Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 28, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 11

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Km DAY, March 20.
Died on tho 18lh of March, 187-1, Mm. Mary
Sttwart, wlfofof thu Hit. W. II. Stewart of Salem,
nr,m ntwl nntv rlilld nf hpt attrvlvliti. ttArents.
i"' Mr. and Mrs. John McFaddtn, formerly of Cadiz,
Ohio, who were present to minister to anu cioso
tlio eves of tlitlr beloved child. To unusual na
tive amiability ntul Intelligence were added in tho
deceases! tlio sauetllying and derating Intluencca
of uneiuestlonliig faith and devotion to tho Savour.
In the caren, hopes and labors or her husband, she
evinced a detp lute-rest by ber praversaudcevopera
tion. In the affections and sincere respect of a
largo circle or chrlttiau friends, especially of her
lilblo class, her fidelity, aptness to tiach, sympathy
and kindness will cut bo cherished.
In 1862, in her fourteenth ear, sho professed
Christ In tho U. P. Clmrcli In Cadiz, (Jlilo.
In 1869, she was united in marriage to the Iter.
Mr. 8tewart and in tho Spring of 1871, In company
with her parents, Joined ber husband in bis Pasto
ral field In Oregon, hi which bu bad sometime pre
viously preceded her.
Twdvu years of devoted duties in the christian
life attest tlio sincerity of ber dedication and the ill
vincu suiirce of that btlp which crowned a bikf yet
useful IITo with a deatb fraught with tlio richest
consolation to licrself, ber bushand and her parents.
A life of prayer and example, a bgacy to her or
phaned little ones, jnorc precious than the titles and
wealth of time, "ltlosscd are tho dead which dio in
tho Lord." K. 11. CIkaui.
Tn OnriTiiorsr. MrsTF.nT. Still It Itiiusolvisl:
and every new bit of Information in relation to the
affair seems only to make blacker the cloud in which
It is enveloped. After the receipt of a lettr by Ar
nold Myers of this city, pur-iorting to bo from
arvathuuso at San Francises), many persons were
inclined to bo rather sanguine In their belief that
Qnathouso was alive and will j particularly, as a
comparison of tho letter with specimens of his hand
writing showed them to bo almost exact counter
parts. However, a lettersiibscquently received by
a gentleman of Silvcrton, In reply to ono which be
wroio io a iauy at i.os uaios, statcii mat uio writer
had been uuablo to turn an; thing of the where
abouts of tin, mUsing miller ; though thero wero
three unclaimed letters hlnginthopostolflcoat that
placolorbim then. u were shown, yisterday,
another letter from I,os Oalos, written by W. II.
Itogers, propriet r of the mill In which It was stated
in lliu Idtor ncelvitl by Mr. Myers that Urcathousu
vras going to work, in which Mr. Itogers states that
no such a man has ever hem there, and that ho bad
never seen him. lie also stated that there were sev
eral letters lying in tho I." Oateis postolllcv for
Urtathouse: knew nothing more. These letters have
been explained heretofore. Tho strong probability
which urines from tho state mint contained in these
two let Ur frontlets Gato. is that (Iriathouso's let
ter It Mr Mjers was a ery good forgery; and that
tbo people ot this community aro now no iirarer to
knotting where Sjlvcstir is than they were two
months ago.
Thomas vs. Piiiu.if. This case was tbo last de
cided In tlio Ciicuit Court at the term Just closed,
and was argued vesterdav hv Mallory A Shaw for
plaliitlll' and Hoist- ,V Willis for dctciideut. Tbo
casoisono In which the pl.tlutin Thomas, will-know u
in connection with tlio e-iUhiatcd C.irutbeis ease as
Wrestling Joe, iKuKd to John Phillips a piece of
property in this cltytln consideration of uu agree,
went on the part of Phillips to pmt hie for the sup
jmrtof said Thomas tor mo icin.iiuder of bis lilo.
Subsequently Thomas executed to Philips a den! to
another pluu of pioHriy; which second dceelwu
to li bila ii tu lieu ot thu first, the consideration to
remain tho siune. Athr acespling the second
dees! Phillips refuse el to provide tlio menus of
aupporl us agiied, mid suit was brought to
compel him to comply, with the Icruis of
tho agnement, and to halo Iho first died
set aside and the couil i stablldied in lieu
thereof. Tho suit was brou.iht In tipiity; and utter
hearing tho argument, tho Omit icnetciada elecric
declaring the Hint dciel valid mid the soe-nud void
uuelcr the ngrecme lit, and lUculing that deft iidaut
was bound hv said agicvmeiit to fiirntsh to .jiillll
tho means of support fur the reiiinlnder of his natu
ral life.
Piuiiiiii.y 1mm:.- lie v. r.itlur l'owers admits
that h cow hided, knocked don uiiel kicked .Mrs.
llella llroitn, who was uriostcd for insanity a h-tv
days slue-e. She went into St. Patrick's Church ami
naelo nso of language which euragnl him. Her
brother, ItnU'rt llimiltoii, tlm itt-ns to iimniieiuv
suit for damages against the l'lli-t. The wouiiiu
Via not sent to Stockton." Tlio fine going, taki n
from tho San Francisco ilipatche-s, relutes to .Mrs.
Ilrown, lately of our e-ity, who was subject to con
siderable notoriety hue u few weeks since on being
acciisesi of insanity. She went to lit r brother,
named llit.-.illton.at Sm 1'ranciscuaud theevideiice
would go to supsirt the charge that she wus subject
to tits of Insanity.
Leu IlnoKKV. Clarence D.irblu, son of S. Dur
bin, Hsq., met with a painful accident y.atmlav af
ternoon whilo out horse Kick rdlug. lli-niul Jiihn
ny Whitley weio riding In Ninth Salem, win un lit
tle dog ran out and he-g.iu lurking at them; and
they, boy like', put their hi uses to the run to siu If
they could not i uu away from the elog. The horse
which Claranee was lleling K-eame iininauagiable
and commcui-eil running sidi-wKo, win n it ft II, fall
ing on bis hit leg and bi caking It Just almte the
ankle. Dr. ltlchnrdsoii wascallul, who se-t the leg
and left the patient in a i-onifortuble I'liuditinli.
Thougli the injury is a painful one-, us it Is liieielt
a simple fruciuro ho will lecour without ani
Colost CoMixn. Dr. Dawno has handed us a
lotter wtue'li be has Just ris-clvcd fiom Dr. .1. II.
Applewhite, who wa hero soma tlinoago, wiittttiat
Omaha, on the Sth of .Maich. In the letter Dr.
Apple white sluU s that !.e, with a colony ot twenty
two persons, is on the wiv to On-g-m to loe-ate.
They will probibly airiM'iit Portland liv tlio next
steamer fiom H.iu Francisco, and will look out at
once for places of location. This company hss Kvu
induceil to e'omeiiitoii'.ir Statu through Dr. Damn's
resprcentatIoi:s, and K'ddc king an Industrious
community, reprise lit a capital of jlHO.000. The.c
aro tbo kind of people our Stato iiisil, and we havo
room for millions more.
Out Anus.- 1. 1!. Moans, I'sip, who hat Wen
for swne time confined pi tbo luuo with aevere
and painful attack of inflammatory rhcmatlsm. is
again upon the itrnt. tboiih in a nunewb.it crip-
iilcd condition, and oblige! In use acinti'h. Mi
lioiras Cross is sntfe ring from an attack of neu
ralgia, and has not Ken out of the hoii.e fortno
Miniut),-.t tho residonroof tbobrl le's mother
Thursday evening Maich l'Jth, 17I, br llev. S. ('
Adams, limine! I . Williams to Klva A. Wbe-eler.
All of this cil i. Wohavorectiiveil theiiimplimt-utr
of the happy couple, and wish for tlniu along
union linittul in life's bles.lngs.
ItrutiY ron Dri.itunr llev. S. C. Adams has re-
celveel bis Cbnuiologieal charts f the world's lib
tory, niounllngs mm all; and is now readv to deliv
er them to nlcrlUi.
S.VU'KIA. Mtircli 21.
m:iTitl.lA lltlMAKII.
SKTSvir.u.-f, .N.Terry was chose u chairman
and C. I. Craud ill taiy. The fnlliming ele-k-gatesto
tint County Contention werHebcte-el:
A.A. Mi-Cully, l.v acelslm; J. O. Wright, Kd.
Hircli, A. Cieaner. J V. Martin, W. H. Cnltr,
O. II. llowker, M. I.. ( luinihrrliii, N. O. Parrisb,
(ilen O. Ilolman und J, II. Monrts,
T. McK. Pattou ofTeritl the following lesolittinu
which was adniited;
Ilesolved, That our delegates bo and aro herebv
instruct.-! to confer with tbo ehle gates of othi r pre
cincts in tbisetiunt). aa to the propriety of postimu
Ing the iioiniiisIii.il of e-eninly eilhcers until some
Urn In Mavss'S, u ilitmed adtiable, to pre-tnt
lira miiw fix the runddersiiou of the coiintv con
vention. The meeting then adjourned.
Salem. T. U. llickey cbalimau, Jack KtilckKr
accretary. Tlie folios lllg eh hgale weiei eleeliil;
W. Y. ltootbby. J. K. lint num. K. M. Wait. J)r.
IUchanlson, It. r'. Drake. T. II. Hickey, A. X. (ill
bert. W. W. Martin; J. W. rVhe-r, Oeo. Williaui.,
II. M. Thatcher, W. 1'. Irel, 1!. C. Hawley. ).
BtaplcUm.J. II. HoHtll, J. .V. Matbiny, luuli,
Moores, John W. Minto.
boi-TM Salem.-Delegates elccUM a follows to
theCountv Convention:
E. K. filler. M. M. Millo.-. A. S. Klgfitlinger, M.
Hobsni. H. 1'. Creoke, Gjo. II. Jones, J, II. Mr-Conaiclu
Mb. KntTon ! W'o aro Informed by llev. P. B.
Knight, County Supt. of Schools, that a County
Teacher's Association willbnheld inthlscltv on tho
27th and 28th of March. Theio Associations are
important meetings, ami our touchers will do well to
attend them regularly.
Among those who recognize tho Importance and
usefulness of such gatherings, wc nolo our friend
Mr. K. I'. Smith, orSilvcrton.who, though a young
man yet, baa beeMtnc closely Identltteel with the ed
ucational Interests of Marion county. Ills kiwis
as traclicr, In dllVerent parts of the county, have
Ken eiulto successful. We understand that Mr.
Smith a friends Intend to bring him out as a can
didate for County Supt. Osk ok Theu.
l.NCEMHAnr CAfoiiT. Of course the new tiro 111
must have its baptism before it bad swung clear in
tbo tower a single night. Accordingly at half past
eight o'clock last evening, the time appointee, the
match was applied to a barn near the water works
v, hlch hail been oiled for the occasion, and tbo alarm
was raised. The lire did little or no damage how
ever, as tho building was of heavy lumKr which
would not readily ignite, and tho Capitals' hoo was
soon playing upon the tire from a hydrant. Unfiir
fortunately for Frank Itibler, tbo wretched In
ccndlaiy, however, ofllcir Minto had received an In
timation that he was liable to start a tiro on almost
any night, and had been watching him for some
time. Moresivcr, lie was told yesterelav lit one
whom he had put In apparent league with llihlcr.
that be (Ulbler) was to tiro this barn ut half
past eight o'clock last evening. Mr. Minto
waa accordingly on the alert In those parts, and
when the match was well applied, tapied tho voting
gent on the shoulder and informed him that ho had
particular uso for him. Hibler did not attempt a
denial. On tho contrary, bo acknowledged freely
that he had elone wrang, and said ho was willing to
sulTer for it; but that there wero others rijuallv
guilty who must suffer with him. Ho waiqed ex"
aminatinn until Mondav, and was committcel to
Jail in default of $1,00(1 ball.
Stock Dmei. Wo havo Just been shown a letter
recelre'd by a gentleman In this city from a friend
at Ueppner, Umatilla county, of date of starch Oth,
which shows stock In that se-ctiou to Ks In a terrible
condition. The w rlter says they have had almost a
continual snow storm slnco tho first of December.
On that date snow ft II to the ilcplh of ono foot, and
remained on tho ground four weeks. About six in
ches of snow has fallen every ten elavs since then,
and continually melting off, has drenched the grass
so that stock is In very bad roudltiein. He sots the
condition of all stock in that vicinity may lie ex
pressed in Hires) words: "(lead and dying." Ho
sieaka of ono band of sheep of ll.OUO licael, out of
which 2,0(10 have died. The weather lift not hern
severely cold, but they havo had so much snow that
feed is all gone, and many whs havo fnl for three
months aro now obliged to see their stock Ho down
and elle.
VArATinx. Tboatnndlngnf tho students of tho
University, which was read yesterday afternoon,
shows a most excellent average for tfio term, anil
Indicates a thoroughness In all departments, and an
earnest effort on the part of both teachers and stu
dents which Is alike creditable to all. Yesterday
closed tbo laKirs of tho term and a week's vacation
will K given liefor the next term K-gius. Niim
liersof Iho students who have liocn In attendance'
during the wlnhr will take their departuio luforo
thcopciiingnf tho next term, lmlng eallul away to
attend to various duties during t e Summer season.
AmoMg these are several who will pass n second ex
amination next Thursdiy, luforo Mr. Knight, the
i 'utility Superintendent; ft urn which it is inferred
they contemplate n transition from thu position of
student to that of teacher.
MisisroiiMr.ii.--In Iho Weekly Graphic, of tbo
Itlh of Match, wo notice the statement that the
horse and eitllodiseasn is raging in Oregon. The
(Iraphte has evidently leininisiiiroruietl;asni havo
knoitn of uostiH'k ilNea-o In tho Stale, which has
assumed amthlug like an epidemic nature', slue-owe
wile Miltil lv the eplootlc marly uyear ago. Ill
a M ly few localities stock has died, hut only in cih-s
win ro settle rs mnvitl in so late last fall that tlii-v
hael mi limn leipnparu food for their stoe-k beforo
tl si fling In ot the severe weather which lias visit
ed some ot our stock iallng se-ctions,
6mh.i. l'ov. Wo are Informed that a caso of small
pox has broken out at tho I evidence of Daniel Clark,
lisp,, near tho city, tho patient King the child of a
lady velio lias lately united here from California.
Wo announce the fact, not for the purpose of creat
ing uiinicewary alaim, us wo elu not think there is
occado.i for any alaim whati'UT, the case King in
the hands nf a competent plijslclan; but nicrelv
Ibat people, knowing it, may giiaul against rontii
glon. I. 0. It. Oraiid Commander, C. ',. llurrows,
last eve nlu0' srganlziil Salt in i:ncampmcnl, No. ,
I. C. It. O. The following olllcers wero duly ilccl
eel and Installed to servo dining tho ensuing term;
0. X. Ti try. i: Com., D. Mcr.idden, K. Cinin.. Mrs.
Hattlii Honker. 8. C. W. P. Keady. W. S Osinon
lloyal. W. T., C. II, llurrows, t'aptiiii or tho Hot.
I bo i.uc.inipmeiit mei is oury Monday evening In
thu (lensl Timplars' Hall, I.iKrly street.
Till-Xi:w llu.l..- 1 he hinging nrthe new lire
lieu wiiseiiiiili'Ui )t'ii'nLir. li was tiling on n dir-le-reiil
phiu from llin oM or,-, being put ns Tir up Into
ihuiiiwcriisthe'i-ollirwllliiluili ot lis going; wl.llo
iiiulerre.iih. mid iiliout cUhlivn Inches below Iho bell,
la tight lloiir lo pievent tlio s n falling inloilio
euclo-eil portion or the loner. 'Iho general ohli.lon
-eeliH lo both li Iho hell Is siis-i,ir lo the mis wo
hate been ii-lng, ami seteial ieri-iiii who iodic In
lhucxiieiiioiiitkirliirihi ebv s.iv that lis tone Is
niuch.-te.iier iiml Miiisilher Ih in Ihai ol'ili,, hut hell,
ami thu It can Is-heard much uniroill-iiiielly In their
net ajitini hisl I han the 01 her one could,
Phomtct Jon A NEW lViuir. lly a isisttil nntlco
tothatillis-t.wi' sen that tl. II. Vfuguoii wlllapplv,
at thoAiiril term or tho t'onntv Court, Tor a liceu'so
to establish and maintain a Itrry across tho Wlllaui
cite literal this place. Tlio landing on this sl.lo
will Ktat the lmit of Statosliwt. Opiwisitlon is the
lilo of trade.
llETt'imn. Hon, Ilcn Simpson, the new ap
points for Surveyor (leiiirul ot Oiegon, who hs
UHiilsje'rol mouths in Wusbinytuii, arnteel in
this cilvjesteidaj; showing in hm appi arauce as
little of a fori Ign air as any ouu wocwr saw.
JIo.iDAT, March it.
ntaii: AdKK-i'i.iriui. MiruriY.
linMirtitiit Itiislness Vrniisurteil Ml Hie III.
reelura' .llrellnir 1-wit el..
-Mr. K. M. Wslte. Sicrctsry of then ml. Agricul
tural rtocl.ly, liiruMM-s us th (terns for tbo tallow.
lug summary f biiuess trausacte d at tho me-vtiug
of Dirivtors, luldlu this city, Match 17tb. Tb.
amniiiil of business traasaetisl at this mee ting was
uot gr.at, as a largo isirtmn of tbo ordinary auaiul
h-il. of the Society was illsi.ed wf at thv lilixt
lug held last Full; bat thai hick occupied the at
Unllon or the Hoard at this time, coaslsted mainly
or thu prupai atitn id thv new Prumium l.tst fur
publication, which comprint sundry clung, sin the
itiltruiit ihsses, is vtry imporuut and of gnut in
terest tu exhibitors.
In thi'drMrliiiiutnrCattlaarlucliijiiiu premi
ums In. Us li tnoilc of some UUI; Avrsbliih, Hoi
stems and Jerscjs Ulug luclude-el Inoim dlri.lnn,
and Dvvons or Herefords in another. This list, as
reviaed, thougli Iras in amount, is far lietterar
rasyul and calculated tu gno gieatir Mluljction tu
In the ili-iurtinent of Hniscs tl.v ela. e,f Ihor
oughbresls has Usu aiui-iidetl bj striking out ,11 -k-inge-olts,
adding brtxl inures with toalor with fetal
by siiU, and rcinlriugall Ihoiougliliud hoii . e'oni
luting for primiiiiiis m tmco their rieebgieij tu t ie
Ainrne-aii or lliill.li Stud Hook or the Ann I nan
'Purf Ite-gisler; or to show at b-ast lite puiodlieet
croaars on the side ot both aire md dam. In ihu
department a class was airaugisl fur farm tmm, u
lien Icuturi' uf the Priiniuiu i.i't, tlesigiusl i rsvl
Uylorbeaty farm and cairugu hor.e., single) and
in pails. The old li.t of preinlmns for carriage
liursi-s waa stricken out. and a new one tnbatittitiel,
giving premiums to tauillv buggy and nieldle ani
mals. Pbeold c'a-s of riudtera was stricLiu nut
which heretofore oiu-red iriinluma lur sucking
cults, jearlings, etc., bown In halters, and a new
cUasauUtitutcdgmugpiciuluiN to stallions, gel
dings and mires, and single; and eloublo carriage
and buggy teams in baiiioa.
The aggregate of primiums in tin Speesl Diait
ment wa rcilild-il alaiut SI.4H0; still ghltig tw the
class of patrons liite-restid in Ibis deatmiiitof tb
Fair the usual varittv of troltiii" and runnlni! nrr.
iniuma, and lias Usu ao arrangesl as to sate niouev
to the Sociily and create interest and excitement iti
the trials.
The old clus of B weeps tales for liorse-s was also
tricken oat, and gold and silver mcdala tad diplo
mat will bo offered for the beat tUlllon, marc, go!-'
ding and sucking colt.
In the department of Swine and Poultry the en
tire list of poultry waa stricken out aud a now ono
Tho entrance to all department for competition
was re-duced ten per cent.; and new rules have
been adopted for tho examination of slock, which
will be of material K-netlt tu exhibitors. The pro
gramme, Premium 1,1st, llulrs and ltegulatioas.
Act of Incorporation, and tho mines of all thoeiftl
cers of Society and Superintendents of the different
demrtment were ordered to bo nuhllahest In team.
pblel form, so that the public may know, months
In adiauce, tho business to ha transacted rach day
of the Fair.
Tho premiums of fit) and $3 on Winter and
Spring wheat were stricken out, and premiums of
fered of S and f3 on eight varieties of wbaat.
The premiums heretofore offered for tho best
cabinet of birds was stricken out, and premiums of-fere-el
Tor the K-st exhibit of various birds destrue'
tive of fruit, vegetables and grain.
A long list nf premiums was ofleresl for article's
In the MlsseV Department ami for Kiys umlor four
teen e-ars or age'.
The list ot wild animals was changed ao that they
aro arraiigid In liettcr proportion for the premiums
The premiums for Domestic Manufactures were
nearly eUiibled, including tho diplomas meslals,
etc., for articles manufactured in the State aid out
of It.
The Executive Committee was authorized to pro
cure wiwel on the grounds for the use of campers,
to be sold at cost and the bare expense of dellterv,
tu prevent the Impositions that have been practiced
for years, and a coniniltU-o was also appointed to
procure the right of way for water pipes from Mill
creek tei the Fair (Ireunds, and to procure a survey
of the shortest and most practicable route.
Moms CitAiiTEn 0(ks Tbcro Is no uso talking,
tho Charter Oak staudt at tho head. There Is no
other stovo In which tha heat of the oven can lie
regulated so nearly to a nicety and with so littlet
trouble; aud conseejuentlv there is no stove which
is so calculates! to please tho loelles and thus Insure
peace ill the domestic camp. This thing Is getting
yolsed abroad, and every little while Luther Myers
is called upon to furnish somebody' kitchen with a
Charter cooking apparatus. The other day two
more or Iheso stovus went out of his tore, one lad
ing the ordinary stylo and tho other of the exten
sion patent; the latter being purchased by B.C.
Simpson, Esij. This stove is finely finished, and in
addition to tho regular full complement of furni
ture, It has a large upper water lank and Ilusala
Iron warming closet, Kith of which aeld greatly to
its convenience.
IiiENTiriKti. An Item was published last week,
In tho BrATKsMAN. staling that from description ot
certain arlleh-a fonud iixju the person of tho man
who was discovered dead In Wlllamettii slough, it
was feare-d by different ones hero that the Kaly was
that of John Huff, of this eitv. Subscqucut reie
lations havo proved tho worst'fears oflluffs, frit mis
to Ki only tiw well founded. Saturday evening
Deputy Sheriff Howell, ot Portland, (nought tho
bunch of keys which was found iipein tho Knly to
W. J. Igo, of this place, by whom thevwereat once'
lileiitllled as tho ke.vs belonging to Huff. In addi
tion to neogiii.iiig the keys and several pieces of
coins which were on tho ring, Mr. Igo aKo lee-eig-nlcdacolii,
anickle live rent ples-c, which bo him.
self had cairlcd for several ye'ars and which bo gain
Hull; leaving no doubt that the unfortunate man
whomrt bis death so misteriouslr can lie none
other than Huff. Oral least, that 'tho keys found
upon his person were thoso carries! by lliiir.
IIewaiiii or Hkiiuism. Our readers will rrtnem
Wr an item which appcartel in tho Statesman a few
weeks since alluding to tho fact that u little girl,
daughter of A. II. 1'osiier, F.sij., fell into Mill
Click, and was rescued from drowning by a small
Kiy, whose namo wo could uot ascertain at the
time. The tacts arc, tho llttlo hero, only nlno years
or age, realizing her jierll, without regard to bis
own, plunged Intii tbo swollen torrent w bent tho
water was very des'p and swift, caught the Utile
girl and held to her until they were swept Into shal
lower wiiter, where they were enables! tu reach the
bank. Tho boy's namo is Ulrsrss Grant lliekev,
son of T. II. Itlckry, IV M. Mr. Cosjur. In acknowl
edgement of his gratltiids to the littles hero, pre
sentisl him ycsterelay with itbeuvy silvn- napkin
ring, on which was neatly tngravest tho words, "Tu
(Iruut for his heroism In saving Maggl fiom
Wo take the following from tlio Flint (Midi.)
Citlenorahitodatc, - 'alive tu the death of a latu
highly iMtVcmi-el cltii u of this place: "On Saturday
last, hnos M. Miller, Esq., eif tho Miller Settleuunt,
received a dispatch convee Ing the sad intelligence'
eir tbo death of bis brothe r, David A. Miller, llni.,
in Salem, Oregon, em tho 13th Inst. Mr. Miller
was one or tho early settlers or this county, making
bis home here in 1KIU, whilo )et a joiing man. He
Kiru bis full share of the hardships ami struggles
of u piones-r life', and was prominently idiiilitird
with the Interests of tblscoiialy until I WO, when
ho removed to Oregon, During his reslilauco hi ro
he won many warm personal friends who will 1m
pained to bear of his death.
iMi-oitTAvr PtiKMit'its Tho Secretary or tho
Stato Agricultural Society informs im that ho has
Just received a letter from Janiesi Vu-k, the great
seedsman and llorist of Uochesdcr, !t. Y offering tu
exhibitors ut our next Stato Fair, KOincoin piemi
urns, to KiawanUd by thu Society as follows: Hist
collection of cut flowers rrom aessla grown or Im
port, d by him, 20 ses-ond best, SIS; third Ust,
$11); fourth Ust, o. These premiums will Im pub
lished in the Pre uililiu 1.1st ot the Society, and Mr.
Vick will forward tu tho Ses-ntary a check fur tho
amuiiut luinid mam lece Ipt or Holies' nf such pub
lication. '
Cow Kii.i.kii.- Saturday a dog Ulonglng tn Mr.
1.. Wi-atae-utt ut South Salt in, went alter a row of
Mrs. Hiatt's which was running In tho ilriet, ami
b.-lng urged on by soma one who Is working for
Mr, Westacott, chawsl tho cow over a bunk, caus
ing her tu biiulc her leg. As thu animal was of
e-oiirsi'lulnesl, she was knocked in tho head, Kn
are lu forme el that Mr, Westaceilt will make good
the loss.
StLviutTuN Puu-iserr. A friend writes; Tho lie-,
piibhe-uns afle r much hard work got out tneiiti
eight inters to their precinct meeting hem on Sat-urd-iy,
which Is not ipjitoone-halfo) lliou.iul turn
iiilt. Five out or tbo nine elelvgati s are eaudidittis
for nominations. Senral who tesik part with them
bcioSitiirelay told inn since that thi-y iutiliHedtu
come into the Peoples' inovo next Suture! ly. Soum
lift Iho me-elliig in dlagiiat, ilsimiug that It was u
"set up" affair.
Horn. In a brier conversation with Mr. Willi uu
Wells, or Hat lia Vlsts, wo luarii that theiowill
a largely iiicnasedacieagnor hops giuwii this sea
eon In tho W illainctte Valley. This is a growing in.
terest In Oregon, and promise a profitable return
to thiM-eiigagidiii il. Mr. Wells biinselriiss Us n
profitably engaged in hop culture for several vtais
DrLnniis. Following is the list or delegates
choeM in .North tsalvui, tu attend tho llopublicaii
("ouiityComcntinii; which was nutlntimeforSatui
dt'apar; - Mull, nan, Adauj Stevens, It.T. Haw
ley, li, j.. uuue, t:. 1, lileawiu,
Tiu-iiav, Manli 21.
WeiMU i.i ri. FgreK in Ntrt'liK. Mr.M.P. Kiady
Ot tlil.i'.iv shown! ns viahrday the griutiat living
wulidir.,1 t.ie age, lu Uio ahapu nf u fuiir-li ggesl
elilcktu. i have nudoiibt that many will l Hi
eriduliiu. as tu the a.blty of its (xistelicit, but
It I ln-tiltl.il'.-- tun. t,i aa'V the bruto anil are
pnpaicil t , toii'li lur thu iiuiula i of leg. inentiuii
id. Ill, til. flu st li.lthtrul lll.urusl we li.ttu
i ve r win. (Jn tho under stile ol tlm Kalviiro thrto
li'tincl and upiairiul naturul h gs - the' third mm
Mug somewhat largi-r than thu utbir two, but all
three U'iugiiMii by the cM.-lm In walking. The
fourth leg upjsur. m the nild.ll.-of iht back, and
lian.'s down u.ilia.lt Utwisn the wings. When
weaan the-chicken It waa alne, aud, tu all apia-ur-iiiiees,
aa smart as oneiiifiu til.deragn usually la.
It Is three days old.
Dim lu this e-ity, Mm.dsv Maie.il i'kl, 1K71,
Mr, Alfred Mtsllmrai, late of Wlacuiisin, after a
llligeiing lllni., Ml. .Mmlhiirat, aiiompaniisl by
bl juuiig wife-, wbu fur his sake left lieiiuu, friends
and lung oliiriihed raaiatloii, cauiei tu Oiegon
last fall in the- hv ot ri sturiiighis linpairisl health.
i.et thoMi ttho-J: aiM's-lttions with tho stricken wife
in her acjaoii of truiibln, wire cbaracteriesl by dessls
of kiiiilniae. offer her such cniiaolatluii, lu this ber
jreat affliction, as will male their reward full. Tho
tuneral tewk pUco at 'J o'clmk this afternoon.
Maiiiiie", In this citv, March 21st, 1671, by Ho v.
P. H. Knliht, J. U. llutlon, Jr., to Matilda J.
Huong. All uf this city.
Dkoi'oiit Homk. HoK-rt James, of this city, In
company with oniesr Harlow i J. Hamilton, went
down from Portland vestcnlay and exhumed tho
body or John Hough. The remains wero brought
to tills city this morning, properly encased, and
taken by bis friends to Odd Fellow's cemetery where
tliev were given a decent burial. Too great praise
cannot 1 awarded his falcnds, who havo spared no
effort tn havo tho remains Identities!, and havo given
them Christian burial at their own expense.
HrnoLAitiom Urchins. Some time during Sun
day night Hires boys, agesl rcaxs:tlvoly ten, eleven
and twelve years, dueled an enteranco Into Cun
iilniTlism'a 'hardware store, bv coin 'I tin over the
roof of the tunic In some way. from the roof of
Cunningham's building and then down through a
sky-light, and made a raid em tho pocket knives,
'they wire pcetdliug them on the street yesterday
SoMETittMi Oeion CoMtxii. Wo havo two Shak
spcrian Clubs In this city, and wo understand that
tlio Hires-tors of the Natural History and Library
Association have paused a resolution luviting the
Ladies' club, assisted by tbo Oentleman's Club to
give an cntcrtasmnsnt at the Opera House at as
early a time as la convenient for them, for the
UnrfH ol this elevating and meritorious enter
prise, we Impel to see an e-arly time set for this lit
erary enterprise and wo pnslict a crowdeel house.
jExAMISATIOS ANU iNKTITtTTK. Wo wlsll til n-
mlnd the nubile that the examination of applicants
fetr teacher's ce rtiflcatra will take place on Thurs
day or this week, at the oflle-e f the County Super
intendent. On Friday ami satnnlay will no ncici
the Marlon County Ediie'ational Institute'; lu which
the tescbers nf tint county and all others intercstesl
are) esirellally lliviltsl tei take part.
FlTTitei l'i'.--Tho Oregon Natural History and
Library Assevlation has arrangesl for having tho
room of the Society fltlesl up In goeiel style, ami n
carivnter Is uow at work upon it. Tho papers, etc.,
or tho old Library Association will Isi taken over
there, the-room will Is' rarpolesl, sofa, chairs and
ether necessary furniture put In, and Hie will Is!
ready for occupancy for a long time.
ltrMovr.n. Mr. W. I,. Wade, the popular North
Salem groes-r, has removesl his entire stis'k or goods
rrom the green store Into the brick; and may at all
times Ixi found ready to woleomo his old customers.
With tho additions made to his stivk, for the
coming season, be will havo on hand n full and
carefully scle-cte-el line or ever) thing kept in gen
eral merchandise.
KmsriM. SrvTr.Mr.ST. Tho following are tho
amnii'its res-eliesl and paid out at I.lipior Dealers'
and Teuiierauce Men's Discussion last evening: lti
eelved at the door, ill ft). Paid for printing 2 nil;
hall, $1(1; kis-p ug door, (J: posting bill, f 1 7."i;
balance paid tn Mrs. (Iriv, Treasurer ol Orphans'
Home, i : -total, $21 m.
IxcnniiriT. Vestcnlav's Oregonian sUtul that n
case or small-six was rcjsirtesl In Salem. As the ease
was reportnl In Ui threi' or ftuir nilln fiom Salem.
Ill the e-ouiitry, wn Iiom llie Origotiiau will make
tho correction. Wo niav add that every precaution
has Ks-ii taken tu guard agilust i-"iilgion, and
that the patient Is doing remarkably wall
1'liK IN Sot-Til Svi.km. -A smoko bouse In South
Salem, we did mil learn whose, toeik tlm yesterday
iifteriusiii. but the tlio was extinguishes! Is fore any
damage of cnseipienesi wits none. A fenro was
bilineil tu sumo eiteut.and thu lire', in a short limi',
would hale-gut ilitu a Kiru which stessl near tho
smoke house.
lm: Ponds --William ('. Pettyjohn 'u urn-sled
ycHlenlay ufti riiisui una charge uf prue-uriug the
burning of Hi; ham for tbo tiring of which Frank
Hibler was arrested last Friday night. Waiting
examination Im was hi Id in the sum of t.'ilKl; for
which ho procuird Kind without trouble.
Amitiiii! Miiu-iiwr Ousk. Mr. Warner llre'v
man, or the tirm ot Hreyman Itrus. was u pamii
gt is on thu last steamer for San l'raiiciscu, for a
stock of Spring and Hummer dry goods, etc. lie
will be' nlweiit three or four weeks, and return
with un liumeiisei stoe-k or etert thing in their Hue.
Waim-u Ex MtNVTiuv.-Frank Hibler was r
ralgunl lH-foie Iticortler James Colb-y nt I o'clock,
l'.xamliiatiou walve-d and Kinds tlxi-d at $51111 tu an
pear at the next term of thu Circuit Court.
Wi:hnkmat, Mnrcli 'J.".
ntiAi, iitn.
Wo take from the Origvuiatl of textiiday the
following iiccniiul or the siie-eessful dial tiiii and
iluscrlptloii of the Willamette Chii-r, thu splendid
new sttamit- which has Just Ks-u eoinpletiel at
Portland for tbo W. It, T. Cu.'s Hue running K
twisti that place am! Albany:
Availing of uu invitation, wo found ourselves em
Kurd the new- sti ami r Willamette Chit f, belonging
tn the W, It. T. Co., yesterday alternnoii at ono
o'clock. This was tho hour deslgnulisl Tor the new
null tu lento ber wharf tu make tbo trial trip. Ho
stile Heivcriit of thu ollles-rs and stockhuldi rs of Iho
esimpany, theru weio presint a uiiinKr uf invllisl
glleals. A few mllltlleS litter title o'clock, tho I llgl
mi rsigualiil tu tho pilot that siinicii ut steam was
rulsiil lu mako tbo lualiUn Hurt. Iti-spiudiug tu
tho signal, tbo pilot vignruiidy lap ml thn la II, and
wn wero off. 'I he new cratt U havcel ipiito hand
somely, and moved rapidly and gracefully uway
fioin l!m dock, 'ihe plow was tiiiiiidilowiialream
uud iho steamer hi ailed diieetly lor tbo wissl vunl
soiun disluncii U low thu eity. On reaching that
Miiiit aesinsiderabloipiaulity of fuel was takvii on
Kuril, and tho Chit f i-niitiuiictt on down thu river.
Sho went uKiiit four niihs U low Iho city and re
turning, niHM-ii in iiouioi inn city in lie ui inu iisii
of Unas' Island, und thin eunie tn her wharf, I'v
irtlhing wuiktd tu a charm. AUmt uio hundred
Hiunilsnf steam wus e-arried, which, with tho en
gines winking utu twu-thltdsstioki', was sulllcleut
lose ml tbo Knit along at n bauilsoiiiii rutuot ssnl.
The engiuisiirii K antiliil s)i-lmins of iiiichaulsm
and work without thu slightest -rcepllblo Haw.
The plans wire exieutid by tlm will known llrm of
.Messrs. KiiimU in ,V OIIKrt, und the casting wits
ilonii ut tho Willamette Iron Winks. The work wu
done lu llrst das style, uud iclhct gnat ciidlt on
all cones rm d. The Kut 1 ulluttid tu curry I-
siiludsof stiain; tbo engines are tlvo fts-t stroke,
'JO-liicli Kire, uud IikiIiii; a working eapaiily nf
aKmt 400 horse) puwir. When all tlm inuchinery
K eoiiiis worn down a little, wo fi el Juslilled III
atliig, I'nmt I lie e-i editable luuuuir lu which the
(,'ho-l acipillted Iniselt, tbatshe will Kiaiiiuiig thu
must rapnl lsuts on either tho Willametle or Cu
luuihla rivers. I'lilght und pasaeiiger aei-nmuiu-datioiis
are vi ly ample on thn new boat, Tlm e.lh.
In la furiilabe'd in the miiaUlah.il at? und exiaieatu
sljle, uud nothing which can e'uulrlbutu tullme-nm-tort
or loiite lilelii'ii of the) usseugrs lias la ell
iiiiilllid. She K a valuable acquisition to tho pub
lic wants, and such a mm of which lur owners
shuulil led pruud. lna liw dajs tbo Wlllumoltn
Clilet will Is, ready tu take the regular lino. 'Iho
Uiat was built with iscial iilhiineo tu niniilng
latwisu I'orlland and Albiuy, but when true hi !
luaiuls, will uce-ualonly iiMend to Curvallia. 'Iho
triul tup was made vnateiilay under tho uusple-cs nf
Captain Ilolman wbu maiiiuil tlm whei,uni Mr.
John Marshall, who manipulated tho throttle
vsivo tn Iho itUr.u'tioii of all. Wo air lint abld tu
stain ut pli elit how Iho Wllluiuetto Chief will bo
nlhci ri tl.
Ala timpeiuiei mesliiigat the l)sra ilnnse,
hi Id the llilh ill. I it was stated that the day prut I
una i.iiindiy' all Inn aahsius were cluiiil.'suiu one'.
At tliKiifiiriraid iiiutiiug the siilisui licm true
pitted uu the luck, uud tho conclusion upurnl
In Ihi - We are u pre lygoisl U of fbluwa uldl all,
and ought not lu Ki so pu vrnt.d," Tho Sunday
feillnniug "piognsaing" eon know, all tbo Sulouua
weii'clii-id, ave Hie. Now conies thu ti inj luiie-n
mietingoii the 89 I llit. uud t a Ulililil rale of
progrission, we mat eitt all tu Ui i Ion el sato
lilnuor li n.
Hut si ruiul whv all this child's plat? arosa
lesm mill, iiien-baiits and ilruggiala dl.o last said
tu Ui relling luoie jiiloxii-utiug drinks than tho
talisuial violating law bykupiu,; i-li liuuxi or
vending theli waiisui)Huiida,i, Wc Ullevo such
to Ui tlm caw,, uud tbatieitsiu ulllcers are swotn
tiiinluicu uihI maintain tlm laws. Sadly wo bsik
at Iheipi.Unel piisint, and reuifis that not una bus
arforiiud bis duly, and not one id llioae at pns-i-iit
In nlllcu lues (.liy i-laiuis tu ic-e Uclloii the tutor
oiifhl tu nssct,
Ixt tiiusiuiies' nun (ami women lesi) see that
lie w men of sliie-t n.oril integrity and cuuragu to
ie their full duly, are inlru.tid with the eiea-ution
of our laws. VoUH.
Ivvnrrni TUm H.,l, m taiva bav He atilta:
many f them being Uully aflliclad.
In llEconni'n'H CouiiT. Tbo lsmllordor tlio Ma
rlon Hou o had aomo diftlculty with a man named
Hater, a few days ago, during which the Utter gave,
him a start in tlio leather business, and the land
lord used some bad words. 1U sent an officer to
re ason with llaker, wbu paid tbo necessary Uno to
settle tho account. The other party, in turn, waa
then re-epiistrd tn appear anil explain as to tbo
using of certain oharctiu languago mi tho occasion
in question, and deixisltesl forty dollars for such
appearance at half past ono o'clock this afternoon.
Aokst." J. A.Ttcndcrsnti.authorof Uenderann't
Lightening Calculator, left tbo city Monday even
ing for point fstther up tho valley, to tlnrodtieo
his work em abridged and slmplliled st stems of
calculation. He fore having he uiadu Mr. 11. Coffey,
agent for his work, and antiiorleil him tn sell a
many of the books as lie can prevail on the pronto
to buy. Anyone dulling a copy uf tho Calculator
can procure It by calling ou Mr". Coffey.
PnE.sr.vTt()N.Several memliers of the Younjf
Peoples' Industrial Association went out last even
ing for a walk; and hapening to tlnd themselves In
the vicinity of Mr.McPlieters residence.they dropped
in, very much to the surprise of that gentleman
aud pre-arntesl him, as a birthday gift, the sum of
eighty doltirs, a portion of the process! of their
last entertainment.
Have HuNi's. We were tinablo to learn K-fore
going to tires jestcrday. whither Fiaiik Hibler
Lad given bout or not. Ho did so, however, be
tween three and four n'rln.ik. Jimmy Trotter who
was ulsoatrcsle-el ye-stenliy, as being with Hibler
when he set the llie, likewise waives! examination
and gave Kinds tor a like amouut, $."i00, for liia
Fen 8 U.K. Mr. J. W. Souther advertises, In this
Issue, that he has for sale a e-oniplelo apparatus
for the manufacture) of bottled sisla, compromis
ing ono Kittling machine, two copper founUlns,
and ono lot or sexle Kittles. Sisi the advertisement
feir full iarllculars. The property nay Is) seen
at the drug stote of D. W, Cot,
Pnre'iNeT UrrtuM . At tbo Snulli Salim Ko
publlcaii precinct lues-ling, last Saturday, tho fol
lowing wero nominatisl precinct ollles-rs: I), I,.
lllggs. Justice id the Peace; John Taylor, ConsU
ble. E. K. Miller was electee! permanent chairman
of tho He publican orgaiiiratiou in that pres-lnct.
U .. '
'I'liu OiriuMi'iiii Im been N!riiilltcd to make
Hie liillnnlii"; cxliae-is Ikuii n private letter
rm-lvi'il In I'urll.iiiil. Tlm letter Kars Unto
ol Hie ltllli Itist.t iiiul H written fiom Camp
31 r. IMinmi tiitiio lit from Cniiyoti City l.it
S.iliiiil.iy with .Mr. Ili'itii. Iirlulii); it eeiiiiiiin
iiliviiloii I'n M n Mr. Llinlllf, iiiiilnt Mullicttr,
lo ('ui. OlK, ut Ciitnp llainey, "tilting tlmt
liK lliu lutil I ice 1 1 tliii'.ik'iiud by tlio liiill.iiisou
tho Ite-ciialloii, mill risiii'sln tlio Coin
iiiiiiukr ut I'limp lliniu-y to semi lihii without
delay u ili'tiii-limi'iit nl solillcrs to protect
liliii-cll' mill employers' on Iho ltccrviitioii;
that every nlilleiiuiii on the rcTivntlon tlrm
ly believe' tli-tt the Indians ate' all ileleriiilneil
on war. Mr, li.iiiiiinil mid nil the men I hero
declare tliey will not teiiuiln mi Iho lli-cr-viillon
iiiiy liuii'i-unless troop aro -cut lor
tlielr piolectloii. Old Wliuicmtte-cu anil Id
liaiid li.ue ulivaily It'll tlio Iti-eivatlon, mill
Dull mill lit luiiiivn-i' have lliri'iieiieil tit
ninssiieie evety ulillu man In the e-ouutry.
'I'liero Is iiiii.lilf nihil' cNdiiiinent ut I amp
Harney over tlio Mauling news. M.ijur Cixs
sen, Willi a ilctaeliiiieiit ol" 'J.1 niell, will leave
t'iimp ll.miy for tlio "-eal of war," about
ui'At eilue-il.iv. 'I'liu above I'aets flalid, I
oliUliieil liom Air. Ile.in, win) liemil llie e-iiiit-liiiillleatloii
li ttiii Mr. I.luuvllhi ie.nl. Slumlel
von ileeiii It uilvUiblc, on aio at llbeilytn
in ike (III news piihlle'.
'I'lii'snow lii'iei I four anil-a-hull" feet deep
anil llie e:itlii-i-iulli' eoltl.
I. S. I (iinltteil to stale above, that Ins
ton' Meltt'.in loll Iho pint, to-il.ty, thero was
a lat-e,o foie-o ot iiicii sent out iiliui tlm trail,
(in tin1 liiille Ic.iellli tu the Itu-ei vatlon. In
shovel Iho snow .away. Tlio troop bellovo
that llioy ean iv.it li lliu .j-eiicy ipllt-ker by
Iho roiileyiui ('line l.-cl siimmei- ili.in in pi
by Canyon City, ami they areveiy aiiNiousto
cet tlitoiioli lii'llu-a-e-l-laniL' ol tlm lie-erva-lion
at tlio i at- b-t poslble iiionient.
Tl t Wnll.i alia .Spirit of lliu West has
tho follow In;;:
Tlio Walla Walla anil Columbia Itlver
Hallioml Couipuuy, In view of lliu ptohiblll.
ly of hlli Muter IliK piln, will oxlentl tlio
to.ul aeniss tlio 'I urn del liver, so lint In tlm
cu'iil ol hlli wilier tliein will bo no delay In
Kctllun down llie wheat and piodiiisi nl Iho
i-oiuiliy, wlile-li li.uo been lylnt; overall Win
ter unuiuiiu, sliipiueiil. I In' i uiupaiiv aro
now biilldliii' tho iiiiltoail brhlo ui'iei-. tlm
'I'onihet. Tin' In Mg;o will bo esuupli'leil In ii
lur,' days, ami tho track I K-ln e-on-tiiicleil
nu the i'.it shlo of lliu Toinhel lo the depot.
The Cnuipaiiy (itiiioiiiuc lu a clie-iilar that on
anil uller tint -J.'itli of Mutt It iliey will it-isdvu
fivllit ut Iho e.t-leril leiiiiluii. this hIiIo ol
thu Toiiclii'l. Tlm cli'iie by Ic-iiih I'loltl
this plaeu to Wallula liayo been fiom r1' tn
fill per Ion. lly llie iallio.nl, 1'ielghl can
now he (lellwre'il at Wallula lur $l."i(l iht
ton. On up lielolii tlio diaries, liiclinllni:
linwanllii;:, hivo been ll.utl; now Ihey ran
ho ilvllverril hrio at i'.M, saving lo tlm ship
pers $U per ton - no Iiii'uimiIit.iIiIi- item mi
lliltty tulle ot tiuupoiiallou.
The liiilepeliileiil ('ou.'entiun of Yamhill
ha iioiuiiiaci'il the follow lu ticket: Statu
Scimtor, A. It, )ld; Itepro eutallve, ,1. M.
I'lttuian, A. I-. Mnllli, Alex. Ilci-d; County
.luilp'. A. II. Ileiii;l It'll,,. I. i:. Iliilibanl;
Mierllf. I.. II. II tiler; Tr-Msiitcr, I-'. Martin:
Commiasloiiers, (.'eoro l)ui-ey, anil II, I",
indwell; .school Mipeilulciiileiit, .1. II. Still
well; Assessor, C A. W ill.ice; Suruynr, .1.
N. Ilibbs; Coioucr, s. A Voiiiik. Mr. A.
II. Ileurv (leellue Ihe nu niiiatloii h)r( 'oiinty
Cl'l.TIV.VIIoN (II Hail IN (lllli.O.N, l.lllD
pliiutiitloiis an- belli' vet I.i -i I ions portion
ol thu .Stall,- this M'llii. Several traits have)
been iiUutcil In till minify whom ihey aro
foiinil to do llrst ralo. Tlm demand for root-;
hit been so "real that dealer havu licon un
able to supply it. Calllutul.t planters liavo
w'llttcu lie-to for Ilium, as that Statu ha not
bieii able to ralu siillleluiit phut for their
own ii-:, Tlieiii nio ihoiiraiult of acres In
this county which mllit be made Into tlm
llnt'U hop viirils In Iho lonntry. Kaync
Thu I.oiuIimi AfniUmij ..lis, "A our reftiU
els have luuj: been cxjutilu1; a 'erics or
in tn.li i on .liiiiliij. b the I. mil Chief Jih-
lle.i) of I-'iiI.iiiiI, we In In liilhrm them that,
alllinugli tlm uiiik has breti lutciiipteil by the)
(ie-uur.i Aihltiatiiiutiuil tho teirlhluTkhborno
cii-e, It ha not by any iniMii-ibccn relhupiMi
eel. A -;oi n I ileal In illicitly been written
and tin' t bid ludhv h.i stM'iit many hours
won fiom hlsl.ibniloii week-, at the llillMi
.Mii'i-iim lu colli-ciluu i-vhli'iii-ti. 'I ho scrvliss
of an eminent expel t In liaiidwiltlux ha
been called lulo n-ipildtioii.
An editor In Illinois bavin-' euieil a new
refiorter, tecelveil tho followlui: a hi llrst
c-llort: " Wo aru Infonueil that thu lentlt:.
iimn Ikm) stood on hi head under a nllo-
tlrlvvr for the piiriios.' of liiiviu-" a tight .ilr
oi unit's nriiv on, auornr aneruani toiiiiii
himself In Cliluy, inrfcctfy niko I and with.
OUt a If lit III lilt pocket." MlMiaaS