Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 20, 1873, Image 1

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$2.50 per Year, in Advance.
Washington', Dec. 11. Tlio Senate to
ilny continued the uomiuatUms of John A.
Hlngham as Minister to Japan, James II.
Howe us Judge nfllio l S. District Couit
ol Wisconsin. Collcctoi of Internal llov
cniic : Kdgar P. Snow for Wyoming Ter
ritory, mm Thomas P. Fuller for Montana;
Fred. Latorbct as Consul General to Paris.
At the nest session the Senate Commit
tee on Judiciary will nuke n f.iTonible re
port on the noinlnatloii of George II. Wil
liams for Chief Justice.
Washington, Dec. II. It Is reported
to-night Hint tho President lias decided to
appoint Itobert W. Hughes, late ltcpnbll
can candidate for Governor of Virginia, ns
United States Judge, tor the Virginia Dis
trict, vice Judfio Underwood, deceased.
Cincinnati, Dec. 2J. Gen. W. W.
Itclkrap, Secretary ol War, was married at
Harrlsburg yesterday, to Mrs. ll, r.
llowers, daughter of John A. Toinhlliison.
The ceremony owing ton recent atlllction In
tho family ol tho bride's relative?, was
wholly private.
Wakhisoto.v, Dec. 111. Kelly lias In
troduced a hill giving 'Oregon two year
more In which to select swamp lands.
McPaddcu lias Introduced bills appropri
ating $00,000 Tor public building at Olyin
iila, and $-10,000 for similar purposes nt
Port TowiiHMid ; also directing surtevs for
Improving rivers In Washington Territory.
Tho Hoii'o Committee on Public hands
Is considering the policy of repealing the
preemption lawsnnd reserving the jitihllc
domain lor iiomctcnu settlement in quar
ter sections, except In the ca-c of grazing
lands, where largo tracts will lo allowed.
Tho proposed renewal of tho tea and col
too duties encounters less opKltlou than
was expected, and tho chances of its adop
tion are considered good bv leading mem
bers of Congress since tho Treasury recom
mends It, unless Inflitloutstt lnst on the
Is-uo ol more currency Instead of Increas
ing taxes.
A meeting ol Iieprosentatlves to-night
to consider iho subleet of water transpoita
tlon was attended by llfty or sixty repre
sentatives. There was i long di-cii-lon
by Western nnd Southern members, who
seemed determined on Government aid.
Without dellultu action tho meeting ad
journed at Iho call of tho Clulrm in.
In the Ilou-e, tho Judiciary Committee
have agreed to report In favor of n total
repeal oi mc naiihiuut act.
Tho Senate Commltteo on Approprli
tlous recouimcud live million- the amount
originally asked for eMiaordlnary naval
Some ol the Pacltle (at membors nro
much dlsitistled that none of their num
ber are on Committees of Indian A Hairs or
Land Claims.
Speaker Maine, whoso Intentions were
right, was evidently betrayed by home
body. Tho Indian Committee contains a
inijorlty of La-tern men. One memlier is
a colored rcpic-cntutlvo from South Caro
lina, to the oxcludon ol Nc'inlth, whoso
Congressional exncrlcnc! In Indian Allalrs
Is Invahnlile. Tenltorlal Dcleirites aio
tiylng to get tho blunder corrected in part,
by the appointment ot an addition il mem
ber. Ni:v Voiik, Dec 11. A mass meeting
of working men, under the au-pleos of the
Iutcniatlouall-ts, was held till evening at
Cooper Institute. Theodore II. 11 inks,
painter, presided. As early as 7:.'t0 the
hall was crowded Inctcry put. Soteral
hundred women wire present. Telegrams
wore received fiom Cleveland and Chicago
vrMiliig success to tho meeting. Aiouml
the plattorm were in my mottoes such as
"Wo demand n -u-pi'ii-lon of rents for
three mouths" "I'lie Cent ml tint com.
iivinds this army Is General Di-tre-V
"When worklnirmen besrln to think, mo.
nopoll-ts liegln to tremble," and others of
emuiiy signiiicnnt ciiaiacter. A handbill
wis circulated enumerating high whiles,
paid olliccrs. and demanding more snla
lies for thein-oltes. The iiumbcrof homo
lus men anil women was given at 10,000;
those In tatlon houses, 7,500. every week;
and out of trades-unloiis 25U men were
Idle, and only 5,.V0 employed. It Is nl-o
stated that there ate 1,000 skilled work
men Idle In this Mate, ll.oou of other
chs-es Idle In the city, and 'KO0O women
earning only an average of .'l 00 per w cek.
Addrees weio lead on tho duty of tho
Government to protect the Indit-tilnt class,
es, and reciting tint when the (iov eminent
falls in that duo, It should be et a-ldc or
Wamiim.Ton, Dee. "J. Tho Hoihe
Committee on I'.i-totlln-. and Po-t Ito.id-.
held a meeting yesienhy at whleli the bill
propo-td by tho Milt-Commltteo with ref
erence to tho delivery of public documents
through tho malls was adopted. The bill
agreed upon. In siib-tance, authorize-, pub
lie documents to bo tent five through the
inalk with a free excliaugo of new. paper,
and free dellciyornewiapers In counties
wherein they are published.
Wamiim.ton, Dec. 12. Tlw Secretary
of )'ar lias reKrted to tho Houe of lle-rc-ontatlres
that there Is an aparant de
talc:itiou in tho mvouut ot Gen. U. O.
Howard of tho Krceduien's lliireau. Tho
total a mount ot money inUsIng Is f J7S.000,
bOine of which the War Department thinks
can bo recovered by nut ncaliut Howard
it Church and tho Young Men's Chrlftalu
Asoeiatlon here, who have received some
of tho money. Of11cl.il lnvotlgition ot
tho Adjutant General' Ollloe. shows tint
most ot the money taken belongs to the
Colored Itounty Fund, and tint claimants
neither got the money nor can General
Howard produce a voucher. Howard'
papers nro In Mich endless confusion that
the Government can only tell how much
money It has Ion by tho amount appro
priated. Howard Is to bo prosecuted civil
ly, criminally, and by court martial, un
der tho .1!Hli article of war.
Coori:uTOWN, X. V., Dec. Ill Samuel
XcNon, Judgo of tho United States Su
premo Couit, died suddenly of apoplexy,
while sitting in his chair, at l 'J o'clock
this altcrnoon, at bis residence In (his
HojTon, Dec'. 12. Fears arc now enter
tained that Prot. Agassi, may linger for a
considerable time In his paralytic state.
His recovery Is considered improbable.
Hostox, Dec. II. Prolessor Agassi,
died this evening nt a quarter past 10.
Xi:v YoitK. Dec. l.'i. Prot. Proctor,
the KuglUh Astiouomer ltoyal, has op
posed mo award oi tne gold tueiiai to .Mi"
Mitchell, on tho ground that, although she
had undoubtedly discovered thu comet.
she had neglected to send news ot tho dis
covery ny me iim. mall, rroies'or rroc
tor predicts a wonderltil kcleutlllc future
for America.
WaiiinT(. Dec. 15. Secretary Ulch
nriKou, In a letter to ltcprccutatltc
Dawes, reiterates Ids previously expres-ed
views that It Is better to obtain tho neces
sary money by taxation than by lnerea-o
oftho National Debt by loan. Ho says
be M;!cctcd tea and eoU'ee bec;iue the pn'b
llc would feel thctnrllt'on tbeseartlcles less
than on any others.
WAMllMisos, Dec. 12. The Committee
tin Foreign All'alis hao orgauled iivd-iy,
proceeded In a bodytopiy their rcect
to Secretary FMi at the Department of
State, living Interrogated relative to the
Virginliis all.ilr, the Secretary said: "Kv
orj thing Is going on smoothly. Nothing
has oeeurredy or Is likely to o'ecur, to pre
vent Spain ft om eanylng out her pro
iiil'cs." Nl.w Yoiik. Dec. 15. The Federal
Council of Intel uatlonall-ts lue repudl
ntid theplattoiin and re-olutlous of the
oiKiugiueii s meeting on iiuir-d.iy
night la"t.
WAMiiNmo.v, Dec. II. Several proud
ueut Senators express Mirpilse at tho no
tion ofthe lions; In devoting so much time
to the debito on the salary iiiestlon, when
the country looks lor legislation to lelieve
the present llnauclal embarrassment, and
restore conlldciico In monetary all'alr-.
'l'ho Senatu Is ready to enter upon legisla
tion at onco If x)ssible, and alibi d the lie
ivs.iry relief before tho holld i.ys. It Is
certain that there Is less disposition In the
Senate th in In the Homo to agitato the
salary nueulon. There Is a general IndU
position among Congressmen to Increase
taxation, nud it will not be done without
tho necessity bo shown. Xo haty ac
tion Is nutlefpiteil. ThoTreasiuyDepait
iiient Is somewhat pressed for money, not
only by the falling oil of revenues, but
by the extraorilluni v appropriation ol $1-,
000.000 or 5.000.000 for naval puipo-es,
and tho redemption of the 20.000.000 loan
of 1W.
Wa-iiinhton'. Dec. HI. In the Home.
Sargent Introduced n bill relative to the
public I nuts In California, and 11x1111! the
linifoim pi lee at $1 25perncio for mineral
and agricultural lauds.
Pago liitinduccd a hill making It felony
to contract for the employment of Coolies
In this country.
Xcsiuttli Introduced a bill to :iccitnln
Iho losses by Indian raids In Oregon, and
to tr.iu-fer the in in igemeut of ludliu ni
tidis to tho War Depiitmeut.
in uiu.N'iiate. .Mitchell liituxliiced a Mil
directing the Secretary cf War to cjiii-i-surveys
to bo undo to deteimlue tho prac
ticability and co-t ol lemovlug tho C'i
cades anil Dalles of the Columbia liver.
Ordered limited.
The llon-c (.oiumltteo on Aipniirl i
tlous this morning voted to oiler a le-nlu-Han
in the Ilou-e u-klng tho Piesldeut to
retpiest various executive DepaituienL-to
leverw their estimates lor the new ll-eal
V ear. If lios-ible. Ik I'uiu Jauil u y 5th. The
object Is to lluil means to cut down the es
timates, which were all mule teveral
mouths before the lecent lluauclil ilUtui-
Ikiihvs Ih'uii even before it was known
tlmt the Government revenues weio llkeh
io mi oemuii me iiauouai cxeiiuitiires.
HojIOn, Die. 15. The last hours ol
Piof. AgaI. were np.ireiitly spent In mi-con-clou-iiess.
At 2 1'. Jl. mi simd iy bo
had an attack similar to tho one exnerl-
eneid befoie, of a siisjm-iisIoii of respira
tion, which continued tor ball a minute,
accomp-iiiled by other Indications of ap
proaching dissolution. These were suc
oeeded by unnatural, rapid breathing tint
continued to grow fainter with depaitiug
vigor. The atlciit lay on his side, nnd
lie) oud an occasional convulsive move
meiitj of his limb-, there wero no tlgns
(hot ho sutlered pain. The funeral will
take place at tho College Cn.ipcl at Cam
bridge nt 2:30 o'clock on Thursday after
noon, and will bo public.
IJoTON, Dec. ID. The tinder-graduates
of Hnrvard College and Ilo-ton Sx:lcty of
Xatural History liave adopted resolullons
appropriately relating to the death of Prof.
Agasslz. HU funeral lias been appointed
fori r.M. on Thiir-d.iy, In Appleton Chap
el. Many sclentllle and other bodies, of
which the 1 ite Professor was a member,
have expressed a desire to tako part In the
luueral, but It has been decided ns conlorm
nblo to what would have been bis own
wl'lies to decline all such oilers.
WamiiniHOX, Dec. 111. The Senate was
In executive session for several hours yes
terday nternooii, on the nomination of
George II. Williams for Chief Justice. The
Senate adjourned without continuing blm.
Some doubts nro expressed by several Sen
ators ns to a favorable result.
Owing to the death, at a late hour last
night, of Colonel Frederick Dent, the fath
er Mrs. Grant, there was no formal meet
ing of (ho Cabinet to-day, nor were visi
tors received by the President. Deceased
was In hi tNth year. Ho complained of
being unwell ye-tcrdiy, but m i.lnrmlng
Symplons were apparent until a shot! time
before bis death, which occurred without
a struggle. Tho remains will bo depos
ited In the family lot In the St. l.oulsCem
ctciy.rjiZB C.IMFOIIMA.
Svn Fiiamtsco, Dec. i:i. Itvv. Father
Dugau, tho apostate Catholic prle-t who
did not expo-e the win kings of the Church,
as ho udvertl-ed, Insnow written a most
nbjict nnd penitent letter to Aich
bishop Alemauy, acknowledging Ids
fiult and pi-ijlng for the lorglve
uessofllio UMiop.-ind IlieCleigy.
San FitANCiMA). Dec. 11. ltalu till at
Intervals during (ho day nud quite heavily
this evening.
Oilier case of small-pox are repoited
from the Chinese quirter of (he city. Thus
far the disease has liecu conlliied ciilelly to
that raci'.
Considerable rain ha fallen In San
Joaquin county, and no signs ol its clear
ing oil. Farmers are delighted w ith their
SiiM'hiox, Dec. lit. Tho weather con
tlliucw uiitctllcd, vvllh occasional showers,
The sou of lion. D. S. Terry, of Stock
ton, while cleaning his pl-tnl.'uccldcutaHy
-hot hlm-ell at Tcjon ranch lat night anil
died at mldnl:ht.
Hakiiimii.i i. Doc. II. Pi Ivale advices I
fiom llud-ou s -tatlon, 15 mites ,-outh.
dated yesterday, say a violent wind and
s.ind storm -vt In at ih.v light yi-jcrday
morning and has continued with unabated
lury up to tho present hour. The fury of
iiioMorm ins oeeli Wlllinui iarailel Io Hie
knowledge of the oldet settlei-s. It was
liniuw-llilo for man or animal to vvlib-tnnd
tho fury of the bla-t. An Impenetrable
body of s,ind, gravel nud pebbles lining
tho nli, which I'oinicd In vast columns,
completely ob-ciiilug the mountains fiom
view. 'Iho telegraph line his been so
powei fully i-liiiged with iitiiHuphoilceloo
lilclty as to lutcmipt coinmuufeatlou. A
wagon belonulnir to (be Tele-'ianh Com-
piny, while enteilng the plain at Tejon
Canyon, was blown over by the hurilcauo.
There arc r.bout 150,000 sheep In the val
ley, mid It Is estimated that lolly 10,000
will he di I ven astrav, while quite a largo
number Into perished. The miow. which
till to nil uiillsU'll depth, his been dillliug,
and eveiy slight depression ciu-ed by na
ture, looks ns II It were a natural slope.
San I'ltANU-i o, Dec. 10. The weather
to-night U v.iilahle and showery.
reamer .i.i-ka oveniuo lioin Clilna ami
Lip.ni. leleirrnnhed oil' the haihor. will bo
In to-nl-ht
i.. ....,.. ... w
Mix-KION. Dec. Hi. Ailthvstor Milton.
Calaveras county, this evening, says a tor
nado, iiccniiipnilcd by heavy rain, had
pis-ed over tint place iit 1:15 io-diy, list
ing nlxiut 'a few nilnuti-s. It ttnuk
buildings with gie.it velocilt. iihnoU lie-
stroking tin' city. A new duelling nnd
and lil.ak-milli and wngou shop, owned
.- . ." . . . - . r, :
oy.i.c. lieiuei-. was eullieiv i emo led. i
Iiv.l.d. Kelilei-, Was eullieiv ilemoli-hei
llicniiicrh-slc-tlmilcilat;2.ooo. loxs
new hotel wa- blown oil' of Its I'onnil illon
and damaged io the oNlent ofsJLlHHi, A
'in ill frame -tiuctiue In the te.irol the ho
tel was hoisted fiom the mound and
whl-ked throui'h iheulr a ilNtauee of one
bundled Hit, striking with gieat fouo I
ngaiu-ttbe re-ldei.ni of Dr. (.lies, .vp-
Donald A Jobii-ou's Iny biru was totall) i
ile-trojul. The new -chnul hoii-e was
blown about eight het oil of Its loiiud I-
tlou. "I'liut alaver.is lintel was pailly un -
moled, and ndjiceut barns de-troynl. The I
Mocktou ami ''oppeiopolls Hillioad depot
wa. unroofed mid the end of the inilldlug
blown In. N-veial olhel bulldlliir In the
t hllieso
qii liter sii-tulued lon.ldi nibl
'I'otal d 1111 ige about ij'.OUO.
Ll.1,11. Dei
1.1. The weitber for the
lu-t lorn diVsbis Ih en uiimiiedeiited In
the hlstoiy of N'evadi. The iiienury his fsikid b "rmiKli." lm hail dm much l.n
Hinged Horn 18to25degtees belw zero jnu lwr.l. and kuockiil niI.s.s iho roiiiih
In soiiiii insfinivs itfiiiltr? Imos iml .....i,, I strisliiK hui nvi r ll." t)n Willi a wlil.ky Uittle.
in some nstaiiciSioi itrj, Hogs and 1.1 tie' ,,1C (,r(K,mull .jw'u.u ,,alM n,i ...cuUu
bate K.-rlbcil In wel pro ecled st ibles. 1 Uolu fr 10 Iluw Arlcnlttiral ColhHoat Oor
A IiiuiiIktoI ranchers Into had their limbs , salll have dun inuqidted. and wi rn im pled u
froen, while leain-ters, who luvn leeu fwiUjaKo. AIi.m. lirumUm A (lilhcrtnf
iiiugbt out on tho pralile. must iierl-h lie. roriUml, ircurul tho plans,
fore reaching shelter. The trains an- all l'tnck Hinu who pi.a.Ud Kiillly io the
dehved In eoii-s-mifiicn of ldii. iiieihti. tn r,rK' l HiJf ilUKally, da Us u nti iiusldy
L.. n ,..... '.L,, .1 " ' ' J,"'u l),-'l)' t wi)iar'a linpri-.iiimnt in Iho
keep the engines from fn elng. I he ner-1 ivtiiu ntiarj, and to iv thu cu of tlm i-row
curv to-night, from present Indications, ' cuilou.
w 111 go '! degrees lie low cro, and no In- Thu late ram and mini, a thu Jackxinvlllu
dlcatlnn of a iiuxlenitlon Tiiiu. hid tho t met of pldciuK uuoukIi at r hi
Hkno, Nev., Dec. HI. A man named 1 V""1'?1. t0,',u "MU ",'1!"l,"''1 !"" "',u ,1'l,,V
Hosswas found dead on the trail betwi en I t""r "loV;?"'! 'R
this place mid Poetllle, Siipiosed to lute 1 Tho Jacksonvlll.. Tlm.' .ay. thu late miow
ik-vii irozen loocaiii.
20, 1S73.
Havana. Dec. 12. The tcatnhip Vlr
glnius was towed out oftho harbor of lln
vatia at ball-past I o'clock this morning by
a tugboat. She was escoited by the Span
ish mnii-of-war Arabell i I .a Cntollca. The
tugboat returned to the city nt 7 o'clock.
The destination of the Vliglnlus is sup
posed to lie Key West.
Havana. Dec. 12. The Virginia Ins
gone to the port ot Hilda Honda. lxty
miles we-t of Havana, w hem she will bo
delivered by a SpinMi man-of-war ton
vessel of the U. S. Navy. Cuptalu-t.ener-al
Jouvcllnr has given Iho ucccssaiy order
for the transfer ol the Vliglnlus prisoners
at Santiago do Cuba.
P.His,T)cV. 12. The Island of SI. Mar
guerite, oil' Cannes, has been selected as
the place of coiiilne mc lit lor Marshal l!a
alne. Ho will be sell? there this week.
I.OMHis, Dec. 12. Knejaud has asked
Prance to facilitate an luqitliy Into the
Vllle do Havre disaster, nnd has ollered to
defray the expenses of llilllsh witnesses.
Franco has aeeenteil tho oiler and promises
that the luvctiiMtlou shall ho scarchlui:
and complete.
Fourteen per-ons hive been found
diuw-ncd In the docks since the late fog.
Many other latal accidents are lepoitcd.
llLIIM', Dec. 12. Tint SivNs (loveill
ment has decided to hind Iho P.in.il Nun-
el i his pas-port, on account ol the Pope'
list encyclical letter.
Paws Dec. II. Klectlons wcie held to
day In thedcp'iitmciits of Aude, I'lnl-teie
nud Seine et OUo for inemliers of Iho As
sembly. P.utlal returns Indicate the elec
tion oftho Kndicnl candidates In Amlo mid
the Republicans In I'lul'tere and in Seine
et Olse.
London, Dee. 1.1 t; a. vt. a dl'pitch
lothe IMIij Xeim says a complete leeon
cllltlou has been ellcctcd between C.istel.ir
lll.ltllN, Dec. 15. i:iljibelh, ()liicu
lio'.vnger ol rmla: isdenil, aged i'i.
I.o.MMiN, Dec. 15-I::I5 a.m. Tlicstuiiii
his abated. The telegraph wires wcie
pi-ostrated In nil directions, hut Iho lines
that in o win Mm: bilng news that the tlorm
extended all over the not Hi of England and
fir Into. N'otland. Sheilleld looks ns II It
hid been hnmh.iidcd. 'I he bus of proni lit
is Immense, Chinches weni unroofed and
many futoiies wcie compelled to suspend
woik. The loivust i-timate places Hie
cn-u lilies to pel. -mis hi that city ill seven
killed nud Chilly wounded, in my fatally.
Other dl-p Itches show that Iho elicits of
the hurrlca lie were felt nt Ghsgow, Hall
fix, Shivirsbiii r and Nottingham, In all
of which cities lltes v.-io lo.t and gnat
dinngedone. At Leeds It Is eslluialed
tint piopeity to the amount ol $100,01X1
was de-tioved. Nxlen-lve dimigewas
done at Vest llaitlepot and Dmhiin.
Shipping sulleied severely at Newcastle
auif .Shields. A steamer went a-hore nl
AnliTissiiu, nud u rallwny station nud
Isetenil hou-es weio blown .lownnt tVe-l-
on, on the Ymk ami North Midland II ill
way. London, Dec. HI. Liigonle Is vl-ltlug
VI tot It to-iliy.
Thoiup-ou A Mead, ol Piiyallup valley,
W. T., la-t season cultivated -even lines
"I hops, from vvldili Ihi'y galhen-il Ih.oiki
..ij 'n.... ,i i ........ i.. ....i.
pounds. I lioso tbi'y have reci'iitly sold In
San I'ranci-co lor the hlgln-t inirket pihv,
I callhi'', after Diylug every i-xni'iise, n
cli-ar pinlll ol if'i.tllh.
The Seattle lntrlUiiruwr of tho bib lu-t.
says: "On Monday last, ouuof Iho llenc-1
giles visited this locality. No il.tm ige
was duuo in town, out on tin) out. kills Ilie
. ....... .
iiiiimmh Mr. i.iiieu was ileinollslii'il liy n
i-inj'" mi" i win:: ncniss n.
liidgo Jacob-, of Waslihi"tou Tvnltoir,
Is lepoiled so III nt Pint Towusend that lif
was mnblo to tluMi the term of Couit at
III it place ll-t week.
Iv.iuuki Joe, niter duo trial nt Poit
Town-end. Ins been found guilty of thn
minder of Divyer. mid sentenced to l'
hung nt San Ju in, I'llday, Maith C, Is'l.
Mr- Lear, whol itely uiilvidal Vlitoiln.
brought about H!0 ounces of Ciislu old,
lecclveil from miners. Ho will letiitu In
damniy to Stlckeeii with a laige stock ol
goisl,, The -link of piotl-loiis h.lsahno-t
g'teu out at lluik's Itir, and u gieat deal
ofsiillerlug will result If any umie men
UMI III belorn stocks can tirilte fiom VI
tori 1. At lluik's It ir. llour s.:,lia h.ir'el
mi I eveiytbhigelse In proportion. fa
Tho H ntiiuldf Jarksonville, sa tlm nnr
eury M'H down to l'J deKiH alxni no at that
pliue last wts k.
Tlioiius lUudall sin of Prof. N. tt lUn.lail.
Khilu nut skatuiL' b luw Oiil'iiii City wj at-
utorin ns.miU to hare Us.11 thu nvtrnt in tho
Voluino Vi Nninbor 44.
l.skeeimulry, the snow IhtIiik fell to tho depth
or scleral inches nul upward.
Itcv. Thoinns Coiutnu Is di llTrrtng eourso of
UrmriH on (lpolncy in l'orlhiul.
The Ynmlillt reHirt'r is itifermed thftt Mr.
I'm ry, of llellovue. nventljr met with mi necl
dent nlilcli, IIioukIi provliiK severe vrns form
imUly u narrow tseiii from resulting fatally to
her. Tim lady went up st.slrs to Ket her child.
tnl taking it lit her artiin nturtetl to itemMiul the
sU'ix, lint limr tint tell slid lost her fiNitillK Mid
fell to Hit. iKittont, Btrikinn mm alionlilrr aKainst
tin wall at the foot of tliotisi. Hlio was no
twdly hurt that she can searnly movp, but vvn
did not learn that any Nines vreru broken. Thu
chilli was not burl.
The OriK"n Citv Mills are rnnnlnK nlKht d
day, and are tiirniiiK out 'J 10 harrcls of llour hi
In. iity-leur houin' rim ; tho Imperial Mill are
only at present mmiiiiK on half tone, ami turn
out 'JJ5 Wrels sr day, making 4C5 barrels of
llour inadn daily hi On' mm (,'lly.
A eoriiTisiiiilent vt tlm (Iri'Konlan, In Yamhill
county, writes that IIiiKemi Hiillivati who read
law with llonham A Lawsoii. of Malt in. ami was
admltlisl to tho liar two vi art no wa last Mon
day nilluilK'cl uisaiie, lie has alna.va Ihvii coll
siJi nsl ivoi n trie.
HherllT Mini, of Yamhill roiuitr, has aueeivded
hi eailiiriui; Henry Nonloii, who wa iiulletisl
in (Mums tlon with Prank Starr by Urn late
Mruud jury, for burKlary. Ho naa raiiuht on
tin' rpisr Columbia on Saturday, Urn I'.lli hist
Th" u reiMs. of tlm Krntliialiiii; elas of fa
ellln thihersily, for the llrst ti tin, caimi on" last
Wishiisihy evinliiK at llui CotiKreiiatUuial
Climch, in I'oriHt drove. Oration anil tisay
worn tlm order of the ex iiIiik.
The Pcmoerut say tlm wheat product of Hon
Inn rmiiilv this vear. from slihuiienl. will lt
nlHiiit Illt.iKHl ImsliiU, iimslhiril of which was
lidsitl mi loii),' Tiiu.
The lleiitiiii llc'iiiiK'r.it wants n tiiR Isial pro
vldrtl for the luir at Ympilna Hay, The recent
liwsof the Jehu Hunter at NinjHirt is tlioniov
iliK eaiis,',
'I lie I'atroii of lliislisndry in Line county
liiiliiherntir four hiuidrisl and Iwilve, tulii
siwtof Hiuslan (Irani;'1. Hosav the (luard.
A. HiuiMiii, lli'pulr fnr'H'dilou romitr, I
almilt 0IK.111I71111; a (IrutiKU of Iho I'atrniisof
llilsliaiiilry m Klin;' vallev.
A liltlesoii ir i:. J. Niallirup, I'm Hand, had
his tilled droki n 'Ihiirsilavuliiliii'o.iatiiig,
hi slisl ismiiii); In I'lillisiiiii with a wauiin.
Ill tuuilnllciiiuit), on Thurwlivcir last w!,,
llui imreurv wusiliiun In leiir iIikicch ulsivo
Aio, Ilie eoldisit fur main wars,
All infant siiiinf iMpiifl. II. MnriMU. icsld
Ink 111 ai i:iy'H jinllii', Uhlilliv (sluuil, npsl
III liiontliH, was mi idililillr nluii nn.l IimIhhiIi-
kllllil last Wiihiisdiv, hi' his hliillur. iikcs! tl
Tin 11 s r.Ms 1 .. ', .'., ..,. .1 Hi isfsii.i
hiii, mi I'liina 1'i.uiii', mar l,ii(ou, mure
thau:ri,liliOliiiti(lii uralu.
Wills, I'jikiiA l'o. iiIiks from Silver t'ltv
diirhii; (he ivuk i inline NoumUi 'J'JIh, bullluii
totliiiimniuitiil sH Hi I it.
Clurlisi llliv, niusln ninl ellli n nf Ibhin,
fi II muter a wji:ii lnl of buy on the '-IMIi lilt.
Mid w.i eriislnsl In death.
Iluriy nud .lump, who lift lilaho Cilv for
linlil n wi k ur twoniti' 111 ut niil.v as far an
Hi'iuliiiaii'sCiiiiiiu Time thet fmuiil lite fis't
nt snow, nud hciiiK uiilililii tiitfet llii ir niilinals
iiiriuiKii, wne eiiiilliil to luru liack. 'Iliy
lust theii niilinuls ill Hull 1 Hurls lo(;ct tllldllKa
the snow-.
(luici.il .MeMiekiu l.lllid thirlv sK sIiikIii
iiiallaid, with In l'.ul.ei nun nl Msquallv nu
wuiil hluiiu in Itiiulilir. Ciitniailo. on the
".Mil lilt.. Iileu ituwii itlMiiit Mil Ihhim, aj tin
Duivir Vi w.
Col, IMi r Have, with his wife, will liavnou
the nut stuituii fur Cuhfnrma, iuluidliiK to
ssiiil tlm wiutir time, ami ntiiru to()ri;oii
in it Nprhm'.
I', (I. Helinatkii, (Inind ItipriHi iilallve to the
(IiuiiiI IhIki nl (lid I'.illuHS, ritnriitsl told
liuiiiu III Halt III jmlihliy.
'Hie (tiipiiuuii tiiiiiis lli.it Cuutiacliir .Mont
K'iiii(r) han 11 mni;ii iiniiiiiKu'idiuliiipriiiiiiK
tlm isiiiililinii nf Ilie 1 hanm I ut tbiiatilla ItapuN
Wurk nl He Its II. ml luulmueoiiipleliil svurul
.Inliii lljan Ims pluidnl Kiultv In Iho l', H.
District Cunt nt IWIIan I of ill, t;il votuiK'.
Th" Orillnuiluu nailinl HI. Ili'lui, ftnm
w Ik nee Urn isiiikiI'. malls, Iwkkk", Mid
wiine In ntlit wi 10 luiwudid h) llv. r sUumna
In 1'iirll.iiid.
Till. La 1 1. Ltiuiii.u am.. -ThoCoital-lis
UirMii say-:
The earlnpiiko nui-t hive bieii'mnro
-evero neater the cm-l, us wo learn that
lioiil seven toten miles lioin I'le-celit ( ItV
Iho gmiuiil is I'm 1 nil In be cracked in many
places Iroin tliint Inches to four feet In
width, and live nud l let t deep. Thn
excitement was veiv yieut I'm u while, and
111:110 people weio li.-ull) lilghteiud. The
hnk caiM'il quite 11 tidal vv.it e, but not
siillh lent to do any d image,
Vti.TINS I.iiiiiiiiOI'i:. 'I'lm Wnshlng
touiiiriesioudeiit of the Kugeuo minnit
Willis lint Iho authorities thulo contem
plate (be abandonment of Vuqulni III)
l.lghthuu-e, on Ihu ground tint the com
meiie ol the pi. lie will not Justify lis ton
liiiuiuie. S'lntor Mitchell will eudcatoi
to hive the I.llltluilisi) csiutluueil.
Vamhi- The Ofnimi'iii leains bv u
letter from a Inly In Yal.lmi valley (hit
tho snow was lying in the valley tna depth
of about nine luehe-. On the uiotulng of
the 2d lust., th" llieriiliimetei -toisl S be
low zero, and at the time the letter was
written, the weatbei was gi owing colder,
Allllfvil.li. The I . S. Supremo Conn
his ullliuied tho decision of thu Iowa Court
hi leg.inl to railroad heights in tho State.
The ilccMou was to the elicit th it the law
of thu State of Iowa legulatlug railroad
Height was tnlld us within the power of
tho State to pintict the people ft 0111 Impo
sition, Piiii.tin.i.i'iiu, Dee. H!. Wool U In
demand, with an advancing tendency.
No. 1 nud supei lino pulled, JOiilScj Texas
line nud medium. v!5ii:)Oo; Texas coarse,
lrt'cii'n:; ijallfurula Hue nud medium, 'J'jf
.'I5cj L'alifornh co.uc, 20i33c.
y P'rei'. xit?'"
v,-Aeffe. --