona. 33f WAGONS AND CAEEIAGES. and keep thu money In our own Statu by nurcbaa- log the beet Wagoni ccr ottered fur halo In Oroii THE BOWIE WAGONS, manufactured In balem arc made of tho VERY BEST MATERIAL, Wheel' IIOIMIII IN Oil. before Ironlrj, every part l-TI.I.Y WAIIIIAN'TKI), Iknr what your neighbor rnj: To tlie Farmers of Oregon Wr. Ibc iinde flgm-il. nun o-.l ihc the 1I0W1K WA00N4 luanurjetiimlbvT. f iiii'it'i-hnm & Co. H.ilem. Orntoii.and tal.olili'.lfurfiiii.i.i'mnundliif; them to jour until. e: , Irrt-lkuttai-waknowllicyareaii "A No.l rtriimf-llcraiife It If an Oregon Institution and we feel It to Im our diitv and Interef t to fncouraj,-. iio.Mi:.MANUFAcrmi:. T. I.. IMYIdMin, ". .. iinrranKiii", FUk Walker, Win. l'orler, Welcy Howell. J. I.. (In In, C. 1'. OInrer, Tli.i, Gate, Cal. Cierr, Ferry Wntfon, Alouzo HuarU, II, I), OMcilioult, 1). Newfom, J, llollliifhed, 11. O. (leer, John Ka, ('. II. Ailamf, J. C. Cnnllnirer. ' J, W. (llover, Ilr. A. M. licit, J. N. Oloier. tlcn. 1). Cofilu, Cha. I'earcc, I.. W, Crump, A. K. Oarrlfon, Win. Churchill, J. A. Kemp, B. n. K.nady, Abram Nelfon, J. Voorbeef, J. W. Mlnle, and "0 other. John Earl, . ' Woafkjotir afflflanco hi Imllillnj np tfao Mo chrnlial Inter, tla of oiiroun Htate. fllvolIOMK MANUl'ACI UIIK .In- preference, and u ounran. tu yp a JMttrand Mtajxr Wagon than(anoHm. jiortnl. T. (JUJXJNXJMUJM.il.iri et, uu, Mar3if L. S. SKIFF, Officti over iho Bauk, SAJ.HM, OHKGON. . Ilffldencc ono door South of OPERA HOUSE on Liberty Strcit. Wit. O.t rntK SIKIHNO HAMS, t. Cotfunld llama, iu .iraueii nam, PUIIK lli.tr Cochin cblcki-iia. llaik Ilrabmachlckini., I.ljht llnilima chlckeiif . liouihin t'lilikeii'. (in mo chlckena and Pea Fowl', Apply to J. I,. IMU1IIMI. Halcm, July 515, 1STT. Wlf ;-i:staui.imii:d 1!1J?.aj:j Willanaotto Nursery Q. W. WALLING & BON., I' It O V 1 K T O II . Oswego, Clackamas County. Oregon. (Irnuera of the Cbolcert Varlellea of KKUITTUKI-ISANDSIIUUUUKUY. 1'artlcnWr uttcntlou Klun to Cherry, Prime and Plum I reef. 1st QH H. SMITH, sam:.ii, uuiibUN. nit, rl.MlTII ti.iv filled np a new OWre. vi here be u hi be found ready kin Halt on hl old frlruda and cu. . tu,.,, ,, u .IP,.,, .yi.i-,ii n.iirhry bhKk, mer Farrar'f f tore, In front nf I'ort OBIce. Willamette University. saxjuvx, onuaoN. " rniiK oiJ.iK.vr and lahokst incoiipoiut- X edbthuollu Oregon. ClfIcal, CoiumercUl, Normal, nnd filentldc Conrief of i-ludr. For lull Information, addrera the Pri'tldcnt, T. M. (Iatch. or C..N. IrJIIItV. bep.8 JS7I, Secretary Hoard of Truftect, For Sale ! ri:itIVO ANIl I.KICEbTKKSIIIItK J.1M. niiutif, ureo dv JOHN JUNTO. Salem. Oretrnn, Auir. 7, '71. SSm Farmers' Convention A fa mums; convkstion can at any time bu held at thu fturo of HERMAN & OIRSCH, (illlSWOLIFS H1.0CK, HAI.EH. ' ri: bfllevr In r.trin'r. and ill work lib them to , emapcii nii;nii- and be en eooila. We Are not Speculators or Monopolists, Hut Fanncrf can buy of ), on. he 10bT I!E.SON- riONAHLE TUIIMS. Fancy and Staple GROCERIES, Gents' & Boys' Clothing, HARDWARE Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware. Cft FUtMr.Itv PltODfCi: TAKEN IN KX- Ch.tlii.-e at hl.'lie.l market rate, lltUENIIACKS TAKEN AT A 1'IIF.MIUM. W.u I1U Illlltl'U, IIKim.lN A; lllllNCU. Salem. Sept 3,1. s'X mi NORTE SALEM STORE. AT THE OLll nitEEN STOItE. HAS Jl'ST HE ccl ed a lull anortaicm of General Merchandise, . . Dry Goodst Groceries, Boots &. Shoes, Hardware, Clothing, Calculated for the Citraud Country Trade, lkiucht aa low. and Mill Im tnlj at aa bUALl, A PUOF1T. a Iho.ewha bKIX AT COST. tW Uouda delivered to any part of ibc city tree of ctur.-e. So FORK SALE. V