Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1874, Page 7, Image 7

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podLjUY YVD-
Among the Chicken Aristocracy.
Determined to keep our readers thoroughly
Informed as to the condition of this Interesting
department of husbnndry, we have jnst devoted
a large portion of a day to a rlsit to the poultry
yards of M. Fallon, of OtUnnd, where wo wore
introduced to some of the "first families" in the
country. From our knowledge of Mr. F.'s ex-
Scrience and high position among tho poultry
calers of this coast, we selected his establish
ment as offering as good returns to those seek
ing information on poultry matters as could be
We were first shown a trio of Bronz turkeys,
recently imported from Yorkvllle, N. Y., pur
chased from George II. Warner of that place.
The fowls formiug this trio, present in an om.
nent degreo, tho distinguishing characteristics
of this valuable family; the glistening plumage
of the male rendering tho term " Bronze "
scarcely adequate to express Its beauty. They
are at present only about half grown. When
matured they are expected to wtigh CO pounds
to tho pair.
Wbito Cochins wero the occupants of the
next house at which wo called. Five speci
mens of a family of fowls possextlng many good
traits; tho most conspicuous of which is the
reliability of tho females as mothers. Uy-the-by,
this merit is of littlo account among tho
fowls of Mr. F.'s establishment, as he uses ca
pons for this purpose; and, having arranged for
another visit to this community, when these
male mothers win nave some 01 uieir uttio lotiuci
llngs in charge, wo will reserve for n future
number a description of this unique ami econ
omical process.
Wo will, therefore, pass on to tho jnnl of the
Light Brahman, who aro admitted to bo good
layers, their eggs being particularly largo for
tho sizo of tho hens. They aro also good aud
attentive, mothers ; but their awkward move
ments, in consequenco of standing so high
upon their legs, renders them exceedingly llablo
to trample upon their broods. In fait there,
with all our Aslatio fowls, aro Inclined to " run
away to leggs " in this country. This U a mark
deteriorative, and should bo obviated if possible
Hero is a small family of Silkies, extremely
uniform in appearance. They aro retained
hero principally to experiment with in produc
ing now breeds.
Wo have next some splondld Dark Ilrahmas,
recently imported from Australia by Mr. Fallon,
Tbey aro not as proline layers as tho Light Ilrah
mas, but their most abundant laying comes at a
season when tho latter aro " holding up."
A remarkably lino group of Blauk Spanish
fowls were found in their appropriate yard.
This is a fowl that during its earlier t.tagis of
growth needs moro caro and attention than is
required by fowls generally; but, w ton matured,
Is healthy and hardy; especially in California;
and thoso under Inspection exhibited spirit and
animal vigor to a remarkable, degree.
Next wo havo Silver Spangled I'olands.
Theso fowls are inorccelebrated for their bt auty
than for other qualities. They would bo an
ornament to any lawn.
They are, however, very good layers, but
their tun all size renders them ot littlo account
for tho tablo, Thoy aro also non-setters.
Hut hero is a yaril of flno Golden Spangled
Folamls; a class of fowls which Mr. Fallon
considers the most deslrablo of nil fowR They
aro qulto hardy and very regular layers, com
mencing early in tho season.
Hero aro some Iloudans. These are of French
origiu. They aro non-setters; aud, though they
may not lay quite as many eggs as some fowls,
the lvrgo sizo of their oris will competixato for
this lack of numbers. Wo wero shown samples
of tho eggs, direct from tho nest, which were
productions ot whioh any hen might well bo
Tho Slher Spangled llambnrgs aro small
fowls but wonderful layers. Mr. F. thinks they
havo not jot becomo thoroughly acclimated.
Afanilli of fowls now bo:omiug quitopopnhr
Is tho Drown Leghorns. Mr. Fallon has soma
tine specimens recently Imported by him from
Taunton, Mans. Somo tine Whito Leghorns
aro also to bo seen here. Theso also lay larger
eggs than their rizo would indicate.
A recent Importation of Golden Hnmiuirg
was next shown us, Mr, F. informed us that
ho had procured this now trio to take the plnco
of bis former stock; which, though of unques
tioned pedicrro aud fully up to tho general
market standard, had deteriorated In one minnto
point which ho considers a euro test of purity
of blood in this fowl. This test is tho whito
ear-lobe. A cock belonging to tho farmer
stock was compared with tho new-comer. In
the former tho white had nearly disappeared
from tho ear-lobe; though wo wero assured
that when he was imported it was as conspicu
ous for Its whiteness as that of his new rival
whoso ear-lobes wero of brilliant whiteness.
This change. Is supposed to bo caused by our
climate; and, though it may not detract from
tho actual merits of the fowl, Is closely watched
by tho strict adherents to purity of vtock.
Tho Partridge Cochins are considered better
layers than tho Buff Cochins. They aro also
Oar Wind Mills aro so generally used through Cal
fornin, tho adjoining States, Territories, and in sovoral
ECONOMY. foreign countrios, that description horo is unnecessary,
as it is an established net that skill is not required to comprehend their
construction, or sot them up and put them in successful operation.
Tho lumber of which tho wood-work is mado, grows in tho forosts
of this Coast. It can thoreforo bo readily obtained at any lnmhor yord
in tho country, when old a,go and dotago render repairs requisite), which
can bo executed by a person unskilled in mechanism, thus Baying tho
ost of expensive labor.
Theso Wind Mills woro adopted four years ago by tho Paciflo R. It.
Co., and aro now in general nso on their roads, tho best Eastern Mills
baring proved unsatisfactory.
LlOI.U-l'or One or Two IIo rat a.
A 4 - - -SgaS-a -? SJammmmlBaiW -
f ammamBamBrWl '---
ammmmmMMBamvmmmmmmmUBmmmmVammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- w-C'
finer meated. They aro indifferent breeders,
the hens being poor setters, and the cocks be
ing quito indifferent In regard to the hens; so
much so that it is sometimes necessary to place
more than one cock among a siunll circle of
hens to inspire a spirit of jealous rivalry
Silver Gray Dorking". Theso Mr. Fallon
does not hesitate to endorse as the "fowls of
all fowls" for the table. They "meat" rapidly
and have small bones.
Tho yards of tho Uonen Ducks nnd Ajles
bury Ducks wero visited. The former present
a remarkable uniformity of appearance. They
are great layers, but do not commenco as early
as tho Ajfesbury Ducks. Theso latter aro
bred largely for tho Loudon market. They
often weigh six pounds when six months old",
averaging eight or nino pounds when full
It may bo thought by thoso in "tho trado"
that we have given uniluo time and space to
tho classification of tho fowls hero described,
but it is for tho benefit of purchasers from all
sources, and to interest tho general reader
that the above is written. And, if this numer
ous class will but pay attention to tbo poultry
department of our paper, and mako their pur
chases of thoso advertising in our columns, it
will be both to their gratification and interest.
California Deep Well Pump.
This pump, as Its namo Indicates, is n Call
fornla invention, patented July 15th, lb73. Ono
of tho figures shown on this pago represents
tho pump suspended in o bored well; "and the
tr U
other is a transverw-vertical section, showing
tho working portion thereof.
It is well known to farmer-', and otherh us'ng
bored wells, that n single-action sill merf.cd
pump, tho only ono heretofore adopted to bored
welN, when run by horse, htoatuorwlud power,
owing to the burden ot work being thrown up
on ono stroke, gives an unoven strain upon tho
machinery, aud catiroi a thumninit or jerklnu
action injurious to it, and annoying to horses I
when horso power is used. Vuriuu menus
hnvo beeu rooited to for rcuiedUnc these1
eviW, such ns slukiug doublo wells aud tndug
two purap',the uo of balanrowhcols, aud other
expeushe devices. In wells whero water comes
neir enough to the surface to admit ot using
doublo-nctiou suction pumps, if tho pump is
run bv wind-nower ana forced by hinh wind
beyond a certain kpeed, tho cylinders fail to
First Premium
The Simplicity and Perfection
I'lonrcr and
fill with tho stroke, and the mill being relioved
thereby from Its work has to bo "tied up" to
prevent its "running away."
This invention was designed for tho purpose
of oblatlug theso difficulties by furnishing a
double-action submerged pump, which could
bo operated Insido of tho casing of boed
wells, aud the itnentor claims that It is tho
only double-action pump which can thus bo
operated. It can, ot course, bo used in any
other position in which a pump is needed, but
its construction is such that tho Insido illim
eter. or boro of the pump, need be but ono inch
lossjihan tho diameter ot tho well casing; aud,
being submerged, it will fill with e veiy stroke,
at any practical speed, thus keeping tun strain
equal upon the machinery; and the weight of
water raised, increasing with tho speed, oper
ates as a brake to present windmills from
"running away."
This pump is admirably adapted for situa
tions expoied to freezing, as by haWng a small
hele In tho condncliug pipe, at a point below
tho freezing point, to which tho water will re
cede when tho pump Is at rert.it will always
bo ready for action. Tho pump is so con
s riuted with brass and iron as to prcuuit cor
rosion by contact of iron with iron.
Ilrittau, Uolurook ,fc Co., Ill and 113 Cali
fornia street, San Fiauclsco, aro solo agents
for the manufacture aud sale of theso pumps,
and for tho sale of St ito aud Territorial rights
throughout the United Sta'oi.
It is ns groat a mistake for a woman not
to caro for tho looks of what sho wears, as
it is for lior not to o.iro for tho condition
of tho houso sho presides over, for it is n
part of her business to bo beautiful, nnil
to prosont beautiful surroundings to tho
eyes of others; ami, in doing this, in tho
right spirit, nnd within proper bounds,
sho is n real missionary. Hut very great
nnd grobs is tho opposite mistake, which
confounds good tu-do with lavish display,
nnd puts npprnrnncu before personal com
fort and hygienic consideration. Such
orror in dress matters is like building a
linn house nnd ignoring drainage nnd tho
wntor suply.
After Seven Years use proving itself the Best Pump on this Coast, and conse
quently the CHEAPEST.
II sBIlI V Vtt9 &
Wo nil aiKUi all partlra to l.ujr tlm l'tuiip to ln
worlfit liyhaml, wliiil-iiilll or honui power. Allalit
for aale.
Kverjr Tump la tr.to.l la 133 II. lij.traullo prrmire r
iqutru Inch,
Will pump wUr2M fact LUili.
8o ilmplc etrry Farmer ctn keep It In order,
Ill ami 113 California atnat,
Brnil for Circular.
Wind Mills
of these Machines, are the
Experience in California.
l.l'I.IPNH.-r..r Ono Mini.
,.i - JCTafWfy WttVilSTCVRfi
i:(OM(MV.-t'or On.1 or T.. Iluiara.
W. I. TUSTIN, Patentee.
Largett Manufacturtr of ll. above Machinery on
i 7t .. ' ,lrt Y
'liiT3JITwfgiiii'iW i'giK
I I aiji MtiMSjlial 77 1allammmmmmmiammmmmmm"amiaSlair M
FACTORY, Cor. Market & Beale
Laws for the Million.
A noto dated on Sunday Is void.
A noto obtnined by fraud, or from ono
intoxicated, cannot bo collected.
If a noto bo lost or stolon it does not re
leitso tho maker; ho must pay it.
Au indorscr of n noto is exotnpt from
liability if not served with notice of its
A noto ntndo by r minor is void.
Xotes benr interest only when so stnled.
Principals nro responsible for their
ltooh individual in partnership is re
sponsible for tho whoio amount of tho
debt of the firm.
Ignoranco of tho law excuses no ono.
It is n ftiiud to conceal a fraud.
The law compels no ono to do impossi
bilities. An iigreotncnt without consideration is
Signatures in lend pencils iro good in
A receipt for money is not legally con
clusive. Tho nets of ono partner hind nil othors.
Contracts mndo on Sunday cannot bo
A contract made with n minor is void.
A contract mndo with a lunatic is void.
A Ononon I'.ut.ii tolls of a tiueor sort
of scloolmnster, named in the usual South
ern style, " Colonel " 1). 11. (Iridium. Ho
was admitted to the bar us it lawyer in 18HJ.
Soon nftor lie wns stricken down with
ncnto rheumatism. IIo then beenmo para
lyzed, his whole body being helpless,
except his hnnds nnd arms up to tho el
bows. For n long timet he has taught
school while lying on his back. 1 1 is
school is in u nourishing condition, and he
is making money. Many distinguished
jioi-sotiH have graduated "form Col. Gru
iiatn'a school, Tim Colonel wns never
married. He ia about sixty-fouryenrs old.
Ho is n lino scholar, and is cousin to Gov.
Graham, of Ninth Ctrolina.
Han FrancUro, (anil alao Harramrnto,) (Irnrral Aitnl
and Horse Powers.
result of Twenty-Four Years'
Thoy nro ory ejfeitire in llyht tclndi, nnd ordinary
violent tturuu will not iiijuru them. Thoy nro nlwnyH
undor porfoct control, run Hteadily, nnd nro vory pow
A child can start or stop thom, or sot thorn running EUREKA.
at any speed required.
Orili r AHM at the loweat UvInK prlri a on iliort nollco. AU work nuarantiej aa npnaentixl,
Theso I'ouors nro unmploto in ovory detail and particular, ub thoy possess
o cry iiiipiorenieiit and udeuntnyt that can bo comblnod in suoli maohines.
Tho succohs which has crowned our olTorts for tho fow yonrs past, is amplo
proof of tho highest appreciation nnd confidence in our machines on tho part
of thn public and our uumorous patrous, to whom especially wo tondor our
wot sincere think for tholr many oxprosslons of kindnoss ami approval,
which manifost satisfaction,
MIIVITIIK.-I'or Tu or i'our llurara.
the 1'atlHo
V .V'JSBEk J - jfey.T iiTaT'ii l h TaPaMammmmmrla nl
Buy your EtTtra whero you can Ret them
from tho Sett Importod Stock.
1 im now rrtpim. to furnish rjret
for tht comlntt wnon At tbn follow
njrratPii: I.lffhtftmt Prk Huhmru.
Hi. IT. iMrtrMce. Uhtt Ami HUok
t)chtn, ItiMiiUn Ami HlAck Hpunlih,
at t-S WprninMn: Wbltf Leghorn.
tlAine HintATTiR, (nrt four. Knaen
Amt AjrlrAiiury Due, At $6 00 tr
tlorrni H1l?cr Bpanctnl ilnmtinrff.
(It Urn tVnrlltvl lUmhurfr. (Am
premium At Hufftln.b.'i.iH UerrtyAn
vlM It-AMdl tVUmMl MnllArfft
!!l?w 'J IFhl,r1'- ' lln. I UpoIk ml Sllrr
tlrr lorkln, (Hr.l premium at Uuflalo, htl). AIo,
Game Importod Clrect from Belfast, Ireland,
Al .P0",!1" '" I flalm t. liaro tho llnot fowla
In tlm Slatf, and cinllallf Invite liupcctlon ol tin
jmo tiiirjraril t hato taHfn intra nilna In proruro
11 N-H nl 101 k aelirtf.l for me lir mjr nit In tlm SUt
nt Now ork, wtin cannot iKincillfilaaa Jn.lK" ol faner
fowl Illnlof thalMirnunilonl vtli-llf will ha fur
nltlinl at rry rraaonaliln at. Alio, a Una Mtlelr of
.f.noy K,ffon .". !'. ff'il l tour or.lM for !,
tlir Willi oarafnllr paeWit In carr tafrl; any dl.tanco.
Aim). au.l for 1'rlcol.latof toolltu
II . II California Market,
Vanl at OAklan.l IVItit.on Tliano ttrrrt.nrar lh,on lha
prrinipanf U lllanrlianl. No 1'iuaor l-owlaatnt O O I) .
it. K. ri'MlltMH.
11. 11. ikiatom.
Wholesale Fruit nnd Produce Commis
sion House,
No. 411 lUltrry atreol, Koutlieaat ronirr of Waahlugton,
Hun PritiiotHtui.
Our t tialitra KtuH ctcliulvfly Commlaalon, we have
no InlrrrvU that will conflict Willi Ihoao of tho pro.
1I1H-1T, S-3in
Superior Fruit Trees
Shade and Ornamental Trees,
Cypres! Seedlings,
ti Gum and Pino Treos,
At tbo iAiwcat Haifa.
at 3
Tm a ami I'lanta aci-urrly parVnl to aoiul vr
fg any lllatamii. yj
T. CORLEY, Nurseryman,
So. IIIA Wualilnali.ii Nl., NAN t'UAM'IM'O.
To Farmers and Grangers.
WM. lAIRO & CO., Manufacturers.
Horticulturist Los Angeles, Cal.
llaa fur aalft aa r ralalnitu tlm following rarllloa of
Intu, a.laptial to Ihn rllmato of California.
ITALIAN Clli:rtr.Nirr-TliUlriUiiniiriaar,t for
Wauljr, ami vi rjr pnilino. 'Ilm Cliratmita am ilollrala
In llavurainl tt larnt, amlan almoat iinlloaa variety
ot raro, luifnl ami nrnaiiii-ntal trtia.
H nil for prlrnl t'alaloKno, JlvO-dm
Angora Goats at Auction.
lulllwll to tho hlt)ii t tI.M r Hxvruty ll..l of Tlior
ntiKlilirril Aniiora (loata, ImporUil liy llulr uwnir Mr.
A.J uillfh'.lia, from Aata IInor. Halo rualtlva. 'Itrma
i ah, III II, H. (Mil Coin. 1IOII r. HICK.
lliavnalmi llio ll IniiKirloil AMirnr-y, Jrra.7 and
Ayralilrol'atllo) HpanUli ami Hllcalau MulnnHhiHip at
prlvaln aaln II II,
Hacrammto, March 1U, 1B7I, 117.