Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 07, 1874, Image 1

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    g 3yW hjit j) .s,
$3.00 per Year, in Advnnce.
l'liiKKViu.r, Feb. 10, 1874.
Jilt. ElilTOlt. Hoping-a low Items from
this out of the way locality may Interest
your renders, I will use tome of my leisure
evenings to send tlicm to you. Tho tint
thing that occurs to my mind relates to the
vvny of gutting lrc. Ono starting from
Snloni for Ochoco would naturally chooc
tho Lebanon route, Judging from the mag
nificent subsidy granted tho company by
Congress, and the 1 00 jer wagon toll
punctually collected at the gates, and
would da-am of broad smooth and easy
gradc,snfe bridge, well turnplked through
swamps, and wcH cleaned through bruh
nnil timber.
lint these dreams liulo and lieeomo hid
eous. Onco through tho gato one begins
to turn and wind mound trees mid point,
things Mug much a when thu red man
owned It. Mo' Ilutto Is reached no
small iniiuntaln Isolated so that the ro.ul
could pass either ide ol It. Over It goo
and down It goes, and ill) and down again
until It requires nn extra turn ot the tern
per screw to enable the best Matured man
to stand it without boiling over ocealoii
ally. Not only Is tho roid up and down
mountains but It U through ru-lilng tor
rents, ninong boulders halt ns largo ns the
wagon wheel'. To climb the main moun
tain. h6 has to divert himself nt nil loose
Milliliter, cirrvlns fioill 000 to 1.200 ixniuil.
which Is a largo livid for a good span of
horse. This little 1111 is seven miles long,
I hid nlmo-t said seven miles high.
The grades arc so narrow and turn ouU
!o few that even a slnglo horseman cannot
pass a team, and when two teams meet
tho only nltcrnntlvo U to cut limber ami
mako ii staging over tho precipice. This
would Iks wellonoiigli ll" men bad no
rights In the milter. Hut the company
was amplv paid to build a good road, and
was by law required to make It so. There
Is only ono good bridge on tho whole
Down tho mountain to Flsli IjiUc, six
miles, tho logs and brush have been cut
out. so It U better for work being done
and not much. Tho two mllo l.nvn lied
around Fth Lake U ns roiiir.li as that mado
classic by Capt. .I.ick, and Is tho sccuo of
lllc granucu oiu inner in mi mis iau;;uui
inountalns. solldlllcd. It would seem, when
the molten ma was in ono of Its most ac
tive moment ot evolution, Into sharp, an
gular ridges, hole, lilts and yawning
Sand mountain comes next, seven miles,
of hcavv road, up hill every foot of It.
Three miles is through sand six Inches
deep, compocd of granulated tula, with
occasional beds of lava. From the summit
this way I ho route Is natural and easy If It
was properly Improved. It reU as a
heavy curso on Ihl section of country, as
hair the laud that Is available within six
miles ol lite road Is hold Irom the settler by
this swindle of a pretense for a road. How
this company got their grunt would puz
zle any one but tho-o hmieat vjfkhil who
examined the road and accented It as till
ing the requirements ol tlw law. So com
pletely outraged ono leels w ho has passed
oyer this road that ho would donate freely
to bring the company to Justice and de
prive them of their munlllceiit franchise.
Since I canto out last fall I him succeed
ed in enlitlue onm of the old settler In
bclialf of the North AintUm route. It Is
of paramount Importance to this section ol
country. Wo have u petition In circula
tion to the Commissioner of WVeo comi
ty, but there s very little Iwpu of their do
ing anything Tor tills end ol the county.
Aur measure that does not build up the
Dalles can expect nothing. Hfim liking
measures to oreanUe Ociioco county. If
successful, you may exiect in to do some
thing for that route, for our own lujre--t
lies there. Thu people of tliA section are
S leased with the energy with which old
larlon ha moved In the matter.
O. M. V.
umr.u mow hkimatii.
Klamath Auknct, Feb. a I, 1874.
Y.v. Fakiiku : Thinking that per
haps a few items from this out-of-tho-way-corner
might be of some little Interest to
you, I will give you a few, and llrst will le
Uio weather, snow I now about two feet
deep, arid weather cold and clear, nearly as
colli as at any time during the winter;
snow las tallen hew almost every day
fcltiee the Sth ot November Ust; It Is esti
mated that twelve feet of snow has fallen
at Fort Klamilh thu present winter, but
It lias not attained a depth of over three feet
nt finy one time, nud the coldest day the
:kl of December, thu mercury Indicated l.'l
degrees below rcrn.
(Utile aw bediming lo die n I ready, anil
i f. ...........I l... .....1....... tli.r ilu. Ia:2 will
Ikj fearful lulorc gri octanes in the Spring. !
1 have completed tho Agency doming mill '
and It is now in siictv-jiui operation. "
that U wanting now U plenty of wheat
mid tve could .-upply the entire Khmith
intlou with plenty of the 'Vlall' of lite.''
but upfiirtiin.iUlv hive but little grain
to grind. Agent Dyar lit? llnally suc
ceeded In establishing n school here for the
voting aborlglnce and Is very lortiinate hi
having secured the services of Mr. Ii. IV.
Ilatninond as teacher, late of the Willam
ette University, who has. In our opinion,
peculiar adaptation for his arduous duties,
the Indian boys nud girls npiicnr to leani
very fast, and as they are well provides!
(In- In clothing and food seem to be content
od and happy.
Karly in tho winter wo organized n de
bating club here, and have investigated
ahd "settled" riiany or the vexed intention
which aw agitating the public mind else
where, and expect to continue our labor
In this direction for some time yet, and llic
chance aw that wo will settle most or tho
great question of the day, lieftiw Sprhfg.
I have only had the pleasure ot string ope,
or two Coploi OttllO STATESMAN sliico you
took charge the lvL time, and I like thu
tonu of It and think It vastly improved.
I believe this I about nil ol my Items at
this time, hence. I nil! top. WUhlug'yon
abundant success, I am very respectfully
yours. W. S. Mooiik.
Tn SUr TwsliKJtirit mill laililirliia; Men nt
AH lmeif iJltie ColllHy.
Wlli;itKA, In view of the fact that Iho
bct Intel est or 1 i boring men ornll classes
have hitherto liecn subverted ami wantonly
neglected by would-be friends and mid
night schemers of political parties, and
that burdensome taxes have lieeti levied
and iinjut legislation had. which basin
vailably workul n linrdshlii on laboring
men everywhere; thereloie, Ih t
Jtesultut, That, aslaboilugnieii, wo will
come out and make a bold stand ngaiust
such unjust oppression and assert our
lights as flcemen, li respective of old party
tics and prejudices, and will ever Ikj toiiinl
battling forlii't and Impartial laws, am!
will, to tho bitter end. oppose any and all
efforts by designing tricksters and dishon
est politicians from riding Into olllou by
thlsbaiteiiug and selling game, thereby
trampling under foot the will of tho ico
ple. Jltioleal, That we luvo the moral cour
ago to cut ouro!vcA loc from arty, and
earnestly contend for tho rights of laboring
men ot all clashes; that we will
suiTOirr nosk iitrr honest Mtai
for ollice, nnd that we will liereaftor 0
pose any and all chronic and constitution
al olllce-seckers.
Therefore, as laboring men, wit call upon
the taxpayers ot Ia no county, lrrcsiectlvn
ofiiartyoroccinnitlon who advocate the
principles herein enuuclatetl), to meet at
their respective place of holding elections.
Saturday, tho 21lh day of March, 1874, at
1 o'clock A. 31.. to nominate suitable men
as candidates for the next Juno election
one dclegato Tor every tlltcen votes, nud
one dclegato for every Iracllon over eight
voles. taKlng for a baids the aggregate vote
of Wilson and liuriiett.
Tho above call, as we aw Informed by
Mr. I). U. Cartwrlght, was being circulat
ed and very universally signed In I.ane
'mauio.n i:.ni v SAI.I..
We, the undersigned, deel.ue ourclve
In favor of a movement ol the people
whleh laying aside old partlviu prelu.llir,
leaving as Ix-loiiglug to the past Issues
which htve been couttriided for and set
tled, sotting n-ldu thu iarly machinery
of the two great partlw of the past as be
ing now In tlie hand of rings or cMco
seeker to uch an extent as to preclude
tlie iosslbllity of securing a frill and honst
repniSDUtatiou or llm public want. In
onler that wo may secure holiest rcpreu
tatlvrs of tho people's w Ishes ; for good
and economical admiiiiitnttiou ot oomity
and fcUte llnaiiovs In the next l.ixllatiire,
and seleet for all orlloes men whom tha
tieople shall cIhkim; and nut men chosen
for them by corrupt rings, or secret inlln
euce or nionoK)liing loutbinalioiis would
favor iirellminary meetings to takii plait)
on tho Urt fatuiiliy of March. 187s. The
prrilnct inciting to ballet lor" candidates
to the vailoiH comity ollice and tho dele
gations lo iitrry a certlllod copy of such
ballot to the county convention, as a hauls
Ilfiirr Snilili, S MdKliwtry, dlUon,
1 .1 V)l.-nv. J II 'Dillli. i K Ikirli, IJrtali
Wl.ilnuj.d II 1' Uirl.y, II staiilim. I K Imihw ,
J T llrcwer.O I'Tajlor,! W I'lvk.t. K lisrlsml,
I It hilbv. I, IIuImou, G .Ni-al.T Malltr'Oi. W
II II Hailir. J J Jlixnii, J b O.b rn, A J Hun
mIit, ill Cfirni'liii'. Win Van ii, Je"v l'arrth.
li H ItuvriiliiK, K K M.'Klnri-y, Hank Kittur, T M
i;ke. JiJm K.iriic, liiiiraii hinllli, Win Nn.lle
bnur l.i-l', 'Vm P'Hl r, .1 Jl .Ioim.. II v Hunt,
.1 1, Kurt, llinry t'.irlir. ii W King, Jutin lioirn,
in, Jas Hiiiiiih, J K Klwk. J unci IId mrliainis
II C r.irttT. Jiilm Wllcl.Jas JIuucAD. 1. 1) Kin
'y7 Vtr KnMSuK. W A Wlucl.
M ill'iorr. Ji'tin l'Ciile. T II HunKiVur, W Jl
-iiui.'i'. limn Kli'Uii, W II MiiUh, I. liruiiwni,
Vllll,.lw,ii.Il1iivUr,l3cu Jtlllli..-, IVrr) -t-
A l'j;ff MOHUS illllll Till: MIIOOIs
Kn. Falmiii: I will oiliT a few Itnes
in refervneu in the unjust law pas-etl by
Jlie late r.egtslattim ; p'aclng hi the hinds
ol a board ot eJuealto,( tU power to com
pl in in buy i;ew k-Iioo! books Ufuru wo
can draw public money In each district.
This Is an unjust law, and hhoiild lie nUil
Ished by the next legislature ot Oregon.
Hown set of men with onlinary intellect
coitld have Ntsscih such a. law, (unless they
wuw paid by tho publljliers to pa it.)
Tds iiiinecess.iry expense will cost the
people of this Slate n great, many thoiisalid
dollars to supply uacTi dltiltt;y,l(ti new
htioks. I see, nu article In' tbolAUMlit nu
IhLs subject which holds to thu idea "Unit
tho ieople ought to sue tor thu Khool
nlbiiey'bclore the court.' and tet Hie law."
Now. Mr. Editor; I beg leave to dllh-r with
the writer; III1 my humble opinion It
would be butter to rim an ln'dfioni!cnt
ticket next June. In this btatei for Statu
olllcers. and eswi'inllr Senators and Itep
wseiilatlviM (:iia).idmlvr us from politi
cians U-st tlicy trll themselve and u that
they may repeal tlu; a loresald school ltw,
mid who will not pass hi the Legislature n
resolution to niitiiuijthe State Constitution
soastolrivu three inore Judges u the Stale
at live thousand a' year, Ml.tiy, which
would make iIIUtii tlaiusanddolhr.S)uldisl
to otir taxes.
Wb mty need other Judges In if short
time, but We, tin' working people of this
Stale, aw willing lo work lor eight hun
dred or n thousand dollars a year, while
men will tell us we must pay tlanii lor
their extra Intellect. Wo aw willing to
pay them two thoiiMiid dull irs a year, mid
II that will nut dp let them resign at onco.
for wi'cmi gel able,' Itnne-t men to take the
ollliv at (hit price without compulsion.
Yours respectively, ( Wt lllllil u:i.
Fllleen Mile Creek. Wiiw, Feb. 20th.
rtr nf rn"" Tl
"i iiiiiii.M i il v' taxi'avi:rs.-
,ltoy, Marlim cotintv, Oregon.
Febpury 2i, IS71. $
Mi:. KutTOit : I seu In tjio slipiilement
to the Faumi.u of Feb. 7lh tinder this cap
tion "L't'itioMTiist or taxation;.
Yestenlay Mr. lloyntou, thu County
Treasurer ol Marlon county, deposited in
tlie State Treasury thu amount of Statu lax
due from this county, ns follows : Duo tor
State tax proper fill, fi7:i 3!) mid poll tax
$1,410, making n total of $17,003 5'J. nnd
on tho tamo day Mr. Livingston, County
Treasurer ol Douglas county, put In np
penrauco with thu taxes of that county, ns
follow : Statu tax projuT $17,010 87, poll
tax $35'i making n total ol fl7,71 S7.
Thus It will be scon that whllo Marlon
comity iays for $1,419 for polls and Doug
la county lor fi.13 ioll, the latter Is as
scsseil at Its highest property valuation
and pays the largest projierty tax." From
thu above Ilgures you conclude that It
U wry necesury lohavo a llonril of F.ipial
latlon, in order th'it the taxes bu itpial
i.cd throughout the State.
A your comparison lietwecn tliosu two
countlea re licet rnlher hard on Marion
county. I will give you some Ilgures to
digest, which In all probability will enable
you to see how and why It l that Dougl is
county pays more tax than Marlon. On the
the Mb page of tint Heport of thu Slate
llonril of KOiUihatlou wulludthu follow
ing table, showing the amount of laud In
each county and Ita valuation lor Him year
18711. We llnd that Douglas county, ha
an area of Il'.io.K'.l'i acres of laud, valuation
tl.770.i:i7 aieiaiw value M.4S 0-100. Ma
rlon county ha au area of .'tJ5.1tl;f acres or
Intnl. vauiiilinu i..Hf,rji, anag vitue
fC.VI 11-10. We will uuw turn to pu
of this report, I dud Ui following ;
Duaylaa anuaU Ium tsJus ou ku
luU f ... H7,3'7
On mureliaiiiliiu and linjili-iuvuW . SJI.'JOJ
Mimi'V, noli i mil tccouuU HG.70I
FiiniUurii,oiirrik'ia,aadatcki. , IW.iNO
On wk C Tun "ill tlJ lb skk.
HomM, ilSS; Tl . CIM.'il7; trM '
Calilf. 1S07S; tklMtloa, 17T,1H; vr
Mill. tVJ U.
Hk.w. Vi.aOU; msmKou. imA19; nr.
rlu, si fcl.
rlun, (Csl; Mluttina, U,k74;rra: rain,
i u.
On MM 7 lu1 & folluwlig!
W. IJ. T.l.gr.pU Co., 0 miim kl100 pr
lallv. IH.(X).
(1. (' It. 11., iimllrt, ftlt WO; Hf' value,
.l.'.i3i JIJ; Imli'blxlmis. tilMJttl; riumpliiiB,
fSlG S'J, IratUi; a tout to t Ui so nt S3,
(ril.lUl. Uailoncoiinly has vsluaUna on town
lotstifr SLmfcH
Miclitnilinouiil Iuileuilllrt oTl.trH
Minify, notes avoiibts JWl .25
Kiiriuiure, rarrlsiifs, watvhM, lo l'JO.W,
HorMs. 4771; taluiUluii, fa04,lUi; STtrattal.
uu, tU 7b.
Cattle. 10.MH; uliutnm, 132,l'rt; v(rK) rsl
w. f M 0.
Slim p, 31,157; Tslnittiin, tW.Vt; virgo ral-
U. U Ml.
Hwiuc, 477m; rlmtivi, J7.3CI: aiersgu wlue,
fl 50.
On the W. tt. Trlsxraph Co., 4S rnllf t SIOO
l-irnille.'HSOO. '
0. O. II, It.. 4ti lullm, Ii:.5,7-W.
l!ur(issii A Uriitun Ijtinl Co. Uli3 rit, Ji.
Ml; criM Vilne. .793,ftS: hub bUslni-m, J2.
Iir,,sl2;unpll'n. V.5,(r75; tout tnioniit Ui
pay Uius on. W,0i:i;i1l.
You see nt once tint Douglas lonnly Inn
MO.iiOl ntres uloia of land than Marlon, and
her wholu land iivnliiudoiie-tlilrdltsKtliaii
Marion cotinly laitd. iXiuglas county in
my Judgment Is a good county of land,
nbllalu nil oi-oliabillLV. her laud Is not
eipial lo the best laud In Marlon, yet It Is
ol good nuillty. that Is some ot it, mid the
reiu'tmucr is almost an goon mr pasture,
nhtlu It. I not so In Marlon: thero Is not to
exceed oiic-founh of the land In tills county
tint I of any benellt to the persons that
are Iliu owners, for the reason that the other
three-fourths I Incumbered with liritsb
and thither, nnd Is not worth one cent per
acre for the year to (he parties that own
such lauil. in laet it is n tieirimeniiniiwu
it, for the reisou that a man has to pay
tax ou tt nnd hu has to mako (he money
to Kty It oil' his ariblo laud. Wo Will
now come to the naon whv Douglas
county p'lys more taxes tnan Marlon the
piescui year, luo reason is pi.tiu to my
mind. Douglas has not bcu farming
much until within the last vear or two.
Iter main Hipport being her stock, which
has been paying her lino pmlils, until thole
Inn! time camo on widen ha now turned
tho mind of the people a little toward
firming. 15) ivinpirlug the Imiehtedne
of ibcc two counties you will llnd the.
tine eauo in paving ia. iiotigin county
Is In debt ifCll.TlS while Marlon Is In debt
$2, 1 1. 1. 112. The re.ion for tliM Is fum
lug did not pay In 1S72 and the firmeis
all got lu dubt. and wero not able In pty
the mi'iYllinf, hnd per wnseipienee be was
not able In pay his debts, so the luilcbteil
newalill rent lining when tliu l.il iik-cim-ut
wa taken. As ever imr tno-t
ubedleiit cerviinti T. t:. Sll W.
, S'Al.t.
I'tir mi liiillM'iilriil Mule nuil Sunn I J
We, Ihu nnderlgiiisl clllrnii ot
eoiinv. Irri'siMTilvo of imrty, favo'r nu In
deH'udent movement Cor tlai puriiii of
nominating caiiiuuiies tor uio uiiien'm
county otilciis. at the comiiigJuue election;
also (fir member ol the Legislature. Wu
cndiioe Iho resolutions nt tho Douglas
County People's, Convention, recommend
ing a Statu Convention to be held nt Salem,
April 1.1, Ir47l. lor the puipo'u ol iionil
iiatlug a Stale ticket.
The precincts will hold their meetings
at Iho usual plat of voting, on Sntnrdny,
March 2, and elect delegates to tho t'sinn
ty Convention, to be held at tint County
Scat, April I. In" I. at 'J o'clmk p. m.
K.icli precinct shall Ihi entitled lo ono
delegate for cktjt '!." voters In such pre
cinct. L.icli count V shall be cnlllled to one del
egate In the State Convonllon for each 200
voter In said conulv: the vote of Ihu
general election or H72 being taken ns a
Tho nliove call I lielng circulates! In this
county In place or thu call which wu pub
lish elsewhere that was circulated Morn
the action of the Douglas Comity luilrM'u
dent Convention lat Saturday. The
names given lo-ilay wero mostly got lu
onu preiluct up Mill cni-k. and we under
stand that m in.v other linnins have been
got eNewhere. ' Tlin'o who hava thole
call are requested lo send them In for
publication nud adopt tho new coll luitead,
i-ii:n'cii iimii MioKr.n.
The llrli; Mill, Irom Sun I'rniiilr
SSrit'Stiil ImIiI IlirSuluiubln llnr.
Wirueullril iiihiii I r'nria nl iIKs-Iit i
Mm l.rlx Mill,l.'wuirn Maorr, wlil on herns)
In litis jairl rmm isn Krmi'KeM. Iimliir Iwlla-I
V mi.v c. 't.il Id tirlllnz I lie rnlliliiKisill,ii'i:
'Ibi'lirla 'III wa u Krriwli i-'l, ini lie i
Kunlkmaii irsl Una In list re, Iwllna nlnn mhiuimi
ou lsmril,ainl umlir hallnt fnun Nih Kiuih'1-'!,
fur this ""fl, l tist'l Willi vlirat in I'urk f. r in
ilrr, U'lUr thrclmrtir nf K. K. Xnrcau's Hun.
Nlia arrlixlMriliu IL.tr Is.l huiilayiniiriiliig, m II
Vlr'k,ii4 iII.iIh;mI n slaiial fr a ilM, nhl.li
m init antwiir L For ui.liiirl Ihih lir IihI nn
ml vii ilu- IUr. lll turr nix.Hli, mI.1i n
Uaullfill ,kr iiterlietiO. Allbonjib llir l'il!h
iiaha cmiiiryUve vlranaer lis lint litmlllr, the
tamolli xta lniSril tilui, ami b liirni'l Ma itnn
1'itmril llif "lirmil t'liliiinlila," ll.inklnK tufiilrr
I His noHhrDt:liiinl. In ifrlr ti i mi.
Mtrl tnrJllthrliuriif wl'ly ImUn. Knir;
lui'inenl tli vliul iiil.'kriiei ami a li'H.-kni-
aio. nch a mix isiiiipii Itt'l Miniver. eeinliii:i
frnm unl Ihr water. In linllau limir a ilrn.ii I f
irniu'lilOtrii,i'inplrtvl lnailn mil f l vl
tcrflblny lis whU Ii 11m' fniir!- 'mH ln.
talnvl. AI Itriiatli. It 'H In Ihu Imrnr ,n ll.i
KViie, Ilu nlnl iilen liNirynl !, anl Iliu h
roll In lillnllniiKii.. In llil- himviilftli,r.lli...
Mi M'IIiii H'inIi! litili.nrliut I - an lie aiulmra,
llieurilnr fir ulil. Ii Has kIivii, Willi m ,'m-!iIik
oiiii'I lb li.trj .'.Jills xriiieil lliriiiit.li thu Imn
(tlasiii, ililVlliumi.linir rlmt liilln' mini; li
Imn, As Ihi , l.iiln, Ihh'.'iiiiu liiiit wlut aiulel)
urn. I lfe litmi It-It I 'I hey '.mt.-liii'iicil, wti'li
amMt'iilt'u Iniiitfri'iiiIlM critft lulillis, jJnlul)
Ihtl Iheaitliniii Murilrailia. Link t) link the
caliiii wnii)eil nm iintll ns tnllrn IcnLtli ijutt
enil lulttieii the ie-fl jiimIjiiii'Im r, find a-al 1 1 fhe
ilnu.vi.1 la-rum Hi" tlie resiiil.iif. In liimlna uiiln.
IUlln-1 in Ihronu literUmnt In uriler In lluhl
iiii In r. hut mill h nrk'iil nt hi r i.i-itnliiyi like
aleinnji'l llnr, Aml'l tl o illn nf nrillK fhv
inviils liii'Hir juaaisl liltni; her hull 11I1UI1
ini'lrMlu iutIi ijulTir iiml nlm't km. lei the
n.un rrmn llnir Itvl, lllr yrralfal ImrH line
tlul .hi knl struck n nk uiel vmhI0 nam in
ilnwn liifnlh IlieanaO fe. 'ITh- rfintM tolil
illiirnhe tbnbsil tiriK'V iism a ajm.,ii; in
toll theilrllHit b-.l'im llin lerriulu mrm. !U
lii.l tinit a ii thrown nr'rla"ttnl until It a lin
age Ui I'nitiiiiu), lt hlio IhiiiIiI Ui tvaniaL
,Kln )'" fUHvl-, nml U" ii i.lu. I luv'kiMtut, eiily In
rnaat Mien. I. tVb U)lltnt i'Iiiih rhc tin
mlKirnalaHitn ml' fr..iu Urn Halit-hiie, on the
Waahlnxlun 'lenltvrj Hilo, l)lnx Lijli nml ill
ill luirll'le. 'J lit Hint minimal in launl Kill II
JlninVl)'. iiln-ii s Hlil lt tlansli-il (hem lo nine
I a ln tnull !!
.Sklblnire.in hvibntt lu Mtti bir, Utt Ustt c
ni.t ml Mil Lin ii ihlluur where aim linn" Mm n
n.-.viiint nf oliathiir itnler. 'I lieitinsianl lirallnz
i.flUi uaiiait hUli o villi aui.i) mm iiank
Imin ilVi'ni'1 M'U brlMill, MhlJiaO almrt a (line
ln.ii 1111-rnly'lsn'f.r nini Iho vratrr of Ihu
ravlns IXa-an mil ! kouirn ikj mere.- Ilulltlln.
Yolnmo VI. Nnmbor 3.
l'ursuant to call, tho Delegates to the
Douglas County Taxd'ayers Convention,
numbering 1'2I, assembled at tlto Court
House, In Hoseburg, Feb. S-ttb, to nomi
nate candidates for the legislature and for
County olllcers.
Mr. Cha. C. Drain pa-sided during tho
tenilMiiary organltatlon.
Tlie mail committee having been ap
pointed, the Convention proceeded to a
permanent organization by the choice of
Itobt. M. (lurucy, Kti., as Chairman, and
II. I'. Watklns nnd Oulucy A. Orubb, ns
The Commit tee on ltesoliillonspresentei!
the follow lug, which wcru unanimously
adopted :
Uttolrtit, That In this movement tve
only seek to secure the greatest good totho
whole people of Douglas county; and
whllo we iccoirnlro the necessity or politi
cal organization in order that right may
irmnipii over wrong, wo reauro no wis
dom lu the great agricultural, turihanlcal
and laboring classes (whose Interest are
Identical, wlimu labors, rewards nud emol
ument! nre tho Mine) remaining divided
Into two antagonistic Hllttcnl parties, each
waring on tun ether, lu order that tho
highest degree or County, State nud Na
tional prosjierlty may be attained.
J.'csnhril, That we look niton tho luvUh
expenditures lu County, State itnd Nation
of thu people's money ns contrary totho
piluclples of economy iihiu whlcli our
(.luvi-i liliK-nt wa toiiudcd, audio total dlf
rccanlol' the Interests or thegie.it labor
lug classes.
JhniiliCil, That wuaro lu layer ot the
Legislature Investigating to tho flillost ex
tent Ihu amount of all moneys xt!d to all
dcpirluieiils or Iho Slate and ill-trlct, and
all salaries lixetl by the Constitution hav
ing iiccn enlarged, to bo reduced to tho
constitutional limit.
,'iMiim, Tktt we view with alarm the
reckless disregard or constitutional limita
tion manifested by memla-rs of both K
lit Icnl paitles lu the last l.vglsl.iluro hi
passing what Is known n the " Increase
Silary HIM," and we hold that the salaries
of Judicial district olllcers lialng been
llxeil by Hie terms or tho Constitution
itself, we I'ruyto the l.eginlatum or any
other department or State tlui power to lu
ll en so or illinlnl-h the samo without a
change ol the Constitution by Iho iicople.
l,'ritrttl, That railroads nuil railroad
enlerpil-e are neixsary lo the develop
ment nud prosjH'illy ol our Slate, nnd
their Interest am Identical and drpendont
upon the great ngileulltiral classes, nud In
the discharge of their honorable obliga
tions nud duties to the public, they lire ch
titled lo Ihclr gratltudu and the positive
and uniform piotvcllon or legislative nu
thoilty; and In lids matter wo seek no
ipniivl with a common beucfictiir, nud
whllo wuaie willing to eucouragu to tho
lullett extent the iallro.nl enterjirNtS of
the Slate, wu cannot submit to manliest
Injustice nor permit the uImhc, or chartered
tlrwirnl, 'Hint It Is with reelings ofpnlii
and sorrow that we witnessed the attempts
lu Congress, by leaders of liolh parties, to
make that lufimous piecu of larix-ny
known as tint "hack salary grab'1 rcecl
able by putting hi high pn-dttou nl' honor
and trut men whoaie iiolorloiisly guilty
nf lllchlug from thu Treasury money not
llmlr own; and w deuoiuuii with uu
relgurtl ilciiiluclatlou and biund with scorn
'Hid coilteuipt all concerned lu tcrn:trnt
iug that fiulld upon the Ainerkan moi)Iu.
TlieieiiMiu thu Coueulloii iiiuceidctl to
bnllot lor iJiudldales, Irruspvcilve ol mrty
autecedt'iils, for the l.eghbttlve Assuinbly
nud county ofllcvrs, with the following re
stilt : For Statu Senator W. I'. )weu ; for
llepirs-utallves. (J. V. KlUtllr, Daniel V.
Meiirus, I'ho. l.uhrrwotal and John C,
Drain; lor Sherlii, Mlu. ttmvr; lor
Clvik, KU'imer Stvphtius ; lor ;oiinty
CnmiuMoiirr, A.'l'. AiubroMi and Henry
1). Adams ; lor County Traurtr, John a.
IbiuebiaLu ; for hchool Superlutcudelit,
II. 1. UutLlns; for A.e-ior, A. A.
.Mathews; for I'tiunly txirvryor, Wllliaui
Iblel ; fur Coroner, Dr. S. I'almer.
The Ciihtrulliiu, lljiou uiotioii, then
mleiiil that Ihe'ti priai-Millug be sent to
Hie U'll.l.ikil.vri: FaIIUMI. Mtienry, th
yonmi, nml I'lulwtet'lrr wllh rnpiest !
publl-h the same.
TliircujMju thu Cuiieuttou adjniiriicil.
It. .M. til li.M.t, Cliilniuu.
II. I'. iVa'iki.n, Secretary.
tjiiw't A.(!itl.iui. A'l Siv'y.
WAiin.iiirti.si tn'.rr.
Douglas eouuly will him1 lo divide tho
honors of the State movement with lieu
ton county which looked that way a wtek
ago nud with Washington which lends
tour hundred or her voters names to tirgo
ou tho good work.
The Foift Uiove linUicmUnt comes to
hind with this call and tho-u names nud
strengthens tho la'Pplr's camo greatly
thereby. It may fm posillilu that thu rings
can keep Miilliiouuili county In riibjcctlou,
hut we tlo not know ol a fclnulu other county
lu thu V lllaimitlu valley that will go
agalntt thu I'eople'sMineuieiit.
U'nt It.ibout lime tlittaiiinumoro oloiir
S-iIi'in friends la'g in to bo converted from
thu error ot their ways nud beg-iu to wu
thivylltiiosof tho pvniil.ir demoiistrutlou?
U'o nru nli.ild they will be l.ito and will bo
left out in thu colli Iftliey do not.
"taw flSMJ