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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1873)
ZmuwiuiWinw WILLAMETTE FARMER. Persona who havo become thorouclily rhlllpil from otiv pause, may have their rlrniilntinn nt 0110 restored by taking Into tho stomach a teaspoonful of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment mixed In a little cold water, well-sweetened I I STOLEN llt-f FROM me, Dec. 16th. a GELDINO, fitted! S2A hands htsu, cue tjiinulte hpAiv. Any I coicry will bo liberally rewarded. nils high, chestnut color, w 1th prey mane nnd tall quite heay. Any Information leading to lib) r' :ocry wii dccSfiwf JOHN McUKK. Talk en., 4 mile from Salem ferry. 5,000 BUSHELS OF EXTRA CLEAN SEED To Ixirxxisli. Contractors for tlx JSrrixxs or 1874 ! READ WHAT THE Commercial Motel, OPERA II0U8K BLOCK, PALKM, OHEQON. J. W, SHATTUCK, Proprietor. Free Coach to the House. dccMtf To Farmers. Bankruptcy 1 Bankruptcy 1 Liabilities - - - JCt)72,iai 14 S'i A.acta. - - - 105, 3S4 18 1 Bkownsvim.k, Linn Co., Oon., Nov. 19, 1873. I, J. B. Henderson, do hereby certify that from 77 acres of land sown to Flax In the spring of 1873, 1 received 1 CIO 1 bushels of seed. Average per acre, -1 4-7 bushels. Signed J. 11. Henderson. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 10th day of November, 1S73. E. Thompson, Justice of tho l'cacv. Statu ok Okkcion, County or Lane, j I hereby certify that from 44 acres of land sown to Flax in the, spring of 1873 I received 1018 bushels of seed, FARMERS SAY : machlno measure. Average per aero, 1!J 0-4 i bushels. Signed James Snkm.inh. Subscribed anil sworn to before me, this 20th day of November. 1873, James F. Hhown, Notary l'ubllc. 1'hownsvii.i.k, Linn Co., Oun., 1 Nov. 20. 1873. ) 1, Hubert Montgomery, do hereby cer tify that from 37 acres of laud sown to Flax In tlitf sprint; of 1873, I recolved H1H bushels of seed, machine measure. Average per act e, 23 4-7 bushels. Signed KoilKItT MONTUOMKKY. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of Noveinuer, 1873. K. Thompson, Justice of tho I'eaee. Effects of tho Financial Tanic ! 465,384 1S lOrffi and English Soft Goods to bo sold at a reduction of S per cent., being the assets of the sequestered estate of LAZEIKA FHEItEiJ A CO., carrylnj onhtislncsa at StS St. Paul' Church-) ard. LONDON, Esc; 18 Hue do Lcchlijuler, PAWS; 118 Ariryle Street. ULASOOW. Scotland; and 71 Duano Street, New York City. The Stock Comprises FHENCH AND PAISLEY IHtOCHE SHAWLS; EAST INDIA LONG SILK SHAWLS; PHKNCH Dl'CAPR and GLOSSY SILKS, llu nil Colors,) FHKNCII MEKINOS, Ac, Ac. The Woolen Stock CONSISTS OF bEVKHAL THOUSAND YAHDS OF Superfine English Broad Cloths, Hclloim, nenTrrx, IMIot, Scotch Tweeds), Ac. (See London Times and New York Herald. II. W. McKAY A SON, 7J Duano Street, New York Cllr. i-d estate, beg to call it larc quantity of The Best Crop for Change of Land Flax Stubble Equal to Summer-Fallow for Wheat. Z8 THE TESTIMONY OF AX.X. FXaAX - RAISERS XN TBS STATE. PRICE, THREE CENTS TER POUND, applicants. HaT Printed Instruction regarding tho preparation of the soli, amount sown to tho acre, fee., fnrnished freo to all Address, PIONEER OIL COMPANY. Salem, Oregon. TIIHEK CHItOSIOS FttKK t To ciery Subscriber for ml. "The racldc Christian Advocate," POtVTLAND, OltKOON, IS NOW OFPEMNO TO F.VEHY SUllSCHIllElt tho three Chromos ,-Ou tho Saco," " Awake," and "Afleeii,, THE FINEST PHKMIUMS The rnr.,TAA hv m 1'sner lii the t'ntted States " AnyocATK"lia the I.nrceit Circulation, aud la the 11EST advertising medium. Address; Not. Wiul K. TUHNBlt, Mauaer Trustees for the abnie acnuertered estate, be the attention nr the public to short Icnclhs hi West of I'lialaiid Itroadi-lotlisi, rrfcllon, rilot, .Scotch Tweeds, Ac, Helonplnc to the Tailoring Department of the New York house Thovi remnants not suitable for the wholesale trade will lie nflereil to the public In lots to suit purchasers at a crest sacrifice, At the low price the enml are marked ta the public, tho Trustees teil confident of a speeds clearance, In urdcr to declare a dividend In (10 days. Salesmen III llt the country nnd offer their coods to Farmers mi iiimominonly fiiioMhlti terms. Messr. 11. W. McKiy A Son would feel obliged hy luvlnr. any Irregularities on tho part of the Salesmen reported In JAMKS KI'AItNM, Mr., decMml Siitierlutcndinz Al'cM. HOME FOR THE SICK, Located near Capitol Square, NAI.K.1I, ... ftHIUsON. II. CanritNTrii, M.D.. Attending A Visiting Sun.-eon. 1). Patios, M. !., Attendltu A Visiting Physician. 'I'lllS LAItC.K AND COMMODIOl'S l.NSTITl" J. lion is tiruiiiicn mieierr mci ty to insure ine comfort and relief of nil ho may apply. All classes of diseases ulll ha treated oxceiit those contairlons In character. Especial altentlon will be glivn to cases of EYE and KAIt .mictions, Prices per week, lucludlii board, medicines, and attendance : For ordinary sickness $11 00 For ealraiirUlnarr sickness, rc'iulrlu aridl tlonalattentluii SI Or) Operations charged extra. Persons accompanying their friends I Oil Appllcutlou may he m ide either by tetter or In per son, For further particulars, address dilier physician. W. A. Milts. I Late of Washington en., oti, MILLS 8l PHILLIPS, FARMERS' STORE, MnmlillcM, I'liirkaniasj Co., 4ii. WK DESIIIi: TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF the Farmers of Clackamas county to tho fad that we aru uuw upciiliij: up aud olTerliij; for sale the best stuck of General Merchandise, Groce ries, and Provisions, Which we Intend to sell as LOW as the LOWEST for cash or country produce. Fanners, 2lu lis a call, and we will couilnco imi that Marrhtlrld Is the placu to exchange jour produce for "Storo liomls " at llilna rates, N. II. Particular attention siren to filling orders for coods not lu our line, through our aei.t. A. J. DUFUIt, at Portland. ilrc'Mtf Saw Mill for Sale. milE Hl'E.VA Vl!TA SAW Mill. COMPANY X oiler fur sale their Ntenni Smv nnd l'lnulng Jfllll", All eomplcle, aud in i;uol running order. This prop-1 trty Is als.iuu xxcellent site for a Fl.DUll'.MJ MILL. ind Is well situated for both Lumber and Uralu trude Forpariiculirs, ajiply to WILLI.m WKIXK, declStf Presldeat lluena Vista Saw Mill Co. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE. The Simplest, Most Durable, And Best SEWING MACHINE Ixx tne -WcxriaL! L. REID, Agent, Salem. AT MYEItS A Ctt.'S STOVE AND TIN STOKE, 4 Commercial Street. m:t II IIA.ISH01V, East Portland Nursery. FRUIT TEEES, Small Fruits, Ornamental Trees, HOSES, VINES, Ureriflloimc and Hcddlua Plant., and KKKDS OF AMi KINDS. skxh roi rmvK list ash cATALoacK A. STANTON, NAl.KIM, netween Wade's warehouse and the Marble Yard, Acent for 11. Hanson, has a lanre stock constantly on hand, and Is prepared to All orders. Call on him for a Cntalncuc. NcirlMf JOB PRINTING. IH VOL' WANT Cards or Labels, Bill-Heads or Letter-Heads, Visiting Cards, Ball Tiokets, Pamphlets, Circulars, UO TO THIS MERCURY JOB OFFICE. IF YOl' WANT GOOD WORK, -AND- 01a.i3 Prices, CO TO Till'. MERCURY JOB OFFICE In fact, Ifjou want ANYTHI.Nt. I.N Till! I'lllNTIMU LIM!, You can be lucouimodalcd at thu Mercury Job Office. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND Ornamental Shade Trees, ruoM Willmiietto iXiii'Mi!,', AT DURBXK'S STABIsS, SAXXLM. fJEItSONS ileslrln-.' Choice Trees, or wishing to or j arraur kiiuis m i.r.n or mi bi) suppllvd by calling on n.v as ahote drrauy kinds of INKS or MlltnillEIIV, can Salem, Not 9.W. J. II, WALLINO. s-tr H. Ic J. 3. X.EE, DEALEItS IN OENEHAL MEHCIIANDISE, corurof Mill and Main itreits, nulla., (irroii. C.lie us your custom, and sale uoney tbsreby. GEO. K. SHE1X, I'Atliii'iicy u Iuv, SALEM. OIIKHON. Offlce uear the Old Cuart-llunse, Jtf nit. i:. v. ham;, OUll MATIJUIAL IS Alsls N'KW, ANII, listing Ihe most Improri d machinery, w e can do w orl 13tsttui ami Clicitiinr Than any prlnlliiK-honselnOrejjon. Salem, Nor, B. FORSTNER, Center street, Salem, adjolnliii; Eiauellcal Charth, PHACTIL'AL Gunsmith and Machinist, AND AOENT FOH THE M'.W WILSON SKWI.Mi .TIAt'lllNK. IIIaVK CONSTANTLY N HAND, AND SELL at l'ortland lrlvr, all kinds of I imKKCH-J.OADINCi Irifles&shot-cuns, and ALL KINDS OF AMMUNITION. CSr-et Your BOOlil Soliool AT Introauotory 3Ei.Eits ! FUOM- W ALTER JACKSON, Patton's Block. - Salem. BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. A. N. GILBERT & CO. A HE NOW OPENINll A FULL STOCK OF THE AHOVK HOODS. CONSISTING OF THE DBHT llriinds of California and Eastern Work, lnrludliiK C. A I. 11. Tlrrrll A 'o.' IIIIOIS, ol ttlilrli tlie) Iumc IXVl.V.llVS Wo also Manufacture to order Boots and Shoes, of all styles AllKNTS FOIl " THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. (if which lu lsrj th re wire sold 7 1,7AM morn thin the HOW l'.: 1(17,7 IN mote than the UUOVKIt A UAKEIt: 170,'iOI more limn the DOMESTItJ 'Iheso lai Is an atlislid b the swum statement of every machine thai uses lha Shuttle. Call and Examine our Stook of Goods. Weatherford & Co., Wholesale and Itclall Dsilsrs In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. CLASS. Patent Medicines, CHEMICALS, :e r rix tyi t y, TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Medicines Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., Mayl-y Commercial street, NAI.Ii.TI. A. ELLISON. II. FOHSTNHK. ULL1SON PLOW FACTORY, CoimiuTfLtl .Street, Suli'in, Oregon, saino Uloclc with tho CliiMiiukotu llotol. We arc now prepared lomnkv ALL KINDS OP PLOWS, Gang Flows, Sulky Flows, Walking or Single Flows, CULTIVATOHH. 1 lAltliOM'S, AND ALL KINDS OP AllltU'UI.TllltAI. IMPI.UMEN IS TO STIlt THE SOU. OUll PLOWS AUK Warranted to Scour in any Soil, at nil Seasons. The Ellison Plows took the First Premium SEVEN Sl'fl'ESSIVK YEAIIS AT the District Pair. Mary.tllle. Cal ; FIVE M'ICISIVE YEAIIS al the Slate Pair nf California: and al the LAST 'I WO STATE rllt of Ores and al last sprint's PI.OWINII MATCH at Albany, Orcina. Ilnr references are M L. Sal life, Alfred Stanton, .Mm Mlnto, Charles Sweifle, Marlon minly ; James 1 brie. Hubert Imbrle, Judo Humphrey, Washluirliui rn. : N. I'rouiaii, I, II. MrClure. Ilr llrlriln. Linn in. HT-No Plow L-enulne unless It bears the f; tiishk msiik, " Ut l,ltl'..',lll'.n llHt'KKVK l'l.OW, A. II.I.INON, Nalem." Sall.rarlloii warraultd, or the plow rnu be reluiued, and the money refunded. ELLISON & FORSTNER. .Miiniilnctiirer.. SALEM. Noy. I. ItCI. The Fall Trade IMSCIIMMLSCKII IT BREYMAN BROS.', Moores' lllock, Salem, ' WHO AIIK NOW OPENI.Nfl A LAIKIEIt AND TT inure ejteiislse slock (if Uomls than has cur keen cflend In this market. Our stock consists nf FANCY AND STAPLE M. MESYER c&3 SOIW; HAVINll JEST IIHCi:iED A I'HESII STOCK FIIOM THE NEW TOIIK AND SAN rilANLIHOO Markit, where all our OoikIs am l.minlit for cash, are vnabled now to Offer Extra Inducements To tlio IVoplp of SAIjKM imil vk'lnlty, In tlio way of it cliolco iiMiortnicnt of Gents' and Boys' Fine Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, AI.SO, A FINE MOCK OF ILIDIIZJJSr DR.ESS GOODS, OF NEW hT I.ES AND FASHIONS. ALSO, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Window Shades, &c. TOOETHEIl WITH A ITI.I. MOCK, AS I'Sl AL, OF 3Fo,m lly Groceries. OiirStmklsLMtOKIl THAN EVEIt IIEPOUE. and prnpte slsrlln the Slate lulr will do ll lopuicluw. their supplies at thu store nf M. MEYER & SON. Silem. Sept.. iratf iti:p.iiitiMs uom: . Or. (iuns, Sewing Machines, aud Musical liutnimel.ts, I aud all Fine Tools sharpiurd. Nov 51, lbW I'ttf .1 O UN AV. (i I LIU JIT. RISPrniPGG lATlTRBR OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AND DEAI.EIt IN Leather and Shoe Findings, HAS TIIK KXI II site SAI t OK S. D. Soller's Infants' and Children's Shoes, AMI TKIIItltl.l.VS l!l.i:illATi:i IIOO'IM. tiaJT JmhI piiicl lot IIilH tliul SIum'js JI1k. YBU Silk, Cotton, Oil, Noodles, and Machino Fludinrjs, always for sale aiifl AOENT FOH THE (IIIOVKII ,V IHKEIt SEWINO MACHINES. Gents' Furnishing Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Gi'outirltM, Ci'oi'Ucr.v, t. We hire the litest and urwerl Styles ul Ladies' Dress Goods, BREVET I.t.Col . btesunreonl' S. VolunteofS. - x- As-. . flnnn.A Onlce. Dnraln's block, up stairs. eTy Jfc aiUlSrS OX UrOgOn, ' WHY DON'T YOL' Woodburn Nursery, p.VTKOXIZE HOME INDUSTRY? - i 18 X tJ"":- WW CAN Cl'T. FIT AND M KE TO OHDElt, i ,UI,.rlr fMlucen.elits lu Itial line A CHOICE SELEL'IION OF . (()(l SllitS Of ClotllilllT. ! We ar. still At.ENTS for the -- ,j, litjftvcr Hosiery jiiff. t;oiiiimny sum as Caihmerrs, Tauilse Cloth, Japanese Silks, Diagonal. Norwich I'opllus. nyara Cloth, Inrejs, Mohair llnlirnu 1'opllns, Alparis, CoslMtne Vein I, Ladles' Watrtproofs, Ladles' I'loih, A i-.. At , Andu Larue Supply of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of all descriptions. 0111 STOCK OF Carpets, mattings. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. Curtains, &c., Is romr.lMe and we trt now prepared lo bold nut I GOODS, And arc etablrd lu sell lu the Trsde Fruit, Sliatlc, OrimmcntiU, .mil. , -i: ':'.-. r- . .., , , 1 Oregon-mady AllWool Goods, IflTT-BEAIlIKa TREES, , k.iiea!- I a. rns ran Luy iVrn clotbln at the biorcs. CalL and I wewlllpnirelt. ,, (ilVE CS A CALL I1EFOIIE YOU PL'IICIIASE. 11, W. Jones's okl Tailor's stand. Commercial at., nearly oppo.ltlheClK.neWelallil. j,. ... ffATrNrTTlV PEOTiTTOB ,,.,,, , rt,i Mr. Jones uciu mucu iwihuito iu i.ih( . ., .. - w My Trees am of good size, healthy, and oreca lQ tuUn(j ai .nfasslst ike business ...... Tak.u lu eiehauje fur flwds. at the hljhsit Market 1'ii.ini.. price. " btletn, Oct. , 111. SUml ViiiN antl Slirul.Uoi'.v. ruth. Address OKEGON PLOW FACTOKY, saxsSM, onsooxr. 1U; AIIK NOW PIIKP.MIKD 'III MAMTAl'l NIK Two-Horso C3-uLl-ti-v-j4,-tcjr, I'OU HEKHINO Oil FOIt FALLOW LAND ALSO, THE BEST STEEL PLOWS, I'.lnj the best timber our SUtv alords. Wo Inako All Sizes of Walking or Hand Plows, IU, in, 1 1, mill I.-..1NCII 1-JL.OAVH, ADAPTED TO OHEIION Sill I I' vtinrh will srour here im oilier Plow will, and which Farm ers say'w ill run O.M'.o'rlllllll TO OVIM'OI'ltTII MlillTltll than any other Plow u.H In this luunlry. liefsremes Lljl K SAVAUE, A M'AN'III.N, CIIAitl.l.M SWl.l.I.E, aud JOUN MIN'IO, who luvu Usui our First Premium Buckeye Plow. Flows furnished to Agents throughout tho State. CAPITAL LUMBERING CO., A'rllM, !'!. Near Mraiubout l.miiUii;.'. b.l,i:.1f, OlIUliONs J. II. M!TTI.i:.1lll".ll, Voodbcrn. Ortaor Salem, Not. . 18TS. Not. 1. la;3aiS