1V WILLAMETTE FARMER. DopEspc Ecooy. The Philosophy of Frying. Porfeot frying is tho porfoction of cook ing; but ns soon ns the fat is not sufll ciently hot to create tho burnt crust around tho article fried, then tho fat peno trates it and absolutely prorcnts cooking from taking place at all. If tho fat is not boiling, bubbling hot, tho process that takes placo is not cooking, but simply drenching tho food with a tepid fat, anil rendering it totally indigestible. It makes no difference how hot tho fat is made afterwards, tho mischiof is dono tho moment tho fat ponotratcs insido. All porfectly fried food has a thin crisp, brown, outsido crust, (which has in itsolf a pleasant, relishing tasto,) and is perfect ly freo from even tho suspicion of fat in side, except what was intontionnllr put thoro by tho cook. All housekeepers know that to fry well, their fat should bo hot. Hut thny do not attend to it half as scrupulously as thoy would if thoy under stood tho trno philosophy of it. Boiling, bubbling hog fat connot penotrnto any thing, and cooks to perfection; tepid fat penetrates overywhero, aud does not cook at all, but actually prevents cooking. Any housekeeper who reads this, and chooses to prollt by it, need never put any greasy, half-cooked and indigesliblo food upon hor tablo. Tho wholo secret consists in having tho fat boiling boforo tho things nro put in. There is one other condition which follows naturally from this llrst one, which is almost invariably lost sight of ovon by good cooks, and that is that tho fat should entirely cover tho articlo to bo fried. Tho reason of this is, that tho part not at onco covered by tho fat remains cold, cools oil' tho fat near it, and then absorbs tho topid fat just tho same as if it had novcr been hot. Frying pans should bo deep, well tilled and heated to tho boiling point, aud then it is oaiy to turn out friod food crisp, brovwi and dry on the outsido, and perfectly soft, moist nud well cooked within. It is a peculiarity of tho outside crust of things fried in boil ing fat that tho fat. itsolf drips off from it nsieadilyas water; honco well fried arti cles aro noithor greasy in appearance nor vory greasy iu icnlity. Frying ought to bo as easy as boiling. Christian Union. Indian Corn and its Uses Economy. in Domestic A bushel of Indian corn contains m nro nutrimont than a bushel of wheat; but In dian corn Hhould not bo ground lino, and it will not koop sweet, There is no grain that can bo put to somauv good uses and served up in so many diflbront ways as corn and corn inoal. First, wo havo tho green corn, roasting oar and soup iu tho early, and tho dried corn soup and hominy tho balauco of tho year. Thoso dishes every good houso kcepor knows how to prepare, being among tho most simplo in tho culinary art. Aud thou by grinding it into meal, what visions of delicious eating float boforo our eyes. First, wo havo tho corn cake, mado of meal and wator, and a liltlo salt; if you aro too poor to tiso eggs aud milk, mix into a dough aud bako on a griddlo. Then corn bread or pono, which cau only bo mado properly by about ono housokcopcr iu ten. Thou mush and milk and fried mush. Wo havo novor scon tho individ ual that did not liko ono or tho othor. Many fail iu making good mush by not boiling it onough. When it is morely scalded it has a raw tasto. Thou thero is a very good corn meal pudding, mado be stirring tho meal into scalded skim milk till it is as thick as gruel, aud when cool, add gingor, cinnamon, nutmeg, bait and sweotouing to suit tho tnsto, nnd n littlo line cut suot and soino raisins or dried peaches, aud a iluo cut applo. It should bako an hour or moro, according to size. This is a good pudding. And then sco into how many dishos corn becomes a palatablo and favorito mixturo. It is tho cheapest nud most wholcsomo food that mau can livo on, und should ,bo on tho ta blo of both rich aud poor moro frequently than it now is, iu somo ono of its many forms, O'crmantown Telegraph, Melton Vkaii. This is a standard dish at tho LUolton races in Kngland, and is composed of alternato slices of veal and ham. Duttor n good sizotl bowl, aud slice as thin as possible, six hard-boiled eggs; then lino tho bowl with tho slicos. l'laco in tho bottom a layor of raw veal steak iu thiu slicos, and sprinklo ovor it a small quantity of salt, ponpor, and grated lemon peel; proceed in thosamo way with thin slices of raw ham, but leavo out tho salt. Fill up tho bowl in this mannor. Covor it with n thick pasto of Hour and water, to stiffas to bo rolled out. Tio a double cotton cloth all over tho top and boil threo hours, putting it into boiling wator at tho first, and keeping tho wator just below tho level of tho boul. When cooked, tako off the cloth and tho paste, and lot tho veal stand until tho follow ing day; thou turn it on to a platter, and cut cry thin after it comes to tho tablo; giTrnbh with sliced lemon and parsloy. It is "a daiuty dish to bet boforo a king." It is also n sido dish for dinner, nud oxcollont for break fast. To Pjckle CACLirMWEiis; Gather on a tluo day somo of the whitest and closost cnuliflowors you cau procure, break them into bunches, and scald thorn in salt and wa tor, taking caro they do not boil, or it will spoil their oolor; add tho ginger, coriand er seed, mustard eoed, nutmegs, maco, and threo quarts of water; then put on a colan der, sprinklo thorn with salt, and let them drain for a day and night; then placo tho bunches in jars, pour boiling salt ond wa ter over them, and Ictthem remain all night; and then drain them through a hair siovo, aud put them into glass jars, tying them closely ovor. Corn Biscuit. One quart of mush, cold or nearly so, ono teocupful of butter and flour enough to roll about ono half inch thick, cut into biscuit and bake to a light brown. Sheep in Hot Weather. A correspondent of the Rational ZUe Stock Journal, writing from Chntauqua, Kew York, say si " For most breeders, it is as difficult to summer n flock of sheep as to winter them successfully. Flocks rcallv suffer for want of the every-iUy care thoy cet In more Inclement seasons. They aro more liable to contagious diseases, ana to attacks ironi their insect foes, with perhaps the exception ot ticks. Hot weather, with heavy dews, or occasional warm showers, will almost surely produce foul in the foot, or even loot-rot, if the sheep nre not often examined, and any incipient case nipped iu the bud. A Hock may, to all ap pearances, bo perfectly sound, nud yet after a week of warm, chimp weather, if tho feet aro examined, there will bo a sort of primary in flammation found in the cleft between the hoofs, looking somowhat as if scalded. If the foot is left alone, tho llock still kept iu the damp pasture, hoof-ail supervenes, resembling foot-rot. Mauy consider both diseases to be the same, differing only iu virulence, as the varioloid differs from malicuant smnll-nox. Both are highly contagious, nud both ) ield to tho same remedies. Hut the hoot-nil, ns I call It, is so much moro superficial, that it really yields to even careless treatment, while tho foot-rot requires tho utmost care iu cutting aay diseased tissues and exposing ovcry part of tho foot to contact with tho remedies lined. If tho feet nre simply scnlded, tho ap plication of almost any cantic will perform a cure. Kven salt, thoroughly rubbed iu, will answer, while tho blue wtnol ointment will always euro on tho llrst application, l'ine wooled sheep nro uiotf liable to tho disease, caused probably by the tendency of their fei t to grow long. If their fed nre cut short, with a pair of toe-nippers, ns ofteu ns ouco in thteu or four mouths, they nio less liable lo diseaso of tho feet. If tho feet aro neglected a few days, until they begin to smell badly, then thorough ex amination of every foot in tho flock becomes necessary; nil diseased parts must bo pared away, ou'n to the half ot the foot, nnd vitriol ointment must bo thoroughly rubbed lu. Tho certainty of tho euro depends on tho thorough ness with wnicn the work is done. 11 tho leet aro neglected in hot weather, nfter foot-rot or hoof-ail Is known to be in tho llo.'k, it will take but three or four days of neglect to hnvo tho sore ft et so filled with maggots, that tho sheep will liu pretty suro to dio. Just ns sure ns there is any bad smell about tho feet, just so suro tho tiles will find It, nnd do their best to prevent any smelt reaching tho uoso of tho owner. Sometimes, too, sheep got wounded acciden tally, nud rams will get their Jieads sore, if seeral nro kept lu the same Held, eitliei on account of fighting or playing light. If these w omuls nro neglected, thoy nro iipt to get lly lilovvu; so nlso ewes that get dirty behind, from tho adhesion of manure to tho folds of tho skin, or to tho wool, will get mnggotty.lt not attended to. A littlo tnr or spirits of turpentine may bo npnlled around the wounds or tho root of tho tail, effectually repelling flies until tho sores aro healed. Iu some parts of tho country tho Mocks are llnblo to attacks from dogs, Sluep nro some times slightly bitten, nud usually iu tho nock or cheeks. Such wounds should bo dressed with turpentine liniment so that tiles will not touch them. Tho dogs can bo disposed of by scattering in tho fluid a few pieces of lean meat with strychnine inserted luto the middloof each pleco. Tho euro Is certain nud permanent. About two or threo weeks after shearing, tho lambs can bo dipped luto a decoction of to bacco, if thero are ticks on tho llock, which will exterminate theso parasites from tho llock. It Is best usually to salt tho flock about threo times per week, ns by so doing tho condition of tho llock can bo kept iu view, or any Incipient lameness, or injury from any cause, will bo surely noticed nud cau bo nttended to iu time. Sheep will often bo seen running around tho pnsturo iu hot weather, with their hinds close to tho ground, as if trying to escape from somo unseen enemy. They nro trying to get away from tho l&trus oviu, a yellow and dark-brown tly, from tho eggs of which, when deposited iu tho nostrils of tho sheep, tho " grub" iu tho hend is hatched. If several small places nro dug or plowed up, iu different parts of tho pas ture, so that tho sheep cau get their noses dlrlvorilusty, thoy aro less liable to tho attacks of this fly. Tho recipo for tho vitriol ointment, is as fol lows: To any iiuautilyof very finely pulverized blue vitriol, add an equal weight of lard, and mix thoroughly. This ointment Is a suro euro for foot-rot, hoof-nil nud kindred diseases. The Extension of tbe Signal Service to the West Indies, Tho public will bo glad to learn that the loug-prolectfd extension of tho Weather Bu reau to tuo west indies is nnout lu no practi cally renlized. It Is In tho wnters of thu West Iudian Archipelago that nro annually formed thoso torriblo tornadoes which desolate our Gulf and Atlantic sea-board nud liavo always been the terror ot navigation. Tho blgnal Uf flee, strctchlug out its lines of meteorological sentinels, as is now proposed, will occupy sta tions at llaanna, Bautiago do Cuba, Kingston i Jnmnicn), I'orto ltieo, St. Thomas, Antigua, Oundeloupo aud St. Viucont, in tho Windward Islands, and thence by tho lateral cablo from St. Vincent to Barbados it will plant its ex truiio outlast nt this latter Island. Barbados lies iu tho best possible position to furnish tho earliest premonitions of tbe hurricane which Is ou its way to raVago tho sen-roasts of tho United States. At most of tho Wist Indian islands the torriblo roar of these rovohlng storms can bo heard ofteu while yet tho gale is a wholo day distant. But at Barbados, al though this Island wns the scone of tho his toric storm of 17B0 known as "The (treat Hurricane" It is so near tho cradle of the cy clones that they havo seldom acquired violence enough to be audible ns they approach its southeastern shore. While iu tho Carnbbeau sea these fearful meUors have an enormous speed of rotation, but tho speed of translation which they attaiu is happily but ery small, nnd neur uioro than twenty miles an hour, nnd seldom halt ns much as that. Thero is. therefore, generally a period of soveral days inUneiiing Utwecu the passago of tho cyclone over the vuutinani isinims ami us arrival on tho Gulf or the South Atlantic coast, in which tho Signal Oftlca cau give ample, warning, both by mail and telegraph. Aw l'urk Herald, Tiik Pennsylvania lUilroad Company within tho last jfttr Lu cxeuded half a million on its depot at South Auiloy, iu arrangement for tho coal business. Canals extending inland havo been cut at a depth from thirty to forty feet, and elevated railways lino each idge of the canals, from which tho cars pour their Coal through shutts into tho boats lying there to receive it. These works look liko a town, and the mazes of car tracks are bewildering. A new track is being constructed for passenger travel, entirely separate from the old one. The latter will bo used for coal, and coal only. Stekl bars, graded in size and shape, aro Bpokcc favorably as a cheap substitute for a peal of bells. There seems no reason why the plan, if perfected, should not prove a complete I success as regards both tone and economy. DEWEY & CO. American & Foreign Patent Agents, OFFICE, 333 MOXTOOMEItr STREET, 9. F. PATENTS obtained promptly; Caveats filed expeditiously; Patent reissues takeu out; Assignments mado and recorded in legnl form: Conies of Patents and Assignments procured; Examinations of Patents mado here aud at Washington; Examinations made of Assignments recorded in Washington; Examinations ordered nud reported by Tele graph; itejecteil cases taken up and I'nteuts obtained; Interferences Prosecuted; Opinions rendered regarding tho validity of Patents and Assignments; every legitimate branch of Patent Agency Business promptly and thoroughly conducted. Our inttmato knowledgo of tho various in ventions of this coast, and long practice iu patent business, enable us to abundantly satisfy our patrons; and our success null business aro constantly increasing. Tho shrewdest aud most experienced Imcntors aro found among our most steadfast friends and patrons, who fully appreciate our advan tages iu bringing valuable inventions to the notice of the publio through tho columns of our widely circulated, first-class journals i hereby laciiitatiug I heir introduction, sale and popularity. Foreign Patents. in addition to American Patents, wo secure, with tho assistance of co-oporativo agents, claims iu nil foreign countries which grant Patents, including Great Britain, Franco, Belgium, Prussia, Aimtila, Victoiia, Peru, ltussia, Spaiu, British India, Saony, British Columbia, Canada, Norway, Sweden", Mexico, Victoria, Dnml, Bavaria, Holland, Den mark, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Itoiuau States, Wurtemberg, New Zealand, Now South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, llmrll, New Grenada, Chile, Argentine ltopublic, AND KVEltY COUNTKY IN THE WOKM) where Patents nro obtainable. No models nro required in European coun tries, but tho drawings and specifications should bo prepared with thoroughness, by able persons who nro familiar with the re quirements nud changes of foreign patent laws ngents who nro reliable aud perma nently established. Our sclicdulo prices for obtaining foreign pat ents, in all cases, will tdvvavs bo as low, and in somo instances lower, than those of any other responsible, agency. Wo etm ami if get foreign patents for inventors lu thu Pacific States from two to six months (according to the location of tho country hoo.sm! than any other agents. Home Counsel. Our long experience In obtaining patents for Inventors on this Coast has familiarized us with tho character of most of tho inventions nheady patented; hence wo aro frequently able to save our patrons tho cont of a fruitless application by pointing them lo tho same tliiug already covered by a patent. Wo nro always freo to advise applicants of any n uvu iu imtinu eii'iiieiiiiin ti imj ledge wo have of previous applications h will interfere with their obtaining a Know whicl i intent. Wo Invito tho acquaintance of all parties con nected with inventions aud patent right busi ness, believing that tho mutual conference of legitimate business nud professional men is mutual gain. Parties iu doubt in regard to their rights as assignees of patents, or pur chasers of patented articles, can often receive advice of importance to them from a short call at our office. Hemittances of money, made by individual in ventors to tho Government, sometimes mis carry, ond it has repeatedly happened that applicants havo not only lot their money, but their inventions also, from this cause ami consequent delay. Wo hold ourselves re sponsible for all foes intrusted to our agency. Tho principal portion oftho patent business of this coast has been 'done, and is still being dono, through our agency. Wo nro familiar with, nud have full records, of nil former enses, and cau more directly judge of tho value and patentability of inventions discov ered hero than any other agents. Situated so remote from the scat of government, delays aro even more dangerous to the invent ors of thu Pacific Coast than to umilicauta lu tho Eastern States. Valuablo patents may bo lost by thu extra tlmo consumed in transmit ting specifications from 1 '.astern agencies back to this coast for tho signature of thu inventor. Confidential. Wo take great pains to preserve secrecy in all confidential matters, and applicants for pat ents cau rest assured that their communi cations aud business transactions will Ihi held strictly confidential by us. Chculars free. Engravings. Wo havo superior artists In our own ofllco, nud nil facilities for producing flue nud satisfac tory illustrations of Inventions and machinery, for uuvvspnpcr, book, circular ami other printed Illustrations, nud nro nlwnvs rcaily to assist patrons in bringing the ir valuablo ils coverics into practical and profitable uso. DEWEY & CO., United SUites and Foreign Patent Agt ntH, pule lishers Milling and hcicutillo Press ami thu Pacific Itural Press, IMS Montgomery St., S. E. corner of California St., Sail 1'rahclsco. Valuable Premiums I Subscriptions. A Sewing Machine of Real Value (Bcckwith's) given for 540 worth of Sub scriptions. TiiuraiC4Natiuicvi.n.'BUT,iii speaking irtiU aa. C Vv'tTare irsl-artd la ludorae tha llallhSesvlnj( lllclilno a one worthy of l llig tunc si-curt"lbr all who canuot iurebae lh aspenslrv machines lit, lilt well aud strongly nuds. , . . , ;d in. eaiili attached to our taMa or atsnl having leaf or edge triOrrtiniranin(hirao.aii.lraii lliui be used In anrparlof the house, near a wlmbist, etc . It. ltniakeslliaelia iclo.utltchtliasaniea trie Will ful 4 (j!U and siroe other ipl luachluoo. wliUi villi a Hill cars In uiaklni; llimloiiug ttlutl li aliundatillr alrcuiK for nrar jr all klnda of tutwlnir. and lta llalde to break In washing and w vanng,uwina i Ita rlaitlclty, WE VTILL OIVE " Tor IU, a Machlna and tha Ulaatraud l'raaa. I laar. ForllI.aMaculnaandtiiaMinlnf rlclntin-'rM,iuoi. For I J. aMatblnaand tkal'aculo ICnral l'naa ttuoa. For fll-'iO.a Machine aud lha Mlnina-arlolantlnol'rut.l r. For II1W, a Maahina and tha Pac-JBo I Ural I'mm, I tat For $40, we will irivo a Machino and 40 worth or aubocfiptiona to either paper or all Jointly at retrulur rates. Bend for Cir cular. F.iireaa charge niuit I raid ty tbe purcbaaer. Ad. etnaa, fr further -particular!, DEWEY a, CO., 334 Montgomery St., Bau Frauclaco, Cal, Illustrated Press, SAN FRANCISCO. A NF.tV .IOUKXAI, OP I'lXK II.I.fHTKA. tlon, Cltotco Literature, Art and Kenned Aiuuemente. Sold by aubacrlptlon. a.OO a year. Saiut'tea, W centa. ltecently tutted. Cantaaaera wanted Addreu Ml'll ltAY, DKVTKY & CO.. FublUhera, III Clay SU, 8. F. Dr.wst Co., ir-atent Atonu.) W. II. Meatur. Opinions of the Press. Wk have received a copy of the IiU'tk vrsii Pnaii, n new publication tint i-wttefl by Murray, Dewey & Co., the proprietori of the MKKCANTll.tr Dikkctok. It lilted with very choice mut well executed engraving, and it creditable to ita proprietor. It wilt tte twaed monthly, and cannot fail to become very popular. JKxaminer. Iu.VfTiuTr.ti rncM. Thla publication la certainly a rreHlIt to tho Faclnc roai-t. Tlio Uluatratlona are from exicllcnt elealitns, audexocuted In an admlrablo manner. Thla publication akoubl certainly lo well patrvnliM, luoiuta sun. lLLrarnATrn rnraa. The March number of thla ihiii-lle-atleiiilalllli'ilvvltlirliohvrcadlm;, lu addition to which It la profiteuly llluatratetl and will cotviure favorably with any of tho lllu.tratcd papers of the Kaatcm Slatra, It la a 1'allforola enterprise luriilaliislatfj 00 per annum, ho much for so little ahouldaeciini an liumeuiui rlrcula tlou, ISonora Democrat. lLU-irnATr.li l'niaa. Thla liltlo .IMfnrof the Tactile la ihwnilnu unite a favorite, and well It mar. for It la i tie of tho niOHt rhaatoaml beautifully lllualrateil ptibll. fatlona that Malta our aaiuliim. 'Iho publishers havo Kpartti no paiua in irjiinj to mate wiitiiu aiguiura aim what It la. (Yolo Mall. ir la iilteil witn e-iioieo reauiuR matier aim prviuaeiy lllil-lmtnl a number of tho mewt prominent tllu.lra. Horn. Klliitut California acTiirv. (Merce'.l Tribune. Ira route tita ovlueo inoti than average literary taato. The llltKtrattoiia ant lu rxe-i Uent atjrle. II laiincictp llounble aa home luai.'uliie', nud Ita terms brlitK II within tin. re ae'li of all tliwn Marlpoaa tlazetlo, 'I ma innitntliie la a credit to our Slate, and iIcm rv ea In lie n regular vUllurln eviry hmiaihold. It la tho only publication of thu kind on tho voaal, Tulw apprevhitcel II tiiual hoai-eii and nad. (Sutler llanm r. Tut Uluatratlona aliow that mauler artlita have been aeciireel atidthatlhi will e-otnpare favorably Willi many more' pnteiitloua prevdite'tlotia In either Jeairnala Tho puhliKhi ra have found It mvi Mary to ro-laMio their llr.t aud aecoiid iilllioua. ( Vtnador 1-eeli;ir Tiik March tiumtn r of llila pi rhvllcal la at hand, ami la fully up to Its pn vleitia reputation by Iho tiiitula rami iie'ilWmo nf Ita inuravinita and ailce'thina of literary mailer. lllolllalcr Advance'. Tiik January number or the ItxtJUitATitD PBJ It be fore m. We have been thinking a field wn open forluet melt a m.vuine, and aure enough hero it it, '1 tie pubfith ertare both cnterrtroinjt und CJUliout, know juet what they are about, and, ir we mrelake not, they will nuke thu pub hcJfliona finl-chut tucccH. Die lint mimtier iicotten up on the rig'it pljn und in excellent t.iele. It itncraje lighter ttua the OrrrM'iif, nn.l will become more KpuUr that it, it will t more univ erully read, bccau.o better ndjpted lo the wants of tho common people. Ileinitn Pacific Coatl production, mid dciling cluelly with lUcilic. Coa.t subject, it will undoubtedly command the suppottof every liberal citucn on the coaet. Wcwrdi nnd predict for it abunjant tucce. (Napa Uegiter V have received the January number of Ihe Hun thatkd I'Krv. and find it M I tut it iiubliehen claim for it. Many of the illustration are really elegant, and tha article nre cood nud pointed. Ilm letliehr.l attempt of IheLiudonthitcoxvt, audit eleterve succevi. fortiiclirtl number come out full llee.'c,cd, prepared with much care and great cvpenw. Yule Dwtnocrat, Tux number before u is a tgood one, containini; some fifteen choice illuetrations and.a large amount of evcelleiit reading mattert so rood. indeeJ, lhat we can hardly con. ceivo how it can be iwued in monthly number for the small sum oflcrcd. (Placer Herald. Nltw MvetAZiMt. As we tgolo pre we find befe're u the frit number of Ihe Iui'uhatimi Pkf. Afier a cuint and liaily glance at its contents, we feci confident tli.it its Iiubtixlicra will succeed la accomplishing iheir olijeet Bouthcrn Califomian. iTvvtiNTV-iiioitr paRC embclliihed witli Vngraving, at a tow price. Nwie of the engraving and oriion of, the lelter-pres are evidently imported) but they are good, and there li nothing in the history of art and literary Public cation in California to encourage the belief that the mi's TRATBO Pkpss woutd live were it tnUrtly of home manu. facture. AlavLa Herald. iLltrsTit ATitn Pkiss. A v cry neat and attractive month ly. 'Jlie pubhvliei appreciate the fact lhat lite tune ha not vet arrived w lien a firsl-ctava iltutiraleil Journal can tsiit tained on this coavt. They propose, however, to supply what tliey conceivo to be a want on this ceu.t for pure, tight and graceful literature." At present they eleienii largely for llicir illueirationt and test upon 1'a.etern and foreign issue, intending to increase home and original en. graving as Uit as circumstances and the encouragement they receive will warrant. '1 he publishers are already well known on this slope a among tho most cnterpriting of the San Francisco publishing firms. (Alameda (.alette. TO GRAIN, COTTON AND WOOL GROW ERS. Tho undersigned aro pn pare! to citetul ovt ry fac'llly lo 1'armcrsi wliuelealnt to ahlp the Ir product! abroad. Wo vvlll adraneo liberally on any ahlpnienta, only chartjiug lnlent at tho rate of & por cont. por annum. I n Ight at the rharli nl prlco paid the ahlp, liiauraiie-u ami other chargia at the luvvial raleaoblalii able, thus tietlliiK tlio shipper tho full vuluei of hl cnia, whllo payliiif al thu lowoat llltoreat for Ilia flllieU. Any furlher Information ilealml will lw promptly furnished. J. C. Merrill & Co., 804 aud S00 California HI., HAN Fit VNUIHCO. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. THREE SIZES-Warrantcd to Clean from 60 to 200 Bushels per Hour, Perfectly. JtIOKS-40. 60 AND $78. The Nash li Culls' Mschluu la lhunily luaehliiH that has takiu thu I'list l'riiuliiin at California Htt I'alra lu IUTU, 1D7I and 1x7;. Nash li Cutla' Machine will thorntiithly Mnarato Mustard Seed, Cheat, llarlny, Osls, Cracked VV heat, etc , from Wheat lu a rapid aud satisfactory manner .So line sieves uswl lii thu .S'ash at (lulls' drain Hepa rator aud Fan Mill) Ihereforu we can Clean Faater, Better, anil with Jan Work unit Trouble, Thau any either machine now In usu, Tha Nasli K Cults' uiachlun la the only one that will clean Alfalfa tw-il All we ask of any one lu want of a Orslu rkpsrstor la to give tbe Nash K Cults' a trial, EVKItY MACIIINr. FULLY WAUUA.NrF.U. Tha Ns.li Ai Cults' Machine la fur aale by all Agri cultural Implement Dealers In California, For further particulars addresa NA6H, MILLER & CO.. No, 'i'.l K atrett, Hacrameuto, Cat. Only manufacturers of the Nash at Cutta' Qralu Hepa- f aior for the I'aclflij Ooa.t, v0-3ui -rV iNJb:V HOOK. The Explorers', Miners' and Metallurgists' Companion. Comprising n l'rncticni Kxtiosljnn of tho Vn- rioiit Dt-imrtini'iitu of .iilomtiou, Miuiug, Kngiuocritier, As-nijing, niul Mttntltirtty. ConUlnlutr 040 Faarea and '81 Eiiio-avlnua. 1JY J. S. PHILLIPS, 3.1. E., Of Ran Vranelseo, a I'raetleal Operator foe Thirty-four l ears I t.iplorer, and Itealdant In the I'sciflo States and territories for tl-e liast tela Years. PRICE, bound lu cloth.TuMIn coin) s In leather. (1 J. Forvvanleel by mall, lu cloth, 111.40, currencji lu leather, $13,74, Addresa all onlcra (wliole-Mlo or re tain to DEWEY & CO. .131 Slongomery street, San Francisco. HINT FOR will send on receipt of stamp for I1II1IO run postage, FltKK, eur U-tuesa Circulars conlalnhiKlli Illustrated Mechanl. IMUCMTnRQ catMoTementaadleatofl'Ali;VT ll wCH I 1T3, LAWHt Information how toobta n patents, and about the rlahts and prisllsaea of Insentora and patentees list of (lo.eruitnl tees, practical M . itc.rle. AdilrerallKWKY t'O.. I'ltbllshersand Patent Atents. Sn Frsnelseo Ranch for Sale near Oakland. 200 AcroB, sltuateil aKml four mllca northeast of tho I'll) Hall, Osklauel, and Just almvn Fruit Vale, In llrvHiklvu Township, Ono liiimlrrd arna or Inoro have I en tilled. Tho viholo la favorablv liH-ale-il and vi ell suited for a milkman's elalr). The elvvellitii; hotiso con taluailsiht moms, bard llnlshnl. Ham, lOvKll feet, It lalHMiiitllull) siipillul wllh aueet eprlnn water, tw. rel.ti n ti his- wale ml I'J several cniVs. Thin' Is also a lino sulphur sprlhit, Willi a Isro ami roustaiit llovr of mineral vvater. A STONE QUARRY Of well pniveel iiialll,v vvlll Ii'sold with Iholialincoof Iho placo If ilielntl. It nssesae'a sHe'lal natural ad. vantages superior In all) otlur traitor land vvllhlti the same dlslam-o fnuu Hu 1 rauclaco and Oakland. Tlio title la jHrfect, an I thoplaeohaa lieett lu Ihopo.Mxalou of Ita present m-i-upatit for I J )eara. Will tni sold at a low pi lie. Fart of the purchaM. iiiiiney tali niiialu on aectinl). lliirowrl) slionld Ik' se.ii In lm appreci ate il. Appl) to A.'IX OkKLY, 3.IX MoutKoiiiery strict, H, 1',, In ilm y, TiiuMisiisi, mi the pre lulsi a, or lu 1. II, HuuNsii, llial Folate Audit, 1 Monlitomery at., H, F WATERHOUSE & LESTER, IMI'OIITIIUS OK Wagon and Carriage Ma- BODIES. CARRIAGE PARTS, WHEECa, .AXLES, ' Sl'j.lNCIH AND OAKUIAQi: HAltDWAllC. HOI.F. AOllNTrt FOII I'ACIFIO COAHT FOIt UlA IIICIVH Adjustable Phaeton Sunshades. THIS (UltUIAOJ: UMlllIKI.IiA, lleprrsililiil In Ilm above rill, can be n-adlly allacheel b) any pirauii toaii) uixti vehicle. It i an l adjusle.1 tu any ileslrnl HlOlir, ANOIX Oil llllll OI'llIN lu an Instaiil, la held llrmly aitalnst any atonu, I Iraiwfeirabln from nun . arrlatto to another 111 a few M'louds, and vet litha li aa than leu iHiuuda. It la I'tii.iricit, tiiiiiriti ami i ucasaNTKii tuak a nuiinv Tin-. It U Iho roobwt auushade and the only iserfeict pro teuton tnuii alorui, t irtpt the e lose carriage. PRICE FROM $10 TO $35. r Heiidfor price ilt. Also Aitenta for Woolsey's Patent Wheels, Ttio Inst and liaiidsoiinat Wheel made, liavlntf tin at alVehitlh aud a film nuWIi, 'I hero Is ie. either wheel lhat haa the metallic almublered baiiili ami It rati bo re palrinl aa aslly aa the riilnluoii wimh! wheel. r Hend for Illustrated circular, Addnaa WATI'.ltllOUSr. ,t LKKTr.U, 12'J niul l'J I MurUt Stnit, mill IU aiul 21 California Ktri'ct, Sun rriinclm'ii, 17, 10 and SI Hevenlh Htrii't, HacrauiiutD. TO BUILDERS AND ARCHITECTS. Brooklyn Freestone Quarries, Tlirvo mtliH (nunlho llriMikljii It. It. Depot mt ItmU lnu, mi.. 4 h mlh from OkkUml Ulty 1UII, lUf.rtMjiiit cotnili lttl k(hh1 ruml tu lt.Ht quarries, wa rt ri'irfI to (uriiUli Urke ur tnll nrttf r lur H lit r ill me ntott Btoim. nr rot In Uni0, In bin J- rucloti, ()klin4, ir Hrooklyii tuctt irlrt cAiiniit t tniMivil Willi, lur rtjUAl iiuatity n(linm. fur ! aiul flotation walla, for Imlttio anl riiatutiulMihtfa., iiiuiiuiuvnta, ttnov Hall, ru UK liiJowraiiamn ailla tloorHajr trlntiuliiir ami le, (fpplim atntiita ciiil'liitf f'r alrtnta anl al'lttwalkai, i4t iiiviiia 'nr atn la an.) aire,lrr.iiilri', ) lur trrsvcaluiiva a.ht . ilitaciil nrnaiii nul work lur cviiiftMiaa.Wo. Wwcaii Iurnl4li trlUrafltl liaM iiit-nt walla (ifrutla atoun of uiMTlitr quality In hn 1 raticlaou at almijt tlio coal of Ijrlil. work lor tliam 'HiHKray friH atonu ironi tlifttirrlfa la roitalilerril far ttmrinr iu llialnf any ollivr wllldn inaotlcal illUiic uf ban I raticlitcti J L U rt'.tlllr w utV ait (ini't-rUlialde. I ir aaiuili warufir lo turn Itrtt atory if tint i ity llall, OakUutj.trwtltftl lour iraraairur. andiliM window caiwaiitl allla,ari( iln-rriilBtitl work In tliti (( anil PuiiihAay I n iu, ttaklaml, lu tha Oaklaii't iVimrry arcttinl tliwlutof J H l.mory. AIoaiuall rtNuinifii In (.lit ntUitauf Aiuua. tiia tir. (Archil.'-t rf Ilm H r' I Ity If all) Kt-arny bt., Iatt I arjiauaraou. ArcliitvcL. Cor, Knarnwy anil fallfornlaHt.h I. Uitltr may Im lfl with (Iwinii. Tlmiiipaori. on tlm rviiiiaa, or A T H wV, htlisilHti I'liiat oltio., .No U1 .Moiittfuumry tiU h, wluruMiui'luaof lli atou may ) it t n. IHOMl'hO.V A IH.WKV. Useful Inventions rmi Tint IEoiih.s IloUl and irai'iii, A rsfetand perfect 1'nii. Klxni ill, A llmiar llsar. that haa iiutuual. l'arshaira I.t iiiiiuATOiia fur lK-otiiollvi' and Htatloli. ary Ijiulnis, tsiirafui is for iiltlim irraiM a and ilovtera. A lie w ItoM.ru Hkatk that Is aiiu rlor to all othi ra. rfceir iieKUiatnitf iiiininii luthraiN rorruvvls, Aiuj. rior Itoau K uai an '1 hu cheaii. at and Ust 1'auu l'Kaci: vv. r built, A I'ost Iirivkii lhat eve ry farmer shoiihl havo. A Hill 'llUlirtMIl llisl keeps out all dust, tatea Ilia plaeouf veelHhts.alid keeps Iho windows from rattling, A Han Hi-iiimi lhat iioviruetaoiitof i.r.lir. A I'liraru IHuiiku that will iIlK a row aa fast aa a mau can walk. A Hot:aiiin!iiTixi!.ln-eled Inieiry family. A (Us l.tvir thai costs ouly half a t.ut per hour tei burn 'I ho Ix at Hu r-oi-ceixn (lets: vi r Inve ntnl. A I'ujw ou a now prluelplii It vvorka to perfecllou lu adola Au Improved 1'uiw Clkvis A Tor t.xuDiK that eviry boy should havo for lu atructtou. A now (lias. Cimru that l ata a diamond. A (Jix Ollxrii lhat cuts any slia or shap.il hole Thu lal VVasit lUiinuever luveliUil. An I'J"! IlKsrsu that Uata .Ktis III ouu lulmita, A Wau. 1'uoTroTuH for plaeluu Uhlnd wash stands. The I.trrLK (Itixr Cou Hun.ns. A Kkirc MlliiiraxKH that should bo lu every kltebcu, A Cuum llvaaui that liiuka tuu bushels per day. Tho lx-st marhluu to CLKati Oiuix In thu world. A superior l'lrien flu: llut-utu. Address WIE8TER & CO., l'ateut IlroVers, 17 New Moutgvuery street, Sau Frauclsco,