1 1 JUIBir HMXiKVJUt aitnvjrwyPiifcWf $3.00 per Year, in Advance. NOT1CK TO SVIISCIIIlllUtM. TIio dnlo appearing after tlin printed name on the paper la the tlntc or the EXIMIl.lTIOX ofBlibiirrlptloii. i.i;rri:n jhoji iank coi.trv. I.ask Cou.ntv, March 2, 1S71. EJItor Willamette Farmer : I sco to-day tliero U mi Independent cull In our comity to liulil convention nt our respec tive precinct on tho 14th of March, to elect delegates to u County Convention to lx held lu Kugeno City March 21, there to nominate candidates for nn Independent ticket, for our county olllcors, Tor thu coining election, 1 lor ono Irivi signed thl call to-d.iy, for thl l'c.ison : I leel convinced tint If thu l'.U'nui.s of Oregon Intend to do anything that will bo of niiy lienellt to theti Interest In tho coin ing election they have got to drop the present political put tic mid .select men that vylll go for their Interest, Independent of party. I am a ("Jrunger. 1 h.ivo heard Itcpuhlirins and Dcniocr.it tli.it. 'iro flranger, say "Let'" put good men on our ticket4, and select thu man that wo think will go fur our Interest out of them, till will not work; Democrats will pay thl I u good man, tho Republicans will say our man 1 lift a good a vour, and It will ho Inippodhlc to h.ivo cither union or harmony. Working men and Farmer, wo have had too much party and too few men to go for our Intriv-t. Let it now try to elect our own men, men lint wilt go for our Inter est ; wc have a fcwnl.iys yet to think the mat ter over, and when you Inve got your d.iv work done, In the evening try to r elect ilio bet men In your Judgment for otllecr that will go tor our Intercut. Keep those old poli tician and political Jockeys out, lor those wolves nrc sine to try to conic lu with l.unbs clothing on ; do not iiitc who I out for thl olHeo or tint, but go to your picclnU meet ngsnnd put tho men lu nomination that you hnvoscUcted, uud hivuyour delegates go In structed, then wo shall h.ivo a butter show to bo better represented. Ci:o. II. AiiMir.Mii:. i.inirii "riiH ocmoco. I'rrat Onioco. March 2, ls;i. Kn. F.iuu:it : Tho mil for u S.ileiu Con mention wn received by last mull, ami ha; been sent out to tho dllfcrciit settlements In tho precinct. A meeting at our place, of vot ing will bo held nest .Mtunluy tho 7th, to con sider the same, nnd 1 havo no doubt hut at that meeting It will bu doehkd upon to scud delegate to tho People's Convention, and II tliero 1 at that Convention nominated u tick et that lalrly icpic-eot the iiidustilal classes, it will reecho u majmlty ot tho votei. at tho iluuo election, of th'l pi eel net; this at K-:i-t, I my opinion. There ha already a cull Ironi thl precinct been mado fur a County Convention to iiinko a IVoplo's Ticket, which no doubt you have SCCIl III tllU Mulliililliutr. I very much lioiietli.it tho mil m.ido by I'lo neer will bo responded toby every precinct hi tho State, yet, tho notion being m sliint. It I hardly to bo expected; however, tho-u that limy iicniWo can and will bu uhlo to deter mine tho liostcouio to adopt. Tho hall lielng lint In motion. 1 think It should Ihi kept roll ing, uotlihig can bo Ion by It, but much may bo gained. Yours truly, J. 11. DuuiiiiT. UkK COL'.NrV t'Al.lTT Wo havo tic following names sent us to publish a slgnol to the cull wo havo hereto-' tore gtven place to Iroin I.aue county. Thcc camo only from ona pivcluct, nnd wn.nru told tint other precinct nre doing equally well and will soon bo heard fiom : AW Puller. J.1 A Kt.t-.Tt. W II lll.uhlcv. II II juuieT, . am. .n 11 iiaritiw, i Siuyih.tiii) u uanimor.ir, n u c Miiuh. Sjml l.-ouv. Wm 1. 1.cinnn. At S Jill. WUII.I ..'"tWMl ULU IHIMMI . aa.UIM.V, ( L. L'l.l I..I... .1 ... C.w. VI r-l. . It V' .i l .1 'I..-.. Dariil .iiuiWHll, V. IUhcIiK, t. W Mnuru. A llunJ, J C Jcnnlnj, It W How.int, Jl WIlLiim, J P I hoher, WinKMn)e'.J llnllt'r.JiHeiili M.l.can, HCIVrkins i.'i.ran, ncriTMn', llilmm, Tliw llcl- I II I. A W PjiIitmim. u vuiiklt, lieu i.iiuriiii, ,t ,v jiiihiiw. i uo iici itavr, Win lirublM, Cli i (ln'.lcl II I, A V I'jilerMiu, Itobt Drlnl-vwiiri, A (IMevi'iis J A n.eteu., lien II Annibisn', win ii'ipim, , J' ruiii.j .1 iihuiusImu .Vlini.vlcl.il. .I:n ijr,w, V S I.jMim, (! WTnvlor. (i It Wnrd, W W Alllivtuiin, Ainu 1 II viuilNoT.ijrlur, 11 Tnoiuiii,.i .i juiir'io n jtiuwiuv, t tAimiiTn. j auuiin. ii juirvn.u ,t iiii, 11 n MuKll, Kill Jtuur, J C I tjujiT!-, A wiiln. a ;tiu i.xmi'i.i.- Wc learn nn iiicldeu: of tho Intle cntlent niovcuicnt In l'ulk county uhlch nhons that It wasdl-iuteif le la fiir:iitheprlnclAl mov er were concerned. Somo half n doen good citizens talked the matter over among them selves nnd then took steps to get an expres sion of tho people In that county, which was accomplished without much trouble, im the people weie u lor It end clmim-tuncc f.i ored nil early cxircIoii of opinion. Tho-e who llrt talked the matter over nnd took cimiiii. liili-Mlm. til. liinvi'iuiMit. r..-iite..il tin. to accept otllco or nomhi.itloii under any clr-i!,iul l"wtuoin reformer', hut wo menu ., cumstauccs, as they did nut wbh to iipiar,"" s-iV and pieftr to purriiu n (otirro lint Interested and tobu working Ic their own ad- shall couiint-iul thu luspcct of thoHi who dill'er vaucciucut, They, htood linn to that ii-o!u- from us. Wo U-lk-in tlll In tlm livpuhllin tlou nnd havo provcil tho dhlutcrv-itcduesof j dogma" that "Loval nieii mav liouelly ot their motives. .dill'er." DI'.MOCIIATIt' COIOTV SiVi:NT10.. In tho Deniocnitlc County Convention held hero on Saturday ultcrnoon, tho following platform was adopteil, nominations mado and delegates to tho Stato Convention chosen : W.MOCUATIO COI'STV PI.ATFOIIM. We, the Democracy of Marlon county, lu Convention nsenibled, decline n follow. : J!etlnil, 1. That nil tvstrlctlon and lim itation lmpoed by tho Contitiitlon on tho l.cgislnthc nuthoilty ought to ho strictly obeyed mid ndhered to without ownlon or at tempt to evade. 2. Wo favor In legislation equal and exact Justice to nil, spechl privilege to none. 'I. That wc iiNo demand the repeal of nil bill and law of either of the- lat two serious of tho Legislature Increasing or enlarging the salaries, fee", or compensation of public ofllces, and that tho fee and compensation ol ollleos beo reduced n to give but a fair and Jit't equivalent lor crvlec pel formed. A. Wo assert the power of thoStatoto reg ulate public trnnpoitaMoii within her limits, nnd that rallro.ul and other corporation should tic amenable to law n well a ludivld u lis. ". W are opposed to taxing thu people ol thl State for suhddlc to ralhouN, or for sulxldle lor other purpo-e. but we demand such ii4inmv li (fin thoCeueral (tovenmient for the Foitlam). Dalle and Salt Like Kail raid as will contribute to place us on an equal looting with other Mates. it. Tint tho public burthen are now Intol erable ; that wo demand ueli economy lu the traii-actlon of public business ns prudent men practice in their own ull'alrs ; tint there be no fiitthcrsqu induing ol tho public money on vNonaiy -chcnies, to reimburse politicians to secure the Mipport of Jobber and xrul.i tors, or to aid corporation or private Individ u iN, until the Statu Indebtedness tie icdticed within IhoCoii-tltnttonal limit. 7. We favor the repeal of nil law provid ing lor fee to Clerk and Shot Ill's and the sub stltution ofreaionablo salaries to those olllcvr. 8. That wo will not nominate or support nny candidate lor State or County olllcer who will not endorse and earnestly suppoit the Ion-going resolution uud work'to iiccom plhli all therein demanded. NOMINATION. For State. leimtorn M. I,. Savage, K. C. Cooley, V.. F. (,'olby. For J!wrt!nlaltrvl).U Shannon, I.oul Pettyjohn, M. Kag-in, .lacobCaplhiger, F. X. Mntthleii 1). S. hlii) ton. For CountiJitiliio-V. K. Kldrldgo. Fur County CltUl). II. Murphy. Fir Shrrljff' S. Dm bin. For County CiiiHMlMimirii .las. Coleman, .loliu Savage. For Comity Tn'onurrr .lame D.ihymplu. For Anneimor lll.ilr Forward. For SunryurW'xn. I'ugli. Fr .Sellout SiifsrliitiHulriitA. II. blaik-wt-atlu-r. For Uorontr Dr. A. M. Melt. i i)i:i.i.iJAii to rA'u: convuyuon. I W. H. Watklnd'. .1. II. McClane. .las. It. J Coleman, . I r W. Thoriiluiry. A. II. Stark- weainer, I., r. lotnr, rumi iiainp, rotor llelou, II. I). Iloon, I.. We-tacott. I'ltocKrniMJH of 'i hi; tnii. nr HIAUt OF VAJIHII.I. t'tll'.M'Y. The Council of subordluato Crunge.s nf Viiiuhlll county, einnpocil ofMa-terauil four delegate of each siihonlinutu (Iniuge, con reucd at Lafiyette. March ', at 10 a. .m., and wa called to order by A. I!. Henry. W.C.D. On permanent orgaul.itlou tho fulloitlng Olllcer were elected : Alex. lEccd, W.M.; It. It. Laughllu. W.O.: A.J. ritin.ui, W.I..; JI.C. Dale. W.S.jT. It. Ilcwley, W.A.S ;Q. I.am-ou, V.(;.;D.Smlll', W.T.; Alex. Watt. W. S-c; T. i:. I'rl.toe, W.C.l!.; .Mr. A. M. Mmiln, Cvre-; Mri.S. S. Whltcouih, J'omon.i ; Mi. It. It. Laugh II it. Flora. R ttftit fr rnimrlii tl nm ia.u.Ii'.uI ln.m !. H VnrWi'i!" lint" ' 1""i "K1'1" I"IK ' W rediietloiH hi pii iiinn, JuKjj.n l'eriiiii., co to Grangers, nnd better piospcits for the iiiiure. The Council provided for tho collection and Libiil.itiou oft.it.les of product ol'nll kind-. Tho bulne uecr'sary to render thi t oiiu dl permanent and to provide fur thu election ot'deleg.Uei was traiiMUcd, t'ANT.Si'rrTHKU AM.. Tills world is hard to pleao nnd we cannot pos-lbly ple.iso alj tho-e who take the I'aiimii: ami maii.-jian by talking politic. While we are ludeH-uil-cut anil feel kindly toward thu people's move ment simply because weionslder it the rhoit oi way to economy mid icioim wy do not feel iucliueil, nor U-llove it inavs-itry to co into i-pnMiw nhout It, nnd make a hot and ex cited warfare. oer It. It wouldn't do any good to do so, and would not bu coimUtent with tWi position of ii uon parti-nu Jourinl. We may not ult tho-eeutliely whoMlll cling to their old organljitiou ami e may not tipi.il tho exKi.tntlouorall thuwiiim hearted 1 SALEM, OREGON, MARCH nr.iTii r -iiaiu.im'mm:i. lu thu death ofChnrlc Sumner, our Nation ha !ot n man, who, with many taulK nud with nlmot fanatical tendencle, had a Mrong sense of right and an earnest purpoo tu fol low lug hU conviction. He was hoiuM lu his purpose and disinterested In hi course, so that ho goes to his grave untarnished by the corruption which Millet our ago. Thl of Itself will atone for many mere Mult of char acter, tliul wo have no doubt that history will cl.i. Sumner with the greatest men ol'oiirccii tury. HI life I too well known to need lengthy recital nud our "paco does not allow u to attempt u biographical skelth. MAIIKIN llll'MY CAM.. Wc lire Informed that the'Indepeiidcut cull hivo not been circulated to nny great extent through Minion comity until w Itliin a day or two, nnd lint tho majority of the precinct re main to hu heard from. So tar, tho move ment ha hcun without many earnest work ers forwhlluthu people have a l.ivorablo opinion of Independence, there have been few men who took -tho pain to obtain signatuie. Wo are reque-ted by filenil of the movement to al; tbo-e uho have call li limitation to return Iheni for publication next wtek. Tho names puhlUhcd mo of many of the luM men lu thu comity. A LISBON l'OUOIIi:i(. From the third yearly report ot the Texas State llureau of Immigration we m-o that dur ing la"t year not less than 12.",(HM) pcrMin- have emlgmtiil to that Stale, of which S.I.OOO oveil.md from other btate and -(0,000 liom I'uiope. Thu llureau has, a wu mi, under thu nlilu and eneigetlu mnnngemeut ot .Mr. Loelller uehleved great re"idt. It ha u gen eral agent in Kuropu (Doct. llcrthei-g, of S.U1 Antonio) with n atary ol if2,WKI per year and three special ngeut, one In Xow Voik, ono lu (Jalveton and ono in Ihigl.ind ; nl-o, traveling ngent for tho Southern nnd Western States. 1'hey havuox.eudetl 2ii,KM) for help to poor emigrants laudlug in thu pints ot tho State. .The total cot ol .ild lliiieau. with thu chief's salary. (2.lkX salaries of the four agents, rent, coric-pondcuoo, lelegram toJ r.iin'ie, eie., iiiiiiiuiii. ui iiiu inning Mini in TfifSotni a iriuing suiii iiiuecii tor inuiieiie lit aarued to the Stnt. (i. iituriiiti: in.- i-KMi. IlV 18Alli:t. JILAIIt. Ill tint iit!(iiro gallery nf tho llnr liuiinl l'lihuu nt Itouic, liungs ii portrait nf u yming Hinimii girl pailitcd by (iiiido. It I u beautiful hut iiiohimiioly fitco, whoso 'Vmttli look of Mvuct, horrowful i'.vos" nnd "loucli of prKon paleiii'ss," loprodnci'il In I'lironio, uiv ho frvquuntly nam In parlor or lmi window, lor ofnll thu pnliitlngh In Koine, none Ii hotter known or more (opleil than this. It derives peculiar Interi'.it from tho history of her whoso fonturc.i It It said to represent. Fniiice-i'ti Oncl. tho head ono of the oldest nud wealthiest fsiiiIlie.iofHotiio, wm n man of violent temper, nntl, In hN household, erttel. Two of IiNhoiii were ns-nlnated at his Instigation. At length, uiiahlu longer to endure Ills urultlt'rt and tyranny, lils filmlly up pealed to tho I'ojie, Clement VIII, lor protection. The petitions miscarried, and remained, of cour.-e, titiuiiiworetl. On the night of tho IStli of Sopteni her, IMis, Kriiiice.-co was murdered, lie was found with an enormous null driven Into each of his eyes, a mode of n-sisiltmtlon which Indicated that ut least two persons were In the work. Ono of them was finally captured, and upon examination, charged the wife, a tun, and tho daughter, Beatrice, with having prompted to the deed. Thev had, he tcntlllcd. put tho victim to sleep hy administering u narcotic , draught, and then hud Introduced him-, .lelfaiiil hi' H'coiiinllco into I'ramosco'H oluimber. Tnuy were urreMod and im-. prisoned in thu Castle of Kt. Angelo, where they wore, from tlinu to time. as wiitthu practice during the mtddlei age.-, mi bj ec led to tho tortured of lhe rack to force them to confesK to Hit" crime. As was frequently tho cao i witli tho accu.-ed, whuther guilty orj not, preferring deatli to this llngmlng. agony, the mother and brother mado uonfi'viliiii. Hut for nearly. n .vo.tr I lieatrico continued ilnii lu her declara tion's of innocence. At lust a new method of torture w.u duvl-od, to iulllct which would make it ncccv,iry Incut oil" her hair, which ho dc.icrlbcs m being ''the limit Mlkon, tho longe.it, the iuot timrvelous in color ever M'en." At tlilsnhi turned pale. "Touch not1 my head," oho cried. "Let Ine dlo 14, IS 74. without mutilation 1" And to save her trusses, nlio too yielded. Her beauty, the belief lu her Inno cence, the courage ami llrmness piiu littd howtl, had won tlie.ympatliy and t'uiup.tslnn of the whole lloinan jwimi lace, and the I'ope was besieged with petitions to grant tier pardon. Thin he was nearly persuaded to do when at thu trial hcrnuiMj was most eloquently pleaded hy thu coun.-ol appointed for ille defence, nnd it was .hIiowii how prolmlilo a man mi generallv ilMlked and dreaded as Francesco, Minuld havo had enemies ouIhIiIo his own hoti-e-hold to plot against his life. Other murders of similar character occurring about this time, however, induced him to refitso pardon, uud it is thought his decision was inllitenced hy the consid erations that lu the event of their con demnation the properly of the prisoners would come into the possession of the church. They were therefore publicly executed on tho piaz.a of tho tuldge of yt. Angelo, September Hth, I.V.W. All tlie windows, roots unit outcome, in tho vicinity were tilled with people as- soinhleil to witness the scene, so great was thu interest felt for the beautiful young heroine Thu portrait ly (lulilii Issild to have been painted Jii-d before her execution, and (luring her conllnemeut in the prWou. Ilerslory hns furuNheil food for many u romance, uud has often been represented upon the stage. She is still generally supposed lo have been Innocent of connection with thu crime, and for every ono recalling lids p.i h ige of lilitory, tho picture hasaslrangu lasciniitloti. A IIVMU'ltV At. urn. There Ii a sort of delirious Joy In looking overa family allium, especially if it is a very old album witUiiHpr.iineil hack, which nmioni Hy nnd unex pectedly drops through your lingers, leaving a couple ol lou.iins in one hand, and three aunts In the other, and the balance of thu family under the chair. Tho llrst picture of nn old gentleman with an expression of wary cautious ness in his face as if lie was engaged In dodging a wild hull, uud was somewhat doubtful ofllio remit. Opposite him is thu grandmother, u patient-looking lady lu a black dress, willia b'jok In ono hand uud u pair of spectacles in tho other. There is u feeble bill well meaning oll'nrt to look sale In her face. On tho next leaf is a mldille-nged man looking as if hu hail boon suddenly .shot throng)? the roof of u starch fa'ctorv. and hud landed lu the middle of a stiMiigocounlry. opposite Is thu pic ture of Ids wife, who, having heard it rumor of thocutiistroplio, has mailu up her mluilto he luenarcil for thu worst. Then follow thu children -little gills looking so prim as to make you squirm, and litllu bovn with their eves turned on their uosus, uud with tin expression on their face of unearllilysolemnily. Then follow uncles, taken in their over coats, with a spreading liniliintliui lu inoir clonics, tiair, anil luce, as H thev worn bound to got (licit money's worth"; and aunts with warts on their uo-es, uud varni-.li In tlielr hair, and prepos terous lace collars about tlielr necks. Then thoro Is tho bashful young man penned oppo-lto an uggiu.ssivn young duly, whom I leaven ami miiiiu married woman havo designed for each other. Thoro are ulxi the pictures of Cousin Aleck uud his young wife, who slopped hero when on their tour, and no voiiug mini looks at him without retiring nt once and registering u terrible vow never lo get married. Hesides these is tho picture of tho man who lived next door for eight years, at tho cud of which time his wife died, and ho moved to Illinois with tho children, mill Is now worth some llfty thou suutl doll.ir.s. Hu has Itcou photo graphed in his hat, which in ono si.e too largo lor him, an which gives him an appearance of having murdered his aunt and concealed tho body. Thou there aro two or three line looking corsairs of no particular Ideiillly, and several broken-.sjilrited women will; h.thies in their uriiis -dlrcctlv or In directly rolitcd to tho owners of tho album; and thu exhibition closes. Thu Detndt TrUmur says Ihutufter tlielr appro ichiiig iiuirriagu, (ho Duke of Kdiiiliirgh uud the (irand Duchess Maria will boaid with (Jucuii Vic toria until their Iiuumi Is ready for houi-okuoplug. Thoio will bu tho stoes for the liuku lo put up, anil .Maria will want to paper her own bed room, III.. I there Will be carpets to put down, which will give them l itli som thing tod..; uud when they gel under way, Victoria will run lu and help, baking days, count over to wring out tilings, .Monday, as It were. So t)ip young couple have clear future be tore diem. Volume VI. Number 4, i:X-s WOll IIAI.I.s IIAl'llllTI'.K!. Tliu Home Journal says ux-Mnyor Hall has boon blessed with llvu daugh ters and one sou. nud Islmvlnir eacli of his children educated lu some special pursuit, dial (hey may thus bo guarded against (lie vicissitudes of fortune. HU .son supplements school duties with amusement at thu printing press, in tending to learn (hu art of printing practically, (hen reporting ami Journal ism. Ono of the duughtors is u de signer and an etcher, having learned all tho details of wood ongravlnjr at the Cooper Institute. Her designs for books uud for somo of Frank Leslie' publications havo attracted marked at tention. Another daughter Is u wri ter of children's books, us well as unac complished plani-d. A third is receiv ing .special training lor thu lyric stago, posscxslnir a full, round uud sweet cbost voice. Another is already dis tinguished as a onj(riVanil character actress in private circles, while tho lll'lh is petiectlmr hcn-olf us u mndltttr und milliner. Tliesu respective pur suits wm pernaps never im utllt.eit while .Mr. Hall enjoys so large and lu crative a uact leu as at present, hut It must he a comfort lo him and his fam ily lo ktiuw that if ever occasion arises there are occupations open lo thu daughters beyond the Usually forced and piecarious ones of governesses, companions, etc., etc. irri:ui:.M'i: i. untit i:iiaiaiiok-. It is a well-known fact that the hu man hoilyVontuliis in Itself various hu mors and acids similar in action and having the miiiiu tendency toward the baser nielals, nsnltiieatul sulphuric acids -namely, to tarnish them; these mills varying in quality in dlll'crout per-ons. No heller proof need ho given In; support, of this limn lu notic ing thu ell'oet which dillereiit Hrsoti.s havo on the Jewelry (hey wear. Thoro are thousands who for fancy or economy's sake-wear continually tho cheaper kind, known under thu ii'imo uffttin'iJiUTlri, hiiving linns car wires to thu drops, without any ill effects, while many others, after wearing them n few iluys, uro troubled with soroears; in other words, the acids contained lit thu pcp-pirutinn of miiiiu persons uro Milllcout (o mi upon thu brass. Thoro aru persons by whom Jewelry of any grade below IS karats lino would hu tarnished lu u few days, and If such persons were lo condemn all Jewelry they thus tarni.ih as brass, thev would do great Injustice lo thu Jeweler. Thoso uro extreme cases, It Is true, hut tliero aiu many persons who cannot uvea wear Iron or steel about them without causing It to nut by the acidity of tliulr perspiration. Mow .Mi vii Wah a IT.nnv a Day ? .Much better wages than it sounds to us. Ill the tlineol't'hrlst a penny was nhout equal lo lll'teen of our cunts, and lis money was ton times us valuable as now, tho penny a day was as good as IMl of our cents; . so that tho man who worked In tho vineyard fur that got as good wages as men now generally havo lu harvest. nuns. inn) In the cue a good apple. A bad oiiieu to owe men money. Agricultural mending potato patches. I. mo all, liu-t a low and wrong no one. How to gel a fisit-hold tako it Uiot-Jick. I'roqieilty in ikes fiieiuls; ndvcMty trios ' them. Thu right nlilu of a drinking saloon tho iiut-lde. Th" cup lint neither cheer nor Invhratus tho hlc-ciip. I! Is better to cirvit your mum) on heart tli. in in ublo. Xerir scatoolf a Hy with i club whuna feather will do as well. Show may ho eally porchm-d ; hut happl nos I a huiue-midu article. Never sigh over whit might hue been, but liukn tho best of whit Is,. Whenever you gel hi a ii.tsdou, lt down In a cool pl.uu tor llltieu minutes. No pernio over got Ktung by hornet who kept iiwav from w lni o they went. Ill so with lad liatiltK, "What Is pilde, my uii?" "W.ilkhm with a r.uie, when you ain't lime." ivplieil 1 1 io Intelligent bo.i. Oppoitiinltlf are Hko llower that tado at night ; hd.u ihcm, ihciffuic, while they latt. If you hivo mi enemy, act kindly toward him and make- hint our Iricuil. you may not win him over at once, hut try again. tl.it one kliiduvss ho I'ollouid by iuioIIkt, ui l you have .nivim-llthed i our inject,