Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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Salem, Saturday. April II, 1S74.
i!BMmMBmMxaacMHiUrMmtL0vui'i v
Tt .S.IUl.Mi-
things, it lamentably failed to ronlix
the expectations of tins people of lluu
Statu in repect to legislation to regu
late rmlvlitsmid fares on railroads. In
,,, . , ', , ,, ,, , i tho middle of the session the House
Vc.mvo all heard of I lurry Molggs,
Avho was ho ,,,. lar and upfront U-iiI-Ii was to accomplish that olijec.
prosperous in Oa HVniu ut an rally ' . , ,. ', . . J '
II A lilt TO UK IT.
' I duslro to mxkoa fi in)pUto collection of
Tho Californl.i Legislature lias nd-' im vi-m-tiil'in ot Or- 'r o pi"1
Jnlirned, aflura session of one hundred j hut vn rrn'mtriMii-kiiMvi ton-t.ntipc. w
diiyri, and, while it has done onio goi.l m 'ormiug u iiai-u. in ''11"1
Pms r W:
Deputies of tho State Grange.
-.' .".T ,,...,. nrinlrc ftir
r,nnNofOrcemi ami twi..',;.. ..,...,..-.
l...tany and other. ciin do mu.li KiariN ,iriilt. Tofieiiiinic i. .- .
! o. it tj the "Miii-iiiii of O'Ck-'ii.'
I farmer or urrcnii "" . . , ln,.
vii lent- . .oIr.linieilnn ..d for the ci.noblen-.e t f t ha Ind
hiImIiiii Ilia follow Inir per
. to hiftliulo Orange In
making tlna colliclloli full mill cHipl'!'
I.tl each Miliool In Oiecon mat o a com) Hi
collection of tlioir loclliy, imtl thus nil
im! a linn r.nil i.iluahlt, c Ilni'ilnti IV il.
Instruction uf nil wlm .foul lll-pOM'ii "'lM Mn'lM.ninilli-.Iiiri'il.Jnliiiy.D. Tt Perthm!.
,c.,,,,e..v.hHV.M,ll.-redMi.n rules to l.ooi. j -RJWfiink '
irv.,1 in collecting, preserving im.i nrjinn Yainlilll-A " "", ' T'" inil-bcro,
.. ri..t,till,!
ri p Jiirl-iiicuoii. ai-uij ..--- ,.,,,, i. m,
-,.rl).uli. u.l H.c Couiitlc toiithoflt-I.. Jl.
lumpy. Ten Mlli" ''i0-..,.,,,
Ii-.ll 1 imi-. TiltlM... DlXl''.
I.ULI-II.N IIIII..Iiiiiclloii.
Uanitsoi. Urauu.iSo. i.e. run; uu uuir, n,aj.
ter: II Alexander. c: Hi'tiiel.
)illaUriii.'i,.Nii(ilf I'olkcoj It Clow, m-,ter ; DJ
""Sli,iiW.Nn.iS. Polkco; D Ol.,.,
maMiri W A Iln.ry, ec; Au.
Cor.iillii" Urnugc. N" W. Wii'lilnjilon ms l. P.
Will-, miitcr, Wi-i. llcuM.-. hti Uormllus.
Crt-will driuvi'. No HI. mn' "! ' " 1V, natttr,
A .T JnMif un. r c. ! II.
!! ahoi I Hill (ImiiKi". N-' ' i-n'" c! J l'nrkcr,
iiinMiTiJll.Matloik. i-ot: l.iii-iii"
KIidc'i Vnlli-y uruiiKf, n i. Itciis It J Clrant.
mntir, (' O Xi Imiii. n-'c: Mn , "Ik-y
l'oret Oruu llMii-'O. .NoliT, Wrt-liltuton co; Henry
iiixlnn. iiispIit: IITlluslnii. jici l'urct (Irovc.
I liikiilpnni (Jraiifc, i l.s. Miulim co j N. It. Dotr,
.. . vr v Mi.'lwi-r. fCr: Jenirfoii
LmrilOMiise. N. W liiu'l; I llatlirook, taut.
... 11 11 N'lilml. fliirr' Point
III Mauri urinsi'. '1. "C Vlncknmao co; David
Wrlu-ht, iiUp-Ii r. J I' lUn.-o, h Orison City.
MiilinoiiMli llranzc. No. II. .Mulumnmli coj John
Moons 1:1:1- u: .1 Ncwi'll, ei: haj-t l'ortlaud.
fm. Mini ximui'i'.i v (ii:tnii( lrcii. ii:l hilt . . . ..... ... 1 t: hi 11 '-'i"u j..'.'"i ."
' i ' ' lorill. A tiortloll of Hie Seililtnrs llCIll ' "ll'"-i-"'" . i m,Vi,.i,ii a. Wllr , nirmr. ... u. wct L'liion iiro-i, ;';' ........ .., a. n.
Ills frlclIlN, mill tllf people wliolrililfd '"""r. .,'.. .... . M I l.-llH-iHHf-r an im-MMo h wwl mul I in-K.K. r.nn n.'T.sent Wm.CSrnw. -clo, ,,,, ,r. IHjl.1 InM, e. 1"':""
their fortunes to l,L l-..eplnK, i.ilruw'0VVr r""M ..yunw wiud tl.oy wen , al!ll'! ,',A ,,.,.,,. tho;.,,.i.. ,. J, : ;J.h.ni'J:"Jftrn Wa.hloni nn,UlM,-. ,,, KK'.5-?i'f i m'.S 'SeThm
im. i l i i''H . U,t rcpri'iPlltil Ivo.softllf reform spirit Ij ; xtm livll.y; fhln ltl.in; lidln J" ''i; l'"iS,rnS "iml Wn hilion. Wallaualla. W.T. llu"r ,"tr,ll,.V,No 74, .Marlon. l K. Ca.tlin,an,
llUIldrcdS Of tllfUnil(N Of dolhlM.- , , , lt..d-I.Uio I Of P'-'" ' ' ' " " '"" ,,l,l,l",,1 Ks ji'u.Uni i 5 c.!!. Or, .on. Ilenrjr UpaM JSJPX Ma.ltoi. rcc i lIullcUllo. '
Then we heard of him lialldinj,' rail- . , , ,'""" m , ,?' ,"''"': --" ' ". 'r "o ctoimMo "' ffwMtm.nco.w t. ... .. ohm. :'KSli'0,Vv,L:oa.L.'e i?j A n 8phr'
..,,. ... ... ,,.... an ellll'JontellliractereOUld 1)0 realized kw u,ur W:ifhlnstoiiTcrrllnry-..I;. p,".,n u'i'? i mai-lcrilloract-l.iiox. ire: to "Keiiroxc.
rone h, In Chile an. IVru, wl.lt-1 ellnil.. ut 1i(ir innj T(, J1(ju(0 ww .,h... i.o..ll l.n ,atl.,ro 1 In .1. ...;. Uit , . 1-?1J'-)-""'- bto-' M Knn",, J"" L WK "wiXi!U'"' ,a"-
cdtho Andes and Injured tlio-o na- . iil,ir,lliv ..(or) miinv for the ","1 lr"lL ,'-v ,":'1" ,mt "H Tlurt I'.V i ' s ,"ti Jrn owin-i. . k. naick, of Ahini. ,CA-Nlen ',r,,uk No 77, iinnon mj m. Vernon, ...
tlotm wfcilii ilu-v irre-illv enriched ' ' ' "ltr,l"' loo inanj lor nil r. hvrCM m ),..,., , t.rniicl"i, il-iwer. . '"' ", ; . .,.,, .iruucl for li!ch no tcr; I. II. II. Starr. cc; Al-ci.
t Ot 18, Wfc 10 tlic J,n .III eni It in ll ( (.orlM,ralIol). tlm lSenato Wlls B11( ,,! l(,tV ...... tl. oliorporoils p.p... I Any loco II i 111. n M- Jurt'dKH ; fl D ,,
their ImHilur, who hecamo mi Kre.it a ' . ., ... , , 1MS1 ...m ,.i.i u..p,. i,..y ,.rsUr... .tun prr i p-imiy iui.crn i ryii, " . ..... J ,ivnlli; i-coria.' .
DIIMi; LlHlllFiltt KWW.) I IUI1I 1 111 MlllllHUiri ....... ........ I I ill. il.rt ..!... lu ilil I tlrnmttm It 111 rerrtlll llllllU'UiaiU illtv iiw -.,---- ,, i.ii.. .!.... ... .. ti.t ii f I II II1IAI tiinaln T
I V f I Mlflll III INI MM I'l IIII IMIIIIII IIII Lllll inim in tll.1 !
nillllounlre that his fniiui overspread
tho ('Will and ellnilied hlghls where
his railroad never reached. Then Har
ry MoItfK" was ii(;alii heard of as ay
infill) all liN old dehts In ('allfornla,
and there heeins to he no dotiht that he
did nil Unit lay in his power to repair
the effects of his dl-honesty, for, un for
tunately, that is (ho only namo wo can
npply to his defalcation and abandon
ment of his creditors in California.
'It Heeins that of Into Mr. Mels has
concluded that ho wants to return and
'make his home iiKaln In California,
very likely heeausu ho has left Chile
'and Peru ho poor that they have no
longer means to reward his prodigious
enterprise. Hut his career in California
inudo him ainciiahle to the laws of that
.State, and it was deemed noce.vary to
M.'curo linnuinity, hy legislation, for all
his past misdeeds; son Mil was pa.s-cd
for his relief, which (Jo v. Jtooth vetoed,
for he refused to helievo that, hecause
McIkjjh had heen pimxperous nhovo
other moil ami liad paid ip his debts,
ho ought to ho excused frnni account
ability to the law more than other men
who had not litillt rallmads up (lie An
cles and liullt up fortunes liy hi doing.
Moth houses of tho California Legist
and not so expensive to handle. This
all shows that, however eniphnliu the
people may ho In pronouncing for re
form, they will alw.iys llnd railroad
In onlor to keen the ld.ett I'mui curlinir
i:x).iiilnii OM'iy dny or tuo In pmii'iit llicm
Iroin Mluking luili'it puper, lo fcic. llntt tli
Hrultlng projicriy uiul tu Lvp tlietn from
iickiiiu 10 ilio puli'-r, in duu huh lut'V "re i.v-
i tin iir....kU ..k.l t. I..., il rii mrilltil
co.,.,.a..les "hard to heat" when It ,;.' 1.'hh .Iru .l.m"uU I'iuV,:
comes to icgHlallon.
tlon 1 nude to my, I will attend In pewin orcnd
,,)PI""J'- DANIEI. CUntC,
lliitcr Oregon State Orange.
Sal.Mii, Oil. 1, 19; I.
Tliu .Uou'ineiit In Mini County.
. ...V ...... '.... ,'...). U.'lf... ....U WV'..U.'., ..
i fur ii ttmo, thoy nUoiiIiI tliun be rtlnrni'il to
inn iruNsiin.
In response to "A Cull to the Tux-, If jou tvuulil beaKooil collector Ki'tsovond
Payors nnil Laboring men of all cliisscs, ' T . i"i'm ul' 'T1'. 1',l""t,i ""l1 ,'!'"i,i''
, ', . ..... . , , , Hhnnlil Improi! lol; h.: roots, hiiiIk,
or J.lliu touiity," u very lespcctalile itiuves, llowors, etc. With trees and kutU
iiii'i.tlno-nf lliii nlllvi.nu nt tliu Pi-i.Miict iilmits ui cut: not bo lliiiB uroHrv(il. secure
wiih ln.lil ul Wnlorlnii mi Mnr.li 'Nlli for ","' I'roHS 8Ull PI,rl8 pan t,iu' IiO clertlt
was iiuiii iii Waterloo on sinrcii -Stn lot wlth) nf), im) yfA ,iCWsof tho wooU ami
llllf.r III. U . ...f.n.l t llfmLWyUHllUvillll'l
ImpliUKU In un oven, sllyblly warm, or In i ol'l'ICHUS of the NATIONAL .HA:soi..
iiiusiiii M ll papur ui.ov.i Klin uonudin, nir u
SlatUr-Dudley W. AiUnif. Wnukpn, lima.
Dttrrttr -Tlimnai T.i)lr, Cnlumlila, S. .
..Hirr-T. A. Tlmniioii. IMalmlew. Minn.
bttitant-A. J. Vaiifhn. Karly Oro.o. Ml.
Au'lKtrimnt- O.W 'riiomoii,NcwIlriiiii'lck,M
(in.(lii-Ilev. A. II. (Jrofli, WanliliiRton. JJ. C.
7Vnrrr-K. V. MeDonrll, Corning, N. .
,s,-fary-0, II. Kuller. Waflilngton. D. C.
;atfr'ptr O. Iiinwfildlc. Orchard flrovc, Im!.
rvrM-Hln. D. W. Adam. Waulon. loa.
lmmit- Mr. O. II. Kcllcy. Wa.hlnalon, D. C.
thuinilpovucifehonsliig delegates to at- bark nlK!it indies lnuu and day four Inelnii Vra-.M r. J. c. Abbot t. VlarksOlle, Io.
led the County Convention to lU held' Miuare.'Vo.jU.Hl.owIhe cotl and bark In l,"-"' "'"'"-M1 " A- '""'- Wl"h
atA.hany on the III, of April, Jo r-j " SWh?ol nillnic ,ll0 jtj .JZST
forin the dtit cs ilus uiiatcd in said call. . colltrtion of Drossuil n ants, w th locality.1 n u-.n. aiumi. rokwlnirr. K. e.
The lalmrlng classes, though patlunl and J"'''' l''". color or bl.Kim frauranco, i K. )thinklnd, Unbugne. I
. . , ' " , ., I tlnioof blooming, aocd or frnltripoulng, etc. i ,
loyal, are becoming restive under the.olo. we will ulvo in oxchaniroaireolcKlial i OlUcern oi Orean :
burden of tliMltlou wlllell Is each succeed- cblnotofono hundred varlotleofinlneraN,
Inir win- liLi'iiinltiir iiiori. nm.nwJvi. '"! I'ifiriy nmimu aim lauaoeueu. uio-c
nig i.iu im oniing inure opprcssne. ,. .,. ., no, w. , ,...,..., lllav ,i aami
Thoso who, heretofore, have acted with
the dlllcrciit political partlc", feel that
there Is n iioccssity of extricating them
selves fioni the clutches of political rings
ntnl combinations. Corruption and ex-
uavngaiicii are so manifest in ollielalsta-
servlco by sending us oiciiu?iis by mall .
from tliu various localities of tin. State. '
Our collection of aulni.ilH, bird, reptiles,
Insecti and mlnoralx, Is now large but vw.aru I
always tluinkfiil for sp(cimuns. Wo gladly.
receUuiill tent us, I'ornwpoiuloncn Invited. I
Direct t. A. Wood. '
Oregon Museum, Portland,
, Stale Gruiinr.
J(ir-l)mlel Clark. Salem I'. O.
&rcrftar!3. II. Smith, Ilnrrl.biirfr.
UHritti Win. Cyru. t-clu.
Ijtttnrtr (inirjrr liunlcr, Walla Walla.
Afiran-li. I'. Old. " "
Lad) Au'l Mtiearil-yit. f'hloii Old. '
JrtMant .SltuurtlVi'. M I'oacrp, hliedd'!.,
( ,ii;jn'n-Atilhonv SlmnfOll. ('iiriillln.
(!alt'lrir- Kr.ink M.ellon, Walla Walla.
VWativr II. A. Wlliel. Turner.
Ctri Mrf. .lane Cyrnp, Sclo.
-Hitfihu .Mrn M l'owfri. Slicdd.
l-'tora M, I., f. Heed. McMlnmllle.
tloiiH, that the people must rNn III their c '" jour collections at onc-e uiul I ';"';' Jf,'''!f-y VliS;rs Vina ' w.Hi
might to purge the body politic, or sink VMl"m U,pn' ""'" wiMor' j y?SS(br. a wl'nV'KmV'ffina'iilkeJ.
down, Ihe abject slaves of polltieiaus.wl.o ihhiims vtn'trv Nt..i:Mii:?.r - "1,,: A " "v. l-r-jciiH. s.. mil. Junction.
no longer consider thuiuselVes tho scr-:
turu passed tlm hill over the (lovernor's vauts of the jicnple, but their masters,
. t n... , i... I ...i...... ...tu ii i ..i.... it... ...i
VOID, llllll .tldggn llllS UIC lllllllllllliy 111' " i"i'.- ... unj iiuiii "VJ, iiu j itnu-c
desired, hut wo re-peet the iostiou of
tliodovernor far morn than the money
worshi.iiug spirit of the CalHiiiuia
Hoihiiuito, Airll 4, ISTI. I
Tim dvlogates from tliu dllferoiit precincts I
wf ftmi..!.... ... ....i ii m 1
..vin.i-...,.i ....I r..ll.. ..l..l..tl..Uu..ri..... "' '"" t.oiio'j'. reprrsuuiiiiK mo ihx-
..'.. i ii. .. UI...I . fi' i i i i ! P'Oers or Independent voters thereof, met In i
and the constitution, t he la boring clas J tho Cmm ,; t().,,BV Bt ono lV,.k f(p(
aien.a.le to groan under the burden "f the purposo of ulctln delegates lo aitond
taxation. The iiheless HWiiniiHiif ollleors; ; n,,, Independent Slate Uonveiitlou to bo held I
ll... ............. I.. ...I. I.. I. ,.,. II.... ....!.. I .. II". I... . . I
" '" "",l ..mmm.i...i,n i.ia..im on mo lam lust. Mai.l.tleld (ir.ui;e.Nu 1. Cla.kaimi county: W.
are iiiauagcil; the reckless expenditure; Tlio Convention was called to nnlinr tind ! wi,I,,!''V ,,,,",J,,r! T '-iai' k. MctcitckajmiK p.t).
r.if;1.- v i.-vk .. i t.i.v. ... via. nniiiap in., 1. r Uiurr,
Olllrcri. at' Central (.rungc Aisorlnllon,
fmlilmt- W. V Alexander.
I7v I'rttid'nl .liincnTatom.
f"crdanj- A. W siannurd.
J'rtiii'jnr (.'. I. Iliirkliarl.
Tiutltt P. WhiIiI. I'. Powell.
Unit AV(-i:iU r.innliij;.
.itjtnt-J. It. Mump.
Nt'iioitni.ATi iitAN(a:s.
ll.llllllV III lllll llll. rllll . .. It, I ltd I ...in lir.. lllllv.iil 1... ..1....I I.... r li ii... ..l.-t- I . .. ... .. : . . ..
I . ... ........,...f, ............ i -v, "-p, ..j ..vvi.iiH u ... ijiiiiui.i, vntftir- ma-ier; rraiikiin i nn r, .re ; iii.ma.cui.
tlio l.liylngand selling of political man, ami M. M.Ofilusby, Secretary. It was I ," i.Yju.iil. A S '
Ilnviu Vl.ti (irinxe No. -I. ISilk io.; K, C. Hull,
en 1.. .M. 1 a .ee : liueiia , l-la.
inmoulli (Irainre, No. ft, l'olk in; I.r'.M, Ilutler,
curs men eho-eu faiily from tlioe who 'ph.v led Hint the Issue is forced iiiion K"1"' w,,ro""dtledtoMalsln tbaCoiivtntlon iiuiit. .1 s cininiiin, my Munimiiiiii.
hltvo hitherto sld.sl with both old p.i- tli.-llt. Thevhavep.it on their armor '"wl-on. Wiy-flx. jwrn ,rr..;iil, l!.e sa ,. " ,jj,,,,i,,,,"W J,V,.ftrV",M "" A-" ,,ri""-,u""
IIIIcmI inrlios mill Ml... Inllv i-.ii.nJ.nt ..,. I ... . .l. I i ... ... , l,""'Ki;"!"HMdortlioili(.stMlb8imiilal cai- 'lau.-oa ..raw.-. No.;. Unn to.; K. V.. tum.l.-,
Hilt ill p.irileM, mill who lllll.N ieiieeill .and aie leholveil to extiicate llieiuselvesl ens of Hie county. iiia.t.r; A lil.vln. us. : Tanjua. "'
Tho Independent County Convention ' ... .
Which IIHlt 111 Salelll oil NltUldliy Mil- ' lUHltltiii. nit call loinlK- lr n.f...i.i. A Hm'H movrd Hint acoliiliiltteooftbrm. bn no. (
lllaci'll ill milllinatioll for CoillllV lllll-I I ..i.l. i .i IKllnlml on CriHli.iilluls ..,.,...,,.,.. .i..i... Iniali-R I.. M. Hall, ee: liueiia i'1-U
. iiuiii riiiu i ii iii.inn ii lining ini- iciiiir. " " J --" .v.w- t j,,
the ilillerent Interests ol lailoii conn- fiom the thraliloiu into which thev have '" following named dalegatPH wnro tin n , riiiiiiiuii.raive.os i.tnin...; w.K.rrice.ma
tvniiil hearlllv r imi ( ll... ....ml...-! b...... I...lrnv...l. 'II,. il,.,r ,.',,. ,l. V'".'' ' "!",,.,.,! 1.,, Independent Siat.i Co... lLv;i' i'; '': v ;'' 1 'u,;,, r : ... Sli..,i.l. ..,.i,..
" , " , ' ' I , ---..- "... tiiiiiiiui; .. ui)U, J. II. lllirnett, 11. .M. v W' Viint Vci- Miwld
demanil for liuil-Iinrllstiii action mid , dieted by several speakers. llurnoy. II. Unnn, K. huiburllu, M. .M.Mel-' (irmd Prairie tirS.ij.-. N.V in. I.lnu co.; W. P. An
oolltleat ecoiiiui.v mid refnrn. 'l'limol lavld t'lilll-, Win. Summers, and Joel . ' Voung, and N. Cornutt. ,d.-ri.ii, n.a-tcr; N. ll. Krj...-.-.: Albauv.
poimtai ci o ion. ami ri hiriii. aim. I v ,',lw .Idcgatcs to the, ''" rHiiiK re,olutlo..s tero tlieu .. nan-, ,,, '"7'-f V1TKV'I.',,, VV ,',,mII'in'U1,
ltlll no conii.laint be made llllll (llll. (if i i '..,.... n nioll V iuhs..!: ' i"-le.r. Win. I . l'ortcr.ec: llarrUbnn;. .
llll I pollthMl elements pre, ,1... ! ' T. II. M.l.l.m., Ch'n. ? That U,,, Com ontlon di.lres the J!I.S IWitf """' K"'J'
,es. No one can aert that the. lonil- W- Hn.Mi.iis, See'y. " ftx John l.umrti ir Ju.Ig,.o, n vmuu.y.,,,,,
nations are In any . single res.eet weak ,. . " ... .i ,,Va,,1t,!,KCo,nolU,0,,,',,toonl..a.7..lr w
iirli-eklnir In -ibllltv V n. in n"sv",:,,H Au.o:s,ia..-Mr. MolI.Ut of "."' h'"ro In II. llornu Welle ma.
orliaklllg III .l.lllt. Mile IK ill .orlIlUl, rollll ,,, , r t , iiuesls bin, to accept tlioiunnlimtlon for Pro,- ter r V. S V " . nu ... l... Welle, ma.
11.1. ..... friitiL.tti.
Wn'pato (IniHjc, Wn-Mnston io T It Tliompon,
m-i.teri FDStott. c! (lu'loti.
Ynncalla Orange. Doiiulai co; A Lamb, matter; J K
Drain, tec; Drain' I'O,
Columbia (Irance, W iifhlimton co; Jas Imbrlc, mat.
tcr; P. Ki ncily, tic; flk-ncoc.
Ileaverton (lmni-e, Watlilncton co; T Tucker, mi.
ter; .la McKay, ic: Portland.
Oakland tlraiisr, I)onlasto; E Stephen, matter,
E HPIiikalon, K-Ci Wilbur.
SodailllcOranse, No. M. Unn CO.; WmD Ollion,
mater; O O Ilnryc. me; So'larlllo.
Powell' Valley llrange. Multnomah co; TKWU1
lam, mailer; S 1) Wllliliieton. ice; I'onel a Valley.
Woodbum (Irai.iie, Marlon co; 0 Y Dluiick, matter;
Wm Dartt. ace: W oodhiirii. , , , . ,,
IIonvlirmlrlcnranKt'. Marlon co; W Sapplnjllcld,
mler; John New torn, pec; Salem.
Needy Orange, Clackama. John ltinRO, matter; W
W 11 Sampwiii. tec; Nc-'y.
Hullo Creek Urauire. C'lackainat; E Skinner, matter;
I! M Ilarlmau. tec; llultc Creek.
Upner Molalla (irance. Clackamaa; Jaa Mute, mu
ter: S Kngle. pec; (Had Tldlnef. . , ,
(lotheii Urance, Lane co; W It Dlllard, matter; AK
Pattennn. tec: XuKinrClly. ,,
Atliland Orange, .lackpenco; DSP Bulck, mailtr;
W Ilccpon. pec; Arhlaud.
Charity No. i (trance, Llnu co; F M Kltzer, matter;
I- ll w iKie. pec. iiarrituiiri;. . ,. .
I Meadutwlllc (Iralize. tuialllla co. A L tiordon; mil
ler! J II Idler, tet! MeadOHtllle
AltiiUrancc. Umallllaco; Jacob Frarcr, Blatter; E
(lllllam, pcc; Pilot Itoek.
Peiullclon Urange, llmalllla co; T II Storey, matter;
J II bharon, tec; Pendleton.
Midway (Irance. Umatilla co; J It Chile, matter;
W 0 MyeiP, pec; llrpncr.
Chi luleni (Iraii'-c. Yamhill co; S Hrultcher, matter;
J P Slunk, pec: Wept Chehalcni.
WaMilncton (lran;i-, Waphlucton co; Ipaac Hall,
maptrr: .1 (j (Initio, pec; Mldrileton,
tVnlerdmiiKc.Llnnco; Wm Phllpot. matter; Z B
Mop, pec; Craw rordft Ilia.
Mill CreikdraiiRe. Yamhill co; II II Ilrantom, mu
ter: M M lllll. fee; Klkhorn
McKrnrlo (Irance. Lane io; (I II llammcrilcy, mu
ter; W A Wuolcot. ee; Sprluclleld.
Amll) (iuncr, Yamhill co; J J Hendcraon, matter:
J 11 Sacr, pec; Amity,
Wlllaiueltn (Irance, amhlll co; Henry Ilcwetl, mat
lor; I'eler I'.aremlnct, nc; Wheutland.
.larkonlllii (Irance, Jatkpoi. co; EV Walker, mil
ter: HA Miller, nc; Jarkpomille.
I nrmlncton (Irance. Wahincton co; It A Carpenter,
inamer: Jauic Wjtluonib, peo; Hlllpboro,
Phietilx (Irancu, Jackpon co; J Herrln, matter; W
K Ilerrln. pee: I'luinli.
riprlnptatir (Irance, Chckamaa co: J II Lcwcllcn,
inater: .1 M Heed, pee,
I 'liialatln (iRiuce, t'lnrkaniatin; John Krtttc. mil-
Iter: .lopepli llarpiow, pic: Orecoii City,
lli'iniT Crick (Irani,'.', t'laikuuiat co; A D May, mai
ler: M O (lard. pee.
Warm r (Irance, Chvkamatco: Arthur Warner, map
i ler: -loin. Ilniph. pie: Ore-'on Cite.
Mount .Ion (Irance, Chukamap co: S Haney, mat
ll r: W 11 Malleoli, ee. '
HanlliiL' (Irance. t'laikamat co; Crarco Clark, mat
lir: AC'WIIIiur. tic.
Wlllaiiu Iti. (Iruuce. Miiltuoinali co; I) Ulcry, mailer:
S B IMdiloi k. ice; Portland.
U'likliliigton Tcrrllorj.
lllM.lW.tlLA IDl'.NTY.
Wuli.bur.' (Irance; It. P. Old, matter; N ileudrix,
pee.; WalMitirc.
Ili)ion(lriiiice;(l. W. Miller, maier; O C White,
pee.; Oil) loll.
llliiu Moil Main (irance; WM Million, matter; A X
t'ale, tec; Wulluualla,
Walljuallu (irance; 1. Phelton, matter; J Simon
Ion. pee.: WalUnalla.
Dixie (iraii.-e; J 1) Murtl, unifier; Wra McKnur,
tee.; WalUualla,
llaniKitiy (Irance; J DonaMtun, mailer; C F I'larr.
per; Dayton.
Ilaltle Cnek (imuce; -I E Flonerf, matter; Win
Are. pec; D)li..i,
lVnihtiimi (Irance: K Louden, matter; Mrs M K
...'.llll-U, -I l , .1 UllJIHUII 1.
I I lilon Oran -1-: l.etl llllvep ni.li.p- n ri... ..u.
mis ..c-i.-u 'en-vini iii-i-iiui un as mi ru.i,. ,...i fc..,,. rrilll( ri,tM t,,l.w,ii "'"" ""'' iur mm .iiuuciai n.mricl. i.xe.i-ior. irance, .mi. n.. lainhlllci..: WM.. Smith, Daslon. ""
-I'lniM. "M1.it It 1k,. ,,.,lered Xy xTxCZ JJlSSffSS &$&' '"" '- P" ' ft ' 'flftlS'- J fc ,,,","" "M" r '-
lieccs-ary to rejeet a man ahle to render Ids assistant, ai.d had them anested. flilof eonslNtlngofono member rrom each proeltu-t', " TVinii-r ilnn !" x'..''iV Madou c- ll . wiiei I IM,jr, ''"V Orance; i: Sauuder, matter; Lnialn,
good service for the lear-mi lliat he has J l.appous eiulcaM.rcd to dUsua,tho ladles '' Vt7r?ia,m!lV0Khhll!'T,Ke,itIemi',i! ""i,.mim 'lu'i' T."'"'!."?!1, . I '"" ' ,"" ,r..n, iomtic
iK'ell known in eulllieetinll With pilhlle '',0", ,l,ulr W0lk l,t thoy said they were v'. Ur'aln, ll.' ilenuuii, V. IoKliiii"yr0ll,,p' nia?erV!r w" st'iani: t'e ."'; liniMi'iMUk.! '" ('" ,!kv' I lnpU 0'. ThrMon ro; e' I. Smlili, matter,
...lairs Ii, the 1MM. Theie weivlnwer 'W'd . :odV ou.u and hdt they ero riIlV!J:w,nJ'"i?,11J' ,'! J"".' . SSSi 'Xsl0' Uw " ' Ct'a- $ptir&; jMlt, nnrton, mi
IIIOM) hlirmollioilS liollllliutii.lis tmnlc "'" "" '"' """" '"wards tho ill, under " ,!l -V , V' ( Kn,,,:i-l:1,0.mmi'111. I.el.mou (imue. ,... si. Llnu c; It. A. nine J ! ."'.'"f: ttle. '
IIU.IO IllirillolllOlls nollllliatl.ilis nillile, , disorderly conduct. lie nude ""' ;I"1.J-iV.",rs0" ".ntl ".SmUh- ""'ler.... I...SD.fih.Pcv.: Itw.,.,". ' m"''...wA,e"l'P"K'.KInsco;OWIJ.Wui,,ina.,er.
mil u-.'lk tlii.ri. i.vy.r H f llr.f ... ,ur... un... .... '"""''. lliauu A ntlilll i tli.m mu.lu uml .....Ul l.. . Km, iv llnu.. llr-in... s.. I I..,. ... . ti mil... I W II llinir. pee; W h ... HU.r '
siu.il I.v -i iii.iiiiiiilln.r ..,n.1.,,ti.. r.r 1 1"v,,r-,I''""',!"m tho way to Induct) then, to strut-ling tho Si cruUry to send a copv of the "J:"r-5I '""'" '" : Albany. -Mni;.ano(iranci-.Che'-all io; j iirady, n.atur.
sued h. .1 IIOII i...lt I.g c. ell I Ml, lor Mmi11iIi11 tuulr llr ,,, u, , , , pn.irngH of this Coavontlon to IheWl... , aVlvS tee ? '" ; ' S 1,"M"' K Mor'cran'whl.man.o- SP n.l.and ma.
It sought men lor olllce w ithollt letting ,ipy were ...aichod Io tho Court llot.so vsltt. '""'"" for PuWU-atton. ll'iVrau,)o.YlV.uA'',,ii;.V Mnl,, uer ter! A II (iof&V; c.dSv ' S ' Cln,and, BI"
any ...an ,.rev ,11 w ho sKt olllce. un..,l.,.,i,,g ,ro ..! and .ooked up In the court ,,;' I AVir.-Wivk . , j . ,, ,! l.ffiWdKr" C": " ,n"'cr:
llie-0 lioillllllltiolis weiv made hv room. Ilm 'numutn s.iys tho neMHnfttui and the Conitiulloii adjourned. II.C .M-Tlmuiond. e- la.i,yiii'. ' tn'iiril'Aleno (irance. Whltniauco; .lame Ilruekt.
Iliu peo.le, and are ottered to the ,,,. ' rrost sp.e.ul l.ko lid lire uu.l orvatod great J."!."!" "' N' ""' uu,Xrn ', "'""'"' "iV-n T""..
nle for their supiiiirL, The names Mieak i "xd,0"""lt '" "'" vit' hmtho ladle riu mu. i:;.nin,-stiriiwiw, No.r;:. Mnltnomah c,.i ac.b, v... ivre,. nr.n"r vT, i wl ?'., ,
, rth,. UvVm,.,.. .1 lire ".1,'',1,tl,',,1' '''" "f '"- "".l SiUkj ,. .... '""n.., April ,.ih, isTi. (TC
, ,'. ' ' ll ,, mT Uml sung and pray, d in prl-on whloh ' 'Mr1-,1Uor: w l"vR line lot of the wa-nrw K. t";.n.. p,s . It": hurg " ,'-l,urn- .'f'"eiwiiw..VeiPcrcocU: J r. Iloard, inai-
,i,.tha.p,.t,liten,,ces,,re.h,,rough.,i(s HUJxM f LmI ,,f iS I ""f"' ' "' " ' """'- " """'"T'li S? n ll"JII"';r "M " '" '"''' """
" - ""- -l - rrlatiiilu i.n.iritiio fix t.. Iiill ln. i... I t.i v - " "' hi'HJ tuvit'll. XT ri i 'i jniH' tirniiirr. All im. 'n I rn r.n f..t.... ..
est for reform, they can yield this tick- inline,, concluded , 0 .! matter to the' Hn,u-,,w '',' 'u,yl,",, vMlu f,,r "" The WmIVh kl? nf'S'Lh
..i ii. ..i i ...m.i,... t.i ' .. ...... ... ." iMiKel)iiiiiriMiiili..,i, I.,,.....; .1 i ,.';;::;"':-.. .sr'.uvAc"-'-'"'
..in... .ij-iii. ., ....I. .. ... .w -, iiiiinii i.iiti, i.iiioi iiniH.us was Mining iii eel this : " i-. , .eua' , ,,--. ..;..'"'""'" ": .;.i...niiie.
.. .. ... . . . . " iim lid ...... .... .1... ..f....... ..r .1..
....... ,-n .... ,,, nn.ii.vii ii mu voinnr im.i
is.,., iiinyan) nuai'llfil 10 Ilio otllsldo liv a , onmaiiiiiiuii-aiue. No -CI, Yamhill co.; It It
..ll- .... . . . - - I .ir.v..i... ,.'.,...... v..
it .i ii. . . .... . .... un u.s mrir mi to., .nrr.i.u. ..r n.A .-., v. ...-.... ,i, ..i,
needing any uery eiuioiitiis or velie- fiepnam" on inn nanus on anj terms but . . 7, .'.- pea t lm.i.r, it, u i.mi.on. m . I-ifajute
. . .. . '-.-".. - . --ii.iiiiitiTiiie.
l"iVi-lte (.miisp. .V, s-i. Yamhill co.; A II llei
incut oratoiy (osinir thein to Inilepen. ! Unally tho Polio. Judge and City attorney
deuce. That the people are of hide- eto eut lor and C. W. P.irrUh apsarsl
.pendent sentiment in political matters lf,,r"'" Ih.IIo, demurring to tho charge thai
wo have no doubt, and that thov wlll,i,,,,l,w,1,,M,,I,,!,,m,of "'" l',,ltf,,! S"""' B,,"r"u"
rfcnriilzo the eve .11,.,..,. ..f tUoJ .,,.,. ,!HH llw ri'!,,, frtr. ""V l,,, "'" MV
... , , ,, , '0.l aivorillng to Ills conscience," and Judgo
Il.illliil.a uml irlv',. Hi.. 1. 1 I. ......... ..... I .. ' r."
' " " "".' "ii,. -, penny uiaiiulllini
I kn silk. As ooa as the eggaro batched '"Vter; ll Mitthnr.-.s-', w ",", ' ' ' ''"'
tlm lana (Monitor cilapllloil bores dlns-tlvl ,,""' ''"" (.range. No W.t raatlllarn; .1. N Per
through tho Ih-sI Into tho pea. making a 11'' "!"'' " A- l-larj-. .c ( We.ton.
pitnctitrt. smaller than a pin hole: as the issi , t.r i' invi1 , ' ;" '1,,m l" ln,,- Mnnken. m.
and iHid enlarues. Iho ntinetiini ..l.,s..o !,.. i,., ........''.' "V"!'". . ...
in io.: wm. rvrn. in...
the worm or larva evavates a small hole In im Klm-ej.'p.i'', s.i,..
nrlfhn1'"1"!. r"rnirr' (Jlnlimeeta on the kvcond t-at-oWr?rbbTil.
W""' "UH"",K' """' y-
s.V.lf '"' J'1"1","" lu.b 1,c n l'o itrat and thlr.l
sanirdajt of eaih ruo.ith, at 1 p. m. T. W. llain
I'orl.btirctary. P. O. addret t. Slhertou "'"""
LtiTfll'!'lU?i ri'!njlnl,IB. "caIU-l for In Salem Po-I
Olllce, March SO, lbTI.
Anderton Kmma. Allen Imlia. A.nlii n ii
KaV..r0lil'n"i,i!.,;rl"?i 'V.ker w " Uro" Weni, llroun
Kate, Uean Helen M, Hrunii J (,
loaitirrer and dlsoharg- one Kldoof tlm pea, h-avlng Ita outerco.itlnirl . (irii..'. N". ts iio n..: liubm v...
IHiri. 'll lllll V I aJ 1111 V ak I.I . It. I..kl... I.. !.!.. i.i. .. r mKfr ll l,.. i, ..- .....' . .. r.-, r, .
As to tho old lurlliss WO have III, , s-Kk.us of that city are doing much lej Txl? 17ZtZ,Z W lw"0' ,l", "' K !. IwS.cVi' hl"iifiM A" J' ,)nfur' "J' '' tV""" h&&'c&T!l!?C
motsl to waste unkind temarks upon huMoess than usual Mneo ,., tv-,to1!:rKffl,Wo!rU.,ln x). fZt j c 'rm ' T J" K'
IheJr feehlo toillirt) of life, and WO hec, under way. I .wnln the grmmd (III tho tirtWilme ,'S ', ,',"' ""i.e.No ".. nnkiniV.' ; s. p. Uc ,, "ltoa l ?A"0.'; ;,.ra"'
have .. occasion to spo.,!,' hl,y I Tin, fo.lou, ng are, ho nan,,, of '" l;"
of their nominees. All we, have to ask . "tr M "l-l 01rU.t r. i i'ir t ihil.;.riVLV: ...'"S "VirrtT.t "3;.. yMffJSKi TElnl' J !' iTrur11'
of tho people is to Us., their host hull'-' "' V;Sl""'-M"- "' '"'. Mr"- therlne, ao.iud otw. lll .Ink. Or i'mmer the m '. niaX,1 'j k'IS&SS. i "j u,Son C1 V S'"-' Jl""' J ' 1 X .nl'll'.l "TvillU "
. .Ii, i "","lir"l-!,J J""l. Spark., Mrs. I.. A. Mllolivll, Miss Jennie ", ler, which will kill moat of tho wevlln, 'VVt?"-'';- No- ' '' i Jamea "rablref V" ' MrA!",le' Ilei'dlrwuMlM J llumiuw
tiwiit, laying al ikirllsn f.H'llng aside, , ,.,,,,,,,-, Ntrs. S)w. Mflli ,: c nd tho spmutlng of the pea not lJUre,l. ' "KSl'iThVrVirM?? ' e'.""1- ,v . T, ?"' "ollf,n,1,h' ' '
Mldtt1i..y .....! .Wnuitr. , MallJ.MrO Ku.er.Mra. j'auo 1,1;,' "-
A Kill. I,.U-.STUAT.ON.--Tho thi.d . !-V1,lT5Mxr;M"xIyS-8T,,,,rU,!,''J"-' ,:' N-Mr. Al CoolldBe,of -J ?? ' in J" N'"m'n' ttoMKZ?"?
.rfM.li.Umi p..s.t,l hy tho Marlon Count v ilary IvTSMr" M" mbu M- Tiverton, nveived a let.crday beforeV- ' F '"Ki..VincC ,u- I"- S""'h. "&' 1!,Ch,U0'"1, K,W'W "' '" K
.liidepiuvJcnl Convention will Im seen , , , x ! I""1- ?"" ,Mr b A1'on. wl' ' tu.TiSZ v , ukA$,e,r E' um Sanh. Letiey Fion s.
the JUIxlusohy tho State Of the Cail.ll ., ,U alley for Is7l will U.M. that phut., lie .ays that while walking on ".nrKffii01-"1'', .McAr,hurr.E.,,C-Nary "iU' -McW llliama baml ..
:ui(l Lwkt, anil Tavors the carrying out ; than for the year lsT-J. Hi. bas,.s ibis opinion ' l,1 ,rt,'1 "llu evening ho met Ureathoupe mIiK.i ? r i?n,vrsl'- il' """ fp: A- A ?. ,,? 0,.?r' -v""n Cha H, Xcttman Honlt.
oftheorllual contract. Tho utter per-,1 on tho fact that lots wheat U a,,isl ,, unexjHvtclly, btner.od with 1,, only! w"u'n'"''.A-o. 'ryV, l'Uwlii"u,,,,cVu""r Mr frara1'' J' on Mr. Ma-
? lV,Vl ""I ' ,r,,'IIMl y'"(V Wl.llj that, U.I ,sir at (til- II,,,,., M,u.ral ,M,,tlw very few liilni.te.. The man told hlw ,,at "",. urfiM.l)J'!!,, ,. ', "IcUrdPO,, Wathiu-ton p p r nM , t Wh.t
IZ Vt I fttt iW .V? . ',' V? " ' wl,or" ,w U x i'',,",, ' lm.T.h.m. I.- when ho loft Silvertoa he went a sh,n U "," ' ' '' " ' """ ' """ V Stf C' Itoort M W"
eJu. ,l,M .k'mtuid in wh,U than they did las, Um- ,. l.,-oWk and waded across, g, B to:2?t&
MrttimiiMilliiiripUH-ly, with the original i"'1 " M'rtiiR f InJ h. unu.ii.lly, br,kfast and going to list PonU, b . lilt ," Vu. rVl; jMcv,, 8,.,, Ta,i Krunda -..,.- , , Tn
e0,V ill hU hand, for lit) iKirrowed It to Uio.ablo for potting la cn..s and ll,,. yield Un iralu t, a man t.nty,lve dollar sS",,"' A"",- ' ""' " if . Th orpE,t,T. SuCp,VvrH J ho'
lllllku ll copv. or ihoeriniO Was llellhe--'falltl.evall,.v.x)Utlis,ip,wo,le,lllx Urge, , kwphlm until ll.s .tnintr .hould" ,,i , tr. J ufw "HMbain" LUm C0' S ,0,,' ma.. " Mr. ElluUth U A' ,,'"1P""llr. J. Thorny
atelv ivimmJUeil Jo tin "lll.-e of the which wmiM make it Iops likely for tho cron Kh,M hn m.'i.,,.,l." i1tr U'"y sra,.Vl1' " Jaic'-.w11'- N".,f,-i'"B' v cideii, matter ' HtVJl?,"' VcU'!" w vlE,on cbarl" "
,"")"'- - -- . -fXari'sis .H.i,;, : py sas
Mri.iwa , Jui J. WjU LSnetthj. Wallaco Klla. Walker Jet-
mK aPWiii--
it, ' V