Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1874, Image 1

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W .2
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1-3 ffl
$2.50 per Year, in Advance.
fEWS By TELEqEf(f.
XkV, Yoiik, Doc. 23. Tim Tribune to
morrow will publish a i-eeond letter from
ltandolpli A. Wlttliau, Jr., ulio was n
tacngcr on the Ill-filed steamer Vlllo tto
J lava1, to his lather In this ilty. lie
write as follows :
'In my last I gave you a kcteh ot my
experience In connection with the linking
ofthe Vlllo do Havre. I will now give
yon my opinions concerning the cause ol
the disaster: Front nil I can gather from
olllccrsntid men, I coiichnlc that the blame
lies entirely with the olllcers on watch on
the steamer, whose ilnty ll was to get out
of the LoclionriiV wav ; anil It appears that
Instead ot doing this lie did thu very oppo
site altering the course of the steamer so
ns to run rlirlit ucro-.s tho bow of the l.och-
earn ; at least, so says the olllcer who was
on watch on hoard the I.ochearu at the
time of tho collision, 'llio-o In charge ol
the steamer alter the nccldcut , If It can hit
called ueh' had occurred, while thu ship
was sinking, ay that the olllcers ami crew
behaved In a most cowardly iiiauner. The
latter I know, and theiefore believe look
lug out lor themselves and leaving women
and children to do likewise tho only ex
ception I saw being that of Dr. C'badmoiit,
whom I noticed, three or lour minutes be
fore the ship went down, going below. 1
told him he would not have tliiie to net tin
again, to which he answered that he tnii-t
look utter those who were ciu'hcd In the
state-room. Ho never camo tii again.
Of Captain Siirmoul'-i conduct I know
nothing. Thn-o who nw him speak well
of hlin. and I don't think he is directly to
blame for the collision, although ho is to
blame for not having hi crew under better
discipline, and for not having his boats in
n condition to be promptly lowered. In
great contrnt with the demoralized con
dition ofthe crew was the woudcrlul cool
ness evinced by the paengers even wo
men and children ; no screaming or run
ning about without nn object. The women
were In knot, iirnylnir uiiletly, while the
men were looking? nmund for pieces of
wood, or were inauiig ciiort to get one oi
tho boats, which the crew had abandoned,
clear ot the .-lilp, so that It nil0'ht lioat be
fore the vcsel sank.
Nt:w Yoiik, Dee. 21. The Jury In tho
trial ot ex-Mayor Hall returned n verdict
ot not guilty, which was received with
thunders of applausu by tho spectators In
Xi:w Yoni. Dee. 21. A Stuto Grancc
ot the Patrons ol Husbandry has been or
ganized in -ew Hampshire.
liOsiOX. Dec. 21. Solicitor I lenly gives
It as his opinion tint women cannot legally
serve on the lloitou "school Committee.
Four women weie choicu to that portion
at the recent election.
Xkw Yoiik, Dec. 21. A story Is told
to-day tlut Harry Oner, the King fugi
tive, is on hlswaytoltlo.laiiclro, on boa id
a yacht, provisioned nud lilted out for n
long voyage last week. Kx-Treasitrer
Taylor, oi Jersey City, U also said to be
on hoard.
W'AMiisoros, Dec. 21. The Puelilo
Mall Company will proh.dily he unable to
obtain tho increased subsidy for tho China
mill service by tho 1-t of January. Tho
Government interposed a technical objec
tion that pirt ofthe extra service was per
formed In wooileu ships In-tead of Iron, as
the law prnvl les. This trouble was tho
cause ot the recent orders reducing the
China sen ice to monthly trip1.
A colored delegation, composed of Geo.
V. Downing, Fred. Douglass and others,
had an Interview with ltepre'entatlve A.
II Sttnnliitne nf f2nn,-li ti.itit Mr s,l,-
pbeus freely admitted that colored men, as
cltlcu, wcro entitled to run practice in
their civil rights without invidious pro
scription, but tlut it was the duty of tho
respective States, and not ot the Federal
Governinent.to act In order to secure then).
Wamii.m.TOS, Dec. 2d. As there Is no
absolute necessity for heavy appropriations
for tho Improvement of harbor, rivers and
fortification, under the Engineer's Ilurcati
of tho War Department, the estimates tor
such Impiovcineuts, ntnoiintiug to twenty
inilllou dollar.-, will probably bo reduced
to three millions.
lMimates in tlio 1'ost Olllco Depart
ment have already been -o tiitit.Ii reduced
that no further eMen-lon of the It illroad
or 1'ostal 6er Ice cm be made during the
fiscal year.
Washington. Dee. 27. Tho President
has appointed t'alel) Ciiililng as Jllnl-ter
to .Madrid. The nomination will Ikj cnt
to the Senate Immediately on the reassem
bling ot Congrc. Ciishhig has Jut bad a
short Inter low with the President In ref
erence to the Spanish .Minion, which he
lias accepted.
Washington, Doc. 2". Tho growing
conviction that tho President will nomi
nate 1'lerrppont If Williams Is rejected Is
strengthening the latter and will secure
hU contlnnatlen It, ns bis friends claim, he
Is exonerated from the charges affecting
his peronal Integrity. The failure to nom
inate Kverts, or Curtis, or Hoar, for Chief
Justice, Is turning the entire liar against
Cihcaoo, Dec. 27. A Washington spe
cial savs the Orecon opponents of tho cou-
rirmatlon of Williams are renewing their
efforts during reecM. They liuve not as
yet tiled any additional charges, lut de-
dare that his rejection Is certain. There
Is but little doubt that he will retire from
the Cabinet In the event of his rejection.
Nkw Yoiik. Dec. 20. Orange Hotel, at
Turner's station, on the Krlo Itallroad, was
burned last night. The building wa 41H.
feet long and three stories high, mid be
longed to the Krle 1t.illro.ul. The hws Is
not ascertained. The road Is temporarily
I'litt.Ai.'.i.riiiA, Dec. 20. Tho wool
market is steady and 111 in: Colorado
walicd, 2".3.10e; unwashed, lSjt20c; extra
.and merino pulled, -I ...it 1 5c: No. 1 and su
per pulled. -12jfl.ic; Te.xas line and medi
um, 27ni.l0e: Texas coare. 1Si22c; Call
iorut.i line and luedlum, 27(XU'.
Xi:w Yoiik, Dec. 2J. The iwW
special says that the resignation of(!eneral
Sickles as United States Mlnl-fer lias lieen
olllclally ncivpted.
Xi:w Yoiik, Dec. 21. Congressman
I.ulliell savs wltli reference totliocoin-
iileuts on his vote on the Hilary bill that
he consulted and voted all the way through
with Hale. Cox. Cassnu uud other leading
memlers In favor ofthe total repeal and of
reduction to old .iy -tf.i.u.n. lie also
voted against all amendments calculated to
prevent the total repeal, uud Ibeieloie
voted ngaliit the sub-tltuteblll, which was
Dually iiis-eil hy oiio majority. Using the
p.iyat;il,fl0O. an lucicaseofat least J.MiO
per milium.
Xl'.W Yoiik, Dec. 27. The Times, Tri
bune and World publish a very able letter
lioni I'resldent Orton, ot the Western
I'nlon Telegraph Company, reviewing t lit:
l'ost master GenenilV lecu.nineinl.itiou ri
gardlug the postal telc-vaih. Thcc Jour
nals s,iy editorially that Ortou euthvly ills,
poses of tho argument, lie shows by sta
tltlcs that o far from liiure.i'ug tele
graph l icllities tli it Government control of
tho telegraph iuut Inevitably bu inoruex
peii'lvo tliuii by exNtlug arraiigemeuts,
mid will thus either deteiToato the service
or do it at a great loss. In ulikli e;i-e llie
maes mut be taxed to pay the expenses
of the telegraphic service for tho small per
centago of the people who employ It.
Though dlgnllled and resiectful, Orion's
letter Is n sovoro catlgatloii oft'reswell,
for Ills Intel lereiieo with pilvalo rights In
a cum; wiieru lie does not Miow enougu oi
the essential elements ot the iiiu-lloii to
see what ho proposes iiui-t inevitably ie-
tard or iiclcat mo puiille good, which lie
professes lo deiln'.
Xi:w Yoiik. Dec. 27. JavCooku avs
the fears of holders of Northern I'.iclllc
I'allroid bonds are uroiiiidless, and that
the load has little debt, except to Cooke A
Co. Ileldes Its bonds there is a llr..t lieu
upon 11,000,000 acres of laud, for which
tho company lias already received patents.
There is al-o it lien uimii .i."iS miles of tall.
raid III actinl oeratloii, which e lined a lcain Niipco. is evidently lignting tor
Mirplus over cxiienes l.it year, ntul must i better terms.
constantly Improve, ns it Is developing The receipts from tho Internal revenue
trade by Its connection with the I'pperllo December were $.1,0I2,0S.'!, an Increase
.!-oiiii river, nesiiie, ii-s i aciuu iiivii-
Ion. connecting Puget Sound with tho Co
lumbia river, mii-t becomo protltalile.
Cooko thinks llie pre-eut cMmp'iny will Iks
able to carry the io.nl and eventually com
plete It.
Xr.w Yoiik. Dec. 27.-Tho will of Mrs.
lion llnllail.ie. iiirtdi. last Ain'iietnuil sue-
eessfnlly coute-led hi f ivor ol tho will of
ii i, was very itiincaie nun ecct'iuiic in
many ol'lls eondltlnns and nrovUlons tor
contingencies. It gavo her property clilelly
tnlier sou. Hen Holladay, Jr., and not any
to her surviving daughter, Cuvandrn, but
t;ciieniiu Known anionir ner nieiids ni.iw.uw,
Polly, wltoot H.irou HnIere, of France.
Tho will of 1571 gave everything lo testa
trix' husband, from whom, in fait, she had
received It. The recent will ('ill tn rcci-g-llle
tho husband nt all, and bore abund
ant evidence of sustaining the te-tlmony of
her physician, that .Mis. Hollud.iy's mind
was unsound fiom exces-ivo grief, can-ed
by the eiiddeu death of her oldest daugh
ter, the Countess Poiirtale. a few week
previous. While Hen llull.iday. Jr.. was
jiroponeut oinlually of thu will In Ids own
favor. It was undcr-lood that he preferred
that thu will In l.ivoi of his father should
lund. Tho estate Is hi We-tchetcr
county, and is very elegant and vahuhle.
Washington, Dee. 2.1, The PreIdeiit
fated emphatically to-day Hint the nomi
nation of Attorney General Williams for
ctiier .ni'tico would not lie wiiiuirawn,
andthathe luad never contemplated such
II tiling.
Wa-iiington. Dee. 21. A promliient
Henubllcau says that alter the holidays
Williams will rcpie't tho President to
w Ithdraw his name, fore-cclng Its reectlou
othcrwl-e. li'.lu ino.t of"tbe charges two teet sfneo but nlglit, nud at noon to
iigalli.t hlin vanlili with luve-tlg-itlon. he ! day it wo. HI leet abou thu level of water
U er oiisly coiupromised by the tcandal In
con-eipieiice ol the statements made by
- .. -.. . . - . ...
Lulled Mates Attorney Gll-li. or Oregon.
It las lieen vdd that a OOOciirrlage u-ed
hy Ids family was paid out of thu contin
gent fund of tho Di partmeut ot Judicc.
Iiauu has loin: siiictioued thu owucrdiln
of modest carriages for business pin poes of
Cabinet olllcers, nut tlio teerctary oi state
alone lias been allotted a coach, which was
ucees-ary in the cxcluiuge of diplomatic
civilities; but Mr. Seward never employed
It for his family who had a private eipil-
pge. iir. Ciiase wiicn x-creiarv oi tne
U-rs of his family from the use of thu
Treasury carriage. Senatoi who on gen
cnil grounds are well disposed toward Wll
Hams feel that thl' carriage business shows.
a l .'UK ot mat delicate scusiniiiiy which
should belong to the character of a Chief
,i list ice.
Xr.w Yoiik, Deo. 2i. The Cubans hero
are making preparations to provide for the
wants ofthe survivors of tho Vlrglnliis af
ter they have lauded In tills city.
Sr. I.on, Dec. 2.". Miyor llrown in
augurated a soup house. In a part ofthe
warehouse ltu.-.tcii on citv property ail
Joining the City Hall, Twelfth and Chest
nut streets, having been lilted up for that
purpose. About 200 men and women out
of employment were served.
Xi:w S'oiik, Dee.H0. Commander llns
well, ofthe Osslpee, makes the following
statement concerning the loss ofthe Vlr
glnliis, which was found to ho leaking on
the voyage to New York: On 1'iiil.iy.
Dec. 2iith. Commander Woodruw signaled
that tlio Vlrglnliis was leaking rapidly,
wltli tires out and pumps stopped, and that
(ho crew wl-hed to he taken oil. Hulls
were lowered Irom the Osslpee at day
light, and at 7 o'clock all on boinltlie ir
gtiilus were transferred to the former ves
el. As a heavy sea was running, the
work of removing tho crew was one of
much danger and dilllciiltv, uud therefore
Ihelr lives wore rWken In eudeavoilug to
avo the pei'Minalellects and other propel ty
from the Vlrglnliis. The hiwer ofthe
Vlrglnliis was cut and a buoy iittaelied to
mark the ioliion in ea-c she sank out ol
Ight. The O'slpee rein lined at anchor
during the day. At I :!. f. si. thu Virgin-
Ins, which had been gradually
went to the bottom. Tho top masts re
main above the sin lace. Hie Osslpee then
rcMiincd her voyage.
Tho released Vlrgliilus captives remain
tit the ('ilb.ui restaurant, l'liiu street, and
the scene there to-d.iy was one of groat
I'liglucer Knight, of the Vlrglnlii", says
that tho sentence of the coiiit-m.iitl.il at
Santiago was that the cntlro crew should
be hatii-ed nt the yanlarm, but the captain
of the Isabella Catollea did not want such
n spectacle on bis vessel, nud obtained a
change of sentence to death hy shooting
uud commutation of sentence ot seven
teen of the crew to the chalu-g.iug.
Kiii"bl, twoituaiterin.i-ters.'iiidoiie ol the
oilers weie accordingly sentenced to the
ch.ihi-giug for lite. Tho others, thirteen
hi all, of whom a number were boys,
were sentenced for eight and four years to
hard labor. A life sentence ot tills kind
Is legaided as wor-e than death.
The I. M. S. S. Co. refuse to continue
the combination, on thu same terms with
Iho l 1 It. It. Co. relative to freights
from New Ymk to San Francisco, and ml
veille to send weekly steamers, via Pana
ma! at l'jcts per lli for freight. Tho
" '! iimii t,"-","v" vei .ueiuiMi.
I'otal since the ItculmiliiL of the
year, I7.82H. I7U.
The engineer's stilke on tho I'.a stern
railroads, Iris ended, and they hivo
ngreed to accept reduced wages for the
llie nrt .Metiiodist Cliurcli tins ik-cii
, opened at thu City of Meico,
San Fiianci-co, Dee. 21. The value of
! wheat and llour cargoes hhlpped fiom this
i poit thu pieent year Is eatiiuatuU at 423,-
Slucv Chlel Cockilll came Into olllco thf
gamblers Irivo generally renuwed opcrav
tlous, and firo games are leporled to hA
iiiiitdng In neatly nil the old iprutcrs.
Then) are no new cases of small pox In
the Chlii'-eipiaiter. Chinamen nro taking
extra paliistoelf.iusulhu tretts,ninl alleys
In their dlitrlct ot the city, fearing the
A carrier nt the Vhnmfrh, Frank Kttlln.
was lined (120 to-day for stealing loplcs
ot the (. n' fiom ubcrlbers.
IbiN 1'iuscl.cii, Her, :l.
I'lider Piesldunt Grant's pn tela mat ion
I todi-citers liom the aimy and navy foity
I tlueo dc-oilcrs I'm in Ariz.ou.i h no icported
lor uiuy nuni,
Gieeubacks, OOaOlii..
Up to this eM.lilug 12 101(H) Inches rain
lias I illeu beie. Tho storm has a Vei v de-
pre.ngH!'cet " the holldiy tride, as tho
ircis are in u inn eiiiiuiiiiiii iur pvuve-
SaCiiajiknto, Dee. HO. A warm, geutlo
rniu lias ihs'II laiiiug aimn-i incessantly
shin; iiimiii V'tcrdny, Tim liver has risen
i mark and was rllug wiildiy. As tlili
mild r.iin extends to the Sierra, tho snow
will melt middle, nud a heavy rlst at the
ii . ,.. . . . ..., ... ..... Li ;.
head waters is anllclp-itti), mid thu I her Is
exiiected to leach a wry high point to
mm row. As tlio Icw-cs are, however. In a
seen r ii condition, no damage lo tho city Is
feared from Itoods.
.MaIiIiid, Dee. 21. The ,'rwi nuhll-lie
nj letter from General bltklc-s, declaring
that early In the Virginias dl-ptite the In
transgente of ilailrld prOK-ed to tnuke
a demonstration hostile to thu United
Slates. Tho Kieu denies tliat tliere was
any such Intention, and legrets thst Geu.
Sltkles took no palm to contradict the dls-
3, 1873.
patches reporting that such a demonstra
tion had actually taken place.
FitVNKniur, Dec. 21. rutted States
"i-20 bonds closed at ll" for the Issuo for
Issue of 1S02.
Hkiii.in, Dec. 21. Kinperor William Is
much better. Ho has Ihtii up nlUlay.
PAIllS, Dec. 24. Chevalier Nigra was
well received by President MacMabou yes
terday, and tho Interview was of u most
friendly chatacter.
Hojii; Dec. 21. Tho Hector of the
American College has lemltted to (lie
Pope !?2.",000 conti United by (lie faithful In
tho Fulled ''tates.
I.ONIKIN, Dec, 2(1. A pcchl dispatch
from Cartagena announces that Foit Sin
Julian, one ofthe strongest defence ofthe
city, has liven breached. An accidental
explosion In the I'enl-t Hattery, yester
day, killed twenty olllcers and men ofthe
besieging tot ee.
Mahiiiii. Dee. 2'!.- Fomieeii tlioii-nnil
troops, under General Marlomv. have let!
San Sebastian by sea. Their determina
tion is not known.
General l.omar, with M.OOOGoveiiimeiit
troops, temalus In (hi1 city.
A desperate eonlllet between u hand of
Carll-ts ami a Hcnuhlieau force, oocuricd
yesterday before Itoeayroiite. ill tho pinv
liico of Valencia. The Insurgent were de
feated with lic.ivy loss in killed uud wound
ed. .Municipal turhorltics of .Madrid hao
been suspended.
Havana. Dee. 27. The Prlet'ouit has
rondetned tho steamer Vlrglnliis as a law
ful pri.e.
Jews Ix58'
The Mc.Mium llie ltimrlrr hh)s: IjiI Hntur
dy evening Iho (IihvI TVmpluht of this plmv
met lit lliucoiieeoiuiii rutltMi ntiu renigaiunsi
the IixIk'h in Hits iliuv, ilis'linciicwullia'rs.iti'.
Tlii'.MiiiiiK iiiuii iMJIe, cliurKisI 'villi tlm niiir
ill r uf IIdIiIiIiis, whs iimiiliinl lofiie JuhIIch
lliiriiH uf (Irt-Kon ('ill, ntul ihsclmrRisl. tin re U
hiK iioreiiliiii'u vrluiUiw r to connect htia Hilh
tlm nun ill r.
Jlrovit lliijor (Ii in rid (IraiiKirii'iiiiuiiiuuliiiK
IhuTnrnlv-l list liifantiy, iitlml fruiii iuIivu
sirticiiiiii tlio llllli Inst. Tlio unuii'T will Iki
lllleil br I.ii ill. Cul. Alfreil Sully, of tlio Nine.
titiitli tiifuitiy.
'tlm Uiimi- tl i in fjnni'f I.. I'. V. Qulnil.y,
Hiliintiiln fuw mllis sniilli of fiirlhiiil, I ma Ihsii
Hililtn-Mr. (),('. I'lrklim.
Iliiuy JiUiiIisoii, ii farimr llilni; near IJit
rnrtuiiil, m run mir Iy ii tu.nli 1
11111111 ''
U nlav ami hail its Ii i: liiiili u.
Dr. (ililstllu, ntti iiiliug siukiiiii at llie liiili.
t.iry liiii.lipiiiiliis in l'nrtlaiiil, lias tiinluiil his
rislitiiatinii, to LikiiitUet tlinlllli of .lime next.
Mrs. TIiiiiiiiis Itmtlcy, nf Cuiirmnli. fill lst
neik. bte.iltlnu her nultli. fiiilu wlileh slm lias
siiK-n kiiIIi ml nMrily. Hlun. "iav liiiprniiiiu.
tlm iicintsof Hut 1 iuiiii ns luil at l.uniiii'
Citv nn Clnlstiiins i:iiMirenur I'JOO,
Dr. Ilanllmriiu Iniitcl llui Inmate nrlhu In-
s.uiu ss-rluiii to u itruinl illiiiur on ClinMiii.ii
Tlio K1U.M10 Cilr (inanl iiii(miiicis tlm ilialli.
1111 h.itiint.iy iiihiiiIiik. nl .I11I111 11. KIiiimIiI, till
turortliom.iti'.lniiriml. Cuiit. H.i m llnhiiiH, Mini unit to Onklaml,
Cal. Iur his health, is leihutcd to lm f.illin;; ruii
l.llv. Will, Darby, nf Aiiiimtillc. has bad his lift
arm huilly liruki 11 by u kick fium 11 luiro uhlcli
m hllehiil Inn fiiioii.
Vessils ilul.uneil 1h l.nv by Ice In tlm llur
11I1. nn HI. HiUiis, hitveruiiuiiciiiiil to iiriho at
llinwt .Major (Hmrul Abuir Duiililiilay, emu
niamlliiK lliu Tiiily-I'iiiirth liif.oitry, ntlnil
Iroiu-Huuwurrrtpo-rirr thr-lllilnt. l.li-m.
Cnl. JiMvph II. I'ntlir, nf thu I'imuiIi Inf.nitiy,
Hill iiSHUinnriiiniiiaiiil,
' Tlio Albany Iti'Ki'H r tells Imw smlmalir
IUjiihumI isulilo to tie.it Ills fill mis tun ('hrlsl
uias wktiTiuilnii, hiving prmerrnl 0110 in K'
niili-r 1111I1I thatilay.
Tlm l.llirary Hm'icliisnf tlioAllinny Cullegl-
11I11 limtllilli) l'iitu uii 1 iiKriaiiiiui 111 urn iiiib-
rsiviii-iiliiK iui 11 was ii in c men nuwisv-'
rsCUIllllI hliumi Mlll.irilll hi 1,11111 riniiiiy
eull a iiiitlri(rnt'lr.liIi,fc?Tini Jaiiii iry III for
lli, purmaul oryuiiului; a County Mwlic.il Ho
cii ty.
P. II. Itoiiniaii Inform, tlm lluitnn Domnerat
lli.itlio liu. fuuiiil, nn hi jilaeo, at Hprinn Hill,
In this enmity, a linn lislo nf enal. Tlm rrni
piiiK's am fi.iiiul at tlio nan r's iiIko, ami aUo at
the .1111111111 nf lira hill. Tlm xiii ns.uu to bu
nlH.ut tniir tut thiel..
J'l.tc-riuv nt On 11 run. At a n pilircoinmu
iilcalinn nf H1I1 111 IkIki'. Sii. I. A. I', ami A.
il.. hi Id nil llie VCllllllsl.. the fiillimini; nllio rs
wire ill cli il lor tlio niulii,f .Mmmnlc. Viur, M. .
Dr. Dan'ir.iytoii. W. 31.; Win ilill.r. H. W..
J. II AlUrl. J. W i K. N. (IIIIIiikIuiii, Hiit j
Hotilro I'arrnr, Trias,, amir, W. (.'arlwriuhl,
Tvli r.
Tlio Vainlilll lUpurhr lianm Hi. la lit tlti K 1
nf Mr. Von m;' wu w:itiily tculilid a fiw i.vm
iiiR. iiii 1) by falllliK III a p.111 of hollhiK liinlasui h.
Thochililriii were iiiiMiik mum innlasi ramly
iliiriiur llm iitiM'iicn nf tliilr ).n 11U, ami Iho lit
tle Kir! liwlu u iiilt 11 ami frll Willi niiukiity
intu the uu, Tlm child wai pulnfiilly bunnsl
whcretn tlm niiilawo tiiiU'hiil,
A man callhiC lilniMlf Jainn I'. Hiliiie. nn
arri.Uil at ()rrf.'iu Cil) nn 1'rlil.iy nlulit last, Iur
ti'kluiK 11 Imrw! fium Mr, N. .S. Huhllii., who
lunUiiil tlirtr link fium IliU place. Itap
iai tlut l.e .tolii IliolmrH) at iiujht, ami nut
Mm; Umlllar with virion fri-mail In that
riKiou. Iiofiminl biniu'lf In tlm inoriiiiiK iu
fronting tho t cry plx 0 win rn ho h.ul tulo the
hurwi Irniu thu uilit Ufurc. Ilu waa arrcalnl
ami bruiiKht to town. All iiaminatlnu was In lit
Ufoio Jn.tke Ilnnii. Dillno .s put in Jail Ui
await tlio actlnii nl tho mil (I11111I Jury.
Oiunty Dvputy, Itar. A. Hiinioii, orKanlAil a
araiiKuatlhbtcbccl boiisu in Kllii:' valley on
Urn 13lbbf Di-ceiaUr, with twi ntj.fmir ihartir
nieml.r. ItichanlJ. (Irani wa cltcud Mas
ter and 0. (, Nrl.ou, HicreUry,
The Uorralll Uauttn Kin .tlrrlni: account
of thu lining of aiiiu.aiwiii.il nauiul William
trlvktl, wuo prncurcu a inrco-iuiisi puciuura
.lid .ucn-Mfnlly iltfliil til atUanpts to arret
him, Thl .tain nf tliliu;. Ia.ti.1 furMTeral day,
and finally bu took to jimakiuu .lujw wimlon.
i i
Volume- V. Numbc-r 46.
with bis wrdrsm. Noirly n hiuulrisl cIIIamui
Irieil, iiiisuccrpffiillv, lo lake him, lint he dolled
them all. Ho llnalfy "iHirrnwisl" n borw that
wariuieiileiilly nt linml nml nvldulf, but was
iiiirminl by tShirhT Paliuer, nhn riplaiiii'il lo
lilm lliathu wiiuteil htm to K1' lark nml clio
evlilciiee UKiiiii.t lliimo who li.nl tllef-ally at
Irmpled to nrri-st hlin. Tho ShcrliT iurmiai1iil
hint to Kiwi up Ills pitchfork nml then inailo him
an eaay eiiptlM'. Ilowas adjudged in.auo and
cut to tlm Asylum.
An eld resident iiitmisl Jnlm 1'. Waller, wan
run in rr by a atnrt ear Hitunlay. Ho was
rriMaini; tlm tmrk lie fore tlm ear, mumhled, fell,
and wimriui mer by tlm ear, painlul woiiiiil
Wing hitlli'tcd alsiut Iho hi'.id, fiu'ii nml led hip.
.1. 11. iiriiHioiii, niiiiy nu uiuicriitkrr ai uiu
rllynf I'orllciud, I llioin'rnou ri'fiirrd toby
tiKwnpli a Ii.uIhk li'iiiiilmiT-lsmnl from thn
.tinnier (bill inline, nil Cape Mendocino, on her
list iluwii triii. Ho liml n.iilisl many year iu
l'nrtlaiiil nml b.nl f.Vl hi his iHissessliin. lliu
ilnmiHllo riliitions wero unhappT; tm Iwcnmo
iliHsipatisl, his wife priH'iuni a divorce unit ho
wan en his wav east. Ho had nt 0110 lltuo nci;u-
uuiiiiiisi iMiisulcrauln prois rly.
Tlm pas'rn contain tlm 'ilrlnlls of 11 ter
rible nlfrny nhli'h oi'i'iiriiil I'rlday nt I,nir
ami A (IIsoih Ihthery, near W. nlpsirt nn tho
Cnlumlii.i hut. A iuui; limn mimed
Charli'ii l'i h rn.ni, aed i, inekiil n ipiarrel
Willi lljron Sheppiril.wliiiMi wifohmlri lusul lo
1I1111111 with IVtriimii at a Cliristnii 1iiJI,Ikmuiii
lm wa liilnilentiil. Hhippanl wn p.ilng In n
ImiiI, Ik'uikhu a I11111II11K exi'iusion, nml wn
eoiiis'lliil tiiilufuul liiinmir ngalimt I'iIitsiiii'
nmuull 11ml llinsii prisentfiiiiud It iniwwsllilu to
ii'Htraiii him. tin w.ieomliij; nu Nurd Hlicp
(.uil' UmI when the litter tlnsl, IVterrou fill
into tlm wall r, KWiim ashore, ami laid down, lie
died tho lioni illy. Hheppird pile liinuilf up
hut was ni'uiiitli il a hai uiuaeti d in self ibTinso.
Two other tiieii rcci hid seieri'lnjiirlriialrlving
to 11 .train l'eleron, IIuIk-iI Marlel wn knock
ed oiorhiuiiil anil ttmt hi i;un J Ii. Ii, Morgan
wa .lint tlirniiKli Iho left lniml, nml I.iwimti hail
aill.lolintiil .ImiiliU r mid nlhi r Injiirli x.
David Chabner, IIvIiil' In riiamint Vallny
nlniiui leg wn nmiiiititisl Ust week hy Dm. Kin.
liny and ('aiihrill, I inipriiinm, ami thorn I
Imp4i nf hi lliml nstneiy. Tin 10 1 a iiriilmbill-
IV nf tho IUUVi.,itV of Alillilllnltlii, Ilu, rl,,ll I....
-i.. ' ' -
Tliorjlinihni lnvo Iki'ii Isind, nt Wlllamotto
lion Wurk. for Iho W. II. T. Cii.'Hiicwiileaiiicr.
TliujKlit jiiiouof l H, Disliii't Cuntl I11.ru
lx en iUH'h.iri;iil for tho term, nud e.ise ni;iihi.t
(I. YV. JoIiiihoii nml It. Heiiilrio, IIIclmI voting,
have lieen ilislnisMsl, nml they hale isill IhiuiiiI
mil' tomt.weriit Iho mil linn nf Court.
l'roin tho I'ihm ll.iv Nun wn Iriitu that a Her
man Company iKiiialit Urn llil Pninin Ans'ii.ta,
nml noltiliiK ImvIiik Iki ii luird of hi r ulnen oho
Hall. il lii.ni H II 'Valii'in'il I" I'ih l!av. fi 10 nro
interiaiiiiilol hir..ifilv.
.MurHhllclil i erailunllr inuTrmhii!. nml i an
inliriui'iui; Inwu; a new wluirf i l.-lng run
.huetisl liiruti litiiu tliuCiutral Hulcl It land
Thu llltlnnli.miiHi'hii)Ui'r('urili'llahad conn In
Han l'runciM'o lium tlm Cixpilllo rlur, liuiled
with produce mid linnlxr.
Train will niil.irly 11111 nvir Urn N', P. It. It.
from Kataina In 'IVominltir II111 1st nf Jnnu
my. Senator hilly wrib that thuiliUy in build
lut; tho Point Adam l.iulil Huii.o l.'thin lo tlm
ilillleulty In ohUhilK n llllu In tlm cinitcinplatiil
At last nreounl, tlm Ion wa rmiiiltiif fns ly hi
lliu Ciiliuiitiia liter, iM.t Vancouver, ami Uiu
rinr wnnH'ii fium lltiisl i1er to tlm Dalits.
Tin ro urn now thl! pilient Hi Iho lu.uimAiiy
him at I'll! l'nrtlaiiil.
(J. W. liuiiou of Iho Aim iIcju .hip Akbnr,
I iimli riirristini rhari'unl erin lly maltrialiiiu
n sillier nu Uiu hl;li ai'it. also his tlrxt Inato, ami
liavncliiu Imiiil fur apnnriiuisi lliro tho V.
II. Ilistrut CdiiiI.
ItflV. Allrt K. My. or lliu M. II. Clinrrb,
dlisl at hi rusl.li'iii'u nu lh" Niiehtsis rlvi r, Yaki
ma county, W. T., Doe. II, H7.I, of cnu.ump
U Clilif .lii.lli'u Jaenb, (if Wa.hiiiKton Terri
tory, i Mtllloniillinil tn hi lied hy .ickmw,
"Cim ean at Heiilllo, a lot. ti fiui In eiri'iilatu
tluoilKll tho pl". A noiuw iusuii In Isi Imme.
Dunw'tini tluiM iiik Hlliisun.NK.-Wu leant
tlm fullowini; jurlltMilar ('unci riiluu tlm ilrowu
Inir of it dock I run I frmn Iho Hteuiiii r Hliiwlmn ,
whita'ai'muml Humlny near Who.ilhiml. 'Dm
limti wuil hy tlio nam. 1 nf Hurry nu buaid llui
Hteniiiir, hlnnthir iianio Unu,' nnl.nun. He
wau .nllnr by prnfi.Hinn, bail iliwrhsl frmn
IiUmhsiI nud Kiiiiii In work a n dock hniul nu
tlm run. While lliu Hhimhuiiu wa hint;
ai;iiininl it waaili'liiinimil tiisclula liuu a.hiirn
tniiHsl.t in Ki'llUiK hirolf, and for tin intrro
a Imat w.c lailiiehisl Into which Iho Main had
Ukcn tlm lino In i;n ahori'. In mono malum
tlm Mali' Issit wa i'.iplnl, mid tho Captain
l.iiiiiihid a itaiiK-plaiik lu msut lulu iiiKitllni;
nut. Thl lm was umihlu In du, ulnl bu wa ear
riisl four mill lTnrn Ulm; ablo to naeh rln.rn
with tlm plank. In Iho immilimo, Iho man
Harry Isoiiioiiitiniidiil 111 Iho line, wa ihnwii
nvirlmird and, ultlnnu-li lm wa an ens Hi nl
Kwiuimi r, wa itriiwuul , n viry ftw uiiiiuti.
Thu CaplAin, afli r na..liuiK tlm Uml, vmrLi.l
hi wav up to a ilut near whom tho .teaimr
un lyliu;, win ru lm and tlm mute, who had .lie
cmlul in Hwiminiii1; aalnue hi ill a tiro ami ro
nialmilall lilitht. 'I lm boat In which tlm MaUl
atumpliil tiiMta.hutu wu lost iStaUiiiau.
Tlm joiinj; man who wa lultl) ilrnwnid from
tlioHhn.lmiiuwa uaimil Henry Oarduer.
Tin: IIiMin.u' Ti..ssii., After innro
than twenty yearn of lihor and ill'cour
ngeinent and the uxpendure ot vast sums
nl money, the Hiukio TiiiiiiuI In pein1
trated the inoiiutalii from 0110 side to thu
oilier. The lu-t bariler was blown nway
011 Tlniikt-glviiig Diy, and lliu olllcltls
iiiaiched ihroiigh In solcin nml dirty state.
I.ivi.mouk, Dee. 20. A terrible accident
occurred hero Ibis morning, at Riventceii
iniuutes Li,t nine, lie- wldchthe conductor
otlrulglil train No. 1 wus liistaully killed.
In attempting to ilc.ceinl from a car lo the
idatloi in, wlnlu llie tinlu was In motion,
lm lost Ids footing, and fell on tho trick,
tour or live cars p.meil over him, dragging;
hlin along, am) rolling htm over. Tlio uu
lottuimti; man was John W. Which, anil
he leaves a wife, two children ami an
aged mother who Is lUlng at Oakhiuci