Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 11, 1874, Image 1

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$3.00 por Year, in Advance.
The Oregon State Agricultural
Class I, Apples.
Best 13 vnriiticx, best specimens, cor
rectly named, !1 specimens each 88 1
Hest 1 vanities, best vpecltnens, cor
rectly named, 3 specimens each.. . .
Best 3 sneciuuns each of tliu followlm
varieties: Hands). Full Pippin, Bald-
win, Jvorlhern Spy, Ortlcy, Blue.
Vt inter Pcurinuin, v luu Sap,
lV'il Check Pippin, lillow Newtown
8 4
Host 3 spcclmms of caeli of the follow
ing varieties of Shipping apples:
Y.llow Newtown Pippin, lied Cliick
l'ippln, Swaur, Winn Sap -1
II largest hperliurliM of nny variety. ... -
Best new seedling 1!
CIkkh 3. I'cnm,
Best 10 vnriftiiK, best specimens, cor
rectly named, 3 snccitiK lis enih.. . . $S
Host 3 specimens of llio follnwin vuiie
ties: Bcurru Faster, Wintir N'ellis,
Heurrc iVAnjon, Scckel mill Fall
Hiitler I
Largest 3 speeiiiuns of any variety. ... 'J
Best new needling -
drifts 3. -readies.
Hest exhibit '. 3
Class !. I'riiiici,
Hest exhibit....
1 2
Class 5, l'lnins.
Hest exhibit 1 2
Class 0. -Quinces.
Hest 3 specimens of any vnriity 2 1
Class ?, (riipeN,
Hest G good native viiiiitics, 3 bunches
each 5 3
Hest H good fori Lju varii tiia, 3 bunches
each ft It
Hest 2 v.iriitv natives 'J 1
" -2 vai iety foreign 2 1
" Kxhibitjof gnipes H -1
I'ntrancfl fee 10 per cent.
Hkmiy Mii.lku, Portland, Superintend! nt.
lti't.E is Division 1'. 1. N'o prcmiuniH
shall bo nwartleil to nnripe grapes. 2, Kx
hlbltom slnill b eonfltieil to the number of
specimens sjuiitUil in the list.
G.uiDL'x rnoni'crs.
Clan 1. IVntcriiieloiK.
Hest exhibit $3 $1
Class a. .lllisk .llclon.
Hest exhibit :i 1
Clus 3. .lllsccllniicous.
Best exhibit tfthlcsfiuuslios,3specini(tis 2 1
iiest cxiinat largo neid squusuis or
pumpkins, .i spc linens
Hest exhibit niiinus, 0 specimens
" " Ijite Beits, :iHpeeiuiens.
" " Winter Beets for stock
" " Curiots, 3 sptfilccu . .
" " Parsnip, !l specimens . .
" " Hutu lingua, .'I speciinuis
. 2 1
. 2 1
2 1
a t
2 1
. 2 1
2 1
. 2 1
, 2 l"
2 1
. 1 2
, 2 1
2 1
a i
a i
a l
2 1
i .no
1 ,cu
r. a
10 5
" " I umips, 3 specimens...,
i " " Tomato.-, 3 of each varitly
i " 0 specimen of any nrii ty . . .'.
" CubWigo, .'I specimens . . .".
a heart Caulitlnwcr
I " l'eck Yellow I),imcr') onions.
I " a hiiuchis Celcty
" pfok l'olatoes
' 2 lieuiU lliocoh
i " 2 head of Knle
, " Luk, 0
1 " (Iitrlic, li
. " l'arsely, 1 buiieh
" Pepper pods
, ' exhibit rally l'ututots, a vani
ties 0 of each
I " (xhibit late Potatoes, a vurie-
lies, I! of e.ieh
" txhilut (lanliu VigtUlileii.. .
Entmncd, 10 prenit.
(!. W. Hcnt, Snpriiiteiiili-nt.
J n.ovj:iis,
Hest exhibit of varieties anil lust
I specimens of fuchsias in bluom i? !j $J
Het cxhibitof nrietit-s ami best
I spcnmt-UH of monthly roses in
1 b'ooir ' S 2
' Heat uxlubil of double (ieraliiilliH
in bloom a 2
i Bet exhibit of varieties ami lest
i speeimniii virts-iiHs in bloom . 2 1
'Hot exhibit of vnietlcs uinl U-kt
l spceiinens elitnbin jilnnls fi 3
1 Hest exhibit of iini nml !:
1 sjieeiiimns moiiKrt 3 2
Hest txhlbitof vanities uml l-st
I spccnmin c. c m 5 8
i Best exhibi; haiiKimj Kisli ts. . . .
Hest i xhibit of Miru lit ami Ust
sperimon lielitr,'ips in bloom . a 2
'Het exhibit of vanities nml Ust
I sieciineus pannes in bloom ... 2 1
Hest exhibit of arittus anil bvt
specimen. Uilcnu in bloom 2 1
PSH7?2in C J)HatS JfSV rSHSlS V5SfT"V
Hest exhibit of varieties nml lost
specimens of asters in bloom 2
Host exhibit of varieties ami best
specimen stocks in bloom 2
Hest exhibit of varieties ami best
specimens cockscomb in bloom 2
Hest specimens oleander in bloom . 2
Host specimens Tubcroo in bloom 2
2 1
2 1
2 1
:i a
n a
uesi exiuoii ot Mirieucti nml nest
specimens gladiolus in bloom. .
Hest exhibit of varieties and lx'st
specimens Japan lilies In bluom
Hest hydrniiKC in bloom
" Onllit (KtlilopiiiiilUly
" exhibit picotee olid carnation
Hestexliibit portulaer.i
" specimen Lady Winliinytini
Hest specimen Hose geranium in
Hest specimen Nutmeg geranium
in bloom
Hest specimens Lmlv Cornelius
2 1
2 1
:i l
1 .50
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
:i a
r :i
a l
r :i
10 ft
t a
l .no
l ,r.o
l .no
i .no
l ,r.u
i .no
ft 2
r :i
ft ;i
h a
f uclisiu in bluom 2
Hest specimuu Double red fuchsia
in bloom
Hest stii-eimeu Double diop f uchsi.i
in bloom
Hest siiieimeii Monthly rose, whito
in bloom
Hest exhibit nbutllou in bloom . .
Hest Foieign evergreens in bloom
Hest spieimtu monthly rose, pink
in bloom
Hest specimen monthly lose, yel
low, in bloom n
Hest exhibit foliage plants
" exhibit Hydrangeas
" houiput of loses
" ' Asters
" ' Hvirlustiiigllouers
' " Mixed IIiiwcm. . . .
" " Wild llowers
" ' Leaf pieliuu
" " l'ressul Holier picture. .
" " Moss llqucrs
" " l'loial design for orim
luill Kntriince fee, 10 per cent.
The followini! coin nremiuniH nru oll'ered
by .Im-s Vine, Ksii., of Kocheshr, Xuw
ork. l'ersons makim; euliiis for Ihesc
premiiiuis, must state the fait at the time of
making their entries:
For the ln-st collection of Cut Flow
rs, from seids grown or imported
by me $20 00
Second best collection Cut 1'Iouers,
from heeds grown or imported by
inc. in 00
Third liiHt colli etion Cut Flowers,
from sced grown or iuisjitid by
mo 10 00
Fourth Is-st eoilictiou Cut Flowei-s,
from seeds giowuor iuiiorted by
me ., 10
Tills olTer is made to amateurs onlv. The
money will be forwiiidul promptly to the
otlltcrs of the Society direi tly, or to tint per
sons obtaining tho piemliiuis, ns may be
deemed best, as soon us the nwaids are made.
The awards to be made by the regular. I ildges
on Flowers, or by any commlttio appointed
for the pin nose. When only one lollu-tion
is exhibit! (I, the Judges may nward the llrt
or any oilier premium aeeording lo merit.
Iamk Mck.
A. (1. W.u.Mso, Forllaml, Snp't.
Kclks (enm.MM Ksniis i;i Dim.siovm 1'.
(I. AMI It.
1. Any person ivlibitiugartiiliKobi.iimil
fiom otl.i r giowi rs shall forfeit tin uiliance
fee, mid no premium shatl be au ..did tu
such articles,
2. Thuiumoof the i xhibitormay IkmiIuci d
on articles fur exhibition, and in all ens.
hi re a pri tiiiiim is au ..riled, the imiini of the
variety Liking Midi premium shall le given
and publish! cl.
3. All ei.tritH must b' iiind and all arti
cles iuiii.t 1st pluced on exhibition Ixfore the
close of the second d.iy of the fair.
x.iTUiiM. inyruin'. .w.v.v. ruo
mvrs axh Airrs.
'! I.-Caltliicla of lllr.N unit .Tlln
erai;. Hest colli ellniinf elit rry binls . ', $ m
Hest lollcetion of '-time birds ." 2 .10
Hest tollcctioti of binU iinduuiiitaK
il'tnictiv. of grain ami vegt-
t.ibfc lo r.
Het lollecliuu of UlVw.s ullil I'tillb
try thieve T, 2&0
Cabiin t of mineral uml giulugicul
sj eeimciiH of Diegon l"i 10
Cliiss 'J.-.TIIiiIni; 1'roUuel.
Gnldipiart 2 1
Coarse gohl 2 1
Fine gold 2 1
Silver ore a 1
CiuuUir 2 1
Copper and copper oie. , a, 1
Lewi diphiy of yt n ton, S" '
uoui iiisjuy oi ; ii ion. . . . .'. . ; .
Asplialium 2
MurLlc ., 2
(ruuite .' a
liorux , 2
Sulphur 2
l'ricloiis sUiimh. .,,.,.,, . 2
Mineral w.iti r , 2
lVtrillcjrjiou 2
(iypum 2
r:.: ..... n
Mugiinia 2
Liiuu .... .a
Clous 3. Work or Art.
Heit exhibit mi chanicnl dentistry. . . ii !1
Oil painting on eiuiMisi. ,.., 10 5
Printing, book v ork 2 1
" newspaper 2 1
" card?. Ac .'12
" posttr in colors a 2
" poster plain 2 1
Fainting, water imIpm T l
ruinting, sign a 2
Oil painting on wood a 2
Feiieil sketches from nature ft a
Fasti 1 painting ' a
Moss picture a 2
F.ngr.iving, wood ft !
I'hotogniphs ft a
Ambrotypes ft a
Largest and b.-st collection of photo-
graphs 10 ft
Specimens n touched and colored. ... ft a
Feumiiiiship , a 2
Oiieiilal painting ,. 2 1
l'eueil drawing 2 1
Monoihiomalic drawing 3 2
Cliiyen drawing 2 1
Sand p.ipir drawing 2 1
F.xblhit peeiun ns of uintble work.. . dip.
Piaster work 3 2
Spceiinens of maiblii vioikmiinshlp. 10 K
. luss l.-l'nuc)' Work.
ltmci lets, hair wotk I .ftO
Ilookshelf 2 1
llnskit stuiw vvorl; 1 .ftl)
(Hove box buir work I .Ml
llaiigiifgbaskiteor.il woi! 2 1
Paper m idle 2 1
Fietiiui friimo cone woik a I
1'n.luro frame lu It work a 1
Ficluiu flame leather woik a 1
Fietiiui fr.lliiu seed work a I
Paper wi Ight 1 .50
Stiuw work In l speelmili a I
Slit II work best specimen a 1
Tiipii'Hluud, binr work a I
Wax fruit a a
Wax llowem 3 a
Wax work best spcciun.il ft 3
Wriath, mosses a 1
Wreath. hill llowem a I
Wreath, hair tloweis., a 1
Wieuth' tissue llowers a 1
Wreath, feather llowers a 1
Wii nth zephyr llowers a I
Wreath seed llowers a 1
Fntr.iiiic fee, ten per cent.
T. M. Oxnii, Salem Sup'l.
Most graei fill uml accomplished ladv
rider '. 2" 10
Kfl.K. N't) lady will he allowed to ruin
faster thill u moderate gallop. Jlitimlivj
iclll furj'ril irllclihn lo iiYuiiiuii.
Tho'jildgtH ni'o re.piilcrt to obsirve this
lulu strictly.
All ladies eoiilendmg for the priluiiim in
thisehivs will be reipiirtsl to exchange hursts
with one another nt leiit oneu during the ex
hibition. F.ntr.iueit fie, ten per cent.
ivn.n .1.V.1.1..S.
For the highest number of scalps
not less Ihtiu 1,000 $2." 00
Fur the in xt highest number, not less
than .'.00 20 00
For the next highest mmils'i, not less
linn 2."0 15 00
For the next highest number, not It si
tli.ni III') 10 00
For the next highist number, nut less
than "ft 7 r.0
For the utxt highest nnmls r. not less
llmii.Vl " on
For the next ttevcu (71 hight iiiuIih. , 5 (10 1
Olio panther eipi.il to CO siiiirn Is.
' wolf " an i
" wll.Ic.it " 20 '
" gopher " ft "
" black wootlpeil.tr I "
" eiow " I "
" jajbir.l ' I
Noll. 'I he person producing the scalps
lo furnish the Comiiiill.ii appointed to ex
amine the same, a Hitinfiiilnry t.tuti ment in
writing, IliHt the auiiiiilt from which Ihe
himlps w. m taki u, were Killed by him with
in tin I. mil fiom Jjiini.ii luth, lo7l, to Oc
tobii 10th, lb" I.
Sweepitakei rreuittn ."f Eilver Plate.
III cdllitiull til the Itluite TC llliltllJH,
SulIlIv o.rer.s t'.e f.,l!t.vvii. :
To tin' p. rson tni.iiK lie- Light i,t muiilsr ivitiiio"iiieiiiiiiiinrrnurs..ty i ii in rorlMiul,
of First Pn inSniua in ihi Division (not loss by culling li.throui with rsir.
thin seven 1 silvtr pl'ile Miliietlnt lft. ; I'miii lliti Vyuy.i(iu we, l.itru th.it the
To thepirsoti Lilting the sfeoutl highest j nu'liibw ultliolii! Ciiinir. gatlouiil eliliieln.1
numls'rtit Fust Pi. niuuns in this Division Por.lt.nd last Tliuutlay niulit, preituteil
(not It sh than live) silver plate valued at ?I0. Prtiis-iioft I ire Company an elegant copy ut
V'lluiiilsjve prcliiiumtwill he on xhi-l Hii. IMj ll.l.lc. Atthosinmt tlinu Ilm lur.i
bitiuiutt the Fair, ami iirtstni.tl t (he pir-1 ""4" '" "'" '"li'l'any, Mr. Uob.rl lloliuaii,
son Uit.li.il to tin in tho aw.ii.li of the V l'"'''"ld wii it IntiitNoino gold watuh,
inmmittie. I chain, uml loekit, by his iiuitiv fell lids,
. Tho l.nleipuic hltt'.t.s thut tho IHkIiIruiI
lirovi. granites, p.ttr(ins of Husbandry,
Ewtcpsbkes Freuiiuru of Eilver Plate. CueUuiaHemiuty, was urvuiiieil on tho 2.M
, , , , , , !ll ''V 11. Ftiibes, D (i. M with 'jx charier
lt)".uloltloii lii the ut'ove 'ruiliiins, the m luliois. Tho Ibllowlug Is (hit list of olllcirs
Spcn tv o:ter the f illuv.iiii : ..lent, d fur Ibxeiisiiiiigyeiiri It. Slrlkliu, M.i
'lo llu prou taking the hightst nuinl.tr A M Mjiblev, O ; .1, V, HUektvoli, I. j c
ef Firl Pit'iiiiuuis ui tin Divuiou (iiul Iih '!' Illokiiiao, h.tj'v,; 'J, 1'rurjir, S.; J, It.
tluiib.tii siltit pl..U v4lilfiltU.V Tuel;er, A. S.i U. W. P..rlsh, IV, Mis. Aim
To Hit pirji t..kiug thestmnl hilitst .Slilklln, T.j L. MhUsui. O.j Mi-. K, llur.
miml-.-of Fi.s; lrciii.niut.iu thia Divimoii I '.'""i"' f- A. H i.M'"' ' ' "iitrlugtiiii, C i
.. ". . : .:" .... .
(ootltsstlmiillv.) .ilv., pluleviducilafl...
t t"Tho abuvu iirnuiumii Mill be on exhi-
bilioiiut thfl'nir, iiiidprisentetl to the
tons tntitltsl to them by Ihe nwiinlsof the
Mrs. lUlley, or linker Clly, iicclilenlrtlly lot
a tea-pot tlllotl with lint lint 111 upon her lit
tle child, tbnt was lying In llio crib, fesldlng
It badly.
A getitloinan, wlilletHklngK walk IsstSun
iU.v in Porilauil. foiuiil u paeksgtt ctnitrtliilng
?J.::00 In gns'iilmcks. lly udverlltliiK he
I. Mind ilm owner, who proved to tin ait ciiil
crniit thai hud but reeeiity nrrlvetl on tliesn
Tim new itigbo.it (liter matin Iter maiden
i rip last SiiiuUv iifteriiiion Site has tint
hnilerunil iiisuliltiery of the old Msry Ittdl.
A man plowed up lllty rnlttesiinkr.s In
Douglas count v unit ily lsst week, mid it
whsii'I n Kood liny Tor sii-i'esitltbitr.
'I'lio Dalles .1oiiiiiii'iicer savs tho total fall
of snow this wlntiir liss been .Vi' Inches.
Tim p'.stolllen nt Mobilb, Chickiililiis coiiii
ty, h'i bi en ill-eotitliiuetl.
Tho Ikik.ir City Dfiiuvrnl ItmriiK that a
hirk'u body of tiro bus boon struck in tin
south level of tho siiiiinill initio, owned h
Missis. I'aekwootl A" Stovvnrl, which nilll
Ihtity dollars per Ion.
Mr. I.iulil.iif (Iisiitl Itouilo valley, lnwn. ill
abaniorlti Mr. Pliikluuii, llnit lie will run
ho Itiiss iiiiiro "I'rllle" iignlust " Knuiui Mo-
Cnrin ek" lor jl.lHHI. Tho banter will bo no
The total mini! or of liitllanstm tho Uma
lllla Uesiirxrtllou is six bundled utitl eighty
'llio minor I luu llio wlfo and ibiugliter or
llio lulu Clms 11. Warren of Oregon City, mo
down wild tliiiMuiill-pox, Is tiufiiiimlfil,
S'oversl ceiilleiiioii of I'nrtUuil, vvlin huvo
bail praeilcal oxperleneo In lullilug, am now
orgniilrliig ii puny In spent) tho henletl term
in llio CatMilo iiiugo, with it v low ol hliiitlug,
lUliluu iitul piosM.'oiing Inrtpiuri. uml placer
mines, whleli Ibey kliiiugly susptct e.xlst in
tluil raiigo.
Tho I'orll.iiiil liar pasud itppropilulo roii
liltlo'is, mi learning or tho death n ('harks
K. Wiiiren of Oiegoii Clly,
John Lnilil,orLs(lriimlit,liiiNbnoiiNiiveiel
klek.d by it horse, dislocating Mis Ibovv anil
bestowing sovenil iiupliuisiiiit bruises.
Tho Ln (Ii undo tSnUnid olllen Is In leeelp-
of now imiterl.il, ami will emu it In n
brand now dress (patent outside excepted)
tint next Issue.
Tint ladles of lliihliard Station have luken
ii Hew ilepnrliirc, ami Invito tho geiilleinsn
to halls, instead ofvleo versa. It works vvnll
onougli with everyone, hoodlums excepted,
Tho Umatilla Itlvor Is reported nsruplillv
rising, nml has already reached u Ktngo loo
high to iidmlt of llio stugen crossing ut tho
iiniihI lord. Mill Creek Is iilo mi llio rise,
uml most likely in h day or two will bo n
raging, (naming torrent.
Kiislcru Oregon nxcliangesrepoit Ilm upper
Columbia us rising rapidly.
One, of tho girls iiailieil Smith sloping ill
the Family Kxclmugii u disreputable Ihiiho
In l'ortlaiitl luu vniiioiiiiiI llio rani h lor
"pastuics now" with x iiihIo I'liiiipuulmi.
Tho (iootl Temnlars ol I'oriliiul huvo
passed resolutions endorsing tin, wommi's
iviiijt'iHiivu inn. ill inutility.
A dlstniniK.r In horsus sliullai In character
l lo llio epuootlu, Is n lull's tint multer with
Hiiitt) u iiumiier or horses hi I'orihiiul,
A. II. Dawson, eoiivleletl of Incest in
Albany, h craving a now trial,
Klfiht niHrrliigo IIci'Iisoh wero issued In
Albany during ilm month ol Mulch.
.Mr. uml Mrs. For, of Astoria, btirltil two
of Ihelr Utile children within the ihm vvrek.
A Wnshlngton eouiity panther came In his
dentil by eating "isihl jiluti." 1 1 (.'I I not tin
I HI'.. i'
linii.lmaiil Iihui I i tirilvlug itt Fotrst
Ornvniit laltt. Ii'h iinii('essHry to say ihuy
urn plent.sl with Dregon.
Jih-viii Slmrlv vvill itmelvnu vear's boanl
nt llio lYiiltnulary lor liyiug to peilnruto u
man in Albany,
Tint wile nl Mr. ll.il. Parsons, living m ur
I'oio.l (Jrovu, whs Uiilly biiineit by llio ex
ploion of powder last week.
On 1110 20:11 nl Martdi it young man named
Willi, residing ii low mllos below Kugunu
Clly, his Idnntuily shot himself. Part ol the
Jiw bono wav t'lirneil away, Tliti uoiuiil
wits ii it.rilble one, but Ilm pallmil will
rtiovi r.
SoiiHior Cnwles of Ysinblll has insluetl.
YhiiiIii.1 ill Iihvo iwu SeiiatillH to diet t.
DiIIh. Iihs llilou tiiupei unit orguiii'itloiih
III lull MhkI.
An Iron looiilder by the Harm, of William
-. . . ..... . . ..... . ... .. . :
""' ' Jajmr, r ; .xiiv. i. Harrington, I
Articles of iiu.irnorHtlim ,r tbo Ymtnii
per-'Men's Christian Atsoulatiuii of the Dalles
Imv.i becu tiled In tho Secrulury of Statu'
' olllco,
Volumo VI. Number 8.
Pencil trees am In full bloom, nml garden
ing of nil kind has commenced ut tho Dalles.
Lust week Postmaster Uniiti,nt Corvnllli,
Issued 47 money orders iiggntgntiiiK over
Tho Thermometer marked TO-" In the shade
for several hours during tho inlddlo of the
days ofTuestlaynud Wednesday or lost week
nt Ilia Dalles.
The farmers In tho southern jHirtlon of
Itenton ismtity are nearly through needing.
Au unprts-edeuled acreage linn been sown to
cereals thin Spring, nml tho pmsMs!t for an
abundant yield wero nover bettor, nt this
Ncio-un of tho year,
Mrs, .l.ii, Wilson has assumotl olmrge of
tho Post Olllco nt tho Dalles.
A party Is liolug mailo up In Jacksonville
in search for tho lauittus " lt Cnbln"
wht.ro tieh diggings uro supiKised tonwnlt
tho Illlil.tr.
Thorn nro nnvnii sultii for illvorco to lie
himrd itt tho approaching term of tho Ills
irlet IViurt In Chtrko iimnty, W. T., nml
morn Hist uro doing nil they can to bring
tthout such eases.
Captain Starr has tllreeted Ids agent In
raeimiii lo hell Ids inwu lots III that plueo nt
f-i u.teli, ami tl' parlies have not cash enough
In make full payments totnko morlgaKCS na
s.s'iirity for llio balance.
Tim city of Walla Walls, contains a poptila
itmiif2,iuH inula; places vvliuro Intoxicating
I quills am sold.
Tho Circuit Cmitl for Josephlnn county
convene on Monday , April l.lili, 1871.
Tho Wurman Itetl Men iifJucksoiivlllo will
huvo u grand irlebratlou and ball on May
2il Ii.
Wllil geeso and ducks nro llotdilng In the
ponds uml streams or Omnd llontlo Valley
by thousand.
K. Sieueur has taken tbucoutrsc! of gelt lug
out ftuo ions ofipiuru fur Hover A Watson, of
Itjn Valley, ll.tKer cuiiiily.
.Ins. 1 1, iiilrlikn of tho Luke country, who
hail it hand nl liliy horses bol'oro tho winter
sut In, lost every one, uml luirinwly escaped
perishing himself.
Farmers uro busily enKgeil lilotTlnK
throiiKhmit llio Powder litter Valley, and
we I. urn Ilia' ihero tt ill Ui morn grain nowu
(Ids season Hutu any heretofore.
'Ilm miners ol Custom Oregon aro ready for
Obi Sol to smr down his beams that the
waier may pour down Into lliolrdllclien from
tbiisuoity iiiounlalns.
Miners In Jat ksou county aro begliinliiKto
feol tho falling ol tho water In tin. creeks nud
illieluts, ami iiisuy of thmu will soon bo com
nulled in lay down IIih shovel for another
A iiisii named r-iitmoht was hurled up to
tho chin by it eav lug. bank near Jacksonville
last week. Ho wan extricated with much,
dlllb'iiliy by it friend autt wan fortunate In
not being badly Injured.
Tho pint h In tlmJaino Cordon I .edge, lin
ker nninty, has been vvorkeil out, and now
Ihero Is it In i go vein of ipiatlx developed,
vv lilch is far rmlier than nny heretofore ukon
out. All tho form thai can bo worked will
bo ImuieilUtidy Minployoil, uml the work
will In. pushed forward.
Tho ill llmpmnl list In Multnomah county
amounts loubout ,(ltiil.
.1. II. Flsknr I'tiillaiul ussayetlsoniii Stick
pen gold dust, which pi in od to be wurtU
?ii;,U pur oiiute.
A iiisii by the luiiit. of (larrlsou a rnshlvnt
ol Cist rmtluiid hus laeii missing slmo lalt
Sstiiiibty evening.
Overiiui. hiiutlrod votes will lenvo Union
county lor tint iiiluos bulbio the Juuu elec
tltiu. Tho following s thn tloket noinluutetl nt
tho Washington County liulepnmlniil Con
v Hill. li held ii lllllsboitihtlSallirtluy:S.i.t
.fon.itui, P. (l, Jliiftir.l ; Itepresentatlvtts, U.
.liieliMin, li. C. It. e, Jsn, piilurtr County
liitlse. A. I'. Aiiltbolil; Cluik, A. 1. milling;
Mieiin', (.. T. I't..m; Assessiir. .las. Fllppin;
Mirveynr, Wyihui.mib; Treasttrur, W.
Mliiilii.iusi loroner, (I. W. Itaymondi Com
iiilssloueiri, Jtihn l.iuilesM, Wesley Purtllii;
Sup. ilnioiuleiaorScliool, I). M, U. C.milt.
C.mgiistlvit. -hills ant prnvitlunl lit Tauouia,
esjsi)ially uiiiong tho ladles.
TheroHrx livit secret sis-letles at Wallsburg,
W 'I.: Musiiuie, Cdil F.iIIiiwh, (iot.il Tiuiiv
bit, I'hsiiipltius of the Itud Crims and tne
I'atiuii nl llii'baiitlry -onoorestih.
MoiiUlm Is htttleeil with twolv.i .lotrriMis nf
lougitiiilu nml lour deuieos of Islltuile. It la
;ri in l.s Imig nml '.'.VJ miles wide. It ban
mom tbi.ii Ihnsi time tho silrUist idtliu Slate
jf Now Yoi I..
Cp In llioolo.-o of S73 tho liHiiilful of mi
ner who hail lor ten years WHiitlnred over
Molilalia, picking ami panning, uml over
mining ahum, had uildisl to tho vvorltPs
wealth in (.old iiiio hundred uml twenty mll-
lllUH Of lloltal...
A Wasblnnloii Torrllnry pasr tleeins It
iitiessHiy in coniihtbul llio slstouieut of tho
Nw York .Vuh lh.it Ihoedllur li.nl til.OOO In
a biiik anil avs: "Dp to tho hour ol going
In press, w.t have not "A cents In any bank in
thn woiltl."
Ilort.li Ihluv.s uro beulunlng to operate
pruity llvitly about Wiilht Witlin and other
jil aces In thai locality. Muveral lino horsea
hsvi. been sHtleil whliln tho past two weeks.
Fanner evmy win ro should look ufter their
Iioihhi at this limit nfyeur.
(irouiid on tho Olympl.i and T.iiilno rail
ro.ul was broken with appioprlnle eorumo
lllos mi ihe 7th Inst,
It Is estimated ihstlhncfl.il llubls uf Mon
tana cover 7H,ixt npisni milts. Willi till Is
sssoeutotl Iron me ami tlnn clay. Knglaud
Is tho work-shop and liauk of tho world, but
she could be is-ckuled lit this sluglo mine of
Montana, ami have plenty of elbow room ta
work In,