Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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1 1
If 1
AM, 1 Oil AN 1.1 .PET JtTATi: CO.V
Tho TIiiiirI.i County liiilciii1ciitTn-l'aicr'a Con
s.cnlluii hating usstniMlcil Ihls'-Wlli ilay of Ki-bnuirr,
1S74, awl iK.inlnnlcl n full I.eidaliiUvo mul County
tkiki-l, mill iKitlUFUilHiriMil In lull li.irniuny, n liirnu
In.gMrlt) of Ilia nuiiifim llicn mscinultal m'( IijivIiik
oranleil for Hit- iiirpoi nl rueonmicnillnK an Inile-
IK'inli'iit Mnli.' ll.'.kLM, UieKillmtliiK li'solnUini, (Ml III!)
Ion, win nini liiniiily ii'luiilLiI :
it tvivtu. Jiini in iiiu.ipiiiiuiiuiiiiitvunvrnuon, mo
Frcil K rainier,
J K Htrong,
I' Jj Willis,
A J MimriK',
S Il Jcsaui..
OaajJ l.uilm,
C ltaltlmore,
V. II Wmk.r,
Win It tlllltnorc,
Snmlt Irnlii,
f ',V,r,',,,'kB,J' Afeiohwr,
Hni It I.I.... ...... 1 '
..... ' .......11,1.1.1,
It W Wilson,
T II Wnnl,
r oiaieur
l'ltOt'llA o. jiaii. not TIN.
Tliu New Vork .S'lm Is not altogether
Jf nuni'i i inn in inu.'wiiii'nninuisiuim'ini(iii, lliu i i . ..,.., ,. ... , " .
Iiiltri'liiiiflliu"niilu ol Orison will Ixi heller stilt- u'U ' It) Statement; sometimes, 111 Its p.'tSlon
nerved liy Initi'iicink'iit iolillcul aollon tlinii liy Dlrlet fnr itircrclslve wurliiw. 1 1. I ..... i. .i
nillic.ruii.rln uxMliif! limy iirifaiiUiillona. iin.l dial ,jrgRrtHiro Wurlilio leads It to nttilck tllO
thciuiiilooltliusctiriil eountlin of llicMatu be, uml Administration lit Washington with reckless
liereliy .-lie, risitiprtt-il lomlect iteleMlcstiiiin Juilo- , ,i., . i . . ,, ,,
iwiHlciitMiilut'iiiiwiilliin In In liclil nt Salvm mi lliu persistency, IHlt III II lato llltlele oil mull 1011-
l.'.lli ilnv ..! April, A. I). li74,HtlOoVlrick A.M., .ir lliv tracts It elves lim tlcuhr i,f ll.o ,,,. nt ,..,..
imriiOM- olni.inliiiillnnMnin ticket In l ireviil4 . . . " pailitlliurs 01 tlio career Of one
loilinTiilLTKnt lliuuninliiKvUvtlnii. I Ol these lllllll route millionaires, W ho In five
. Tin I'miwniliiii iit'iiininviiiU Hint In MUvllneMii'li . ... . ' .
ilo'i'snli'n, iliiiUililniiilliiiniiuiit lie nnnili-liuaio Jcal'' Kro" '1'" .MoiltllllEl Stablo boy to bo-
jiircvervui nil's eii'ini inu eli'CUnti uriitfl lur w I- COMIC It Croat oiierufnr wlm llw.a .. il.... .....I..
Aonniil lliirnclt, ami one ii'Mltloiml ilnleHff.'rn , ,7 ' h""11 opiroior WHO IIWS 111 lluu stylo
fnit'iiondi loot ties or hot. Uimn iliisUi-li, tin-iniiii- In tilth Avenue. Sow York. C. ('. IIiiiiIIpv
U'rMvkitL-Krrnmllivn!4iiLv(liiiuiiiiMuiuilllji!iu f... .. . . " """"'J'
follows: , is u young in:in, nliout thirty years of aire.
whom wo had the pleasure of meeting during
our one winter in Washington, nt tlio recep
tion of n Cabinet olllcer, and were assured
then Hint ho was one of the very Ibrtiiuato
operators In mall contracts who Hint It to
their ndrantagu to milium In Washington to
manipulate tho wires by which cayuo horses
and mini wagons carvu out fortunes lor tlielr
highly favored owner., dolmr mall service on
the plains and In the mountain regions of our
nebcin lei iltorlcs.
C. U. Huntley iniiit have been verv shrewd.
uren If Ignorant In the book-learned pensu nl
thu word. He went to .MIsoula hi Montana
about nix years ago, and, Hoeing how mall
matters were managed, Invested his brilliant
genius lor business In manufacturing a peti
tion ioi a man
7Wu7 IVr. I)i li iinlra.
Maker !ll.' A
lliinl on ,til II
Ulnoknin.14 1.l'.til 7
;IiUkii :iii
('ihjh :,ii :i
t.'mry s i
t.'oluinlilii nil
DmiKlai I , H." I ;i
Orani nil :i
Jll.'.k-.ill I.VJ H
.Iiim'iiIiiii :tu .j
Jiine , I.hVi u
l.li 'J,lli7 II
Hitrloii J, 171 . 12
M ltlnrini.il 'J.JI'.I i
i;''k 1,170 li
Tlll'iiiimik 1H7
Uinailit.i tiin ;,
Union mi a
W.hIiIiij-Iiiii ("i7
Wnvi Iii'.h a
Ynnililll i.-iii i;
TnlAl J27
Ot'TNIDK V1KWH or TIIK ukamuk.
On iiiotlnn, tin' (m Million liirllii'rriviiiiiini.n'liillliit
lliu ki iilu IIiioiikIioiii 11,0 Miiliui-Miiililii In llnlr lu
Maslltiiilivltk'tiin HUnnliv, Mnrvli isih,aii I'livt
ilelivnliMlniiaMinlilniii 'ntinly CmnrnlliMM on Sal.
unlay, Airll 4lh, 1i7I,(c.ti lull ..ininili- nlii-rn
llt'i luito nlnaili la'cn lakru loi'lnaiiuilili'iiilua lor
inc'llnun; niiih' ii Iiit llliif), im. ilicro nlci t ilo'ci; Urn
OiunnlliiK In Mm iilritn niairiionnii'iil, In inn-l In
Hliilnl onu'iitloii liiiioinlii'iioMinii) iillli'uri1.
On imitliin, i,n Ouiitoiillini a.lj'iiiiiiiil,llii'ii Ih'Iiiit
70 il.c,f ilea piiMMil, iiiot llio iri'Williiinirkiilii
i'oiiii.Iciu iiiiiinlmlly iiiiiI liirinoiii.
It. .M.I.i'UNM.I.'Imliiniii.
onto from .Missoula to Walla
Walla, ami as thu load fioin thu one place to ) shortly destroy thu organization.
Wc have received a very Interesting com
munication from a gentleman lu ono of the
Southern Coast Couutle:, who Is a radical
friend of reform and says that party feeling Is
nt zero In Ids county and whoays :
The best men are marching out, Mi.iklii"
hands over n bitter, but dead past, and pledg
ing their mutual aid to niaku the futtiio a bet
ter present than now. When thu people itu
tlcrctand themelve, and their duty, and
power, our country Is safe. The people havo
the nominating as well as the voting power,
let them exervhe the firn as well as they do
the last, and ouo half our evils are pacd.
Dr. Franklin Mild that "It was the dutv nfnu
American pltlzens, never to nsk, relii-e, or
resign an olllce." Wo concur lu tho senti
ment, especially the tithing part ; fur our ex
perience, inougn snort, lias taugnt us that ras
cals arc more energetic than honest men, hi
pressing their claims for olllco; and thu peo
ple, however, generally nominate thosu who
urk oftcuot and loudest.
Let our editors and speakers teach thu peo
ple their rights and jiower, and wo will soon
;ee tlieso rotten rings, that control onr pri
maries and our convention, thatcxl-t In every
precinct, county and State, rent asunder anil
tioddcn beneath thu feet of a frea anil urn.
greslve people.
Hut tlm people must not bu taught to ex
pect too much, lor as yet, the mllleiiluin Ins
not come, nor has It been demonstrated that
tins world Is a suitable place for a paradise.
They will tlll liuvu their buidens to bear,
their dutle0 to perform, and raUu a revenue
sulllclent to run the greatest nation the world
ever saw.
I'hu Granges are doing much In thu right
direction ; but they nreaMo doiiiL' thinm that
will he haul to undo, and will undermine mid
Ihey aru
A V,i...
for mi ImlrjM'iHlriit MhIf mill iiiiiIj Con.
Wc, tl'e lindcnlglitd rillens ol Marlon
ninny, lrnpuLtiii uf party, favor an hide,
pendent luiiM'iiieut for thu puijxisu of iiuiiil
liming caiiilldult's fur Ihe dllii'iciit county
nlllci", at the cumin'' .lui'o elcitlou: aNo fu'r
tni'inliiT nl Hie l.rgf-latiuc, Wi)ciiiliiietlu
ii"iiIiiiI(iiij nl ihit Itiiuglas ( uiiiily IVoplo's
(,'iiiii'III1ihi. ii'i'oiuiiiriiillug a Stale Conven
tion lithe liclil nt Siloiu, April IA, IS7I, Inrlhu
puijHi'e ol lioiiiluallng'i Male llil.rl.
The pirrlnita willhnld llii'iriui'i'tiuai the
n-ii.il pi ire ol' wiling, on Niliuil.'iy, .March '2
and eliMt delrgalix lo llic ('iiiiiityVoiiteiilliiii,
In br held at Hie ( niiiily.N-.it, April I, Is" I,
at 'J ii'ilni.1. ii, in.
I'.ach pni-lnrt i-li-ill l-e intlllid lo nni-delc-giilu
I'm- i M'lj J. iili-is I- Mich piecliid.
l-!ai'h cnliuly -lull bit ciiIUIimI In one ilch
galu hi lim M.ilc CiiiuciiiIiiii fur eich'JOII vo
id's In said hiiiiiH ; the Mile uf llio geiieial
t'leilinii of s?J ln'lllg lal.eii ii a luaN.
II. I lllllll, CO Mul.Uil.l
fririin. J l' i
Aliii-I lliiteii'li n.li M .1 ihikhii
Jl'l uir.ttri.hl, I W Y-,m;
.1 lni in kci, .1 Llio,,
.Mm MiKirc, l .Mdli'.j,
'llinoii', O'llilrn,! I'l'iiillciii,
Anlii'W I'liLir.l. I. 'l limn I.
h 1 lloir.
M'loi hmmlrr.
ii rN'im.t ii i,
C lli'.iiilnp'i,
C .i-l,liw,t,
T hi. nil r,
M II I .1 ,
A i.rn,
l( .1 .S'llllli'.
dim A "s-llllle,
I. I' I VI kin-,
d I, lili'llll,
I. s ll.nK
'I' II -111111,
Mii'iiiiiii II Hi h,
Win I 1'iuli,
Win IM'IakkuII,
.1 II Ickicr.
tilin illlniMii,
II Tr..ulil.'.
i: .ii'iiii.'.. ,ii,
A Win-rla,
V. It a.,
li M:iu'.,
.M Inura,
II. I s.l
.N N'HI'll,
l-.ll.lli dlllll,
i:.i iiniiUn.i,
.lllllll .1 llllkllia,
A hllli.l.ll,
Nl lllllll,
.1(11 ll.lkO.
(' II lllllluHr,
A rii.oiUiii,
W IiiwihiiihI,
.1 M Mi.ikvra,
W.I Uarki'i,
'I'll I'mlei,
II II I. kin,
A I.MInon,
lllllll'. .Mlll,'',
Inlin Jliiilii,
lllllll lll'.llnrr,
('Hi lli.i'liiur,
Ullll'l lliamr,
II .1 Hall.
( II Wl.lliu-,
A o MuIihui,
Allen liiiiiijia
.lllllll l.ou,
.1 U Mux.
I Mollli,
J li ll'ill,
.1 W M.'C.i.lln,
I.C Oillllili.
tll.'i.liN lill.lli, Chili 'i'.
Viiiuiii'r, Mtinii'l lliiimi
Klial IhllilillT,
ST .Siir.li.'ini,
II llllllaMtl'll..
Win I .lllllll,
Chnlt', Wall,
Ml 1 1. illii.i.,
1, 1 .11X11',
.loa'l liiiliniMin,
KM lli-nlcj,
N t'errliie,
.lllllll J Tllillll a,
SImhoii hiiilih,
Unlit WlilllU'l,
I- M r.ine,
I'l d'iir,
II IlihUv h.
inuiii Wi-iuii,
RiiimrJ h' Mm.
I' A I Itiiii,
thu other, though hundreds ol miles hi leii"th ,t'at',l,"; l,' people to expect too much, lliey
chivt ?rw ", rm" to mu .,,u wuto"B': vaiMT
thUes at Washington were robbed uiid old , l.loslvu as the CommiinUn.. n ! will mi ...
and forgotten petitions werui'cspoilcd of their whiiU ry with riots, conllagratloin, and lii-ur-
nsn lo iiiruisu llio necessary liacklii" nil nl """. " wmi nrgaui'.'iuoii, assuming to
wldehndghtbu done .lightly cm upt.ng Sffi, ffi.n'ivel.I
Uerks ol the ileiiaitmeiiK When thu mall intelligence. It Is cooled alU-r a terrible pat-
lvlllii io.ij iii lnt.lt ,t,...l tt il !.,. .....II I.. I t .
....... ....-, l'-i.iiiiisiiuu, iiiiiiuey iook pains to ll'"' """ "" my inru.ui uiiory to trace Its
put In tlm highest bid In his own name, and Vt'l!"l,",,,1"lV ' lj',ow or,i.r,l,t,r '"wm..-
bo"ils bids i li, c n "'"vo Ihelrpioduvt) leach maiket without
,? ... . ' ' ' M-'Ur''1 h,":,llir n-tgbt. who expect their stores dellveied at
.minimis that weru never lespoudcd to, and their dour, not only free of ft eight, but ofduty
ho bought oir)erons who jiut in fair bids at ",0
low rates, so that lie mastered thu i-itii.tilon. '''I'1 ' ' nilstaken view of the motives and
and then went to woik lohavol' inadu a irl- o-Njiectutloiis ofthu l'alinus ol Husbandry as
weekly louiu which was accomplished In ihu "u nudeiMand them from emiuclaird pilnei-
saiuo way lliu oilglual pdlllou. was uiiinlac. I''-' ol'tlio Niition.il noil Statu Oriiimc. ami
tilled, ami the .Mu.oul.i .siablu buy sub-let his ,n,MI lnteivour-e with geutleiueii lu this vl-
conlr.iclM) tint hit hid fur six years an in- "'O' coiini cled with tho order. Ourlnen.l
ciimeol .f.lll.iwuperaiuiiun. lives wheiu no (Irangu has a set, been e
Suih genius as his was needed at tho i:.ist. t'lulWied, and he may have been inl-lcil he
and he Is said to Imo reinnved lo .Vow Yoik tll,"'-Nrcsslnnsoi'liiruicisorhlsiiiiiuiliitauce.
and ii'ed Ids incu no and his talents to Mich '"it "thing lu tl'o principles or iictlons ofllie
excellent ailvaniagii dun ho w,,s mhiii iulrr- "'eriis fsublisho.lju.tillos a c targe, that It
fated lu half a ilneu .n..il coulnicls eipially viuMlliles with French Couinuutlsm or
v.iluihle, and no il.iiiliiiia hniie-lly uiaiilpu- "ireateus lu any sen-e thep aw and piosperl-
lated. Huntley Is now mIiI lo lie a nillllnu. ty ol tlio n itlon. Not even iUk It iuIiisd lo
aler, niaaieiol thealiuitlnn al Wellington, a l'y Jo-t heights or a lair Inleiest on rallioa I
hniue lu lliitili'inilint'iii-, uj, . cims in '"""nents. while It oppo-ns moiinjiuly and
tlie cniruptlou that altei.d- II, and Ihu linpo-l-lion
it pracllivs on (he people.
Our correspondent has views that tiro hi
generally correct, tha: wo give plan- In his
cniumuuicntlnu as lliu cxiiiv-uril (Vars of an
inu pn-l-rniiie ilngs, ninl wilhiii Uvu years
giowu fioui ho-tlcr In nillliiiiuliT. s Iguur
illil of bunks Is il,. up by his l.uowleilgu ol
w.ty-, and many who cn,y his
would eM.li.ineo nil ihelr
Mien and I lie I
taci ami mmv
For several years past our town has enjoyed
the foi'iii'llt of good common schools made Iree
to all. In addition to tlio revenue from the
school fund of tho State, of which Marion
county has Its duo proportion, our citizens
have annually voted a small tax on the prop
erty of this school district, which has sulllccd
to support our common schools and make ed
ucation a Iree thing among us. The died of
this lias not only been to bring schooling
w lililu reach ot many families In poorer cir
cumstances, but it has ndded greatly to the
standing and character of Salem, which, as
thu capital city of a prosperous State, has a
reasonable ambition to excel, and is expected
to take a loiemost position on all leading
questions and to show enterprise and liberal
ity hi public affairs.
Our citizens have expended largely, and to
soinu extent unprolltably, In making Improve.
mciits suited to the character ol our city, and
have reason to bo proud ol their enterprise.
Jlicy havo now tho name of being public
spirited and liberal In matters pertaining to
other local Interests, and hitherto we havo de
served respect lor our liberality in maintain
ing free schools,
To-slay tho public schools clo'o lor the sea
son, and will not ngaln bo opened, probably,
until next fall. Thu Intention, at tho school
meeting last Spring, was to vote a sufilcient
sum to sustain freu schools during tlio year.
but tho means thus raised have only been Mif
llclent to carry them through two thirds orthu
year, and wo must all regret to see them
closed through thu Spring, unless opened and
conducted as private enterprises.
It Is entirely unnecessary to argue with our
citizens as to thu hnpoitinco of public instruc
tion, tor wo hau an enlightened community
which fully compiehends mid appreciates all
that. Wo can nolnt. with considerable nrlil,.
and satisfaction, to thu high character our
public schools have attained, and tho credit
duu to our school directors, who have dNIu
teroitodly laboied to propel ly grade our
schools and make (bum ellllclent. Our teach
ers, too. aie competent and ablo persons, uud
our readers inu-t s,u that tlic-ru Is a direct loss
Involved hi having the schools disband, the
chlldieu go untaught, and thu regular corpsof
icaciiers inrown out ol employment, which
cannot easily bo made up alter an Interval ol
six months.
There aru many persons among us In toler
ably cointoitab.M circumstances as labnilii"
people, who llud It no easy matter to pay
-cln.ol bills, an they will Icel compelled to -end
only a p.ut of their children tocchool. There
aiv many otbeis. heioas lu eveiy oilier town,
who must hne fico schools or Uiey cannot
send their children at nil. I.et us, thcrolnie,
cnrelully consider and vote iiiiderstaudlugly
in inu coming uiMiict .-ilinol nieethi!'. ami
iiMiid a peiiiiy-wi-oaiul pound foolMi policy lu
im in popular etlucatioii. Wo have good
ans who have borne themselves gallantly In a
hundred well (ought battles and havo gone
through them all without a "scratch'' arc
ready to break like raw militia at the first
tire. If they arc called upon to follow trlcktors
and leaders ol the D.ilgctty stripe. No party
can now command the support of Its followers
unless It tint commands tlielr anijidencc by
declaring honest and worthy prlnclnles, and
selecting Its very best men as candidates, and
by doing all this fairly and openly and with
out artlilce of any kind.
. ,,.,..., y lll t I --,-- ' ' " ' " "U
fcho.il learning for llio-u qualities and throw ?,.', M',,".,M" "" ' " ''J', ''"'I'hv.I tone-
" '"""; t ' ... s ,;:;:.: was?; ts ,:tt,.1., t
sou tnilniibt that the nation has been u-ry "' "hill not hesitate as an independent organ
liillll V I'm lur. Will. nil iiii-iii.
li llClllllllllna. I'l'lir Cl.ir.Y,
W II I a.iirlln.
fiun' I'ari ir,
H. I I'.'i illi.nii,
J C llili'll.lli.lll,
A W WimIIii,
.l-litill it,
Mimiii Cniir,
.1 II I'mIIit.
I h mulieii,
lau'li n l.ia'i
CliarlivClaitM'll. l-'ian. la IYIIit,
. .. inai, ii in ii mi iui,
I. A Niiniri'. M ll-k.
(In. Vn!r..hl,V t II. il ,
Il W ln.uii
.1 M ll.'.l.'l,
Hiram iiilili,
o A Mailiain,
It li IIiiMmiiI,
I M 111.1. k.ili.1,
.lillnra Miail.v,
.1 II Miaire,
II l.ll'llairl,
I. I.H.nl.,
J II Kluiil.1.
(I W f iiutli,
A II full,.
I M Hum ii,
V IasiiiaiiI,
V I' .SvKHi.ll,
Janii'a lii r,
s It.nlilliui-r.
Clnrli'a lli'iillne, I
ii'iin itiiiK,
A Hull,
I'l M. I'ra.'ki'ii,
,l I at lr.
Nihil I'lllliilil,
A Jo in'",
II I .1.11.
II ll.ilia.lll,
II II Wlile,
W I'Aii'tj,
.1 A llniil,
W llruika,
I K Haiilun,
O I Mlll.ll,
I. Mn.lpr,
Alu.Mli l'liln.'t,
Krank Klul'
'I'liua CuilliiMin,
luliii Ixuiioril),
Iuk'I'Ii Cola,
laia.'l IIihiIIi,
Mklili'l llmaii,
A in lira. I Uuii'i,
r iiii.k.i-.
IVlillllilll'l ILllli'r,
ilullll tlliili'llliaal,
W II lir,
M Kimii'h,
.luhii (ilniuli'iil,
I I. Ii.hM.ihi,
r ii '-iniiii,
M I unit
gilcMiu-ly wiuilletl and liiiuibucil in llicau
weaicin mall cuntrict., and tho above slorv
contains far inoio tiuili than poetry.
l Hero his u-ceiiily been a new letting of
mall contracts, and rulniin his iiminieueed In
i i.i. .. . .....
im-ii .inu nun Mien -ucras mat tiieie Is an Im
iiieiiacMUlug to theirou'iiiment. It
in inu people in Minw Its (euileiKles,
.o .suj.'aj or iii'iiovi:iii:r.
iiukIi r.thii'ni,
at I'llKll.
J.nM ii'riiiiujioi.,.li"w' II I.i vi l,
.,!' in, rii, ,ir.iti.ri,
W 1' I'dUuii,
.lulin )i.'k.ii,
A H Miall
Hours lilli-un,
A llM4llll.il,
O limn,
It hhiinili,
Win Xaniilnc,
Nktlun lluiil,
J II til.l,
J K 1 1 111 M'.
Klijati finlili,
lVm Htii.M.ii,
Uirlln l.rn,
,i , k.i....i
.. ., fu".
W il rurtor,
A 'lll.illii-ii
W It Duiili.ir,
I.I' 1'iailrr.
KMies Wlllier.
Wlllnirii Kltitr.
Ili'iiry Wanen,
Wl" llr.ittii,
lieuiKii Malier,
O Mn'II.Jr,
Wll WniLlns
KIlCM Mlllll,
. II .small,
Klllllli'l I'llnri,
ii'iin i' Ji.iuain,
Kniluul Wulr.inl.ll o M.iiism.
M.iiIiimi Mail I, s A I kirke,
A ('lliulKlitt lli'iin .-lllllll,
JUH',C I,ihLi'i,S M.Miuii),
I.Ji'kiirun, lililH-un,
Haul li.'Ului, 1 .1 WIK-iiv,
J l.l'.nl.li.
Ju Xcruiiin,
hit Ssm,
(I W Ii.iwhmi
A Ml-.lrr,
iVhi I'uHir,
J M .luiies
l W lluiil.
.1 I. i:.m.
Ili'iirt I'arltr,
II W Kin.-,
J. Im iKinnlii,
Jus hini,H.ii,
I K I'lialk,
i: Wilier.,
Win II,
I II i:lln,
ii w rieiiiivi',
ii r lun.iiti,
I. I I VI HI.-,
I It smilli.
i it riiuiiiiM.in,
.1 I. Itmal,
I, 1 I II IN',
It W.lune
l I'm Ion,
I'S WiHilnuitll,
lle.il' llulin.ni,
lit. i lie lal,,
tl W.lunlaii,
li W Willi ei,
A lev Caiui'K'll,
I. M)i'l,
lulin HiiiiIiim
II I.Mi.N'ir),
folli It lliiimurr,
A I'S'lnialka,
1.1 heller,
lamea aiiiikn,
111 Hall.
si: i i.i i hi,
I K linnaiul,
J T llrrttrr,
0 I' latlin,
li W IVa..
ts It Oarlaml,
1 DIMlk),
I. HiiImuii,
V .Seal,
T IS Maiiexiu.
W II II Unlit,
J J lln.wli,
J M Osliurn,
A J HniMtkei,
O I'l'urnrliiis
Win Vaiijlm,
le- l'aiilli,
d la llnitlllll):,
li 1! M. liiniioj,
lUuk Clin i',
T Ml'.. a.e,
Julm Itatinv,
iSIK9 raiuilla.
it iii riuiin,
President (.rant has lately lorw.il on tho
peoplu ol llostou a Collector ol Customs,
II lined Simmons, who wasopnoicdbv llieina-
I. tit If ti'll... .........1... .. a . . K .1 . (.
lil.iv Im) J""w " ",u "icraiaun iii inai cliv. Incail-o
posslbleth.it the cry for lelbrni and ii-ououiy llis i'"'racturiis a merely corrupt politician
us lonueii to ctuiect llieao glai lug abuses, " uorcoininaiiii ivspect or conllileuce. J tut
and that by Mime nil pil-lug means ol'graco a Sliniuons Is Collector, ami a nrvile Senate
lalrshaioofhoueji coiupetliloii his been el- ""'sIhiI thojoh to onler. This appointment
h'cleil I ganl to ihu letting of iliu-u vsnti- Wl1' ''1 t ploii-o I ten llutler, and It Is se-
tracis. In that ease o ur talented yoiui; J vercly vrltli-liiil liy jaiicli tutciiuly Kvputiliciu
filend llunlley can lend hisgenluatoaiiyouo, "I"-'"'- Htirjier' HVrWynud many others,
ofthu other spenilaiivollehlswheie Ids youth t;'',, 'rin,.,irt) had a postma-tir named
and Ids foil can labor in advantage. Ilu iSt0"- whogao satisfaction as an Imuet man
will pioluhly leave pn. u mis and uioiiiiiniii ""ll fi olllcer, and thu people Imo desired
oaiisioiiioruignoiilu.talile hnys, and lakoa "" ""iiiihmikm hi ollliv, but his timu being
hiutiiy inieiest in the growing railroad inter- "P. a i-oi nipt politician named Coey has re-
eatsolourcoiiutiy. Howillcouieiip lutlmoto lllV'''d tho noinluatlon, and great scandal
icplace the Scoits, Vanilerhllts, St.infords and !,K'''Hnat thu ailiulnUt ration Is created thereby.
Ilolladays, who uui-t bo getting along in Orfgou Is to have Iteii Simpson set up lis
years so (hit tlielr mkvossois should boon Surveyor (Jeueral, not hec;ius hu po-esse.s
hand, and wo shall probably hearofhini again, IulHo innlldeiKv or has especial quallilcatlons
all ludueiiMii-eof time. i for that liupoitaiii nlllee, for unlbitiinately
Wuctipy iiitui tint S. K. CAniH'Wc the fill, his labors tor political nngs have not glu-n
Inning p:inigniph which shows what a suing public satl-faction, for etn leading Kcpuh-
has lieen made lu the ivivut lettliigs of null licaiis coiiiidcr his appointment a poor com-
ixmtracts on this tMiat: pllincnt to tlm popular movement for re
"iiient appears in hive Ui-u a in ukiil Im-
pro-ii'lllelit this ycur III lln lelllii" nl'lli.i .sin
tmclslnr the Mining of the billed Stale
mails tin thu IVlHc Coast, the total w to
ui (-.nil inr tin- M-rvltv lur the coming lour
jcara will Iki but -'."11,111)0, ., K.r f,,,,,, (K,
lour VMia. p.i.t nii2-,iKiO. On Mime ot the
routes thu cutllug down h.i, eiionuoiis. I'm
lualaniv, tliat fioui Alt sill i ,.ew Mexhit) to
Mil l)lci!0. Which lias lleon .ai.lln,. .1, ..!..
el mucin JI'.'l.lHM, Isiuiw cut ilnwiHo f.VMKH),
'.'J. '."v.1 ":uru ,l ll:H ,KVi ''t In Kerns .vi
' Ill l-.UIIU.
Ullle. I llrtln II. Abiier Ij.iiU.
H)V .M.iminell, J.ta Ili'.niili.inis
ti ii iii.ii.uii, n e runii,
It linker.
lieu llllllii);,
IVrrt Will mi:i.
'I II Hiliirtki'l,
W I1Miiimuu,
llii.ii Itlt'iin,
W II Mllllll,
I. Ilru'fiut,
li Mt'i.er,
.lulin C ll.i.Sli,
li W 1'n.krl,
.11. I lllilli
.I tl irtcniiivi, Win A W line.
J l.l.uil..li, w llaivltilf,
y. i.chuui, j i I'lniiiiis
W II llenlliio, I'Wrr lliiier,
It ' Ittllll'l, ( W J.IIUM,
OJI'JII, ArtUiiuvj,
J. Jin Wlliil,
la. iiiiiii'mii,
IVvler Inlil4t,
W A Wiuel,
M llillnt')-,
Julm I' l.le,
II t, JilM,
Il M.'l'.'ilen,
.Ui-iti tluuci,
T II Allt-n,
J II Diiitniic,
J a I'luihi-,
Win II Kiuf,
I. II Ileum,
TJ lllilli',
I' M.'Mium,
lortn. Che mso simply Isth it Simpson eltict
ed Mitchell S.-nator. and had to bo pa hi for
his ahiililo services not considered so very
valuable, howiner, by jieoplo generally.
The "AlUiuy Convention" cut a largo tig
uro in thu year IS7:i, so far as Oreirou was
concerned, and m.ulit an linprelon timu will
not easily etl im. Perhaps It Is only p rocr
that Hit) Chairman of tliat Conenllon should
Ik- sent to Al.bki. sluco that has boon talked
.uiieneii, oi eon Smith, Aikm-a. The San I ii . V ,," """".,
WejMiiiid l.os Ainreles mni.. U i..r ntiiVmi ""t. . tlieso in liters the President
per nuiiuiu to William llucklev. Thu mot.. '"" ,vlul ' l'llar deuunU for "He
I mm Ham lltou lo PUvhe, hi Xbvada, was let Ms tsju-xxv'TirK-iii roH.
lo.l.HiuwlU.mstfiiiiirl.ii;3. It has hitheito . . ,"OHM'
ii ..ii.. V ' iy ,l m,m "''h,to At the IK'iiiivratlc County Com en
'.-ill.., ".Illt'll IWISIIIIIV rii.lKKI v.,. ...... .1... .'.II.... I..
mi ,.e 1 1,.. .,..,.. ..... i i. i ..... v......... mi.' luuu.i iii" I'Atriieiu V
....... I..UI,,:., lllllllillL.IIIII ii'Vl I
per milium, i
.Mcnanlelaw iiM,ti,i;,u. The route imui
Heading, Cnlllnrnli, to Itoschurg, OreeHtn,
was let lor fJI.000 lu-lead ol !-HK(HKI, the
preM'iit sum paid. This gives an Itle.i oftho
extent ot tho retivuclunent which Is belli"
piaotliitl in this dliectlon."
lUMiil'e-s to the weakness ol hoping for
Mime revolution lo occur lu polities that shall
Inaiini Mich watchful admliilatration of public
allalr- ili.it shrewd and iiiiHTiipulous shmiI.i.
tois will not foe ablo to mwmplMi their do
figu. which wo givatly fear cannot nune to
Iki-s until tho Hlltlcal rings of both parties
are ihomughly dead and hurled iMuil'ortablv
out of tlw way.
If you want to iiiako a lui-tlo in
tlio worlil tako rtvo now-papors umt
u ploee of ttipo.
lion for
tion was adopted which Is ot the same nature.
at lea-t, nt tar as Clerk and Sherllt otllces are
concerned, as that lately piv-ed br tho De
mocracy ot .Marlon county :
.Vsoi'r., That this CoiiMMitlon favors the
crt'atlon oftho otlltvol County ltecorder Tor
l.iiiu Cotintv, and tho cvgregatton of tho tin
ties pertaining to Midi otllco inmi tluit of
t oduty Clerk, tho County lSecordor lo re
ceive a vtlary not to exceed $1 ,200. Wo al-o
favor in iking tho uffleu of County Cleik a m.
arltil oilltv, with a Mlary not to exceed ?!,-
lllt tt'.. ..I . .-.... . -.it., .. . s .'
iii'iinu isiiir a uiouiiiMliotl ot tlio
ch.iol housfs, good mIiooN. .rood teachers nnd
good school dheitors and wo shuuld ccouo-uileel-ew
here to sate money lu prelerencu
to clo-lng down our scIkmiIs nnd peiinlilugour
children, not only to go untaught, but run
leii.i i.. i.n t ...i.i .- ,... . ... .... .
""- im-uuci. inere is pouiic.il econ
omy lu good schools.
A ML-llll.i: MOJi.ix,
(iucen Vfctoila has a daughter who m.idiin
lovo match and hroko through thu royal
usages to mairy a man who was not of royal
blood, through .Marquis of l.ornu and son of
thu Duko of Argyle. An Kngllsh ,.,- Scottish
Duke Is well enough lu his way.aud thouldost
Minofa Duko has claims lor public apprecia
tion Ifhe behaves hlniself. but nobllltv cannot
sit with royalty on oiu.il term, and Princess
i.onise has sometimes been deeply mortllled
buim-u her hu-band has not been H.rmltled
totakepirt by her sldo when certain royal
pageants havo taken place. Lately tho Kng
IMi iwoplo Irivo been called to do'homa.r,, m
.. it i . .
.. ii.i-i.iii piiucesswno li is condescended to
inarry tho Dnku of Kdlnburg, ono of Madame.
Victoria's boys, and we Ic.iiii that the ivason
why tho young .Marquis of I.ornc and his
I.oul.e hao taken no p.ut in the wedding
ccicinoules wa- liccatue the young woman
had become tlml of having lu-r husband suub
bul at royal shows, and preferred to stay at
homo with him to repeating that humiliating
It Isa.tonl.hlug how fond thu Kngllsh peo
plu are of tho royalty ami how willing they
t io jkij- ior it. ray for It they do, nt a
round rate, but they might learn a valuable
lesson from thu independence ol thu Princes.
Loiil-o, who values her seir-rciHct too imn.li
to hiiinill.iteherhusti.ind at public exhibitions,
or at prlrato royal githerlngs. Theyouglt
to Ikj proud of her for so doing and appreciate
her goal usto hi luirrylng a man she liked
Instead of having a committee of old fogies
pick out somo royal snob for her acceptance.
laws regulating the Ux-s of ShorllV of Linn
county so tliat tho annual i-xik-iiv- of Mid
oIIUv tin not exceed fi.lHM jkt annum ; and
wo rc-ik-tinilly iMuiuiend tlm votl-ltlvritloii of
thlsquottoii lotho IK-mocratio County Con
vention for tho nomination of t-ouiitv c-llcerj
wii to bo held lu this city.
Iiian tilltorlat urging upon tho coming
Democratic State Convention to mike thu
best possible nominations, tho Salem Mercury
shows that It fully appat-late tho sentiments
ot the eopJe and respects tho leellng of hide,
pcndence that iiiles thu laud, lteferrlng to
the veakenlng of patty ties It iocs tho follow,
lug forcible language :
Heretofore whatcier might be tho chii-acter
ot tho work; ot a vollilcal wnveiitlou the
'trengtliot discipline was such that tho lead-
We learn that mi Wednesday evening the
Democratic Statu Convention, which met at
Albany, nominated Gov. Grover for re-clcc-tlon,
as also Secretary Chadwlck, and placed
In the field as the party nominee for Congress
Hon. Gen. A. La Dow, of Umatilla. The nom
ination of Grover and Chadwlck was expected,
though it was known that a strong effort
would be made by tho friends ol cx-Gov.
Whltcakcr to secure his nomination.
While It is claimed that Governor Grover
has paid strict attention to his official duties
and has accomplished far more than his pred
ecessor did for the Interests of the State, still
we feel that his nomination was no concession
to the popular feeling against rings and party
drill-masters. Ills re-noinlnatlon was fore
ordained by county rings, nnd ho had secured
to himself personal organs hi each county, by
his veto of the bill repealing the litigant net.
Grover Is a life-long politician, has to carry
Into tho canvass thu odium of some very bad
appointments made to reward partisans who
had done rough and unscrupulous service, and
will be weighed down by their unwortlilness,
as well as by his endorsement of the salary
grabs, his veto oftho litigant repeal, and nn
olllclal and political record which pronounces
him an ambitious politician working for high
er place. We should havo piefericd to see
Gor. Whlteakur put In nomination which
would haye liven a response to tho wish ot the
peoplu to bu represented by men of the peo
ple and not by politicians.
Sccit'ary Chadwlck Is both popular and a
good olliivr. so Tarns wc have knowledge, nnd
his rc-uo.iiluatlou was a very proper move,
for wlillo his namo Is connected lu some re
spects with thu action of thu State Hoard a
for Instance lu the matter ot State Kqualla
tlon the Governor cannot conveniently di
vide that matter with nny Iwdy elsp. Chad
wlck certainly strengthens the Democratic
ticket, and we Ireely accord him the character
ofn worthy citizen uud a good olllcer.
Thu nomination tor Congress is thrown as
a sop to Kastem Oregon, which was expected.
Mr. LnDow was a member of llio last Legis
lature, nnd as ueli, volcd for tho measures
which make that Legislature unpopular. It
he can suivlvu the popular odium which at
taches to that session, and can uss thu or
deal sure Jo come, ol a close scrutiny of his
voiusnsiimciiiherolth.it bodr. In, will i.n
Mr. LaDowisa pleasant gentleman, evident
ly Is popular nt home, ami we arc Inclined
to think would niaku a good candidate It Im
had no legislative record. Wo confess to n
kind and friendly feeling for him personally,
hut we doubt the good policy of any Congrcs
sioual candid sto being taken from tho Legis
lature of 1S7J. unless ho consistently op
posed Its breaches of the Constitution and its
reckless wa-te of thu public lands and disre
gard of thu State credit. In this connection
we may say that hi our opinion .Mr. Xesmlth
Is doing good sen Ice lu Congress that would
warrant his patty in renominating him If he
had the good will ol the party to do It. It is
not easy to fathom the Intricacies of party
conventions and our history as a Stato shows
tint no congressman need ever expect a re
noinhiatlon. We further learn that the Convention met
again this (Thursday) morning, nnd made the
nominations, for thu rest of the State ticket at,
follows: Por State Treasurer, Hon. A. II.
llrown, oflliker City, Mr. llrown has been
a strong partisan, Is a man of excellent char
acter and abilities, ami in every way a good
candidate, If hu can explain his votes lu tho
two last legislatures satisfactorily.
For Stato Printer, M. V. llrown, oftho Al
bany Democrat.
For SuH-rlutendent of distinction, Hcv. E.
J. Dawue, of Salem, who Is well known to
our citizens as an accomplished gentleman,
whatever tu iy lie his especial qualllleatloiw
for this position.
For Judge of 2d Judicial District, Judgo I..
F. Mo.hcr, ofltoscbuig.
For Prosecuting Attorney for this District,
a young man named J. J. Whitney, of Al
bany. .
o confess to disappointment tint the Al
bany Convention found no firmer in tliat
great party worthy of a nomination at Its
TIIK Ik DE1K :, t.AIA)
vi-vuiiiiitviiiiiieniiy count on 1110 support of
the ticket 'by the great in iv, ol the mrty.
lint It l not so now. Tho times am critical.
t.u 'iiiiii. in 11 iiii-ih'iii if in- lino
bivjillh of
through thu length nnd
inu nun. ii ii.is iin.'iiii.i.i ,...;. .1.
Umils of patty, and they have become as bilt-tloasmpe-
of miuI. They w crumble to
""" ".im finim. i lie iHiwer nl n.irv
Wo publish to-slay about ISO more names to
tho Independent Call, and wo hear or many
more that are lu tho hands of friends or tho
movement, and should bo sent in lor publica
tion. We am assured that no ellleluut can
vass Ins been nu lu and that a thous-iud
names could beliad If soinu man would co
around lor them. b
discipline U imkeu-bmkc, fomie'r. ' VeteV-l In-.
K)UTIK Kast.-TIiu Pendleton Tribune.
March llth says tint Dr. Win. McKay will
start be ow In a few days taking with him
his brother. Capt. Douild McKay and twelve
Vtarui hpriiighull.111 scouts; also the cele
brated mountaineer and trapper, Joo Muck.
Among tho hull ins aro Oip.po-lis and A
M" w,w raptured Cipt. Jack after ho
left he Lava IL-ds. It Is tho Intention of the
Dovtor to start on a tour of tho States with
hla company some time next mouth, m.ik.
lug tlK-lr debut at SU11 Franelseo. It Is his
itesigii to deliver a Lecture at each ot the En.
icruinmenis or Inhibitions; . m ho Is a
regularly educited physician and speaks the
KuglUh languigo ilucntly, we have no doubt
bis lectures will be Interesting uud entertain