Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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Salem, Sfttnrdny. Mar
Tim .uarcn .nyi itpg m mo i.oaiti oi .n in-
Wn ii.nl-i,!ir.,iliUn.l- imt ii,.. mmvLii
ngcr tool, p l.iouiliN i el.. Hut tli prauce 1-
Inline not In MinpcV) nnKoii lull upon In
Tim March inyilli'g "I lliu Hoanl of 51 in
tills I-mic Tliu premium IUt was ieled In
liinnv ruMPith. Tim nuliit: mill lmr-e nrc-
tniutiH were'eonsvdor.ilily minced, ir.id nino
ruiliii.tlon was iniilu no cittlo. atirl eiiiidilcr
.alile additions mho mmli on shi'ip and mi
Oregon nir:iitf.etniviliirile1e. It U consid
ered the mnt complete pri-nihiiii llt ccr of
fered, and U o nt1jitlid in to Ikj Ic-i In tlio
amount tli.ni liattnlorc, llto 'living being
principally In tlm elms of lnv.ne! mid tilal ol
nr.c i,iih.
To tht vnli rn if Mmnit f'imnlii '.
The lite Deinoeratlc County 1,'oiivriillon
liiullr;; nnmlliiited m Tor tliu olllie of llepre
hcotatlvu In tlio I.rMnoire, I lieieby ilcillne
the iioiiiliiiitlnn, and wlti to fiy tint I mo
not n camlldati! lor any 'Olllai uliateni.
Dam- hiMNNOV.
March 20, 1871.
imii.i'i:ui' i- I'liinAiui.v.
In IIiom) c-omitUs u In in no 1 in I- x-tnlt-nt
tnoK'tnent In Jet taken plate, tlie Inilcpeml
ut vtcrs Mill inret on next ui ek Saturtkiy.
Jlaub'JS, at tlu iripttthe plmvs ol Mitln
In rath p.ctlntt, for lliopurpoo of celt'itliiK
delegates to the County 'munition. We nru
Jtstjiic-Ktid to call tritentlon to llils I lit.
Tliu IdM KrllimniTl Alluiny ir".m"i l n-lilin
tho AnnhiTmrjror rtii'llnli r lit llm t'ii.li-1 Mull's
XuoiUtjIuuii IIicIOOi i'f nixt inimlli.
XATIO.tAI. IHAMa: Ol' 1 1ll
Ni'livtli Alllllinl hl'UNloll.
VHornsi'.i) M)NHrrri!TioNAi. ahi:mi-
Ni). Thathii I'ri'muhlo of tho Con
Nlltnllou he iimcudfil hystriUlin; out
tliu MniKfiidi under the homllng "or--riuilatiou.
In rolation to Stnlo
5raiH:i's, mid Mibitltutlnf,' tho follow-
hTATi: (llt.VMIi:.
l''irtl.di':roi. I'o.uoiu.-Cl'nllh). f'oin
imsi'il of llKMa"tt'r.softl.o.SiiliortlIiuitt'
1nniK" " Hu'lr ulvos who nro
Millions, urovidtil that when tl.om.m-
Imt nf Siibo.iliiialo (iraiiKes in any
Stt.lt! becomes mi glen! as to lender It
lu'ci'KNiry, the State (iiango may, In
Mich milliner as iin.ny u eieriuiue,
UlliHi ills .epi 'soinmives, ty pr..vi..iogjMno ,, .,,,,, , .,,, , ,,
for tho elcclloi. of., ceilaln pmiHir. w,nNnmir , , ,lr,, ()f .,,
tlon of lliose entitled In nieuibeislilpi. of mi aitiele
In the State (Ir.ingo fro... each county: ,N.',s-.TIiat S,'.,.. I, Ait. !, of (lie Con
and lh.' iiit'iiibers mi Iiii-ii -hall -.f It lit ! he ameiideil by triUing out
c'onstltiilelhehate Irauge. , Ulll(, .u.tti u.,0 it fHi-mrs In
. ,N!'-. "i i,AA; .' ,l",' ",l!,y,.1'1' '"'tthellfth lino ofN.ld section, and Insert-
li.l.ttl.iiil lllkl.!iit i.i I'.iniilv llfiinintw .. . ... .. '
MUHl-Mi '-'" " ' .' "h- I
.i... iir.i. . i. ........ ...., i.. ...........i ......
HUT llllll lll'llt", II, lb 111 VAVVlll llllll
III llll! llllll lirunv'i Mill. ! VAl't-l-il iilllM Vi HI s;i. H-i. .,..! ki.,.M.. I! .in. I II
in ouch isiunty, composed of Masteis, r .1 i . . . ,, . M1ilsiiil i ii.,.. 'celvu such compensation for time anil
aiiiM'ast-.Muster.sorSulM.r.llnalo Gran- " nil hi? ,,s "mY ho torinlnwl by tho
go-, and (heir wives, who. in. Mntio.is, "'.KU', S2S mdml Master or tho fcxrcuitlvu Cominltiee:-
nml such fourth degret! m hers (not , )J, 's "i J 'Tf "i!";, 'a ,f f ' l'w" '," "" lT h!",M fro,"l ,,,e
toexceetl tl.ri-e fiom each Suhortllnate xv ,; ,' nJhmi&wSill Nll1,l,,,1,ll (!,",5!,V '"l, "" Gu.eral Dep
Gnn.go), ns may he elected thereto l.y n , ', ".J .r( i'r'. Ih, L r' S 'l ,1l,ci " ,'!' Stnll "la'r ,' fmwtloii of
thu Subordinate G.ungos, under sud. m Ttl reaf r ....
regulations as may he established liyi" V Fm Ih.K "' ' i feVV " Tho " w V. "' rcVorU
Htuiiidniiiin's Such District iirCntiiitv If . J Krlliiiiio gi lligt s hliall Ji. ss of Mibonliiiiili. Granges shall bo malleoli
iiiu Z " n lU.avo c . uuo of tht e u- L,!n,,M? ' t,u '""''V " ,hV M,,s,(r 'V ,0 ' "rst '"".v of January, tho IliM day of
iHimill Sato Grange, mid must bo npi.ro vetl by Apiil, the llrst day of July, and tho ilrst
catloual nun laisinoss inieiesis in me. ,i, i,,,!-,,,.,, i ,,.,,,,. i,.,,,! .... n... v r. '.i..'.. .. m. i..i " '
ii .. .s,. .r...."1 :.....,...., .... ,,0,ml (ir"''P'- WlH'i. M. issuetl, the
an I shiill eni'tiiir ig t, sire. gthon iil('iarti'r hliall iiif-s tlimiigli theolllceof
- .. ... .. .. . ...... '.........,.. ..I .......l ... ,111. .1,1- ,111, ,11 WLIllllI'l.
uni iiiti niiniumua.. iiraogts icpru-
ncnteil therein. Dispensations for
mii'li District or touiity (.ranges shall
isnuu iiiiiii mi- .-..iiiu iiiinii, mi. i mi
tier such regulations as thu
Mate i
(iningonuy adopt
Mo. a. inai
Constitution ho
the IMoambh; of. he
iJaTlon"!, ell tmn",o
latloii' In relation to
linnilltii: "muaula
uie A... o ua v.ra g. . so as ,,, rca .
".sixth Degree." I'lom-(llope).
Omiposci -
i. tit ine tot t ers o too t truer, vi.s
Wm. S.ttinilers. t). II. Ketlov. .1. It. I
Tli.mnisiiti. A. It. Gnish. V. M. Ireland,
John 'nimble J
-.........-....,--.------,--.--- . r
1 1'., I- Al. .MCDilWCll.
1!. Tho Past-Masteisol tho National
Gnu. go and their wives, who huwi
taken (he doirroo of Flora.
II. The Olllcers and uiemhersof th
Kxeculivo Committee of tho National
I. Masteik of tho Statu Grange and
their wives, who have taken tho tlflh I
Ouo adilllloual tepri'seiitative from1
vhcIi stale for each tlliy thouNiml ineiii
bors, or fnicl ional part thereof, In e-l
iv.ssof thirty thousand. said roprosontu-'
tlves to Imi alterimtely a brother niid.m.i ,i. S....U1 ri,r.,,-i t'ii.s,.,.r..iiirv
Hlster for every alternate llfty thousand: !r ,i.. . v.1 " IX .' .. . i.'Vi l?'u
must ho llflli degree, members, ami i
...in .... .....in... i ... i... i. ii. ... ........ I
. . . ." k
will be entitled to the sixth degree,
No. I. That Sr.r. ', Ait. I, of the
Constitution tc amended by Inserting
after the word "annually," whero It
occurs In the second liutiot saltl section,
Uie following: "at tho regular meeting
in DecemlsT, ami Installed at the regu
lar meeting In January, or as soon
therealter as practicable."
No. ft. That Art. 1, Ki:i'. I, of thu
Constitution, be anuinded by sti Iking
out thu word "Ihreo" whero It occuis
in the second Hun of i-ald sect ion, and
inserting tho word "live," ami also by
NtrlKlllg Dili tlie wonis "onti ol Wlllllll
shall Ik? clivteil each year."
No. 7, That Art. '., Stc. a, of tho
Constitution, bo amended by striking
out tlio vunl "I-Vbrtiary" wlicro It oc
cvrtiluUui necond line of said bcctlon
Xi it Tlml rl ' Sri 1 nf tim'sna I ill an cases oe rasi-Aiastersot tueir """.-ii"". ii in iifi'i'ii""" um wnx m
v.n Vl, n , ' Xj; m.r.:i.,X iVisr.: State Oruou fhu Order reoulroj stud, action, revoke
Om viiiriU ".t Teiiht' iHiwiei. ilio Altr. -. ilueslloiis of ailniiniMratloii luounarieroisuououenuiiig cirange.
Sonl'Tiioot" ant "o nco" er th 'o nd Jurisprudence arising In ami bolween Sec. a. Granges, wht.sj. Charters are
Mon rt mtui anti onco wucrc, mioso K iinin...... um uniuu Is from the tie- thus ruokisl. may aniu'al lo tbeNat on-
fiuiun uvvui in tun in" atiiu j mi r-v
HtaMlJ HiUIIIH 111 lllll BIMV llllll ! k III! klllL.
I nnd -ulstlttto therefor the word No
vninlipr." mill nlM) !V stilklntr nut tho
r," in
I wni-rl "llrul"
.,..--.. . T ......... v . ,, ..... - - -
WlllTIl It OCt'lll'S I'l till'
- -- -
tlon lie iiineiidt'd sous to
: , , , ., , ,
'K111' '" Agrlrultnr.il pursuits, mid
MVK intpr(.sl .0tilli-t with our
pnrptHfs"-.nstfaiI of "interustc-ti in
Agricultural mirsiilts."
No. 10. That Art. ft of the Ctitislltu-
linn hoiimcnch'd lv strlklnir out tho
4.1 I. . ... lit.- . .... ..-
NMirds "h'limlo" mid iL'lition yours
"innlo," wliorotlicyoceiirin tliowcond
mill third lines of said nrtich'.
No. II. Tlml Art. (J of tlio Constltti
(Inn bo mounded mi hs to rc.id us lb I
-JwlKI!?'' won rsi" wnorti u weirs n inr- "7 '. ... ......rnrm1
lA VS3fcV) ' "" "l' '""' -M'wtltuto therefor the ' u't'mbcrs "I ''"' f';.l '' f .. "
Wi))wMfcis ...,....i ittiifVrl " heir rc-pr-ctlvo duties; to wo Hint mo
V'WV s r Iht Vrl -Inf flw. fin llfii fwtltmlon, Hy-lniws nm lesntutlons
-" i i iso, s. i uni .n. ni wit' 1 1 tiMim- , ni... v...ti.,.ni iii-miir,, nm iiu if.iucN
- ' tint. Ik, i.imMitli'd hvsl.lkli,..- mil tin. f tho Nut nnl i.ri.iigi, nm l c w
dl21, 1874 wmd 'Shall", wlio.5 It occurs inllie VnMIy t permrm ill. duties p1
ramnnmimMrn ni-i inivi i iiiuiiiunni mm miii-iiuit- ...in mi-tn llt' I n i'i.
t. Zmtvtv ,1111: thcioror the woik "niuy." Ain-Vif It shall be the ditty of thoSec-
' I No. 0. 1 llllt Aft. ft Ol till ('Ollslltll- nlnrv tnli. mill lliMird of till IllOCCcdlllg
I will "I'll.
Tho mini........ (be f..r momborlp In -. iTC to 7G
u Hi. bordlnu o rir.iiiirc shall Ic-for "f j, lt. K,, t fiitninsaetlo..s to the Na
tncii Uvo do liars, and for women two VmixX (j'm,,. t each annual Messlon.
dollar, for tlio fourdoirrot's.
No. 1L. That Art. 7 of tho Constllu
tlon ho unii'iidcd as follows: Ktriko
out tint words "nrp.i'.Mjd to hlahcrdo
urot's," wl.oro ll.oy owur In tho closo
of Kit. L', nnd add tho following to Haid
Hoetlon: "During the 'imrttr, anil pay
to tho soci'tury of thu Ktuto (Ir.iniru
onu dollar for each man, and llfty emits
for caeh woman, Initiated durii.fr tho
ii.arlor; i.l"o u ipiartcrly duo of six
cents for each mcinbor; said report to
lienoproved mid forwanlcd at tho first
"ossloii of (huCriiucc In each (tunrtcr."
Hlrikc out tliu wholo of Sec. :l and !,
mid .snbstiltito tlcrcfor the followinuTi
lo-wlt: "Tho Secretary of tlio Htalu
(JraiiKo nI.iiII pay to tho Treasurer of
tho .Stnlo (inn. go, all inoneyH eomincc
Into his IiiiimN. ut least onco ovory ten
tln.VM, taking (lis receipt I hero for; and
hliall report itiartcrly to tho Secretary
of tho National (Iraugc. tho iiieinlwr--blp
in tlio Ktate."
t'luuiKi'the niiiuhors of succeedlnc;
sect Ions m as (o make tl.u.i. conform to
No. CI. That AH. 7, .Sec. ft, of the
Constitution, he amended by striking
out tho wo. ds "In New York," where
they occur In said .section, and leaving
the name of tho place blank.
No. II. That Art. 7, Sec. ft, of tlio
Constitution bo amended by st. Iking
out tliu wind "It'll" where it ocelli's in '
the ln-t line on p'igo N, ami IiiM'il in,
lieu thereof the word "live."
No. Ift. Tlnit Art. 7, Sec. C, of tho
Constitution lit) amenilcd by
out (he word "sitrnetl" where
in the third line of -niil .secliou, and
Mibstltuto therefor the won! "appiov
etl." Nn. It!. That lite whole of nrtlt In S lie
tr.iusle.ied from the ('oustilutiou to
the lly-l.aWH.mid iueoipor.ited there
in. .mi. 1 1. i uai aii. i', .ec. .i, ne aiiiemi-
leil iw follow-': liisoit the wonls "n
ii-)(.mrt,,rs., (,.,. ,h(l W(inN i.,.,u.
1 ll IIIK Ulllll lieillllV' ''
r. - . -..-...
,, Secretary of the State Grange, and ,
P,...iv,, ti,., :i,.tn, ,i 1,iiii.i,.i....,i ,.r
,mt ,,.,. "
Vn 'o '.'Imt s;,,.. a, i o ,.i- it,,, i
constitution bo uni'eni'lcil i.y Vlrlklng
mil II... .......I.. II...I.I.... 11... I 1
ihh.io I -l h , '
,1'1 "'.n., nnd lllserllllg tho wo.tls
"on tin. same person."
Nt(i .j,, T,mtthl. following he Inserted
ntl numbeictl
"" " "" '
The Master ol the National Ciiiiil'ii ,
and ll.o members of the Kvecutlvo
. , ,.. . ... . ; .
I lllllllllllOO Mlilll lie eillpOWl'll'tl til si.s.. ,
pei.il liom
oiili'o any olllcer
01 lilt) 1
Aiiiiouai lirauL'o
s . . ...
l, , -..(lllllll, ,ltUl iiiiii i lilllli III-
ellli'lentorileii'lict in the ilis'ha.ge of
..his duty, subject to appeal lolhoiiext.
puiMi In-
session ti.ere.ilter ol thu National
Ain'ii'i.i: xiv mkmimi:m's.
This Constitution can bo altered or
amended by a two-thirds vote of the
National Grunge at any annual meet
ing, mid when such alterations or
amendments shall have been ratllled
by three-tourthsof tho State Gmngi
1111 llll' .llllllllllll llllllILl'. II -s)lll III.
-.... ,..,
'"u mn.e.
, " " " - o- t "
(Amended i iiies.u'iuii aiuiikI so.Ikh tsii i
Altr. I. The fourth of December, the
blrlluliiv of the Patrons of Husbandry,
shall ho celebrated as the anulvetai v of'
tin. Onler. ,
I AliT'J. Not Ics than the represriita-
itiou of twenty states pro-cut at any
i ii.f..lmF ,,r tin, Vi.iliii.i.1 lliimi'i. slii.il
eonnlltute a oiioiuin for the tratisaetliin
(,f btiMiiess.
Aur.a. At thr annual meeting of each
State Grange it mtiv elect n pny to
rvpreseut the State Grange In tlio Na-
tloual llntllge in cavo Ol uie inaoillty oi
tin, ninsf.ir in iiti.iiiii. nm. Kill. i iiriivit.s
'-': .: :.: -:.-.- i:v. .
niiiui'i.. nun u inu ill
tlon ami ikvli-lnu thereof, vhull be referr-
isl to the Matter ami Kxeculivo Commit-
ten nf tin. National Griuiiru who.e decls-
Ion ludl bo rvupcctcd amt obeynl until
overruled by action of the National
Grange. '
AitT.fi. It shall liotlieiiutyminu .MH-
I tor to meslile at .Meetings ot coo itum
UIO Allium-
!, -
"' ""
tit SCO I lilt Hll OlllCflS llllll
of tlio National (iritiigo.
jeep ii
wn- ..mi.uiiu ......,... , --,-- :
,, tine nceouiil of nil moneys lecelved
nm deimslted l.y lilin In tin- INf.il ngoney;
to countersign nil di lifts drawn by tho
rrcastnt'i; to i-ouiiuui inuroiruspoiiueuru
,r ii... Xiiitnnnl c;riiiii!i: mid to nerfonii
... .-- ........ n- i ... .
Micliotliur duties iiiiiieriiiinln to n s m-
he w tnuy iiu rcsiuireii o mo ..himui
...nl r'vi.iinllvii ('iitnintttee
Itclmll bo his duty, at leat once caeh
week, to deposit with tho ll-eul iikoiicv
holdiiiK funds of the Natloiml (IrniiKO all
moneys that may have uomu into ins
IiiukN, nnd forwanl a duplicate receipt
It nhall be his further tluty to pioeure
a inonthlv leport fiom tliu lle.il afencv,
with whom tho funds of tliu National
OnuiKu art) deposited, of all moneys re-
iPiv,..l nod n.-dd out bv them tlurlnir each
month, mid Mend a cony of such report to
(the ICxeutitlvc Committee and the Mas-
ti.r nf tin. Xattolllll (i'riUIL'0
Ho shall give bond In such mini and
with Htieh security as n.ny bo approvetl
I iv t In, i.'.xi.i-iitivu ('ommlttcc.
Akt. 7. .Sec. 1. It shall bo tho duty of
the Treasurer to Issue nil limits upon tlio
tlscal agency of tliu Order, said drafts
having been previously approved by the
Secretary of tho National Grange.
See. 2. Hu shall report monthly to tho
Muster of tho National Grange state
ment of all moneys deposited to his cred
it in the llscal agency, anil of all drafts
signed by him during tho previous
See. .'I. Ho shall report to tho National
(iraiigo nt each annual M'sslon a state
ment of all moneys deported In tlio lls
cal agency, anil of alt drafts signed by
him since his last annual report.
See. I. It shall be his duty to collect
all Interest accruing on Investments
made bv the Kxeeutlve Committee, and
to deposit the satno in the Ihcal agency.
Anr. H. It shall bo tho duly ol the
Lecturer to visit, for tho good oft he Order,
such portions ol the t'nlteil States as the
Master or the Incentive Committee may
direct, for which services he shall re
ceive compensation.
A I. I. II If ullilll tin till, llllt V llf till. Kv-
ecullve Committee to exercise a general
I! of tho fcutive l tminiiuee 10 exercise
'siill-liiir'supervlslnn nf tho nlliilrs of I
It . ','. Is I'lurlng thu recess of thuNationii
'it.. ! ..Ill They shall have authority to
II. e Unlcr
mil Grange.
acton all
I matters ol Inteiest to the Oitler when
the National Grange Is not In session;
.diall provide for the welfare of the Or
der in business miillciS mid shall repoit
their acts In detail to the National
Giauge on the llrt day of its annual
The Master of the National Gr.ingo
shall be considered, ex olllclo, a member
of the ICxecutive Committee.
A Hi'. U. Sec. I. Such compensation
for time and service shall lie given the
Master, l.ieturer. Secretary, TieaSurer,
anil KM'i'iitivii ''oninilttee, as tho Na
tional (i.nugo may, from time to time,
See. -. Whenever General Deputies
are appointed by tho Master of the Na
tional ti range, sain Deputies niiiiII re
See.'.'. Male Giauges shall dato their
llnaiiclal existence three months alter
the tliht day of January, llrst day of,
Anrll. ilrst ifm- of. lolv. mnl tlrst .l..v ..r ,
October, Immediately following their
iiiL'iuilut Ion.
.Anr. IA Knelt
session of the National
liraugr hi. all tl. the comnens.itlou of Its
i A itr. hi. Special meetings of the Na
tional (ti.mge shall be called by the Mas-1
ter upon the appllc.itloti of the Master
of twenty State Granges, one mouth's
i notice ol such meeting being given to all
mi'inoers oi toe aiuiou.ii iiiaugc. .mi
alterations or ametidenls toll. e lly-l.nw-
.r Ultiul shall be made at any special
llt .,
Mil'. II I nm) the demand of live
uiembeih.the.iM'sanil noes in. iv be called
-r ll v ii .
upon au..,ies Ion, and when so eallisl,
jl KM.i.u.u.ll.y tl.t.-iet.ir upon his
Altr. l.'i. I'ast-Masters are Masteis who
havn been duly elected and installed, and
I who have vinciI out tho term tor which
, they weio eleeteil.
Altr. hi. Vacancies In oillee may bo
i tilled at any regular meeting of the
Anr. 17. Subordinate Granges maybe
I consolidated in the moiliyuul upon such
!''" s may be piverllieil by the Statu
A it r.
IS. Sec. I. In cast! satisfactory
1 evlili'iiee hliall In. brotlLdit to the Mnsli.r
of the National Griiuge that a Graiigu has
been org uileil contrary to the laws or
Usages of the Onler, or Is working In vlo-
Hon of tho laws or usages, It shall be the
duty of the Master to revoke the Charter
of Mich olteiullllL' liruilL-c.
Sec. 'J. In case satisfactory elilenec
hliall come to the Master of a Statu
(li-.niL'e. that a tir.iliL-n has Iwi-n nn-.m. :
, I" a c tmry to the laws and usages of.
the Onlor, or Is winking In lolaiion of1
the same, ll shall be the duty of the Mas-.
ter to miskiuI Mich otlenillng (iniuge, i
and at once forward to the Maxtor of the
aiiuhii.ii uniuge niuico urine hame, to-.
ueiner i ill iiu i-Tiiieneu in ine easi. '
r..:.. ...... ,, ,....,. ....,..,:.:.
nl Grange- nt Its next i'h.ou for the ac-1
lion or tlmt imhiv.
AKT. Ilk TlitM. ltv-ljws ninv bo id
tcrvd orumeiultsl nt any annual meeting
ol the National Grange by n two-thirds
vote of thenienibers present.
1 l - l v I I '
Deputies of theiStato Grange.
Karimr-nroiiynii nnd M .flilii.'ton. iiriitilri for
.isT-pnitictlnii ii'itl for tlio tniwil lomi'iil ' U'" l"1111"
trial iiirmillii. To n.t-lllTila thU work'. I !ne '"'"
llllMl0lllllflll1lllll!flMr.lltll lntllutu (.tBHt! In
till- JiuUttlctlon, n -nj Drimtli-:
tor lliiii'ti. mill thr Counlli miitli f It 1-Ji-Oiirm'j.TisiMII"'
IN H. I imi - Tntnm Illtf.
Ijiih II N Hill, .littictlmi. .,,., ,
Miilliiniii ill I"' uli .inliii'im. nn-t I'ortl mil.
I licKniiT K. 1'iirl.v. I.4l reek,
lleiiliin A. slmi-''ii. t'irillli.
Vamliitt A II ll'iirv, Ijrijille.
Wit'lilnttnii T II. Ilimililiny, lllll-lioto.
Marl'iii-H A. Wltil, Tnniir.
I.lun-i:. K rmmliitf. TiitiKiuti Ww.Cyni". Soto,
J. II. Smltli. llurrXiiiK. ... , . . .,,,,
En-tirn tiwcwi, Ki'lirn Wyi-lilnflnri. ntij III itio
Fmnk Sh. Iti.it n.l Wm S lultiiii. 1w?lltB"1I.,i,,o..T
W,i,ni WifliliiBtnii 1 crrltrj-i:. L. Smltli, Oljin
Lin. ntiil. Tu!lii Ilortnn, -onttti;
S.inllicni On-stm-U It llulck, nf Ahlnml
Aiiylomllty wKliln tliln Jurliillctliin for wlilih no
ft'liuty luliifti nipolnliil fur tho orcanlintlon of
Onnisi'S "III rcceit o Iniinnllita nlleiillon If nppllca
tlon l mile Ionic, I lll attcmt In pcrnin or fend
4IK1",,5' I.N'ini.('liAHK.
MaMiT Si tie (Imiiijo or Orient ami VFliliiKtun.
Salini, Oil I. Is; I.
Md'lir Dudley W. Adainn. Wanknn, Ion.
Oitinir TIioiiiiii. Tnjlor. Coluniuln, B u.
ArcttirrrT. A. Tliominoii. I'Ulnilcw, Minn.
Sttinirtl-A.JI. VmiKli". ljarly Clroic, Mlf.
Ani't Mivl-O.W. Tliompmn, New llrutiwlclc,N J
(latt-hnixr- o. oinwiimie. orenaru uro
i'...-ll.. ll w. Allium. Wmikntl. Intra
tivii-Mr. O II Kelley. Wi.liliitnn, D.C.
Yora-Mr..!. 0. Aliuotl,C'larklllc,lii.
Lntly .UiMant AtttairdMlrf C. A. Hall, With
tnirtuu, I). C.
Kneiilic Cvinmltlit,
Win. Hainiilcri.. Watlilnstnn, 1) U.
II. Wjnlt. Alki u, Colatnury. . t'.
I.-. It. Uliaiiklund, Uulmqui', Ion a.
onii-irn ofOrecoii Nlale llruncc
.lAiWfr-llunli I Clark, hnleni I'. 0.
NriiMryt. II. Smith. Ilurrlalmri;.
llnrrter Win Orun. Silo.
UtUinr tlriiri:.! Hunter, Walla Walla.
Ariranf-!l I'. Old'. . ".
iiy .l7 t,tH(iiit-U. Tliloi- Okl. "
Afl'liint Wiimnl- W. JI I'onirt. Sliidil'.
fAiuVifnAtiUionr Slniimon. ('nrrnllln.
iife-A'7r-KMiik blieltim, Walla Willi,
riiitrrr-ll. A. W llxil. Iiirmr.
IVrtii-iU: Jam) t')ni. Silo.
iiiimwmi Mm l I'ottin. siiulil,
toni-Mri" 1.. C lluil. MeMlnnillk'.
Kxieulltt Hmmltttt Danlil Clark. Sat. in j II. M.
riiirin.v. 'I'm Mile, lliiii -U en : llrltr Hull. W'nllii
Walla; II A Well. Ilimia VUI: Tlunnan Mnukira
Kilo; A II liinrj, iiijjiiii-; n. .t. i.iii, diiiiciiuu.
Otlleern offeiitrnl (.rnucc Ahoelritloii.
1'irrbltiit W V Alexandir
Hit I'ruvltiil slaniM Tato.il.
.sViiWiiy A. W hluiiiiiiril.
7eittiiitr-l'. 1'. Ilurklmrt.
Truttft- V, Hluslil. 1'. I'uuoll
(latt-Kt'irr l.llai. Kiniiiln.
.lyrnt .1 II. Slump.
sriltlltDINATi: fJIIANIiVN.
Ilir-kllild (Irni se. No 1. Claekanat eounty: W.
W lil. ininlirtT..!. Matlnek. ne.iflsckainatl'.O.
r.aiilu I'm k llranei'iNiMl. Cljckam eo.; i' Korbet,
uii.ter. r'rankllii riwli-r, c ; Itnmn-cui".
l).ik I'ldnt llranei'. No. a. l'"lk ro.i .1 W. Kirk,
inirtir: .Imnvt A lliinp'i-y. tic.: Itltkriak
lliiina Vl-li tlmtiKV No. I, l'olk io.j E. C. Hall,
inii.tir, I.. M Hall, ne: llueiia ,'liia.
Mi.iiinoiitli tlniii.'.'. No K. l'olk in ; I.I'.M. Duller,
in i-t.-r: .1 S t'linri hill, ter.: Miinniouili.
uak Plain (Inin.-e, No.H. I.lmi to.;, A. It Price, mat
ter: T. .1. llUcU, tic: llaltev.
Ttii.-int liriinu-e, No. 7. I.I nn co.; K. .. 1 annlii
tna.ler: A llknlut, tee.: Tun.'ciit.
t'orniliilJIi ontiii;.'. .iN wiiiiio ; .i. irue, mat
(in O Wjhl. .K iIa.i iiiiiii
MiiiM tlrni.v. No. II, Mini co j 1'. Shidd, mitier;
W. W. Viiiitl, tee.; hhedd.
llrnnd I'rulrd' tlrin.'i'. No. 10, Mini co j W, I'. An
diTron. matter, N. II. 1 ry, .eo.; Albany.
lliirrltlniri: llraiise. No 11, Mini ni ; John 11. Hnilth,
inn'ten Win It. I'ortir. tec; Harrltburj;.
Sprln.'lleld (iraiue. No. Ill-Lane co ; John Kill',
nin.nr, W. Cnnivjn, tis:.- Sprlitcdild.
I'lillomaili tlinnue, Nu.13, lleiiton co.; N.l. Nun ton,
matter; A. II, llrimn, tic ; t'or.alllt.
Soup Creik tlranje. No. II, Uenlnn co.; J. ll. Miller,
matter: W I,. Caiilliiirn, tee ; C'orvalltt.
I.ii ke tlntn.-e, Nn, 11, lluiton co.; r". A. Welle, nnt
ter: 0 1.'. Moor, tec; t'orialllt,
KxciMnrllraiue, No. ID, Yamhill co.; W.L. bmllli,
maiiii; J, K. Coin ert. tie.; Dayton.
Mali in tlnni.'i-. No IT, Marlon co.; Daii'l Clark, mat
mauler; John Mint.., tec ; Salmi,
Turin rllranci No. 18. Marlon en; It. A. Wttzcl,
in-itter; W. M. I llllt ry, tec ; Turner.
llmuuilllh) llraiiite, No. Ill, I.I llll en; L. C. Ittcv,
ina.trr; A W Stanuril. tu-; llniniillle.
South llrouiiilllulirsiii:e. No. -,M, I.lun co.; Con
tolldateil wllll ririmivill-. No. 111.
1. .1. .,.., ii il.ti. ... V.. .l linn iv. II k l.ilnu
.... ......... ..... ... ....... .v, ... ... ........
initler, J. It. smltli, tic; l.ibanon.
Kinii lliille tlrmue, No. 21, l.lim co.; M. Miller,
in i-l r; M llu.ton, tie ; Allmiii
llimioii) llnnue. No .'., I. inn co ; V. ti. l'onell,
inttlir. ) S. l'oill,tis..,; Allituy.
lliiii.' tlran-e, No'.'t.l.liiuio , 0 t'.hlnniton, mattir;
.1 Mill ml, tie; Allmii).
Mm n ilntMe, No ts, l'olk co,; ,1 M, lien Icy, mulct;
II. I' MTlninioiidt, to ; l.eultllle.
Mlieily t.ranite. No Sil, ljnoiu., H.N IIIU, mattir;
J C Jiiiiilii.t, tic, Jiinetlon.
I.ii 11I114 Slur llrau.v. No. -J7, Multnomah co Jicob
Joliin-iiii, ma.ler; II T fampbill, tir.iKat 1'ortUud
l"m.i.iia liraii.-e, Vo -M, Doulatu).; It. M. l.uruey,
iin.iir, W I' Cimiit, t,e ; llo.ilmri;
Mlll1.11 llniiue. No -."i, I uutlllaeo , 1), M. Drunihil
Kr, mii.ter; T It Mi Coy, tie., Milton,
I'lrrjilnlellrau.-e, No 'til, l'olk eo ; lloo, Comejt,
ma. ter, .1. t'rlzzill, nv.i l'lrridale
Mi MlmiTllle llniu.-e No 31. Vamhlll co.; A. Held,
HH-lir, I) ll. Durham, tu , McMlmullle.
I.ifi.niu-lirnn,.e. No .', ainhlll eo,; A, II Henry,
111:1. Iir It II Nnn.iMl, , ; Ijluwlle
Nurlli anihlll l.ruue. No .ft, ainhill co. It It.
Uiiihlia, matter; II c. Stewart, tee,. North amhlll
Wi.liiiitiriui.-e. No 'II, I'nntllla co,; J. S. Wtdte,
nia.ier; II M Wlhur, tw , Wi-inn,
W lid llorte lirani,-.'. No SA, I'nuilMa eo ; J. N. Per
klnt, ma.ler, 1). A. Itlthanlt, nv Witlon
Si 10 iSnu.v, No, 'M, I Inu co,, 'I not, Muukert, nut
ter tl T I'o.tir, t.-e; Silo
Mtitlim ilrm.-e. No. 7. Mini co ; Wm. C'yrut, mat.
tir, W A. Ului.t), tix ; t-ilo,
Wan.11 l.riin:.-. No. A, Wa.coio; Hubert Mart,
mt.tir.tl.il lUrnill tee ; The Pullit.
1 In- linllei ilr.in.-e. No 30. Wa.eo eo ; A, J. flanir.
nu.lir. K I. l'lili.ini, t,c: The llallit.
Mi.lilU lirju.-r, Nn W, C'Uckauiatro; I. S, Nojir,
uu.ter, I hat llonanl, tee . Orri:tu City.
Iiaiui.cut lirani-e. No. II, Clackanut en, 8. 1. I.ee,
int.tir, Norman llatlliu. tee, llamatcnt,
Junlau alii 1 Unlike, No. it. I.luiicn; John llrjanL
nu.lir, A,T Mil'ull), tu., solo,
Juin lino Clu iirani:e. No. 41. Lane co ; V. W KoI.
torn, nutti r, J K llouttou, tee ; J million City.
lleiier liran.-e. No. 41, l.inu co; Janiet Crabtree,
lua.tir, W lialiiit, tec, Lebanon.
c'iri. lllMrilraiik-e. No IS.fiKit co; Crnit LandrlrT,
ma.ler, KoIm it ItiMike, tec, Cit HUtr f' O.
Ila.ip U.impllran;i-, No. 40 l.liiiico;J Newman,
ma.lir; Jauu l.liulli), tec , Lebanon.
I'nlou tlmu.-e. No. 47, Lane eo, Iljrnton Smith,
nu.lir. Usmej, xe. Juuctlou.
lliK-k I'olutilnnici-. N0.4S. 5larlon co; John Down.
in.-, nia.ier; nisi, n iiowiiin,ee; subllmlly.
lliiiinllle limine. No, W, Wathlucloi 10.; Wm.
Wlit.-n ma.ttr.J V I'ieree, ti: liriinillle.
llrleantllraii-e. No .V), Ikntuu en ; Jamet M Coy,
uia.lir; Wm W Iniilu.-, tee; Curialllt.
I'lilun No 8 linrncv, No 51, Dou.-lat co; A. A.
Mailuut, matter, J ll Fluke ne; Looklogxlatt.
WtlUuuuetliau.-e, No.M, llouton co, Johu llarrlt,
matter. C siale. tee, c'orialllt.
snirutttllriui:e. No VC I.lun eo; II. V'arirKll.
ler, C.A .Miller, tec. MlUer t Station.
slutliM t.ran.-e. No, M. Lane cu, 11 B. CartwrL-ht,
ma.ler, J Y AmU, . Mu.tau,
l'o)ota lirante. No. , Une co; 8. , Stephent.
ma.lir; J T Duke, tre slutlan.
..h,u'V,r"f,,.r,1:''' '0-- La rl Jute Cox, matter,
SI. John Skinner, tec; Kujeue Ctly,
Mud IIM itlraa jr. No. 47, Llnu co; h lion, mat
l.r; J W Mack, tec; Alban).
Urienillraujrt, No M, Llna, V 11 Caklmell, matter.
JameiTurutr.tec; Albany,
. t0,V:ur'' !rni;e. No. 69, Donclatj n 0 filbbt, mat
ten It Weaier, tve, MrrtleCrvft.
.fittlKW!ilWkiflB Kll4r, '"
rtuiiliiln lluv. A. n. tiniHi, nupiiiiiKiuu. y. v.
TrtiumtrY. M. Mi Howell, Corning, N. Y.
.srathnu-O. II. Killer, WirliliiKtnn, D. C.
e, ina.
I Sprln-.' Valley o-anuc No. M, Polk 10; D tllbton,
ma.lir: W A llei-rv, tee, Zma.
tiiruellita Ori.e. No HI, W inlilncton co; Ji. 1 .
Will-, nutter, Wm. Hum..', tec; Corliil lu .,.,
Cri'KuUIGrati!r. Nnfll. Lino co., 11 11 Dai, matter.
A.I .lol.ntiin. tec, C'retMill, ...v.
i ,l'-saii lllll t.iniui', No t."i tnuc co; J.1" r.irkcr.
I nin-tir;.I I) Mntliiik. tic. l.ivein- ,,,.,
K1iik' Vrilliv llriiii-e. No in, llenton, ll -I Orant.
tnn-ti r. C tl Nvltuu, tee: Klin;' alley
I oix'.t (iniMi draiiii'. No d7, W atliiii.-toii co; Uesr)
UiMim, mattir: II 'l lliixlon. tic; Fori!-tOioQ.
I ( lukuliiuni GniiKO, No t,s Murlimio;N liDntr,
nintiri v W Slcliur, tei: JillirHin
Linnl tlrine, No ill. Douulat; Ii lLitbrook, mas
tir. II IINIcliolt, tie; Slarr'a l'olnt. ,.
Highland UrJ.i,-e. No 70, Clickiimae Co; Haffd
Wrl.-lil. mattir. .11' liliuo, tec: unv"" City.
Miillnoniah Crumc. No. 71. MiiliMiinali co; John
Mimic, iiiutier; .1 SNuurll, tec hatt I'ortlnnil,
Wi'tt-Liilt'li Oiansii. Ni. 7i, W'liililli.'tnn co.; S. A.
Ilnlci nil., mattir, Dttlil Lennox, tic : llllltlioni.
Illlltbnro llratit'i'. No 71, Watlilnctun en : Thou. IK
lliiiniliri. mattir; W" 11 ll..Mnrt, tic; lllll-lu.ro.
Itiillerlllc tlriiwe. No 71. .Marlon. I' 1. Cattstuan,
matter. r.X.Mall.liu. tie: lliiltivlllc.
I Culla -e Oiove Oiiuin'e. No 73. l.no eo; A II Sjibr,
uia-tir: Hiirue Kimx. tec; Coltiitfti UroM'
Charm (Irni.e. No. 7il. Lane co; JI. Wllklnt, m.
ler; F-M Wllkln. tie; Wllliimltu l'ork.
AltiaCirmw. No 77. Hiiiloii en; M. 1n1011, ma.
tir. I. II. 11. Starr, tec, Alteii.
I'eorl 1 nranittf. Llttit co ; . D. Haley, matter: Y.
AiittluWattt, tic; 1'iorla.
I I'riiikllii Hranirf-. Lnneco; 0 M Mlllir, matter; J V
Kirk, tic: Franklin
, Wapilotlr.ui.-e. Wntliliistnii co; T H Tlioinpton
imttir; I' Dblott, tec; llutl , ,
Ynumllii tlriiiise, Iloualat 10; A Lamb, innitcr; J K
. Drain, tie: Dialn't TO . ,
Ci.luml.ln (Iranue, Withliialon co; Ja Imbrlf, nn.
ter; F. Kenedy, tecitllcuioi'.
lliaiinnn i.niici', nntniiiBioncoj 1 luwuvr, ...
ter: Jin McKay, tic: I'oitl mil.
Oakland tlran.'e, Dnuirlaa co; K Stcplicnt, matter.
IS It l'lnkttoii. tee; W llbur.
Sodailllotlraiice, No. t"i. Llnu co ; Wm 11 Gllton,
matii r: O C Iluritc. tic; SoHarllle.
l'ottiU't Vallev tlrance. Multiiomah co: TK will
lamit, mattir; S ll Wllhlnctou, tic; I'owill't alley.
Wooilbiirn tlraiue, Marlon co; 0 W Dlmlck, uiattcrr
WiuDartt. tee: Woiidbtirn.
HoHcllI'rairludraiiKi', Mailonco; W BapptnjncM,
tnntti r: John New torn, tec; balem.
Needy Clranjte, Clackamat. Johu ItlDgo, matter; V
W II Samptoii, tic; Needy.
Untie Crick tlrniiiri'. Clackamat; E Sktntwr. maatcr,
E M llartman. tei; Ilutto Creek.
Upner Molalla tlrain-e. Clackamat; Ja Mntc, mat
ter: S Knitlo. tec; 111 id 'ltdliiitt. , , ....
tlothi-u Clraup', Lanu co; W 11 Dlllaril, matter, A K
ratlerton. tec; Kupt ne City. .,,,
Athland tlranse. Jacktnncn; DSP llulck, matter:
W lleetnn. tt; Athlitinl.
Charily No. 'J Cirange. Mini co; F M Kltzcr, mater;
I II WlKle. tic. Ilarrltburc . . ,
Meadott vlllu tlratiL-e, I'matllla en. A L Gordon; mil
ler; .1 11 Haley, tec; Meatlottvllle.
Alia lirani;i!. Unntllla eo; Jacob Frazer, matter; K
tlllllaui. tec; Pilot Hoik. ,o
lV-iiniti.ii llranire, fmatllU co; T 11 Slorcy, muter;
J II Sharon, tie; Pinulclnii.
Mldnay llninne. Umatilla co; J 11 Chate, matter;
WCMyirt, tit; llepntr.
Clu hah 111 tlrance. Ynmhlll co; S Drill. chor, matter;
J V Shuck, tee; Wett Chihalim.
Wathlncton (lriiiii:e. Watlilnctnn co; Itaac Hall,
matter; J tj tlutiln, tec; Mlddlnon.
Cintir (irniik'e. Llnu eo; Wm l'lillpot, matter; . V.
Mott. tic; Crntt furdtvlllo.
Mill Creek Orange. Vamhlll co; lift Uranimn, mm
ter; M M Klllt, tei; Elkhorn.
McKeiitln liranitu, Lanu 10; (1 11 llanimertley, mat
ter; W A Woolcot. tic; Sprlucfleld.
Anill) (IranKe, Vamhlll 10; J J Himlcrton, mattir;
J It Sa)er, tic; Amity.
W'lllauii tic tJratise, Ynmhlll co; Henry Ikwelt, uia
tnr; Pitir HireiidrtKt, trc, Wliiullaiid
Jaiktem lllu Uruiij,-'-. .luikti.n co; K Y Walker, mat
tir. It A Miller, tic; Jarktomllli'.
Faruiliiutoii (Jninu-f, Wathlnulou en; It A Carpenter,
ma.tir; Jamia Wjllicomb, tei; Illlltbnro,
I'lueiilx llraiii-e, Jiiikton co; J Herrlu, matter; VT
FHirrln, tee; Hin nix. ..
Snrliizttatcrtlranite. Clackamat co: J Lcwillrn,
matter; J M Kcid, tec.
lualallnlirancf. Clickamatcii; John Krnte. nun
ter; loiipli Ilnrttou, tie: Orison City,
lli-utir Cruk (Iraii,-e, Claikiinatco; A 11 May, mat
Icrr M O Haul. tic.
Warner tlrance, clackamaa en: Arthur Warm r, mat
ter: John llriith. tu; t)rei:t.ii f'lly.
Mount .Ion tirauifi', Claikamat co; .H Haney, mat
ter: W 11 Malloou, tic.
llanlln.-llraiisi', Claikamat co; tliorjp.' Clark, mat.
tir: AC Wilbur, tec.
WilUtinitlu tiniiii-i, Miiltni.inali co; 1) Ulcry, mnttir;
S I: l'jJtluik, tei; I'oitlaml.
Wiikliinuiuii Territory.
Wnll.litir (iniiit-: It. 1'. Oktt. matter: N lleiidrtx.
m ; Wilthui.'
liitluii (ini.i, ti. w. liliiir, nu.lir; u u nunc.
tie ; 11a; 1011,
llliiu Mniittalu (irau.-cj WM Shillon, matter; A F
Cnle, tec; Wallauulla,
Wallattalln tlrau.-i-; F. bin Hun, matter; J blmcn.
ton. tic; Wnllnu 11II1.
Dixie tlrauu'; J ll Morrlt, mit.ir; Wm McKuue,
tic: Wullattalla,
Harmon) llrani; J Donaldton, matter; C F l'liarr,
tee; I)i)ton
llatlle Cn'tk flranst; J E Flnwirt, matter; Win,
Atrit, tee; Daitoii,
Vreiiilitotiii llnm.-e: Kl.oiidui, inattcr; Mm M E.
Linideii, tu, WalliHiilla.
Union tlratie; I.t-rl Ollrer, matter; 0 (ireer, tec;
Dai ton,
l'ataha (lraiie,c. J L Boiindt, mattir, F Mcllrhtrty.
tic: Dai ton.
Pino tirovi- (IraiiKe; E baiimlert, mutter; L lllaln,
tei; Plnu tiroic.
OTIIIlt COlNTir.t.
Ohniplt flran.-t'. Thrrttoiico; K I. Smltli, matter,
A A Manning, tti: Olvmpla.
Duttamlth tlraiiite. Iilii-cn; .Inlliia Horton, mattcrl
JHTIIut. tee; Seallle.
While Hirer (Iraiik'e, Klnc Co; C W Lnu lou, matter.
Wllllotr, tee; White ltlitr.
Mniititanntirau.-e, Chu'-allt co; J llrady, matter.
C N 11) lit, tec; Saltuii.
Exciltlor llraiiKe, Whitman co; 8 P Gllitaml, mat
ter: A II Gordon, tec; Colfax.
I'louurUruuitu, W'liltmau co; 11 Spauldln, nuutler;
L M liln.-i r, tei; Colfax,
CnnrirAliiii. Grange, Whitman co; Jamet llronkt,
mattir; N Kulht, tec; Colfax.
Iilnliu Territory,
Nez PiTce Graime, Nez Perce co; J II Inlne, mat
ter, II C Ha.lou, tee; Pine Creek.
Paradlti. llrance. Nez Perce eo- J E Ilonsnl, nut.
ler; J A Kmiry, tec; Piiradito Valley.
OX.UB dxheotoiiy.
Hoik Point Fanmrt'Clubnieett onthu tieond Sat
urday In eaih niontli, Edulu Dottului;, Secretary P.
O. aildntt, suhllmlly.
Highland r.irim rt' Club meelt nn the Artt and rhirrt
Saturdi)t of tach mnnlh, at 1 p. 111. T. W. Dj.nn
liorl.Seiretary. P. O. addntt, Sllurlou
Flax-Raisingjn Oregon,
llituwNsviu.K, Linn Co., Oax.,
Nov. 10, 173. i
I, J. 11. Henderson, do hereby certify
thtit from 77 acres of land sown to l'laac
In the spring of 1873, 1 received 1(1(11
bushels of seed. Average per acre, 21 4-7
Signed J. U. Hkndkhsos.
Suborlbci! ami sworn to before me,
this 10th day of November, 1S73.
E. Thompson,
Justice of the Peace.
State of Ohkoon,
County of Iitine. j
I hereby certify that from 44 acres
of land sown to Flax In tho spring of
1873 I received 1 0 1 is bushels of seed,
machine measure. A vertigo per acre,
23 0-44 bushels.
Signed James Snei.i.jno.
Subscribed and sworn to before uie,
this 20th day of November, 1S73,
James F. Bhown
Notary Public.
IlitowNhvn.iii:, Linn Co., Oom.,
Nov. 20. 1873.
I, Robert Montgomery, do hereby cer
tify that from 37 acres of land sown to
Fl.ix In th sprlug of 1S73, .1 receives!
Wl is bushels of seed, machine measure.
Average per acre, 23 4-7 bushels.
Signed ItoBEivr Montgomehy. .
Subscribed nnd sworn to before xue,
this 20th day of Novemcer, 1873.
K, Thompson,
Justice of the Peace.