WILLAMETTE FARMER. Cheap Transportation. At tbo late meeting of the California State Orange of Fafons of Husbandry, In San Jose, the Committee ou Transportation and Legislation reported as follows! Your Committee, to whom was referred that portion of tbo " Declaration of Purpose! of tho Htato Orange" of California having reference t ) the subject of trans portatlon and legislation, beg leave to report, first, O.i Transportation. It has been nald that "cheap transportation of per. sous and property Is a national necessity,' Nowhere can the rorce of this axiom bo more fully realized tbau here In our favortd state. With a territory great In ex. tent, affording within lu limits the productions of both torrid and temperate zones, villi a climate varied aa lis productions, and with a population gatlured from all parts of tho globe, we can readily understand how fa cilities for brluglug product r and ronsumer together will contribute to our comfort and convenience, Our wheat, our w ool, our w tins, our fruit, our minerals, all sources of wealth, health and luxury, must be trans ported cither In a raw or manufactured state; to fetch and carry them, so that the greatest good will ensue to the greatest number. Is a sluly well worthy of the po litical economist, and its solution will remove an op presslve burden which now hangs like a millstone arou' dthelieclcof tho producer of our State. Our present avenues lor transport itlou of freight aro either lusulU. dent or do not perform their proper work. Our Inland water courses are blockadtd for months during the dry season by sand bars and shoals. The exorbitant rates in many caca charged for transportation on railroads make the cost of moving our crops to market almost prohibitory, and lu years of plenty the producer can scarcely rtallze the cost of production. These things, with the uujuat discrimination sometimes made, cause fluctuations, which at tluus unduly excite, at other times depress and destroy, the agricultural aud manu facturing lutt rests of our State, and bae a tendency even to depopulate It. While wtirecogulzo lu thorallvvay an effectual Instru ment to aid lu developing tho agricultural ri sources of the State, aud believe that tho public Interests of tho country aud Its producers would be subserved by fos terlng the further development of the railway stem, provided such a Judicious management can b obtained as will secure equitable and Just treatment In the way of fares and freight to all localities through which they pass, jet we uro sallaued that tho present system of building and managing railroads Is Injurious to the best Interests of the producer. 1st. In companies having such special privileges irante them as enables them, afttr obtaining large subsidies aud stock subscriptions from Individuals, corporations aud counties, to depreciate the value of tock to such an extent as to enable an Intrrestid ring to secure theentlro control of the road and deprive those who aided In lta construction, by furnishing funds, from having any voice in the management of It. Then gh lug this ring the power to build aud equip the road at a fictitious cost, tho profile ot which go Into their own nocketa. and farther Permitting them, lu order to have largo dividends, to compel tho producer, couanmcr and traveler t J pay excessive iaro auu ircigui on sucu road ).t. In tiirmlttinc the consolidation of what should bo rival Hues In our State, Inasmuch that such action Is contrary to public policy in building strong nnnoKIlcs iriii.-ii .l..fv t-omnetltion. facilitate tho charging of ex. orbltant rates and discriminates unjustly In favor of or against localities, and enables such monopolies to at tain their objects by Introducing into our legislative aud Judicial halls, aud by the use of our safeguards for their own ncllish ends, carry out a policy which builds up the carrier at tho cipinso of the produeir or con minicr. Farmers should encourage the opening and establish ing of uew routi s, under proier n strlctlons, and ntaln controlling Interest lu them. Cauais from Interior points to commuulcato with our navigable streams should bo constructed; narrow-gauge railways, so mu h cheapir la construction and operation than tho prisent broad-gauge, are well adapted to cheap transportation aud would help nuet tho exigencies required. All far. nun, as well as Patrons of Husbandry, should unite lu au effort to secure a reduction ol freight aud fare and chargisou Inland as well as ocean routes, and withhold their voice, their votes aud subscription flom all trans, porting corporations which will not agne that such uniform, equitable rates shall bo Axed by tho Htale au. thorltiea as will afford a fair remuui ration to tin in and at the same time will not lie an oppressive burden to the producer and consumer. Another and true way to correct nud illcvlato the present trouble and assist the produeir of this HUto would be to create a homo consumption for our pro ducts by encouraging and drawing to us manufactories. These, by affording us consument at home, would do away with all mod of transport itlon of much that Is now surplus. If a moiety of tho subsidies by farmers to railroads In this Btato, bad It-en Inviatcd lu maim. f arinri. a. nur nonulatlon would have been ao Increased, that the home market for produco would Ih double what It la now. If tuodiiuand for transportation was curtailed this much, the surplus we have to spare would nud a rtady market at comi usatlug rates. The subject of Oceanic aud Internal Transportation ia of such a varied nature and 01 sucnvaai importance that your committee nave epproacneu u wiiu mg anco. Ksiwclally aa tho whole subject Is now in tho hands ot the special committee' of tho United Mates benate, who, with a great dial of caro and considerable expense, are now gathering facts aud statistics to make a report which will, no doubt, bo made public in time to enable us to derive as muchor more real Information and benefit thi refrom, than from any report your com lulttee, with the limited means at thtir command, could possibly make. Legislation. The agriculturists of this aa well as other Stall s, may Justly complain of tho unequal burdens imposed upon them for the aupport of Htato and Federal Gov ernments, while they ret elvo no more, ami in many cases not in ar so much, caro and protection from the Government aa other industries; yet the statistics show the producers (we include lu this class the farmer, the stockman, the fruit-grower aud the mechanic), either directly or ludlrettly.psy marly all the taxes that are required for the machinery of the Government. Our lauds aro taxed, our stock Is taxed, our crops are taxed, our Impnuemeuta are taxed, aud In addition to thia we pay most of the tax and tariff w hlch Is required by tho Government from manufacturers. We pay lu addition to tho cost ol transportation on all articles which are brought from abroad, whither of luxury or comfort, the revenue which the Government receives front tlulr Importation. .. , . ,, , , Tho capitalist who has bis money Invested In bonds or other securities, or Is t ugegod in manufacture a, coin pela the party w bo uses or consumes the same to pay all the tax which la imposed ou Aim, so that It matters not n Mm liow excessive or onerous the tariff may l, All he has to do Is to add the perci ntage necessary to cov i r this txpeuae aud collett It without dlmlulshlng his The government haa fallen Into the hands of the con. timers rathir than tho producers of the country, and Krconscquei.ee a systi in of unjust discrimination has Leu adopted and carried out, which maki a thu pro. ducer me re hewere of wood aud drawers of u stir, to tlit ir more favored fellow cltln in.. ThlssUtoof atlalrshaa betu brought about mainly bj the fact that the producers, as a class. bsve had their time so occupied with tbo attmtlou ncciasary to the successful management of the particular Industry lu w hlch they are engaged that they could not or have not takt ii that active part In the administration and control of htato and National affairs which they should, Dcuia. cogues have usurped powir; cblcautryaud fraud have betu successfully used to control the masses; party tactics aud selfish Intrigue have beeu Jiermllted to usurp the place of brain and muscle. The rtuiedy for this is for the producers to arouse from tin Ir Ii thsrgy, to awake from their aluwbt rs, aud not only assist but carry out the measures necessary to reform thee abiists. Ixt their power be seen, anil felt, and beard lu evi ry part of our Government In the ad ministration of their local affairs, lu our legislative ,,. in mip Judicial lulls. Let the mechanics and farmers set" to It that none but good, honest slid true men till our State and rouuty olttct s, none but tho true reprtsentatlvts of our luterests appear for us either In our State or -etloiial capital, men who are clostly ideutit.e.1 with toe tune and slutw of the land, who have suffered from the same Ills asourselvis, who have felt the crushing, grinding power of the monoiHillis which have weighed us down. , We rispectfull) submit as the mtt practical way to accomplish these objects and secure the reforms we Deed, that such ltgl.latlon shall be had aa will make lu each county the District Attorney ex-oinclo chairman of the Hoard of Sutrv bors. v lib the power to veto all appropriations made by the Hoard for the payment of moneys which la his Judgment are Illegal or not actu ally ni-tessary for public uses. The District Attorney to be liable on hla official bond fur any malfta.auce in efflce while acttng as Chairman of tbe.Ilosrds This, we believe, would effectually check the extravagant and il legal appropriations so often made, aud provide for the fuiiart.al action of bodies hlch cumblue the functions of theLtglslatlve.Judlclaland Executive branchesof governuit-ut without, In many ca-s, Wing able to pro erly discharge the duties of either. ..... Again, believing, aa we do, that the subject of freights and fares of railroads should be controlled by the legis lature, their right to do ao having generally Uen ad. niitted under these powers which give the Statta the right to compel common carriers to establish rtamnaiU rates cf freight or tare (the Supreme Court of Minne sota has ao decided, and the statutes of New York and vjaatachusette exprely declare It) we, therefore, pro pose that our legislature at lta next session do establish a uniform standard of farea and freights on the rail roads and steamboata of this State, which ahall give a reasonable and Just remuneration for the distance trav eled and service performed. These rates to be conclu sive and absolute, but subject to revision at specified times by the legislature, and that a commission of three cr five taxr eying cltUens be appointed by the legislature, whose duty shall be executive and super. lsorj, to bom shall be referred all matters of controversy growing out of any Illegal charges or arbitrary and oppressive aUs on the part of rallwaya or steamers, and who shall a that these carriers comply with the requlnneuu of their charters, and perform all the services for which they were crested. The commission would afford pro tection and redress to every ludlvlduil having dialings with the companies, without obliging them to apply to the courts at great expense or delay. In order to secure more uniform and equal taxation, we recommend that the duties enjoined upon our as. aessors bo more definite and specific, and penalties be Inflicted upon them when It can be shown they have made unfair or unjust discrimination lu fixing valua tlou or assessing land aud property In the same locali ty, or whru they consult to receive any special fav ors from large pr qierty-holders or taxpayers, even if It Is but a railroad purl. We recommend that our representatives both st Sac ramento and at Washington, Iw petitioned to Interfere in our behalf, aud rcdrca our grievances by carrying out the measures propositi, or It the plans suggested are not practicable, or win not nave Itieiiesirid ellect, let them devlso some other way by which taxation shall be reduced aud made uniform and equal; freight an I fares bo regulated so a to prevent unjust discrim ination and oppressive rates; additional facllitlie for transportation be encouraged and built up, aud the ag ricultural and mechanical industries or our country receive more fostering care from the hands of emr Uorerument. J. M. IIamiltox, T. H.Mkmit, O. W, llKNSIMl. fl-STS- & CO'S Scientific Press ?fj&tB$ Ageaw The Manufacture of Paper. According to n roreut estimate, which mny bo considered ns approximate rather than ex net, the totnl nnntinl riroiluctlon of paper in tho civilized world it one million tons; and of thin uoitrly ono-tliiril, or 317,387 tons, is man ufactured lu tho Unit oil States. There were in this country, by latt statistics, 812 paper-mills, making an average of about $07,000,1)00 worth of paper yearly. Tho number of uses for building, clothing, ornamental ntul other purposes to which paper is now applied after ltd mannfaetiiro is only paralleled by the variety of substances from which it is fonud that paper can bo ltuule. A mill has lately been started in Illinois, in which jMi Otm It, H. ami Fontiiit Patknt Auicscr presents msny and important advantages sa a Home Agency over all others by reasons of long establishment, great expe-f-in., iimiMtiii hvsIimu. and intimate aciiualtitance tho "rng-wecil," which tho farmers plow In, in with the subjects of inventions in our own community, large quantities every vear, is to bo turne.l to All worthy Inventions palented through oiti 'Agency will .,,Cl .,,., ,t i, ;,! II ii ,. ,1 have the benefit of an Illustration or a description In the good accoiuit by milking It iuto paper ami Mmy ANI, hcikntiiio Piikss. W transact every rope. The USO of oat-husks for n similar pur branch of Patent oiislucsa, and obtain Patents In all poso was begun SOUIO time ago, nuil is tho sub- ctrlfe-rd countnn. The largo majority of 11. S and lect ot ono or more pateute.l processes. In ono '"" -'l,,nU ."V'''',''' '.1,', 'wl'ln of these tho hutk.'nro imnufrse.l in water ami W.MttM tbo mustard ntul other seeds iloateil oil, tho bllityof uewluvenllous. Auvic ami Oiucuuus rut. water twine well stirred to facilitate their scpa ration. Tho husks nro then allowed to settle, the surtaco scum and tloatiug seeds skimmed or drawn olT, aud tho water drained out by a waste-pipe nt tho bottom of tho tank, the husks being kept back by a strainer or perforated false bottom, lly steeping" in tho water trout live to ten hours, tho husks nro softened nud the (illicit loosened from the fiber, thus faoili tatiug the subsequent boiling process, Tho remaining stages of the work nro substantially tho same ns in the manufacture of paper from straw, In making paper from rags, nt a practical writer ou this subject forcibly argues, tho com mon impression that some ono particular stage of the work Is tho critical and turning point, and that if duo caro nud skill are exer cised nt that ono step all tho rest will come right of themselves, is a dangerous fallacy; thu truth being that continual nud vigilant watch fulness, in all parts of the process of manufac ture, is necessary to tho production of it good article of papor. The same writer maintains that tho rag-room is one of tho most important departments of tho mill, though often tho least cared for; and that thorough work at this iul tial stage of tho business isiudlspensable to it sat isfactory tlnal result which is certainly a rea sonable view. In regard to getting rid of the mlxturo of india-rubber which is now in such uuiversal uso that it is found in nil kinds of rags, nud is extremely troublesome, being in soluble by any of tho chemicals ordinarily used in paper mills, ho mentions tho plan adopted l,t- n 11-lft.tli -irfMit-l.itne udin mibl flue enrtera n fcfj U .llll.nu j'.u.lv.v.l ..,.....- ................ t certain prioe per pound for all tho rubber they ' d found in the rags dressed by thotu. Tho rubber thus collecteel was weighed at tho end ot each week nud burned up, so mat it snouiei not no a reuirneu mill pain lor it ncceiiii iiiuu, i inn over may bo tho method of removing tho ml- DEWEY & CO.. I'uhllshers, Pntenl Agents, unit ' vers, No. MS MonUomerr St.. Nan Francisco, Cal, LEFFEL & MYERS, MANurAcmiiKii or Leffcl's American Double Turbine WATER WHEELS, Also, Hl'lintlCAI. AND Horizontal Flumes, AVIl All. MILL GEARING Especially adapted tu our W heels. THE "HUBBARD" COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER. Having established ourselves lu this city, wo will Wl iiinal Im .lnnn In tlm riiir.rnnni tin It will atlvo pi rsonsl attention lu our buslniss, and Ihireby , it must to eiono in tuo rag-room, ns ii w lit o jo ,hUw ,,.,! ni,n wu ,,, u,, i,io not do to depoud ou tho screen retaining it at- toglvoh, re toforei through agents. ter it is urouud up. As regards whalebone, another llko sourco of annoyance, thn same writer ndvises tho employment of ono or two extra hands expressly to rip up old corsets nud similar articles usually containing whalebone. This is claimed to bo a inoro economical meth od than to trust to tho fidelity of tho other sor ters for throwing out thu whalebone, or to sdl this class of rags cheaply, for tho manufacture of lower grades of paper. .VecumtcuJ Sews. The Altitude at Which Men Can Live. We will also do a commission business In Millors' and Minors' Supplies. Our reputation an Mining Engineers is sutllclent guarantee of our ability to give entire satisfaction, Wp ran fiirnlah anything that our patpins may desire-, ou tho shorti st notice. Pleaso ri'ineinUr that wo glio personal alii ntlon lu our business, Address or call oil LEFFEL & MYEIiS, 3ml California street, Han Fran. Isco, auMm3 "r Halem, On gou, tleud for new Illustrate! Pamphlit sent frco. apliu Orchard's Patent Post and Well Auger. TOOK THE FIRST ntKMH'M AT TltH CAMFOHN1A 8T.VTB l'Alll IX ISTt, lsCl AND 1S7J. Rope ! Rope ! CORDAGE COMPANY, rati lMahliHsl din rt, liy rail or water, to any part of the htale, wheii so eiiainsi uy piirinasera, PACtFlO COIIDAOK COMPANY, eriTJm D. FAUWKLL. Aitent, 1 ID Front slnt t, Han Francisco, 11 will bore the roninion hsrd pan, gravel, or any other soil, and Hie worst adobe aa readily as an) of them. There Is a portable valve In connection with tho Well Auger that can Im used and rrinnvnl at pleasure. 1 hen by caution all p. retina fnmi iiiaiiufacturtng my Auger or Infringing oil any part of tho same, aa they will bt pnisecuteil to the full eilenl of the law. Manufactory, Bouthweal evrne-r of II and Thirteenth atreels, Hacrament i, N. II. Having mi capital tu enable me to give It general Intrnduitlon, I will ssll the whole patent very low for cash If applleil for soon ac-j;.;t TItOS. ORCHARD. Fntentno. - CO II Ri All w vT iw w II ill O s PI Kjf-aH laaaaalV9aStatVr FP tlS lt- Pure Blooded French Merino Rams and Ewes, For sale by IIOIIKKT 11MCOW, of Cenlrevllle, Alametla OiiuuV.v, Oal , near Nllea Htatlou, oil the Western and Houthern Pacini' ltsllrosd. These Hheep an' guaranteed of pun descent, from the French Imperial Floik at llamboiilllet. Also a few well-bred young Hulls of the Durham blotvl. UvSJui '$?mmmm M: We have It M'uro llreetl Angoras and 3,01tl grailesof lv ears' bretillug to select fnun. Those wanting Hacks will And It to their Interest to send for Pamphlet on Unfiling, and to eiamine our etock ot Angora Ooats and Cotawold Hheep. LANDRUM & RODOERS. DilvMf Watsouvllle, Hanta Crut County, Cat, XIIOAlVM V HlIIlvtr.AIVI, Imperters and llrrcdcra of Cashmere or Angora Goats B There has been a great deal of dlsotissiou as to tho nltitudo at which human bcitiRScau cx 1st, and Mr. OlaUher himself can tell us ns much about it ns nujbody. In July, 1872, ho .,, utul Mr. Coxwcll ascended in a balloon to tho , PACIFIC enormous elevation 01 iw.uuu icci, i-rovious to tho start, Mr. Glaisher's pulso stood nt 70 boats a minute. Coxwoll's nt 71. At 17,000 (l0 j,,,,,,, ,0 feet the pulso of tho former was ut 8t, that of nu.nonlersfor tho latter 100. At 19.000 feet (Uaisher's hands Manila rnrrltnp inH Hiu Rnnn and feetw.ro quite biue, but not his face. At Manila Loraageana Hay nope, til.OOO feet ho hoard his heart beating, ami his Of alt lengths ami varieties-iarre-i or unirnii-oi breathing became oppresse.1; nt 20.IHJO ho be- MtW MiaXH-'nlr,. enme seuseiess; uoiuiiusiaiuiiiig wiucu inu aeronaut, in the interest of hciuice, went up another B.OOO feet, till ho could no longer use his hands, and had to pull tho string of tho valvo with his teeth. Aeronauts who have to uinko no exertions, have of course, a crtat advantage over members ot tho Alpine club, and thorto .-, asm r,irne who trust their legs; oven at 13.000 feet theso JO FRUIT GROWcRS AND DEALERS. climbers feel very uncomfortable, moro so 111 tho Alps, it keems, thuu elsewhere. At tho monastery of St. Huruard, 8,117 feet high, the monks becomo lesthmatio, and nro .. 1 1 A .1 HAh. As.tlss trx .IncjAAiVfl I rtn tlm al- ClllUWiini irriiiieu.., eu . " ";""" ' HT JO I N-The iM.t second early Peach In tl... Hon ley of tho lthono for anything but ft brouth j.iwiiKS-Hald u 1 earlier and tin. r than Hale of fresh air;" ond nt tho end of ton years ser- fiikkmahon The best Peaeh rlitinlug utweeu Kai V ice nro ob Red to glVO up their high HMIig ami I-al crawiunts. :ll como tfown t lb. tlsual level At tho VAN,i!u;t!.VH,f.1Lnr,?AV.ifDr amo timo in houth America there nro fruit, and adaptwl to small gard.ns. towns, such ns l'otosi, placed as high us tho wild ttoiHK Pl.UM-Karly, good aud productive. Ia tha Llsthtoat Runntnir Machtno In thu Worlel. A Child Can Unileriitiemt ntul Run It. , It Is tha Beat uecnuaa it la tha Slmploat niul Loaat Linbla to Qot Out of Oreler. Kiiarauteti for five jears wo neve r charge for repairs. Heiid for Circulars and Hamples, ActlvoAgenla wanteil, E. VT. HAINE9, Airont, IT NewMoutgoiiury at., tlrand Hotel lltivk, llvD-3111 Han l'raiiclsco. We also continue to sell that Household (lem, the DOME SUUTTLE SEWING MACHINE JMtlOK, h in. TO GRAIN, COTTON AND WOOL GROW ERS. Tho undersigned am pn pare.1 to eitend every facility to Farmers whodeslre to ship their pnilure abroa.1. We will ailvanre liberally oil any shipments, only charging Interest at thu rata of 5 por cent, per annum. Freight at the chartered rlcn paid the ship, lusurauieandolhir charges at Jn lowest ratiaoblalii. ablo, thus tirlllng the shipper tho full value of hla crops, while paying at thn lowest interest for hla funds. Any further Information desired will le promptly furnished. J. C. Merrill & Co., rum: m.oon and ami an.vnKs, For Hale In lils In Hull Purchasers. Iiicludliig a l'tiolciltlmporte.lbyA.KlITVCIItDE8, a native of Angora. For particulars apply In S. P. THOMAS, Hacraniento, Cal. oil E. D. SIIIRLAND, Auburn, Cal. :ivrt-.lm IV. OIJCMOltlC, liuiHUler an I llreeiler of Angora or Cashmere GOATS, PURE BLOOD At.t, oimiKs. IVr sain In tola In suit purchase rs. I-ncatlon, four 111II1 a from ltsllrosd Htatlou, emmet ting wllh all parts ot tho Htato, For particulars, addnsa llvrt-enw N. (llI.llOlli:, Kl Dorado, Kl Doraibi county, California. 204 and U00 California Ht HAN FHANCIHCO. 11, a.rnwniKos. II, II, UtLsTOH. 1 17 J, Tne uticlerslgnitl offers for sale a fine stock of ono year old and dormaut budded Trees of tho following new fruits .... EAItl-Y llKATItlCi: FF.ACH-The earliest 1'iarli In the world, one to three wevks lamer man nains r.ariy. eee.11 ill inn nuueii, rly top of Mount Hlanc, the inhabitants ot which MlNKItPLUM-Uisr.nne. ..,.,., feel no inconvenience. The highest inhabited Zr'XXl snot in tho world is, however, the lladilhist cviiie,on the Hulsuu rol, Address fruit, f Vs. cloister of Hatialo in Thibet, where twenty-one priests live nt nn altituue ot 1G.000 feet. 1 lie brothers Schlagiutweit. when they explored the glaciers of tho Ibi Gamin, encamped at 21, 000 feet, the highest allitudo at which a Kurop. eau ever passed the night. Even nt thu top of Mount Illstic, l'rof. Tjndall's guides found it lCvC-3m D. H. HOUOH, Vatavllle, i'al CO-OPERATIVE MARBLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL A CO., Manufacturers of and Healers In HENRY K. CUMMINGS & CO., Wholesale Fruit iiutl Produce Commit) Hion House, i:hi'aiii.ihiikii im. No. ill llattery street, southeast eerner of Washington, Him KriinolHOo. Our bualiii ss Is lug itcluslvi ly Couimlssloii, we have no Interests that will toulllcl with those of thn pro ducer. c'" Pure Bred Spanish Merino Sheep. ONK HUNDItEl) HUCKrl ANI) A FF.W EWF-fl, Oreel from Vormont Stook. A portion wi re briM byJKWKlT )lltO.,of Kern Co. Can be seen at Hweruer Tarda, corner Howard aud Te nth alnt Is, Hail Francisco, ovtl-tf JEWETT & MUNSON, CoainoiKilltan Hotel. TH0S. BUTTERFIELD & SON, )lredere and !miortera of the Ootawolil, Llnooln, Lolonatnr, Toxel and South Down iLau- TIII3 AsVJIlA. ClOA'l'. Now offer for sale thn Pure Hrnl and High nmtea. We have a good lot of Hacks of crosses 1m tweeu thn Cutswold and H.111II1 Down, l tween the Lincoln and llcesltr, and the I.lnroln and Merino. tii oh inrni.nFlEl.i) HON, 19ri-tl llolll.tir, Mnnlnmy Comity, Cal. BL DIAMOND 0 ytry unpleasant to aoims.tuougniuerroie.ssor Monument!, Headstones, TOITlbS, ifJ himself did not confess to feeling so bail as ulJrvi piix-kh fto flWH ihey. The hlghent mountain in the world is MANTFX I UXKH. ktc, limn .:.. l- r. ririm..lv,.V O'llTeiO f.t. anil 1 Pine street, between Montgomery and ftW 'rU!;l Khtmr.HiM KitixcuMK). HVJ IT MONTGOMERY'S HOTEL, WaQdjrj Hscond.lr.tl, , SAN FilA.N'OISOO. This Hotel haa been ntwljr furDi.lir I, and Is sltuatsd In a csolrat anet healthy IrcalWn, and ii one or the few llutclsiii baa rrancio conducted oil Tvint'crance 1'nacii.lts. aoiaii, ran win livi. hoshii ash uii'itao, II to IS. sii HiskTicaaTsrosli nner rn PnKSKllVi: WlTKIIJIKUJ.VS Tho fob I'HAH. MIIVnitlMIIUV, l'rui.rlelr the condor has been seen " winging tho blue air" COO feet higher. Tho air by the by, is not "blue, or else, as lie aushuro ointeu out, " the distant mountains, which aro cover ed with snow, would appear blue also;" its ap parent color being due to the rellection of light. What light can do, and does, is marvel ous; and not the least is its power of attraction to humanity, lowing we clip from the columns of ono of our W l'assmsrssi.d Bwsia nh. to the llmi fr. rural exchanges, Jue recipe ccriuimy ue IF YOU WILL TRY THE V I . .aV, ACht4A, CsJtys-j. 2 IondCataprhRemeP- f -J'tvSawTgtHO0THfllJsafaat " IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! X Lino to Liverpool. OIRECT. Tho A 1 Iron Ship IJilITISU KINQ-yUINi:, llmia, Is Intendeiel to sail with dispatch. To bo fol lowed by other vessels. Freight taken in lots to suit shippers. Apply to E. E. MORGAN'S SONS, .130 California Street, Bun Francisco. serves a trui; mxo one ounce ui nulon rind, dress it carefully and then put in ten pounds of pulverised sugar,0ve pounds of citron, two pounds all-spice, one pouud rlniu nna bottle of flavoring extract, boil , a 1 , . ... '. 1,,,,,-j iv,o The improving, rurcnasiu auu neinuK ui ! . over a slow fire for twenty-four hours, then ul ,! VjegotUtloua of Loans, lu Hsu Francisco aud remove tne waierruwou, uu 11 ui eraicmui Oakland. in a napkin and bury it. Let the balance cool, a1, Fanni and Country Property sold and it will be ready for use. changed. P, If. 8UMNEU, Kunl lOntuto Hroltor, 311 Montgomery atreet , HAN FHANCIHCO. The Improving, Purchasing and Helllug of ileal Fj. and ei-VtCtf You will Kccommcnd it to Your Friends, It will remove all trouble In breathing, clogging up of luad or throat, headache, dull and heaviness of llllnd, etc ,etc llnolwttle gltts llnllii'dlste relief, and a few bottles cure tha worst cast s of Citarrh and Colds, All we ask la a fair trial loionvlnco thu most skejitlial. 7-Jiii Patrons of Husbandry. JOSEPH SEYMOUn & BON, Manufacturing Silversmiths and Jewelers, in MONTUOMF.KV HTItKIT. HVItACUHi:, N V. We are now iireiiared to furnish Orauges with Full Hfta of Jewels for OnVers' lU-galla (13 i) 110 I Full beta of Working Tools and Cao Ii is) 7 Hnud.lleanlug Hook aud Hhenherd'a Crook "1 u,,ul i a. Monev Order with Tour order to lit wit k. v . nntee of the Pacific llural Preaa. Hau Francis, u. It will save Eipresa collectloua and overlaud F.tpreas Charges, JOSKl'H HKYMOtm k BON, I l)vt3iu Hyracuae, N, Y II. W OWKNH, flan Francisco. VVUUL. Htocktou. OWENS k M00RB, Ooimulsslou Morohauta. Healers In Worn., llinas, Pklis axu UaatN, Oltlce tM Front street, up stairs, Han Francleco, Itrraursi ks Murphy, (Irani A Co., Castle llros,. SI. O. Ilswlfik Co., Ixvl rltrsu.s K Co., Wooster, bliat. tuck A Va Hecht llros. K Co., W. A I, Httluhart Co., Han Frauclsto, (ieo. W. Kldd, 111 , HloiktuUi First National Hank, Htocktou. BtO-Jm HOItllY'H KANGAROO SHEEP SHEARS. Pollahetl Itundle-u, OS, 7, 7H In, isronzeu iiutuuo -u, vx, 1 in. For aale lu lota to suit and at the lowest market rates by LINFORTH, KELLOQQ tc CO., Wholesale Hardware, 7vtV3ui 3 aud a Front street, Hau Francisco. , 4. ajV'ra.rt ai.nu.M.iaiiri..wsottsisfi 4ell0wVls,elsllUrts.l,),uu4srol.,iiMkeMsluuiwf si ueafursslutuUSrsisiuslsersllli.. llslk.aslssilltlaa ee. rsttusuisfis aj4iMo.ati4viiacii.,rttfiit-i,lisis4.