ItlfMltwWHW r Q WILLAMETTE FARMER. lw "J JJ JI J THb HPb Circle. " The Weather." Wbftt rolMiiet ha nun morUl could MX pf Both tf nder, ind tough M old Itilhtri A trnM rmj 1I JamUM poll null, of The lit tbftt r caumhI bj ' Tb wftUurN If In rrrwnca of fricndi w tn fiwolog nd ftptaf , Or ulnlna with nntii 1a iltftth- or Rumttliintf htr don tbcrt do wftjr of MplOf, W put It ill down to1 ' tm weuoer." If wi ran ihort of wordi wbtn we p When loT.mftklna on the dimo b we prsM th mp betlhor, nth . Iht f th fell diet.., Vfm klnimr and ntlck till we both ffft II AdflU, Anrl find sn rtwi In Ttut writheta.' If It bffcltche we're Rot, or fhennutlcl twlukliir. Id arm- or utrt-mitlM nether 2 re errti httrd Mr tbtt wheo DOre tfe lUhtDit-- III owlofi to win tort of ' Wulhcf." I When Tttnl our brain, we an and rifling For ranto of IUi light aa a ftathar, I We glre It all up In deipalr, tad tt trifling 8r that It lurely "The wtathr,'f t ' Cut trocMoinch laff,thofeh I bf 'at jrl got to The end by a mile of my fttbert Bnt nomabow I m dnllf amlm rbymlng li nol to My iiiiDgM mux Df"Tne weuier. ' :u u. An Engineer's' Yarn. ' lint practical mechanical engineer. Not on of thee youngsters who go to a sclcntlflo school for a few years, and take ft 0, E., M. E. or aomething ot the kind, unci then put on tin .nit' ni. . i tbout It. They always affect to snub ut prte Ileal men. but we rather get into them when It oomct to real work. Of eoarae, these, chaps are well enough in their way (and that ian't mine) in Retting up artistic drawings arid mod ell, tod all that aort ol thing. And eometlmea they are ol lomo account. There wta young Hoppln, who helped me with thtt toggle-joint I originated tho idea; he put it into ahape. 1 made enough to retire on It, tnd I did the square thing by him, if he icai a "dentine man," to I feel perfeot free to epeak in; mind about the lot, alwaja eieepting my friend Hop pin. Hat thia Ian't telling my atory. There'a my wife Petal (bleu her dear little heart), tlwaya taring I can t oomo to the point without ta many tviata and turni at my own old ma chinery, I'erhapa the la right. lint then, thie la the Ant time I ever tried to eipreae my. ell In print, and I don't exactly know how to go tbout It, to you muat eicuae me. That'a reasonable, Isn't it? And, bealdea, t am getting o (tout and logy.llke, that I tint ta aharp ta I naed to be. My young acquaintance Karl, who la an editor, or aorae equally useless member ot society, baa roped me Into tula acrape, tnd ought to help me oat; but he doean't. All bt says la, "Fire away old man, tnd make It abort tnd wnI." I'm afraid (Ai's lin't telling my atory, cither, l'rollilly (that'a the word) cornea aort of natural like to me now. Let me see. It wta sixteen yeara ago ltat nrumer that I went to New York in March of ernploymrnt. I bad been running an engine in t big tannery in the weatern part of that HUte, tnd doing first rate, till the company failed, and I win thrown ont of work. Ho I waa looking tbout town fur aomething to do. Money Range ao low that I waa ready for any thing niter t fortnight of eearchiog tnd waiting. I happened to bo walking through t down-town cross street, when t aaw t placard in the win dow of t paper-box factory "ExuiNKa Wait. Tin. (loon HiutT." "That'a jnat me," aaja I, ao I went Into the office tnd naked if I wonld do. The manager atld he would try me. He did try roe, ami it aeema I muat hare satisfied him, lor he told me to etay. Now It la about tola manager and thla paper, boi factory that my atory, auch ta it la, will be; tnd to make things til airtight and plttu, (t aort of oiling up at the atari) let me attempt to deacrlbe tbem both. l'lrir, thru, the manager, Mr. Samuel Hark nrn. aUo anle owner of the factorr. Thla Mr. Hamovl Harkneu wta the grrateat villain I erer came acroe. im t neta now, poor man, arm I you aee, U'a much the tame aa chinning behind a nian'a Iwck; but he tnu a Tilltiu til the tame. Not one ol your atary.iiook tlllalua, either. I hare rwid Iota ol uoTrla. romancra. tnd auch aturTlately, but I berm't aeon anything tbout their ilUlna that appllea to my tllUin, Theira are mTanauiy iuid, uart men, 01 nine, aerpen line luolion i with ytllow facet, atratght black hair, and deepaet, fugltlte eyra, Boinethlng of tho erll one cropping out tt erery point. Why, Lord bleat you, you'd rucogiiiit tola kind oi imam oou ta ever you citpimi eyea on Llm Juat ta you nuld a patent machine, with erery kit ol metal labeled. My villain waan't tall, watn'l dark at all ; wat tolerably alout, in fact, tud writ to do looking dldu t aquirm t bit; tud, to cut thla dncriptlou thoit, waa Juat like moht anybody tlae jou roeet. When I engaged undrr hliu, of courax I didn't know anything atiiut hla Tillaluy, How could I ? He waan't hbele.1. And now for the factory itaelf. It wta t aoiuehat dilapidated flw-tiory brick concern. Kuklna ill cellar (moat evrrr manufacturer bad hla own low r theu, Inatead ol Juat belling on to the one big engine ol the block, ta they do now) ; office and eauiplet, Aral floor ; clipping ami folding mteblnaa, aeoond floor I girla ptal. Ing, aurtiag and Irininiing, uu the third floor j wot oi tn aoria on me lourtn ana nun. We ueod to tutu out au ImmruM dial ol workwlth very few kande. There wrre about twenty Are or to glrla, the manager, hla clerk and office- uoy, a mtu to nout anil uo chiiI Jooa, me flre roau; and luyaelf, Eieepl wbru atoek waa taken In, or work tent out, there wat nobody la iu the building. I generally kept to my own bueineee, and attid down in the cellar nuraiug the old engine. She atdly ueeded it, bulug aa rickety and patched up a oontriraoee aa one care to tlay alongald of, Bh tlwt) a reminded me ol tome old people you aee, who are tlwaya In need of a pectoral lor a cough, or a llulment for rheu matiam, or aomething or other. Tbli engine of mine wta in auch t elate that aha alwaja want ed raaluu aomewhvre, a rivet her, a plug there, new atufnug, more felting, or a band around th whole boiler. Krom boiler to flywheel ah waa rickrty, rickety. But thrr waa uo prea nt denser to be anpretendedi all waa tale enough with proper oar and attention. There waa tan rub, I bad to esercla that aam rropet care atul attention ail th time, Hut it waa no oooupicd, I could not help meeting the girl now aud theu in th pati age .way. Moat of then) were ol the cointnoii tort -eoarae, vul gar creature", that I nevir could abide. But there wta one little pale-laced girl I look to airtight o9 Bh waan't t bit Uk th olhera, aod eavd a uic tnd quiet, and, aa liver war notar and common. Aalaaid. I took to i bar, and aher-well. ah didn't aUo grtual aab ma,, W got to be ltat ttWnda toon. Bhetoldme tbalalaotbtr Bad life; how her fathsr had been ,a proaperoua uiecbtule, and the had lived In inch a dear little horn: bow th father died, and left btr, a mere mite of a thing. In charge ol her feeble mother and baby later; and how ah contrived to get along and keep grim famine from th doorortth platan ot her earning. Whenever could, without making a fuaa, I helped them along a little. And when w got well aqnainted, I naed to hurry through my work aota to be tbla to tee her home every duV after all 'o'clock. Borne time, too. we need to tro to concert and lee. turr together; tnd very often I found time to them all of tn evening. J hadn't said a word of for to her yet, but traa waiting till my wage wera InoreaaM enough to enable ma to keep a horn of my own, and then aek her to fill it. 01 her ateto ol feeling toward m I knew nothing, eroept thtt ah looked up n and On thing naed to Hi ma, though, and that waa th aoeaking tort ol liking that Harknaa teemed to have for her; tnd wore, he ahowed it plainly enough by th way he persecuted her with hla odloua attenlloni whenever he got the ohasoe. Hhe told m ah would leave th plaoe II the could only get tnother, I have atld that tt waa aliteen yeara ago thtt I entered the box factory. It you will take the trouble to subtract, you will find that make 1857. It putt na Juat In the year ol the great financial craab. I had been in the factory about three month, and wta, getting uaed to the general ran of thinga; and though it waa out of my line, and none ol my businraii, I could not but notice how alack-trade teemed to be. Ituniora of failure up the atn et, down the atreet, on the corner, at N6. 35 ami 37 over the way met my ear. Itumora ot tail ura paat and failure to come. Humors of great dlitreka nut, weat tnd ivouttl. Humors of t threatened general amaah up. Money men tell lue that hen the market ta tight, it only needs auch a wholeaal panlo to bring down every one. It la th apprehension, not tho reality, that doe the work, But this ia not telling my atory, tlther. Well, old Harknuaa kept on with hla manu facturing, though I could aee that, day by day, fewer calls for work were made. He alwaya wore a cheerful smile throngh tboee troublon time, a mnch aa to aay, "Look at me, If yon went to ace a model man of bnalneee. don't peculate. don't gtt involved. Mark my consequent prosperity." Now when I aoe a man with a good deal of Mnater and awagger about him, I alwaya make np my mind that he la a coward at heart. Aud when some ptoile parade their financial soundness, the Wall atreet animals alaaya snuff rottenness some where. It must have been on thla principle that I began to auspect that Uarkncaa wasn't ao asfo after all. On night I waa delayed by an unexpected break down In gearing, and stayed in my cel lar lonu alter the nlrls. the clerk and the file- iniH.ea me a a oroiner. man had gone, hard at work tinkering at the engine. No on waa in the factory but Hark. nrea and myaelf. I do not think be auapecttd my presence. Aa I waa taking oft my overalls and fixing up, I beard a heavy dray come up to our door. Then wera four or five men with it. who were not our regular cartmen. Tbev Jumped out, were let In throngh th half cload uoort oi in main noor aoova we, ana were leu up-etalra by Itarkneas. rresentiy tney reap peared, bearing caaea of varioua kind of atock. imuuj MiNr, fJiKluj Huu, lKu uimjuiun; Mill different odda and ends, with which they loaded th dray, and then drove off again, All waa don in auch a quiet, mysterious way, that It wta evident that aomething wrong wta being done. What could it be 7 The men were not robber, for there wta Mr. Uarknesa, tnd he sole owner ol the factory. A man does not commit a larceny on bia own property. I couldn't make it out at all. I stalled tn go. Just aa I entered the office from.below, Harkneaa came In by the paaaage way uoor irom in uoor auove. lie aiarieu nercentlblT when he aaw me. but Inatantlr re gained hla composure, tnd said, ta cool aa you Pl": . . "AM you're late, mil. nnaia wrong to itay I nop you won I mow ua up lor a week or ao vet. We're dolns a etavtna business. Bill." (I think I see blm now, " washing hla nanus witn invisiuie soap in imperceptible water," and with tbataelf-aatlslltd, hypocritical leer on hla face.) "Juat tent a load of fine boxea down to tha Ulnoed Arroic. bh aaila to-morrow, ao ws had to ship Iu a hurry, Flue bores; and a beautiful Teasel, Bill. Good night to you." ' Uood nlfht, air," aald I, and left. Aa I went nn the atreet. another drar naaaed. driven toward the factory. I had the curloaity to turn and watch to aee, whether it, too, atop ped there. It did, and when I reached the comer ot Broadway, I etopped and looked back one more, lucre. In the darkening twi light, th Mm proorsa of hurried loading waa oeing rcpeaiea. it aeemea to o all ngnt. Harkneaa waa there, but tomehow, I waan't uult satisfied. Trluimius machines are not line, taaorted, gllLedged boxea, by any manner oi meant, you tnow. Ana l anew u, too, though, very likely old Harkneaa didn't give hs ,n. ,...i..n .a w.11 ...t.t-.i ti.i, :, t coudn't aeltle tb question, the next beat thlug wta to glre it up, Aud give it up I did. Next morning I went over, aa usual, to th factotr. Jim. the atoker. opened the doom always, at he bail to bo early to tend to the fires, which we banked every night. I ex pected to see Jim, but waa muoh surprised when I aaw Itarkneas. This time it wat be who came up through the cellar door tod I through the other. At before, we met unex K dully. Now'lt waa my turn to be surprised. waa intenteiv pale, aud aeemrd much tsl. tttcd. With t strong effort of the will be strove tooonceai ni atrant, manner, lie endeavored to apeak calnilr. and half-succeeded. Bill." aald he. "Jim haa tended to the en gin, it' all right; corns outald with me, I warn to lan to you." He turned to the cellar door and shouted! "Jim, com up here, come up tt imc. Buu over to Mr. Brent' prlvat house you know where thtt ia tnd tell him not to discount thtt bill to-dar. Be quick I" " Yet air, coining," sung out Jim leisurely. Suddenly he tore up the cellar steps. Hia face waa ten abodes paler lhau Uukueaa', an expression of horror was fixed on hla features tn expression of sgouy tnd tear thtt I thall nsver forget. It hsunta iu atlll. It will stay br m lilt uiy dilns dar. Poor fellow, ho'a gone, too, aluce theu. Jim naruiy stopped in ma wild night, aa he hoaraely whispered, rather thau cried: "Hnudred aud ten on the atcaui gauge I Safety valve olcggrdll Run for your llvealfl" I took in th situation tt once. Terrible tha danger waa. The old boiler wat registered at eighty pounds to the square luch. but we never dared run higher than thirty. And a hundred andtcnl were etaudioir directlv over IL aud while I heeltatad, th pretaur must 'be steadily rising. It flashed upon m that there muihl b no nior dancer in Iumnlnu down tad pressing th safety valve, thtu in running away, and In spile ot th awful panic, I had a preju dice against running. ' I looked down from, lb doorway, upon lb iremoung, ptuiing, airuggung steam aemoa beneath. Th safety valve apparatus wat tu plain sight, Atom It eat! of las lewr Auto sevrrof assM UaM ot cAufn, I don't think I'm a coward usual r. it least, I know I ani not. But thtt evidence of villalay look ma all aback. I staggered and clung feebly to th lintel (or support. Th worda seemed forced out of me, and not uttered with my volition: - "You acoundrtl' You'd stealyonr Insurance, wouldyou?"j -r "k '-' r A tudden vindictive push tent me headlong. Aa I fell I heard a demoaito laugh. "IVach, If you want tol" And the door awung to with a click of the aprlng lock. At the loot or the steps tn open trap, th tub-cellar hatch. Tha dletance waa ao great that I had time to- notice all thla. Would it hurt me much when I struck? Would It kill me outright? And thla wta til. Whan I cam to, I found myaelf in a well remembered room. 4Betie, my Beasle now, bung tenderly over me, waiting for th light ol recognition to appear In my fevered eye. , All wat toon told. Th boiler muat have bunt tha very instant I struck. Harknesa waa killed by a flying piece off machinery; Jha would-be murderer had exchanged place with bia victim, for I. atiance aa It mar aeem.'waa dug out pf th mine alive, and got off with only a broken arm. Ood foigtva htm. li-isl Insists that if it hadn't been for the accident, I should never htve "spoken' out." bo, alter wo a blessing In disguise. The-Habit of Saving.- - - t r i f f s r r J Petty eeonomlet tro' generally, disagreeable to those who have to prtotie them, tnd they alwaja require much self-control; atlll thenar tho only meant by which xuen In general can lay np a provision a'galnat sickness or old age. Liberal expenditures' and a princely alyle of doing business constitute, In eiccptlonal'caeoe only, , the road to1 au'eceoaf More money ,1a aometlmea made by spending than by saving, alnco a good credit is thereby established,' which take th plto of capital, and permit an otherwise impossible eitenalon of business. But these! Instance J, are rare, and unices unn anal ability and vigilance ire employed, adven luroua tplrita come to grief. . Among the large claaact thtt lire upon wagca tnd aalaries, there 1 positively no exception to the rnlo that t penny saved la t penny earned. Indeed, in aome Initancea it Is more, sluco llmo that bat a money value la atsn wasted In unprofitable expenditure and health Imperilled. Wastefulness characterizes our domehtio economy to an extent unheard of In more frugal countries, and we must alwaya eat, drink, and b clothed with lb beat that the market affords Hard work deserves fat living, is th national maxim, and almost tha only nnbelievera in it are the atrangera within our galea, especially those of Germsn origin or descent, who tro ra pidly accumulating fortunea by their excep tional frugality. There la a certain Justification for our liberality ol expenditure, even npon ecouomio iprlnciplea, lor it baa been definitely ascertained thtt the better the workmen It led, clothed tnd bouaed, the more productive he become tt t mere machine. And to it bat pent tbtt th ptuper Itborol Europe, the gene rally alleged excuae for a high tariff policy In thia country, doe not produce satisfactory ecouomio results. Your machine, even if man la only regarded in lb light of a producing agency, must be kept iu good order, otherwise ua prouucia are meager, mere is no economy in depriving ourselves of an abundant supply of nourishing food, decent rdment, and health ful shelter; but thia affords no excuse for the prevalent aln of waate, nor doe it Justify spending hard-won wtget upon expensive deli cacies, unnecessarily largehabitatlons, or costly trifles. There i far too alaviah a subserviency to laahton among all claaaea. Economy in thia respect would not only save money, but tend tu creat a muoh-ueeded independence, both in uresa auu in our wuoie manner oi me A, Iuitatioh This yarn about onr "Crowe" la Irom th Chicago Tlma: Th Crow delega tion visited the Exposition, and while in th mecnamcai department tmywert mucu taken with t number ol buxz saws in motion. When a Milwaukee man with t wooden leg noticed them, tnd hating read in bit Suuday-tchool books tbtt Indiaua wer gieat Imitators, de termined tn lest thfl a.M.,rllnn Rn M stuck his timber-leg before th saw, tnd In a twinkle both leg tnd boot were on the floor. To aayTbin Belly was aaloulthed wonld tat but a mild war of exnressluir his feellnsa. He looked at tha boot and he looked at th man, then he tragically remarked, in hla own native language; "It shall never b said that a Dale face waa morn herulo than an Indian chief." He folded hla blanket mora closely about hla uouy, gave a iocs oi acorn ai in surrounding whites, tnd then ttnek one ot hla leg in front ol tha swift revolving cutler. But no sooner hsd he don so tbsn he waa more astonished than ever. He save t veil, end frightened nearly to detth, the ittendtnt quickly abut off me Bieam, and in aw eeaeeu it revolutions. I'erhapa tt waa not demolished by the other Indlaual There waan't left a nieea bii annuoh li r fin comb; and tb attendant aforesaid nar rowly escaped with his life. In the meantime lb Milwaukee man had disappeared, and baa not been sesn alno. At Bltokfoot tnd bis friends wsreleaving th hall, he wta heard to I-usaw mueg, opn," I anvbodv doubts thla vara, ahoat him nn Iht spot. . ,i I. A ciiTitx French baron, whoa acleptlflo ttate led him to collect th akulls of celebrated persons, on day received a visit from a man with whom he waa accustomed to deal. "What do jou bring ui her?" asked the baron, aa lb man alowly unrapped a carefully enveloped package. " Tha tkull ol tthtketpoar." f'lmpoaaiblel" "I speak the truth. Monaieur le Baron. Ueritproolo(wbtly," aald th dealer, nmilnplnj tnm. n.n.,,. tBut," replied the baron, drawlnr aside tha urepery wnico couceaitu sis own singular col lection, "I already possess that skull." " IU must bare bean a rogu who sold you that,: wta the remark ol th honest dealer. "Who ws it, monalaur?" " Your father," said tha baron, tn a mikl Ion. " Ua sold it to ua about twenty-nine yeara ago." The broker was lot a moment disconcerted, but theu exclaimed, with vivacity; -- uimemuiuu, p. gu eaonga u ooserT th small dlmeuaiona ol th sknU on vonr shelf, lUmark th narrow occiput, tb unde veloped forehead, where Intelligence 1 atlll mute, It ia SF. akeapeare'a, certainly, bnt aa a child about twelve or fomteen year old,' wucrcaa mis ia wnen n naa attained a certain age, and had become the great genius ol which England It so justly proud." The baron bought the second head. ;Covxrxo Vos Srutc Pirn. Loom psper is wrapped round the pipes and painted with thin sfrupran this ia painted a mixture of 4 bqah ela ol loam, 6 bushels of sand or eoke-dutt, 3 pails ot syrup, and 30 pounds ol graphite; tbemiasais put on) ram. thick, and painted with oil or tar. Hofll ND f W To Learn Farming. '- Thoro it Just one road opon to all poor men who want to become, but aro not good farmers, aud that ia mean a royal road. It it to go to workwlth every power of their heade and hand and heart as common ltborort on' other mon'a farms. Bo careful whom yon select lor your teach er, and mako tare that he 'is enterprising, economical, intelligent, andttucoetsful. Lt him understand your object In going to him, and accept tho fact at the outtct that yon aro working not (or money, but (or Instruction. Do with alacrity what ever you may be aet to do, whether it be to elean ont aMiog-pen or to break a eolt. You will have It all to do for yourself some day, and now it the chance to learn how; Muko yourself the most valuable hand on tho pltco, nnd show that yon aro worth tho troublo of teaching. In this way yon mar loam to much in a tlnglo year mar "get the knack" of to muoh that ia indispensable to success that you may safely sot up on your account with a snug pltco of twenty acres or moro; and if you have mado the reputation you havo had the opportunity to make, your Instruc tor and neighbors will be glad to giro yon a bolplnglhand. If yon really havo the right stnfTln yon, thoy will have found it ont, and the closest fisted of them all will sell you land on time, i( ho hat it to sell, and will trust you with ayoko of oxon or a horse, for ho well knows yon are aa safe, to trust as a taring bank, (If yon can't reach this In ono year, take two, tako'throa If you get your board for yonr work, 'and havo a obauco to study at odd times, thoy will bo tho most proutablo years of your wholo life, and tho knowlougo you havo gained will bo worth moro to you than a capital of 810,000 without it. When tho proper timo comet, (ddn,t hnrry,) buy a small farm that you are sure you can manago, and don t bo afraid to run In debt for whatever yorr'rctlly need to work it with successfully, for you will be suro to como ont right in tho end. Ileartfi and Home, Farm Economy. Farmers do not havo tho ready money to spend that tomo in other business havo, they can bo just as extravagant with what they do baro as anybody else. In theso timet, it is not a question ot what ono mtket, at much as what ha tsvos. It has been n good fall tor sarins. The til ant weather bos glren an opportunity to pro par o land for another yoar's crop, and savo hiring help next spring. It also gives timo to accumulate a stock of fertilizers, in tho materials wasting about tne larni, and save spending money to purchuo next spring:, In addition to this. erery farm has moro or less dead wood, or out timber lying around, that should bo gathered np and added to tho wood pile, so as to saro tn fuel. The (aot is tomo commenco their winter vacation too toon. Tho ordinary (til work being over, thoy do nothing- bnt the chores, their oaly winter work, and spend the best pari or the dar in itlloness, while truo economy would suggest that thoro aro many things that can bo done during: the pleasant weeks of lato (all, that will savo uous it tn tho spring, when work presses, and whon tho lateness of tho season may crowd work together, requiring an ox trn expenditure 'of moner. Money ia sometimes paid out (or support of the family that could be eared by gathering from the farm. "Gather up tho frag ments, that nothing bo lost." Is aaood precept (or tho farmer to act upon, in the late (all, after tho usual crops hare been harvested, and then if times are hard snd moner scarce, thero are no' class of neonle that aro so well proridod (or at the farmer. They havo on hand the food tat eat and fuel to keep thom warm, gathered by, their own bands. JV, S. ItometUtul. ' LinEnti' in ntf Kncitss, Does it ever occur to yon to inquire whether tho "spring lover whlou maket you o. lan guid and idlo, finds its'wty into the kltoV on? uo you realize that alter tho exhaust labors of spring cleaning and tho enervat ing warmth of the toaton Mary Ann ard Drldgot may feel t tired ts yourself? The llttlo rostfui trip ynu hare taken has rein, rlgorated you, and why should yon not try tho tame remedy with your servants, If you lire in the city, give them an hoar's rido into the country, and the chances to make a plenio dinner, or If In tho country, let. Pa, lakVtbe "girls" in the wagon! a pleasant ride in search of some pleasant sight, or some old friend. Some djspep tio body mtr suggest thtt you must not giro tho "Loll)1' an' liberties. He will quoto the proverb about giving an inch and taking an ell," bnt onr experience has prorod that tuoh it not in the case. Among those who servo ns faithfully are souio to whom much ot motherly sdrice hat been siron. and who also have been allowed many breathing spells in their worx. xue uuitett oi compreoention will soon learn to lore and respect those who treat them with consideration, and in our own nomo many an nonr or extra bard work has been cheerfully done for love's sake, which we could hot bare got done ror; uire bnnrnaH ucvaiy, i To o-xii a rusty plow us coal oil and a rusty brick; the oil should be poured on th Iron and ruuutu wna in pricx nutu orlgnt. He bare sometimes uaed atroug vinegar with good effect. Iu thla tt in other matter, " au ounce ot pre nntion ia worth a noaud of core.'1 and a link greaao rubbed on while th plow It bright, will save all the trouble. K. Jillt. The Inlce ol annsa ballad In .h.J!n vessels, wlthoai a panicle ol sugar, makes th moat sparkling, Jellcjous jslly ImagiAsbl. Bad apples wilt give Jolly th color, an? clear nets ot claret, while that Irom llebt fmli I. it v. amber, Taka cider Just as it is made, and not allowing it to Ifermenl, at aliVand II posilaV rx II In a flat tun very lares and ahslln. ih. one Jiving near a "bowM'i lor boiling ecrgbaoj JolM ta make tale jelly to perfection. . DEWEY & CO. America Foreign. Patent Agents, omoc ns MoirroovtiBT rrarrr, s. r. PATENTS obtained promptly) Caveats filed expeditiously; Patent reissues taken out: Assignment made i and recorded in legal form; Oopiet oi Patent and Assignments Erocursd; Examinations of Patents made ere and at Washington; Examinations msde ol Assignments recorded , in Washington ; "Examinations ordered and reported by Tele grapbrBeieettd cat taken up and Patents obtained f InterferenoeaProaecutcd; Opinion rendered regarding th validity ol Patent tnd Assignments; every legitimate branch of Patent Agency 'Business, promptly and thoroughly conducted; Our intimate knowledge ol the varioua in rentiont ot thlt conirt, and long practice In patent .business, enable ua to abundantly satisfy our patrona; and our success and business are constantly Increasing. The shrewdest and. most experienced Inventors are found among our moat ateadlast friends and patrons, who fully appreciate our advan tages in bringing valuable inventiona to the notice of the public through th columns of our widely circulated," first-class journals thereby facilitating. their introduction,. salt), and popularity. Foreign Patent. f H).iV In addition to American Patent, w secure. with, the assistance of co-operative agents, ' tAln,a'lfi alt'enMltm. winnl.i.. .1.(a1. riM.t Patents, including Orcat Britain, France, Belgium, Prussia, Austria, Victoria, Peru, llussls. Spain, British India. Baxony, British 'Columbia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Mexico, Victoria, Brazil, Bavarit, Holland, Den mark, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Bonion States, Wurtomberg, New Zealand, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Brazil, New Oronada, Chile, Argentine ltepnblic, AND JSVEBYl, COUNTBY IN THE WOULD where Patents ar obtainable.'. No models ara required In European coun tries, out to urawtngs ana spcciucations should 'be prepared with thoroughness, by able persons who ore familiar with tho re quirement tnd chtngea ol foreign patent laws tgentt who are reliable and perms- nently established. ; Our schedule price for obtaining foreign pat ents. In ail cases, will always be na low, and in somt Instances lower, than those ol any-" other responsible agency. ,, We cm ami do get foreign patent for lnvtntort in the Ptciflo Stttca from two to alz montue'' (according to the location ol th country ooxn than any other agents. Hams Counsel. Onr long experience Id obtaining patents for inventors on wis uoasi naa iamiuansu ut with th character ol most ol tb inventions already patented; hone we art frequently able to aave our patron th cost ol a Iruitleas application uy pointing mem to tn vane thing already covered by a patent. W aro alwaya fre to advise applicanta ol any knowledge we have of previou application which will interfero with their obtaining a. ' patent ' We invito th acquaintance of til parties con nected with Inventiona and patent right buai neaa, believing thtt the mutual conference ot legitimate buainesa and professional men it, mutual gain. Parties in doubt in regard to their rights aa ataigneea ol patents, oupur ohasers ol patented articles, csn often receive advice ol importance to them irom a abort call at our office. M Remittance of money, mad by Individual in ventors to th Government, tometimet mi--' carry, tnd It has repeatedly happened, that applicants hava not only Lost their money,. but their inventions alto, from tbla cause and consequent delay. We hold ourselves re- ' aponeib nsibla lor all lee entrusted to our agencvr-. Tb be principal portion ol the patent business of this coast has bean done, i and is still belnrf' done, through our agency. We are familiar with, and have full records, of all former cases, and can more directly judge ol th . value and patentability 9I invention dlscov -ered here than any other agents. ' "" Situated so remote Irom th teat ol governments delays an even more dangerous to tb Invent-" or ot the Padflo Coaat than to appUcaitle iu the Eastern Bute. Valuable patents may be -. lost by the extra time consumed in traasinlt-"T ting specifications from Eastern agencies back to this coaat for the signature of the inventor. Confidential. We lake great pains to preserve secrecy Wall conoaeuuai matters, ana applicants lor pal-i tntt can rest assured that their conununl"j cations and business tranaactiAns will be held.-. itriotiy confidential by ut. Circulars Int. y Ennravlnn. tt We have superior trtlatt in our own offlc,nuf tu raciuuea lor producing nn and aansfao-' lory Ulustratlonsof Inventiona and machinery,, for newspaper, book, ciraular and other. printed muatrauone. tnd ar alwaja ready to assist patrota in bringing their valuable Is-" coverlet into practical and profitable ua. . DEWEY & CO.T- A. United State and Foreign Patent Agenta, pub-" Usher Mining tnd Hcientifle Press tnd the Paclfio UurairPresa, 33rj Montgomery Ut.',rik E. corner ol California St., Ban Francisco. ATTENTION, DAIRYMEN t " ' " ! N XAlVFK'S.PATaUrr XJ ' -, H ONEIDA OHEESE VATBr.i 1 W f TO BOLD rBOll O -. One Hundred to Fly ThovuandJ OaUan. CHEESE HOOPS, tr moil aiuLusr to ubqcst tzxS fs- PKSaWBO aHLK-PANS, -H rUVOJi MILK-FANS XBaUMtt PAHJ- OBXAJC 1-AILI ihlrP. 'AILaJ,, H TC. ETC., ETC. TteabevtararaaiUDllMtsistaiialarUdaaM la lb- , Sft.2SSS-w, "I1"" t ssselslly of DAIsri. MCW'8aooMlll4aJith, ,, ;" i,U U.I bu, "ri?a;.aSfaraMwtUi tae Bsalera MaUa. PsUrl tuaawlUeiiniaaavastatwV'aallapaaiis. Z OBOItGB If. "rja.17 afe CO., 014, ,018 and SIS Battery St., Mv4xi taw nuuciaco. PACIFIC (HL AND LEAD WORKS, i. rauifoiio'o, r I Jtaaaratlonn tf I.lua)ood nnd pasitor Ollss, ou. cistaiKDaiu Btfbeas fries paid fer rtaa 8asd sad Oaatoe Bsaaa da Uvertdatoavvrork. ' OSlew. a and S rvnmt strasL Wots. Kit. atreet, sat. baectsl east Talrd, fslt-sow