Jir J,i ULyytTMTCVtwwi - ia.'i . 1 . i . I iri.i)j.j ; i r From tbe Bunch Grass. Emarft'iiltWr. PMm?321UH 10. lD0i3 i Your corresponileiit, nftor "swinging round M 'casllni' circle," 1ms tnltoij tliollU'rty to lintj upon your sciic.rous storoof iwtltiivo by writing ymi upon sonio of llio lull resting Ionics of Uilsic iloMoMlitjcduijIry, . r , '" " Thcro wain Union hbn'fo tiW Imtlve OrcKonlnn n iIccrliUon ofiKaitcrn 6rol gon woiiM JuiH'bccii imlii)li()!iltlpil Ulioii "webfoot" knowledge, liujj to ono .-who lins bctn a "wilifoot" hlninilf, and uftr watching Hie (irugrtMi of cvitiils, which li!ivcaliiotclinngcil the entire clinrnc tar of tho inuiilr.Vi as ucllnn tho iorsoii cl ofthc InhubltuntH, I ciuinot' but thlnU thnt nmong tliu renders of your paper tlicronro tlioHu Vlin, bowt with tvnry ilny talk ofthN wonderful country, ntul cllnintc, would HKo to licar comi'thlng about tills Miluablo. country, which Is es sential to the InteiesUnnd vulfuioof Or egon its n Klntf. An tho weary traveler lolls. ncrom tho mountains to rclrucc tfio'sfeportlio'lni- mlKrnnt of 18."2, nnd, lifter missing inoun taliiK, forests, unil rivers, almost wltbaut number, or name, ho duds lilniscir land cd out upon this ocenn of gfnsi, lie la nl most lost in bewilderment iit'lho suddon change, (ho sudden trHUtlWoft from tho succession of forest, hill, uutl vale, to a wide expanse) of plain, bounduil n It wcro by Illimitable sp-ico upon tho ono (tide, und tho bold mill mountainous Tango of the Cncnilcs upon the other, Willi Ihofrorcu boundarlisof tlio ItrltlifVQ poKdiMtlmu iiikjIi the uarlU, to IIioSICkIM", can boundarliH upon thu south, Inter ipcmeil only b'y'tlo roIUoL',nnd. unlquo "Xliariietur of tho loutilry Itself; Kllll'nll tho time' powering that valuable, nyni mvtrlial, nnd inonntoiiousiliaruotcrliitlc, " bunch grus." To tho tourist no spot ii lslbly pre sent n grnndir or moiu Inlinstlng view lliniilliesUiiiniUofMt,JIood,Ilcliov. try velum! boy of the Willamette valley has so often seen with siiiurtlilng of nd- inlrallon, ii filling of tionu(blug nuoclii' tedwltfi u mouiituln ofsninr; Btlll won dering If mime day bo will i.tauUiiion ttx hlghctt top and Ucw the woudor thero stritchod out buforo him, nsn mapon the. wall, or nan tt-U if paintings from na tiiro'sonn hand n mouiitalu range, nn ocenu of mole hills upon Mm light, ntul a jcllow ,likiMl nf.ilili .gnii"ci4 upon tholcfrf "HljIlliHiJUtlM lld.i-l i:iiHtern Ougou Upie-i mlueiitlynHlocU country. JIvfunutof filler, jieriller hlly of KiAI,iiinJ, fur Ihe uiunVpart, n noil .uiilltteilforigrloulturt1, stamp luuiiues tlonably and uiiexieplloniilily ns tbe stock man's homoaudabimdint haret. Horn In coming jcun. will thriu the herder, tho wool-grower, tho daliymau, the trader, and Ihe meat men bant, '1 his will neer bo n homo for thu manufactu rer, or thepure ugrlculturlt. Tim will Is too sterile, and manufacturing failll- ties tooHcmco. If, In coming ears, the Portland, Dalits, nnd 8alt IjiKu mllro.ul. should reach tho maximum of Its oxpect-1 ntlons, It will open up tb Is country tore-nuwi-daitKlly couiuieuniinile wltli Ihu vnnt extent of its natural UMiurces, In Its IHMiullar branches of trudo und business. That this niid;wHilo,muoliifo(Ml toward oiiil'i'Po'ibt-'lUik'Mio'rtnb'wl.rlda ast rruloii of Miluablo country which other Uo would ritmr repay! bo smallest outlay of labor, or Justify n substantial settlement of Its boundaries, uo one who Is well acquainted with the many illsnd vautugisof tbo,prtiout nmrket in,, this -.btlilliy crfh'fbr kiiWilViiil (IiSliiJ.J ItWll no self-siutlnlng U thorallroaiba profit ablomeasuro fnrthe government, and a tnnllnu.il benefit to tint sillier, lly till luennn, lc( us luv i u r.;nnd through Castcru t)regon, " 1 1 w as not my original Intention to con fine my remarks cxolushily to rastcrn Oregon, To thu llburul Or goulau there nro o(hOr lauds nnd countries bctldc tbovinlunt und pmduetlxe WllUmette, and tbe rich pastures of Fnslern Oregon, HUH traveling to tlio north, tbo beholder Isduteil at tho boundless exp'inso of coun try strctclilngolit on ovryslde'.l A few . jnlles mure, and he Is In the fcrtllo.vaUcy 'of Hie-Wnlla Walla. Huiv,-aud In Uinn tllla county, Oregon, does- the lover of fruits und M'gelubles And n congeuUI home, Cofii, potalooi, In fact Vegeta bles of every klnd,gmw to perfection Itself 100 bukbeU of torn, 'M) of polat'oos, and 1,000 bukhila of Qnlons, lerncrc, nro not an extraordinary eW, and grains of ulj kinds are as gooJ here mini any partot tho I'nellle tont, nnd, but for the general cry of "tin market," this would bo the Agriculturists' delight. To Ihu frult-grnpir, no other country oilers so many Inducements iiie Wnlla Walht alley. eo, rldh soil anil a Sonorous iruu viunato. nil go townrvpn uoliig tho finest kind of every varls Of fruit. The growth of vegetation la very rapbl, und tho quality of the fruit not sur. yaaiil by any country la thouorld. Her crapes and peaches urn as good aa the bat jCullforuluii, and her npplo anil pcani uru equal to Oregon's lirst. Jlere, .loo, cotton nuil.auirar cane have Imhu aajoutklully oilllvautl.nnvlug aa Bat- -UraUslnthoBoatbernHTates. By all Birnni. let ua open up thla fine aHiBtry,tollb ludustrloutiieonle of thla eouutrv1 immtt tbe line waters of the mlihty Columbia oi null " nn itaaour- oeatot'inouWit uutiuy tkoaa nat iril carrier. ; Ccai andaay to SuXnl&SSiir tkagrluUlug monopoly which lattoariB4t"Hil K ,"'w" saliuw. isoin. upon Ili'mwVntcm, "rjtand backfjpur dny ho ooe, tbo might of your pownr is cnuna, ana uenceiorin you are to iako n bofkiMtlntlfelnlamfcoiaerco of Hivnnni.Ti MJ u iriuua uj ui lew Lu v priv TTimmvtvu miia. unit iicu vur- spli ea from an unjust coMtributlon,"whlcli wnuiii iii a low yean cur, a cinai at ino Cnwaclea, Land hero Is no object It Is HCntterul out fur ami wldo on avarv slilc. Tho Walla Walla vatley.the Snake Illvcr country, ami across mo uoiumuia into the Klickitat. Yakima, and Attanum. aro equal In fertility and productiveness to any rmrt of Oreiron nnd Easlerii Oroiron : and with a cheap means of transportation wouiu uo a populous ami inrmng conn 'TfjE fVKBJS. , i "A"1' All order on Kuropenii account close with tho month of February nnd cs-els arc now lliirryfng to get their c.irgocs allo.it during this month.- Messrs It. (.'. Kinney A Co., of Snlcm Mill?, are load ing lb reoveiwcfi'w I th Hour and vhent, lmlng dlspnsaO cf tbejr entlro stock, or nearly all of II, for foreign shipment. At the present tlmo tho steamers Alice, l'niinle, anil'Albar7y, aro ull three run ning for them, taking wheat from I'u gene nnd points 6n tho river below there. ThoHulcni Mills mnko no calculations yet Mr 'work after this niouth, but will probubly find plonty to do, ns there Is Htlll an abundant supply of wheat In llioeountry. Most of this aspurchasxl ' TfCJilatora nionUit,ngo and ,th,o far jficrs got their money for it at good pric es, while tbe .wheat buyers havn t,on liuiiil and have to take their chances for yilpDtent aiulllo'reslirs on It lit good prices, which is not certain umcss-ii reachcl Liverpool biforc tho I'lnu'llsb linrvcst. This goes to prino that for once tbd farmers liavo rather tho ailvnn (ago of tho hiKOulalorH. Thero Is still constdcrablo wheat along the river from HarrlsburgtoCorvnllls, belonging to pro- ilueers.-ifAlnijg there they held on for a iioiiiirivmisiici, nmi inn price' lacucu n few cents of reaching that lUurc, so It has not yi t changed hands, but tho great built of) wlu nt now nn liuiiil bos been mid for nnd Ihe farmers hae reiillrcd lanusomeiy lor ir. It Is i cry lirobabhi tbul lonnairo will be plenty ninl freight" g lower as nconse ifluncc, nnd Unit ,wlivnt, buyers wilt do well Willi thilrntooKsiIn lmiid, nnd it Is to ho honed lluit!n HI be thoriHPl nn thev ill nerve to mnko n protl( for their Invest- mi. iit. The Pin Fntni'lsco Comnicrcbil Her ublsas tbcroT'f'gooil reason to believe that Uicrreinud,6l)iercnM0fCtillfiir nln fur 1871 wlllbo uupriccdcutidlv large, and thnt thowheiit J leld nlnno will belli I the, neighborhood uf Ill.OOOK) bush- els. HS frsMojis Frh. 0 -Klour-ll HflT, JUloj W liril Mfirkrl rMUlnnr qnlfl at nWnl J IV IUrlrr-(l &l IJ,nt rxlrvuics. !!-( I lAll HI. ,'Wlilln!ln;ri")l-Aniiig Ciilfonili.'liUMO.S "3ALEMJIABKrT'. J10M.TA1IV. LxitL 1 tlliini, liujlnr, W I icllliii;, tile, laouii. iTiTmx ac. Whci, l.ntHlillr, V Im.lif! no oi,iJtu.....i,,....1...';.4...,. aui w luniMil,V t.W..:.t....A.v.,J...A h ' Fluur, Imi, W wuli. (K Uitul) .....I dial 13 llucknlirtl Kluar, V ... fit 5 nun, v irti.:j..'.,...t, ...,:,.:..' ..10 t.m u Miorl. U lou.,.,..,,, , ,,.,.,,.,,u OWt .. Mld.lIlBg., V Inn 3i lb.... (Mlius tll, iiio ,.. mj.... Klukrfit, lirrD .1.. blJ. V ('. 1'. .1 Oil GliOCKltlCK. J Suxar,8n Krnnncorrfliird, i 9....!tt Ifrt IS llml Hit it crahM , la ( 14 iovriltrHl -',... IM in ktiiillJ.,., V... Ik: J ,, T,Jlu,V t I.... ran 00 luiiniU! ,.,..:.,! tv.il to Cwfftf, i'uiU lllc, V ;........ suii m lllu.. ,,.,,. lilt sncj 8.1 Kooo. l..-,r,;,.., ? i ........,;ti3tt 37 IUH, rircufUliUu.l. .prtl....,TT,.l 6u.i LUurul, ruins ,ruan i ! uutii., lUlnr ,.., .S bob... H.J .....1 ,tl VIIUIT4. YElirrAHMil .vA V Awl' les.rrvfn.il bds,,.....,,..,..... ,-o clrl.d, u . 44S 111 IITJ j IS lletoi, V ... 1'tftstiier. V boihrl. srw,,.., 40,1 M Svt 4 . ftl M MU..73 Oplnnf, V ft , I'sbbaf. W Uni Carrot. V Duth ...,..,! mrrritiiTKaiis, so. 'ull, trtl ralli. .f..,-.i.j.j v.. nackd....... srv .. ti a Kj.V di'n VI llsw Orrx prtmr, V IM lrJ,V , V . ., . OIXH,' . -. 'i ' - LIumJ Oil, boilnl. V nUuu.. S!137 ,....! IU.41 13 ,,,l Sfctl M .... on. I ;s ..,.1 utiui .... sit fusion, " NMUhwl oil, v 111 Tllow,J B ,,,... 1 i WOaUIIIPpi, Wbrst 8ck, Uirn-ool barlili Ac n.titrs.. smilvts...... UUl,ilT. Mck. ........... . Rrvrn.MUetl.rMn,..! 0., drrl. V ' BhMp aklM, wool as, MCk.. .IKlSJjM 19A10S sovt w UtATHKK, Ac. 0rrMU4 ky J. W. ailbtrl, ditlcr. 4lo HtrtLMIkr, ua 40 aklillif iMiket, " aata .. '& & ..V.:::'.:l'.v:.v.'.'.: SS rmsakiKtii , Kd..f ..... WjU MO. ......- ,f, Vr BkiiM, wry, pr ,. V " WU'V StruyoU, a l losrr vat Hill COLT, i OOtT. akaat IkrM r JK ml LU SU. uAlm NlkU BUttr COSdltl b4 s k3ii sad sin a ji !n-5 " MS aMrawgffiMifwMsw lii.S" 3W. lUnmtttt ar,-i unities ft i-. 1 itinnATtnti'r, iir r) , 4. CI1SKS., , 11,'t" ! UiMIUIIl. Terms rtriiliT(ptlii. " One ropy, one )irlWimlir,).. .-.., ....9.1. 00 Unoo(ijr, i"U imnitlii, Wi numhtrr) ...., .... l.0 Omcoij, UirrjHiiutfiUnplTK) ......... ,1t r r- -T (Irnngo Ktirs. U.-Xi Hill,' JVjilily.. for Ijuei county, wrltcrf us that on ,'tltc iJlirof January ho orgnulitlbMcIiunrie.drniltiJ.w Ith 30 charter members. O. .It. Hutnersley,1 Jlastor,-Ciihjp Creek 1'. O.J W. A. WooN cot, fterrctnry, Jtorlngflqld I. O., Lipe I'ounly, Mr. llllfsoy ',tbd snow nt tli.1t date up Camp Creek was tweIo Incbts 1fx.li . L - - ? ' ' r. J Kdwnnl lVrbcs, Deputy forClacknmnsl county, on February 7th, 1874, organized Springwater Orange, wTtli IS charter members. The following were installed as officers for tho cnsulmr year: John II. Lcwellen, M. ; John M.'ltcni, Secretary; Dranch Tucker, O.j Henry Dubois, L.; Wm. ixiwellen, S.; 'B. C. Howell, A. 8.; O. A. Crawford, C. J. K. Crawford, T.J Carroll Howell, O.; Mlss,Httlo Hughes, ij. a. n.:., Mrs, narau i,owcncn, j.j xtirs. M. .1. Crawford: 1 MMs Magglo How- el, K. Coneeinlmr lVorla Gramre. Jucliro9. D, Haley ivrltiU lUftlint lt'ls,"pfogreslng llnely.. On Saur(loy, lebj7tl, we con ferred llie rourtli degree on a class or ten, nt w It tcli tlmo w o enjoyed a harvest feast aluf find a gppd t'lmqurnornJly.j 'Wenlso nccepted tho ngency of'A. J. Dufur. Tim olllcers of the Urnngo nro a follows: H. 1). Hnley. M.; II. A. M'Cartney, O.; If. W. MiirpbyiH.I Samuel M.OIIree, A. H.; T. L. l'orter, J,.; Janus Ynntls, C; i-. a, wntts, hcc. ( j a men uarrctr, u.; Mrs., M'Cartney, Ceres; Mrs. llrnttnlti, I'omnnn: Mm. Armstrong, Flora; Mrs. anrrett, L. A. P." , Pm1H9 F HdsBrDHY' sxasoToaT. OPPII'KIIN orihe NATIONAL UIIANQIC. Ata'!r--.!n!Urjr W. AAnmc, W'sQknn, Imrs. ttofrmr l bonis TsyhT, CiilRmhiN, H C. Uclvrtr T. A.TIip!,!!. I'Ulnvlftf, Mlitr. Aniwiht A.J. n -j ? ' Uroip, Mlv. .4iif.VirariJ O.W. i,,.u..fn.aivllruuiilrklNJ (Aajjln-IUr. A. II (.m.l.. Uo.l.lnjloa 1), f, Tjurrr-r. l. McDuirell. VorntnN, Y, .I'terilqrt-K), II, Kcllrr, Wail Inulon . c, ,inAf,;r--lhlini(dlll;OlcbM(:rt., Itll.C) 'a,n2-t,t. t. TV. AiMins, WsuVnn. luSll I'V.'.T W.,mi-Mr O. II. Krlkr-Waihln;ton, D, C vm-Mra J, C. AtilMiltTi ISrkxIlla, Inws. Ml, Ailit ml iUtrarJ-iUm C. A. Moll, V..ti. IbjIoii, II, c. I - yjKvlj(i.CmuKl(lit, Wm'Stnailrra V.TjnrUi,n C. II. U jiii, Alkrn, C'ukMUrr, B. V, ll It. bhankUnd, pubsfljne, Iowa, AsUccrs nrsrca Mala Urntise. ' jrir--lnlilCIrk.8alrjil,0. " rr'iil-f-.I. II, Smllli.llirrllbor. x (frt"r-Vra Cjraa. Mela. - Lnttrcr Ucim llonur, WslU Walla. v JalrAut i.Mrt-Vr,. f'Mo. Ol.li, ' Ai'littHl Sltimrtl-V, M. rowrr, Hlinlil'a, t AufJtUn A nt hear HtmiMfOD, turiallU. OatfKt'ltr-rttnV Mhcllim. Walla W alia. riuuir-n'A. W Intel. Turnrr. fVrr Mr Jan rrrss Brio. 71rfaa-3lr. M. I'owara. Sheriff. rtoian LC.IlHd Mt.Mlnnvlll.. , TtAttlr VMmiA,hiuUI I UrL. Nklnif II. f Oumrr;lc Mils, Ilonclat rn Otlrj Hull, W'alU it aiiat ij a. ii tiu. liar na Itia I l nonua planner Sclo, 1.11 llrurUfartilr; II. W.UIH, Jniicuou. ofllffraorCssilralUrancr' Aaioclatlon. frt,i lvtl- . r. Abtaadrr. Ilor JtotlJtt-Jmn Taiora. ftftttn-tY( hlanuanl. i- Trnwuvr-l1 V. Hurkbarl. 'iy-v,tM4, kVl'uuell. Oat: KtywrlMi rannlu, J1fW.rJ,g'inp, ( f , H. D. BOON, STATKHrjtPt.'U- Ol- ISAliiMPRKaOX, ...buLsa is,... BOOKS,. STATIONERY, MUSIC, Porlodloali, Newspapers, Wail Paper, Musloal Instruments I 1 1 , r liT !Ki.l3lf-i 6 i.s "J TnE CKLSBHATKn l VV J iA i BURDETT ORCAN8 Ballett and Oumtton's Fianoa a f Alwftftoa baud. li iiiivi,iriisiniiii aisii)ivitia, itas mn1rlt,i talt ttuxv UUW rcvixt ( U who Tkaai UainiMatila Bu V IVltttTM al't all wUU to buj Uwd cheaji. H. D. BOON. BakauJulj-XI E. E. MORGANS SONS, Commission Merchants, ItO Calllbrala St., Han ITrnuolaioo, aaaaikM., N.T. AQK.ST8 FOR CllXARl. LINK OF srtAMSllirS Mlf - , Tl riiM rat, fsttkad. s. a -DHYIICIAN AH atrsMK,.SALIM. MZ oamaj OAtoa, BsmI raasi wcga4 aour vt SsNTO. farriak brick. OsBSHrrlaV ilnat. Raai. aaaca, aartbaail coraar rroat ih IMvlaloa alraata. ala-i tnUaauofrta rkjala-Madttaj otcsrtlt OoU n, eualasart. qala, a ara afkahr rabisi la nar rsctiaa, siaasmat aim asm siiaarai ih racwaMa aolssaa, Ma. . . caaas. ' I XfTtMa, DuMa's kMak. aj asslr. v a.- SSty SHE kUW n IiIijiw JuoiUi MH'itlLL.' -1 j. 'tiMmoiffit&ki&u', ni mm t B4ccOIVU'ni.!l JLIIaH'"' ' ' Druggists & ApothecariBS1, 'ibrngs fe Medicines, 1 co.n.nicurl t. KTiivirr,' " OiipoiltothrmcVittlton-c; ' 31 SALEM, - - OREGQN. 1 " "AtnirlrtWfiiMl"UI Patent Medlp.Inss, . r,,y Porfumojy,ancl . t Toi.CT.ArtlcleG, , dOMBS, BR,SHE3,, ,"' Etc, oto. ', f ) i i , i n Fliyniolans' J?roBcriptioiu 'sn' ' l'Aiu.v iii.cii'iii . CiKhillr rnmi IM. St AM. hor, rlijr cr hIlM t lltiinr linn, n diiutIukhI I'Ununi;!.!. . Auk. I. 1S73. , v )1- JOHN G. WRIGHT, '. . Prbckory, li c . mI . ii T Glassware. i nl ! I mi t, Tobacco, iii i, 1 1 ib i .ni i i i n . u , Cigar a, Family- "Groceries;- t Sugar, - "t -" - Ooffoe? . A 3jlT rrn 1 " i T-ult 10 yi I nif Salt, ii i . ... t Candlos, jiI ... i , a , goapj-- " i a i ii ii . .i, . .. Notions. AWnt fr mi o Imperial Fire Insurance Oomp'y l or LUMIH1N. CARBOLIC, ,. S H O'O1 13 I31 1 ; A Sl'HK clt,i: FO i: 1 111 I II Spab, " Sorow Worn,' , ''.Foot Jlot, ANII 'AM.' ". . 1 o Parasites that infest Sheep ' ii i i',i in .1111: i ojii' II . O I .mm fi.UIQl (Ml 1 1 I rT is aAi'Kit, IILTTKU, A.S0 YASTtY (.111! IITU, THAN ,t.Yl" oTiisit i:frucT. 1 1 uni u , ii L UAL niiimiv roji Tilt: TltaSTMfcT qr SIIEKP. IT ji I SJl T I Improves the Health of Ttij! AXisr t, fan ViiE , QUALITY of .the WOOL. tW" a calloii it antmi fitr tmt bubilrtd to two hknotlrrd Siiarp, acfvirila In tbclrau, llrD4.tb, smt tondllloa 1 j i it , , tl la put p la yifrll'li LT,0N 'CAl!rir!r', iltt prrcan. ' l i. ' I i. ' i ii. in i gHWarclrtn!ar,ta j,j ,,,' , l( ,,' davis & soannruBR, , ,J ' ' POIlTI.A!B,JpltK05f,1 TrtlOLESALit AOtSTH rOU 3rB flTTB,' Or to your nearest Retail 'DriifSlaf, ' Nor. 1.1 n. X StmS JOHN W.GILBERT i ii ,i .. i ' WItfc I'AT "1 " CASH FOR HIDES!, 'i i i Door and Ellc Skint, i i Elk -Horn. Baltra.NM V. ill. ' J ' lir 1 THE PAMERjp.-; Jtao fTAMlKfrUtAa. PARKER BRtfS., ytsTMijRiDpii.CT: s I HOME FOR THE 3ICK, locates star CaplM Huara. ' ALStsf, '- OHKOOjr, n. riaraxTia, U. ! . Allradtb i Nlne' llircJoti. D. I'arros, M?l.( AltMdlarti V Mil of Wr.kUb. mills LAiioc and coMMornoiraiiiasTlTt'. J. irlanMlllbrar,atinii.l lunra iba coaitijrtsndrrlirrvralfiabo but splj. AHrUura oraiaeaaai win nviraaianaacapi iaua raiaciuaa ia tbaraaiat. Kssrclal aiMDtiaa will b kWbi toaawa rYKwa!ARafflluw.,L , , I'tlcr. hi weak, toclaJlaj' board, nadlclara, 'sad skUaiiaMI 1 ! I For astraan T v ifV(iiaaai .aaaiifi iwiaiiiw aiawi tloaaUltevfMB..;. w not Oaeratiaaa caaiirttl eatra. PtmwtcruKPOjlatf iBtlrfms4i..a..,. 4 AppUcaUou may b mada tlikar by lnrr r ! oa. V farthatf tunica tan, aiaataaa attitac yay4i W. R.T.Co.a GOV. GROVER Will iMra SAt-tH rbr CORVAIX1S a4 lalrmlaU mcn war riieiimi ass tiiukkuai WW Mar aauai r ivHTUiau srar, ";y.tnDHsi4 &M nif winuuai HMlvui'a, aiuciiiBir - au . UUUISlaITU llllaa,T WAfifflfSi'fiJlD CARRIAGES. ;E9C0BB116E;M'MMD1CT1IE Inr (lift ?! Vrti)nilliTtrr titlmeS O f lorif AU(irK0n.r ,i 3 t fm THE -ROWIF-WAnnN.9 '" l'Jlnifc,ir.,Yln'ftfcnlVrVh,'iaiWn,.' ' I"YERY.Mx',kAlfJAK; wWl liolfcnW OIL Ururs'lnwlrs. rrrrr 1H KIIIiLYl-WAHIIATiTEII, llMr.Kn"yur t To the Farmers cf Oregon ..fe9ile'iliir.Unlisa o..'il'o ibih Hilcni,0nnn,iiiltU)lcn,urluri.mmrniSi2 thorn Id vnmnouret u in m j inn ,-fjii Maipin. ii' i o i ' It.fT llijIU .l,oii iSrsirSmf !.' ' Vv""1 tMtMniy i Hen rill m lidiiiirnntv'Mii.l Imrrcil lochcudrafttf I , aMK,JNnrAtriitrhi! 'V ' iilTrmlo HakAWtlUr, c-'i 0J. (rjicaailskiriJ ii oil ..Wsi. rnrlcr,,,, nn ol "HrV. Ji"'ffi.1,i! omll IrV'lftoftsXI-. 8fi!-5te!a''BJ ost. Tho., (laics, a ,tkas, I'Mirr, , , Cat. (Ircr, , , , ,1.. w7, Cnimti. ' ' rjtrr'Waliaiiils anlJiE.,rffi85n;i . uiC D.Nrjr.om. 'haa Kiftiftway.'.rj-cj ol lf,M!'VV 10 (..'brtmiMriaMi, w j! uw 'Jim-,":1" ' ".wbg&,.v " HC. tll.'AlllUtM. I l. 3r Mtll'Tata.Lff f a na .ill "ffiifMMfitoti&Whliii' MANUfAOTUIIK Uii, snrinScr. and w mora, .'iW t i iii T j, fiTiTiiiiiL . " ' ' "I.'S. SKIFF. ''-ijMsasjsiam. ' i ih i in i QII ii I in j I , XSTr,TIST 1 n 1 i I n-i J tjxtico over tbo Bank, 1 r SXlilijr.'OREOON'.n.-)' t ( l I. H I ULJ i, Mil ') llaMrn mo deorlrlonlh of lOrCSA J10U8R? i-i-yTr'f"!-,' , , -, frf, tapir,!! FOR fi SALE. 1 4 JtlL.1 , qKHUBKWWtlMl.lUilS,, I I ! J i ti f A ii : JI I 30 ll ,1 M 'ii u ii, I i"l 1 Id Vl .1 "I 8 0ciW(iMnam, ' .1 1 10,10 UrariadBainr, ) r . l'UIIK llntt Cuchlu chkUm, Dirk llnlitns chicken.. I llt llralSlna tMcktni. ' i iiuuuan rniair.sa.i'i , . 'V,.ats!:,sk,H' vi"iir, .i- IxSaMiiJniystTim niiii tn t i, nrur - ..i JI II i ' liirrni"" ivtr- H ,, waaaa.aaaKa IBOi.lJ. ,, rii7ITAUI.mKD 1 8.Iijv i ', 'ji.i mi i ill!ainott6c',o'beXy' "' O.WI WALUNOftSOlT.,"'. J,. l ji 3 ni I'ltoriRTnltH. to Meijm 'Oswego, Claekamas'C(rtmtWwOreson. i .A i mi i ,i ill yt "ji i 1 ( ' r.r.iw'errf r Ilia (ImbVt Varkll ir io FnUIT'rm51'.8ANnftHRUlllrtY. articular aiicullvn fiyitthi thcTrj.'rruW'and' ; IMhui'IWov i " Jkt 1 JaLiX3L fllttTH, ' ',,'j w .,.Tr--.? ...-.... M&a.ivr. nni7rikv I VIII, Htimi barttlnt up a Oilier, nlicrajic ivIJ bafuaiHt i in, nail vn hit nM rrlrli'i and B6Wi rcadj cu.. i loinni. iiaii iniiin iti OUoo In MarLer'a vaiuaicf. SMI "Willameti University; 'Nmvtil, and HrUatlBe Oortf Mudr' Pur full imftmauou, wiitira iat riertdrnl, i.M.UATCtv t - .. . - .t"..". J LI l liil ,cr.0 ih. frcnlarrUbari oIl-raKcM, I 1: - "- .. . . ji3 j j 1 17.9ir 9,aie;,, , i in Farmera) Gonvexxtiom Ii m j I iilr r i i . j AFAnEll8- COtVKtlON CA AT JUtV lmobslietitatlliaalgraof , , ' I . oiuswoLTrs liLocit: BAiar. Wt brlUro In fJrmert'.kai will work with ttmn to lebaasan Iwljhu,' and ao cbcapn nooOi, Wo Ara'riot Speonlatoni' or i t Jonopolist, Bat rarntraoaa'ba; or a., cm Iba MOST ItrUgoX 'I J '- tO.ABLB TIIIMH, ' ' Tsmxiy and Staple, v' 'dROOERnte, ' fients' J Boys' Clottiing, Hats and i Ctt pi, n- - .- s Boots sbcJ' Show, - l J Crockriry&nd' k I ..! (jfMiWfir0 IW rARHBBS)U c-KODCCa k'tAKEX JX BX Cbalifa at bliikel market ralea. b.1 ,a.s-?,,t,gAw. ;?i?&y NORTH SAIEM STORE. iV. ii.'VArtv ' AT Till OLD ODESV STORK. HAS Srst Hl t sairad a roll aaaaraMsi U Ganaral Marohandia, ,. Day Goods. ! Boota JWSkosa,,. Hardwara, Cskslalrd far low. anj will IkoMwbo 8X1 aalrtorabtii I uviUl ii' ii iMUXMWTO.nWmar Raltm,9i(.sJAi.J.,l, , isflsaZU HERMAN