Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 27, 1873, Page 4, Image 4

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?39if bim4 rAiraosir i i ir. ,....,..... ,.,......
WlfeMgiSfiflEfi ftrmrhttonni much o Z o " - I -res and the (own 4 9000)0 l8"? W2in
""5rfliSlltai3iffim8'l duse oven If then, Is MmiiiM.inir... ,.rin customer, tint Ills vegetables are fresh 'those six counties alone or iort-sexon
WWjtil j til,:i:i;i,1',ef Jho Era hie" ""-. """ . long ride to million, seven hundred nd ntaety eight
iu....ni.t. i i i." . ...... market. i)ocss tnr al tic excellence tnousanu ousuei. ii"'"""'
.v , n i..i , u'ni mm mir leuuein Willi " '. . . . I. . .. . n.. p ........ .i.nan
wit n xvn c . iMiture mis cm owed mem. ucionr too ncumi cuiimmj . ..
The Illinois Farmers.
....ii..r...n.i.i.i.l. ti..i firmpp linn I .nfl4.4nn bushels. Yamhill, placed on
the mlvantnire over' the merchant to ! the samo basis of Polk, would produce
Salem, Saturday, December 27.
lln. U. W. Horn., of Hal.'i.j, l trarcllnj n-ci.t for
study it xvlth interest. That portion of,
it which absolves the farmers of tho
country from allegiance to old political '
tl!irtllN. 1 4 llinhf fitn ttwiittliiKtit n.w..I..it A a nil unto tn ntitirtrt n Inn Id liitnnitlf II fT
uoputios of the State Grange, I as it Is by the ileelnratlon that "every I one of the important subjects for public
Hill III I (111 II .-III.,. U I I ..lit., llrt .11 ll. I.t.. .... .. .1 mH I UD l.ll ... t I... IIMAUnlll .1..... ntnl T.lf nl.
v. !,... wn,-i n..wu.. .,. nil III tin JMIIVUr umtimn'll lib lllu luuu-lil llli.L-f nun .Mini-
Insecure the election of honest and eom-'er.s throughout tho I'lilted States are anx-
I six counties, for producing their great
.Valuable Waters of the H Ulntnolle Rlrcr necessary of life, and staple of our State
I-armirtof Orcifon and WuMiliylon, i.djuiiIc for
fi-lf pnit.ctlnn nnd r.ir tho i-nniiMciiiint of tho Imlim
If al piirmillr. To r.rtal 11,1- work. I mtu .
mlmlontht following i'iri.iMii to In.uiutu lran'. In
thin Jtirloillctlim. n in l)i initio-
1XM (",u,"u" - r it m.
J'ulk .larm Tutnm PIxIp
Uiin-ll N mil, .runt ll, ii,
WiilliKiiiiiili-.liiriih.liiliii.,,,,, h.l Portland
C. I ichnnma -1.. Inrlim. Ini-mir. ill I
n.nlnii-A. Slmiivii, Cfirrtlll- I
YamMII-A II rimrr. I urn. II.
.T.M?nHrm,!:i.,,;?!,,;'-;-;r'"i ''. '.
i:ilirii lirpi.ii. IIi.Iith WiMii,.iih, it. I IdVm
0.,lo,,,w''.T W"lh W''1"' W T.: 'tli. Itoi",,
Any locality wlllilii Ihl. JiirLillrtlnn for uliltli mi
Jlrputy linn Lull appulul.il fur I ho nrKiiilillon nr
liriiiij,-. , w 111 r ci he Inline ill n.t nit. iitlon If npplli a
Hull ll IlinJP Id 1110. I Will Iti.ml In t.r.n ... ...l
loiisly enquiring, wliat mode of convey
ance can we adopt to carry our prodiiC'
tions to market, relieve ourselves of the
At n tun tli ;;iif Hip I!ii ulliu fiiiiimlllcpof llmhtnlii
llraiiKPnf llir Tnlrmn of 1 1 rivtmnitry. In'xiin unit In hi
Inllmtll i.f Snli in mi UYiliiFMliijr Ilic J(,tli iliy nf
Niirunlicr, A. I). IHH, tlinf.illiiwiuifiwuilliiK wi-rr
liml. tlial U In ujr. A.J. Dufur wn. uulr cnu-lltuiP.l
miiUppiilntnUdcncnl llu lm- A):c,i fur ihiidnlir
in ri mill, lit nnn liol I h. niiln In I he rll r I'.ml mil,
t'linti-r ii..in llmilntln .if mill mllriMii (dp Mrt llir
nf Mircli, A. I. IHtl
HMM. I l.IH, Mi,,r.
llil: J II. Ssini, rJ.'itLlnrjriir Mint tlni.ju or
l II.
INoIll I1.
At Bliiprtliijsiiftli.'KtiPiilhi C.iiiiinlllpnnrilixritnlo
.r.iiicf fllif I'ntri.iiH a.f lli.i-ii tii'Irj Hi. Iiillnirliitf ro
oliillini ;l piMi.l
lliolti'il, TIihI nrr.H-nniiii'ii.1 l.i lli Kiilxirilliiiili'
(IrnliLfi m in l hln liiri.illrllui.il. it th..v . ! t il..!...!.!. .
ill Hi.' Iil ri'irnhr Hfii- ..f.inli llningp In hi In
Hi 1 1 iiiIii r, A ll Wl, iiml in nllliiri.lh.il il.iltillip
lii'lnllnl nl ti liol n-.niliir iiuiiln. In hi tir piuli
lrniiKiMlii.liiiiitrjr, A 11 INtl
AIIp.I l.ll mrii, sun nr i.fsin.. (trnnv of
r urn.
pt-lent men to olllee." Wo shall only
tako oxceptlon to the wholesale illnun
elation of protective tai Ill's, which Is
becoming n dogma In the agrlcultuuil
districts of thi West, when home inunii-
factiircx find slow progress, mi( when the
peojilt! aru yet hardly awaro of their i provemeiit of our river eliannels anil In-
paramount importance in building upjterlor water communication seem to
tho fortunes of a state. 'I he present po- point to the most speedy means of obtain-
Munii ot political panics Is about correct 'Ing this rcllpr.
on the tnilll, for each .seems to have' In connection v Ith this Inipoitaut sub
settled down upon the li.Va ofa t.uUr for.Ject, tholmpiovementof tho Willamette
revcmio and incld.'iitally for protection, river for navigation Is of the greatest ln
Our national lluances, owing to the o.ls-1 tcrct not only to the commercial and ag
tenuis of uii Immense national debt, ne-i ilcultural welfare of the people of this
ce-sltates a vast revenue to meet the in-1 State, but likewise to thu great shipping
teieston that tlebt, and the peremptory and wheat consuming interest of many
issue must be4' free tradoaiiil tilled taxa-lp-'1'"' of tho world. Draining, lis tills
tlon," or n revenue raised by a (tulll'l great riverand Its tributaries tlo,u valley
on articles consumed mainly by the rich; i nearly two hundred miles long and from
the fanner of moderate means Is lightly thirty to seventy-live miles broad, rich
taxed for national expenditure, and can In grain-growing and gracing lands,
thank tlie tariil' system lor that immu- with Immense ilrpnslti of coal and Iron,
nity. Jieruiu Oregon wu liavoa wool the murmur nf Its waters seems to say
product, which is ineteasing In value to the mechanic, tho miner, and the bus
every year, iiml our wool is ptoteeted by bandman, we can furnish you the moans
n larlir which discriminates lit favor of of cheap transportation to market for
tho Oregon produce), and thu i exult i all your tolls. The superior iju.illty of
oi tins ill"t'iiniinatlon is Unit wool wheat, the unprecedented yield per acre,
gioui'iri Minn, timiiiig themselves, In thlsi together with the vast amount of arable
State, at least, one bundled thousand land and the fact that even a p.utlal
dollars moic price for their wool. failure of this Important erop has never
o have vast ore beds here In Oregon, .vet been known within this valley; speak
iiml the (line is not Inrdistant when the. inlanguagetooplaintobemiMiiinderstood
will Im winked; and we may expect us li'tliat the time Is not distant when the?
lesull that the gieat wealth which t he I wheat maiket of Oregon shall lie one ot
lion business Insures fur Pennsylvania tin great eonimeielal Items of the world,
will bo In pirt shared by Ongon. It is' To meet this emergency that Is now al-
the duly on foreign Iron which enables ready upon us (cluap trauspoitatlon of
for exportation. It is true that railroad
facilities aro furnished a part of this dis
trict for taking their produce to market,
anil perhaps at as reasonable rates ns can
bonfl'ordcd by conveyance of this kind;
but this should not deter our clticns
from making every laudable effort to
inin i' intiinuii ituuiu i iii 'vi vvwibiivi .. . t t
expensive conveyance allready aflbrdc.l ' "l,l! ' t0 v fffttlon the channels
by exacting monopolies, and leave us uf our r vers, for t isan establlshc. fact,
fair remnera,.oPfor our toll, the Im-'j mtlh, Ightean be carr c by water at
les than one half the cost that railroads
can take It ty land
I'm nil 1 1' I'nliin.
the Ainerlc.in nrinufaefurer to eompele "'Is great staple of our State), and to
Willi (he che.in labor nf tin. An.. I ri. ,,.,,,,. .assist. ellcouniLri'. and rinun n.-id. (In.
i..Vr',m;r..V';,oriJ;:,V'?Vrn!rr:i1-!:V.,.M ".'.",!, '"-tnr..rt l.y ,.nnlilliiK l.i.., t ,y .hjfar.ner f, it- pro.luetlon, L'oi.gnss
u"l!uZ!Z ;l"l'l,ri,m'" '" wB"- "I" ""-' ! A.uei- -l"ll I' MUI.-UU.I, not only by the pcll-
i..i..r-u r..r umi.IiI. riti.M, m u. -, 1-r,. ,.,7,M leu ii Miiil.iueii. So Ihu t.uiir, iii f.ict, tlon ofoureltleiis, l.ut by every laudii-
ii.ih i.r'nii...l.,irlliil miy I,, niuinl..! In fur h.. a ,-H ,1... i i, ..p i ! I.I.. ..n;..i f i, ...
ill IHHIIII.J nr.' riiiii..i. Ii I ill I,. i . "" ""inn in .iiu-i n-an j;iinu, we"" ". ".u .n-i.-iii JU'ireciiiaiirc
oiijcct, iis miieli mi any one can, to nine- .Senators to niaUn an especial appio-
illg 11 till 1 11 oil 1111V Hue of L'omls iiiili'i lullltioil to llllllll Ullll'-llilllis. reinnv.. nli.
.H.,'r.?r ,?,' "iriiiVm'tHM "'" the benefit of t'u. maniilactiirer, w'e'ructlons, and render the channel of
Mill. All iH'ruulli. ..In. h.v.. lu.r. l.il in. ..II I...I ..
.In ivup -till liiil.l Ih.'lr m il n. 1. Ii'i; him. unit n Iipip
iiipn-nrnimnilil.il III. yitli' . illlll. .1 lu f.ilhHM. fr.Mll
.-in . i iin.uinil'in
pIiiiII h. iiilllli .11. . .inn l
I i r .. ii.ii. .1. i i .... in in r 4 i.t.-r ' n. .ii.r. r. ... ...
mllipi mipp iliiiiitni Hi, I ipI niPt-lltiK an- rr-luTiriilli
.-..j ..'ii,'pi., ii, nun mi iniir riimriH n
kmiii pMilliiil.il-, nl.ii I h.i Sis n Inrl.'-i i.f illili r.-nt
Inn., I., i.'u.a, iiml llriii-... Him i, ri. in .i ml ,l,.r
-il. . Ill .,'.p furimnl in ihl. mii.p H. muni, nf
lllOMIIIC. , IlKMII flll.lKN.
Snr.tnr lirp.'uii I'liini-r- t nlon
tin- Orijj.ni Klil, in .Vi.mlul, r l.unn'i nf lliu
iir.lirnr I'llrmixir lln.l.miitr) lll im.i t llu-Mn
"np lljll, I a. I 1'i.rll i i.l, in, Tn,.,,! ,, j m,, i
llork Point Farmers' Club.
Club met Dec. l.TJSTS, President O. S.
Downing In the chair. Two delegates,
K. T. Perkins and G. S. Downing, were
elected to attend tho State Fanners'
Union to bo held on the Cth nf January
next at Salem.
The subject, " What shall we do with
our boys?" was then taken up. Mr. Dow
ning said that every man who has boys
should be Interested In this subject. My
mind is hardly made up, but It srems
stilllclcut to train up a child properly we
should iniluco him to lie truthful and
honest above everything else, also to bo
manly and genteel in his bearing toward
others. Keep clear of a fault-finding
spirit towaid our children deal gently
with them be careful of giving them u
bad name.
Mr. Putnam dlirered from Mr. Down
ingknew of many self-made men would
not object to good bringing up. J hid
known many preacheis' boys who were
bad. Found that some boys would make
men in spite of all obstacles.
Mr. Hunt said tho best wav to have
good boys was to travel through life care
fully ourselves, and let us bo sure wo dig
nify our own calling ; let us teach them
that honest labor Is prefeTnblo to "hum
ming'' around on their friends, waiting
for something to turn up.
Mr. I'dell thought boys should keep
good company. Dad company spoils
wen disposed tioys.
Mr. Keeiio said we should give our
boys u good scientific education. Farm
ers should be well educated, and then
tney would honor their calling.
.Mr. Pel kins said lie would buy the
lust tools for his lioy.s to work with, and
not dlcourage them by having them
work with poor tools. iu- would not
send his smartest boy to town to be a
lawyer or physlelan-belleved iu giving
tho boys a chance.
Mr. IM. Downing thmnrht we shnnl.l
let our boys follow the bent of their
tlesli,. a tnrllf In be continued so that 'bis rlwr navigable for light-draught
his woil.inen in ly leeelxe something steamers as far up its possible, ut nil sea
inoie than the pittance pild lor labor in sons of tlio year.
foreign found les. I It is tine that by piivafe enterpilpo
In all eases where the larifl' setws to and State expenditures, locks have been
foster monopolies uieiely, we believe it i nilt at the Willamette falls, nnila small
j should be amended. I,et us have- no amount of Ooverninent aid has been
nioiiopollis fed at tlie public crib, but pi-oenivd from time to time to assist In
lut us haven tmil.'that w 111 iuciilentallv i "'Is great enterprise. Hut these iiiiiiio-
-till. ... !-.. ... . ""
i iim i. p in i.ipii iinii.'o u mill,.-.! in ppniI. lostei'hoBie inauulaetureisaud build tin , prlatlons lmwi been lined more to en-
IH.In.n nil'i ,.;'"""" ,fl""r ''"'"""" iidlveislty f Inleiests liele In Oreg hance the commercial Interest ofa sin- minds s to occupation and nssNt them
"..i.u..i...i..i."m" ,w' ' "'",ly 'b'lH'ii.lci.t on Blf town, tlian to furnish quick and ' ili'vclonlng their peculiar genius-aud
poriniup in iin unii r in I... tiiuiMihii, i " gnw nig nun w neat laisiug to sup. i-iii-iip ir.iiisjiiirisiiiuu 10 me i.iriuers or ""' av"" ,,l,r "".v to studying politics,
l)uW H ' m:i:. ' I'l.v the uncertain demands ofa foreign ' "'e upper Willamette valley, ami are t,u'' nro sure to become corrupt.
m'jluJ''UKi,"'m (inail.el. on which we must In tuiu de- only theenterlng-wedge for moreeten.. Mr. Martin thought tho discussion did
To Ti.Ai'in us All tenches . I,','i,l ror all imu ii ncturi-il g Is. ''l Improvements which tlie gr.iin-grow-
Sfale are eariiesUv 'inviteiTiiMiUend the ! ' " I llu: l,,,,,r'",t ","1 ngrlciiltiiml Inipnrtance
'IViielieis' liihiliuie to be held In Salem .iliicofn good (iirilrn. (,f iM Kreat valley Justly demands.
. "V".,l,,I:1,m,!,ll,',l"ilsT.I. faulsl . -7. , , , . Wo hat often beared lt slated bv
.-. .in Milium niivn neen sent to liniliv: olh. v.r.t, ..,,. ,..i, numn nun uvw
eis Dave iloiibiless lieeu loigolten, 'iniinv '""iintiy, ai
The Grangers.
Editor WlllnimiUe FurniiT:
This seems to be an opportune time to
put the "Oianyc movement" in practical
operation. The farmer? being mostly
out of debt, and forehanded In cash, aro
preparcil to practically test tho expert
ment of "clubbing" in tho purchaseof
supplies, especially implements. Now
that they have n State Agent, and agood
man he is, if each Clrnngo in tho State
will, ns ciuly as possible, make out a list
of tlie wagons, plows, harrows, sowing
machines, reapers, mowers, threshers,
&c, Ac, needed by their members, and
s.-nil these lists to their head center, ho
will be enabled to tabulate, them, sec
what lie has to do, and then test the
agents, dcaleis, and manufacturers as to
what can be saved by co-operative pur
chasing. Experience will show Hint It
takes more time to put their purchasing
mactitucry in operation than they ex
pect, nnd that it will bo bad policy to
wait until it Is so lato that they will bo
compollcd to purchaso of ngcnclcs In
Oiegon. Take tlmo and sea room to
launch thu young craft, and thero Is
every prospect for the most beneficial
success. o.
eiro'oixa U'.sini:s.s. When in Port
land tho other day wo learned from Put
Smith, tho well-known broker, that he
was closing out his business In that city,
with tlie intention of going Kast soon,
and pnrchnsiug the best blooded sheep to
be had of Cotswold and Merino breeds,
nnd devoting himself for tho future to
sheep-raising as n business. He will
return In the spring and tako ills sheep
to Walla Walla, which place will bo his
residence in the future. Ills stallion,
" Patbllndei'." will stand at S'alnm nnt
spring, of which due notico will bo given.
After thai, the old horso will bo removed
to the Walla Walla country. From what
wo know of Put Smith's energy, we
Judge that his determination to ralso
blooded .Merinos and Cotswolds will provo
a great advantage to tho sheep husband
ry of the upper countjy.
Pkxmanhiiii'. At Prof, Connor's writ
ing clas nt Central School house, Olivia
Sweglo made tho most Improvement in
penmanship during the term, nnd A. A.
Leonaid did the finest writing. At the
Willamette I'niversltv tho most lm.
provemeiit for the term was made by J.
M. llockett, and Miss Anna Caso did the
finest writing. Mis. Uelle W. Cooke and
Prof. Crook, awarding committee.
Co.MMi.itfi.il, IIotk!..-J. W. Shnttuck,
so long tlie populnr landlord of tho Cliff
Houe, Oregon City, has taken the well
known Coinineiclal Hotel of this city.
Ho Invites tho patronage of the tiaveling
public. "
Faiim Soi.ii. John MInto, Eq., has
sold ills lino farm five miles south of
town, embracing a half section, to two
young men named ltradner, lato from
.ueiiigan. Trice, $r,W0.
..tl..d .,...1 41. ...... ..1... .. . .
id mml.. I... tl. ,,-.-, ....",. ,- ...-.i.iiiiiiifii
l" it' I I 111.. l I'llllli.l nfll.1,
not Mick to the subject. He would teach
imyn .obedience and respect for ourau
thorlty. Dujust with them; teach them
eeryth tig UH-ful; give them privileges;
a low them holidays; all work and no
play makes a dull Imv.
A1fu,r11ri,'',,lvlKnc new member, th
(hl adjourned to meet thu second Sal
!"" .' iiiutiiiiH ii in I s, mil I ic to licit CC lie cs titles fur (In. emnt ' ' l ' """ ""'.
post ..Ml,.,, addresses f olhcrs a'.e iineer. IVi. ........... IV . M. 000 Judiciously expended would rei.,1...-'
mltlees. Klvnt Wlir,t f ....enlng ,,,', ,u., - r,lm. from Oregon ( lly falls ( Eugene; but I'-'X more attention to fruit culture."
J! : In . adding new fields and mal lug new ft-i, ' T. """kS, "",y l"T Wtf,n " ,,u'r ' iU'ST' C"r-'s
(. I(( n!v;-.,Itl(i r ..uk-.h! !; ung ,l , ::zz: morm
(ommltfieonCinesp, ,.,.,. ! ""! '- Ibeeharmsofhomeare ()f f , ,, , ,, f leaMmr i. I E' ''tait( r-ru,T
i, .;, ,,w.,jwr,.r:
11 till II I Illliri TIIT1TI I Kill 111 1 rmti.i " --.. -s.sM.-- t,i lis .-illlll 111
The new boat now being built at Port
land for the W. lt. T. Co., Is calculated
to carry 1(H) tons-the largest river craft
in Oregon.
A Grnnge has been organized nt Ku
geno City, with James Cox, master, and
St. John Skinner seeietary.
Tiianks.-To F. x! Woodworth Kq.,
of Howell Prairie, for a box of line ap
ples. '
. . . I .. ".l ii-i"t.
i. i o, imsimnMied n... passes .... tl. irwii..ill- eMendstotl,,. ,,e .garden, I lU , ,. u " " the addition of member. On last Tes
TS.tlTuT "''' "i1'"'- ..::. :.:.. :,MU; "vr r,rn,v r i...II.ti.,Rtiu....u,.itv v ,; w : - ti,efr.i,.io8a.oi,
,,,, iiimi,' in in ,,,ii, i in, .tiiiii i'..ii.ii..i. piiaiii , i. inn, ' iiii'iiii iiiiii'ini iiuii .a, - .
- '-- .,..- I'.i.if i-iii'iiein "m--- .- ...
Illstllllfe iiexl week nt .Salem. .1. ('.
Aliiswnrlh, President of (lie O, S. N. (.,
has olleied half fine tb l.cls, on the boats
of that Company, to llioio wishing to
litteuil Iheli.Ptitute.
WiniM'.-Tlieiels a -.tilt further ad-
ancetif wheat nt l.leipool, latest 1)1111
lulloiis being IN. jid. for club, but the
ilo Isoll'Hct by the Ineiease on height
ohmgc!.. We llud, then, that, while
wheat Iu Uwipool Is ipioled higher nlshed I'lom their garden beds In Ma
4 I... .. .. I I . I
. iit.i in. lining teais n.ie.i, we .e- ami jiuie, nun aitorii us iuuries eot.sis
inii.Mii v.iiii.i- r,,p ,.p.t,i....i.... ..i in11'"" "' i cai. -lour, and mi Siitin-iinv
larnieemion.v. '' "' '" v,"t- "'-i ",.,.,... .. ... , ,.. , , '
i'i. iv... t up ii . . i Proper encouragement were given tlie V""1"1" ,"1' "'t degree on n class of
A. I n ! U! nd i'miio".'! f''"''TMo market It by means", f he P f""V- '"- about seven.y-slx
f. i s ,fl ' ' '' ' ! '"' ' ' "",; l,,'""'- tiansportation, we will take -Ix couu' ,Iu",,l,,,'s "w vli.r fellow.sl.lp wiM.
lm, ,1 , . : 7. , f" ."",0M t "' M"". '!"". "'", "oiit.ii., Poll , M""'"1 "range, and befoie the win-
S Ik f . T, th '",,, Van.hlll-lylng along the banks o ' !"r '" " lt to number over one
i tmJ ml.,,, T , !' " ; U'S ,r,,h,"''r"lu. heanofthevallev ,1,,",w'- 'I'he objects for which the Or-
wS, !;;r; ;;.::! :!::
...ui ..I, ... . . i.i i V. lO" acres, am t s est united by Intelll- """' "' "" peopie, unii it niey remain
u when Lose tl.a Ime suivly.-d the fi,rnm ,, . j,,;, s" , " true to themselves, n. llrm in the main
wlneil ,egenen,lybeco.newll.nla,,d ., wJH .eveii-elghthsor I.oti.iUh aete I l,nn"w of ""-rights, w.,I, ,,XI? (il.
lale; the choicest ol small Units are fur-,..,,,.,. , , ,'., ' . lu" .' termination Hint n,..i- .1...1..1 ,
--. 1 ui. ui- ... t-iuiiYuiinii
tSf Sp ml Ji .cut to JU11 ' LintnAiiT Wki.t,
Cliolitiv, ()., fnraiopjr ml a pair nf bcanlful Chn
mn; laluoiinj pi,tlfacllon Riinwutppj. Jtoruscntii
Time Trils the 3lerils of all Thins.
I'm- ncr TUIri) Vi-nr
Pain- 3ES. iiier
n.stH-ntPteliirirn mrl.t i.fcllnuio. m.l ,y
nlmii.t firry nillnii known to Amerkann it L
lli ci.iinnnl iiimiuiiluu ami liartlnulilp frh-nU of tli..
mlMivniiryniidlbi-intiillfr. en tin- na or Innil. ami
iiooiiu ImulJ Irani unuur Jjiktuor Itlter without
Mncclhe'AIVKIU.KH .. rtr.tlntr.KliuPd.amJ
rep 1 u llh .nich pxtpn.lre a!i-. many l.lnlmi utn. It. 0r
I'aiiacta aud iillur lidunlU liniubi.n oll.-n.! ii
11 thu i.iitilli. but not imrurititni lia.npr atlalupij
tin- trill) tinlalilo nanillnj; of Uu- I'AIX KIM Kit
s good arable land. Allow in
""will light the battle of reform, until' ,',' '. 'V """J 1 1,!AVIS". I'ai.n-kili.eu I. what it
one 1 monopolists and grasping .speculators 'la'"" '"''" "lUl'" f"'-1'".
own j shall ground their amis, and eoncede to I U Jierlu uro I i,fciiriup,i.
Iil. ... l.lu .... K ... ...... . ,
.elvo less In Oiegon than we Inn., at hint with health all summer. Then """'."-" u-. u w
. ,. , ., 1 bages, onions, e.irn, s, bee s pars., ps. , ',, ' , . "l .l,,r ' litut.ii will Imm, been a.votup N ,ed, rii.n, l).in.r, iiu, unm i ,,
A ( ham 1: 1 011 vit.iAt.vs.-H. W. j ,. ,, , (.aM UI ,;, ' ' l;-r Mmi miy on the same b.i.ls, Let .the farmers be up and doingand del """" .& V.OM,."rV "-,t'l!i.
McKay A- Sous, of .New Yoik oil v. mix or- ,'','1,1,1 . ' ... 1 . . ' w ,,h " ,uv:l "' l.,l,0H)acres,1and l.Ms,- ,,,,,"l ,""' protection fiom their leglsla- .. , ' k l,l'ud,,''-
tholnoureoltminsto-dayalarlotof M , H n e Ta W ,";"1' - lff hN m hMl LM "-...Ielr.l U.em. ''--'-,r, w,,c,
Mdendld good. ,.,,,,,, xeo I..W-...I I ' , ' K alk:, rSS. ZS X? """ VT" "V n .1 " " " r'25"?"r..,
oil aceolll t of ban .run ev ...iiik.s ln-tli., , ' lutsliels per acre, xxoul.l a e tor l.lnn ' Ol n I)K,ir 1 . ... 'i-i,..- 1. lVrn irawliin.. .i..,i.i'i..; . 1, i..".;."!. C,.ICV..
' '--. .i . - l. . 1 - r ----- -.. -....,., hi a HL'IL' 11 Illlll' III
iicciit lluaiieial panic,
Ite.id tho adver-
..ivij iiiiiuei eiuiius it. ,i;ni. a L-amen, .-ilUl.tV l.V!lM).t)iHl iim i..U ,, v.r 1 '....,... r,.l r..li.. ... .1 ...- ....
and most of our leadc.s will ivrhaps ,' ,' ...,'...,- ;""". '""", , . . " ' . ",l '. r" ' m "'""
. 1 ...... ,,... :. . "" ".-'" "ties, aim 1 "..u.i j.ie!iniHi ui tne xviiiamette va
ilio In water, will pn-i.nt .kkni-iorbow'cl troub
IkJmiii chan.-oof waii-r
Xfiitn funl.-n tuumrle the calN for I'AIN.KILLRR
-.v .., 1, 1. lUUI'li 11.
.............. .,,... .'..l.ll 1. .1,11' Lllllll, I, 1111 111 . ...... .1, ..I.. .... .1.1.... ... . ... .. 1. . 1
glxcnnt Itced'sOpeia House, on Monday '' to advance, Is the actual piollt and acres to w heat, we have at twenty lni-,1, 1 the 0 untrv ....,.,.., w. , ! LnVpl1!! ,"KHl.,''."n",,l .l"lnei,t. nmhln Cn..
evening, Deo. ail!., by S. John's Choir, Mtlsfactlon the posses,,.,,, , llr,t.ra,e cls w ir mZm"Iw&
nsssted by ,,,., ,a.en. O,....,,,,. A garden gives to a family It .s s.e; llHJu.K , . J )t .U.a vu
ples.int time IsnnlKIp.ited b.v tho imli- thing oei.x farmer should be proud of ,alm, iMsi,,,.aue, with an arvi ot -10 wh!l.. il... f,..-,,. .; . , . ' ' f";l"rndih. ;ii.Kiiu-rSiu-.th.m rclllr ,".1
,U- A -., ,,, '.uidsti.xo ,0 ,,,l .only those M acres. One hif lZ $ wXTn ZmITZ "--"-eUc,, ...... 4..,,,,ET,eU..
'!;" ..:.. onW feels under g , J J ZZ "TiVim ?v VJw , ST1 n U1,.tfH,"W,1T """ " "f T "'" " " SffflUl
obllgatloupt., Weathcrfonl A Co., , hug- -. , L r. . " "' that sow nto wheat would give Uentoii. 1 would have been denied eeedlt : or ad- ,,,:"u-'lv,; " r.iur.and.aiehou.uSl"
y" "'lr kind icuiem- , "' J M.e p." m n !"'L"p J'.L!.Uty..!,.V.,,U,U ,Wr WK X.1 yarnvsn, tlu; wIlolcM,e ,uen!hanl.. am, bono, trlflUiyour.., by, ,,, untrtc,. r,m.
iinti riT 1111 1 nriki iiiiynt.i ----..... . , (kiiikm-i -i ljii?iil'if. i iiik I'liv-orw on -.. nrui t. ,
, Pll 111? IIIIIM I H'lt Fl.i.ill .t l.i.t... I ..i .. aI iuiv, lV fUlV IUII 111 Itir HUU I'LL HIP TtIUIIIIM 14 IV
cakes, better than wo haxotheiu l.i town .... i .......... !p '.""''"" tightness of tl 0 thmw. 'n l ." l&"K'K.'i!l
'I'l,.. .1... I.. . I .1 . .. 1 ...... ..... ... -'-"-vit,uuisjui uilsusuni-. l1P,,,.i,, ... ..",.. ....;., ""', " ".v,.-"ii"'.vM.u.K.r.wvl.uiHuuunaiiaiaaDieia
it V i"' fit lilt.' Illll Illlll 111 Illlil IllX'llllllt UllL XII 1111 l-V llM( ill Illlll irilkll 1111 I U 1.1 . .....I I. I j viwiikiil IHL' 1UII . Ullll III IHMlluru Ait.
'. "vol, . " ,m, i,utur. .,"'," : . "J" . " , " " " , , I ' "' ! ' .-'",?.! !' l T I '-' . and everythinThas loeu
fr Direction accompany rach bottle,
Frlcc ai cl., 60 cl, aud SI per Uolllr.
dec Ai ml
...., ,-. .... ....... ....,.. -...... -r .- -- v a ttin 11 iiiiiii iinHiini.k 1 .1. i,i.. 1 .. . .. ..11 1 -
' -.iuhiwiii-iuh-IJ Illlll