Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 14, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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Pumpkim, Brown .rad,and
Things in General.
(from the Pacmo Brast, Faua
Editom 1'Busi I do not believe in con
ceding to prrjuello even lb value of a turnip,
1 remembered quit well that friend Olden had
taken exception to turnips and potatoes, and
had not mentioned beets. It doet not affect
the question of the comparative Tain of root
and alfalfa an food for beauts. LI. big classes
beets, tnrnip and potatoea all three together.
I finish this paragraph with a quotation from
bis work on the "Chemistry of Agriculture and
Physiology, " that Mr. O. mar not judge me
ambitious of obtaining Ibe woman vic-toty of
"lost word." Possibly the extract may induce
him to cut aaide hia prejudice. Why I wrote
of beds was, that I am the happy possessor of
thoso desirable flue acres devoted to that cup,
which tho Rctui, bo justly mentioned oa a
desideratum to ovcry farmer, and I prefer to
apeak that I do know, and testily that I bare
aceu. I object to turnips, not from prejudice,
but from bating tried them, and found them
wanting White turnlpa are apt to mildew,
and Bwede in addition to the mildewing are
badly affected by the grey cabbage Ionia, How
ever, an far aa regarda fcedlug properties, I
believe the turnip excels the mangold wurzel.
"One thousand parts of beet, turnips, or pota
toes, jield by incineration, DO parte of ashes."
(Lleblg, C.ofA. Jtl'.p. 1SI.)
Jiy uect paicu, near yt acrea 01 low lying,
moist, poor aandy land, on which 300 loads of
manure have been spread, yielded me this
seaaon aoroo 200 tons of beets, mangold
wurrels. Not every farmer baa suitable land
1 for a root crop.
I Whit All can Halts,
However, Is a crop i of pumpkins. Choose a
I friable piece of land; plough deep, (10 Inches)
i early in Apiu; piougn 'again, anaiiow, lu ruin-
' April, aud sow ic bills four yards apart each
Iwuysthluto three vinos in a hill, aud keep
down weeds by running a harrow, followed by
a drag between the rows, while the weeds ate
in Ibtlr first two leaves, baud-hoeing close to
I the joiiuu plants. The barrow loosens, the
I roots of the wi eds and the drag buries tholu,
, root and branches. Choose n hot day fu" this
operation. On four ncrca I have raised this
Tear CO tons.
' I have to thank two ladies for eullghtenlog
me on tuo
Brown Bread Queillon.
I was not altogether benighted when I asked
Mary Mountain to "cotuu on with that Hit,
recipo" I bad seen, eaten, and even mods 1111,
1 but I wanted t be put up to all those extra
I wrinkles Ilia: dissipated the dyspepsia of the
It. 1. editor in such double quick time.
Thanks again, M.M. lor the eermon apropos of
the coming gema. Personally, I believe mors In
aermons than In gema, and I propose to show
my faith by my works. Man doea not live by
bread uol not oven tho It be bvgicnlo brown)
' alone, but by every word that proctedttU
out of the mouth of Uod. That Is, by ki.o-
ledge of the Truth, whether it be hygienic,
mathematical, philosophic, or spiritual. We
seem to bo rather in a haze aa to
, What Contblults Truth.
Let us leave our turnlpa and pumpkins
awhile j at to think thla over. What make
Truth 1 Nothing abort of the will of Ood ex.
pressed In Ilia Word (I don't mean the llible
by that) aud accomplished by that Word. We
call It ii truth that 2 unci 2 make four, a loathe.
niatlcal iruiu, out we no not pause to ask our
selves why it la a truth. Wo any it Is Irut and
aood from the mere fact that it is ao, and un
changeably so; and he who contradicts it slows
Iiimsell lootieu aim ignoraui. (julle so I Uu
answerable) Is it nut?
l'or this same cogent reason every oporation
of God's will must bo true and good, for when
he Mills lie generates power to accomplish,
lie spcaka aud it Is done, and lot it Is very good;
bee mao none can gainsay it. Us aayalettwo
anil two make four, aud the veriest ijro lu llg.
nres cannot mske It one lot less or more, and ho
who laws bis calculations on two and two
making live builds bis house) on the aands
uf folly and Ignorance. I have chosen to ex
emplify my meaning by this most simple
mathematical proposition, because, of all kinds
of truth, mathematical truth is the tasltst to
ileal huh, ami tuo naruesi to darken with
words without knowledge. Itlooksvery simple
to any that two plus two equals four because
Uod bus ao dtireed it; but Ood dcalared to
Jlo.ca His naiiiu lu nu equally simple form no
Jehovah, not Chance, not I'rovldeuce, not Na
ture, but merely " An Who Am."
Hygienic Truth
Is equally (lotl's will eipressed In that Word
"by whom all things were made, aud without
whom was not aiijtblug mode that waa made."
Hod has made man's atomach'to digest certain
dirt, man's skill to bo kept clesn by perspire
Hon aud cold water, man a lungs to receive au
nuiuterruptiilaiiiiply of fresh air. If, by our
Ignorance or willfulness we contradict (lod,
aud pack our iiuidus full of uuwhulesoiue l
inds, uumssticatid, uud lacking the saliva we
have wasttdovir our tobacco; if we Juet smear
titer our laces win uanas Wliu water Hlul towel,
when e should bathe our whole bodies, lenr.
Ing theso uuwashed almost from year to year;
ii we sum ourselves up at nigut in unveutllat
ed rooms, und uxix-ct to bruetlt our luuga by
breathing warm, vitiated air, Instead of that
which we btigmatUo as "night air," aud which
really l pureaiid fresh, though chilly; If, I eay,
we slit any or all of these thluga we ahow our
iguorinre of aanitary propositions as simple
ami iiemonsirauia as lue propoiiiiou lu nialtie.
uatlcs that two aud two make four; aud, by
our tolly or luuoranco wo induce ru lu and alck
lu, thus unwillingly and unwittingly proving
mo vai-riieuvv, kuuuuni uu WIJH1UII1 Ul IUOe
laws of health giveu by the great "I am who
niu,'1 Mary Mountain rightly couples together
"IVue liitMjtM ami VVus CArWiim'y; neither
has aught to fear from the other.
Our Lord promised his true disciple that
they should "know the Till! I'll that the truth
should make them free." ilut, aomthow, it
has come to pas that many of us halo been
taugui mat luieneci must ik shelved wliru
Cbrlstlaulty Is ueuiloued. lleason has Wen
prescribed, and blind credulity aud gullibility
lauded by many lu high places of the earth,
Bt Paul tells us to " Drove all thtuu.." to
"etaud foal lu our liberty," which we liara in
Christ, etc. He had no fear of the darkueas of
error putting ou; tne i.tgut of Truth that shl.
uelh more and more unto perfect day. He
could gp' among the Athenians, the most
practised logicians, and bark them right down
by sheer weight of rational argument ; ho bad
no need to squirm out by eajlug that ha could
not argue with luttdela or those who discredited
the Uible,
We bar glanced at matbemallo aud hyglenio
truth, let us uo look for a momeutat rellgioua
truth.. The. same prupoeil.ou will serve us
here, vlx.'lhat "Odd's will alone is excellent."
KorthiirtsJonr.yHa, smaksandlt Is doas',
he comniittaWah atanda fast.'.' "I will, the
mere atoms drsp4n aa,"l oonuot avra reduoe
one particle oil doat to itat ultimate atoma, nor
can I annihilate on nlomentof a apider'e web,
Think, then, for a moment, of the coustant ex
hibitions of the power of Hi will, the incou.
ceivable Telocity of light, lb immeasurable
Immensity of spaoe, the tremendous enargteemf
the planetary ayatems, and the countlesa mar-.
veia oi our every-aay eilstence, and feel In
your Inmost' souls how good and true la the
(Treat I Am Who Am: and good and true simply
becauae,IIia will Is done in troth and equity,
anJ sail u.U.JIJ... , lit T
uu ui'iiiinuiciiuii ur uppuBiuun roereij
proTCs the folly and Iguoratica of tbo oppos-
Is he
sood and true who denies two and two
to make four? or he by whose flat two and two
are lourr
Is he wise and good who Uvea greedily, un
cleanly and ignorant j J or he by whoa laws
cleanliness and temperance are necessary to
We contradict Ood aa far aa the little meas
ure of life and power II baa lent na will per
mit, and then blame him for the penattlsj In-
curreei ny transgressing Ills laws, as tnougn
He was the author of evil.
Whatever II wills la good and true because
It la unchangeably accomplished. Ho wll's two
and two to bo four aud It is four, yestorday, to
day ana lorever, anil tnereiore it Is true at n
good, aud all resistance to Ills will is neoea
sarlly folly, sin And Ignorance. Let ua nil then
avoid any culpablo ignorance and wilful disre
gard of Ilia laws, hyglenio and otberwlae; vol
untarily submitting ourselves to his Ills will at
alone excellent; then willing as He wills, we
share Ilia power, and have, aa our Lord said,
"the kingdom of Ood within us."
1 do not make any nology, Messrs. Editors,
for occupying your valuablo columns with this
short sermon to my biotber farmers. Tho sub
ject admits of noue, however faulty my hand
ling of It.
A disregard of Ood a excellent will even In
farmiug operations must over prove to the dls
reiarder that itls'bard irdecd to kick nftslnsi
the pricks. And if it bo necessary to know
God's will aa to seed time and harvest, and the
cscaitions of noaituy animal lite, now rancti
more Important that we should not be Ignorant
oi mat win aa regards ourselves.
John llunvan depicts in his " rilsrim's l'ro
grcss " a " msu with a muck rake," too intent
on his muck raking to lilt bla eyes aud see the
ancel. walling, louriniilv and lovinulv. with a
crown of sold for the poor muck raker If he
win ouiy iook up and receive it.
Mr beet patch moves inv faltb In muck rak
Ing; aud myj seruion proves that I am at least
siimoirniiy luiernieu in mo watting angai to
witu mat your readers may uo Mtnuariy inter,
osled, i Edwiiid llrnwicc.
Carmel Valley, Dec. 2S, 1873.
1'. 8. Will Mr. Hoot of 8an Jo5 glvo us a
sermon ou strawberries, when ho can spare
time ? VTheu is the best time to cut them
down, and Is the wholo top cut oft or only the
old leaves and ruuuors, aud hoar loug will a
plant dlou keep In protllablo bearing 7
A Durable Whitewash.
from the roelfle Iturtl Press.
Emtoiui Hciul 1'iiiiw. I herewith aend re
ceipt for wbllewaxhing, lu reply to your Ilenlcla
correspondent. This wash is iucombustibla
and cheap. It will prevent lbs collection of
moss, aud affords n most efficient protection
from Are, under ordinary circumstances of ex
posure to great heat. TaVo a aufllclent quan
tity of good stone lime and alack It carefully in
a closed box, to prevent, as far as possible, the
escape of steam; after It is thoroughly slacked
pass It through a fiuo sieve. To every six
quails of this slacked lime, add one quart of
coarse salt, and one gallon of water, the mix
lure then boiled ami skimmed cleaned; then to
every five gallons thereof, add by alow degrees
three-fourths of a pouud of potash and four
quarts of very lino sand tho liner the better.
Coloring matter can be added to fancy. Apply
with a puiut-brusb. This wash, If the Baud be
ground flue, looks equally as well as ordinary
paint, and Is far more durable, besldea being in
combustible. It forms a bard cement, aud as
such will stop crscks lu a roof or elsewhere.
Wood so protected will never decay from the
surface. Two good coat applied to trlcka will
render them utterly Impervious to moisture.
Tho expense Is a mere trifle. Every farmer
should cover his outbuildings and board fences
with this wash. O, T. lUunis.
Calaveras Co., Model Ilanch,
Eggs vs. Riches.
From tb Pacing llursl Press.)
Uoitoiui l'liiiw: On page 361, Dee. flth, of
the I'icino ltnL l'lusa, our fricrd O. W. T,
C, of Ban Oregorio, give hi mauner of treating
hia heua, and aays that only one In thirty Is
dliposod to "take stock In" eggs at C5 cts. per
doxen. At our lions, w claim that too many
Itiorougbbreus and chicken pens won I pay.
Let us illustrate the matter in questlou a
little. We used to obtain some nice bouquets
of our best, rosea for Christmas holidays,
thust Ily' letting Ibe bushed ran down
by urglect and drouth iu summer, tbeu prune
up and Irrlsate tnilate fall, and Ilia annnal ml
required by "Imperative Nature," having after
a lasuiuu oeeu laaeu, nuy per cent, oi a aprlng
crop ooiild I gathered fu December. Home.
what alter this insurer wa run our heua. We
leiiueui run down poor lu the utter part of
uiuuin, nun nn many aa ivei use u acratcu lor
one chick, then iu rarlv fall f,l mi. an.l uhl,
the tbiiilug comes the moulting and the rest
naviiig ien taken He is very apt to take stock
ill the 5 cts. per dozen coutract. A year old
bill, that runs down thin scratching at the barn
yard in August, theu carol fur after the treat
ment of Mr. O. W. T. 0., that won't lay in
OctoWr, must bate modem thoroughbred pro.
penalties, for our old-fasbtoued dunghills will
use stucK iu no, ols. per doxen every time.
0o, IUt Millmi.
How to Dress a Sheep.
First, kill th animal In the roost approved
style; then as life is extinct, akin the hind lega up
to the hamstrings; then gambrelaud hoUtltup;
make au iucialuu, high up lu tho belly, about
an luch aud a hall in leugth; then insert the
stem of a large fuuuel lutu the iucislou, and
pour iulo it from on to two callous of cold
water, the colder the belter. The applicallou
of cold water cools the iuteetines and tha inside
of the sheep, aud at the nam lime, ails th
chamber aud paaaee between Ibe intestine
and the rleab, thereby preventing any contact
of tho porta and at the same time cooling every
nart coiurdetelv. It also dilrm nut ih n..
at tho iucttoa,.Q that (here I uo possibility of
lbs meat becoming affected iu any reasonable
lenath of time, which gives the operator time
to dreu the meat properly, Thla la dona by
ripping from bough to hough, skinning down
ward without further ripping, thereby prerwu.
ing the wool or any ouuuje tilth from coming
in contact with tho tWb.. This, of course, I do
a quickly as possible; "Then remove the iu
teauueaearefally, so'anot to break0 any of
tli. tallow on th.lnts.Ua. and ram tha inaid
ol. h. animal, perfectlr cool and rigW.-rul
" ""'''
lueoi. y luieuiiKMoi irsmun! yon wm and
Profltt of Plum Growing.
EDiroairaissl Aiecent trip through Napa"
valley, causes me to wonder why farmers will
continue to raise wheat and barley.On he same
land year after year, when nearly every one
baa more or less of hlsyland adapted to other
crops' more profitable, and less exhaustive to
the soil.
In tbs neighborhood of St. Helena especi
ally, I rotlced on most every farm, land adap
ted to hope; alfalfa, and the various kinds of
fruit esDcclallv tha almond ami nlnm. Tli
letter is a sure crop here, aud a to profit, your
readeis may count for themselves, At fifteen
feet apart. .193 trees mar be rjlanied to the
acre. I do not know from experience, how
mach they would produce, but think that at
eueageoi aeven or eigni years, w lbs. ottne
pitted dried fruit to the treo, would boa
low eitlmat. Thla would give B.C50 twund,
which at 20 eta. nor lb. would iriva ten dollars
per tree, or?l,930forthaora. If anyone thinka
a uave piaoeu my estimates too nign, tney
may reduco them one-half or even three
fourths, aud still It will leave a handsome re
ward for the labor aud capital invested.
It aeems to me. there is uo finer climatn In
th world, for drying fruits, than in upper Napa
Tho poorer lands are very properly chosen
for vineyards; and the grapes are sold to the
w'jis make-a for au average of ono cent per lb;
whereas flvu or all cents mlstat be realized bv
coi verting a portion of their vineyard products
Into raisins. If they have not the proper
varieties, they could easily make the necessary
chaige by grafting, aud only oi-o ycar'a loss of
I notlco that most of the farmera bow wheat.
barley o; oats for hay. Their ricbeat land oily
produces four tone Per acre : whrea tbu aume
to alfalfa produoea all to eight; aud this with,
out irrigation. A earing of ploughing aud
aeeding tve.7 year la made aa well.
For nops. no belter laud can be found than
the rich loamy bottoms of Napa Croek; for a
proof of this, a visit to the yards of Mr. A.
Clock and O. A. Story will convince the most
sacmicsi.v ,
Mr. 0 commenced about six yearn ago
with very little oipltal, and although hop ruled
very low, the first three years, ha has succeeded
in amassing a handsome fo.'lun. . j
Homo of the ' land owners aro dividing up
tueir lerms and selling on in iota 10 auu pur
chasers, which, will give those that can app.e
elite the value of theae landsfor fruit crowing.
a tbanoe to aecure a horn in one of the most
beautiful aud productive Talleva on tho l'aolflo
coast; aud amid scenery tho most graud, a
mini aud neaiuitui cnmui, wun an tue ad
vantage of good society, excellent schools,
churches, etc.. etc: with a sure competence iu
a few yeara from this, tbe most delightful of all
occupations, Horticulture.
Those with soma experience, and a little cap
ital, to purchase, plant, and wait for a few
jean for returns, wo.lld do well to visit Napa
vaney neiore locating cisewuere.
Lauds are still within tho reach of person of
moderate means, but are advancing every year,
Dottoin lards are generally held at about (100
per acre. About the villages at JIM per acre,
and in some cases for (200 per acre. rJmall
trad, with bouse, well, small orchard and other
improvements may be had, title perfect.
If this let.er meets the eye of any person that
ran tell from actual experience, the yield of tho
plum tree dried fruit be will doubtless con
fer a favor br communicating through the col
umnaotlhelttmiu J. M.
tit. Helena, Napa Valley, Jan. 1st, 1871.
Guinea Fowls.
Wo liavo raised and kept Guinea fowls
In considorablo number, both tlio com.
mon spcoklol ami the beautiful white
variety. Wo rover saw any profit In thorn ,
tlio.ign iiioy are proiiua layers of very nu
tritioua egg. Tliey aro noisy, vagrant
and ahy, aud ovon witli tho kindest treat
ment, not inclinod to bo anybody's pets.
Hut they aio hardy, Terr easily kept, in
fact get tliolr own food through tho sum
mer if need bo, ami on tho wholo make a
pleasing var'cty about tho farm-yard,
and wo always fancied they oflbrcd pro
tection from birds of prey, for if a hawk
heaves in sight half a mile off and almost
out of tho range of theliuman ejo, tho
Guinea will set op au unearthly noreeclt
that is sulllciont to frighten into tits the
wholo neighborhood. Their habits aro
also Interesting and peculiar, and furnish
a never-falling sonrco of interesting study
and obsorralion.
Tho only diflieult period In theirlives,
in our experience, baa boon when thoy are
quite young, Thoy roquiro at that tlmo
to bo fed very oflon, as thoy suffer noverely
from a deprivation of food. Kgp; and
milk prepared in the form of custard Is an
important part ot every meal for tho first
Aftor that vegetables boiled and mixed in
are very useful. For the first two or three
weki food should bo given as often as
every three hours.
Instiuct loads tho Guinea fowl to roost
on trees and high uu, but It is better to
get tl-ciu in the habit of going into tho
hen-house in winter. Thoy are, iiowover,
quite hardy, and we have had them go
liirotigii tuo winter saiely roosting overy
night out of doora ou tho trees.
As this bird is Inclined to hido its nest
and eggs, sometimes at a oonaiderab e
diatanco off, and in tha woods or thick
shrubbery, it is decldodly better to get
tho eggs early In tho spring under a small
sized common hen.
The Guinea fowl is a favonto dish with
epicures, and it will hereafter comuiaud
a high prico probably, as an artlclo of
In rearing tha young it is proper
enough to adopt the samo modo of treat
inent on for young turkeys.
Tho Guinea fowl was wollknovrn to
tho ancient Itomans and Greeks, aud in
the luxurious days of the Kmpire it com
manded a hlsh nrico aa a ureal delicacy
for the table of the nobles.,
All the olflht distinct species of this
bird are natives of Africa, but they have
now oomo to l wild in Jamaica and soma
otlwr parts of, the world, where tliiy havo
iMien introduced. Statmhuuttt Plough-
TM or block plate are now bains- mannfaa
lured In England by a new proceaa, consisting
In tbe preparation of, the iron used in their
manufacture. A number of refining furnace
ar employed, Into th first of which th pis
or cast iron I submitted to tb melting process,
and from theuc run Into othsr "lumping"
refineries, x irastaad of using charcoal, as is
oomraonrr thToaai; th. flm Tars Tledwltk tan
TnT. prawi !h,d "e toZS, Vno
Is rueetiug with popular favor bj tho cngeeel
in this hv-vj ludusirT.
The Iviihing and Scientific
.Press Marching Onward,
Oar corafal system of compiling-, ladUloasly con
natae. sail convcnltntlr arrsnalns Into regular d
psrtmeata, his been oaartllr endorsed. It renders Ih
(ape r worth mors to readers, who can Qnd haodllr the
wblcb Interests them most.
Its weekly Iswes of ths Pales will eontsto rellabls
Information tor Practical Miners,
Treating on the Openlne of Mines 1 Mining of Ores
Itoaatlng of Ores 1 Amalgamation isavlngof Ootdaad
aiming oi uresi Bmemng 01 ureal neparaiion snq
all precloua Metals 1 Mew Froceeeee ot Metallurgji New
uiacoveries or aiineej HiaiBg engineering sad ur-
tea of Mine I Ulnlne Envlna
For Inventors, Mechanics and Manufac
All new snd Imnortant derelonments In flelentlfle
sad Mechanical rrogreeal patents snd Invenltona of
me i-acioo Biaua rroareaa oi noma inuueinee Jllnia
for Local Manufacturers I Illustrations of New Ma
chtnerjr 1 Reports of Popular Bclentlno snd Industrial
Our Mining Summary
aires tbs protreas ol mining work from week to week
In tbs various counties sad districts throughout tb
principal mining reglona of tb United Btatea, arranged
la alphabetical order. II la Ibe an extensive record
of mining- operations published In tbs world. It affords
iu luieiiiin-ut minar a nre opportunity 10 anow and
nruDi or me wora ana ex
of his nelahhora.
'liners bsvs lew source
practical Infonnausa in
their cslllnf , and should smbrace every rallsbls laea
for Improvement. Mining Operators and HboMhekisrSe
a. uuiue hn aurowo, wevBlJ siamiae our Bosunerj wita
Increaaed latefest and proot.
1 Our " Donrestiov Economy"
mtir ace asw and UoporUni reels which should b
known In everr eabln and hoaiaahold. Baaa aiut lateaC
e.tiotf-lhe articles oader this kasiiisg ar freely sead
and practiced with proflt aad Improvemeat to the read
era. 3
Tb Pasaa 1 not strlctlva ' nanep foe nenfeutnnBl.
sclcntlflc men, but rather a 7
Liberal and Popular Scientific Journal,
Well calculated to rnak MSelfeally sclentlfla men from
our Intelligent -nasaes. thla'ls our stronghold for ae
compllablng good. Plata, eorrect aad pleating language,
really comprehended by all, confined Uioatlr to short
r.iv.ce, u our enueaTur.
For Sell-Improvement.
Every .tail of ItMriuu tboind with svrticliof an
ItTtUoff ehsUmcUr, to ttluaUl lh higher Tlrtoe ithl
umuttwi bd pngTwiTv lowiivcii oi doto men .tia
Hundreds of Oollart
Ar oftD timet MTod to the retulert of thU ptpsir by ft
lottU blot or ftrtlcl of lofonsiUoa In IU colatuoi.
Hm ix Jottautoeti b.v been rpr .tetlly repurtcj to lb
OtlUorskntl proprietor Uurlug their loug ooouectlon
wuu tu iiiH. uarpiper prvMui
The New and Novel Developments
In tbe progreMof thU compumUTcIv mw wctloo of tb
Union (butnotntljMUIeJsndaow rapidly incMalog;
with iwpuUUon of tb moftl Utallitfrnl aod Ttaturv
ftuuitB pvojae, ftttneted from Mtuij overy qturtcr ftkd
clluiftoa tho globe), enabl ue, with dot onUrprlM. to
dlrUy tlgor nd fmbnew la oar oolamnA not net
wn in eiiuiur joaniuiMner. Too ftftao urcam
ttncvft ftleo render euch a paper mora ropoelftlly tela
aavso u sas sotuosaj aai mwi sMIisi wW nnaui lUVsUUrtis
untrletl fleld, where tha bnat uttboda fto4 procouea of
iuuua.1-7 mn not ao wan aauoiiuea or tradllionauy
known ai In older oommnsttlaa, Pabllabed atperb-nrei
oflcu aavt coatly aiperlmeata uul dlaMtroua reaulu.
A Great Variety of Industrial Information.
In brief antl frrih form, eultotl loth wuit an4 .
of the rradere of thU c-jwt, which le not obUioabla
otberwlae ao timely, or In ao cheep and convenient
form. Ai an tnduatrul publication, meeting the want
of ao many kludrrd ludmlriee. thla iouraal at&nda diw.
emlneot and without a precedent.
SubacriDtlona Darabla tn advance II imp unrim
Blnjjl ooplea, poet paid, 10 cenU. Addrcaa
5Iixino and ScirxTirto Pnrati aqi! Vicina Itrj-
ual Vuktm Ufflce. 'S3$ Montgomery St., 8. F.
IH74. (Established In 1657.) 1874.
SEEDS I (All down In 1873.) SEEDS I
And raised by tb most eiperleneed and rrllabl grow.
era of Europe. Eastern stales and California.
; stock la complete! quality nnaurpaaaedi prtcea u
low aa from the bvt Eaalern bouHs euibrselag Vrgeta.
ble, rlower snd Agricultural, Fruit, Bbed,Urnementet
and I'm!! Tree
UULDJ. rlower and Bulb CIIROMOS from Vlck,
(llocheaUrl snd Mouolc k Co., trranoe.)
California Alfalfa, Kentucky Bin Qra,
Bed Clovsr. WblU OloTr,
Musnult Ora, Timothy,
Bedtop Oraaa, Oreharel Oraaa,
Bra Oraaa, Vu-nal Ora,
And stl other Oraasre adapted to the cllmat of tb
saeiao Diaiea anil 10 inienor.
AH tbe better uradea forwardMl bv mail nMl.r..Mi
at raulogue rate a. Atone forwarded In postal orders.
.. .... ...r(a vw HfiiH, ei my rise.
air Agrtcultoral Alusnao and lTtce Catalogns Is
""l umiummw oreuH appucaiiou.
8 and 10 J Street, SACRAMENTO
Flax Seed and Castor Beans.
PnulleuOU aiiclTeiia AVorUas
BAN FRANCISCO, are prepared to
For Mil tr i rroo of riu ari ui a ctn nuns .
ntei tb.l.witH prviwr cultlTitlon on talUbl Uod.
Mill fn.. Ih.m mnna lli.nn.. he.-kl. .u.. '
--- ---- - H.VU.U. p,imiihpi. trope grown
For further particulars sddress
8 and I Front streel, Saa Frsaelaco.
"'"a P. O. Bos UU.
Save Tims snd Money. Bay direct of the OUOWm.
egeukle. Held aad rlower, f reeh and In to came.
Catalogue for in sent FREE, by
QEO. S. UASXELL a CO , Sard Oroweis,
nueasuru, ui.
OBosa v no., -i
Jll Calif arntaslraM...
.Baa Francisco.
Of any daavlntt avnad or Color ,
KUsd nao Sat sfpUetUeat. a4 sold' by Ik aalloa
It t Ckaapar, Haadsnsass, mors Darable sad aTJastM
tkaa the beat f el say cxkw ralat. """"""""
wet ism saaai vs way OSB raiat. 1
Omea. eornee roorta aad Towaasad atnets. Ban
"vtva-soso, UjtALt 4 WTCLL, Agaata. I
Tb lightest running, moat simple, snd most 'eaallr
operated Sewing Machine In the marVet. '
Always In order aad resdr for work.
In tbs past ten J ears EIaVem T1IOU8ANO florae
Machines hsvs been sold bv ms on this Oossl.and ho
purchaser has paid ms snrlhlng for repalra If then
liallor.De, tiachlne within on thousand miles of
Ban rranclaoo hot working wall I will fix II without
any sxpenae to ths owuer.
l '
Mea Orand Hotel Building, 8. r.
Murtha's Patent Chimney Tops
A sure cur for smoke
ehlmners, snd WARBlNr.
ED to give entire satlafae.
tlon wben all othere fall,
or no par. Tbe; are mads
to SI an; at floe,
OocaraT Rtaroaiirs, bv
sending lbs meaaursof the
chlmner flue, can have
thl BUt' '" "T tUt "'
Itefers bv permission te
Hurl. Xew Almaden Mine.
., 'ralt Win. Mol
Klbbln, Thoa. Boece, Jas.
Dowe, J, Usndmann, snd
ueMOaan nr oraaaa.
S" Send for Tiles List.
.... . . Kft W Tjler steest. Baa rraaelseo.
ThelNew Wilson
Das potnls of snperlortlr over
sll others. A reliable warran.
tr Is given with each machine
II la unequlsd fur llgataad
heavy work. Bxamla and
compare It with th highest
priced machln lath market
a. A. NORTON, Oeu.Ag-s
for th Faclflo rjosst.
SIT Kearav St., 8. Tt
rme-r, suso.
Larsraat and Flnsst Collection
on th Faelfio Coast.
H pounds to ths pslr, st msturlty, 3
LUVU1.-IS, AJAntaain, ctu.,
Blawk Ciaywga sual alter Daeke.
Bend for ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUE snd Pries List.
The Ptultnt Iiidttlltk. a S) turn mAnlhl Ik. tt
BubaerlpllonilJWsyear. Send atamp for copy. Agents
Addrcssi m. x:vni3,
EaTsr far Hatching, necked to travel aef.l lv
rail or atage. 3v1 Jm-ttpp
jug a m.
!'" 67 California Xarkat.
For Sale, choice lot of One California grown Alfalfa,
In i Iota to ault, for raah, at market rates. Oar seed, nu.
Ilk. that Imported from Chile, la Hue and free from
Mustard or other foreljni aJ. V.t.hl rlA
snd Ursss Bead, rto.
no.OOO lunulo Plant ai,
1 ,() Jtim Trees.
Fine Ptanta. Tnm null.. .,.! .11 .mlu. .1.. tin.
fresh and good. Splendid slock, SI th old slaud. '
12. 12. MOORE,
Beedsmsa and Florist,
113 Tf ashlngton Street, . '. . SAX FRANCISCO.
nr Bend for SEW CATALOOUE. II 3m
You will Kecomrnend it to Your Friends.
1. m-lll In h K.1 HnaM. I k a.V, ' k
of hed ot throat, headarhs. dull and hevtne of
mind, etc., .14. doe boIUegl Tee Immediate rail', end
a few bottlee cure the worst case, or Catarrh and Oolds,
au w aaa is a fair inal to ronvlnc Ihs most skeptical.
rn4vWCTsKD4iut, tAir rRAicoisoo.
TbU Ilou1 hu iMttn i nwlj rurttUbM, ib4 U iiutt.sft la
0psa- MM fTSuaatf na.sa.tauB. suia I ul M lBf W
UwUU la Km frwflsto eosdai4 mu
MUU, VU WUtS. tlML Mili)llDU)IMIyia,fMTOli
HSU Wf. S1J .j Sat ' T
sa svaiMa vx..r ? ?
CUS, MUxfTtMIMatBT. rrwaarletav.
Paaaeaaer. as4 Batwsts ukea I tha Heu.1 tre.
San Frtnolwo Cordaoe Coriipany.
XaUbUahad 1M8.
alaatlrp haadalarae atoek el Maaila Rope,
Tarred auau sups ; Hj Hope Whale Use, etc, .te.
de HI aad IU Fro street. Sa, riassaisi
Valuabrs Dairy and Grain Ranoh I
- 'I7,ort'svreS3., "
1 Baa Steleo Oooaty. comprialag too ao. to acre.
nawbr raltiraUoa.ud all well watered and sahstaa.
""" .im..wi,wwi ei. .
""' afroved. Inquire ot
a. r cor. Clay and Fronl sta aaa Fraaciaoo.