Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 12

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Tlio cry which nous abroad from
Oregon Is like that which the apostle
licanl In early time: "Come over lull
Macedonia and help us" Oregon ha
need of help and help, is afar oil".
Thousands of weary miles lie between
our Inviting fields and the sources from
whence population and labor must come
to occupy and till them. One by one
tho hopes and expectations we have
cherished grow dimmer and less neai
unil we utter the unavailing cry ills
paring that within tlie present decade
any way can he opened for the ea.
transit of the emigration we so much
desire and which so much desire to
come and cast their lots with us
When the I'nelllo Jiillroad bills were
pascd theiu should have boon pro
visions made for money aid for our
Oregon brunch of that road; but the
golden opportunity was lost and when,
In coure of time, a laud grant wa
secured for tho Oregon and California
road, It did not oiler security for Its
completion and we remain with a
mountain region of about three hun
dred miles burring us out from tho
benellts of emigration. Kor the emi
grant hesitates to make the disagreea
ble voyage by sea to thu Columbia
Tho North I'acllh: road prom l-ed u
tho advantages we so much needed,
hut the failure of that enterprise leaves
us little to hope for from that source
for many years to come. M'o cannot
rciiMinnhly expect that in this day
when every party pionounces against
land subsidies any grant can bo secured
for the Portland, Dallesand .Salt Lake
road, oven though the necessity of the
road is conceded by congressmen, and
they recogi.lo Unit the laud has no
prospective value unless such a road Is
built. Congressmen are nearly all
elected on anti-land grant platforms,
and party consistency must be pre
served whatever the coiiMMpiences to
tho whole northwest region.
What we need Is population tnulloril
a marketforproductsand muuuOiclurcs
and to open up Ileitis for enterprise. A
region whieh could and should support
millions, Is restricted to a sp.iroo popu
lutiou)or oik' hundred thousand persons,
and wo Import many articles in ordina
ry u-e for the simple reason that there
is not a demand to sustain steady man
ufacture, and there Is no foreign mar
ket to demand our exports, except for
tho single article of liromlstuirs, and
that demand is precailous and uncer
Then (he great problem for Oregon
to solve is: llowcau we gel population'.'
for population Is tho foundation of all
prosperity. It strikes us that wo might
to advantage pattern alter the example
of Much States as Kansas and Texas, and
while practicing the most rigid econo
my in homogovoinnient.expond-oinc-thingto
make (ho world aware of our
advantage-', and in orgiiiii.iug ways
and means to scciuo emigration.
eles, Curran, Hngle, Grunt, Giugles IIIrM'li
IIOUgklllH, JullllKOM, l.lllDHH
MHrlin, On-
s'eln, Powers, Pulton, llilov, Stephens, Sot', ' y0 rm,vt. w(, pleasure the com
slinpsnn, lloriiburj, Wright, Wo-t, ttitsh-i . ,, , ' , , . ,,.,.,
'.urn, win to, Mr speaker, i mtmlcalloii of John Mlnto, ilecllning
,W. Messrs. Allen. Itrln. ltbtkel.V,
Hut ItKiik, ( raw lord, rrnoks, HirM, I) nlng
Harrison, l,n I) n. Matlock, Mason, bliolton
vVulker Wiililmi Willnng ile.v.
On the p,iiairo of the same bill In
the Senate the vole stood.
Ayix. Messrs. Il.ilillti, Urn n, of Iiikr,
IMpI- Hannah, Mnnp.e, Mms, l'atti rs
Powell, Stratum, Watson, Wtilw'.ur, Mr. I'rcl
Swji Miis Ilrlsliin, IS,wn of Marlon.
I n Mil", I'owhs, Cra 'onl, t'r ill. Il-Milt,
nail .M lori-s
So much bus been wiltten concern
ing the evIN nf Intemperance that li
seems iisele-s to r die the argument
which have become -o trite as to he
hackneyed. Hut (lie Irutli remain sun
challenged and past doubt, that the
death-harvest is swelled by these vie
thus of appetite, and not only so, but
crime would scarcely eist, at least not
in its pre-eut dimensions, weie it not
for tlio Impulse which intemperance
gives to the passions, and tho encour
agement It holds out to vice.
At tlio present time wehearcoiistant
ly of (ho women's crusidu against the
saloon", and of the wonderful work per
formed elsewhere in the abolition of the
liipior tralllu and tlio reformation of
confirmed inebriates. All this, too, as
tho result of woman's prayers to (Sod
and entieatics to her brother man. It
may be that thh wonderful cruside will
bo ephemeral In Its inlliieticesaud not
succeed in rescuing the soul of man
from the grasp of the inlldel; but we
ire not of thoso who look upon such ef
forts with liidllfeience, much less with
contempt. It may bo that the saloons
will again rNe and MourNi in Iv.tstcru
cities where they have closed; it may
lie that the praying baud will not pre
vail hi their cllorts to convince mill dis
arm tlio llijuor de ilors of Portland; hut
the women of ourday are teaching men
their duty, ami preparing the way for
In the most respectful manner,
nomination tendered him a few days
since by the Marion County Republican
Convention. We appreciate, with him,
tho fact that a large portion of that Con
vention were in some sort of sympathy
with the li. dependent movement, and
sought to pacify thu popular demand
for reform by naming as their candid
ates .stiuh pcr-ntis knowfi to be of Inde
pendent -entiment and in sympathy
with the independent movement; but
reforms are always ultra, and no half
way measures or half-way men can ac
complish them. Right knows no com-pronil-e,
and as Mr. Mlnto declines to
be an apologist for tho corrupting influ
ences of his old piny, we cannot sue
that consistency could be otherwise
sustained than by re-motfully declining
to accept the Republican nomination.
Ho has staled his case s0 well that we
refer our re.ider- to his communication
without further comment than this:
"Consistency is a Jewel" which we be
lieve the straight Republicans of Marl
on county will recognize and duly ap
preciate. THE SU.EM "STATESMAN."
The Temperance Moicmcnt.
"Hundreds of drinking saloons have
been closed, so tho temperance erusulers
say, since tlio beginning of the woman's
war on this Venders of strong drink "
Portland paper.
Tho movement still continues to In
crease in volume ami force, spreading
like wllilllru fiom State to State and from
city to city, shaking the dominions of
the old tyrant King Alcohol to Its cen
ter, causing tho very foundations to
groan anil cieak. Hundreds of his cour
tiers are deserting his cause anil Joining
the right. Thu track Is now falily laid,
anil the temperance car must and will
move triumphantly throiighoat the
length and bicmlth of our laud, propell
ed, not as our railroad car-, by thu iron
hoisu, fed by thou powerful antagonistic
elements, lire and water, hut by a moie
powerful clement, the power of prayer,
Tho Ihdlitin Informs Its readers that
"it was generally understood thatCapt.
C. I'. Crandall tookchargoof the Salem
S i'atixm a N yesterday."
Similar rumors have been circulated
in tills elty for some days past, and our
replyls simply this :that we expect to
make Salem a Dally newspaper for
twenty-five years to come, mora or less;
that wo are not using a typo of the old
Statixman material in die reading we
oiler our subscribers; and that we have
permanent lease of tho premises wo oc
cupy. All things considered, It might
bo reasonable for tho JinUctin to attend
to Its own business, which we under
stand demands all the mental and Ilium
elllclent legislation which shall restrain Mai resources of the persons Interested
...... - ... ' II. ....!.. l.. .11 it. ...11 .. .
mo ir.iinc en lar as possible ami Hold II-
Tliitl.Mi P l!K( lilt IIS.
Mr IMIIor: Sniiin uf mv nolglilsnw who
mo going "II in Urn I im1-iiIi-iiI innv o would
llko (n hum you publish Uui untile of tlin
immibotH nl Kin hist Legislature Unit voted
lor Hi. i Lock Mill, mill iil-.ii lui- din clerk mul
.Nherllls'loo.Nw hullo, mill .In, Igessalurv lllll.
Sllllld (if lllllMIMtmil ll.llllUMllll, iilllliif'ia.i... u
oil llin tli-li tNiif IniiIi IIiii iilil iiitilns, mul wit
iloo t wiinliinyolll i tm llitt I titI(xMiiIttilM. i
-' nu s i iimvii im--ii iiiun iii li-iitu, wo are
nil III luiiirof n-onnmv,nud H-ioriii.
Youis. lor Uui right. Vniiat.
The vote in the Mouse on pa
II. It. 77. Commonly known as the
"Locks mil," vas taken Oct, I", Is":.',
with the following n-stilt :
ipior sellers to a legal iiicounlabilily for
their trallle ami its eoiiseipieuces.
Calllornla has passed a law which
gives localities tho option to volo for
or against licensing (lie liipior trade In
their midst, and abo holds thellipior
seller to a per-onal responsibility If he
sells to Inebriates This Is something
gained in the right direction. Wo can
not expect the world to leach perfec
tion at a single bound. The world must
bo educated to think right before II can
Is expected to do rigid, and temper
ance has all the list of human passions
and appetite- to i ouiuer before il mis
sion Is done. Here in Oregon we niut
contend for lesirlctlon of the Iralllc,
and tlie people's movement must not
hesitate to piouoimco In favor of tem
perate mi ii and a local option law.
Since w ciime tlrsl to S.ilepi, unburn
babes bavo bci-onic men and women,
mid looking back oyer more than u
score of years, wo have .seen one after
another, In many Instances gifted and
generous lieai led men, swell the long
procession of victims of intemperance,
ami (he light which should Irnvo shorn
hiightly lo-da.v has cone out in sorrow-
and in darkness, mid only a legacy of
silliness anil olten ol shame, remains to
those who loved them.
Is there no remedy'.1
KM 01 It HUM.-.
We confess ton feeling of siijuk-e at
age ol ,,u 'eni in -siuess who which uie people
ol Oregon respond to tlie populanIeire
for Immunity from the political rule
ami partisan predjiidlce. Theie Is a
.ii-i-.Mi.ssik. AnilrnwN, iiiuUh, Cniit-i, in op seated determination in tlio
hiii-n, I'liiMirH, l(iliivlMiiliiiii,Miiiil.siiiiiiin, maiuls nil possible economy and need
IouS?Mr.J5iLiI?. W,,",, W"l,l"", w,-f rrtiriii. mitl will not be satUiled to
aki -Mi-ssm. Allen, IIiIkn, lUrln, HiinIi- I" l I'lioessioiiai poiiuciails liolil llielr
iy, IIiiiIiiiiiUh. 1'i.iuioril, ii.Iin, iluki, way as herelofore. Mauv sav thev will
UIiIiIIi,Mi.iIii.iimiii, Wnlki-r, Wiisliliiira.ioiii
paities, but the party grasp is weaken
ing on all, and has entirely lost its hold
on many, and the result is that a peo
ple's movement, entirely independent
of old party tie., ha.s come into exis
teuce and it lias no sponsor, no agent,
ami only exists because the people
elierlsii it.
Wo are assured by many who do
not yet give in their adhesion to the
miii, 1'imnii Toii.n, WiUm uui Mr. SM.tVtr. movement that It commands their en-
t:rJlKJ;l?Xr w"ttr?' IVrm,,,,," "l 'MH-fl, mul we believe it is en.i.l-
The same hill passed the House Oct. ''" ,0 ,lu' n'")wi "' "very honest man.
Senate Hill IS-Relstlngtotlietraxel-iug
and Incidental expenses and the
compensation of the Justices of the
Supreme and Circuit Courts therefor,
Jiasseil tlie Senate Sept. l':M, by tlie fol
lowing vote :
.l,V-. Mus-ih. IUIiIuIii, llnmn of llik.r,
JliOMiior.Miirliiii,('iiiiiril, li.ii, IUiiiuIi, '
JmiiiiiIIIiiKi MiHinm, Momvi-, MyniH, I'mtur-
111, by following vote,
l.v MiwsiH. Aiiilniwn,
I If the re.stdt shall bo in County am
li.. i.. '" iMMiMHuoiMi in ttnm l illlll-
iih1NiiHii.,ivrorii;ivrii;iiiiiV; ,,,,1l,1",ll41,i;u,, ,r l"rtlsanshlp the re-
.(.'uiiitli. Cmili-k. I'lirnm i. ..i )......' Milt x III bo victory, hut the la lure to
. . r---i . ."1 " i --....-.., -. "("lilt . . .-..-"
miim-ii, iiimimiih, JuIiiimhi, l.s mm, Mm. iii'servo repivt by the e.xeri'Iseof di
look, Mmmhi, uiisinin, l'liiiun, Hili-.i, iti.i,ii., Interi-sieil judgement and wisdom in
'." T." " r.,.'."',M',J.' ' 'i"r.x . r ik in, sucii actions will result in failur
",-M:,A,?,r..:,r-...(,k,..v, Wo Mi" " fi.
li-ltvliit llitiolloinK olllit-iN for tlin pri'M-iit
11. II. 11!!. 'I'll Mini. ml I.-hilimI I ...... ' ll'llll: lsrtlll' I'lllUKi-r. M Itnli.irl Irv In .11 .
uinivrnlng fees of otueers, ,! in u&,
the House October 1.1th, by following v-' J,l'ii Wii.uriii.in, n.; Mrs. Ana ilrltiblo,
Vote: lTi 'M,' I'lrnllm. UltU-lil. 1.. A. is; MImi
., ., , , fanili Cribble, C j Miss Aini-mllii, V ; MUs
Coiwlu, lolling Oni-ir, flow, CciikIi, C'a- ') iiiimUn..
therein. We distinctly assure our na
Irons that they will llnd us making a
Dally paper hero ever so long after tlie
ftulMui in the whole Custom House
ring are politically dead wo don't say
forgotten, hecaii'O they have an un
wholesome notoriety which tlio world
should not soon forget.
Douglas Count) ('iirrcsioiiilcnrc.
.Mil. I.'niiou: The I'lttliideirtrr Is in
iloiibt us to H'lmt John Hiirnctt it Is who
has iiiiuouiutiI himself as an independ
ent caudiilate for Judge of tlie Second Ju
dical Dlslilct, and assures Its lenders that
it cannot be Hon. John lltiiuctt of Cor
vullls When that paper discovers who
that inili-pcuili'iil canillilate Is, will it In
form us what Moshi-rlt was who received
tlie nomination at Albany not long Mm.-e
for Judge of the fame district '.' Douglas
county lias M-veral Moshi-is, and our pen
pleaie deeply Interested tolmvcacotupc
teiil, iiiipiu tldl, mul upright Judge, who-p
oilli-ial iiTonl will mark him a man of
honor, ili-voli-il tojiistk-e, and not u politi
cian ami mere tiickster. We aie conll
dent this cannot be I,. !'. Moshi-r of
Roscbuii;, as no convention would have
the hanllbood to lake such a stop back
into (he past in dcfeii-uce to political
iiieiit-rv anil sharp practice as to nomin
ate I.. l- Moshcrol l!oi'biir", too well
known hcieas the man who .ouglit and
pi'oriiii-u his own uoiuiuatloii as ,-sinator
fiom this i-ountv llioli'-li tin- t'mmlv
Central Committee, alter iuihiciui; th'e
ceiiM-utloii wllich met pii-ioiisy to
maiM' no uomiiiaiioii on pica inat tucre
was doubt if DoiikIm.-. had a light to a
Senator .separate fiom Coos and Cuiry.
Was not that a mark of a r-kllli-il politi
cian'.' When the leiin for which lie was
elected had i-Nplii-il, Am I.. I-', Moshi-r,
like (iov. Itullockof iii-oiKia,ili'lciinlncil
to hold over. He placed the Democracy
of Douglas, Coos, and Curry In a fale
position in ls"J by lefusiug to rellnipiisli
his claim to the s-cualnishlp, to w-hlch
lie hud no shadow of right. As State
(senator in IsT- be lose anil rcipicstoil his
iiaiiieaililt-d to the list as Senator fiom
Douglas when the committee on cieilcu
tials had no knowledge of him. In IsTO
he voted on all occasions to Increase the
calm lc of Judges of the Supionie Court
fiom $'MKH) to $:;aHH pcraiimuu, uot
wltlMtanillng Art. lit. Sec. 1. of the State
constitution, which piovldi-s the salarv
flmll be Si',000, without nenpilsltes. We
want to know II Hie .Mo-licr wlio rccclied
the Albany nomination forjudge of the
Second Judical Dlstilct is the same man
w hose record has been above alliuk-il to.
Will the IHulmhalir explain'.'
Youts Tui'iA.
l.iru i.i.'s I.ivimi Aon Tlio iiiiinliorH of
7'Ai- Iavhh Age forllm "wks cinlln March
II mul 'Jt liHin tlie folliiMiiiK iiot(iorliiy
eonti-iits: lli-ury llion-Hii, tlio PiH-t-NHtn
that (Sod-given sphit. that cuts like a
two-edged sword, which, coming fiom
the ileal t, readies thu heart, causing the
vile llend to loosen his urayn and yield
tlie citadel to the healing influence of
player, wnicn at once neiii, pmiiics, ami
ennobles, thus elevation the poor victim,
eiiiioiing mm 10 sou iiom a iiigner sttiiiu
point tho giuat contrast between right
and wiong, and, with a brain cleaied
from the tunics of the inebriating bowl,
to mark the route, ntatlons, and terminus
of the two contending lines, Temperance
ami Folly. One leads to health, wealth,
and happiness, while tlie other (Sod
alone can tell to what awful depths of
misery ami iiegraiiatiuu it mis suiik poor
humanity! 'Ibousnuds of our fair sous
ami daugbteis, whciu aie they'.' We
hear of llielr sccuriii).' scats In Folly's
car for a short pleasure ride, to the next
station only to the next station" We
don't Intend going farther than the next
station "(which is the social glass.j
Dear, Inexperienced youth, this is a dan
gerous step. To many as strong, as fear
less as yourself, It lias proved a latal ilde.
Hoys, dear young men, let me entreat
you as a sister, to shun tills giuat evil.
Look around you and mail; the bliulited
hopes, ruined piospects, desertid homes,
neglected chlldien, brokeu-licai ted wives,
parents whose heads are bowed with
shame and sorrow; and then i evolve that
you too will Join in the tcmpciaiicc
cause, and tlnow the strength of your
manhood against tlie wrong, lirotbers
and slsteis, as in union tlieie Is stieiigth,
let us unite in the gland cause. (Sod can
hear prayer in Oregon as well as in the
Kast; and wherever the evil has pene
trated let the war bu waged; let usi-ccom!
tlie elliirts of those noble champions of
tcmpciaiicc, those praying women of
Ohio and other States, whose cllorts
have pioved Unit piayer can and will
succeed where legislation lias failed.
Man's aim Is too abort, his strength too
weak. Tlie power of tSod will triumph.
Mlis. C. M. Kllticwooii.
Tliu County Convention of tlio regular lto
publicans, hold m Saloin March S!sih, Is7l,
ultimately UiiowIimIk'I or con-enl iionilna
lod inu us ii candidate for u sent In tlio next
I.i-gislattire, Willi a knowledge on ilio part ol
ninny of ItH iiii'IiiIicth thai I iwni In earnest
syiiipntliy ulili lliy Iiidejondi-iit iiiiiM-inenl
lor ii new parly.
I was at u loss to Kiiom how Inciiiislruotlio
action of tluiC'oiiNontloii, knowing, as I did,
llmt I had tinny most highly valued perHon
at frlniiilsiinioiigiit Its iiioinbors, iind on ln
ipdrlng ainoiigst theni, bavo niched re
peated assiininco that tlio notion or tlio Con
vention was not Intended to sworvo mo from
llitu'otirso I li.no chosen, as tho one I iloem
best calculated to remedy tlio nbni.es that
now iiruvau in mo uiaiiaguiiloilt ol iiiilillo nf-
trtlrs. I bavo lit-ou asiired by Individual
frleiiilstb.it they sniiorled mo becauso tlmy
enddised my iudepeiidout eourso and coin-
ciiitfii wan uui in Mowstliey liad lieardino ex
press. TIii-mi assurances, w Idle, tlioy convev
n great eoiuplhneiit to mo K'ronally, nail
tliroiigli mo to tlio great number of good
men wluinriildontilledwlth tlio Indepondent
iiioieinent, by in this niaiuior Jiintliyliig It,
make it particularly painful for mo to ilo-i-liiio
tho nomination, ltat I rally uollevo In
tlio Jiistieo of tlio general eoiuplalnt and
eijuitlly general determination to resUt tlio
longer domination of tlio cUsi of moil
wlio luivo sui-ei cdod In fastening tlioiiiselieM
to tlio two old partlos, and bavo weighed
them dim u out of reach of tlio liojio and do
peiidonco of men who bellovo in a political
morality uH-rlor to that of Ilea llmlor, or
even that or lien Ilolladay mid Senator Mit
chell. 'I ho causes of dissatisfaction reach
from Mass.ielnisettmoOrego!i,and tho power
is now rising (as i uellon-), Iroin Us legltl
inatii source tlironclioiit Hint i.imini.,..i
that can mid will remove them cansiH. Of
en ii ru ii niiiiiu no n groat pleasure to mo
(were I running reran olllce) to recelvo tlio
eniloreinent ol such u largo number of good
representative men us nominated mo In that
Contention: bat I c.innol, ibrllioMikoof that
pleasure, put mysciriu tlio jHiwor or tlio fuw
place and kiII liunteis who wore there, as
I u-y hate been at too many conventions ol
lliu peoplo of Oregon, touching the weret
spring w loch hbniH-il the action ol Infinitely
better men llian tiifinselves. I thlhk Itjinit
to tlio lteiHilillcina wlio still )n,u. r. n.
piirllicallun oniielr party, ns well as to my
seir, llmt I i-hould thus decline, their ro
ipiest, toenier Into a canvass ttbero tho al
most ilrnt object of my attack would be (lie
tlrnt plank ot their iilutforin; ror I certalnlv
cannot eudorso much orthoaetlon or tho Xa
tlonal Administration ror the past two years
any more than I can or oar State Govern'
ineut ror tho oast four. ti, w,.i...i.
u.l nl I I... .1 -u i-0riiiiii9
..,., U) iUn irt cuia meeiuig or the Inde
IHnidentsiir South Salem will InUlcalo tc
D. D. Garrison, ol tho 1st U.S. Cavalry,
sonds us tlio following description of tra el
In Arizona:
To a person who has always onjoyed tho
comforts ot'u happy home, tho tale ol u wan
derer Is alwajs interesting. Wiiilu t'je iuml.
or sits in tho bright suii-iiiiio of prosptrlty,
or bdoio tho crackling lUiuus ol agouuuui
llreslde, ho can tratel In thought with pkas.
tiro and with pain as he reads o! tho tM-enaiid
occasional comtorts that tall to the lot ol tho
traveler. In a olvllbed country tho f itlUta
are greatlv diuiliiUhed hi comparison in a
wild barren expanse, where mllta aim miles
ot country bate to bo traveled over lor a cup
ot water thai would sometimes bo considered
an apology for the name. When the belll-h-uessot
inciib1 heal Is is dr.'.uu trout the ilua.
geoa of byociNy, and tlio mono Is "otery
man tor huiiselt and Uod lor os till."
... .... t milllllXIOMl IVTlltlT Mill iil.ii. ..
list, Hutu tjuiuttriu iViuir.- The French ..iViT ".".,...?,.. '"' V""s"" a lew or the
'- "'t"h"M'!'-' ?!-1 s' z : i ,.:.!Vfsi01' r
Minn, ny eeriiiiiiiiiii inner, pan II, .uae-. ;ilrt .i,,.,,,!,,, ',i " , " ", -"' J " causes mr
ihiiiimS JniiiiiMi.- A Christmas in India, 'r,'.t? .Kl""!,' lntaiieouii rising
,',, .', .V. VH.-IH.V Tin. Aisiustle Traii-par- ?,! .T i i ' Ml.,,!,',.' " aml '1 hive
enev and lleaeiiyoltlio Aluiosiiliern. ,iiu,v- I T.:w ul J vorlaliily cannot place myself
Vtlolit C.i ist Traced v. Aunt ltutt H.l. ' "'" w'v "' " ud freo dlseiiHslon ol
John Minto.
lections nl Visits to Ashlstlel mid Alil-olsford.
IVmjitt Itur: Wliikleiuaiin, (jutiittilv lit
i int.. Three days in S.irk, by William' For
stlh, hiiMiJ, .WiiiM.-iiir; Tim I'lillosoplier's
ltiby, iVni-XiriHx .V.iod.-im.' libulstoue's
Ministry, t'eaunnuot Mr. (iladstouo as a
I'onv, .sjHi-fiiftiit The Tito Serauskv, a
lugo or (tllsslau Olllcl.ll Lite, ltltiel ikVx'a
Uirtfu.-oir.-hiiiI lurtM II nml 111 of the Mnrv Interesting than bis anl.-l n nm, i..
.!i "!?;: n!'"!!: ;!- tTriX
" !-.-- a riiiiiifstiM'i in'v Nr j HII
H.uu-i:its Maoaisu for April baaborenty
olght eugra tings, most of which are tine
Illustrations. The opening paper Is by Xord
hotr, on "TlioFarallone Islands" oil the
entrance to San Francisco, ami Is much moro
1 ho writer'ntrat els bate been limited: hn
can boast no sights ol uidgnllicuiil ulllea or of
ancient piles; no can relate no uaiidirms
along the mo-emboutred banks ol tho
Hlioie, nor has bo view id UioMlctil monitors
ol past ages m the ltoino ot lo day, or trod
'.vitb aw o over the balllulli Ids ol the true-bred
warriors, nor through tho colioles cities
where Greek uud Siartau ouco nourished.
No, only Arizona comes within tho scope of
our experience, a place fur wild uud giauil
dcsolauou miniiialed, wo uro willing lu wa
ger, in tho world, where nothing but nature
In her reckless architecture eoiiunuiulHudml.
ration: where lllo loses its charms uud death
is enticing In tbo alius or chaste lute.
Unco on tho steamer Newborn, the eye and
heart say a sad good -by to the mart of the
West, and the Invisible golden )iorlals elo-o
on the exile like In al'aiicy dieaui, purchuu-o
forever. Alter weary miles or ocean i..u
passed over, n solitary bouse, sheltered by
u rugged peak silent In chalky whiteness,
manes ono reuieiiiuercivin.aiiuii once more, i
this Is Capo han l.ticas. lit re the proprietor, '
In careless solitude, rules us "monarch or all ; i
hosurveis." Nothing of Importance ultracls W
tho nttouiiuii, except a strange llsh or fowl,
until tbo steamship arrives at tho mouth of
the ttio Colorada. This stream is narrow ami
shallow, uud divides, respectively, In Its
course, Calllornla Iroin Arizona, mid Califor
nia from Mexico, The passengers are landed
from the Nowlmrn and tuko passage on a
llatboat to Arl.oua City. After u low days
iho place ol destination Is urrlveilal, and Fort
Viiina looks out Itoin Its elevated site us a
dismantled but still pleasant place. Though
It has till the facilities uud accommodations
lor u lortress, it is uuuortny ol tho name.
Arizona City Is quite a lively place lor the en-
irinico into u long des-ert Journey, uud bko
I'iicsou it is tho begbinliig and end of oh !
now weary, wearing uud beart-buruiug a
travel. Now the bray of the impatient mulos
startles you, and aroused to action the pil
grim's Mall' Is given to yoa, j oar Mecca is
I'iicsou. From ranch to ranch (a solitary
adobe building "a libel oil tho iiame,") ou
"drag your wounded length along," till tho
great desert meets your burning uud blister
ing leet. Hero is the "vu!o ol tears;" the
moon, perchance, may mid, lo our inarch,
which Is by night, solemn sjiletiilor to the
brush mid shrubbery uud inotinialu ,oi
that loom around liku the wierd ghostsot the
departed, making the disiipjioluu d heart sink
in bltloresl sorrow, not rousing It in delereu
tial awe; and here It longs to cease to beat
and give the great uud tigdaut helmsman,
the soul, rest III Iho portol Identity. I'ass
lug illinium the deep canyon Is liku groping
inn labyiuth where all Iho horror ol' some
Indescribable thing thrills olio's soul mid
hero ttegisl holds her horrid and racking car
Could diamonds, ni,., a valoiqual to that
deseilbed by Siubad, entlco iho iiuvuleroiico
again to liratit Its terrors uud fitlgues on lout!
never. Sleep, then, yo golden nuggets! bo
it Useless biirdtli lo I lineal I h, it is lienor hid
den tlieio In mountainous culler-, than it-nipt
lliuutnricuor men llmt will lend them on to
misery, perhaps to death. lUnoli ami ranch
again, uud o arrive al Tucson, tlereisilie
pleasenlest spot in Arizona. There Is some
thing of a more rellned way ol living in it,
suierIor to that iu other pans of tbo Territo
ry; and tho American carries ou his bushieu
hi mi easy going stj lo, aping iho listless rim
tlno of tbo wireless Mexican. All Is slleut;
no noise or tumult, and ihu making carl Is
drawn along by the Idler; no causes of dis
turbance to tho gentleman enjot lug his siesta.
l.vorywhoro In this wild expanse or God's
acres, wo lluil something to admire uud satis
fy our curiosity. In every desolate spot has
Uod rubied his gracious showers that they
may bear fruits lor the land or undying flow
ers. Tho Colum buses of Chilstiaulty pene
trato ovory whore and call togother tho wan
dering savugosto teach thorn tho ways or the
Christian, and uso thelrelliirts to rearedltlces
to tho Conqueror, on whoso trophlos thedust
or ugos never congregates; whoso fatherly
voice snoaks from within Its silent walls, "I
am with you nlwoys, oven to the consumma
tion or tho world."
Ono or tho finest nionuinonts or those
tillers or tho Lords Vineyard is to be found
outside tho city or Tucson about nlno miles
distant. The church ofSan Xatvell, built by
tho early missionaries, nnd now under the
last or tho tribe or tho I'opagoos, Is an odlflce
that rar outvies In its own way some of our I
wii ii luuiiuus. 1L is nunc nil nlfii'ntnil rrnnnil
or tho adobe uud plasteroil with slato colored
composition. The front Is grucod with
niches in which rost the statues or different
s lints, very tlno specimens of wood carving.
As wo enter tho door-wny, tho beautiful
froicoes still wearing undying colors charm
us, hero Is reprosomed tho visitation of the
shepherds nnd wlsemen of the Hist; then
follows the ilisputttllou in tho Temple and
the last mid most solemn hceue tho Crucifix
ion. Tho main altar is a line plecoorrvlng
ami wooden tracery, much to be admired for
" tjiste and appropriateness.
The lltiost scenes how over are stationed on
tho left and right, tho beautiful nltar or the
Itlessed irgln. and on thn ln tlm lirsiis
statue of Christ laid out In doathly magnlB
cense, when his huumiiltv slept for allttla
Interval. Passing to the left we are led into
dark catacombs where thn drll un mum-
lulesottho "forefathers or tue huilet sleep." ,
""""""s " me oenry tne eager eye lanes ,w.,
in the surrounding scenery walled by ruoun- ,8b
tain ranges where the scattered trees to ,
i. ii BrT)" I'n'nes to tho sky, the granu
TelJo raises its plowshare pofut, tho wild
droves of cattle scaru poring about luenvlabl
ireedoiu, the green mtisqiilio bushes; tb
stinted sage bush added together as graces
ror the parched earth, make a pleasing pan
orama. These scenes passed aud enjoyed
we turn with weary satisfaction towards
Camp Uilllto our destination.
Douglas County Convention.
Wo learn from a friend at Iloseburf
that tho ltepublicans held their County
(.onvention last week, nhout twenty
ftvo delegates present, nnd that Col.
Kelsay has tho votes of tho Douglas
county delegates to tho State Conven
tion for tlie position of District Judge
Iho rings oflnitli parties talk of fusing
! in .it
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