WILLAMETTE FARMER. 3 Education In Oregon. Helen's Hall and the Bishop Scott Grammar School. St. Though ono of the youngest States in the Union, Oregon is by no means behindhand in the matter of education. Brgldes her sjsteui of common schools, which is fast approaching proportionately in completeness aud impor tance that of the oldest and most populous States, sho has Bonio of the finest private col legiate institutions in the Union. Prominent among them are those of (lie St. Helen's Hull and Bishop Scott Grammar School both loca ted in Portland, and belonging to tho Episco pal denomination. St. Helm's Hall Is ono of tho finest educational institutions north of San Francisco. It is on Fourth street, between Madison aud Jefferson streets. The buildings hnvo n frontage of 75 feet on Fourth street by a depth of 120 feet, and n froutago of 30 feet on Madison street by n depth of 70 feet, aro threo stories in bight, ana havo a Mansard roof, llesides the study ball, classrooms, etc., they furnish accommodation for GO bo ir elers mid -00 day scholars. They aro well lighted and ventilated, and nro furnished with gas, water, and all the modern improvements. Tho rooms set apart for boarders aro very superiorly arranged and furnished. Tho institution has flue coucho logical and botanical collections, and in tho latter special attention is mid to tho botany of the coast. There is a beautiful flower garden in con nection with it, which is admirably arranged with spacious walks, mill tho plaj grounds are particularly urn tdouud w ell-furnished. Tho institution is entered from Fourth street, ami tho lsilorisnt onco ushered into a spacious hall, which leads to tho first of tho largo class-rooms. On tho right of tho hall is it spacious parlor, furnished in first class stj Id ami capible of belug divided into two apartments by menus of folding-doors. A door on tho left leads into the rec tor's study, whero a splendid li brary invites tho studious to ex ST. plore its treasures of theological nud .secu lar lore. Adjacent is a pleas int, woll-lighted tuttlng-room, on tho left of which, forming a kind of L, is tho teachers' room, tho iot from which, looking out over tho broad, placid Nil liauiette, tho youthful city, and tho fertile val-' ley nine is uu iny seen io lose useii nmougsi tho romantlo mountains of tho south, is pecu jiariy granu ana imposing. Tho faculty nro ns follows : Hector Tho Right ltov. H. Wistar Morris; Principal Miss Mary 1). Rodney; Assistant Toachors Miss Lydia Bodnoy, Miss Lvdia II. Blacklcr, Mrs. Mary II. Cloptou, Miss Cnthcrino 0. 11. liurton, .Miss S. 1.. llojd, Iu chargo or tho Musical Department Miss Clementina lloducy; Teacher of Musio Miss 0. A. Ynrndlcy. Bishop Scotl Grammar School. Bishop Scott Grammar School is a board ing and day-school for boys, nnd ns a pre paratory institution for entering on a course of professional studies is, in its way, uurl vailed. It has been established only qiiilo recently, iu 1870, but already gives promise of n great nnd prosperous future. It com menced on a small scale, but has 'now 100 pupils from allpirtsof tho Pacific Const; G itifornln, Utah, Alaska nnd Ilritish Colum bia beiug represented, ns well as Oregon and Washington Territory. Tho build ing, which has accommodation for a much larger number of pupils, is n frame ono; is threo stories in height with n mansard roof, and has n frontage on the cast of 81 feet, on tho south of 01 feet, and on tho north of CO feet. During the Inst j car a new wing, 21 feet by CO, nud threo stor ies high, which furnishes two additional school rooms, a chapel nud n largo dormi tory, has been erected. Tho grounds oc cupy four blocks in the western portion of tho city, 'noiitb the shadow of tho hills that overhang tho valley of tho Willamette. Tho grammar school has attained' to uuch perfection that tho scholars can now bo tulviiuccd ns far iutheii studies as they could bo in tho second or third years of u collegiate course. i The officers of tho school aro: lltuht lie v. B. Wistnr Morris, Doctor of Divinity, Kpiscop il Bishop of Oregon nnd Washing ton, Bettor; K. W. Laiug, M. A., L. L. D., Blend Master; ltov. D'Estning Jenuing, M. A., Senior Master; W. M Baker, B. A. Junior Muster; M I. A. Buss, Precep tress ; Edward T. (oleta n, Drtwing Mister; lucnnrd T. iarudley, alu-io Master; it. 11 An-' ilerson. Drill Master: ltv. IVr.t iln r .T.m. i nings, M. A. Chaplain; Miss Maria Emery, Matron. Th T ifittlliit'flni The Two Institutons.. These two institutions nre representative in their chiractor nnd nro so tlllcieutly conducted nnd so complete in their every department, as to cause some wonder, th it a single religious denomination should bu ublo to support them, nnd in so joung a State, even though it be the Mgorous and go ahead ono of Oregon. Wo hao already tlvielt sumcieutly on tho adv.iu- tages olfered by the St. Helen's Hall Institte tlon for girls, and ns totuo Jiiitiop Seott Grnm war School wo doubt whether it could be beat by nuy of the more pretentious private institu tions nmong-t ourselves. One of the most commendiblo features is the military nrginizi tion, known ns the Ilishop Scott Cadets in which tho young gentleman prepirmj for nu nctivo business life or n profession may not only learn to Ixar nnns iu the defence of his country, but iu which the rigulnr drill supply the waut of much needed extrcise and makes the thews nnd smews strong while the mind is being cultivated. Other feat cms of these ex cellent institutions we might dilate on had we the space, kufllco it to My the couiplttents nud itlicieniy of both institutions steak will for the interest taken iu educational mutters by the people of Oregon. Fronx tU S. F. Pacific Ilural Vrtsa, Crapes Best Varieties. From the llriuL huu Editocs Piiias: Iu your last issue we no ticed un article uuder head of "Orape Cuttings," asking information as to tho best varieties of grapes for raisins, aud the brut early and Ute grapes for market. We prefer the. White Mus cat nud Black Morocco. The Muscat is the very best for all purposes. Take cuttings 18 inches lorn?, plant deep, jut one eve ubove grouud. When tranplnted they should be irrigated. Plant five lert apart, each way, so that the fruit will be well covered, and encour age all orchard grass potsibleto prevent scotch. iug. Trim to one stem from 11 to 18 inches high. A good and liberal supply of water is the only fertilizer uecrsssry iu any of our gravelly soil. BUck Morocco should U planted right fett each way. Keep thc-m clean, bach is our experience, and we have been shipping good unit to yonr markn for the last ten years. Pi.-ai.iKD B so. TljE 3lfEE pOLD. The Poetic and Prosaic Sides of Sheep Husbandry. (From the IUcirio Kuril Fnzu. Editohs Press. Tho wool growers of Los Angeles propose to deal directly with the wool manufacturer. Who that has read tho Bnchollcs of Virgil, has not toon charmed by the glimpses he gives us of a shepherd's lifel The very first sentence presents a picture of Arcadian beauty and repjse. Hear it "Tityrus. you. recumbeut beneath tho shade of a spreading beech, meditate your rustic muse on n sleuder pipe; we abandon tho boun daries of our country, and pleasaut fields; w e fly our country; jou ,0 Tityrus, at ease in the shade, teach the woods to resound fair Atun ryllii." Then tho poet after paiutiug this pan. HELEN'S HALL, CORNER FOURTH tnrnl sceno, spreads boforo us tho bill of fare, wuiou is ho uullKo tnu o( the Calltorula shop bird, that we must quoto It. "Hjre, novortholess, you can rest this night with mn unoti tho verdant leaves. These nre to us mellow apples, soft chestnuts aud plenty oi pressed mint. Iu only on 'I lino does tho noct hint that the life of a shepherd is not ono of rural quiet and dreamy repose. Ho docs say that " sheep aro always au unhappy flock." How iu my pcrso'ushnv o forme 1 their ideals of BISHOP SOOTT ORAMMAR the shepherd's life from the pastorals of Virgil 1 Ill vto remomuer jears ago, to nava sat ueneai tho tall nonlirs of our boyhood's home, with copy of Virgil Iu baud, while in the distance lambs gambolled over tho green, and all Niture, iu her holiday attire, stemed to cflervisce i poetry. We nro not certalu that iu those I dreamy day of our life, wo did not at times, like Virgil's shepherd Corydon, throw nwsy to l,Uo wriuUius aud woods our b.vo songs to some fair Alexis over the hills. This was the poetio side of sheep husbandry, and it is the only side over eceu by those who haie not , learnod from actual experienco that there is a dark, very d irk b ickgrouud to this picture. ' Tho life of a real shepherd Is one of loiioli- uess aud toil. It is n mistaken idea that n Iizy man can make a sueplierd. Io lie, good shepherd he must be all activity nud life; ho must turn nis nacic ou society ami iivowiinin himself ; he must follow his flock amid the suows of winter or the burning heat of sum mer When night comes, no voice of wife or prattling children greets his return from tho fold. Hishorizouof thought is bounded by him self; his mind, removed from contact with the world, soou begins to prey upon Itself, till, nt last, in many instances, he has lost his reason, and finds a home iu the iuuiie nsyluiu. lie cannot recline under the "spreading Ixech " It tie did, ins llock would liu scan, red, or, per iiy!trffifiB8WlBBBMiiflwif''l'-'','tfi iiSmmm f MaN jj5SJHMS3jjyiiijS ssssssssssssssiB-PassssHiaAtes4tHSJBk''i "issssssa LVuSHX4BSSMHHiSkkKjt'ksaBssssspaBSSsssl EsLsiiiiiMHiiiiiiiifltK.kr ,E3" iiiHiLiiiHLiiiHrlniiiw chuuee, be corrulled bysome small fatiuer, whucirciiuistaucis. But that eauuot bo the cause thinks he can make more by c diluting a herd like the ordiuurv laborer, have uu occuiuii bolidiy, nor euu he quit his tiock ou the hab. uaiu, luougn nemigiil ue ueur euougn io near the villege church Ull calling him to ihe hou.e of God. T'he.o are some oi the troubles of Ihe ..,. I. I suiieuerei me. lei, wuu nu eut-mi sni net i nuis, there is a fleece more golden thin that of Colchis to every one who briugs to the! hiuiutss energ), prudence and judi-iueut. iubwooi growers ol 1)-. Angeles conniy met ou tne ioiu, to orgenize u vv ool urowers Protective Association. A temporary org mi z.illon wa etlictcd, aud a ceimuilltie v up pointeil to draft a c nstitmlou, preparatory t" n permanent organization on lu 29ih iut Tho-'eouveution was largely ultended nnd much interest was mauikottd in the objecl uud uims of the meeting. One ol the untiu objects of this association is to do asay w.lh so mny middlemen be tween the wool grower aud tbu manufacturer. Uuder the present system, San Frsmisc-o gets the richest part of evety tierce. The wo.d pro ducer pays his merchant iu San Francisco V commiaiou, und Iroui IJ; to 1, per cent, p.i month for any advances iuad upui hi wool. This heavy tax can b obviated, by shipidnu direct to New York or Boston, where the wool baa eventually Io no, aud where less ttun two per cent, commissions aro paid and only Boven per cent, interest is charged ou advances. This item alone, is worth annually many thouauds ol dollars to the wool producer. When this association is organized, every question which pertains to sheep husbaudry will be discussed, a report of which will be submitted to your reader by your correspondent. We are now having a flno ralu, aud the farming prospects were never more flattering iu this county. John SiitntAY Wam. Los Angeles, Jan. 17th, 1874. Angora Goats in Oregon Information Wanted. l.oiTons Fnrss: As I annnoso Ibern are more of the Augora goats and their grades in uaiiiornia man nuy otuor Biate in tUe Union, 1 propose, through your paper, to ask the breeders what is the matter with my goats and what is the remedv In bept., 18iJ, I purchnsed of Thomas AND MADISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. Bitttcrflold .t Son, of California, thirty graded ewes and ono thoroughbred buck. From twenty-nliio ewes, last spring, I raised thirty eight kids, saved over kid that came, had no trouble with them at nil, only to hao the bos watch them ono week to keep them from going ofT into tho brush to brouso their kids there. Etcry goat owned her young and they nil pros lered Uutly, with the exception of two of the old ones, which the dogs KilUd soon nftor ihey had their kids. Tho kids began to como on tho 9th of March last while gnus was abundant. SOHOOL, PORTLAND, OREGON. TbU year they U.g.n to como on tho Slslofu n'or,horiid:.;ie,ca "side ol the i neck, of various sizes from that of n largo bean to nearly tha size of a goose egg. By holding the Hwulllng portion between the tliumt) ami turner, and cutting Die skill wltli n knife, it will slip out. It hardly appears to Iw uttachid to tho neck. Thorn that have the swilling from tho size of a quail's tgg up, die very soon utter being dropped, and tlio.o In which tho swellings ure uot so large1, live. From the reading of Randall's Practical Shepherd 1 tako tho rnraplaiiit to bo what ho calls goitre in lambs; but he appears to think that tho cntise of goitro in lambs is owing to tho close confine mail of the ewes during Iireguaiicy and the exclusive use ol dry food. Int thai cannot b tho cuse with my gnats as, Ihey have had the rango of over !I,(K)(I arrt s, and have never been confined since their kidds uot large enough to run with them, Inst spring, until they commenced to have kids this winter. They have not even to b kiptup over night. Agiiu, some of the ewes drop their kids aud pay no attention to tin in ut ull, while the eume goats lastjtur took grtat earn of their young. The old ones running oil uud leaving tin ir kids tnu) be fur want ol more grass to make thM nlve milk, us I know that shup will sometimes do so under such 'of the swelling ou the kids. Tho latter I in i remeilv uv uoi In so early In the season But I do not know whut to do for the Unit. IJ f tl .1 ii nu ui juur iuiiu".uuiioiu inn euruwuiij light upon the subject it will bo very thank fully received. iirunm wtnie utnii ui iuu i airoris oi Husbandry in this county. Umpqiu Grange, located ut lloshary, of which I uln a uiemlxr, bus about sixty members nnd is progressing I uuuy. I uos. dmitii. Wilbur, Oregon. Feb. 12 1871 Fj'ih the ti F Ilural Prttt. KuirriMi JUiii.tr East Over one hundred car-luads of buley heve beeu s Ipped overland fur the Milwaukee), Wis.. Brewery. This pur chase is an experiment, but It is believed that the barley can lie transported to Milwaukee ut less co. I than it could ti obtained tbe rn of the same quslity The people of this State ure heqwful that the experiment will prove success ful. Willi Wall. A correspondent wants us give hlui Ihu prices of farm stock iu California, a he propo.es moving from Wastiltistou io this Sute aud bringing stock, II it will p We ha To no ruealis of golliug at prices lha would beat all satisfactory loourcorresjioudeut Flax. (rum tlie Picirio IIciul raass Tho rains this season have been abundant too much so, it would seem, in certain locali ties. Hero and there we learn of farmers who have felt unwilling to put iu wheat, on account of tho sodden condition of the ground, which, it is feared, would rot the seed planted, and thus disappoint expectations of a good, o? oven moderate stand. We havo before alluded to flai as n remark ably surocrop, and even at this lato hour repeat tho suggestion that it is liMy to do well on lauds which are made by the wenthcr ununited to wheat growing, or where the result Is .lulii. mis in spite ol tlie mauy well known diffl onltla nn.l i.nnilm.a.if Miin....i .....i..ii , wheat crop, this is still undoubtedly tho leadino article of produce iu tho State. We. as Call. fomians, have over taken prldo In tho full t plump grains of our great cereal, nud its recoil (nixed superioilty nbroad has been a source of ' great profit in years past nud probably will be lorytnrs iu come, dm, we must not loso night of tho danger nnd disad vantage of depending so largely up Oil a singlo staple. Even where the grouud is in favorable condition for putting iu wlient, there ts nlwny an open citiestion as to tho comnura- tho superiority of somo ono other crop, aud llax is certain to bo n strong competitor for tho favor of iiioiarmers. lucre are many minus, which should not bo neglected; but, just now, tlax appears to occupy a prominent position. It has long been urged, not only iu California but wherever agricul ture is made n maitor of study and systematic calculation, that where tlie soil, other conditions being imllar, is tqually adapted to the growing of many products, as great it t Uriel v should bo raised as pos sible. Thus if, (mm nny miforHccn cause, ono crop should fall, others may succeed; or if it happens that tho world's market for ono staple is over supplied, others may bring fair returns. Now ns to llax. It is cortnln (hat there will luii constant and steady dematid for llax seed, if not for the llbe r, for some time to come. Tho manufacturers iu this ellv urn wlllinrr Oil to contract iu advance for ns much as tho far- mera of the State nro likely to rulso this vear. 1 litis, nut only on account of tho relative im munity of tho Heed from rotting, but nlso lie cause of the promise of a certain market, llax is well worthy the attention ol (a, mera. Ramio. Tho nursery of Mr. Finch nt: Haywood, AU ncda county, proves the complete adjusta bility of our climnto to tho growth of ramie. ilio plants nro now 7 feet high, In Fibril nry, and It Is the niostHeverowiiiterwolimo hul. On Twilehel Islan 1 in the Han Joa iimn river Is a 1 1 nitatiou of 20 nores, which list ear sleldultwo cuttings. 'I ho weight of stocks to a cutting is astonishing; not less than 10 tons to the ncre, salable nt f 5 I orton. Two cuttings therefore brltg f UK), llut If tho itilks ho passed through n brake (now in u.o), whin talon green from the Held, the raw fller commands ,10 cents n pound. I). II. Craig of New York offers to buy nil tho raw liber our State ran supply, at u contract prioo to be lUed for 5 jears. Hifwlll set up a machine wherever wanted, by which ho retlues tho raw liber, so that what ho buys nt UO cents bi comes valued nt 91 ptr pound. This process rcdiic.K one ton of HO rent liber, to 80 pounds superfine. There remains n very large proportion for w hlcli uses aro loliig found. After cordage, liigwing, rope, etc., paper auggests a menus of clearing up tho remainder. The outer bark uuiki-H n beautiful llxid green Ay, if ono may Jndgo by tho impression on the bands of tho workmen. Tho pith of the stalk contains a salad oil of ptcullarly pleasant llaior; cirtalnly those who have tiled It i ronoiinee it superior to olivo oil, nud predict for it a great demand. Further experience may modify this report. The leaves of rumln ninkn n groat ton nage, nud probnbly they maw make paper- ?i1iwk " "1,,y "" ",fl l"n'l"y w'H '"'' likily resimblo Japanese paper in touuli uess and in silky texture. Tin re is yet n valuable nnd very interes ting iirodiict, tho first wblelillio plantjiclds in the earliest Hiirilic-tini- Tho oninr dVilcioim table iVlable sprouts of ramie will vio with asparagus, ns .tfraM the consideration of coast, ltules for cultivation nro usually found win ro the plants lire for sale. Itiseas) to keen n fluid of rntnlo iu order, wheuoucoistabllsliid. After tho flrst ytur, the ground is su covered with the sprnid, thut little utti ntlou is needed, 'lliet plant is pereii Dial If the soil has not n moist bottom, wnlm. ... .vt.l.llll.lin.'. 11,1 mill agino that irrigation will be Indispensable after cutiiiig, to give the sicond growth a fair start. TheackiMiwIidgiil necessity for alternation of crops, will Induce our farmers to examine tin claims of this textile plant iits-m their attention. Void Uie8 l Jtitiul 1'riM, Wivn-MiM.H and Huh.sk-'ciwiVis. One of the best evidences of lh growing deinaml abroad for articles of California tiiauulaetiire, is ex hlbllld iu the fact that recent shipments of wind mills havo bein made from ono establish ment iu this city to Costa lticu, Central Ami r lea, to tho Sandwich Islands, unel to Australia. At the same factory there is also in pre ciss of construction u large wind-mill, ele.Hilnod fur some place In Mi xleci, while but a short time since wind-mills ami horse-powers were for ward! d from the samii place in tho opposite direction tn Oregon and In PugetSniinel, sliow mg u wiilu rungg of territory looking to our imthaiiiiM for supplies. Mr. W. I, Tustin ihe builder of these mills, is no novice in this line, having pursue el tliei bii.iniss here nud in inisviciuiiy upwards ol twenty years Ilia faclnrv. nt Mia rnni. r tl it..,,!.. ,.,.! lf..-C... sin els, presi lits n lively unel business. like lip. Ipeurnuce, nud is tilted up with ample facilities I lor finishing the work uniler his ituuiiillute I .- ........ ... ...,., . ..,lb supervision, haviuu for the purpose the necm. sary machinery ol his own. S, F, Jlural 1'rtss. MiNrs cm Goat Island. A Wnshlngton skciuI hay. "A vry singular petition has been presented in the Senate i.y M.O. Spragile, und referred. Il was sinid by E. 0. Curtis, Mis, Bvbru, A. J.ockwoud, uud Hatlln J. French, 'I hey pray for permission to excavate io the depth ol twenty feet, more or less, on Gout Island, Iu Sau Francisco bay, belonging ihe Government, for the purposei of making miueralogicul und geological investigations, und -to use the liriguage of iiiemorlaliats to re move therefrom some mineral-: supposed to be there deposited, of which we possess a lie. srriptlon, to do this without molestation or out side iutliience, on condition that tho earth therefrom n moved shall ull ha again replaced The Island will be left as found, and no damage be re-ally commuted. Mr. hcjckwuod is an at torney al law in this city, but the names of ibe other two petitioners do uot appear iu the Washington Directory," Tree Ferns from Sandwich Islands. Editors Pbrss: In reference to a notics published in the Paotrio Bubal Put as a short time since, on tho treo ferns and other useful and ornamental trees nnd plants, imported by us from tho S mdwlch Islands in large num. born, it may iuterest tho readers of the Bonn, to learn some interesting particulars in regard to tho various plants, indigenous to those islands nnd adapted to our own country. Tho tree forns, which nro found on tho Mauds, consist chiefly of threo varieties of pnlu.feriis, tho botanical names of which nro C'lopfliini gfiiucum, V. Ctamlnsol nnd (7. Ji itfrli. Iu general sppeumnco they are not un like tho popular DlcX-soaln, to which they nre closoly iillied. Tho pulu-fern furnishes tho commercial puln, a substance consisting of silky, fibrous hairs, growing about tho base of the frond (leaf) stalks of the'so ferus, and is nocel for stoning mattresses. Soveral tons of this puln nro annually exported from the isl ands, at n fair remuneration. Thi se ferns grow upon slilohllls nt nn elevation of about ouo thousand feet nbovo tho level of tho sea, nnd they are hardy in our California climate. For ornament, nothing could bo introduced into our gardens with a more pleasing effect; nnd if planted lu quantities, thoy would nlso bo come useful lu furnishing the pulu. Tho (leaves) fronds measure from 10 to 12 feet iu length, and form n most striking object of benuty nnd grace. Tho pulu-fern trees, which wo have received, are in size from six Inchi a to four feel high, nud nro now develop ing their new fronds rapidly. All are doing well. Soveral other treo-feru varieties nro found upon the islands, such ns .INopnUet cfccMirrris, CytMta mtilulhrti nnd Jrjxiriei prtieYfrrei, nil of which are most desirable decorative plants nud well ndapted to our illmate. Three varieties of Skrew palms (jxiMiiVuitu) are found on Ihe Islands, also wild glum r.V'nni (CeJoeMiin fvciiuifii), tho roots of which furnish all excellent fond lor tho inhabitants, while tho leaves are used as u vegetable; this Trei could be grown w lib good success iu our low- lauds, particularly along our rivers, creeks and springs;the Malign, "N itive Apple" (socnlled), the Solomon Vine, Ihu l'n o Violet, tho llanaun, nil are found in great luxuriance and contribute largely to tho comfort nud to tho wauls of tho inhabitants. It is our intention to Introduco nil tho mnro desirable) plants, trees nud shrubs of these is. lauds, comparatively Utile known to us, into California, nud wo aro thoroughly votivlucoel that somo permanent good will c line from uur various Importations. More of this heroaflor. Mn.i.Kii .t HikVhiiri, Nurserymen. 7Vem theti. F. Ilural 1'rrn. More Alfalfa Experience. IFi-omtliel'clrio Itursl Prrx.) Epitouk Piikhs: Although but n receut sub scriber to jour valuable paper, on reading nn article In your Issuu of February 7th, by "0.0. A.," I felt as though I would like to say n word to him and others nn alfalfa. Somo may think tho question Is being "run into tho ground." 1 wish it were so in fact; for small farmers there is nothing like It, especially thoso that have means of irrigating. My experience in ns follows: On the 12th of March, 1872, I sowed one and a half tieres on ground which for elghte-en years hail been seed ed to wheat. The surface soil Is light loam. sub-Hoil adobe, surface water 20 to 21 feet. A good plant came, uud not having it fenced, stock fid it to the ground, then horses "went" for the roots ami paweel to n depth of four Inches, which treatment killed about half Ihe plants and left my patch looking like a young hog wallow. Tho following spring I went over It with a harrow to level the hillocks. I el Id not so any hi eel, as I should havo done, on tho bare places. In tho latter pitst of April, '73, I cut two tons of hay from Ihu patch, notwith standing tho gophers harvested rather morn than their share. During Hummer anil full, I kept two cows ou it, but it seeslid well this winter, ami 1 llud a good portion of the baro spots well planted. Some of thu ohlest roots, cut oil by gophers, seem to have tho vitality of tho dock or horso radish. '1 hough thu gophers havo been very bad, 1 expect to double tho quantity of hay, und pasture a cow or two a month longer. Many farmers In this valley object to alfalfa because it draws gophers umi makes tho land hard to plow. To thu tlrst I would say, uso good cats and water. Thu second objecliou is idle, for after a Held of alfalfa is well set, it would bo hci profitable that no farmer would havo It plowed up, especially am4Harniers, who I cousldur hIiouM dlvcuify their opera tions by Mug nblei to product) prolllably row cows, calves, sheep, hogs, poultry ulul hay, which I believe can bu cioiio by having small fields of alfalfa. "CO A." "wishes It wero possible to cot clean scud." There is plenty of III I would refer him to D Furubam, of Woodbind, Yolo county, who will guaranty good ami pure seed. Afti r reading " ll.igar' on Chines,. Labor, I would ask, why not havo our Gruugis take up thu question, nnd import houso help from tho Eastern and Southern hiatus, whero It Is said there is plenty of it to bo had. willing to work lu California at from Sit to flfi per month? Iu that way it would improve their condition, help the Chinese qiKHtioii, anil best elf ull, would save thu Id alili nud life of many of tho bist women in California. A. 11. W. Santa Clara, Feb. Ulh, 187 1. The New Era in Farming. Tho good old days, of whleli we hear so mill h, have passed away. It is questionable whether they aro tube regreted; mom than cer tain that Ihey are lint, su far us fariiilui! is con- ceroid. Thu good old el tys of emu-horse, hap. py-gii-iucay uxricuiiuro are uuii'isi over. Micro wus ii time win ii tho motto would s. em Io be, to do us (inn's father had done, until by repeat ed experiment und multiplied failures ouo le urue el belli r; to receive ou no account nuy Information whatever, nnd to keep to nuesulf, us much ns possihlo, nuy discovery Hindu. The teiideiii-y now Is quite opposite, uud as liberal und far-sighlesl lu policy us Iho other was narrow-uiiuileel ami retrogressive. It is Ihe great ubjoet with farmer to facilitate in tercommuiiicatiou uud exchange of useful knowledge, ruther thuu to Hhut out Ihe now aud ke e pat home, tho improvements. Nu sen sible farmer fears thai by announcing to hi neighbors methods ol gelling uvurcerlniii dilli cullies or of accomplishing t-vriuiri ends, ho is thus i ucGurugiiig u set ol men, put upon his own plane, to compete with nud injure him. lie knows that for every single hint given out by him, in return he resieives mauy; und that us he is benefited by others it is only fair to re-clproc-ate so far us he is able, The truth is, that there is no class of men so cordially wll ling to Impart Information, so mutually help. ful. so i.tl'AtWy, us the farmers. This statu ol lee-ling is iu turn Iho causa and the result nl tie agricultural papers, tho books, ihe Farmers' Clube and tho Granges. With out the geueruus instinct these Instruments of progress could not exist, and it i Juell fos tered, finally, by its own offeprln. --From Uu S. F. Jlural Prm.