H t HWWf2S3SSBK "?. 45. $2.50 por Year, in Advance. SALEM, OREGON, DECEMBER 27, 1873. Volume V. Number fkws ay TELEqf. Chicago, Doc. 111. Tho Illinois Slate Farmer' Aoclntlon concluded Its annual session nt Decatur l.it night, after adopt lug a ptattorm, ol which tlio following arc tlio main points: They declare that every American voter should do all In Id power to secure the election of honei-t and couic tent men to olllco ; the firmer am ab solved from all allegiance to old political parties ; that the repeal ol the salary grab should bo retroactive ; that largo salaries are antagonistic to Itopublleau principles ; that the Civil Service should bo reformed ; they favor Improving tho navigation of lakes and rivers and oppose protective in i III- ; deprecate tho system of subsidies; favor legal lender currency Issued dlrcc'ly by Government and Interchangeable for bond licarlng the lowct possible into of Interest ; demand a revision of tho Patent laws and Insist upon biennial sessions of ino Legislature ; assert tlio right or the State Legislature to legislate for tho con trol ot railroad and oppose any attempt ot C nngre to excreta uch control. W. ('. H.igg wa re-elected President m.il S. 51. Smith, Secretary, with Vlco l'i-c1cleiili from each Congressional District. Xr.w YoiiK. Dec. 17. A corrcsnondont of tho Tribune, who was present nt tho ur- rcnucr 01 mo irginiu, telegraph trom Key V est that the sm render took place at llama Honda, yesterday morning. The faststcam yacht Dispatch was selected to receive the Virginia, and Captain Whit ing of tlm Worcester, wa designated to command her. Ho wa accompanied by I.lent Adolphn Jlarlx, Master (ieorgo A. Caihonn, A't Knglneer X. II. l.andon, and her crew con-Nted of. 'Ill men from tlio Pawnee. Tho Dispatch sailed from Iey Wen on Sunday and reached llahla Hon da about noon on Monday. A soon a the Dispatch wa signalled from shore, tho Spanish Hag, beat lug tho crown twlth- standing tlio republican edict nholMilug tho monarchical emblem, wa thing to the breeze. Wo discovered a black tldowheol steamhlp with two smoke-stack beyond the tort', anil In perfectly smooth water. Xo other emit except two ortlnee coasting seuooncrs, was uieii viiiiic, and it wasnot until wo wcroahont tocomo nalion that wo discovered a Spanish sloop of war lying close under shore, about two and a half mile away. The Dispatch nroeeedod steadily and slowly mid anchored f.bont -100 yard from tho vlrglnlus. Almost liniuodlatolyaftor witnl a boat from the Spanish vessel eamo alongside the Vlrdnlu-', and at a ipiaitcr to i o'clock the Stars and Stripes were ratad by Spanish hands, and again Moated over tho vessel which carried llyiin, Vero na, Try and their unfortunate comrade to death. Tho boat w.i thou pulled away. At the same moment, wo saw by aid of glasses, another boat let down fiom the SpanMi vessel, which proved to lm the Captain's gig.. It brought to tho Dispatch a young naval olllcer !u full unllbrm. He va courteously met nt tlm lrnnrnvni- In- Captain Itod:crs. and ho IiiIiimImumI 'Mm. sell a Senor do la Camera, commanding mo sioop-oi.war t-nvoriia. Camera re maiked that ho had rceehed n copv ol the protocol requiring the ninender of tlio Vlr glulus, and wa prepared to execute it. It was then agreed Unit the ceremony should take place, at ! o'clock Tuesday morning. Salute were again exchanged and Senor do la Camera left the ship, tho luleivlew not having lasted more than ll vo mhiutcs. In the afternoon Capt. WhlMngaud Mem. Marlx returned tho will and were received with proper win tesies. Tuesday nioinhig, punctually, a tho bell on tho Dl-patcb struck nine o'clock, the American Hair iluiv to tho llig-talfoftho Vlrglnlus. and nt the samo moment a boat containing Capt. Whiting and I.leiit. Marlx. put away Irom tho Dispatch. As they ascended tho uc commoUallou ladder of tho Vlrglnlus, a single man on deck, who proved to lie Senor do la Camera, advanced, tuado a sa lute to tho olllcers, and remaikod that hi obedience to the repuremeiit of his Gov eminent he had tho honor lo turn over the steamer Virghdu lo tho Amei lean author ities. Capt. Whiting ncceptod and a-cci-taluliig that n n ccipt would be acceptable, gave one. The Vlrglnlus was In a mo-t iiuny coiiiiiuon, ami leaking conldorably. Tho Vlrgluiu steamed about 200 yard-, an goim: well, wnen tlio engine suddenly l-'ranel-co, to olivine the breaking up of In- talnly wlilioul Impel lllnizit public Interest voices. Ab-cncool till facility lenders the sue, canal prcieraoio to many snippers, particularly a of late It ha been equally a expeditious a a mode of conveyance. Complaint ngain-t tho management of the l'acillc road have been belli long and loud, and inanv people fear that present representation belong to that ela of olll clal of whom It ha been said "few die and none resign.'1 ltceeiit Investlgitloii have shown that the Government built the l'acillc road with tho people's money, and In so doing enriched beyond measure a goodly number of individuals, some of wnom retired topnvato lite to enjoy tne proilt of jobbery. Xkw Yoiik, Dec, IS. The owner of the steamer I-'iii.iII.i, fiom thl poit for Glasgow, have given up all hope of her safety. She had a crew of forty-llvo men. Xi:V Voiik. Dee. IS. The steamer Kd- gar Stuart, which untie a succc.-ful laud ing of her llfth cargo of nriu and men upon the. Island of Cub i, Is said to bo tit ling out at Italtlmoiv for another run. (forgo A. Christian, late clerk in tho Surveyor General's olllco, and ('has. Green, both convicted on a charge of dis interring (load bodle and m-lllng them, wero to-day sentenced lo 11 year linpils oumeut anil u line of $1,000 each. WA-lliNinox, Dee. 111. Sceivti.ry De lano warns TerrltoiI.il or otlirrolllcerslh.it absence from t licit- pot, without special pel mission, will bo cou-hlored a resigna tion, mid any ofllccr asking leave of nb seuco will accoiiiDnuy tho reuiu-t with a statement of the i-au-o for making such n reiinest. llo.-TOV, Dee. H. The luneral ol Pro fessor Agas, took place to-day from Ap pleton Chapel. Haivard l'nlersy, which wa profu-cly decoruted with funeral em blem and (lowers, tributes ol respects from tho student. Tlio services, which were extremely simple, began with chanting a (election from tho Cherubim Mass, by the Harvard (Jim Club. Tho MiiiRfv wa then said by llev. Dr. A. Peabody, I'leaeh- At the -anie time we are bound to say that we utterly dhbellevi the scandals mid no cus'itlons which have been circulated to the disadvantage ol Williams, but I he the ict man lor I lie post r CuiOAiio. Dec. '.'O. It Is now regarded iKivitaiu that 11 the 1'iesldent tall to withdraw the nomination of William for Chief .lu-tlce bo Mill b rejected. If this take plaiv, it Is the purpo-o of a number "ot Senators to have the reason lor his lejee tlou piibll-hed. Tho expectation I that in cao tho ivjeollon W voted by the Si'iiate. Mr. William will rosliruns Attorney (!en- e in I. Wamiim'.ion. Dec. 'JO. The Impression I gaining ground that the Spanish Minis ter will show that the Virginia had no light to cany the American ll ig ; that ho was owned In whole or In part by foreign er, and that her Ameilcaii paper Mere obtained by finud. If so. our ('oxeruiiieut will withdraw tho deinauil fin- the salute ol the Amei loan lligou Christina Day, nccoidliig lo tho protocol. Salt I.aki:. Dec. IS. Theie wa a h ivy "hock of earthquake at Hear L.iko valley this morning nt sum No. Chief. I iwt leu McKe.iu again refuse lo admit polygimlsis to cilleusbip. In a cae vc-terday. where an applicant who had left a plurality of wives to go hording for uhllruiv, MclCeau was very suture, Xr.w Yoiik. Dec.i.l AttornevtJeiieral Williams ha sent to tint Secretary ol Stale a lengthy written opinion to iht'eUcct that tho vlrglnlus, nt tlio time of her capture, inn no rigut lo cirrv (lie American Hag, and that her rogl-tratlon by l'allerou, as an AiuerlKiii s-lilp, wa In Iraud of the I'lillctl Slates. Wa-iiimitos, Dec. 'J.t. Several repnta hlo lawyer -cout nt William' opinion (hat iiotwitbstaddlng the Vlrgluiu wa I'mml uleiilly ivgl-leivd, that fact doe iiotiiH'ecl her light lo ho protected ll out mole-taliou on the high sea. They hold lh.it n tniiul- ulent legUter give to those obtaining It no light not possessed before; therefore. If 4EWS tj EVIS. in i in inn ii ii i mini mi ii ii in in n TluiCiiUuntiU rivir K'lmY Ht. IIi'lciH In f rco ft ma leo. The null canitr fiom l).tllt' lo l'ortlnriil passett tlio Cnnciilt b Hmulity. fttt lt.Mti.k.. .. .. .!. lt..1t...t.. 1 I... ., ii. ihiiii'. pi. ru n inn i.iiiiriiii, n hjijiiiiui eil imstniasler lit Atorlit. 1 lie 1 miulv Trimp ri or of the University, which wa Iniiueili-j Ihe ivgNter was liauilutenl, Ihu Irgiuius ately followed by the lnglng of the hymn, had no light to the protection of the Auier- 'tio in me liravc." .uie nouy was re-j iciin nig. moved dead imrch wa neiforiued on Invftitrition n to the character of the tlie oiirili. A lonir collC!:, followed llie . Vh-iflulus is to ho nimmciii-cil in .ti boily lo the burial place, In Mount Auliui ii Voik. Cuveiiimeut I poueiless to pio I'einelery. Tho church wa densely cxed iignlut I'.uierron, to whom the leg crowded, many being unablo logalu nil- l-ler for the ves-el wa Is-ueil on account mittatice. Among iho-o pie-eut weru iof llmlaiute of llinllatloii. Vlco President Wilson. (Jovernor Wah- Xi.w Voiik, Dec. Tho Tlmrn auuoiiu hum, ex-IJovernorClallln, Oliver Wendell custhoaiveptauen of Slikles' resigualiou. Holmes. Hnlph W. Kmcr-oii, K. ltced ni.d I It cays ho has done his best to embroil the a largo uuuiber of other dl-tiiigulsheil per- Uiauitry hi war. and mid tint lecent ne son. Tho church bells In llo-tan and gotlntlou with Spiln wt-ro i-irrleil on Cambildgo weiu lolled autllii were at without releivmv lit Sickle hi uuv way. half-mast during ( lie funeral. Xi:v Yoiik, Dec. 2(1. Several ot tlm morning paper state that V.. A. Wood, waul, who win County Auditor when (he Tweed Iling ruled, ha consented to turn Slate' evidence, lie In already leluriled to thl city nnd given Iiltii'-ell up lo tho au thorities, nuil I now In custody. It I ns sortcd on trustworthy uuil'iorlty that Woodwind 1 iiiepared to luinWi nil the mlssliii; links hi tlm chain ol ic-tlmouv ngaln-i er-ouact.ii-ed of fraud, nnd that In umleh-ion will bo cp-picially valuible, a giving liilbi inutlou leuardlug the divis ion ol'tho plunder. It Is further alleged tint ho will Implicate koiiio pel son nguhitt whom no prool of crime ha heretofore been developed, Including two or tlueo now holding high olllco. Tho conviction ycMurdiy of Prince Harry (ienet wa a complute 'iirprlso to tlm prtaiicrnud hi Irlenils. At llio conclusion of Tweed' trial ho Indignantly scouted Id filendt ndvlcti to lieu out ot reach ot (lie .N'ew Yoik Court. Tlio ncu.iltv. under hWcon. vlctlou, of obtaining money by fata pre tence. I from onu year in tho Peniten tiary lo llvo yean. In Ihu Slam l'ltaimt tho discretion of tint Court, nuil a line not exceeding fJO.UOO. Wa:IIIMHOX. Dec. UO. Tho Senate'-, ailjourniuent for tho linlid.iys without act lug on Williams' nomination I ominous ol defeat, becaiW) tho votu would ivitalu ly hate been pre-ced If coiiltrm.it Ion had been probiblu. Hi frlmd mittlile, how. ever. Mill leel coull'leiit that tho President will not withdraw- tho noiuliiatlou. and that tho .sonatu will ultimately conilrni him. HI opponent doubtle we.ikeneil themselves by spcclllo cluirges whUli can not le maintained, and therel'oio will re act. Only two member of ibo Judiciary hi own h.id,ieinperaiid worse judgineiii u-iMiig li'iiiiineil it liupos,ii! lor .spinMi Mliil-ier to hold any iiiiercour-e with him at a veiy early day. '.lMI'4lll.l.i. San I'llAMl-co, Dec. III. Tho I'. S. steamer Tu-eaioni I about todepait on another Mtynge, making sdninllnj fur a lapaueseciiblo. Her onleis mu lo (iroeeed to an Diego, thence to Honolulu, and then lo Japan, San I'iiANCi-ro, Dec. 20. 1 tooth was elected In the Joint Comculiou to-day, on the llr-t ballot. Ill vole wa CO one member nb-eiit. Tho election of Iloolh iiiu-e much lejolelng here, and dispatches liom other poitlou of (he Statu expiess the public i-all-liietloii over the triumph. It It generally regarded in the m-coiiiI grand triumph of the eoplo over tho Itall lo.nl iiiouoioly. San 1'iiam'Isco, Dec.'J'l. ludgu ll.igir waselecled lo-il iv, by lolnt conveiilloii in Siicninieiito. Senator lor the shoil term, on M-couil ballot. Weather to-night, cloudy and cold. runs to KiiIaiiia (u iiIilca of lilt' urni'lic. M. T. lMtly hint Uen nrroUd fur tlio miinlrr of nil old in.iti ii.uiuhI ltoliimuui nt (n-Kiu t'Uy Stilllil lllimtlin np. llnrrlsou I,iniUe, nettly npiMintol Acont nt Mnllit-ur lUwriatimi. kk-' our thu Columlila Hull in rt ucli tliollidlm. Up to tho pimriit lime tlio Oivpin Cllv Flour hilt Mill luttii,-roiuiil IM.OtK)lniliilHo'f win at. I'ulltvlivcly the tn mills limit ininliiutctl nltml A5ll,(HH) Imnlitlii thin m-imhi. A .MiniiK- mini luuiietl llhtrs ilic.l nKint two mills liniii On-Kuii City on Thursday limt of Kin.ill pix, lie liiul lxiii i'iiwi;l fur muiie tiinu n.i.t In tlm Kuinr milt, ntul it is mioiHMut hit luulit tlio ilUcwn from Ii.hhIIIhk- tlm uks. I'liim tlm lJiK-onoNUteJ.uiriul, l'alili-K Du.ile. n ttoiuitlitl HuMier of Urn l.mn lletls, tins in tun ii mi Tnextliy nml niinliu in tlm hlKlirst term ol tlu iMindtt otr.tiitu-tlon fur llieli- lilH-'lillitl- ill ilt Itiif lit 111 iiiil. Tin v Him I.. Ill f.i tit. ftllllllt l. As a luu k lii.nl of tt nolo Mere cnwinK tlm Willaiiieltd lliier. nt HprlUKllelil List Rltuiilay, bv tlm foul, tlio lmrni-H nr llutilriei-.tiriM iIuum IkiIIi Uvnmu tit nun alltil, and our faUiiiitil IcIUuvciIIaiis. .Mr. niiil JIih. ftiieui. Aim. .IikI Wine, .Mi.s I'iiiiiiv Will l,i r. and m trial nll,ii nt-reiuiceri'iiiiiiilDitsly iIiiiiimI into Ihu Mitlir 1 nun tlio lit nloii DcmiH'rat ; IMtturtl ('. Ki-nihlii, Iinliin Iiisvliir, ne oompiiiiietl l.y P. II. Hiiinott, of tlm Uruiule lleiiilii Atrtiit-y, nriiud liom tint Hil, 1 ln iilKlil. lLuiiii; iniri-teil llm nKiiii'liauf (Ire. gnu, Cul. Keiiible, Is i n rniilit fur California, Tlm Democrat i laiins dial mm liuiulifil tliini s.iml bushilsofwlii-iit rnlsetl in lli-uten iiiiinty has Ihi ii liil fiuiii iithi r plmi a ainl ernlUil il the pimliuu of iitluT ishiiiIIi-s. Tlm ladliH of tlm (,'urriillis Pit h! ts riati ('lunch, last uiik, pun n mipior in ibiMiiilo Hall to rtiise fiiinU fur tlm ehiiu h. I hit iN-uiilii nlmiK Soip Cuvk mid nroimil Kpring lllllaritpiit to Kii-nt Ini-inivi niriui. for Miuituf a p.wlullii-11 at or mar 1). II. Viuulir IhkiIV. This Uil thli-My M-tlletl isirtlnii of our enmity, vet Urn iwnplu am couon-UiiI In nam AllunyiT Jlinua ViaU fur their mail inaltir. Willi a dilly him of atieisiui this rnille, frniii P.dtj dl C'urvallls or Jiiiietlon. tI.i Allium. tl. extia line from C'nrviillij In Allmiiv iim'l I I.. ilniiiair.iv Midi. At I lie iiiitliiiKiif tlm IliliMli.f; fotiliiiill. i of A,'riCllltiirl CnlliKO, held last Hiitiinl.iv, tin plium ainl neilleatiuiis fiiriilahid by Kru'iulH In ft (lillait Mini ibluptul, and tlio iniilrj-t nf minimi!,- ou iiiiiiiu attanitti initial ciuiipiny. The Koselnirg Pliilndealer, Dec. 10, contain tlm following: A lir.ikimaiiiui lliu jiaiminr ImIii, named t. (lejrv mus tliiiiMii Iriim tlm .Mr iil,ir..i.i.i thnu nulla Uyiuiil (Likliiinl and t.is.n l.mllv I. .!.... 111. ..I .1. ...I....... .'. uim i, mat in- nun t. .11 mat pi.ll-e, -Mjitlc (Iraiipi unaoriiaiiiiil hp , M. (bur luy at Mtitlc ('rule, no tlm l.llli lnt., tilh tlur tymnulHiri. II, II. (lihha Mas eliell .MaaUr, mill II, Wt-ai r Hiiti tart. Weliiur it riimnieil ii'ikhi llm hIiiiIh that Jlr. 1'iihlil Hiilliulnu'iiiili iiiiiili-a tlm huilijini.'ol a hriek liiiilihnu in thi ellv. In M u..,l a u Imul, ..., i i .1-.. ttllll 111111,111111 IMIII-I-. Wo Irani that lb my WaleiH, i.f IhiIiIiik (ll.iss, Ini't ttlllia ty nti lencciili nl. A nam which hit uas hriiini; ran iim.iv amllliriw liim Imiii tho ttnon, ilMia-allni; hla kIuiiiIiIit. I'lfliill thniiMlul ilnllarattaa nlliml Mr. 1'i-n Hiilluiliu, llils HI-.-1,. 1'nr hi ahn-p raiien mi tint inn 111 hunk nf .Nnilli l inKiia, by Mr. Aslnr Mai ka, ol llm tl mi of K. Maika .V Co., of thia city. 'lini ranrh In ijm rliun inntalua 4 noi) A yoiinn man iiatnul Mck. Ibltiu near Intle poinli lire, whiln out limiting the other dav, met Mlllinaerlnusneeiileiit. ll apienrs thai whilo loailiui; hi Kun It tins ilischarKi-tl, ilritioK thu ramriHl entirely tlmniKli his haml biitnn u tlm llunnli nuil foiitlupr, Mhllu (lm hall waa Iix1(,-ul Mlthlii an inch of m hero tlm raninalrama out. Junction City lm nn ixeelliut n-himl lioitse. Mell fiiriilaliiil. ami rnmfurtatitm-luirrh, U loiijr Iiik to tlm Cumla-tlaiiil Pnabiti rian Cliiireh, ni thuii;li uivii lit ttiry ilcmimliiallon tvlilclilms fur Its iiltjivl tint nilvaiu-einfiil nf Clirlallanltv. Thrro I alau an em rKetle Kalibalh HoIhniI, with an arernce atti inUiieitnf nbuiit (A aliulcnta. A Monmn, Mm, Mary l-'arley, HvIhk in l'urt laiiil, .w&arriatul nn arharimuf haling killed In r child, hv la-atiiiK It liead nKlnat tlm llonr. Him waa in thu Itisann Aatlnin a year and n half Bii. and I mi iluulit nun erazv. The CiHta Hay Xea ul llm llllli Inat. anya; "A No,- Hi lug on South Sloiigli, a ami of Hiram W Hut, nuMleie, had his arm frightfully iimn Mliil by tho Imraling of a kiiii with ttlileh ho nanaliiHiliiittKiiimt. Ilr. 'Imer I attcmlinir on tlm linlu ivilow, Mint Ik urn hi nalua will) extin uiilln.iry fnrlitiiile." Win. .lamlcaiiii, nf Tiieunia. waa killed nil laal Hatunl.iv l.y the iiHcltiiiL- nf Tillcv'a (.iL-t. ho (ttiiii'IVliluuaiiilOlMiiiila. At llniaauio thiia. Ihutirivir, .Mr. W. P. Muivy, waa ilauieii)ualy if nut murliilly Itijiuid. Puea ami wolii a am inaklng ami lianw with llm alii-en ill I'olk i-nunlv. Mr. Il.irin.t- Ima l,,.t quite it niimla-r, after Kivinit Utn llioiliw at itllililiuii. Hiiiiu tlmauuw, the uulvi-aliaiuUt. eniiio eiceetliii:ly bold, cuiiiiiiu itow ll nluiuat to int. iiuuara, Mnril Hull, on trial nt I'nrlliuid, hrnimJinlir inwiiymrpnieiirUigllliKiilviilliig, wa aiipiit toil nil I uemlay. Thrill nthera eaaea, nil tho a.nmi iInii'Ki', am let In li iII.IkwiiI nf, Mr..MIiinio.l.rllii Mlllrr lant present lee. InriliKlu Himlliiiii (lirKun. Him nimeaml at (,'ikih Hay no tliu'ith Inst. The leu in llm CnliimWa, ipatalto Vaneimier, diKa not iiimiijit, allliuiiith ll ia iHi-umluir very pornua. Tlm mail earihia eruaaul no Friday anilieliniuilMllh safi ly. Thl waa ilono l.y IhiiribattluKii lamt nenma tint lit) with Ihrin, )o nui-inn , iiif.ii, in ,-nni III ai'i'iiieui. ill. llualuiil liaa lain luili WtottwTiWXrW, ?' -?te'yw!? "" -"- ...,,,:i.l.i, ,,., i-.i.i....i..i..i .... ".""' 'loin oK uiu pre-eui op xtneiiis me I,,. Si.nil.h il,;. ill.- n.i .i I...V' heConneeteutS.nalo.-s, who Imm- la-en .,V..J.,..i r.. 'i"r...7 '." ?ivieil ly the bird tint Statu tl ....,! .. - .... l-.-r.,., JM ,.., (fill,, ,,,J ,11-llT nt km, tho Vlrglnlus wa oou again under fte.im the Di-it-itt-n ivalng to tow her, mid tho two veI steamed together toward Jortugas. Xew Voiik. Dec. IS. Tho .S7iy,i;i LM sly thciv U no reason why fivlght hv railroad to or from S.111 KrancK-o should bo more tlian 1 1 days in transit. At pros, cut It l ierhap au day, and trom Sin Kranei-co we hear of a till longer time being consumed. Wo think it not unlikely that letter time, n lower tarltf And more scntlble cl.ifltlc:Ulou offrelglit will large ly lncreas tho shipment by railroad. Wc want a through lino and through cars, quicker time, les handling of freight, and more prompt settlement ot claim for dam ages mid over charge. Particularly are through car desirable tor tea from San Lawyer everywhent te- 'med to bring tho ipiestlou holbru tlm atlon, and tho general pub-I 'ortl' mrnuhm, but desires !no owners it iv. . haul' nr-'uineiit In tho Credit Mohlller iii-i .11 .inioni ivm so weuu n moo 11 'subject for adver-o comment. If a new uoiiilnatloii lj made, Kdward Plerrejiont, of. New York, I ibo mo,t iiioinlncnt now. l.w ioiik, IK-O. 'JU. Tlu ronrttiiy ..e 1 1-1 in ' ui 11 1111.1111 ; i lirci 1110 iioiniuaiiou. anil llio L'e i, .,.,.. .. " . . no uuiiK.-i iiiiicu sirouger 0110 uilglit liavo been mule. We cannot, a a r.ililiful rep resentative of public opinion, retrain from expressing the wish that tlio President would revousldcr hi nomination and send In another name. Whllo General f.'rant alway ha tlrmnes td adheie to nnj de termination which, In hi opinion, Is founded on right and Justice, bu ha alo shown 11 wl-e and nroner reLiinl for nubile. opinion, and In this Instance might make a graceful concession to that opinion, cvr- i'oit:i;. I.OSIxtN. Dec. l!0. S!cl.il ilUpadhes from Muilrld -ay (hero I gieal lejolelng iin-rii inor iiiumiiioi 111:11 1 uu liiiverumeut of the I'nlteil htali-s has ileehleiltli.it the Vlrgluiu wn not ciitillul to carrv Ihu Atneili-iu llig. Tim Ttuiri, eoiiiiueiiting on tho leporl, iv mh-Ii 11 ileel-lon would la couslateiit with Until and Ju-llce. Maiuiid, Dec. lrt. Thu fioiiibanhuetit ol'Carlageni imitlnncil all day. Tlieie wasnlertlblu mu iiuit explodon within thu Insurgent liiie to-dty. (iuueril Do. uihupie. oll'ei pardon to nil who surren der. The lusiugeiitsnio sllll able to ob tain provblous, but their communication Is filling. ltoiii. Dec. 17. The Pan.il Xiinelout Paris h.i. la-eu iiotllhil lint thu Arehhl'li. 1 op lit Paris. aleucli and ( auibrla hive I Lmcii elected to thu f ollego of Canllunls. 1 Havana, Dec. 17. llm tlavery ipies. 1 tlou is now seriously dUai'-cd ainonir slnio owners. Tlm (Joveiriincnt Is detei- to lirono-o 'oinc nl.lli fur lirikhiL' tint alio lllloii ol slavery n certainty, without ceil ously Injuring the prosperity ol thu Inland. O1.r1.1m. Dec. 21. Tho opposition stnge, whlcli left Teliluo hut evening with two passengers, overturned when 11 few mile out, killing one of tho passenger, named Jamison, a resident ofTumma, and seriously Injuring tho driver. TImj other Iaeiiger ecaetl. nen s nf Imul nf nnly an aw ineo quulily. ami tin lirlfitnttiriil I at tlm ratu of S.'l tn-r m-r... .Inhli llaitiu'ahirn at tlm inoiitli nf laiklue (Ha, waa ileatrnjid by Urn nn l'rnlay Ut., Homo nf liia chllilrin, It aiiins. vtem playing ulioiit tlm ham with iiiati-lua. Tim haru waa 11 larxcnuo, trill nihil with hay ami ralu ami (arm iiniili mint, Hlnrilf Wimlit, who haa Juat ntiiriud from 1 aiiuiivh. infill inn 11a the ruaila annlli nf 11,1. city aro in la tti reuiiihtioii fur Iran I tlmn they hum lam kiiuttii lafure altlilaartlculurkeaituii of Ihu year. Thu t;r:itil rmul wiili.uuiU llm 1 ( furl nt llm rum tu iluluiliiu itlruiuiu aicuro Ik-.I. ill.s 11. A Oniua, a la.ly Mill kuuwii In thia eiuity, luma fur I'liilmh lihla lii.murrow liiuiiiliiKi while aim pruiaiaiw to Krailuatu aa a Iihiclan, With Ihl elnl In view t,m ha lain a unii.laiit reailer of Ihu wnU-ra nf tlm ri.nl. ria liiiilica fur tlm laal two yiaia. Hint will itliini lo Ituaihiiri,' u mhiii im In r atinlka me euui plitid. Tliu lair nil in by thulailiis of Ihu Pruhyliii an an. I Mi lliialit Cliiiivh ..tririiiu; waaipiiit aaiiiivaa. Tlm piiai'ds of tin fair .-iinuiiiitiil to JliVI uinl llnru if vi t nlaini -ST.". wurlh nl aiti ilea ri maililiiK utlsnld, which will U- ihajMiadj nf at aoiiiu liituru tiinu. And lh folluwiiii; fnim daw Hay ; 'll.oiitw auamlaut MeaaciiKir will mako hir trial triiuii.Muiiiay, Thu tiniil la laiau (,'imik llav and Han 1'iau- ciaco U ilimiiiiahlug at 'ii not, hiitwlll llTllllip 111 mu niiima, lion. P.O. Iaa-khart. who haa lam liinc air. iomlv at liia iiaMiiiru In Ilumiru Cilv ia re. inviiiUK. A alluy, ' WK) fcit aloe u li-vil, ami iinrlh fit IjIiIihV- 1(! ili'ru-a, whim anotviiiler falla ls 111 ..loiil.iiiu. In.liaiia, trap; ra ami iM w 1. ilcla ay aim.- Ma nit 1 r j.t win nn IImi;iuiiihI III ' ulky lltli. Whllo mow fall to Ihu ilrpth nf run a liu-hia 011 tliu ai.rroiiiuliii m.iiiiitaliu ami valleya, imur an inch lallauu this fainuil kail, Thu aaeanl laluaiinn nf tho Territuiy of MuuUiia, fur Ihoytar lrlJ,l'J,M.),llZ, ai;alnat tV;Hl,W.'i, laat )iar; Uinu-a ml loa iliitlnL tlioi.aruf H'l,3iO. Thu Tirriturial ajara am conflilonl thu .Soruril 1'acillo will hu built to thu Ytlluwatuuu Park 111 it milium r. At Virginia City, on ihurailay tho Kill Itist., tho tliermumittr wmt twiuly di-Kreva Uluw- MCI, Andrew Mahlii, of Ulyinnia, met with a laavy lo.a on Thurxlay laal. 'llm iwUtncii 011 his larm at Itohiiiann'a 1'rairlu, iueludiiiK thu fiirnb turu, waatntirtly lU.trojul by lire, Nothing waa sand. I .on about ii.WXl. Iliiafuiil ha la. 11 lii.imr.iliK- ni-n.iiiiil ..r urn euaiKii 01 ttptinin; a ,t,r adiln-Nn.il to miother uinu. Tho Pallaa lleuilieau aavat A man bv (ho iiainonf Julia MeMiirial wiia arralitlinl la-furu Jiutleo Miiiynnl laat Tni-mlay on a eharKuuf luirao nl. aliiig. Alii r a hinrliia ho waa coin milted to Jail in ilefaull or Jl.'ill liall. I ho Ni n mya hiiaim aa I ilull nt Cum Hay (,, e.iiM-ipi(.iieii nf hi any luiajcra U-Ing l.rnae- eiiti-il In the P. H. Ih.liu-t Ciiiiit for eiitllni: liliila r nil llotiiiniinil himla. anian ttunti dollir plieo la a em Imiiv 11ml (.ilvcr'lai an Hi-nrio Ilr nubmly ,oin.aliia nLwiit a'ut; naiil nlf in II. Tlio Ai aloiailnt HI. Ilil.in 011 iKvount i,r leu in tlm Ciihimhl.l. Piemugera, ai;i;nf,r, luijla. and eipreaa matter wnu hiuii;ht lo Purl- .din. nil uti r au-.iiill rs. Mia. Mary I'ailey, who kllle.1 her rhll.l 11 liirlluittl on Muuilaj, hanla-iiiHint tollm lii.ulin Asiluiu, Tlm HM-ninl animal iiifrlliiiif llm HtaluTuin 1 nun e Union will lailulil in llm eitv ufHalem, enmineiii-iiii! Mniuliy. I'-bruaiy Ifilh, IH7I. Tin.. Territorial l'i nlli mUry, at Htillacnniu, layit iniauti Inr thu waul uf meiaaary (mill tine. II haa riaiui for folly iiuiviola, ami tin n aru muni thai than lunula r In llmilill'iuiut colliily J.illa uhendy. Tin n la n atiuiii; pruhahililv that tho aleamri Vplijic will lat put nn dm H.altln amlTaiiuni niiite, mukingaiuiUlally liijia laiivun llm iu plai-i a, A hriili;d htm lain phii-nl acrnsa tlm Mi-Kill-rl.i at Ihi). Ion' lei ry. In I..11111 eniuitv. Dr. Alnianilrr, ul I. Inn iniiutv, 'tlm lliKiah 1 aaiK. la atlll 11 ry ill, hut his Iriu-nl am huia fill ul hlaneiiviiy. AnilTnrt ia lalnu madu to prneuro fiunl In hriihjo thu llm Wlllii tliiatHiirinklli-lil.lii I.hiiu euiinty. llie auieuiriiitiiiaanil ili'iuity niuiaiai. h liaiuaCliiiatmaaTiie in tlm M. I!. (Munch oil Chrlatiiiaa V.r. JaalH r V.iukillil nr I'.iintr.i lltf liaa l.u.n .. imtiilhy thu U. H. Maralinl, ehauail with cut tiui: tuuli r no (Ion iiimi'iit lainla. 'I hit U'lieiil ul'I'iilU ("mini)-, " Xurtliwost," I'lirri'spouileiit of tho Orriimitiui, writer iih fiillnwn coueerii Ing tliu wlinit crop of Poll; county : In my lu-l I htiiled that lliero will be hlilppnl Iriim tlio liurvenl of IhTII: tluihiU I rum llui-ria Vlrta .. . Iir..ia " I mil n Dili-inn U6,l) III aililltlnll In llil-fi-lilt r Hill hi" ahlppiil at Kulir I'rulU H. ItirkrlTa tt ari'liuilafl.. It Itajr a Hari'liuii.r., I'r'.iii l.in.nht tli.-r.t will In. tlilinil - I nnii II e raruu-ra' wari-tinii.r .? '- h. Allium .V Co, 'a warrliuu.o " .liilin W'alllnu-'a " .... " hiiiiulii Mililni; L'u.'a " J,Ua . I.0 KJ.5IO . TV"! . r., 01 . IS.ISJO . 1,0 0 Hs.M.I . IKO , lll.lol . '.',( l ll.lxj HI.OOO Al.ii fiutii I'ulk iniinlr : Wluatlaml will .Mi. at Ira.t Tlm HuL-lr Mills at hUlc win .luu Ttfr I'liTuii mlllaat Dallaa " Ilauliil IuMIi-iii mill Ilanlial In l)aliiii, hi ilii.i-iili, ami Mc- .MI11111III1-, nut lra lliuu Tutal nuanllty to lm IiIiii-.I frniii I'nltt .. EM.laai I'u thia a tiilieaiii-il llii. wli.-al rt'atiiltal fur l-lull C, IllllllJk'. w,(I Uuuit-atlc uu llil.lsjO Tn'iil nino.nl ufwlrat til,ljO In aililllion, I'uK inuiay li.i. Ml. ul In out unit luili-y luJ.'MJ kn.tirU. A lurgi) poitlou of thl wheiit IhhoIiI, but only u siuull qiiiuitiiy of It Ih yet shiiipcii, owing to tliu low Miitii of tliu Williiiuuttu liver. 'lln- Into rultiH liuvo ruiseil tliu river mi t lint boutu can now rcneli CorvalllH. Tliero will boumplu eiiiployuieiit for both tlio Hues of rlvec bimth lor tho next tlirco uioutliH. ItWAI'ITUIVrillN. Tlio wlu-at proiluctlon of I'oiireountles: italml. Will .SHi. Mini tsil.iu) 1,11,000 Ioiik. . , , 7HJ.U0 uuuo 11 inton asl.uoo m.OOO I'ulk VJt.uuO aiu.uuO 3CS355 r ? . - ..)