Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 14, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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S i'"44 St..,
u JU'M
Umiit litrmtr.
SALKM, FRIDAY, FKB. 13, 1874.
WAlHNnT0;' ,'','u '-Drafts on (lie
Assistant 'lys'surcr ntSjin Francisco to lliu
amount of'Crsevcnty-threo thousand do!
lar, wc0,lt to-slay to tint city, ml
.i.7.,i Major llichclder. for dl-trlbn
tlon nt'K "l0' "ll0 furnished Kirpiillcs
and v,,siA"i',i,u1 us iiiu irvufn in iiiu
s-swir. iiiu niiuiuug nnu niiownnco
0f tiro accounts were ciiectcsi Ilirougli tho
c Jfioni of Representative I.tittrell.
AlU X leniUVIIl SIS. UeiliSrCU lilt 1IIICI1-
I to nominate James Coev fur Postmns.
r at San Francisco, to mccccl Slono on
he expiration oftho latter' term. Itcp
ocntnllvu Clayton to-slay write letter to
Ira President stroncly nrotestlnir iiiMliist
the contemplated dliilaccmcnt of Stotio
and tiro appointment ofCoey, saying uc)i
action would bo against thu wishu oftho
citizen of San Fninclco. lrrccitHo of
party, nun uwasiciui in mo cutiru uainor
nla delegation In both Homo.
PlllLApLLriiiA, Feb. 4. '1'ho American
Iron and Steel Association met hero to-day.
Tlie reiiort of Iho bvcrctary say It I the
Ilaln duty of Congress to repeal tha net of
172 requiring u duty of 1(1 per cent, on
Iron. Tlio general Iron trada or tho coun
try U pronounced to bo but llttlo better
than at tho beginning ol tho panic, lie
turn how tli.it out ol tidy rail mill only
31 am working ; of 38 loumlrlei I3S are
ldlo. Tho (tovk of Iron on liand l 303.000
torn, and orer 12,000 hand are unem-
NEW York. Feb. 4. Tweed' countel
appeared beloro Judge Davl to-day for tho
purio9o oi seining on u um oi exception
upon which to go before tho general term
for tho rcvlow caio. A decision Iscxpcctcd
In a lew day.
TIhj Pacific Mall Company' tteamililD
Colon Mill, on her next outward trip lor
Aspinw nil, leaving wis pori on ine iiu
Inst, tako passenger and freight for King
ton, It being the purpose of tho company
to open regular communication with the
Island orjnmalca. The captain oftho Co
lon will accompany hi iacngcr through
to San Francisco, taking cnmuiaiid oftho
connecting Iron iteamer Coltma at Pana
ma. ST. Lout?. Feb. 4.. The seventh annual
teuton of lira National Orango Patron of
jiiisuanury nici in iiiu nouuiern Hotel to
day. Master ol State. Orange of thirty
two State and two TcrrltorTc were pres
ent. Tho meeting wa entirely secret,
and the only proceeding furnished by tho
Committee on Publication aro tho opening
ceremonies, appointment of tho usual com
mittee nud the (act that tho muter of tho
National Orange, Nalhl. I). Adam of
Iowa, read a long address, detailing tho
operation of tho order during the past
I'rrwitl-IOT, Feb. 4. Tho minimi Con
vention ol tho National lleforui Associa
tion,, whoso main object Is to secure the
recognition of flod In tho Constitution, met
here to-day. Delegate were present from
nearly every Slatoln tho Union, represent
ing all evangelical denominations, and
addresses tixii tho object ot the association
vtero undo by a number of clergymen and
ASNATOI.IS, Feb. 4. Jaine 11. Groom,
of Cecil, was elected Governor by tho Leg
islature In Joint convention for tho unex
pired term of (ioiernnr Plnknoy, who win
elected United Suites Senator.
IhMtoa Wool Market.
JIoston, Feb. 4. Kxlra and doublo ex
tra Ohio nud Pennsylvania llccccl liavn
been tolling at S3itS0c. Treble extra nud
picked held at COiiG'Jc Michigan llcece
at Biafl'J JjjC. Delaine and combing llcece
at osuue. su)criiue nnu extra puiieii
aro In demand, mid sell mostly from 45ii
BSu. Calllornla range from 22i!33c. V H
lor r an ami spring.
Piiiladklimiia, Fob. 8. Physician
have arrived here from North Carolina
with the remain ol tho Siamese Twins.
Too uutopiy Is to bo conducted privately
by college physicians, but tho result will
bo furnished to tho public.
CAllto, III., Feb. 3. A mob this even
ing took Christopher Wyatt, a negro u ho
murdered nud robbed Mrs. flyman, near
Carbondale, a few day since, out ot tho
Jail at Murphysborough, Illinois, and
lianged him. Wyatt confessed hit guilt.
Ciiicaoo, Feb. C A passenger train on
tho Wisconsin Division oftho lilcago and
Northwoterii ltallroad wa thrown off the
track tht forenoon, titty-Iho mile north
of Chicago, by a broken rail. Three uis-
eengcr coacne, a steeper aim uaggigo car,
with all tho baggage,, were burned. Only
seven person were injured by tho acci
dent. Nona seriously.
Kvansvillk. Feb. 8. Only four person
perished In the tiro which destroyed Chris
tian Mehr's homo this morning. Mehr
and three children and two other person
In tlie houso escaped, though all were
burned more or les.
ST. I.oi'is, Feb. 8. Tho National
Qraniro Is still In secret session here. They
voteu 3,000 each to the State Grange of
Iowa and Minnesota, anil f&KI to Dakota,
for tlio ii-llet of suflerlug homesteaders.
PoitTMlOLIII, N. II., Feb. 8. Collector
Howard lias received orders from the Sec
retary of tlie Treasury to allow the landing
of tha Atlantic cable at llya Point without
enteilug the ships containing tho cnblo at
the Custom House ; alo Io nllord the en
terprise all tho aid at tho dlsjioi.il ol the
Government here.
Wasiiimitox. Feb. S. In the matter of
tlio claim of lite Mission of St. James, at
Vancouver, W. T., for forty aire of
ground surrounding thu Mission buildings.
Die Commissioner of the General IjuhI
Oltlce Is or the opinion tint It they liavu
any right wh never to tlio land tt.ey claim,
that right Is circmucrllcd to tlio laud
covereu by tho church buildings. This, In
extent, Is nntiiulte half an acre.
Tlio Commissioner of Internal Ilevcuuu
has detailed two officer to proceed to San
Francisco to examine Into revviiuo matter
tlie re.
New York, Feb. 0. Tho car of the
night expreM train from Wadilugton be
came deuched near New Ilruuswlck thl
morning, and when the engine slacked Its
speed It cruslied into the other cars. Sev
eral passenger ere lujurwl, among them
Senator Coukllur, en route for L'llci, call
ed tliere by the dcatli of hi father.
Chicago. Feb. 0. A special to the
Timet Irotn Cincinnati make tho follow
ing statement In reference to tho progress
of tlio women' praying nnd temperance
movement. J. C. Vnupelt, Olili's wicked
est man, d-llvered a roulng tempera nee
lecture last evening at New Vienna. Ills
audlcnco n Immense, and the mot In
tense enthusiasm nrevallcil diirinir his re
marks, lie apologized for his former hos
tility manifested tnuartl the ngltators. nud
stated that his snul hail lieeii softened by
their prayers and nil his purposes chinged
by their long sufferings. I e confesseir to
having Iresnieutly taken tholn'tOlmo Irom
somo poor wretch to pay for whisky a
dime which ho knew hail been earned by
bis starving wlfu or child, lie. vtns deter
mined to atmmloii the btitucs nud como
In on the I.oid's side. Ills reinaik were
frequently Interrupted by prolongcil ni
plause, and at their conclusion tho audi
cuco presented him wltlin purso of $130.
lropo4tsl Reslnetion of She Army.
WASIIINtlTOX, Feb. ".Tho Hou-o Com
mlttccon Aiinronrlatlons have been con-
llrmed In their conclusions tint the present
force ot tho army Is I irger limn necessary
by thu testimony given heloni tho Military
Committee to the effect that there were al
ready too many soldier In tho Indian
country, though tho proposed reduction Is
expected to tall mainly on the army In the
Fast nud South. Felix Ilrunot, Major
rnwcll, or tno Colorado r.xpionug r,xo
dllloii. and Geo. W. Ingalls, thu latter ol
whom acted a Special Commissioner to
Investigate Indian Affairs In Southeastern
California, Utah. Nevada and Idaho, ex-
nressed this on niou. General luir.ills de
clares that hi opinion Is slnrcil lay promi
nent randier1, stock ralvrs and property
owners In Nevada, with whom ho con
versed freely upon tho subject, nnd who
unanimously ngrco that tho presence ol
troop among the Indian In tint Suite Is
productive of mischief.
ino soutneru transcontinental naiiroau
Mil was referred to tha C-oinmlttco of tho
Whole under tho mllnsof thoSncakcr that
the provision granting ten acre for depot
purpose to each flvo miles of tho road, and
also tho right to tako Umber and stone
from public lands, brought It within tho
meaning of the rule recently adopted re
quiring reference of all bills appropriating
public proierty to tho Committee of the
Whole, where It will undoubtedly bo fully
discussed. Houghton, In advocating this
bill, gnc to tlie lull extent of tho position
taken by the Grangers, that Congress ha
not only tho right lb regulato Interstate
charges, but also charges between point
In tho same, II tho road on which they aro
situated I nn Intcr-Stnto railroad.
IUIIron4l Trouble.
ClllCAOO, Fell. 7. Tho troublo between
the Central and Union Pacltlc Railroads
and their connections. In regard to freight
rates continue, meuentrai raciucseemi
willing to submit to the demands of tho
other roads allow Ins them tiro rata rates.
but the Union Paclllo Uallroad still resists.
J. C. Stubbs. General Krclcht Accnt ol
the Central Puclllc, will arrive. In this city
to-day or to-morrow, and will hold a prl-
vato consultation wiiu tiiuucncrai freight
AccnLs of tho Chtcaco. llurllnirtou and
(Jnliicy, Chicago, Hock Island and Pacltlc
ami mo iviiiaign aim -oriiiwcstcni roans,
with tho view of affecting a satisfactory
arrangement. Tho roads to this city tiro
II rm In their determination to submit to'
nothing short ot pro rata rates, claiming
to oo euiiiieii io mo same cans Herat on
and liatlng Just a much expense as tha
I'aciuc roans, uno cuii'cmiouco oi irouuic
has been, a stated In these dl'patchos last
nlsht. tho onlerlnir by Chlcaco merdiants
of large iiiintltle of gooils, coder, tea,
etc.. to be ihlnpcd from San Francisco by
tho Pacltlc Jlall steamer to New York
and thence to till city.
91 UevIlftiiFotii.
ClllCAOO. Feb. 7.-A Washington sncclM
say tho member ol the Senate Judiciary
Committee aro disinclined to give out for
publication a letter which Attorney Gener
al Williams lut written to tha Committee
complaining about tho ImpilsltWo nature
of tho Investigation niado Into his charac
ter and act w Idle hi nomination for Chief
Justice was pending. Sir. Williams Is un
derstood to bo willing to let lit letter get
lutopilnt, but tho committee, whom It
pretty sharply criticises, deem It a confi
dential communication and prefer to keep
Its exact content secret.
Nlw Yoiik. Feb. 0. Kdwln llooth, the
actor, ha tiled a petition In bankruptcy.
Among tlio secured liabilities I a claim on
Oakes Ames' estate lor 4)100,000.
riillldalptiU Wool Market.
PlltLAPKi.t'iltA, Feb. 0. Wool It ad
vancing, w Ith a firmer tendency. Stock
scarce. Colorado washed, 27uf30c ; tin-
washed. 2.1 iJM: extra and merino nulled.
45380c; No. 1 and supcrlluo pulled, 43 ii
60c: Texas lino and medium. 274130; Tex
as coarse, 20?(23c; California lino and me
dium, 2-iitXk; California coarse, 222
23o V pound.
Tlio ISrad IxK-k In frtliflit Mallera.
ClllCAOO. Feb. 8. General Freight
Agent Stuhlis, of tho Central Pacific ltall
road, nnd Mr. Yiuliig, General Freight
Agent of tho Union Paclllo ltallroad, nr
rived hero last (.veiling, but remained In
tlio city only two hours, leasing on tho
train for New York. An Intcri lew with
them on the subject ol dead-lock hi freight
matter between their roads and the Chi
cago and Omaha roads elicited nothing be
yond a reiteration on the jiart of Mr. vlu
lngofa determination of the Union Pa
cltlc Railroad not todltldu freight rites
with Kasteru roads and tha fact that they
wero going to New York, where they
would liaton coulcrcnw with tha officer
ot Ilia r.iulle Mall Stenuiihlp Company In
relation iu ireigni inauers.
ouiuMtlon of loluiaser
Washixotox. Fib. 9 Tho bill Intro
duced In the llousu lu nutlon to the com
R'livillon ot l'o-tmatters Uxes tha rate of
.ew York at IO,000 ; Chicago, St. I,ouls,
Philadelphia and Ilctnu, ,MX each;
Cincinnati, Ilrooklyn, llaltlmore and Sail
Frnncl-co. $0,000 eaclu It provides tlat
such salaries tw iald from money n
ceticil from box rents an I other sources In
excess of exienditure allowed tor rent,
clcik hire and other nccaisaites.
Wasiiixotox, Feb. 8. The Committee
on Indian Affairs are maturing measures
whh.li look to a change in the management
of Indian all'ilrs, dlieuslug Willi the pre
cut Indian Commissioner and rostorlug
tlie management to the War Deiiarluieut.
A general Indian Agcilcy will bo recoui-
The follow lug; postal change Iiare been
oruereu lor ine t'aciuc s.oati:
Poslnusters appoluted George W. Hlg-
lnt, Plumas county. Cal. ; Wm. A. Hill,
t. Thomas, Lincoln county, Nevada;
John McCall, Walla Walla, Walla Walla
county, W, T.; .lame O. Turner, Oral
Island, Whatcom county, W, T.
New Yoiik, Feb. 0. An cllort I said
to bo making to Induce tho authorities to
abandon the prosecution of Michael Nor
ton, ho tied to Canada on tho conviction
of Genet, nud who I represented to bo now
tho only member of the 'former ring work
er lun hurry to turn Informer should thu
uct Iks advantageous to themselves.
ST. At.liAN Vt Feb. U. Martin A
Moore's tannery nt Swnnton, Vermont,
was burned yesterday. I.os, $ 20,000 ; In
surance, $,000.
James Wnyno has Iwcn commuted to
Iha Woodstock Jail, chaiircil with tho mur
der of Win. Donolioe. Wnyno and Done
hoe were neighbors nnd farmers.
ISoliilT or the anClonal SJraltft-e.
Sr. Louts, Feb. 0. In tho National
Grange, this forenoon, tho report of the
Committee on Itltml was postponed until
next scsdon. A resolution to have n bul
letin of the GrauiN printed nnd scut to of
ficers of nil Statu nud subordinate Granges
was referred to thu Kxecutlto Committee.
A reoliitlon to remove tlie headiiuartersof
llio-Mitlouai uraugu III St. Louis wa re
ferred to a special committee nf II vo to re
port at the next sesdou of tho National
Grange, llainlltnn, of California. Is on tlio
committee. He submitted n report ou tho
condition of Iho order lu California, which
wa not furnished for publication.
1'rons Washlncsois.
WASHlNnTOX, Feb. 0. Tho Houso Com
mittee ou Foreign Alfalr ngaln dWcussed
to-day Mr. Orth's bill looking to a reorgan
ization oftho State Department. Tho com
mittee Instructed tho Jhilnnaii to direct
Secretary Flsli to communicate to them tho
Increased appropi latlou for salaries which
would bo leipitrcd under tlio provisions of
the now bill.
Tho bill of Mr. Diwes, introduced In the
Houso this morning and referred Io the
Pot Office Committee, fixes Iho rate ol
postage on all letters. Including drop let
ters and postal cards, at two cent, and
provide tint no stamped envelope bo
hereafter used.
Tho Joint Committee on Library, to
day, authorized their Chairman to contract
with Horatio N. Stnno lor a marblo ttntue
of tho Uto Senator K. D. liaker, provided
for by act ol last Congress. Tho statue Is
to co-t tlO.000. and I to be nlaccd In tho
llicilMOXD. Vn.. Feb. 0, The heavy de
falcation In tlio otllco oftho Slukluir Fund
Commissioner wa traced to W. D. Cole
man, clerk oftho Hoard ct Fubllo Works.
and when an officer went to arrest him
Coleman unsuccessfully attempted sulcldo
uy culling ms in ran. uoiemaii was term
cily editor of Iho Richmond Kn'ulrer, and
was held lu high estimation. HI lifts Is
conOdcrcd In danger.
New Yoiik, Feb. 0. The glycerine fac
tory ol Michael Ilrady, at Fort Tiuondero
pa, was destroydd by an explosion to-day.
Two men were killed.
T1TU9VILLK, Pn.. Feb. 0. W'. II. Kelly,
of the Wc'tcru Union Tcleirraiih office
here, died this morning from the effects of
lupines receives! Irani being thrown from a
sleigh last night.
l.oi'isvil.l.K, Ky., Feb. 0. Tho printer
on the Courier-Journal struck to-day be
came ol a refusal by the proprietors to dls
ch.irgo the forem in, with whom tlw em
ployers were perfectly satisfied.
I.OXPOX, Feb. 8. Returns from 10 con
stituencies where elections wero held yes
terday show 10 Conservatives ami 10 l.lb
U'rals elected or n turned unopposed to
Mr. Disraeli spoke at Newport yester
day. Ho said that Gladstono nnd tho Irish
liollcy had utteily failed. Instead of pro
ducing tranniilllty In Irelad, that country
wa now In a more disturbed ttato anil
more stringently governed tliau ever be
loro. He also said tint but for the Uni
versity of IxiidoN, Mr. Lowe (lalo Chan
cellor of tho I'xchcsiucr) would now be
without a teat, I.I unpopularity being
such mas ins tipncamnco ou any misting
would endanger his Uto. Throughout tho
wuoieoi Liisracu tpeccii a niou ieltcd
with stone the window of Iho hall In
which the meeting was held, nnd at tempted
to break up the meeting. A frco tighten
tueil. The polling at Hackney has lieen de
clared void because ol Informalities. At
Stale) bridge, Lancashire, serious riot oc
curred, and many persons were Inlured.
At Dudley, Worcestershire, a conflict oc
curred between nil Imported mob of Irish
men and miners. A number nf bouses
wero demolished, shop ransacked and
much property deatroyed. TIhi Riot Act
was read, all shops were closed, and It was
feared tlut tho wholu population would
rise against tha Intruders. A company of
soldier wero tent from lllrmlughaiii to
aid the authorities lu restoring order.
NhW Yoiik, Feb. 8 A letter from
Paris says the general belief lu educates!
circles Is that whllo Prince lllsmank would
avoid war by preference, he would not
ml n pretcx which would givo linn tha
iippearaiHiuif rlitht, and enable him Io
crush once for all the Ultram uitane party.
Iteccut elections to the Prussian Parlia
ment liutu demostrateil the extreme lm
probabllltyol lllsmirck's success by purely
leiral or parliamentary means. 1'fio Calb.
0ircshaecHlued33 vote at Landtairover
ansiauoe wiiaiiney ii.u, anil lira Liber
als have gained considerably. Tlio Preiuli
lllshopsnuiiouuco their Intention to re-lst
any nttcmiit tn muzzluthem. and Plus I.".
....... ... . . p.. --
his counseled them to tight thu good
fight of filth, even at in irtyrs. Asa co
rollary to all this, the Itounso has been fall
ing frlghtrully during tlie iat three days,
spreading consternation hi lluaucl.il circles.
Private letters Irom llavaui say that al
tali at Trlnlilad are regarded ns excep
tional, ami not at all Indicative of a gen
eral uprising by the negroes and burning
ot plantations. Thu opinion prevails that
thu In-urgent will sushi no utile to cross
tho old 'Irocha in force. Heretofore they
have been able ocsnslnnally to croM III
ui ill parties. Hioiild the'y succeed in do
ing so in largo number the burning ol the
pi iiitatious Is Inevitable. A secret organ.
iKiuiiii is iiiougui io exisi, wiiu ramiilui
tlous extending to nil (virts of the l.land,
Iho object ol whlcii Is to ghe moral and
material support Io the iusiiruents. who. If
suoccs-ful In their 0ieralloiisTii lira central
ane rasfru dciartmeuts, will endeavor to
lias Into tlie Villa districts. It It emended
that tlie sitaulards are Just now In a tight
place, ami nes-il men and money to carry
on the war. The waut of both I apparent
and It telling very heavily against the
London, Feb. 0. Baron Jloycr Do
Rothschild died to-day.
Conservatives wero elected In Westmin
ister yesterday by lajgo majorities. Repre
sentative In last Parliament were n Liberal-Conservative
and a Llbcial.
London. Feb. 8. At Wilton there was
a serious election riot yesterday ; several
iwrtonswcro l.itally injured. Troublo is
also reported In Windsor. Tho Liberals
hive gained one scat Trotn Southampton.
Twentv-threo Cotwiratlvcs and linecn
Liberals wero elected or returned uuop
IkhciI to-day by 21 constituencies. The
O'Douoliuo was elected nt Trnleo by n ma
jority ofthreo over n Homo ltuler. Oftho
cieciious iietu lu -Metropolitan district to
day no result Is announced ns tho count
cannot no completes! until into to morrow.
LONDON. Feb. 0. Itlotlim was sreiieral
yesterday In the liolllnir districts hi Slnl-
lonlshlre. At Hundley there was a des-
IK'raiu ugm; one man was killed nud many
seriously w nun ed. Among thu Injured
wero several special constables nnd police
men. At Tiiustalt thu authorities cliwd
nil tlio public houses. Thu mob seized Iho
ballot-boxes, whh.li were recaptured by
tlio police. Similar scene were enacted at
Longton and llurslein. Tho .Mayor of
s, uivcnriHipiuii nun ine itinglsirate 01
South Stall'ordshtro telcgraplicil late yester
day for military aid, nsklng for tlio lmnie
dlalo dl'patch ol nil available troops.
In Ireland feeling runs high between the
Clerical and Nationalist parties, cseelally
In Limerick county. A light occurrcil yes
terday bctw ceil supporters of the rival can
didate lu Afkclou ; thrco men were
killed. The Homo ltulcrt' ciudldato wa
returned from Duugaimon. In Manches
ter, Jacob llrlght (brother of John llrlght)
It standing at tha bottom oftho poll.
The Conservative havo gained scat In
Belfast, Dover, Uraveseud and Northamii
ton ; the Liberal in Coventry and Dum
frlcishtru ; tho Home ltuler In Drogheda
and Wutcrford. Tho Manjulj of Lorno I)
re-elected from Argylcshlru. Tlio Conser
vatives havo gained n scat In Glasgow,
where, at the last election, thrco Liberals
were rciunieu uy overwhelming majori
ties. So far. 420 member havo been rleetesl.
of whom 22',areComcrTatliaand 103 Lib
carl nnd Homo Rulers. Tho Conserva
tive havo ousted 01 Liberals and the l.llu
emit 21 Conservatives.
IlLltLlX, Feb. 6. Tho Reichstag oiicncd
to-day. The speech from the throne wa
delivered by tho Imperial Commission. It
riiuineraies nmong the priuclial measures
to bo submitted, bills relailiu' to Mm smir.
tho urmy, Iho press, trade ui.lons and ma
rine jiirissiiction. Tho speech concludes
with an assuarauco that nil tho nation ol
ol Kuroponre resolved to preserve pence.
Archbl'bop Lcdochwoskl will 1 tried
ou tlio litis InsLant on no other charge ex
cept tho refusal tn viy his tines.
London, Fib. 7. In tho Parliamentary
elections to-slay, lu ntno constituencies
eleven Conservatives and thrco Liberal
were returned, lour of tha Conservative
being lor sent occupied by Liberal In tho
late Parliament. Arthur K. Guinness
(Conservative), and llrook (Homo ltuler),
aro elected Irom Dublin,
Tlie Liberals giln seats In Coleraiu nnd
Dungaiinon, anil tlie Home Rulers In Duu
dalk and Limerick. Tho latter returned
Dr. Unit and Mr. O'Shaughuessy. Tho
Martinis of Ilartlugton is re-clectcsl In New
Radnor. According to tho latest dispatch
481 member or Parliament liavo been re
turned, ol whom 223 uro Conservative and
220 Liberals. Tho Conservatives replace
71 Liberals, nud tho latter liivo ousted 27
It I retried tint Mr. Gladstono ha
tent his resignation to Iho Queen.
I.OMIOX, Feb. 0. Ily n collision on'tho
Great Western Itallro.nl, near West Dray
ton tuition, last evening, several lersons
were killed nnd many wounded.
MADItlD. Feb. 0. General Sickles 'took
Ills final leu vo ol the Spmlsli Government
to-day, nnd plaocd SccrcLiry Asleo In
ciiargoormo i.cgitiou.
i-Aiuv reo. ti.n. iiutlett let been I
elected President of the Assembly.
Havana, Feb. 7. Two page In to
day' OJlcM llasette nro slevoteil to n proo
laiiiatlou by Captain General Jolevar, who
lias uevii laieir rciuvesiesl Willi extruonll-
nary wwcr. It give a full exiositloii of
mo is;eiii Biaio oi ma iiiturructioii nnu
tlio cause of It contlnuanco; also an ns
suranco tlat (icaceabla citizen may llvo
securely under protection of tlio laws. It
declares the Island In a state of ttego. Re
bel and ienoiis accused of sedition, mur
ilerand similar crimes, are to Iw tried by
Court-martial; persons charged with other
cilme nnd misdemeanor uro to bo tries!
before tha ordinary Court. It order
mobilization of actlvo service of ono vol
unteer out ol every ten to bo Immediately
enrolled nnd coiitliiuesl in service six
mouths. Owners of slaves shall gUoouu
out of every thousand In thu Island to
work in thesnamp nud trenches and upon
thu formications. At tho end of Iho cam
paign the Government will llberatu nil
these slaves, paying their owner rl,0OO
for each. Tim proclamation create n
Junta for tho Inspection of all item or war
expenses. It organize a Vlgllanco Com
inlttee In tho Interior, who will tako note
of overyllilng, furnish guide and uct us
Homo (juirds.
I.ONDOX, Feb. 8. At the doo of the
week SO!) member of thu House of Coin
niou had been returned, of whom 2')7 are
CoiiscrvatUc! and 212 Liberals. Tim
Homo Rulers lu Cork hive returned ono
uirmuer mm Mlkcnney twsi.
I.ondox, Fell, ti-7 A. M. Thu Parlia
mentary rlcs.tlon returns no In this ..
show tint ceiit)'.ho Cou.civallsos ure
eis-ciesi in seal lonniriy llllesl by I.IIktiIs,
and lint teuty--lght Liberals Invubseu
chosen lu place ot I bo Conservatives. It Is
rumoreil mat .sir. Gladstono Is ut variance
with his colleagues, and wishes to resign
immediately, 'i hey In. 1st on waiting tor
thu oienliig of lira Neiy Purllainrui, It
Is oImj reMirlcd lh.it Mr. Disraeli has nl
r.ady arranged his ministry, ilr. Gl.ul
ttonu will await thu conclusion ofi lection
beloro sledding what course Goveriunciit
will take. Itisproli-iblotliit Right Don.
LMw.inl Cnrslwcll, Ncretary of Matu for
tlw Vr Dc)iartuiiul, will be raises! to the
Lo.Misjx. IV Ii. 10-fl a. Jl. Tlio litest
illspatdiet shosv n total of 21 Conserva
tive and 233 Liberals and Home ltuler
elected to Parllinieut, the Coiiservullves
gaining 80 and thu Liberals 2S teats. The
above returns Include tlw election or 31
Home Rulers. liSCouiervativi-saiiil II III,.
era! from Ireland.
All understanding Ins been established
between Mr. Disraeli and the Marouls of
Salisbury. The Karl of Carnarvon and
two noblemen have conscntod to nsslst tlio
former la tho formation of a Ministry.
Dtsrncll will address his constituents nt
Buckingham on Wednesday.
Diplomat! representatives nt Brussels,
Berlin and Lisbon liavo resigned.
San FliANCisco, Feb. 0. Jlezzara I still
at walk on Iha Statuary for thu Stato Cap
itol. Ho Intends to liivo It nil completed
by tiro Itli oCluly next.
Tlio defendants lu tha Klnsey murder
case were to-slay found guilty of man
slaughter, and will bo sentenced on tho
2ltliof 1'ebiir.iry.
The mining share market was weak nud
dull niraln to-slny.
In tho divorce ciso of Whiting v. Whit
ing, to-slay, lu thu Flltceulh District Court
counsel fur Whiting produced a written
agreement entered Into nud signed
by himself nnd wlto on tho slay of their
marriage, wherein tho stipulate that
should sho e cr sue for n divorce sho w oulil
not claim alimony or counsel fees. It I
supoeil he exacted this pledge on tho
strength of his experience In a similar suit
previously tried. At nil event It showed
liu bad nn eyo to business. Judge Dwlu
cllo reserud his decision as to ttisj fbtccnnd
construction of tho extraordinary docu
ment. It Is reported that tho present Rairtl of
Kdiicatlon will endeavor to maka nil tha
school lu tlie department mixed schools,
without further separation of the sexes.
VALI.l'JO, Feb. 0. Tho iieoplo of Vallo
Jo are Jubilant over Judge Wallace' decis
ion at Nain to day In denying tha Injunc
tion in thu county teat contest. Thu coun
ty teat of Solano I to bo mom! to Valleo
Monday next. Building nro Illuminated.
nnd general hilarity prevails, nud Judgo
Wallace is eminently iwpular here.
SALT I.AKK. Feb. (I Tlio Utah North
ern ltallroad I completed to Ogdeu. To
day the first train uisscsl over tho road
from Ogdcn.
Tho Chief Justice ol the Territory has
appointed John Mcllrldo Unl'ed State
Jacksonville Feb. 8. Tho bodrofan
unknown man wa found lu Rogue River
yesterday, evidently having been In Iho
water several mouth. It is supposes) to
be tha body or a German, named Spldotl,
who mysteriously dlsappciucd from hero
In September last,
San Fuancisco, Feb. 8. John Prltcli
anl fell out of a window lu a third story of
a building on Morton street, this morning,
and was Instantly killed.
At last accounts, Mrs. Strauss, who was
seriously burned ou Thursday morning,
was alive, nud Ihcro wa n fair pro-pest
for her final recovery.
Thucnso ol tho Io Young brother for
threat to kill B. F. Nnplitaly. of thu 6'un,
wa partially heaid lu the Pollcu Court
lately, nud continues). Tho defense mail.)
thu point tint a On De Young tried to
shoot Naphtaly Itwasnot is coiKiiiuinitlon
or any precedent threat. Charles Do
Young will endeavor In shosv 'hat lie never
madd iiuy threat against Nnplitaly.
Salt Lakk, Feb. 7. General Morrow,
comiii tusllng Camp Douglas, near thl
city, having recently cans,.,! to Iw laid be
loro Chief Justice McKcau complaints of
ahuso of soldier by tho police force, tlio
Chlcr Justice In a letter state that ho has
no power to prottrt tho soldiers, nud that
Gen. Morrow will liavo to protect lit own
SAN DlliO, Fi'b. 7. Tho Union's ml
vice Irom Jnpa platvr mine gltu tho re
sults of several coniiauy worker there w ho
inn out from sixteen to one hundred dol
lars cr day. New fields ure lielug dis
covered, ami the camp Is Increasing. Tlieru
Is a lluo of stages from San Dlegn tn ,laia.
It has come in light tint onofilm men
hung by the citizens ol Tu-cuu last August
murdered the Baker family nt Blue Water.
Uj miles west of here, December 21, 1871.
Ashland. Feb. 7. A letter from Link-
vllle, dated the 8th, contains the follow
ing i On lliu evening siflhe 3d, u cousin ot
Henry C. White, who wa killed lun
Llnkvlllu taltKiu on IholSth ult., arrived
nt lids place Irom Strawberry Valley, Cal
Ifsirula. lie had a warrant Issued lor tho
arrest of .lames Genty, who wa tumid at
Swan Lake, and brought Io tht place.
Ill preliminary examination cnmineuceil
on thu 4th, coellnuesl through tho 3th, and
will be concluded to-slay. Pro.T. the evi
dence already given, there teem to be no
doubt tint I w It tho party 'alio llred tlio fa
tal that.
The weather I clear and cold, and tlio
ground covered with snow from six to
clubt Imbes deep. No Indications of a
thaw. Tho lost of Hock lull ktcii light a
San Fiianci-co, Feb. 0. Tlie China
Trnnsjiaclllo Steamship Company's itcam
ship VI sco de (Jama arrived last night,
li.iv lug made tlio voyage from Yokohama
lu less linn uluetieii days the f i.test timo
ever mado between Hiomi Kirts. Mia mado
the luitsago from HongKuiiglnYokoliama
lu six day anil twciily-lhreu hours. The
Japan wa to lava nailed ou lliu 2.ld tilt,
Thu Vlsco duGainn brought 200 Chlneso
The Japanese Goveriunciit ha Issusesl
another decree recalling all thu students
residing abroad at the expen"o sifthu Gov
ernment, s-xivpt thnss) w ho show Iho great
est advancement hi studies.
The greut templu nf Teiishlo Diljon, at
Yesldo, isas destroyssl by lire Juuuiry 1st,
A lire occurred this tiiornitiir on Ste en-
sou "trect, near Sixth, lu the premise oc
cupies! by John Merrill and Clnrles Schrn-
iter. Jlcrilll wns proprietor or tlio c-irjxt-lie.itlng
estahllsluneiit where Iho tiro origi
nated, piobibly Irani lliu furnace ol steam
boiler. Total loss, csllmatssl at -,0W.
It list.ited lliit.Ioliii Prltilianl, whown
killed yoleril ty, w.isn somuumbiillit, nud
lilt iiiends llilnk list sprang out ol tlio win
dow ami tesxheil his death while walking
in Ids sleep,
A convention of too various Irish socie
ties ycstcrslay Inaugurated incisure for a
projK r ivlibmlion nfst. Pulruk' Day.
Lauadsi Kmhlihi ha sullcsl lor Riiglaud
ut Coniinl. doner Id lliu London Imposi
tion of is7l.
'lliu ril.itlous of tin, Jap'inessi Govern
ment with nil hut thu I'lilM States Jllnls
ter are growing iiiuround luoru liiluimio
liloui. No duo In jet ln-cn louul Io Iho per
son wlm trlcil tonuissluite Iwukiiruoii
Ilia litis of Juuuiry last. Iwukura has
lecnvercd Inuii his wound.
Tha examination of lira Do Young Bros,
lor Ihieaieiiiug Io kill Naphtaly. oftho
.S'u, wa coticTuiled lids evening, and tak
en under advisement by tlw Court till to
morrow morning.
The man meeting of Germans to con
sider the subject of cosmopolitan school In
! ii s-is-s siii ,, rsk,
i'.ti , a Atva .