H "8 W r " t T $2.50 per Year, in Advance. ftaws By Tni.Eq,pH' WASiiiNOTOf, Jan. 8. It Is pcxltlicl.r nwrrteil to-night tint Attorney General Wllllitiat wroto letter till nlfrnooti ro nut'stlng ths withdrawal of his nomination for Chief Justice. The report cumct from n tru'twortlijr prirtto source. WA'lltNnTOV, Jmi. 8. A IltralJ yieclnl from Key West says Manuel Qucsatli ar rlsiil to.ihy. Ha boliurcstho iirosrwct of Culm brlehtcr than ever, anil uciltrcs that nothing short of Independence will be ac cepted. Cmct.no, Jan. 8. Ilia tclejr.nphlc tltn ntlon li not changed for tlio belter thli morning, and thcro li scarcely a possibili ty of Killing anythrongh from tho Knit bo loro to-night. If otcii then, A low dis patches got through at an early hour Dili morning, via llkhtnond. Virginia, through the, Carollnai, through Atlanta, Loulsvllla and Clmliinatl. Tlw norm npnrs to bo from the luket On ths north to Tennessee on tho (outh, and how fir edit cannot be definitely itatcd. Hki.kxa, Jap. 7. Tho Iclslttiiro ol Montana met lait Monday, O, Y. blnplo Ua, President ; J. II. Homer, Speaker of tin Home. The Oorernor's message pla its tlio ilctt of tlw Territory at 1132.1)57. Ho rtcominends a meiuorlal asking Con gress to onon a iiiiuury roan via it mil Hlver anil Yellowstone, Liko to Montana Washington. Jan. 8. '1 bo mesMca ol tho President to tho Honato withdrawing ine nomination 01 uco. ji. minims ns Chief Justice states Hut It Is done at his own request. Williams rcmslns Inoltlce as Attorney-General, nml tho nomination of (Lionel llrlitow for the position Is In another brief message consequently with drawn. Following Is tho .letter of Attorney-General Williams, requesting the Ytllhdranal of his nomination i "Wasiunoton. Jan. 7th, 1874." "To Me iYnfifmf Mr t You were kind enough, without niy solicitation or ai.y knowledgo on mv part that you contem plated such a thing, to nominate, me for Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court ol tlw United btatcs. Hlnco that time the flood gates ot calumny In all directions liave been opened upon me. My abilities hare been ulsparged, my Integrity brought in question, and, as It seems to me, that stage of public opinion aiherso to my appoint ment has been rcaihed which might here attir embarrass your administration and pcrliaps Impair my usefulness upon the Much. With a perfect consciousness tint I liato performed, with dean hinds and upright purpose, all tho duties or tho vari ous public offices to which I havo been called, and truHlng to time to adjust tho public mind, sshen belter Informed, for ray vindication, I respectfully usk jouto withdraw my nomination." Tlw following resolution was offered by Mr. N'csmlth aud passed by tho House of jicprcscniaurcs to-siay: ilevihtd, That tho President of the United States be requested. If not Incom patible w ith tho public service, to lurnlsh tho Homo of lteproseutatlrcs with copies of all tlw correspondence between Hie (111 fireutlovirtmcnuofthetjosvnimeutnnd the l'caco Commissioners during the star svlili tho Modou Indians In houlhem Ore gon and Northern California during thu ,ers IS" J and 1873; also, copies ot nil currcpon deuce with, and orders Issued to military authorities engaged In such war up to tlw ptrlod of the removal cf thu Mo lina Indians from the btates ol Oregon and California. It Is expected this resolution will lead to tlw exposure of numerous adicuies of speculation on the I'ailtlc Coast. kv The Approplatlou Committee recom mend the follow Ing appropriations for for tifications : For tlw tort at Fort I'olnt, en. trance to the San Francisco harbor.t30.UU0; original estimate, 830,000. For Alcatraz Ishud. J .'0,000; lor toricdo and lurbor ilefeuces, and for preservation of same, f 170,000; reduced Iroin original estimate of 8300,000. For contingencies for fort 1 11 citlaus, 70,000; reduced from 1)100,000. For surveys and reconuolsantvs of mili tary divisions and departments, 8S0.0OO; reduced from the original estimate ot 87S, 000 : For cnntluulne: exnloratlons and sur veys ot the Territories of the United States 8J0.0U0 : reduced from the orlcln.il esti mate of f 123.C00. No appropriations are recommended by the bill lor the fortifica tions at T.hue I'olnt, at tlw entrance of tlw harbor orsui Irauclsoo. Xew YoiiK,Jau. 8. The propot.d de monstration In Union Square, this morn ing, prou-d a failure. Not more thin 300 men appeared In little groups. No ono appearing to organize the meeting and a somewhat heavy rain prevailing, the men soon scattered, Muil'llis, Jan. 8. Much excitement lias been created here by the report ot tlw Urtml Jury of tlw Criminal Court with re gard to tlw Poorhouse, which they declare U a disgrace to dvllUatlou. The sick, the well, tlw sane, tlw Insane, black and white, criminals and simply unfortunate beings, are mixed together indiscriminately, w llli out regard to sex. They are balManred, flltby, half-clothed, and are beaten aud abused by tho keeper and his deputies. Js'KVr Yokk, Jan. 0. Ex-Shcrlff ilren nan lias been sentenced to llilrtr dars In jail for contempt of Court lu allowing Ge- uei to escape. SALEM, Wasiunoton, Jan. 8. Crcsswcll's Goy crnmrnt savings Imnk scheme Is considered dead lii the House, even If Iho procnt Pos tal Committee a majority of whom are nciliist It could lie reversed, hlnco Pres ident Orion's re low ol Crcsswcll's report In favor of postal telegraphy, tho latter scheme hardly nttracU any attention In Congress. WAittMiTns. Jan. 10. The President Ins nprwluteil Kilwnnl It. Geary and Ste iilien II. IJ?e, of Oregon, Geo. It. Hurl hurt, ol Illinois, Commissioners to exam Ino lira Xorthcrn Pacific ltallnnd from the nearest end to Tacoma, W, T. Nesinlth Is pushing tlw bill for a break water at Port Orfonl. The Chlcl of Knslneer's Unreal! reports against MiFaildcu's bill for the construc tion of a military road Irom Wallula to Seattle, which Inevitably kills the project. Present appearances Indicate tliat more than 8700,000 will bo appropriated lor Mnro Island during the year, being 4)100,- uuu less mm last year, ine reiuicuon win tin principally upon ine civil csmunin ment. Wasiipjotov, Jan. 0. Tho President to-day nnnilnatcil Caleb dishing to be Chief Justlco of tho Suprcino Court of Iho uuucii siatcs. Wasiiimiton, Jan. 10. It Is probable n stormy debate will taka ptaco on the con- urmjiion oi caitu ciKinnir. asms nomina tion docsliot give tallifictfou to tho poli tician here. At tho meeting of Representatives to- nigni, to cousiuer iihi suoject oi inanp tniusiortatiou, I.uttrell, of California, said ho was In favor of cheap and Swedy trauswrtatlou. Ho doslrcd the appoint ment ol a commlttco of nine to inako suJi sumrcstlons to tho Commlttco on Ilal roads and Canals as would express tho views of mis meeting in ncuaii or tlw general in terest of agriculture, ami Hut ilioy would vote for such measures at n ould accomplish the object desired. Ho said tlw fanners ot California were almost bankrupt by freight, shipping, railroad and dock rings, and tliat the tinners of his btate were slates to monopoly. Furtlwr discussion by tlw House Railroad Committee shows a unanimity In favor of the proposition for a Hoard nfCommlulonert to superintend ami regulate railroad administration, tho object being to secure tho public from op pression and proieut extortion and dis crimination In rates. The committee has agreed to nnko the term ol tho Hoard six years, and three of tlw nlno members me to retire every two years. Pim.AliH.rAtA. Jan. 0. Wool llrm, but not higher : stock Is scarce with a small bulnes. Colorado wasbcil.234i.10i:: Col- orado" unwashed, 223111c; extra ami ma. rlno pulled, (15'u!V0c; No, 1 anil siiwrllne pniicti. tuiHoc; 'icxas line anu initiium, 3i'ii35c; Tcxis coarse, 22ft2Jc; Calllornla flue anil medium, 30WJo: California coarse. IJaSOc. Nl.w YonK. Jan. 10. Tho InleixiultHt nis occn soiu to jnrucs wnomtiw itcv.ur. 'I'almnilge rejirescntcd, lorJJ0,000-J75,. 000 cish, and Iho remainder on tlmo, w tt Is real estate as security. 8100,000 was ofler ed for the tame property four years aeo. a. ...' .. . .. iMHASAfOU, Jan. 0. The Supreme iouri lo-uuy (inojuuges infilling, lie ciiktl tli.it tlio clause of the statu Tuiupir nucu ItwuuiUr which a ierson maybe lined for Intoxication, nud also be com lulled to testify wlierohe obtained his li quor, Is iinooii.llttillonnl. Ill i.i.n A, Jan. 10. A fire broke out about 7 o'cloik A. w. jc.lcrday, In thu tipper part otChluatonn. A heavy wind was blowing at the time, directly towards the heart of the city. Tlra tlru soon spread oicrtho wholoof Clilnutoun, and, dusplte Iho heroic clfurtsol Ihellriuieii and citi zens, Jumpcil llridge street, thence down both sides of Main Unit, ilMtroj Ing every building except hler& Mllkr'tsulooi', until stopiwil by Milieu A Ilosccnu's shodtoro and lioliui' old banking homo '1 hu cast slilo or Close street, and flic build ings between it and Main were also de stroyed. Kserj thing on Jackson street to tlw rear of tho ht. Louis Hotel was burned. nud up both sides of Worn! aud llrldgu streets to tlw lint cross strtc-r, cast or .Main street. Among tlw buildings destroyed and tho lieavv luosers are tlwlntemitlonal and Cosmoiwlltan Hotels, Travis' lliery liable and the First National and Pconlc Hanks tlw content of their Urn-proof Mi.lt. su. hII &r. l . o..d .Iw t.tnt.. valine nivj w,i Mill-, ai-u, ijiiii tv nicin, Goldsberg llros., lasvlnberg, and locb Hros., dry goods; Western Union Tele graph otllcv, (liucilt printing cstabll.h- mens, rvoeiiigiiier uros , touacco, nnn 1'arclwn A i'avnter. dnnrs. Tlw fire jumped to Filth avenue, entirely destroy lug Surveyor General lllalnu'i restdenco anci ine uwciuug aupiiiiiig, oanipieu ny Hon. Daniel Scarles, Itesldc the losses from tire, uiauy suffered heavily by mov ing, etc. At oue time it was thought that tlw whole town would be laid lu nslws. '1 he total lost U estimated at 8310,000; In surance light. Vk.-toi.ia, Jan. 8. The steamship Cali fornia arrluU from Sitka last Sundav and tailed for Portland on Monday morning. She passed Cape Flattery tlw tamo day. After being tossed about for 21 hours by a storm of unexampled severity, slw was comnelled to return Into the strait, aud anchor In Ncah Bay, but the gale still In creaslne site returned litre lad nlilit. aud will remain until the weather moderate. OREGON, JANUARY WAflltvoTOjf, Jim. 11. At tho caticiu of Ilenubl enn Senators til inr Sciiltors Kdmunds, Conkllng and lloutwell idvo- caieil ine coiiiiriiiniiuu ui iiniinii;. ncu were his principal advocates ; but those who spoke on tlio other sldo were fir more numerous, and bctorc thu discussion end ed It wns observed that Iho nominee's friends were In a minority. FlnAllt'ltwu Informally decided to ask tho Judiciary COminittco to can iqion lira rrcsnicni nun represent to htm the feeling among the He nubllcnn Senators ii lralnstlhu conliriiintloii. Opposition to Cutlilng I solely iioii po litical groiinus. Ciiicaoo, Jan. It. Washington specials given lively account of the CiishlugcuucHS yesterday. The Inltr-Otean't correspond ence states that If lightening had struck the room In which thu mectlns took pi tec. It would not havo dlstiircbd Cushlng's friends more than a letter produced and read oy air. surgem iroin cusiuug to ici fersou Davis, President of theContcderacy, When tlw caucus met It svas hilly attend ed, Cushlng'a rrlcnds feeling coiilldent. Mr. KdmuiKls opened, nud prcented tlw case for confirmation, but showed plainly that personally ho had llttto heart In tho matter. Mr. Sargent opposed Iho confirma tion bitterly, and reviewed Cushlng's rec ord, wlien lie gave way to Mr. Cameron, who said ho desired to Icavoontho noon train, but wished to Indicate his position. He then attacked tlw nomination with great vigor, mid said that If It were confirmed It would destroy the Republican party. Mr, Sargent, resuming, referred to Cush lng's antecedents, and coming down to 1SU2, produced an J read a letter by Cush IngtoMarcy, ol New Hampshire, de nouncing tlw war lu a style tliat would have dono credit to Vallanulnghain. Mr. Scott followed much In the strain of Sargent and Cameron. He would not sup port thu nomination unless It could be proved to his satisfaction tliat Cushlng wns sound on tlio creat nuestloiis crowluir out oflbo war, and he must have convincing pruor. Mr. Frelliighnysen followed and en dorsed those views. Mr. Hon t well bciran. but was consider ably embarrassed by tho letter Sargent rcau. no went on to say, now over, mat from his acquaintance with Cushlng since the war, he had Iwen led to believe that he wns fully committed to aril In sympathy wiiii mo nosiiio i oi ine itenuu lean itiriv. and that Iw believed Cushlng had been III avororwar. lie nan uaseii ins twiierou Ids Ncwburyrwrt speech In Wn. already milieu, lie was grcauy surpriscu nt mo cltcr to Marcr. ivhieh he liad lust beard a. " .. ....- reau lor lira lint inno. lownrJ tho close of HoutwcHs speech Mr. Kdmunds Intcrruntcil him to tny that ha had Just heart) n report that Cushlng had written n letter to JefT. Davis In ltMll, and ho lliouglit it Ju't and proper to men tion ir. Mr. Houtwell resumetl to elo'O his ro niaiks, and wlillo he was speaking Sargent uimo lu and was noticed snowing around wh it apptarcd to bo a letter. Mr. Kdmunds' statement created great excitement. Mr. Conkling was observed to take Sar gent' letter to tho window nud read It. Mr. Conkllng defended Cudilng, saying that he was like many other Ik'uiocruts, nt first opposed to thu war, but alternants loyal. After tlw speech ol Conkllng tlierei were calls on all sides lor Sargent to read the litter. He objected, sayliij: be had been rwiuestcil by Senators not to road it lu caucus but so many Senators Insisted that he finally read It. It was dated Washing ton. March 21. 111. and svas ai'drctscd to Jetf. Darls, and lead at follows : "Mr Dl'SllFlillMii '1 hi will intro duce In you inr friend. Abraham Powers. w ho lias been a clerk In one of tlw Deart ment bete for ttx or seven years. He leavis the semeo liere on account of his opinions, and, being n Southern man by birth and education, Is devoted to what Iw recants ns lilt country (tlio Confederacy), He his been ft contributor to Dtll')it'$ Jtc rietr, and Is Hilly acquainted Willi tlw questions which undermined and hau now nrokrn up I no American union. I commend htm to your favor tble notice, at a man who Is worthy of your confidence. "C'AUJi CUrlliNO." Tlw reading nf the letter produced an Imincuso sensation. Those wlta hid de fended Cushlng looked blank and amazed. Mr. I-ewls, ol Virginia, cried out to learn whether tho potlllcaldlsablllt.es of Cuihlug lad ever been removed, Thoctiicus wa for some time broken iqi. and Senators were In confusion, taktni; the matter ovir and asking again lor points. At last order wairettorcci, wnen uwasaionco ueciucci, without oonoslllon. tliat tho Judiciary Coiumltteo el wold w alt on tlw President and ask him to withdraw the nomination ol Ciublng. on tlw correspondence with tlw enemy during the rebellion. It Is believed now that after this expose Cushlng't confirmation U Impossible, WAelHNaTOX. Jan. 13. lu tho Hmie of HepreacnUtUet jeKenlav, llw IScnat tubttUuto for tlwHalary Itllf wag nitateil by a ota of 2i3 nyvi to 23 noea. Tlw bill nto Uw lrvU1fi t for approval, It rv- faUrlci to old rate 17, 1874. fjEWS IjEfO. From IliO Orcnltn vrd loirn that tti noMn ton irutiitrn, whtlfl tiRtfftHl dlifglnK ft wrll near ine t or in iftmuiu nrrr( ikicij lounu aiofwii Imman finspr perfect tn form, tmnnft Ibe iholli of a i)tritlcil cUm bnl. Tliat pajxr ukkcU that ft rvllo of tlto flood era liu been dUroYirtM. Jmiici btono w&i crowing tl ColumbU near 8(. llfloni UUlr, amllilti nkilTwaa uract. ami, after clinging ti tho keel a Ion? time, lie itrlflrtl on an iftUnd and was reaenrd in an cxbauitcd condition. JuHtico Darii of Portland 1 ft hit nmca awhllo thoollurutrand aimldtUIcr dropped In aud rolilnAl hi drawer of J10. Tho Hullotin v tlto Bocltt of St. Vincent Do Taul, having roctlrcdgencrout contribution, have concluded to comroenco at onco tho cifc- tlon of tlielr propottrd lionnltal building. W. H. Idd, Kq.. hit boon inirtrlng for a week from neuralgia and confined to hit room. A Mr. Murray, near Comitock'a atation, wat out for at hunt wh&n he wat attacked by a large ft, male, pauthcr, and after ft hand to hand fight, in which he received aerara InlurUa, he auccved r.1 In killing the furlout bout with hit knlfo. Ho brought In ft young cub wblcb he found near. A Mr. (oa, ft few mtlea belew town on the river, hat been arretted for the ted notion of hit aten-daughter. Jlouaettrehot "toM"at Albany, all UVin by now comert. Mr. L.K. Pratt bu tailed Albanr aomowhat Into tho notion of having ft Wooleu Factory to vq run uv ntnutm mgu nirr. O. P. Iliirkheart ahowt tho editor of the Dem ocrat ft beautiful gold medal awarded him by tho Btato Agricultural Society forth grcatott variety of cereal1, Corinthian Grange, Center rroclnct, Unn county, bat imUll.il W. K. Price, Matter, U. alii, Becrctary, and la tfouriaulnff and proapcr out. llarrtilmrg haa 131 pupilt enrolletl In her Eoblio achoolt, and regular attendance nam rrt.tU. Jotenh Blierti baa Iwen ro-arrrtted for tlio Bwott Home Valley tragvdyi caute,fnuffloincr of ball bond. Knmitho CorvAllli GntHU't Lft( Tueflay mnrntng. alKHit 4 o1(k, the bWkiroUh thonnt H. 7. iKnve, at rhltomalh, oatslitvovtreU tnltenn Are. U at a lwsinrr frame butt line li30 ft-ct. Immelialelr l4rren i no wagon tbopanil anotner tmailiiuiiiiinK. wiim uiuiTpnii, ids nnr mn wmiii on iirr. mv twi alarm wat Immediately given, ant the ellUent ntMinhltvl P1 wllhntit Are aiHAruuiexteitbUi k- et, lb lire wat tiiMuvl wlih"U iireallng tn eUher of lite erlkstnlntr tHitliltnst. end ulimllv tavlthe tile walltofilie btaktmUli thtip, Jr. nuwii " h tvu io tw. On the am of Uivcinber, County Depoty, Iter. A.SiinMnp,nntanUcda urangeln A Ik a valley, with eighteen etiarter memhert, Mnlkey Ternon wat c'ectwl Matter l II. II. ft arr,lxreiary t TIkmi. Uutucll, hi , Urerteer Mr. 8. iMitilie (.range In gtmil working order, and uinie uu.L delllted Willi ills II sill, .liiiKMniilift live plrtrsf, aivl Improving rnnllly. W e iinderttanl J. M. lterry lnteuU to enlarge hit lint iil tiAil Hurlntr. Mr. II. KlUkliiger. of Mt t lace, hi lntcnie-1 a new curvilinear ruin n, wnkuneininh mihnui prtior lotlieorilinary imnt.hutelbyhariieunMk ert. ail upon which LW hat applied firaleiit. from ttie loretttlruve Imlfjriutntt The itwelling bo(ie of Mr. MarkhAm dMtnt aiMHil lour nitlettonlh fsflhlilnun iHirnnlinilte KruumlTliurflay iiUhtofuut week. Mr, Mark ruim watata inrtvnt iisetiuio tpai.u iioiikehoki enH.tt were all 04tn-utmd. Ttie grata in the LMHjiia growt finely tlnce the 'ate raint. Tom k ken and Ituni Ilartla litve been bound urrr fur risbWnga ( hliiaiuanof 114. Mlttliwwn, ofMlrm, a young lair of line In. (eilcvtual awminlUtiinentt. nut been einnloveil nt attlitant I mi, her in tho l(oturg Acalitny. h. n liuruer ae lit lown, naiiiui juh ruiurnui from Ist'tow. wlura lteh.ii Ims rnirtltrtHl lit nrviib lilngllninffrtorihe l'atronnriliilntiiiry. iiieronerennV'iiin marruiir ifcirnni nnei from IkMiylai County Ctcrk't ofllie diirtrig It 73 Mr. IL M.l,iirntv. iMnlrict Ilroulv. Inform ththoorxanjziltfi(i Wh In "4 Yon alia Cirunitrt of Patron a of lluhan'lry with a memtwrMitj, 4f inemy-tUKrvMit, A. Mnib Hat tihown Matter attslJtC Dr'ln.Svrvitr), Tho Itinton Ih-i,vMTut Mil HtniLlton llrolliiri nre tn)ingonedotlAr a Ixushet V r wheal. It Wing the ml Vile of Iho i ear, ennilrAliHi nf i hutet bat bvou going on at tuo AgrWuliural Co' "Pi . . . We learn rrom Iho cit(fmltaif Klitseihe lttf Aliinul In, the whole nntnhrr ef money nrdcrtW-iied It Pot4nuiier I'mierMm hfti U'iii trtua'h rtAled Tor Niiiut. Itl.U'J f fuuionunWatoIsL 1U l.llnrnVri il I t.MJftll ian remiupfi in Drpusnmry aii,onmni.ii,(io iti. Thli we heller In b a hetler khowlnv; atvtnllii- to our lsoimtailon lliau any uher tuwn tn uir Nate uin niaisv iriiaf Mute .i. jvscruix LiTr.Jtn.Ath. 174 Kn IH'Aitnl-PUaiiiglvo the folljMlngnotk,e In j-mir net lnie: 1 herety ti4lfy lh efflt ert e fall nrKtiiUedftran. get of Ihu Pttmutof llubaiwlry In laite.MiBtyli amuieai TAiitHi iiy on iitesmii i winntrr, IS7I, all nVUk I. M. A full attendim, It re iMM'tsiel, a iMitlnevi of linirt !' willsnnet fs.re ihetiraiigu. II.N.llii-u Ici.3l. IMI.fi rlsftuvCo Tlia f dlowlntf U tlio limt) iipler UMuimm trir Mclts-I In Ihe Oniton litv P(Mlifllt.e ilnrlug lie year Ivttt Tutal inmilN.roffrderil'nol, ffMito lal anvHint for onlert, 10,hi ui: free tn mum. M wji.uintsrtr ofonlert iH, UJiftnfiuul uiisf on mum. fJ.O M The Jl't'uMtniH Miri, Theawfalile(irtiriyofNlkionty,ttiiowu hvtlie atrtMinjiii Uiokt, aiiwunia tn l4u,ru. Ihttiax levy It'iateuii inilU ll kilUr. The itKlerlot vx Mxiniy tsuriixt U IIZ,3iJ It; Imt Nate.rJ.0Jl AH furtshoo. II Wf ii. The iMtl tai to be ralM-.! rr liU U WVA to. NonrDarlon, W. Taftfwdayttlnsw, an affray rwuiirrott Urf ween two wvu named Cbaiwller atnl lUiirkln. The former ttitdil the latter with atnsiie UngiuiKo ' drew a knife and ItteMher tiut;hl on a tirrfruh-lrtfidlng rtde: but U fore lite ti1iveiilslbeuMiihaiuau wbohwlM-Ue! ll wai khUhktddown by Lit antaout!. Cluudler wai tiienly lutten uierlhe he I tilth Dm gun. Hit prMlblhe mny reuover, tmlooeejelt !, IneM at Caantt 1'ralrl. hurt hern Idaho. Iut m,m MierstjavouHsa, vitimstiiiMtn jn. nnoio uut from hit tllc-bt2tlMisltriUv while ri-ll "g 1 lmliton He had itltmoouted loilchtvu the tlrtht M'U 6fhlt wMklle, wlien hit berMiiouk ntg'iiawl Ttn k away from Mia, and lefvf e Use animal wat twm f red, lite uioiiey w at Jut n reiiu. giMV. iwrwr. lurmvrir lot-AMiniuai iwi"n, wtiolaielr hud hi ftt bwllr tnuen while hunt In, eattlelniU Yakima Vtlkr, weni I M alia W alia ar mlival at, where it watfuuad ne-eary to auimuir l4b efhbj feet at the auklejujit u or der to taiehU Hie. A rood norlionor tuadeatrura frofli Iheilii fcrrnt im mi Montana Territory have availed thstutUree of the Prvtidtnt'a proclaioation Volumo V. Number 48. granting all inch fre panlont who returned to duty beforo January 1, 1971, and htvo returned to their npcctlvo companion. Tho iwtitourgnwn, tleoiye Kelly and Charlet Ilnniiell, who MriareinrrctM tonie Unn? age for ft wiinlomui nMiilt en a lr. I. W. AK-rton, at Walla Walla, W. T., weroeommttleit to lull In ite- unit or 11,0 wu.ii. Tho bark Mary (llorcr, uhlch iftited from Nanalmo with a load of coal fur Han Francitco, got about ttity mltra outtldoof Capo (lattery when the commenced leaking to luMlly that iho wat fnrcod to put Imck to lluyal lloadt. A Inly itnmeil Mr. Miowcrt, ri fidlng on tht cnnicr iifrunrtcfs-tithnivl Altlcrttreeti, on batur tlnr lnorntng fll nnl broke nnp of ber unit. tnn..l,riiiitrtt.kilie,tntneivnlantt;iiyjall on fiimlrtv evining. He a uuUr arrctt on a itiarKCofdrunkcmicM Durtns the week emtio on Wednesday latt.tba inn took rrom Kngene t'itr f n t lUIUtrt etaliou thlrieen huivlrcdtontnf ulieni, lh now tteatn wiw mill nt Uinllner, noartho mount untie trmnnna, tsclunglng to HlnUl CM li nctrlv i nmnleh'd. Win, KU'lnier.a wolUknownntkkntof Port laiwt, died on I rt Uv lat. On YVednciidty evening of lut week SeatUtt wat illuminated fur tho fint tlmo by gat. Bit teen veetrla wero recently iioticiil entorinf the harbor In Port Tuwutcnd In one day, A rurcoofLliinuMtlituiittiirtil mar Lvwltton, diirctng n rae ftr a (lour mill. Tlw wtmrf nfthe Oregon ftpmthln Ok la liter ally lnwloil down Willi vstwiU, floor ami other irbk.tt. awaiting litmient. Three hundred loot of ke have ftlready been put tip Kl Iho Pallet, twoMet vihnt Hie U. 8,N. t' bare liniiMil. W. K. Utt I ti etlll tfonrtneil to bl boute by Ill nets but not con aide ret ittngeroiit. The fW loty for the prevention or cruelty to aoU matt It lu oi rn I ton al Port la ml. Cat t. A. C. Ktrai north dtcl at Aitorla oa ilondrtv. The tMltamctlertilef, Iho new mourner of the W. It.T.Cn. wat iheti fully launvtied)eterJay aDernootiln the itreteike of a large toivourte.lo iiiMing mtny in'iir. nne wiiici r.Dtwv bn retjidy fr a live terrtce In about a nninih. The new holler for the Willamette Clilel It duo at Portland on ttie bark Hlval, now on the way from Han rrnnJxiu. AOinntllor thedrangeanf tho Northern part nfilmHiaieand W. T wm htthl al lnrlltnl vee lenbiy ant ercanifed wtlh rlwtn Porteiif Clat.k amtt county Prrthtenl; W K. Cmptell t( Mulitionuhai Ke PreMdimtj ft. P Ivorciack a man, htvrrury, aiMl Jawb Johntonof Multno nisiti. Trratnnsr. The MMltiin anve about ilflv delegatetwcro reteii anl much fntcrett taken. The W. K. T. ConpiBf . Tin Wlltamctto Tmtisportntlou Com unr lint l.iuiulwd another lino new boat nt Port In ml which will eoon bo rtndy (or tho rlt cr trade. 'It Itncws-wry to main tain n filr orpoiltlon hi freighting to se cure rcuioimblo nttoa a ml M company coinoi lu os tlio competing furi-u whldi M.ncmsa cheik iiou tlio railroad and tlio other river line, which arc virtually oper ated In tho tainu interest. Wo aro In favor of a-asonablo coni)ctUIoii and no company run Us trmtcd nUli control ot trudi or trnnrOi(ntloiMltlioiit n crrtalnty ot bo coming nil exacting monopoly, tt arc nwnvd thot tlw owncra of tho Canal and I.otk can at ny tlmo recolvo alxty thnuviiid doll.irapcranmim fur a tea jeir1 It ate of ihoeo work and yet thev pnA-r In ojietato them In connection with a good line of river Itoata. and that should inako fi lend lor tlwin itti tho jK-opIo and with tlw tiurvluiiitt who nro dticmlcnt on Iho prosperity ol tho peoplo for thtlr ittc- CiM. Our only hope for ntnlntng competing itcaineraon llm nctaii I lift In uptortlng tliuopHwltlm lluttof rtterbOsiU whUhcau lio dcjH'iided on toliirhMi tlii'iintltlibiitl iiom. It U not to Ij exMct(d tint tho tncrclnnlt of Portland will ft the wmo lnUtut In clK,:iH,iiIng latght to Halt KmuclMM) that cniinlry tniriliauts and thou ofothertouiu ilo, tticnforo, It U tu thu IntereKtof our imrvlitiita in well a. itnxltux'ntofurnMi a ftlrhiroorupnort Inr Iho coinii-inv uhltli ollira tho only iiow for otvjin couihIHIoii, Tho ocean stiuinrr trndotuiho Colutubti rlicr h n moiMinoIv and n iui I ml' ono. nud oitra'Ato hit a liemy Kuinliry luUret lu securing n w Inilntouio eoiiiKltlloii tlmr, nn vcllai lu intliitulnluifttiecouiiielitloii whkli now cxl-tiontliu Wirnmtltt. Mill ngntn. uu nnllo tho great need lint Iho npKT Wltltmcltofcliillltotkarctt ofohviriklloiunnd nnulo niiicirlt'nt io aihlooivti tu iiavlgnlloii timing tlo carl fill nioutliMiud Inut Ua uiittcr tlw . It. T, Co. nioro Intrri'ttid In than any onoil'c. 'I ho other lino It ptrliapi satU (led Ifilin ftelhtt go by tlw railroad, and, ntulliiimtr. It Unot u cunipt'tltorngnluit tho nud, lUivloru. It U iiciv4arv In wturo tuMIiloiiul li illicit for frtlgldt, ThU Unf fiihhd bv menutnf tho Ctiuil nud f,rxk and Ihu Ixtat u hit li run lu oMinoftloii with them, and tlit-v iuut bu Mipporttil by a filr slitm of puMlu mtrutiiJu.-"ififfj .VufflMlll. Wawiingion, Mils 12. Sfintor Mitch clPe bill appropriates fV),WK) for tlw pur cli-iMfof material and n pin rat in lor a prl vntoaiay ollloo In J'ortland, Ongon, aud Dm iipiiolntinfiit of n nrcoMiry ofllocrt for tlw etUhlUhtneut of a (lovemuiiit ay olllcu. An ottlco nt that ilut, 51 ltd i ell lu tho letter to tlio Trunin ry eMirt tnent urges, would Imj tlio menus ofac comoilAtliiza lanro nroducthe cold region on tlto Northern raelllo Cntiat, wtvlug tin iieccwtry uiarges to miners aini im venting a largo annual expoit ol gold to China. MmKrinaii, Director of Iho Mini, wrlteaa letter hi n-nlr. lrlvlnc Mltihcll's bill hU otllchl cnttormcut. n in r luhciaca Juti. 1 J, liroenbackj, 'Lite rnlu to-ilay Im Ind a depressing ef fect on tlio Hock market hi CnlllornU street. Wcattier oil tlw lurbor tliUk au1 fvggy. n earner aouuy.