Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 21, 1874, Image 1

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    fegf; ft ttflii 1 I ii 111 midH P-:
mM I ft 1. I Iff n 4W
Iff 1 1 lisMKmiKfSlii TJ K Pi
wmW mm M mmmi trrtJCFRWSiiri2rA MmmMT:ZMtWMtmTEnMVmvMIPzfaV 7R.?(MHVKt7iT At
W MmmmmmummmwET,0.j r
$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
Volume VI. Number 5.
The date npneurlnc nflcr Hie printed
name oil tlm paper In the date ul the
BXl'IHATION ofaubacrlpllon.
(MnEM:n iti-.ronr ok tiii: iiiumis
Hall of CAriTAi. Loikik, I.O.O.T. )
.Kit, Oregon, March lllli, Is. J. J
Grand Kiicampmcnt was called to order by
the Grand Commander, C. K. Ilurrnvv .
Pro tern appointment. ofollleors ns follow:
Grand Secretary. W. II. bodd. Diamond
Knvnmpinciit No. 1(1; C'oinp. A. Vt'ol,
llnhbanl Ktii-ninpinciit Xo 8.
ltenort or llio Coiuinltteu on CicilcntLiN
sutmiltteil ami iulopti;tl.
Committee on Oitlor of HikIiicm n'porliul,
and submitted n funii which w:h adopted.
Vnc.iiii'liM In ollli-u won? tilled by lOittlon,
ntnkiuc tlio list ot grand ollkvn follow :
O. C., C. V.. lltirrow: C, I.. Vliiyiihl;JH'0..
K. I. Smllli; Trt-.M.. Mrt. II. Honker: (.'. of
II., G. A. Stowait; !?. C. Mm. SIv:iiiii; J. C,
K. II. Over; M. of 0.. Mr. Oodley; Chip..
. .riuiK'i; tJent.. !. M. IleuOey.
Tlio Omml Seeretury apHMieil and took
liU8e.it. Comp. A. C. Mi'Dong.iII ftibmltted
a comnumle:itlon pl.ievd n Ille.
Allrrnooii Srliu.
flmml KiiwnipiiU'iit: culled to order by
Grand Commander. C. K. Ilnrrov. and pro
ceeded to esempllfy the degree uoik.
On motion, it a ordeieil tli-it an renln
sclon bo held eoinnieneiniit 7 o'elrK'k.
Tlio On ml tjoerelary askeil lit hn excised
from fnither atleinl.ineu lor tlio hil.meool
section; not allowed.
On motion the commtmlc.illoii orComp. A.
C. McDongull w.H taken I'lom Iho lilu and re
ferred to sitecl.il Committee as ibllow: Com
lianlons Vlnevard, Cue, Holder, Hew ley and
Grand I'.ne-.inipmeiit took a uv.m until 7
Kvrnlnif Nf'Mlon.
Tlw Grand Kiieumpmeiit a uiIIimI to or
der by C. i:. Itnrrowii, Grand Commaiiiler,
and proaedeil lo work In the Dereo ol Ited
Tlio Seclii1 committee on the communica
tion ot Com p. McDouxall unnomiced their
rendinosi to report, uhieli repoit v;n read,
and by motion, nmdii lhohpici.il older furl
o'clock l' 31. tiwnoirow, March Uth.
The Grand Kncampmcnt took u iveo.-i till
8 o'clock a.m. .M-ucli 12th.
Nf-0(J Uny,
A. M. Se-slou.
The Grand Knuanipmeut as uilleil to or
der by Comp. tnrrow.s Grand Comm inder.
On motion, the Grand Kmcampincnt Com
mander m liistmcted to incorjior.itu tlili
On motion, tlm repoit of l lie Committee on
tlio Communication of Comp. McDoiicall was
taken up. read, ninended, and adopted a fol
lows: "Hall ofCapItal Lodge, I.O.G.T., Si
lent, Ogn., March 11th 174, to tlio Grand En
campment, I.C.IC.C.ofOregonnml Wadiiii
ton Territory. We, your committee to w horn
was relernil Iho communication ol Comp.
McDougall, licaring datu March lltli. 1871,
lica-to attached, together nith letters fiom .
1. Hastings lt.V.G.T. to A.C. McDougill,
and the Mimiuon rlguedby It. ISlrd, .1. OriiH
by and V.. A. bteains etimiulttee to A. C. Me
Dong.il ofdito.lan. lltli, 1ST I. Alter hilng
fully e.Miinlned s farm n nicable at this
time Into tlio coiiimunic:itioii of Comp. A. C.
Mcliougilll, wo beg leave lo Hilimit llie lol
lowlni:tviort to till-, Gi-inil ltody :
That we llml Comp. A. C. Mcltoiigall lullv
vindicated In liUdelcii'ie :igilut tlm j-currli-oiu
chirgii prelernsl iigilii.t him in a!d -urn-nous.
Your committed Hud that on tint s ild
l'Jtli day of January 171, at the hour specltlrd
In Mltl Mimuiim. tlm Mild A C. .McDoumll
accompanied In Grand Couiiiiauder llurrow,
repaired to the Hall of Nonpareil Lodge .().-,
G.T., ot Portland, to auver t-ald -iiiiiiiioih.
before the commlitco therein named, but was I
uuable lo llnd slid eounnltteo at Mid time
ami phce.
That suliKvpicntly, in the absence of Mid A.
C. MeDoiiil, the Mid cruninltteo surn-ptl
tlouslymid without the i-hnlow of evidence
prelered ihirges iigalnt.iid A.C.McDougill
for violating Article 'Jd, ilm said I.ixlgo us
talnlug the Mine bv e.vpuhioii, which cxpul
hlon wo reganl as totally Illegal, and without
tholonuol law as preset llmt bv Iho Co.i-il-tutlon
and Ity-I.iws of.iid Onler.
That Imlew of the I'oiegolug fact, jour
committee reganl the action of Mid Xoiiu
rcll Loilge. as wholly uuwinthv and boiieatli
the honor ami dignity ol a duly organized
working lodge or the I.O.G.T. That when
temperance org:inlAitlou are made the coer
under ulikh pihatechiracteristobea-.-ailed
Ironi Jealous rillier than pure motlu'S the
tendency Is rather lo pull down the great teui
peraucu work tUin In build up.
lfcipcctfutly submitted.
1,. ViM.i.utli. Ch'ui.
J. M. lll.WI.IA,
II. M. Ilot.l.i.i:.
I.viun C.vt;
4Mainuiilriillii Iriiii4'uuii. A.t' MrlliitiHll
To l4 (JjtiVt-rs ,ni' Mr..iifff ( the (,miul .'
CACiUiijnurnl I.L'.Ji.l ,
Honored and Worthy Companion-, various
reports Ironi dlflerent psrtk- lme U-eii cir
culated reipectlng my cliaracter, clnrglng mo
with lying and drunkenness Intendeil lo de
stroy my liifltieiuv In tlio IrtHire lleld. I lierc
wUu e.trne-tly tlcilro tint all ol sal-1 reports
bo lully luvestlgaled bv your liotinmblo body,
and that the Investigation thin Instituted may
be placed bcloro the public. With great re
spect, I am your Companion In toll.
A. C. McDoiOAt.l..
1. In relation to his claim ot org ini.lng
the Grand Lodge I.O.U.T.
Okhcf.oftiikK.W.G.T., 1.0.(5 .T. )
JIaih.-ox, Wis., dun. , 1S74. )
Hkv. A. C. McDoLOAL, Dkaii lino.: Your
favor of Nov. 'JDth came to hand at a time
when I was overwhelmed with matteis that
could not be laid aside, and I was obliged to
pui your letter in a pile witn liny or moio
others, where It has lain until now.
In reply toyotiruucstlon, I would mv:
1st. That in May lMlil. I did send a ills,
patch to I). C. lV.iron. aulhorliug L. K. V.
Coon, to Institute the Grand Lodge ot Ore
gon, mid that a day or two alter, at the re
ouesr of I). C. I'liir-oit. I withdrew the nil
thorlty f ik m L. K. V. Coon and coufeireil It
on A. C. MelMugall.
'id. A Grand Lodge cannot be legally In
stituted except by Iho II. W. O.Templa'r In
pel Min, or by some one deputized bv him.
llh. I have no ii-ivrd at liinil or the pro
else date of (he oigauialiou of tlio Grind
Lodge of Oregon, or as to w ho nrg-iuied It.
hut my luipre-Hou In always lccn tint it
was orgiuled on or itliout llie l.'llli of .May,
I Ml I. by the lti-v. A. C. Mulioiigull.
lU"'iettlnir tint this later Ins been so loie-
delayed, and with the hope lint it nriy ene
mi' purpose lorwiiieu you tiesiivil II, l iitu
tiuly and frateiually yours
Extract from a letter Iroin I'.. A.Meam.
out'of IlioCouimltlte who tried thec:i-eof
A. C. SIcDougall, and who declares In a mi-
MorltV reixirt. lli:lt mi I'viilenco m:is nililnivil
i.iisa)uhig the charge:
ion iK'aK ol iKilug eKpolleil rroni tlio
LiHlge. It Is (I am t-oiry lo cay) due, but
liotwitltanilhii' the fact. I believe you are
us innocent as you ny on are.
1!. A. Sri'-iuso.
I'mtrLAMi, 1'el). 8, 171.
I'Oim.AMi. .I.ill. dill. 1S7I.
Ml:. A. C. .MclXiroAi.i. silt: You are
hereby uolllled toapM'ar lieloiv the under
hlguiil Commit tie at our Hall, Monday, .Ian.
lmh lust., at 7 o'clock r. m., and make an
swer lothoihargcd annexed tothUMimmon.
iiuiim! you Tall toapiiear, you will be I im
ported to the Lodge as guilty of ittutempt.
and you will Incur expuMon thea-for, unless
Mtlsfactorv ex'i'il-e Is ivndered.
It. Illltl.. )
I. Ousfiiv. J Com.
K. A. MKAItSs )
I charge Urn. McDongall, a inember of this
Lodge, with having lol.iled Attlele Slid of
ourCoiii-titutlou on or about September Ulth,
llio (irauil l.x. Coin, was lu-trmted to
prouirc Mlih mippllus as might become liecc-
arv tor urn useoi miii. i.uets.
TheCoinmlttfuon Good of llie Order be
coming vaiiint by resignation, It was tilled by
tlieuppolutuieul of Co.up'ltes,Sawer, and
On motion. Killot was hid for placo at which
thuaiimril heslon should he held, rc-ultluglu
the cliokv ol'S.llein,
Tho Grand Lcilurcr was authorised to give
to tlio public press Mich pait ol the proceed
ing as he might deem prowr.
Tlm follow lug leixiit fiom Commltlee on
the Onler hii, uinuiinou-ly adopted:
It I-a pIciMiiv (o sour coin, to note Iho
progress of our order. Wo llnd a crowing
de-lie on the put of the public every where to
know moio in ivlatlon lo our work. Four
teen Kucumpmcuts now exlt In ihm jurisdic
tion, with n llim iiicuilieidilp; and Kiutof the
lllue .Mountain-, the iiiuiiIkt ol members in
tint iuri-dicllou. is llxed by the lale-tudv ices
at one llioiKiud two liimdivd, nud coii-Uutly
At .SIher City and xlclnlty lliel'. C. It, C.
nilmU-itd two hundred aild'liliy meeting In
their own hill, bulll at a co-t ol over f'l.oou.
The Org.uii.iiig Olllins now liain calls U
go lo many parts of the Male, and at no dl-t-aut
day the Onler of tho I. . It. C. will lie.
come a power ill the Mile. Wo pledge each
other answering lldellly to the 'preail of this
mucii ihimihi worK in our iutii. aim 'j hi
the near future the gloilous woik -prc.idlng'
out tin-entile I'lillc I tati s. And while we j
labor haul lo Imlld up ihi- hi-tltutlou, tu
will extend Iho warm h itid of tine lldlow-liln
loall Tcnicrauc-NH telle of whatever ii line,
wMipig only Iho siuwhS of the ciil'e of Teni
perauiv. ami the uppie.dou of llie JciurM.il
Him trallle In our U-loied couiitr. We ev
tiud our waimot viu;uth1es to the noble
women, who by ihelr pnijer-and tears in
(lie WV-t. are l.tlMtiiug fur 'the ocitlirow of
the nio-t iniuiltllteil nuu tint ever atlllctcd
adinii tiiHldcii and lu rur-id rac. and bid
them "(Soil 'ineT'Iii their hciiuoh.iil and
hcaeiil, woik.
All ol whlih Is lespiclfully -ubiulttul,
.1. It. bill,-. 1
II. .M. Hui.iu.i:. Com.
.Ii-. ."saw U.lt. )
Altei ery cU'crlug and plea.iiit uiii-le iIh.
Grand Knciinpiuenl ailouiii(.il.
Grand oiiuuiiiilcr.
I'. I'. Mtn ii, Grand .-eoviary.
lkit:k iHon wAsto ttttri.
IIews IxEfts.
I'iitm-n MilkChkkk, March 15. '"I.
I'tmu.int ton call, the cltlcns ot l'lrteen
MlloCrtek precinct, Wasco county, Oregon,
Irrespective of party met In piluiaiy ivuvcn
tlon tlio lith iut., to !elect thns-delegate to
represent mid precinct in a Count)' Couveu
tlou, favoring an Independent movement, to
plaix In nomination good and true meii for
the dinerent county olllcvrs and iiH'tnliers of
Iho Leglslturo ; nlo to wlect llvu delegates
to attend the lu(UH'iident Male Convention
to lie held ut Salem on the l.'ith day ol A pi II,
On motion, Wm. M. MK.'orkle, was called
to the Chair nud G. II. llarrclt ami A. G.
.Tohu'nu wcrechoen Secrelai les. On motion,
a commltlee or three consisting ol Mcm-s. I).
11. Imi'ur, II. nice and W. X. .Smith weie
appointed by the ( hair to draft a ret of ic-o
IlltlOllll. '
On motion, a rt'ccs of lifted! minutes was
taken lo give ?aid comnilltec oppoitunlty to
dnilt nud repot I u.-olutlons At llie expl
ration ot the lime, minting was called to or
der, when the rcort of the commlllci was
rend and adopted, and the committee ills,
The tollowlng pre.in.blo and resolutions
were rend iiud adopted liy actions :
Wlii.inus, U Is a fact, potent lo Iho eyes
ol every obcrlng man, lliat the I wo old par
tie, known as thu Itepublii-iu and Dcmoenitle
paity, are each nsM.ilUely miiiiagid and
coutroledby Int'amou- lings rotten with cor
iiipllou ami made lo further Iho Interest of a
few dl-houc.-t lulilgiieis and political bum
mers to llie delilmeiit of llie miny. and Iho
Injury of tho entire commonwealth ; and
whereas, It is evident that all of Iho evil
which have rapidly iicciiniulatrd in tho past,
to volilou virtue, weaken Integrity mid pros
titute the functions ol Government' in both
State and Nation, are allilbiitahlo lo bad
faith and an; alai-o ofoUlce on the vii I ol men
holding high positions of public tiu-t ; there
lore be It
JicmlntK Tlmt we are in lavor ol a thor
ough rclorm, bcgluuiug willi tho leat and
reaching the greatest, and lo that cud we heie
by plislgeour milted etlorts.
'J. 'lint as tax payers nud liboilng men,
wo are In favor of rigid economy lu nil ex
pviidiliirFS and as cillclal omduct for Iho l.ut
lew years, has been aluiivt ouo uulutuniipted
lil'tory ol reckless extrnvngainv. and violated
pledges, therefore, In the luliire, wocIkmo to
make honesty, ao well as ubllty, the lot of
our MiHnigcs.
II. That wociuilliillr uelcome the nvtlou
of tho-u Merllng invii of tho Umpipii nud
Wlllainitlo Vullles, who, without 'earw la
or. Imo luaiigurJted tlm reivnt lndeviid
cut uiuveiiieul, and we hereby tender our
em not siippoitaud ci-.Mnitlou.
4. That we are In favor ofail Independent
County Convention for Iho purpose ol' uooil
iiatlng men. Irrcspi-itlvo ol paiiy, n candi
dates for lliosoverrtl county oilloos ad in.in
mis f tlio Legislature; nl-o to eleet iclvglitr
to attend it Stale Convention lo Ihi held ut Nt
lem Ogu nu the 13th dav of Apill, In"1
r. Tli.it theileligahi.ileiled tit this Con
vention to attend the Antelope Couvcutloh.
Mnrvh 10th, prox.. Ut mulioried to il-l
the :iiljouriiiueiil oftjnt i.'ouveullou witLout
making iiomhi'itlous for tk vailous cJllivr
hut III aix-ordinie with the leifilt 'eudi.il
(jail, meet In the Dalles Apill llh, Wl.
l. Tint lu wder lo luiicr mliere
puiiv)s's of honi-ty. Integrity and "nod lallh. liliiirRnllirtfti mis-,hi.
we encourage to olllee inrli. titiil I lice only1 Marilii !., r iiikI rnruily ''! nlolli,- lirj-it.rin
whom the people have railed llom tin- work- I !,,u w" S" roiuiiiiiinill H' i'inrt...ll .n umA
lilif.il-n.es ,liiru.iu.
Noiiiln it'.cins lor delegiles helog lu onler, i
M"M. II. It. Humr and .1. I). I! irm.it wno '
aiipoluteil Tellers to canvass (he vol.j
ju--i. i.. . iiuuir, s.eu. vi . jiuiuril anil
1'errV Walklus liivlng n-i-elved the h)ghe-l
miinlier of roles were iVelircd duly elected,
and weie autlinried to repiesent tho piecluil
in the liideM.iideut CtMinlvCnuvcutiMiiitTlie
Utiles April lib. Illl.
in. It. Meiielisi was nominated I'or.lin-
tuiiol llie renve, and .toliu h
t ou-talili; i'i.i- this pn-tlnit
Thelleinvmt. nf VVsm Coiuil Iism iiotnln tlisl
the flllnnlniMi''lrl! For .S'imler. .1. K. Itw: f.ir1tei-n-entnlhr,
.1. M. Tllvsl uiiilM. 1iTIihiim,ii: r.irKliei
in", limit Stua.; r-r Clerk. ,1, liolicm: l.ir t'nuniv
1'einiiilsvjniicrs, .1. II Mosler, .1, Mnilln; lur.Tie.ts-m-iir,
If M.'llenll; fir Ases.or, II. CltnleT: iW .ur
tDTiur.T. Mustier: ir Siiivilnleiiilenl ol S'h.xili, .1,
II. CiUHlinuiorCerisirr, Vl. M.l'utl.ln, Tliellilluw
InfKi'iil'iMiK'ii werpelivlist n Ciiiinlv I kiiiiiiIIIiv .1.
II. .lnr-litkink, .1. J. Mnhleii ami P. Htiniiini. -h
(.'enrenll.'h uileisisl a re-eliiil.ni niriliul Him innxliii.e
Or le.le r lli VVlll.nn lie livk",
Tlio Viird i-.ns Tnmliltl e.snilv Insnnssl lnnv
II, leu lnunnl liiilMiiitf u lit,p n.-nxs the VAiuhllt
riser Hi, IJlfsM-lle-ilMr tvtlnn.si li Ihi muisl In Mils
viliin. llie liihlmi will Is- iilsmt .17.V feet l.nijj.
.Iulm A. Tii.ilnr Ins lhi'iMtm.-t lor lliei'iins'ni.'liiiii
of llie lirliltio, Hint also f.ir llipimenl .M.iMliiiollle,
mil Mill eniniiK iit'n well, mi Isiili wliuiilliii wntei;!.
nnU'leiilli low.
TlielnMsvnii lltnti efrrkMwepn l.tOiMIn (ni'l
M. .l.-lkis Utii torn itoivu, irriwiiutPT Ii llie bnl 1,1-In,-oT
it new one.
I., llier.ini, nf l)nll,isiillo tliniliii viu.l, IliiI
til-ii glaivuionle.il a h-iviiiii-Ii In litifnel,
.Mrs. fieaniinh llrUlow, of I'IihmiiI lllll, I.nne
t'oiinu, iiioilier of V W". nml K. I.. Ilrltin,iliis
.Mir.ti Till, liil, In dor Ml Itur. Mic -.nisi lultils
-oiintr al mi i a I) ilav wuh tier IiiisIuiimI nml liinill),
Tlinlt.iMlnirj: I'l.ilnilirt'iTleirfis Hint llie slum en
llie I'lia-I ItiiiKeiiiiiiiiiliihiNi! wuk wns Irsin eljilil
In It n leel ilivi.
TliitH'li'Hiuir.lKiiiiloTliU'tscii wa witvli-l nu tlm
U-ir.it linns llty. Nn llie. lnl Tlieie.el w.i. imneil
In Mil FnimlH-n nn-l wns .ilurlni tV'"'.
.Iulm W Ke'ly ib-i-j retln-l fhim llie islltorliiK'liaive
of I ho lliisilmrK r.ialiiili',iler.
Tli llilerl niiiitv l'iis'iai li.it mute iWl'i'
IiimIii tion.l Kin Ion-: For siiiie sounior,.!, IV VVI
ilom, in nu. mii mites !. ii, I'h.nullrr nti.l .1. t' WD
ill ; sin illl, ,1 INK'. It islitim; reunl) .liiilKr.ll.il
S llelil: t"etk. I,. II. Imhi; Ciiiiiel "loners. IHtM
Kill) a il W. Fti.iua: Tu-.tnirrr. It VV. I'ltrker; As
w.soi. v II Hull: mii -)or, J. tin lliniiiilii: S lil
s,'.erlii'eiiii hi. V IVt.ni: rniiiiur. T. If, .n,iw.
l)c!tirillitliMiiiM ! I'.i.itonttoii. .Imms. U .1.111.. I
It Miliiti, .les.ii .(onus, U. II, (.', Iluisli, T. .N.uotv
an I Hull'. M. Cm it,
K. II) or nn I. Mm IM.-Itnl. f lli'iiloimniiiiit, lute
l'lir,'hn.i oiu. iIii,iiiiii. den I of sI.k'U fhicp IMiiIv,
tlii rioiu 1 1 In 43 .M isrhcKl,
Norniiiii M. I.olljii, Iroin aiii.ns Hit, tim Isijn
nail llie lii-mio Vsvliim. I.ms el munv) I. Ifssiflil
'llioo'iillon sttiimer llenter ns-eiillj nrile llie
tun In in I'oUIiiii.I lusilem In ten li.iiirsnuil tiienljr
niliiiiles, lih'linll ik lorl,t-Ut minute In tlm l.s.ls
Hie i.vt lime et it mule.
Hip lleiiimi .ne-niMe,-irns iluit WllllaiA-ll.wX.T,
ufVtallii Mill's, tuts itlihin Mm) Inst Irtt ttistkt ir
iliaHlntiil luawillionil nrlivviln Hi iiIiiiiikhoii,
relerS'lilier liileh Kilil H Iilis-n of Inml on Mmii
. , .. .h.. ., .. i ...... .' . , ....
i.iis s i r ji.i.'t, nr ttnillbil iinrnpiiie iiii i,i-i -ttliii
Ii Ist oroiiM ImlU'sJe Ui.11 mil e-nte In lluiicu
fiiiiuljr Isiultnikilnt;.
The iinllimn, e In (.'oriilll., mtsIIiu Itrnvn m'. nv.
t liln Ktlml none hut iro,rlt luililirsrliiiiitil U'lWIira
ut llin Unlit nfsiin-mse it! llie" illy ehvllmi, lint lWs n
The Pallas I'nlk eomili) J! mblntu n)s lli.l In
lint lii-l Iwiiiiei La tin) )me hail some of Ihettorsl
ttenUiti ortlio ski.oii. -siiinv fill on He hllts .l,iiit
lotlll, ttlieu, Hill I nut well, IS or '.'0 In.-lif rt in'l.
I'iMtr-ti.'k sutteirliiriisjti, uihI sotim tiers uillllul
Iml-llli 1'hi snnu, iJ-r fifirii' 111 il snots fltUlnthe
ill ISlliiriliris.fis'l nil .IImsi liiiillliliiln. lhtiloi.ki.t It
tins bis'ii llils ttlutir.
Ism IS l!ii..,tiLiii ii. ilri.tvii.wl nl I ',. iitu ml i.i, Sw.lki.
ilny ortlfOii: lil-t while itia sliilunf lnlul. sllon.
Al HiiiiiiectliiBiif IliiitViilinlljriupi ' Toi-I.ii,
sir.iis ,i, , , loiiKiniii. r ,, iiniri iini ,1111, ii.einr
er- wi iiiiii.iilis Acniimilllue Inns, ei lulu Him Uni-I.
hllll) nml iiuihlot-i-l ot Iiiii.ihv Inu Hie VVlll.inurtle
rlter, son nuimkoll mniirnli'e In Mils eiir nil iho
tear rniiinl, Willi lnlimtuii, lo ri poll nl lut-ictliu,'
lu Jin),
s.111 ofllti'li MTIIsiin.i'lirk f lleii'oiieniii tt tins
(ml himtlni; lull I .. irnl tr is Im ll ls.ttiler Inn 11 ..I. In
llio ill v turnout tlm snihT he twirl i 11I111: IiiUiIIh
I Isiriul.
"I he rnrwi'lis li'i'illt .l) lit it Mrs. IlliUnUle,
wl inn lite inniillisiiii rivihi-l n lilt mi minimi
nfa rt.il.i-lv si letMlk, Imeiols lii.iiiithi.eil)- lei iluni-iir-es,
,sie l, j,,i tiiiiUirihsiil.s tni,iiie.
The mill . out r i it iaweeiillstttr,si mul. I'onluiol,
In. I en 'ii siiiol,
Th'i I.i Hi .if Origin Uf Intii im Imulil i i mom re
li.'li lurit.o 1 h.. n, 11, nn. lllsTiillly of llnr im it lints
ro h, ml. 10 1, III) in hil .'nils.
iTIiu ViUiar U'iltlit m)s;
Mi J .M I. iril-n i, tthii Ins Ihi-ii I, listing 1 1 I'nr
tnlli, la'ss of nriiiiiliiiir! n elu-sln . inn 111-1,71111
I LflMlllill.
0.. I.. .,..,...- 1 .1 ,".,o, I ..I...... 't.-n.r. in., in. 1. ..1 ,..IJ I, I, ..I '...('I
. Illlt 111 onler lo letter s-llts-ertii lln. il,,. 1,,, n ,. r.i.l. ,. ...I....I rail. ..1 11,.., ...,,,.,....
- . . -...- .... ,, 11- ...--..-,..-..... ,,,.. ( ! 11 is
John lluriK.'!! mini Hike. Iilnwll aaiilislcs.isleul
iftlvlKUle f.ir Jii,ljeoftl,e.-voD.JnlU,Lll lHllkt,jl
tuet-xunln i'ltsilon,
lateral yisinj 10011 tt Drryn 1'llj- lafol-n rin'4
cl wt rli4louscislikla-11 kiIIIiiuhIiujI.
t'At I !..
Mu. 1. 01 inn : Not. longssiici, I v.-Ultil nl
teutiiiti lii lliii liece-.lty of miui-iD hi .Ktlon In
eNleiiiilliiito tho pilni'h. I nowiluslre locall
attention o am liter or scarcely less tinpoit-iilii-e.
I siuin,. "It (-11 j Mlllvr" Knsex-
lenslielv kiniwii lu Maiiuuaud otlur -jiljoln-,
lug kiiiiiitleaHiiy oilier por.-wi. Itoylug lie
Oil inotliiu, llu- N-cnl.irliis were lustiuiled ' 1'I siM'-eu yints he lm U-Hueouiiux.illy per-
lo iiiiul.h a copy ufpriHitdiiigt U this nn el- , aiutul illng itiu lllatuwfe valley nml Wuli.
v f,,, farVn.tife.s'o'i! .ftKJi . ";f 7 '':-"-v. n-1 v., ,.,., ,,.,.
gittst.iCiuutt.v (oiiventlon. IMegile, weiolvl'l,Ml "'r N Mai-km county al lis
aiilhoiled In u line their ptoNlc-s, ' (sior hou-o iiuir Mlvi rUo. but he onl) in-
The inivilng was largely atiemled. There ,,,1,,,, Ui-nJi shoit lime (III lw Is up and go.
tWtur. ';V)!" ;"-"'"", '
M-ntliiifiil -liialltil tlHjiir-wlLio;stix)ri"li.' "' l" Id." olui iilnl (He ill.lis.i-d
out. No oilier lui'liicis being lt-iinaitid,"s whin Ut goo. thfio I do nt tiolitlerat llielr
iiiiitloullieinielliigailjoiiriusl. ' llWiiletomv. He 1. I ir Iroin f-elntr a lovahlo
nhjiit in loo', upisi, and wbll II liecoiues
Know 11 mat liis -ou IU',1 1 ins itotlilii" Is
tt. M. Mi tn.M.ii, I lialrmm.
II. HMisrii,
A. Ii..Ioiissiin.
;ecii Mlle.
, turning with tinwJjiU; he h-enino mt lib
Ijrit aliiim U'ji.iid llie rimli of ilnrlty. lie
111, IVml'i'ton Trillium si). Dial l.o tii(ii-.lln nu 1 .. .,,.,.. ,. 1 . ,1 ..1 1 1..,.. 11-.. mul risliusillnii mil
In tlm sl.sillhlil) year. .ihi. Ilrliiij mi lo. I'nniillt If .. ,1 1 , T .1 1 nsHKiilloil. nial
K1.rr1.1Unn. Lit iiniwr sM urn liiiiiiire.lu.i.. the iinllihe' Inilu-liy lis Ins klinwn. eiuluHit-
iimoIiu Hun fur ia,";li, tfi-lii. Nsin ndvr bo I'M ly titled I1I111 lor n Isuik aiint, oi-snuie siiollar
Miiyii i.iiuin.i ii..r.e- i.y hhbiii, Hh nili-r , imiiiialioii. lie staid all uluht lu mv rini-itl
mm-nu iMi:ri:Mir.MT.
It U not $0 easy, hIKt all, for the world to
In i-ak loo'e fiom old tlr nud work In no.tr
liariicss.as Is puned by the Cut that the Albany
Driiinmit iiiblshcs the names of about tlfty
liersotvs on, tho ludcoudV.iit cill lu I.lntr
i-ounty who revoke (he same. Wo deem It
only fair to slate lite fact, having published:
lint mill, l'orourown pint, vu are Independ
ent euermgh to wl-h lo eo tho peoplo lay
aside partisanship, and Join hands In nccurlne
the ln-t good ol tho State, and wo sincerely
believe our ell'oits will result In good by -cut
lug thr be-t possible norrrlnatlons front
both the old pirlics, as well as the Indcpend-'
Wo have no right and no 'ticiluatloti to
ipiestlon imjr man's motives who clringes lilc
inlnd. Ills Tcrylurd for mtmo men to turn
the cold shoulder oil old polltlci.rfrlcuds, nnd
vvlillolhcy nmy heitalr about signing c.tlU,
even when tliev earnestly yr.iilhlc, wo
prtdlct lliiit'wjien the baltotsarocotiiitod next'
lime Iheie will lie prool'cnougli that Iho vit
tern have been Independent to lit' degree or
suit ctlng Iho Dr't men fur ollliv, nm) wlio llio '
best ineuanv tn very fiilr ipteitltxi for dlf
ferediv. At pneiit. Iheie Is a great i-carvh-Ingaioniid
lo'l'aul out the U'.t nut) lo uoiol
1 111 to. and If tlm ivople do the 'earthing, and
lint let Iho aspiliitits inakn Ihelr awn pi ill w,
there won't hr- iiiuili room for coiikilnt.
Tlio rci-anliug signers ot Linn comity n
slgu as a reason tint the call Is not got up In
good faith. Wo lniri 1 1 iey are mistaken and
that no call of irVUklud has beeit gotleit up
Willi NluNlrr op Interested motliM. Only
that we believed tlilii movement vras born or
popular good vrlll nud a desire .its- union of
Iho people for s-tfiiiileilloii liavo wc-favored
II, nud whenevertll pos'sscs tho cM, ring C
vor we shall h.m, in, use lor It.
We conftiss lolu' weakness of dfolrillg toi
-eetlie I iimerMi) our Stale unite tit control Ita
elecllous iiiuli-eciiiogiHsl governineiit nud io
lltlcal honest v, i;-well as economy,. In Stnto
nud nation. If lltcy can nll'onl tondhcre to
old polltlctl orpnl.illotis wo lu.vv 110 ttiilt
lo llnd, but tin nn: 110 partisans l-t that k-iim
nud shall pni.iih luileH'iiileucu ulways lit
prefereuco lo party.
All these lu-ts dimply prove trittthu peo
ple aie nunc luiltrpciidcut than o'.vr I hoy have
been, and that iho poliliiiit 1 rulers have
hinder woik llian isvir In keep tlivm lu lino.
I, Inn county lti- m largo uiijonly one way
ami Marlon coimly Ins a lirgo luilorlty the
olhei. Jlaoiltis are hard to ootivluco. audi
these two count;.. m iy n.i expojlril lo light It
out on tlm old ll'.iii as long as piHslhle. W'n
have 1111 ciudldah-s mrolllcv, no. fa tins to ask
ol'any liojy. ft'si shall slinply, cmlu ivor to
light llio pi oplus' Istttles ludrrijid(ully. Wo
pioposn o milks no war on InilvMinils or for'
ludlvMiiils aiiitdfour leaders- are not as In. ,
depeudiiil as tieiue wn Inlet it to command
Ihelr respeit turn filr and ie.ou.'ilie course.
As It Is, It Is -1 tuy pn-lly Jjj;ht all around,
mid wo lather enjoy llio utt-confusion Into,
wlilih Iho piiDdciil eli'ineuls are llirov.n.
, iii4uo. 1 on rAiivir.iw.
"iiiJjU risl m in t,f H u initst, A.
reieiitlv, mid II lie should mhiii-isiiiio ,. ttm
11.0 PHIntiiiixnn.itjiriritrsiiMHi msnis'rniki Malu ... i.. 1 .. ..,.1. ,i ,nl, , , , , -, 1
i 9ate.1i1-.il inu I iioiiila .-miiiiii. Vint Mtiu.ir. .. !.''" I V"!,1 " bo willing in In-Hi hlii.
A. I'lin-n.!. Uw't'istur), J. I', ila)", Juumiua It 1 fiom all ds-ailll Willi 11 ililigenms WiiIhiii, III
u-j.unn .i.ium, lllirev IntMiius wonlil Ih lon-hli'M t a ilaiVKi'tr
1 hu Ih iiKvimUyl. Itsiiles frmn YtiukUl uu.iitr 10 1 u, v tllpoil. Look nut frr the uKVhtirl.
lis' uilo I i..'itonlloiiaii).i fullno.; .1. II. PciUuu. A. , .if ,,,.,, ,,
liikl.,W ll.linlluttar.J. (. Xil.u, CWIImiu, li, ' . ... , , It , I Otftl U.
.1. l.n.ii'.oW. Al'UIM.V, MatlotiCo. Ilgll,
ltcsntuilons Ii.imi In en ised in a uuiuU-r-ol'iiuiiitii
s '.ivoihig a iclcwn from uirty drill,
nnd poliiicil malingers and declaring that
nothing 111,0 ii't'oim cm ! expectol front tls
existing oM parlies, lionevirgood thulrreso.
lutlotis, vnd wo ask ;;ou plainly, h.t the
Di.'inoi ta-JcSt ito Coii'scullou done uiivlhing;
Inlu.pliu j on with coiilideuce It lias It no
loeied eaiiilldates exiit Iroin the old stock oC
sillllcliuis ' llns It Uiiiild placo for a Mugl
I inner o Its tut 1111 J ill led slat I i- Are yotU
Im satVlled With llu ilutl' ot party platfwuw
whi'iiMin kutiw ilsit 'Mctlojs ppeak, loader
lh id wind,' .
Ami lo bo a- I4ip11il.1l aj. poijilble 1 . you
upposi tlm lU-puhllcau Xit ('onyi'Uloii Is
HU-ly to do any heller.'
The Giaugr liny not be a political order,
hut a men; iv-uliiilou cudor-lugjti (irluclplH
isnwiak Md toi vni.i when the oidtrcoii
talnsagicat propuitHui uf the tlr.t class In
telllgvini) of die Male. Tanners may be good
1 iiougli lu ;iul 1 0 U,o Legislature when thcro
is nn rs-nalm- to oltil, but It ci-ms they cau
not li'ivoii pliivou llm State ticket, nor hold
a vtMiiity otllce lh 11 Ins a decent salary at.
tuilnd In It.
Ail we kite in say 1. that we can ifcuid It
u-, long u 1I111 ixriuiTi can, but we itiopimc ta
Into a little, plain talk about public nlUr' Us
a viry liiilvpciulctit way,