Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 28, 1874, Image 1

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$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
TO UK AVAItI)i:i) 11V
Tho Oregon State Agricultural
Ctnaa l.-Hhorlliorna,
Hull 3 years old nnd over $10 $25
2 yours old unit under !l HO
" i year om mui mulcr 2 20
" calf 0 months' mid under 1 yr. 15
" calf under 0 months 10
Cow 3 years old ntid over 10
Heifer 2 yeursold mid under !l ... ill)
" 1 year old mid under 2 20
" calf 0 mouths nnil under 1 year 15
" calf under II months " ., 10
Hest held, not leu than o miliums,
including 1 lull mid I com or
heifers lot gold mrd.
2d silver med.
Hull of any ugo gold ined.
Cow of any ugo gold mod.
lir best bull itiul I hcifi rs bri d liv
exhibitor .'silver med.
1st. Tho jicdigroe of nil tlioniulibriil
cnttlu computing for premiums, must liv ilis
tinetly traced to tlio American or Kiiglish
Herd Hooks, nnd must lw niprovtd by llio
Committee on Fe'digiees.
2d. Hrccding animals, exhibited as such,
must h.ivu satisfactory evidence produced,
lhat they nre lief hirrni. ' No row will be el.
igible forn prize, unlos-i ccrtillcd at tho date
of entry, or that of tlio show, to hive had n
living calf, or tint tlu calf, if dead, wan born
ut its pinper lime within Hie 12 months
preceding thu duto of tho Fair, or shall lie in
uilf at tho day of tlm Fair.
3d, Ak tlio object of tho Society in gixiiii!
iiri.ea for stock, is to promote fiiipnimnriif
In brmllh'i, tho judges in lunkinc their
inxurm, xx in no iiisiruclcil not to lake Into
their consideration tho nmteut value to the
butcher, of animals exhibited, but todeiide
nocoiding to their relative merits for the
purposo of breeding.
lth. Fri.e imimuls nt former exhibitions
mny cumin to tho same ns if they had not
leceived pric-H befcire.
5th. All bulls iiIkino one year old, shall
haxc rings in their mists, ami above two, to
bo pioiided with leading stick i,
lith. No animal may compete in moio
than onu class, or division, except foi tin
Herd mid SweojiNtakes prizes.
7th. Win inner tho judges shall linvo
reason to doubt whither unymilmnl receiving
an award is jiot iu brce-ding condition mid
his not Iridaculf for txvclxo month prcxiotis,
or is not iu calf nllliu limn of exhibition, they
Hhall, iuexorv Mich case, hold the prhto on
Buspenw, mid shall p.isH to thu animal next iu
order on tho piiu list, wiin-.u prize shall iu
like manner, pass to tho next, and mi on,
rtottji thiough tin list, unlesHpioof Iki fur.
nished-to tho Hue. Hive Committee, that tho
miiuuil, if a bull. li,w g(,t cows with calf
within 1 months, or if n row. or heifer over
two Yells old. hl.4 liriuhlCil a lilim. .,.
withiiiniue months nftir the Fair; and on
nil il.isses to whiih this rule appliis, the
judge n, beiddo luv.iiiling the piUes, shall, if
theio be any otlur animal of sulilciint merit
fur a prize, deslgunio oue nliiiual us there,
sineuiimtar, io succeed to tho jil no made
vacant on the pnro list, in eiiso nuy of tho
prize auinuls idull b. ilisiiualillid ns nboxe
'" .J"" Ik-Wit. except ycailings, entered
as in calf, will b iligibji, (.r a prize, unless
Mio i ceititied to bmc U-vii bulbil taforu
'V, ' ,1"'u " llio year of tho l'uir, nur
will lr owner nfb rwnnls rni-eiie tho prize
until he shall liue furmhud the Sicrotary
with .i furtlur certitioate, mini months from
taut ilite iu tho mibsc-ipiont vai, that she
prodiicul n lninj: calf, ur if ihiid, at what
time liorn.
0. r.ueli annual i uti ml in tie Shnith.ru
Class, hum bo urtiliul by exhibitors, to
have not Km than six ir. sK nf Shorthorn
blood Mhieh lire regMereil. litlnr In the
American or Ku;jlih Herd ltooks,
10. TIumi rules shall apply 10 all i-1sm-k
of imttle'if llioitniKlibred.
Cla -2. -Dot on and llrrrlnrUa.
Hull !l cnrs and iaci- jio $r,
J .xeaii ol.l nnil miller .1
15 10
in 5
5 :t
W 15
r io
10 5
. 1
5 3
" 1 ear and under:
" calf i; i
miilllhs and nnil, r 1 i,ir
"cut under six mouths
Cow 3 xears old alid okur
Heifer 2 yenra edl raid nuil. r three .
" 1 .M.ir i)ld and undtr 2
" calf il mouths and under 1
Heifer ndf under months , . ...
Het hen! not less than 5 jiniiuiji
iDciuuiug one mill anil 1 cows oi
Ifers JBl ,! nu-d.iI.
! U.-Arblre. JrrM and
Hull 3 xe.irii.ir.ii oxer . .. ...b2tl $15
- -j yeMis urn aim umii r three , .
' 1 xeiir old ntnl under 2.
" culf (I months and nndtr 1 xesr
"calf crulerC uionllis.,, ....,.
Cow 3 years olJ nmlovrr..,, ...
Heifer 2 years old and uuilrr 3, . , , .
" calf I; luouths and uudrr onu
ye ,.-...
IWst hen! iiot l thsn 5 aninio.S
15 10
10 5
8 4
6 3
20 15
15 19
including 1 bull and cows or
hi ifers 1st gold medal.
2d nilver "
rian 4.-nitcli Mtork.
Wwf Mllth Coir, pure or (r'raic, of miy Crom.
Mileli cow, of any lined $20 $12
(Jrudocow, whetlior Shorthorn, l)cv
ou, Ayrshire, Jersey, Alderuey, or
Holstelu croiH l.ri 10
AnlmalHcnniietliigasgrud('5,munt boat least
half broil, and not tkorouchbred.thoiiL'e. breed
(if know n) and time of calving, of cows nhown I
as union cows, niUHi no ctrtllleil to tlio
Judges, and also muted when tho entries are
made; also, weight of milk produced by the
cow entered, during 10 davn of the neuson
preceding tho exhibition.
'lai 5. Work Oxen.
Yoke of steers !t years old and over $10 S 15
Yoke of nt(irs2 years old mid omt II) (1
Class (l.-I'nt Stock.
Host fat ox II years old and over. . . .$20 $12
" 2 " " ... 1.5 10
" fat cow or heifer, Ilyrs. or over 20 12
" fat heifer 2 years or oxer 15 10
The fat cattle must bo weighed, nnil as a
geiitr.u rule, llioso uro to lo deemed l'l,
whieh am tho greatest weight, are most
compact and carry tlio least oll'al,
;is 7. llerilo of 4i railed Stock.
llest herd, consisting of 5 imws or
li. if.irrf jivi i 'I i'ikiim CIT A1K
""" , . i.in , s--.i tti
Host lot of 1 year old heifers 5 iu
uuiubir . 20 12
llest lot of ciilws, under 12 mouths,
5 iu nuiiibi r , 15 10
Koiikkt II. (Vciiiian, nf l,inie, ,Slllt.
t'liiM I.-lloren or nil Work.
Tl Horse of nil Work" should be Of.
teen hands, ipilek, live ly ears, broad between
tlio eyes, imind barn I, slimt loins, well nn
1.. .1 1 11..- 1 ,.. t , :
in nn- Kiitniiiier, ueep 111 uie eiiesi, sininre
ipt.irioni, Hat legs, short between the knee
and pastern and hock and pasteru, hind legs
well under him, sH-ed equal to eight milts
1111 hour on (ho load, and at least three milts
at tho plow, with Kiitllcieiit blood to insure
spirit and endurance; nnd 1111 horse in this
ornny other c) iss will bo allowed to compi to
for 11 premium unless he bo sound, that is,
freo from constitutional disease.
Stallion, Ije-nrsold nnd upward.. .$20 $15
Stallion, 3 " , j-j 8
Stallitnj, 2 " "..80
Stallion, 1 " 1; 1
Ilrood mare mid cult, -t yenis and up. 15 10
Mare, I years old mid uiiwaid Hi 8
.Marc, :i " " k c,
Mme, 2 " 1; 4
Mare, 1 " " 13
rinsi, 'J. -Droll Uursc.
Stallion, I years old and upward. . 20 $0
Stillion, 3 " ... to m
Maiiiuii, -j '
.Stallion, 1 xi'.ir old and unward
8 0
5 3
15 10
10 8
s II
li I
4 3
15 10
10 n
Ilrood lnan (and colt) 1 yrsand up. 15
.lure. 1 a ears oin nun umvani. . .
Mare, 3 "
.Mare. 2 " " . . ,
Mare, I " ...
Diafl I-iiiiis, geldings or m.ires.
Urafl tennis, 3 venri old
Ii'otk. No Hi1in1.1l under three jean, old
e'.m be e'lteresl ill this ilepiutine'ut. The
nlsixn to 1 tested,
JosKfll YiifVii, Cliiekiiui.N Co., Supeiiu.
'la 3. Ttinrniislibrrds.
Hunt Stallion, -S .Mars old and un.
ward $20 $15 I
Hroud mare iu foal, or wiih foul at I
foot , 20 15
llest On l'iiii mis,-,!. 3 vittr nlil m,il
upwanl. 15 10
Host Oregon raisul, "J xe-urs old nial
upward pj h
Uei.t Oregon mUeil, 1 jmr obi and
upward s 0
Maien same as horses,
Not Tho iM-iligr. 1 of all tl.uiiiiighbrid
hors s 1 om lilting for mtiulums i.ivl l.u di.
tiuitry (raced totlie.miriiiiiiorllritUhS.tiiil
Hook, iu a ilirevt and unbroki n lii.e, ur must
show nt least tlvo pure diteet cio.scs, on tlm
side of With sir m.d ibim.
I'lasa I, lloudsfers,
Stallitin I wars eld nnd oxer. . . .
tie Ming 4 " .
Maro I "
rl5 l
Fair of uauvs or gelilibgs, of thu
nUiic nr opposite exe, gwned by
one person, for driving fast ..ml
far .... . . .
Singh- gelding or innre, fur iincing
HCLK -In cveiy instance', in this class,
the animals must be xhoxvn iu Innu ss, but
may Is- shown ilouble and single Judges
will pay stmt Httt'iitloii to size, form, in tiou,
stxlo, eiuluranee', ami ttui)iti.-s unetur) fur
thu road, and in no enso award premiums for
speed nluiiu.
rl. .,-lur,.. Y.au...,
. , . . . .,
Fair of fsim horws, xx..lghing oxer
AfilO pounds thu pjir ..... .!15 $10
Fair of l,is,s, w.iguing le-44 than
2,i00 lsiiuals, mid not lu than.
2.CC0 Doundi the twir 15
rir of ciirfiage horses, oxer 1C liandx
Iilyli, ami l.ot lees than U.I'XJ
pounds weight 15 10
Cart horso oier 1,200 pounds weight 10 8
Notk. In this class matches mid pairs
will not be allowed to bo iiiailo up for the
occasion, but must bo owned by the same
Individual. ThcKiituc animal iuhvIhi shown
both double and dingle. In all casts, iu
competing for premiums in this class, the
the animals must bo shown in harness.
Uya Giusox, Auuisxille, Superintendent.
Clau O.-Carrlnffc Teams.
Family carriage ti am matched $15 $10
" gelding 8 5
" limre " 8 5
Gelding utidir saddle H 5
Mare " 8 5
tnstest walking stallion, gelding or
ninre , , n
Fnstest walking ti'iiin in harness. ., 12 8
Hulk. Thin class is designed especially
for farm nnd family horses, and form, style,
docility, sie, and 11 good match uro thu n
epiisites, not speed; opjMwIto sexes will ho
aduiittcd ns 11 match. The committee will
bo especially e-ure fill not to aw.iitl a pietniuni
to uuv aniuiid which might bo considcml
unsafe' for family use.
Family horses, must bo show 11 in 11 family
e'arri.ige or buggy.
W.M. (N 1.1.0 wav, Heiitou County, Super
iiitiiiilent. ('Iu 7.-Sreel unit llottiim,
III'NMMI I'llKMIUM $150,00.
For Oregon raised roltsaud I'.llieH, 2 nnd
I years old, single d ih of one 111II0
1st p, 1.1
2d p. 50
3d p. 25
I'utraueo of 10 per tent, elnugedoii the
total premiums ollered, 5 to cuter 3 In stmt
in nil trials uf speed in this class, exeept fur
the Farmers' premium. '
IIVNNIVII 1'IIKMIl'M -$2.".0.t,0.
For horse, mare or gelding, mile heal 1 2
in 3:
1st premium. $10:1
2d " ;o
M " 35
-lth " :iii
5lh ' "5
rAUMKIIs' I'llKMIUM $50.00,
For gcntleiiiiii's drixiiu; htirso, mare or
gelding, to wngon or buggy, driven by ow iu r.
1st premium $ jjri
2d 15
3d ' 10
3 to enter mid 2 to st irt.
TnoTTlNII l'BKMlt'M $150.00.
For Oregon raised colts mid 11 It
old, milo heats, 2 iu .'!.'
1 yuus
1st premium :
3d !'
uiuMi Ti.orriNu I'liKMitiM $250,00,
File for horse, man) or gelding, mile
heats 2 in 3
1st premium
A horse distancing tho lb Id, in the nlsiio
trials of speed, iul only ncele the first
premium olTeieil.
Host Stallion gold medal
" mam silier "
" gelding liplom.i and $15
" esilt 5
:lli H.Jae)i, Jeliulea hiiiI .llllles.
Hist .lack fir. : 111
" Jiniiit 15 111
" jsiir umles not lvx lli.ui lli
hands.... . Ill 1:
Fair mules nut I era huii 15, mid un-
lei Hi hands 10 li
Wii. BruoNO, Portland, Sujierilileiidiiil.
"l 1,Lrlresters,
Hue): oi'ir 2 yisirs $105
Iluek unit x enr old o r.
Feu 3 Imt k I.uiiIh, . . . , , ii li,
" 3 ewes over 2 years 10 fit
" 3 yearling ewes m .-,
" !l el.e lallltH (J .( 1
CtaM 'i. CitUtvuld.
Same pieiniiimsns Class I,
('Un 3. -New Oxfordshire.
Sal.'n premiums ns OTiss I.
:i l.-MpmiUli .Tlirlnos,
8 : S.nuo preiiuinas n Class 1,
I Class u.-l'rriieli .Tlrrliiua,
I .Sain.i preiiituiiiH as Class I .
la !. Am rr l.iiii Merino"
Sun" premiums ns Class I.
8 .! 7, HuiiihKlnxiii.
j hnmu priJiiiiiluii asClawe 1.
1 rn hiiki i-
He.t iii of not Ims than 5 withers
over 2 xuirsold
Hest jm.ii of not le-ni tliuii 6 wetheis
oxer I Nt oltl
'Hestbiuk. and 3 ewrs, of nny lona
woeile.l breetl. .sllxei mednl
Hct buck, hinl3ewM., nf any mrrinei
! U.-d ...slhermeiUI.
1 I
ltKl.l'HTIONS Kill MO'M'.
Ii. .xii li'Jtis. oicei.l uun xtii
r olds,
mut hiio btcn u-;il tint prt,'Ct.-illlJg yetar,
2nd. F.wih in all classes nlxivo oneye-nr
old mud linxe had lit-imi limit:, the Inst
spring, mid Hitekted lambs' for Ihlee months
iluring tlie season. I hese facts must lie cer
tified, nutl evidence fiirnishcil if niiuireil.
3d. Sheep exhibited for nny of the prizes
must have Itch rnifj unit fitirlt thorn Ixtrr
nfter the 1st of April in the year of the ex
hibition, nnd the date of such shearing
must form part of the certificate of entry.
'lth. The exhibitors of sheep will K' re
ipiirnlto forfi it nnd p'iy to the Society the
sum nf not less than 250 (two handled mid
fifty doll int) us, and for liipiidnted damages
if any of the sheep which be exhibits are
stifle ling (to his knowledge) under nny con
tagious or Infectious disease,
Host pen of 5 ewes 2 eais old. . . .
$10 5
. 8 5
. 5 3
S10 $5
5 II
5 :i
10 r
10 r.
r. 3
.. ii 1
llest pell of 5 ewe lambs
'ln N.-AiiBorii tionl
Huek, 2 inn old mid upwiml.
Iluek, 1 .enr old and upwind
Fell 3 buck I nubs
" 3 ewes mer 2 JearH
" 3 yi 111 Hug ewes....
" !l ewo lambs
swi.s'K .i.'i rori.Titr.
'Iiih l.-llrilililre.
Hoar 2 years nnd oxer $10 $5
Hoar I year obi mill over Ill 5
llo.u- six months old and leas than
nimjonr , 8 I
llreeiling how 2 .xuirsand urn . ..10 5
Sow one year old 10 5
Sow li months old nnd less than
one year (1 3
Feu of 3 Isiar pigs betwuii I and
8 mouths old ' , 10 5
Fen of 3 sow pigs between laud 8
months old Ill 5
Ulell sex must bo of the same lilt. V.
'Im VI. c.
Same, premiums as Class 1.
et'lima 3.-l"li,rtcr Wlillna.
S.11110 pn miiiins as CI iss 1.
'Ihn , 1'oIhihI I'lilnn, ur .Tlwuee.
Same priniiuuis as Class I.
(IIiisii .'.. etiradrd.
.Smile preliiiiims as Class 1.
1st. The breeding sows "hall bo ei rlilli d
to liaxe had a litlii of ,lle pigN, within slv
mouths pn eeding the Fair, or In ls iu pit;
ut tho ti nil of entry so ns to produce 11 litter
within 12 wnl.s suiiMipieiil In ',! j'idr. Iu
this ease the iirio will lm wlllilu Id until the
exhibitor shall have furnished the Secretary
with 11 certificate of farrowing its alsive.
2nd. No sow, if aboiii 14 mouths old
that liasuot piodueiiliilitlerof pigs, shall be
eligible to eomiii te iu any of the edasses.
3d. Tho judges of pigs will Is. instrni lid
with thiisamtioiiiif board to withhold pries
fioui nny aiiiuials which shall appuir to
tin 111 to liavo Is 1 u 1 uteri tl iu 11 xvioug tluss,
llh. Should the statu of iltiitatinu or
tei'th oil liny )U,', iiidieato that tho age of
the minim! has not bee 11 eoriei tly letnrueil
in the eeitlllealo of entry, llio judges shslj
lme imwir to disqualify such .:;;, and shall
leport the eiri Uliistauees to llio e'nmmllleo.
lth.' If 11 littir of nius be sent with 11
blieding s'iw. tho young pigs must bu the
pioiiiice o tlie sow exliliuteil.
lilh. The juilgea will ls liihtnided to
witimlil iiiix iiri.n if lliey urn of tho oniiilon
that till ie is not hullieieiit mult in any of
me hioti; 1 xinuiie.1, ior sueii prires, In Jimtlfe
the awiiid.
Hu.t Inihi'iiI any btcul.
" sow " " " .
.silver mi did,
t'lnaa ll.-l'oiillry.
llest mllertiou of fowls by nm'ttciir breiib
r not fxiiintit-ti in
Tno Light HraluiM
" I laik Hiiihma
" HiiirCiHliin
" Patridgti Coihln ..,.
" lloiidnu
" (tray Dorking
' White Hamburg
the folpiwinc
. .Iliiiloma
. . . S-2 $1
2 I
2 1
2 I
2 1
2 1
2 I
2 I
2 1
2 1
2 1
" HiIxit StiM Haiiilnirg.
" Gold. 11 HpM Hiimhiiig
io,I.l Mild
SiIxit Spd Fiiliilnl
' 111.10K muiulsii
, " Whilo Leghorn
" Pro wn Hun (iitme
1 " Kxrl I lei by Gaine
' While PxloOnme
' Duck Wing Game
" (iolilru Sp'd ISintam
" .1 iiuiii llaiilam
1 " White (eli-iiu leg) HalltaiU ....
" lllaik H.lllt.1111
1 Fair llrnti.) Turkey
I " Mulli-se Turkey
1 " Hull Turkey
1 T1I0 While Turkey
" TonlmiHo (leesw
" I'uilsleiiGrtti.
I " Ceiunuoii (June
' " Hoiit-iiDiuk
1 Ayloburv Duek
' " I'Hxiign Jjiiek
" Kiullnh It dibits, fniiev br -ids .
2 I
2 I
2 I
2 I
2 I
2 I
2 I
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 I
2 1
2 I
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
i 1
2 1
3 2
a 3
(iuiiiin I'ige
iHlniilo Cimjii
t''"l e'll'"' "' Hinging H'rdx. ..,.,,.
I Colleitioii Fancy Hlnl
Volumo VI. Number 6.
fakm viionivrnr
riana l.-llrnlii l'lclda, A.
Host 5 acres fall whenl $20 tl5
llest 5 acres spring wheat 20 15
Host 5 ncre's tints 15 10
Host 5 acres llnx-si cd 20 10
Host 5 acres barley 10 7
llest I acre buckwheat 7 C
Host 'jiicro of white beatu 10 5
llest '-, acre rutabaga , 10 5
llest 4 aero mangtilwiirtel 10 5
lli'st i'a ae'ii I'lirmh 10 R
llest fi ncies rye , 10 5
llest '.. nere siignr beets, e'lieh com
itetilor to exhibit ut least 50 ths of
his protluel 25 10
Host 1 at ru cum.. 5 3
llest 1 aero potatoes 10 fi
Host 1 niro alfalfa 10 5
Competitor, for theo premiums must
furnish 11 ccitilleale of theuisehes. showimf
Ihe method of cultivation, Including kind of
"oil mill date of seeding, necomimuicil bva
sworn eertillente nf nt linst two ilisiuterestciL
Ihtmui. rliotviuiT thu muiuilit of L'mln nrei-
iliusil and tilts munis r of acres.
A s.nnplii uf oue bushel of grain Sec, shall
iieciiuipiliv O'luli terlllinite.
.NoiK Iho fommitlte, iu judging grain
Clops, slull Inks into consideration the
ipialily of t lie- protluel and Its xnluo iu mat-kel.
cIiisk ;, -cnilti.
Heal sill lied coin $ 5 $3
" lhrley 5 3
" White winter wheat fi 3
" Wlillo Mi'itimoth wheat fi 3
" Citinda whilti wheat fi 3
" Club win nt .....!... fi 3
" White chin wheat r. :r
" Soiioni x It. nt fi 3
" White wiulu win at fi 3
" T.nuello wheat fi it
" (Inlileii timber win nt fi 3
" Saipii.1' uats , fi 3
" SldeonlH fi 3
" 1!iisi'in (winter) oats fi 3
" Set'leli Ilium oils fi 3
" white winter barley fi 3
" II).' 3 11
" lluekw I1e.1l 3 IS
" sunipli' bvoiuii mm 2 1
" I2iaiHcon,2xarietlcrteach.,.. 2 1
Due biisl.il iii cjicli sample nf nboxo grains.
sw risrenKs riirxnmt .
Host display uf grain grown by 0110
""" ?lll jp.'
nesi niiHiiii or wheat ot any 1,1ml. . ,
llest buslii 1 of uata of any kind . . . .
ClasN :i,SeeiU,
Heat saliiile xvliitu Ihiiiis, 1 Jink.,...
" peas '
" llaxsoiil "
limolhj settl " ... .
(til iloxersiiil "
" whiluUoxirse'ul" .....
" on luild glass sietl 1 jnek
" liojf, 10 liis
tijbaccei, 10 Jlis, baf
llest iissiirtinint of iri.iss senls grown
iu O111 "ii l' one man, no U as than
ten varulli . e dull ualiieil, with
Isitanicid mid .t'liiiiiim u.uue, no.
eomp.iliii-.l with 11 shoit deseilptiiiu
uf (lie qualities mid 'si 11 1011 uf
giowlh.ji 1.1. ile , nf inch xariity;
uie iiaiuti nun iu m'iijiiioii in laiittt
with the Hupiilntiliilelit fur publi.
eutiun in the .Sueiilj's tiiiusactiouH 20 10
li.s I. IMuiiInu .Tliilcli xxllli Walk.
llllX I'llltlk,
Ploxvln. with nx"ii horses or mules,
I Filming li 'itch In iiiiinueueeiis din vied
b.x Ihe iiiilgis and lm 'Uitiuue ill such iilaii
111 r as tin y ' nil id , in In si fur u fair trial. I
lluys ox', r Pi and under 18 . . .$( $,"
lltys iiiir II mid under 1' 10 fi
Hox Mini' 1 II 10 fi
Tin I iwitiK in itch will take plat u nt thu
time anil pla 1 In reaflt r Io bu nanu tl, undtr
Ihe judges, j.iiixidiil that no less than two
llillieri am juade with thu Seen tary. J
Nort. - No une H allowed In cuiupe-to ill
mute tliitll ulit lluslof ages.
Olltt,0. MA .VI 't'ACTl ItHs,
I'luaa I,- I'urllllllK mpjriurula.
I hiliiug maehllii
Iteajilii'.' lain Mill' ...
Sulky Flow
Mowing nun lilne ...
Grain sowec
Grain si pnmlo.
Harrow . ...
Horse rnke
Iliiixe raku'ildini;
.$25 $2(1
. 25 ir.
,. 10 K
.. 15 HI
.. 15 10
. . V, 10
.. 8 fi
. . 10 r,
..8 5
.. 5 3
..10 u
.10 8
.8 fi
. 15 10
. 10 5
. 20 10
,. 15 1(1
,. 15 10
H"tler tail, eoustitii ted with a xiexv
to duinbility mid prora.T saving of
Fan mill
Strinv cutter
1'll.Hk .J..-tl Ih,.IIm..mj..ii,.
J JO-igotl vxoesU
Hay Press
(iriil.blug mnchinr
Dltilibig machiuv .. .,
C'ltsl liKiike-r, , ,
(t'inillwiitliinl wek.