Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 28, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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FnilUT, Fob. 20.
iMrnorniENTB in South SALEM.Tlicro aro a
good many improvements going on In South Sa
lem it different limes, that many iicoplo on tills
sldo of tho creek know nothing about. Among
these, and one xvhlch U lust now under way, Is
an addition to tlio wagnn'shop of Mr. J.I). Jory.
Ho Is enlarging Ins shop toglvo more room, arid
is putting In horse power to run his latho with,
to cnablo lilm to do tbo work as fast as it comes
DwinLEn. Tho steamer Albany
near narrnuurg two or three davs ago, pissed
down this mnrnlnirwltha vrrvlMit Inn
oad, tho
greater portion of her careo havlnir been trans
ferred to tho ttneeess. The Albany hid two or
three small holes knocked In her hull, but the
datnago can probably all be repaired in a dav
or two.
Losi nr Fine Mr. Itowker'a barn, which
was burned Wednesday night, eontslned. lx
sides quite a ptlo of hav. a considerable number
of valuiblo tools, and his loss will reach at least
J100. The Incendiary, for such was undoubt
edly tno origin of tho fire, was considerate
enough to turn out a cow which was in tho bam
beforo applying the match,
Ie Town. Gen. Jef. 0. Darls, Gen. Mlchler,
and T. N. Huranor, of U. 8. A., accompanied by
Mr. G. W. lleynoljs, arrived in tho city last
evening by tho steamer Grover. Gen. Mlcl.W
nai neon ma'iing snmo inspection or tno mi
Trtiisiiro lli
Hnmn startling developmtnts havo enmo tn
light during tlio examination of lludlong, in
connection wltlrthc express roblvry at Katama,
but the names of. those. Iinpllcattil iavlieii
withheld until all the facts could be ascertained.
Wo received a nummary of tho particulars this
morning, through a private dlsiatcli to a gen
tleman In this city, and takn from tho Oregon!
an of Fob. 20th, tlio following full account of
tho confession of lludlong and Fagan, which
onr prtss of nutter prevented our publishing
ycstordiy :
During tho progress of tho preliminary ex
mliuttoii nf tho young man lludlong, (here
xrero strong snplclons entertained by several
parties, especially by tho counsel for the l!i.
press Company, that Mr. r.igan, tho telegraphic
operator und express agtut at Ivahnm, was in '
run... ...... ..... vui....i.irU wiiii inu niuiHTy. .
Tlitse ' suspicions weropr.xllc.it. don tho charac-
tcr t.r tlm exldenco giien by Fngan, hW man-
hit of tes ifjliig. and other elrciitusta-crs.
'lhrMighout, In his tf.tliuonv. lugau sought I
tn r.iv..r It, nv.i.v ...tr v...1..a ..... ..... .... m I
......... ... .. . .--.. ....-, inu i.ii.-.iiiw.
m-verii nines ins iviiunra was plainly ann i
iKiiiiuxiiy coniratiieiory, aim no coin. I lime ikiii
!mH.'acl.ed had rither sido so d sired. I'.igau
apixttiiil as n witness In Ul.jlf of llu.lloug.
and lor that rea'ou couniel on opjH.sltc sldo had
Ho Inter. st In HiiK-schIiig his testimony. Not
anion;; the least ispicioiu part f Fagan's con
duct, was his actions towards lludlong during
the long and ti-diuiis trial. During the i .1 ivs
while thu ixiniinuii.il was in prugicss, Fitgiii
was olnerved It. lurdly ivcr ixch.iugu a w.i.d
xvlth his frl. ml. Tht.ro iippiaretl to If .1 stiiJI.d
dillUknco lain ecu toiso tivn young in. u which
was riiuirliable, and noticd at tl.u time. S.is.
plclons thus dlnctt.l toward Fagau cm-e-l lilm
to bo narrowly w.itchtil, as well ni Jludlbiig.
Matters wcro "worUxl up," and the guilt of the
parties asctitaln.dtositcli adegiieof certainty,
that win n tho iximltmlloii was ii-iiiiiii1 ytsh r
day nficrnoon, lludlong and Fagsn l.l!i
"luaden eliuu br..it" of tho u.bls ty. In their
ronfes.tou, .Mr. I'l irk T. Morris. Friight and
Ticket Agnit, I'aclllo DixMon of the X. 1'. 11.
!., was rcrioiisly implicated in tin-affair. It
' ""'' .iuiim...n. ........una... i,
appears that a stent understanding, orasort
of conspiracy cxlsftd betwten the tlirw.inrlles- :
ig, Fnsan and Morristo rob tho trcas-
tire box of tlio cxpuss tho first favorable op-
J.ad iK.n mi.U'.mo time, and the llrsti-haiieu
vtulch Diervntid Ii) make n "good haul was
erahractd xv 1 alacr tv. F.ig.n. i.s .Ui t, was 1
In a lsisitlon tn know' Inst when lar-J minis of
money lusted thn.iHi tlm oillcc. Iliiha.lnn
this t
is occasion uppris. d lludlong of thu .(XK iu
currency, and afforded the 1 tttcr every uclllty
iu Ids imwir to rob thu Isix. Mr. Morris is
met ciuustJ
pact, couusiieil. nwoil ail aiivis.t tno wmiinis-
., ...,.,. ,...,.... , ....... ... .1
hion 1.1 11.0 roi.Kry. ;i ne.o luriis, .1, ...-ir
confession, admit that Moirls madunrassl.ttil
111 making thu lead koy with which tho Imix was
opened, and a portion of which was found in
mo car alter tno louiitry. Al pnseni .nr. aior
lis IsIIaxt, having gonu thither sumo time since,
Host assuredly tho rtartllng i-ouf. ssluu of Hud
M .rriV eV.mn He. '
.unrri compile-
long and Fagau, revealing Mr,
"1. T I TiulllmnrfaU ilko a tlmndtXlt .
I his friends and rtlations, n.,t onoof wlwrn
is prepared to entertain thu most innotosiis-'
cio of lis parllclpatlou In such a grave crime.
iSiui ...s,ar..c.1...... ...uC..Brvuir ur.
ino t'xsni nation iook riact. iM.-i..r Justices
IU-e.1 and Hmith.anda. ' laath-rnf course
.ulkd In tho parties tK-Ing lit hi to answer. W.
aro unablo a pn-stnt f. stab, thu amnnnt of
1..1. i...i. iV......ii..i. ... n..ir ..r...i.
ti, 1...1 .w.At.inin. ti.Jn,n,... ... .1. ,..,. .,.
tho IsMit containing tho money was thrown uu-
.lor Mr Pnrtl.- I........ I,v 1 1.,.1 1, ... 1- ullh th..
under'sand Vftu wtoKi?..
m ...v.. ,1. T. .,..,.1 ,...'i
Oiai" ihV: II ".nY IWTu Zi rtX.
,fflo,!olc"n'JJi,10n,1 VM "'UC',L-
lameiio, ticiwean inn piacn anil i-oriiua. .i,: : , . .. . - i , ,,,,' ... i ,'" -. n - nnv nimr uusiiivm nut iii.iv proiieu ciuuc ue-1 v,"""i.V. . '-.". "" "1r" '"pm, jiim
portion of tho parly returnod on tho train thli -ondon dollyeml mot Interosling lecture Ma iriwsiitam and tiomauN, and distributing torn il. Nanev T Young. J 8 nioom. It Nmlor. wlfo and
afternoon. r-'ru rga andlineo at tlio Coi.gr, gatlonal Church i ';'' "U.uud In tho limUr ulthlii a circuit ol a TIl0 npixilnttiit nl of members of said Conven- two d.lldreu, Mrs lleol.. r. V," F A ' Go's Mtsscn-
"t evening, upon the i re atlons of Chrlsilan "I oamlu h-ilf. wheie tiny were found hriigtng ; (,m nmoii;: the counll.s isls-id uis-n Hie lie- gir. and 30 in tho sltvruge.
w ArrnrxTJiEVT.-lev John Pay. of Jef- llieology to tho Natural Hclences. It would Is3 Uitnv. Jetrcrson is ovldciilly Improving. publican otn c.i.t lor Jn.epli tl. Wilson lor Tur. I.mur.MMi l'u n-uoa - Mr Hendcr
fron. has been appolntod to tako the ulace of ilmis)sllils todo thod scoume list ca Inan tem. Tiki-v t.i 11. h w ti, ,,.. ,r n... i..i I, ,ii -n,... .. ...'.. .1.1. ...... i... .ii . .. i .. V "".i... '...." ..,U:T1.''', T -V' '.".".' "r
iv'ji!:0 w!,1!.1"tm'u1:' I r.u'iJ.'.'f.r;.'.'?"?''.0 ?w eif!"'.1 ' '''' ?' &x!; .& c;; . r;,c.M.n;: ,.Tmi.,rt ;rr,vi;;; ",.f m..!,,"" ri;.;".; suieii i,r,ws i
u..u.,.. ........... ;'- ...ii"!... ...i ..... ...j " vMir.wui in muukiii. wiin iiuiu- iicaui at n.iu iraiicisco was no ceil in lie Illy votes so fail. Tiioseum count is or I he oult.i n iiutnlivr list ixenliig. from a stsnd cor-
irTm,jri'.0.,C,,tl10 Clurs '" c",1,ctl,'l!licu onlr"ltlliiiratlons to prove tliat I'eroi.i.o SrimHAH of F.bruary IStli. wtre rtciud at Stale will iHi.titithil to Dclcgnlcs in ald Con-i "r f i
of faillnc health. conflict MwctMi natural sclenc. and tho 1 ible, Mils pUetMcstorday btl. OddlVllows. having uiilion as lollows : m ,,,, ,,,",11 ,. y ..yJulug '' wev,
tTmn..y l..l. 01 r Its nlgloti, the confllot lijlug with tho theol- been suit by cpns irom S.m FrancbOJ. Tho ... ., , tlio weathir fax ms. Mr. llcmltrson Is a nraeli-
hATl'lllur. lob. 21. ogy which has grown out of It; and attributing unulin xxerun FocixUn tho Odd Felloi.'s 11.11 lrr Mf"" " CmI ti'aolr fti!l Ki..riiiti' of rnJIxii rollli"
Tin: IIUIIIIKtir tojll l.xsi:n. t In this case tt. human Imperfection, and tho lt night, ami takin to Dallas to-day for inUr- )'T ' ' " -,1',"",' ,! Se hct ,lr, N V. K ct.m r 11..- Ja cilia ir U
d,o. ., ,,,l:,.,fes,, ,, s,e!KtSl'',,li1'1 , Tl.x, . WP ,' " ' " ffi XAV
I'relliiilniirx' lnralniilluu oriln"rur- ,. n r, h , . . I lALLlvti. The xvnter In tho xM'.lxmcte at ("nos :l l'..lk il ol of iMlenlatlnii is thin- glu u In I unrli, Spin.
nier. tl lit lliev ItolVlVi'Il V 'v"aw-I lAnBO,'.--T,'0''v-f''r lias par. one.1 Thomas I this i,it has Uvu tailing ranldlv for tho last Jw.: iVr:ii5...".:V ' V lu nn.l Germili ns well as Fogllih. ll..clall..s
sii. inru ! . sfiii.i.i. nisi, i .-... , "m. mh v.i. .w umii iii'iii .lackm i ' imr inn, mi i is nniv niMHii innr i.t nti.1 tnm, ...i..".ii- ,, .n,.
Kd. HTiTBMHiM :-Slr : During th last six lirlnUIng what Uieyars.
months I hav received a nuniUr of tunny- Tl.sro is auoilu-r lores: It txlsit iu tht knilr
moua letturs through the IWofflct-, swtiug , mind of ihu child who rioulveslii do rirfut. aud
that certain persons wi-rn at Ihore particular i i will what il tlull In.. Il umnmos caMciry
timet, in r.rtain parts nf the ilv of Rsleni who for heroism, such uoior ctuit frtia iuorgaulc
had knuwlrdgu of tho rommiss'iuu or certain ' nutkr. Xot hiddtu iu or Iwra of uatfcr, but
crimen. If llm authors of lh.e IvIUrs tiill rtll given from abovu. Thrt tru tliro elwan tf
on mo jxrsoi.ally and give the information forc-s: 1st. Hie laorgtBlo, rvprtsaatvj by aal,
they porsess, they will Iw llhcrallv mwardnl ineebauieal motion, ultorioiry Ac, wl.wli tr
and no nutnllon atknl, I haw thi ilay ra-icorebl.il and iul.'rcbaii'U. Thy ftrra dif
ceived a lrlk-r in which a hrriblo eriun. Is f.r.nl linka of form aid wtct bora in ibn
charged in litre lu commlttrd. I brlieve lb larlh'scauldrouj all malfe.r piMsowot Umax. TU
xvriUrr it wisukeu, a Ihaveconvrrseilwithivr- iK-cnd force is Hie urgauia, Thsdrsl pltal hxl
eons who m.l the ptrsou r.f.rr.d lo vrtl no cuuts-tioii will, previous iiorgamo forcu.
wetkt tfler hit dltpwaranc!. I will lav fifty but wbvli i.ltntl, Il uu thus fon was tr
dolltra for tho trresitndconvirtiou of vfm Mr-1 tlrd to rail them into aclinn. and Hi Sams it
tont chart'! with lb oilier rrim. I tru of animal lifr. Thra is aaoiht r fore Iht
I., b. Sorr. spiritual and htvu no vidnc of lit niul-
Mhfrirr.UtrUa Couary, ( ence in Ihu ol I natural world Ikti HmJ for il
. --- .rlftloiie. Tlm tplrlliltl for.v hd to bt inlro-
' DllD it HILI.OW roait kr. H. A. Ih!rll .lue.il I-. create a sph.ru of duly, whrrt man
has receiv.il a l-lter from A. C. Tillis. at Wi'- ,v .Imhsrge a duty Mwar.ls hit follow rata,
low rorks, Wasco cinnty, aanoiinciug the ilettli . x;., I1CU princfi.lu was dsvtlopal prtvioualy,
ot hit lilllfl tun, Willir. Ha w nearly trvu Iu his nsreli. tlm geologist raanul wi
voart old and ha.1 not ls-u mning, and it w- uka liu perul. if only from llm Rutin ha
hoped Hist llH-rliiutls of I'sWrnOrrg-ui would, fiu.1. ixxlded iu li.u sirtta of lha earlli. Till
improve Ids health. j tbtll wm only krosrn iu the HilurUn aud D.-
ItKarmp. We are pletted Wi nutiro llm arri- vonlao an ; Uuiu of mtmmals did uol tiitl
Tal of tho Christian Jlestenger tgtln. which bt , until after lac crelart.nu i.r; Iher wat no slru
mired i.ubllcal'en afur a few month rl and I of Hie hun tvfort lha ue-s-r n tertiary. Tim
apptar in at gul voudltioa at vr.
Mont: IxcK"mnisM. About eight o'clock
last evening tho city was startled by another lire
alarm, which catuo near creating a stamiicdo in
the Opera Homo. The largo crowd was finally
prevailed upon to remain quiet, under tho Im
pression that it was a false alarm. This proved
not to bo tho case, however, as the bxru on tho
premises now owned and occupied by Mr. W.
It. Wcatherford was soon discovered to be In
names. Tho firemen were on hand and suc
ceeded in putting out tho tiro in timo to save a
portion of the barn and contents ; Capital En
Rlno Company Kettine first water. Tleer Vn.
glne Company had bad luck, as their engine
hroko throuxh tho sidewalk and drlav.sl them
,or a llmo- Mr. ttcaiiierrurut loss,
as near as
I1"" "o esiimaicu, win rtae.i t.'jjoi
nn hnU.llntr.
hay and other contents burned. Then. Is nn
doubt that the tire was set, as there had been no
lire near tho barn, and persons who were in tho
vicinity say that somn portion of tho contents
had Ui'ti satuiatcd Ix-fort- lielng tired, causing
tho flames to burst out suddenly, with such
force as to burst otvn tho doom. Wo learn that
tho "Hooks" claim tho llmt water thrown
from a bucket. They also liad tho misfor
tune to break thtlr carriage.
Am Omi rioxr.tn Oonk. We learn of tho
death, at Tillamook, of Wlbley liauihearst, one
of the old pioneers, who camo to Oregon over
tlilnl ot a century ago, and resided, until a few
yens slnco In the vicinity of Salmi.
Mo.-WAT, fell. 2.1.
county over tllt-en Trin m'.i. Tlm mp.l.in w,.
Issued last Saturdiy. A largo wt!t!on contain
fngoicr 2.501) nanus was presented for his re
lease. Wc are assured that tho vx idenco against
llrownwas purely circumstantial, and his con
duct has betn most exemplary ever since his In
carceration, He is now stopping In tho city
with l'rof.T. H.C'rawfiird, win) lias been tho
ptluclpal worker In securing the pardon. Wo
earnestly hope that Mr. llrown will honor his
friends and not dlsgraco his pardon as some
hare dons within tho past year.
LIST 01' JriiORS. Following is a Hit nf nrort
drawn to servo at the unit term of tho Circuit1
t'ourt for Marlon county. U'glnnliig March 'Jlh, j
UV.nkJlvVryUfjl!ll'.e).' V "5 W'
liagrx, j,.L.Loplcr, O. S. otilswortU, I)xul
DuJbln. II. t.. McNary. Asa Simmons,' J. 0
Orchard. I). H. Smith, J. D.Hmlth, Jesw More.
i.iii.i, I. .. Cllll.er t, A. Tlionins.iii, II. A. Loon-
ard.J. 11. llcokner. J.lt.Crc.well.J. T.-rtlnr,
.T. T. Smttli, W. H. Hohson. J. W. Rliriim.'Jos!
radshaw, Adam Ue.ler. Janus K.is, Dehw
Jefferson, A. Hoionden, M. I,. Havago, 11. J.
.. .i.i a
Another Sale. llcusr. Jones A I-sttersnn '
uavo, nitiiiu mo usl llirce days, itrcftiil tho
rsleof another farm In tho Downing iielghlHir-
, ..... . . .---..-.-..
htmd, 11 1 lee u miles from Uslrm, which is the
sixth s de for them In that vicinity : ami no
they have, "positively," but out- morn farm In
that locality. Tko last one sold by them wts
pnrchae.I I.v Mr. Janus Hughes, late of Till
lics.ee, for Irt.liOO cash.
lloux. In this city, Sun.Uv, Feb. 2AI 187i.
to the wife uf J. . l'atteiron. a son. Tlm
jo ling geiilleiiian lias a remtrkably triilliful
i-ouiiteiiauce, and tho initials of his nuns will
prubably Ih-G, W, Jerry siys all ths cherry
in t sou tht j lace weir hUzed'fhls morning.
TLimr, IVli. 21.
cuMiii.v.s' 2,1 i.i:t'n'iii: i.ii'i:.
The Congregallonal Church was entirrly tlll.il
list eutilug 1111 the tH-cs.toii of Mr. Condon's 1
lecttll.i 1.11 "l.lfc,
Thu sHiaker rtc.ill.-il tlio I
.....,.. i. :.,.' i."...i'i.
"-"" i....... ..... .'yni.-. ..i.ru ... ..r-
ori,"'l " nlu f ti-r liituigh' tho uges as '
o"" ' im.ii.i-. """ ..." .-... ...im
tho mugli mountains priHlucctl succissivi.
strata In which who 1ki1i1.iI tho animal and
""f; .1 ,''".'?1".' 1" ifv.iitJKtHU- ' .
'"b" " ""V-" " 1110 ..vwu
?f all the agu. Its first tr.iw- aro in tho Azoic,
Mrhcmiioiliiwn likuastreain from that ro-
moto l'ritHlu stream that grow and wldt mil us I
"" '"""I " ':' "K..,."" " ,..".'.. , 'f. ' ' . ".,
U u In gn-ut volcanic action, and though tlm1
xiokiit jilsjwt tl.erouru still ;u) xolcauma
111 ncriutiio acuviiv. mm wu una mom; inu i;a. .
ca,tura..gutlmuxVr.l..f still older urn. Wiling t
.. .
"r-".-,t ;" -, T,nu;i , ,V. ;V ,
Thui-vidincu continues that a storo houso of
molttu material still reiiiains within. Tliebuu
jmraturu i-l.augi-s 0110 degrts. fur uvery &0 fti-t wo
isnclrato theiarth and says tho lires are still
below. Tlm thasi of tl.u t-ai th Is that of u mid
tin mass that has i-oolt.l while revolving on iu
"'I" - '. ''a'''' electricity and galvanism an.
, .,.,.i i ',1,., i.r...i... r .....
' "'ffiiMiSl K SE&.E
; ' ,& fctyj?!
' ' '" ,,lli?J?viJE' t"n , "u
"Ln ''' . ...'h.;.r ."tL J.'. ... .f"...t .M,"r.k
-. .,...,, .,... nureiI1a fur,
i nr T,T ....., .i.i. ........... uri ...
re-l1"1" H.'i"1Vlhlm,L1r r icl? .. ? i"
""' ?"?' "i1." I'.'.'f, ?' i,,iu." r"!,.1n'
'" " ,"' , ,,,",.iV 1 iJ ,. T , ',. I? u
reluriit-d to its first stale. He did not coacle
that niatk-r conuinul wllhliillrelf the
) life prill-
cipw, no iwiii'vi-u ma was inHi:iiii7 crraioii,
act. but they do not causo braiu tx) act or Intel-
.l.'oBoii. .Hiat. light ...d mo.Uon Ul.ng
'ainStsuK 'nU
no plact iu this
1101 in auj way
eon Uud ki llisiu. Tin) water fall. Ihv kirna,!,).
. or thundt-r.toriu jiotMsgraudtur, itounHJusars
iitrand. but liny exist Involuntarily am eantiut
wdxit tan matoii froa Hilt lift rtoorj vital
'I'l...... .MM . .... -T . . . . t. , ... M.l V.rtj.l l,...Tf n T...U 1.I..1.I. .1.. u l.H .1.11.... .. t-1
more exactness than from tho formation of
v-iriu s Simla.
. T1,0,."r".,,orm of ,lfo WM "" low eT-w'c of tho
Jelly disk Heating, to silzo and aisiuillato tho
aalmalculo which camo In its wy; next was the
art dilate; then tho mollusk; thin tho radiates,
and last and most complcto, tho vertebrates.
Iho microscope shows nilnuto forms of llfu and
tho problem is: Does it originate there? What
flhsrarlli and the water are still producing
life! I dislike to array.uatural facts against fultli
in God.
Tho lecturer traced tho ordir of life that oc
cupied the age, llcptlle c.uno In th carboul
ferous i-ia, thtro hiul len only tithes befun
that. As the Scriiitiir.1 well ..is : "All uim
created after tin Ir kind:" then-'naa n sonarute
chapter for ach il.i. Thtro is one colic. ptlon
that God clean
Kit the xcrtlbrates with iuiMtu
jxiwer for ilex-olopeniint.
eVeloiVnil lit. Tl.l Im.IIi lt.il lli.lt
... "(" M was n distinct citation by tho
Ulvllie I'ower. Heclostd with a buff allusion
to tliocl'issi'snriiim.ils knoHUlu Ihe.lillVri lit
ages, and the abi iico of human rt mains until
altir thu Uit plLHiuc peiind.
Fhom .Tr.rrr.i.k)N.- The gi nth ni.mly ;( tit of
niu inu jiLiiier iiii-urv
.. II , . . i . ..
".L ti .'. Ji Mll,"T11",",i,; l 0,n
pany informs
... l i ... i. ..... ., .
.,, i! V . ''Jn'ii Cl,rl1H,ri,1,i0" i" KO'1 "''
ba timid hist. All the mIiihiIs of lh.it pinto
!f. i '?" . '' "r w'. tori;utlif
.. .7 . """"' ' "" 1' !
.... I . i i .t i V . , . .. w.. . V
nieailes, which have ttartnl In thete with Hat -
terlng tmisiHvts, an oniHirtuiilt
y for dei clop.
Intnl. 1'hu hooiltum ilemrut of Jc lTrrson di
Inchts als.vt. low watt rmark. ltoats nro no
longer ahln to reach tho higher txilnts on tho
rlvir. Tho boats luio kin as high as F.ugent
thls Mlnlir; tho (trover mado the first trip to
that place und tho Fannin l'.ittt.u tUo nconil.
GnwilK Auknc Wo recelxnl u call tn-div
from Mr. 1,. U. llurkharl, agi'iit for tho Graug'u
lVii.vivi.n- l '..l. -.
.. .... , ... ..,, ,'..." ,'.. ' ... ' " '
' '"' A ' U Ut MA'
. " C'",''' K'"'-l "owdml hoiuc
. .i..., i...... .. i,,-,,,..,..
The last lectun-was of tho llfo of tho lowtr
animals traced through the na-ka of thu ages.
'IVnlght wu arc asked, how long Lis man K' u
liKiii the u.irlh, what is Ids autliiiltv ? Howls
liu llnktd to thu Ii. t of t ill Ill's aiiiin.il llfu?
Tin re is no iloiiht that hois mi linked ; iueury
rcsitt'l thu material of his eomiHMitii.ii. nf liu
I ltd.!!. tiH.IUS 1.1. .1 Ih..l.i4. . Lt It. tlm I. .1 ill tlm
unintiti .m-,..!!..... 'ri.niiiui ,.r i.i. .i.ii,r.. i.,
................. .......... r,. ..v...... ..
IliiLitl tiitlittr's. H.) tar, tin u is no ilinVuinv.
II Is surprising to iMiuparo the cl iw of a U.ir t.r
llltMUIO IO.ll III 11 Willi Willi IIM Illllll.lll ll.lll, I J
.s lull I.UU ... tl I11..IU IS II siiiiiiaiuy i.tiwtcu II
and tho tin ot 11 whale. Tlm bi.Uli Is not tlm
! rami-, but it in ilui ins rlmilir liiiictlons In man
imnanii.i.il.. Itisn gnat iiii.tal.i tn Mi;nw
lli.itliunuiiliitill.etisgri.nl) Mipcrior. I'he
horse is many timis ntiosir mid more careful
ituHouiraud bitttr jiidju of chuiictcr than his
1 lie has Ms Ilkia and his dlslil.es. Hoixpul
1 incuts us to t.iu safely ut tlio ,lulll.,l h triads
l.ll. It,, II .I..I1IS Ull.l lit. Il', ilk tl.dll il.... Hi.iif
1 :...... .;... '...,. v.: p :. . 7 . ---
moVmis-iiiuranou; "v ii ;,V ;.".,r. Sm.1 1
1 r. ...... in 1. ,.,....1 ii.,.i
'....... ............ ..... 1 ...in. ...
u.ii. ...1 v.. 111 mat 1.U...1, .hut 1.. ...1 lite
latches ol t..u uti"hU.ia' g.iUs. Tho dug knous
how tn lake uu ulilnnio cuiiim) i-jciiI ml thu rub
I'll, iliuilillililico lit Hi tl
s Hi Hie luet tli.it w it-it
................... ..
the l.iial 1 1.1 Ulo am,
God biealntil tutu l.isuu.lrils
I 1 11, 11 .. 1 1, 1 ,., nli.ii... ...,r.
10... w Hi, ts-riv . loV r
iriitu, tnuiiiy un.i iiooiuiy, gavn nun cauicuy
lor l-i.alt to tlicso iKripiiuus uud llm higl.tr ,
j Ik rt 11
f"1','' . 1 .'. I'.'. i..'. .1 .' . .'. l ..." 1! i ""."""'!' ! .
-?,' ,-,'"' " . , ' ""ri
mind with wiucity lor .luulopinuit and m;cx.
tigalhui us will us fur lot oof the gnat and noble.
llm woild lias .iiolxit uu unswer uiidy f.irtl.e
V... ... V. ...T.V. . ,:?.:':.,: .... '1.. .1 .' ... 1 1
l.u tra.u human avoids thinly in tlm nuns
of f.ii nit r impiits, 111 tlm laiiguago of txlst-
...u iiui..... u.tti 111 mi.r wriiitn u.sii.rv. in
tl.u latut wo class tho Hebrew Hen .tun i
. , ... , i..llM' ...
iu thu most uilil.ililo und iiiiis.rtsiit
, Thu old world ncoiil Is ioiitaln.il in ihu first
ku chsplt rs of tkuUes, which r. Isle tn events
that piictido Iho l.ll (It of Abruli.im, and U-twtcn
that JK-rlud and thu time ot Abraham, thu ss-akr
Ishexnl I hero misted an uncertain period of
liiuu which 110 human ilsla c.uld Ui.culiu. Tlm
rfecl chronology uf I liu lltliuw Heriiilures
cuiuuiiiie. witli tno llfu of Abrahum and con
tluut s null! okt u to thu birth t.r Christ.
As to tin) iliirslii.il iiftliiilnili'lliiiiu .l world
hlsloiy, wu can only Judgu by uncertain records,
Abraham i-amu from thu city of Ur of Iho Chal
dus. Wu know by rcior.lt louud in thu ruin
01 iiiaicny, aim pri.unu History, Hint Ir was '
oncuagrial comuiircial seasiit, but now It is I
IKl milts inland from tl.u r.u, ma.los.iby tho I
1111111H .1. ... i.iriiei.iioi ii.uriveisi.upiiraiesiiiiti
1-iLTla. u .ir 1 I.,. tin. ,.!.,! I,, l.v., .!... ,l,.l X'.
"..:.. r .,i....... i.:..... ,...::.
UiMkH ll... la. 1.1 now ItetWitl. Tr n.i.l th 11 I.
Ixing beforu its !!.' of i.ru.urllv. as told Hi
r.s'i.ids found HiHcrilml uu tno ruins dug up
..i.ii. t.ieiiii. i r, uutun was coioiumi in.iu
tl.u Uu.l of Cii.h t.r Arabia. In Abraham's day.
Ur as iu it decline and not ill lb. glory,
la tlm Uuioof Abraluui, thu worship of tho
truo God a nut uoullnisl U. thu llebrcws,
Abtakiiu met Mi-lchisd:k, a priuou and a no
bleuiau of nn.of H.u ancient inoutrcliiin, slid
rallwl hliu also a 1'rle.t of llm most High God
aad gv hiui llU.m of bis conquests.
Thro, hundrsd yeartU-foretuu timo nf Christ,
Alviuulrr iiivk.lt.) Clitld.a aud t.k with him
CsJIislliti. hit cousin, who was a philosopher,
promlsiug that lis mould havn tl... brivilegB to
earch Ihu tetnplu uf lk-lus at llabyloii, Thu
oiuiuesl wt uiailu and Callislhcnes was ruward
m1 by fia.hi.g ricr.lt sloml therein, wrllt. n on
rlty aud Uieii kuruisl, ahich nxleiidtxl Uek fur
IVuS jrtrt, to wulnu 1WI y. am of thu tiinr of tlm
U.ksI, liu roiuril Uu.o ricxinlt and sent Ihuni
to hit friol.d Ariabillv, who found tlmy cuiiUiu-.ttiiaccuunlufixx-iilUHou.if
Marshy tho Uiis.u.
So it iu i.i.t turning; Hut was taught Iu Chal.
dtt, but llio pum toil Iruo tistriu Asirunomy,
I'luluiny, of ngyjil, mtdu atlrt.iioiuical ubrtrva
li.,ns 71X1 ntt. la fur Clr.it; Ihu Chaldean
fun li.ld the coming of thu couirtt; rk-neca tlislg.
Intel louit at pottcrtiug moving orhilt. The
Chaldtaiis Und oplic glanua tnd I'ylhigorat
knowing Ihertof toughl tu aid htanng by mmii
tiuilao' diviur; Archiunsha und lutUieioilirnl
Inilrumm.U lo domou'lrttu thu ii of th sun,
which win. piobablyChaldctu trlercopm.
At to Ms duraliuu of IntHry, il la uoiupntft)
thai llw Huitw of llauiMMt, buriisl iu Hm delta
f Uw Nil,' axtul hv hua pUowl rtiurt
.xsiun-iaiioii in j.iun uoutitx, n.i was oil Ills way " '" ', V," '" " ,-'" '-, i",""",'.- ".-'"' goiu, ami wtigns an ex n inn ounce; which is
to l'ortland nu business, uud utopisil to malti "" ',ur'.,.v H'-'Jlst iUV of Match, and Hit ir pn.bablv enough to make It the heaviest gold
S..IUU uria;igt mviit with Salem ploiv faclorU-s for ( i,L,,l"'1',,nI?l"!?,M "l7,l'"'l .v. H' '- "I' ' ling In Salmi. On thu top Is a raKM plait. Hiir-
purchadiig irom ihtni. ''. ,'l'',l ," ,,,, ( "illttt furlh. r nvoinin. ml muuiitt.l with a p. rfiet tlic-imliiti d sUir, tlw In-
thBtwhert'twoorniori-ciiuiities arc t iillllt.l to , R,.,,if tlm wtiufr'soniee. and mi i.ieli sl.l.u.f
n.OOO years ago. Human remxlns luvo teen
fiund under stalagmito which mutt havo been
mny thousands of years in proccn of forma
tion. Tho argutneat for a. higher antiquity
res' cntirrly with the fact that bones of extinct
ani'iials have been found with human remains.
Tho lower part of the Florida penensula tsiuade
by alow growth of corals. The deposit of hu
man relirs In relation to these shores was con
sidered by l'rof. Agasslz as rxitlmci- that man
had a great antiquity. Nowhere dors hnnian
history connect dlffTrmt nations In its nellul
tmtil It does so In tho llehiew Scrlptiins.
Tholiclitrei-gixc it as his opinion tint man
may ban- exWid for 100 000 enrs, and some
sob ntMs put it at a much longer period. Il
mimst, heixplaltud how climate In re was vrrv
I dlfTerciit whim. Ill tlm lust, there was lllt'lu Hull
! mini. f Mmim. ll ,-. , t,,i,-.,.ti,,,. .i.,
I .....t...t r IVKl. .....I,.. ........ 1 ....1 .......... -..
niiest) described the lal.t that nun. were on r
tliogrtat plalm of the In (trior.
lllll'l'ttl.ICAN stati: nvi:.mio.";.
A Uepubllcan Hlato Comrnliisn for tlm Slate
,.r M-. ...... 1 luiil... ...11.. I i.M ii... n t.ii
"l '.h",,'' ...-i-' fc.'.l.,, ,i, ,i,it ,,, lilllillv.lll
I Stito CtntralCommiitre. conw'iicd In I'orllind,
I llregmi, this, th
iin'KUll, iliei, uie nidi il iv tn i t'oriKirv, .. Ji.
1S7I. to mi ft at the City of Kilein. Oregon, on
Wedm-day, the Sth di of April, 1S7I, lor tl.f
p,m.iofiiiiinlii.itliM cindi'latis to be Miltd
in l'.Hh diytif lVbruarv, A, 1),
. 1'iiriii's ut luiiiiiii.unM iMiHienii'
1 V ., ,i. ,.,.,. ,i ..i,,.,!,,., .t.,
int forl'tm-
' ,.,.,,, ,,,! fnr n, ,t r.tl Slate mi
grtss, noil ror lliomur.il Slate mid District nlll-
ins thin to bulilliil, mid fur tlm iriinsa.Mlon nl
Grant .
.l0CklK.ll. . .
JoMpblno .
. ;t Washington
. "iWaMM
. 2!v.iiiililll
a joint iicpn-siiiiallw In tlm Ir-gUl Hunt they
ustruct heir lie ItgiUs to hi-Stitn Couu-iilloii
,,, ... . ''.;.'' 'V.,V.
... .. ,'",1' '',,r.1' Hcn Hlulv 1 tiitut fuiti.
I. II. liiMil'i:, Sicntary.
v.,. .I,,...,,.,,! ,,,,, .1 ,r.u.,. 1,1. .,.,,,
u.l ..I.....1 1. , .. r.... ... r.'i
INUMIIrtlKtl MY It HtUl.x Hllll prSIU 101 l I'Ultl
", " ;,,'.., """' ' " i no until mciu ior nnmii nine, ii is nuiieni soiiii
. l.tnl M.i.i.tllii. I...T.1 llu.l. ....... .... ........t ...... I. .... ... ....
. IIOIllll.t'.UtsM llAlll'.xr.T. I
lll.r... u. I'. I. 11 ..1 ". I
I'.. HriTvsuiw XI 1 ..m,.-i It in'iv. '..,.. ,r ""r" niiupsmi. who is leuehing a selietrchool in
i.n, nriTTHsii.-.tiiiiuiigii it max rein or , s'lilinn- .'li,uil lmi. run l.i-inn.ili luir
litllo t.r no important-., t,. the conuiiitilty at ' ?;.,." ', .i1 , ' .", ,'...'i w.iki.i'j 'J HI. I . r
I him (i iitaw li-n.. .i ! iii i..t . i ..i ...t. .,.,i , li'tjiti , uim nu ,vi nl mil ui it ill J uim lilt ir
, us.'. , s-i. tl Tl . i.V.,liir ?. t..V ....t 'ii . Hm.. .s" ' ', '"!' t setendof th.-chil.lt.-li pit
V rv , -' ... . ..H...H . I XH . ir 1 f . " " I ,rt"' f",, "" I'lllV. and III Htlrmi.tliiB In
Ury Wrlt-iUlU- livrpllnu III Iht-Cirel-I of good so- .,,' . .ii i .,,,,. ,,,,' ,,,i, -lint., ....I ,l.V,i ,-
l.iV .,-, in .., In. i.ii, I... . r,,r n .ihv., ..i.ii.iM,... ! cr.ms ji ill . r.s-i. nn ii plum, nlllllo girl HaiiKliter
-:,":.'. 'J .'"'S ". ' 'A J". " "'J "i".1 "" Li II,.- sHvam. A Hill.. l...y who w.w with ll.em.
..innirril.riiii.il. ...... H ...... t'l... . n.ll.l
uioihers auilHUirr.; and still the.x isr.M In ' ' ? , i"' ,'.,' , r' -V f.M ' "' """ ' """"
creating illsturbsiics 1.11 .ilimmt ixi-rv public ""'d the little l.lrU lire.
occasion. X11 lii; n.M II, .11 xiatmlavix 11- An Our.u.MlN Illxiin 1 noxt -A gcnllcmin
Iii2. (Sstiirdix) tiiirtars writ-gfi elt il Willi Hut "r this i-liy r.i-iix-.il .1 but r uslerday from 1.
li.iidlshxitlsniihsr .-rv il-il.t I ilghl II and ln'w- Jlillei.au old ni.il. lit id Sil.-m and w. II
th.-lwlnUlngof siitxe," S..111.1 hall 1I1.11 w. i.-1 '"'""i ''' iimvi-r cur eillms. Mr. Miller
KtrliiiKil tn Hi. Ir slnit-l. eves. 11 mill, , thimir h ft l i-' alsint lhi.-.-.uar. ag... slu.-e wlilelilliuo
Willi II..! tiumt horid otlhs and Itsliug their l"-b-u l-'n In Calir.irnl.i, In the mliiia and ilso-Iiii-ikI.
llltowimmi wildihtnuus fri-iu liu- In- w'l'". Il wrltn that lm l In r.m.1 h-alth, Is
fuiislrigloiis. I'liulk, I. Ing In cu-fardlv M ' l pr.s.-ut In Sni l-ianeis.M. and sK'.il.s of ro-
musi nunms.
y,,il:,:v;iVK;,i:: !Klrn t
I " uii'in.iii ir-t.an 111 tils w, .uis mis 1..
(as. tlii-erns.l tr-gan In tllns-r-..-. .Nuw this in
only nuti ntuoug tho m my lleiuli-h seeiit-i that
havo t.iLin pl.ico In this In I.-IiU.iIiukI dining
Iho ps.t wiuttr. Tlil slstii.it llilugs It l i'i, m-
lug ui.n..t.iiioiis and slin.Ht iinlKsrabl. and we
hui' Hint If the. us of tl..-gllllly sliould fall
lll. II this arllel.-. Hut Ihev uixv lie able to "see
,..' . .. .
"""'" """"' ,'"" U ' " um
Imiitssivi: hut Dkxii -- friend of. mis sih
r""lu '!;rl'u";'" "f " ''ng nia.-l.lue
i.uu.111 ..on r ji tnji-xira, 1n1.11 i-uai ism iionu
,.ie $'! HI. and hot iiiiltts.il that 1.1111 Ii i-ur-
1 uney to ll.n mail and thought ho would imtontv
.buyn niael.iiia but tako an ng.ncy. Ho tlr.'t
!, '".' ",'r "
pr.HiKClus and it.iiuil a picture of n
wueu n.s ii.M'iiy arriuii n wusn i any nigg.-r
than his two lists and llm express rhirgca were
52 HO lush-ail nf laiddnwu fret-. Tlm III ichllie
xvill rew, howcv.r, though not so fast or so well
?.,.'! la"'.;''".'! M.'mX"nn'!,X l.,,J,Ucl,,U'" ",':
Just Hkn tho first onollill (It Iswoldmer brought
t.i Malum twenty uurs ugo, HuiI.n'sii'i wunt to
- ... .... -. j-..- .. -... ...... t... .. - it iit txrii it it j in 1 v lit i t.titiii it 1 r ill v
tlr.t-el..s machine, nl-.ut .1 1 f,,-t sqiiurn, l.ul'sili) ntrollir. l-Vfl'V IllirMI lil.lfii. not
sen timmseiiiiiu Is-caiist. linsavs It Isarruu.l ho , i" iiijjiit " in-, n-tiiiiii, xi uu ui.ixt i
couldn't find i-oiiscieiieo to K-rp'trate, but hit , .snlil'l'.SIll'lirlj.'lu-.-l htccl, lllll', l'nii)lCll
agtneyls for silo cheap. As kh a mti-lmui.i atlll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 fill- lilsiiiifx. 'J'llt! X
as he ought to havo known that a gun.) s-wlng ,1.i..,l1, (,r (w.M, nn'liiiiiiil4 U xi-nii.
niaehlniicm not lax m ulo for WI. s.i wuan. . '" ,l'"" "' "Hl rij,lllil'IH.1 IS J0 I
uiiiru amaixl than syiiipalhetlc iu his case. .ik'Nlll. Moit til tlio lior.sos aro ItlilUk'
HosfKriitv.i Xmv.-Mr. W. W. Martin show,) '"t till' art.' ri'JjilHi'llt.s of Kr.l.V.S atlll
us tomrthlng new iu llm Jeweler's I.iisIikm this , IMI.V.S, lillt III! Ill IX t II TC. l'.IK'll lllir(
iiioruiiig. new ai i.-asi in nut part or tlm eiiiiu-'
try, which is th-slgufil to Iw Usui iu engraxliig, t
Il is Ingersol's ut.-iit rnl.Ur fa-vd l-. will,,
tho aid of which tho digram cxn lav out his
work easilyand In a very short tlm.', (uslead of,
i.1iil. ..lillL'nl !,. tr,,,,,, -,n., uii... .Ill,
l"ll'r!'Ulli,e. in tru. .1 frll IrlkT Willi
..niige.1 in iraeii eiu-ii leiu-r Willi a 1 nell I rlllllor.V. I in-Ill liri-liaiMtlOIIS IIH) lie-i.-r
iiislrilin.nl. W also saw H.rni tm. . IIL, ,,,).. i-ir .1... iHi,.tli.t nf tin,
ln?.,.clmeus ..fery.talirsil ,.rtr. weigh- . '' "l ' ,l ' " ,''," Titil-.. V.r
ujiidgu two pounds each, itii.l which wen. I ',. l.,."Vr' ' "' ". . . .'" "' .".',"'
I as brilliant us diamonds. Tho slon.-s ' l-.ll lllllirill Willi tll(l lltlsslan I'll II-
''f "H"-r lustrum. m,
ar taliublu, as thu finest lensm U.at aru maim
faetiirtil are iiiidu from them,
iMiijvmrxTX. Wo aro ptras.il to unties, an
improvement, tho want of which has lit-en much
Ml. luring tlm winter, at tho WlllamHUi 'Iraus.
(.jrUtisu litniniiy's wharf. This Is llm re
moval of a largo quantity of isirth f mm the up
is r tint of tlm wuriliii.ni), 1. axing an iy graai
wh.ro hrrntofore ha lrn a rough and irrngn
lat bank. Xrarly a hundred buds of etrlli havn
Us-n taken out at this i.ltro, and now b-ams ran
Isulriviu down t-i tlie landing and turn.il with
out trouble. As this C..tiiuiny groat oldur hi
I.i.s. to s.,r It hilsiu. s iiiervau., and file
wharves and ouimodiuu wart-htu. mark Ik.
1 0. It. G -UVv. A. C. UeDougill, assist id
hyFathir II iruisn (ll.t Cl.lrago lllsrksmith)
orKuulAsI Diamond ICiieampmeut, No. Id, nt
Albany, m Monday evening. Felt. U3.I, with
forty uhtrU-r in-tols-rs, Th fulloalng olllrrrs
were dulv i l.vUd aud lnalall.il t
I. M. 'Hk-pheuson. K. (,'.: M. V. llrown 1!.
fun.: n G. Gmlliy, H. ('.; II, I). G,llry,'. II,;
W. II. l),ld, pU-c : II. 1 II. I.UJ. r. Tnnw.: II.
K. Tavlor. 1. (.'.; I'. II. lUymoiei, I'l.tii,; J. I.n
i. r, M G.t C. II. ISU-wtrl, C. It. 0 ; I,. K
llitbr, 1st I,.; A. II. Morris, lit (1.; W. W.
Ileach, It. H.j I,. ,M. hu-pheiisiiu, Imp, I. W,
lllalu, Vic; It. A. F.istrr, O. G.
It. II. Amy. nf Ifivette. who is siiiu.iil 'Xi
Is. ixtnvttslng for banks In Honllnra (iri',in.
rintU1 to let hit frh nil at burnt know hit
whrn.tl.oua, a ll.ty would lilt tu h.r iron,
TauniDAT, Feb. 20.
BfMK.- Tlio steamer Fannie ration arrlve.l
here and londtd last evening with Hour at Kin
ney A Son's mill, taking on a little oier a hun
dred tons. Hholayatthe landing mer night,
and started lietwtru ni uud snen o'clock thU
nioruitig. Just at the lomr pirt nl tho city, at
CliltwtHxl'ii bar, the sleamt r ran on a broken
pile, which Is a portion of the remnant of nn old
wing dam, knocking mml holes in her sldo
ami began sinking rapidly. Shu Has iinmedl
airly run ashonywluro she now lira with her
lower pit ird two feet under water and tho tipper
aliout the same dMlnco out of wattr. Too Cap
lain ca.oo back to town rarlv this morning after
as-lstancf, and tho barge IV n Holt was taken
doun to rtctlw the cargo. Tlum nro hun
ilrtil barrels of Hour daut.iKcd by water, but tho
I mfntil iirilAhttiiii In llm Liil n.m'1,1 i...l 1. iuaa..
, l-ihicsl while she is mult r vialir. Tlie Fnnnlo
will hao tn remain line she is unlit tlm nrrl.
I val of thu Alice from below, to aiit In raising
I her.
I'lssrxiipiia roll Ct.minil. The Alav
sillnl on Wednesday for San Francisco with tlio
follow lug piseiigi is; TJ Oiirliiand wife, J S
KiMinbtuiii, Lieut F S Wilson, M SlrTnbiirg, T
"i ' ii-h-. .umii, itin x .ii me uim eiiiiu, .-u
W IKmlTsiin, S .l Walt, .Met .Msnpln, ,lo 1'.
Fallen. ,T S Mnxtty. Mnt.T lit am. S Austin and
! children. )'. I'.itirell. Jim jleliaid. Xhlm
aicin ime. A hi lly, .Mis y il rule nliil ehllil. Al
I l.aiis, I J. tans, it J.uiibs and I Sireiibnrg,
, nennera, i .in-Ksy n li.iugiis anil Mire, m
' A llait, G ltijiinlils. .Mrs II 11 Taylor and fiuir
lliat n ehllil. lioneUT nituril v tletleielit. can
quickly aniulri- thtificiilly for calciilitioti by
liuderntalidlug Ihcso simple rubs.
A Hvmisimi: l'uiiiKNr.- Wo xvcio shown last
rvfiilng, by Mr. Ilins, n linger ting which ho
h.ts just initio for ii priftnt M Mr. J. W. Mlnto,
,U plito Is ,. grip.) le.r in ialnl engraving,
' On tlio Insldo will aiusoir the Inllllls of tho do-
mur. with lliiulatu nl prfM-iitalhui. Mr Haas
I niakta.Iolia this t leg nil prenint 111 tertluiuuy of
'lust-Around watrhtiilniss In the i-hrrtir 11b.
tnm ,.l,H'k ! und it wilt i.riditl.lr I.i n.irn I.v
Ii m as long as h. llvus, and aft. rw'ar.ls go down
us nu h. ir-I.Kiiii.
Nuinow F.s.-'K. Yeflenlsy nllornonn Miss
"Ill ll...e
but wh....' iiauie wo weru uii.ilil,- to burn, jump-
111111 inn wan r nun nr. w 1.1 r. mi on
Il wasiiu uticiiuimiiii ixhiblli.iu i
r Ii -..1 .... .1..1.1..
.tie ..,.
llllllll.g ... nil. 1111,
xit-iiut . W. Msrlin lias lu-l rtfi-lved n
l.ig rln-k of lurmi-n' wslchen. lliMkopfniauu.
laetiitc. which ain it-ally ciiinl In any t.lh.r of
w-.n.-l. mull', 1111, 1 f.i nusn,.r to any ..ll.tr of
tl.. Irpiic. las.k ut th.iu whin xoii pass hut
. window. "
IIOIV 'llli: lll'rtXl N SCH. Illl. IIS I.IMIIi.
Yon wiitiM ho tli-lljrlilt-il In -ti' tlm
drill iifllit-Mi ltiH.-tittisolilIirs. Tills
morliii;, wlilln I was iviiiIIiik your
li-lti-r, IIiito whs iiitriHllii nt Uu-lJiiuli-viiril
tlln-i-lly In front of tills
litir 1 1 tf ill tl ft iirt 1 1 11 ill I if mi .! 1 . ulitiitl
,, ...i.n,, i,t- 1,, ii n... ,,,.,. ,!.,. ..nt...
" Will o hair III llli tlio llllinlicr, of lit!
NllllO llll,'llt, hl.O llllll Nlvlc, nllllllllllL'
IIKO .llllllll-H, W'lllll' (III! I'llll'r.H. Illl
, '''' '' '""' ''l'"'l 1 llill, lll'lllll'ty
I ..... lirilM..l,.j r lir.i ... IUIi.,.1 Is
'.'"" ln,si-iiaU'S ill lintsu n ll.illt-tl If
nin.Sl IlilVll I 0W1IIL' liltllln mill till
'I'l,,, i,,.-., ,.,... ,..,. .irllllnrv nri. .-..tiillv
', '. l ..'. ltt.V,. I.V. "i- i V i ' ' r .
M-'U't'll'll 110 llIVHrrtlly of IllL'lll III It
('OIIIl.lliy, llllll (llC.V IIHIVO llkt- lllll-
t-uss, unil ilully (trills aru taking I'lix-o
on nun. Humps iiii.xiarn. I mioiiiii
Kiicss llu-ro worn out lo'ilnv 1.IMH) or
.1,0011 ciivalry, as manv of artillery,
anil IH.iKHior i:.,iiiiilinliintry. (I'm a
hiIi'(IIiIhIkIiI.mk'Ii as hci-ii nnwlion
ijIsii. Mim-ltliiK is very ra.lil, and
nioslly to lriiiiitit.s, only Miniotinios
iicrniiiaiili'il liv kt'ttlo drums, and
forHliow iK'fiisloHs Hint Itlir nillltiiry
liautls. Thu Kinporor and all uf tlio
iiiiK-rlul rainilyarusiiUiiitlltl noldior.s,
and id ways iiiicnr in tlio uniform ol"
llii-lr rLiui-tlvH ritkrlnitints, whirli
iimkcrtlhti military lilt-n tint- irnuil-iiL-nt
ouo of llm iiuilrc 1 want to
net) no Mich iirinv iu our country
our rlll.nii noldlcnr; aro Milllulinit;
but fir an alisolulu iniiiitircliv llku
IiIn, il M)icar.-s toli(iiudin-uslilit,
i.i'llur from Mlulslur Ji-wnll.J
'J'liolmlllcsoriTr.st Hull Itim, Fall
Oskus, rittnliurli Iiudiut;, Miovt-i r
Hill. iSi-t-oiitl Hull rtun, Stonu liivor
Frctlrk-kHburtr, Cliaiit-t-llorvlllit, Out
tynliurir, Kolt.sylviiiila (.'onrt lloin
Cold Harlior uud X.nlivillt-, were
f illuwoil ly lii-tivy rain.
s in wine I. i.v .1 .. witv. . ...... i.i .....