umij'ijiwmji iwot r $2,50 per Your, in Advance. SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST 10, 1873. Vol nine V. Number 28. notici; to m:hm:iuiii:ii.n. The dnte nicsirln nllrr llio iirtnlrd iinnir on tlic tiipor In thr lnlc or tin HXI'IIIATION" ofxubixrlpiloii. NEWS B7 TELEGRAPH. Oreal Fall-, N. II., August O.-An unfavorable change was report-l yes terday In tho condition of .lolin I'. Unit1, convulsions linvliiis flliviil tho attack of congestion or the brain, lit is, more comfortable to-day. Washington, August -". Tin back n.iv of Senator morion lias been re oofved by Treasurer Spinner anil paid into the Treasury. London, Auj;u-t, 2tl. The storm on Sunday was unprecedented in severi ty. Accounts from Cambridge, Peter borough, Newark and other towns rep lesent the lightning as appalling. Thotnands of people refused to go to bed lest their nouses should be over t urncd while they slept. Numbers of tires were kindled by the lightning, and many deaths are reported. Chll derly Hall, near Cambridge histoii callv connected with the reign of or Charles I., was struck by lightning anil burned to the ground. The Dank of Kngllud forgeis have been found guilty and fccntoneed to penal servitude for life. The Spanish licet have begun the bombardment of Cai thageiia. Lisbon, August 1M. The expedition for laving the cable between tills and Itlo Janelio, after having preeeeiled ;tS3 knots, was stopped by tlio discove ry of a fault in the wire. Lists have been made from which It Is believed Hint the fault Is near land. The expe dition will enntiuuu paying out until it reaches Maderla, when the cable .steamer will probably havu to return to repair the fault. Vienna, August y,.-0( the .10,000 medals awarded to exhibitors, at the Imposition 400 co to America. There i much dissatisfaction with the re sults of the Imposition. It Is charged that a number of articles which were never entered for competion received medals, and that several llrms who had none or their goods on exhibition were awarded diplomas through the Juries. The quantity of goods and specimens which will ho returned home from the American Department will lie very small. Antwerp, August tM. A gercat con llagratlon was caused hero last night by lightning, which set lire to one or tho largest warehouses in tlio city. Tills witli the surrounding buildings was soon wrapped in Jlamcv and an entire block destroyed. Victoria, August IS. The CotonM says that Immense gold deposits have been discovered in British Columbia, at tlio head waters of Stlckceu Itlver, and .Mo miles backfiom the coast line. A quantity of the dust was brought down to-daj . 1'iiom Four Klamath.--Yicka, August S.-From II. W. Walhrldgc, who Just arrived from Port Klamath, we learn the following: The order for tho execution of tho Modoc prisoners bail not In en ic eelved when be left. '1 ho Klamath Indians express gieat Indignation at tlio llbeities allowed Sear-faced Chaileyand tlio suiutswho deserted Jack and helped Central Davis, declaring that If Jack anil the others that were con vie led are hanged, Scar-face and the otliei scout- should never leave the country alive. Not long ago Sear-faeo anil Pogus Charlev were armed and sent after a couple of desertors.whom they caught. This lias incensed the soldiers, so they xwear vengeancu on those two worth less. There Is some fear of tumble with tho Klamaths when tho Modoc- are executed. Capt. llasbroiifk, with a detachment of fifteen men, ha gone to the scene of the massacre of Copt. Thomas' com mand, In tho lava bed, on the liTth of May, Tor tlio purposo oi uuiik"k "" umalns of Lieut. Crnn-ton and other- to Fort Klamath. Kmirn.T. The Ice factory in land, belonging to Charles Drown, which was destroyed in the great lire, will soon be in o)cra(iou again. WlIKAT AM) Fukhuit.s. Mall ad vlces from San Francisco report the Freight market more or less demoral ized. The very unexpected rise in Wheat has disconcerted the plans of many who had chartered vessels to ai rive at full rates. At this writing no new business is ollctiug. Wheat has now advanced to that rate where it Is Impossible to execute F.iigllsh orders for grain at anything like pres ent nominal laics. Shippers now talk about .(.'J tOs to a direct poll, and it would not bo at all Improbable to sto Freights down to '.i before the elo-e of September, Judging fiom tho large licet now said to bo heading that way from Australia and other port. Tlio general linpre-sion of the San Fran cisco press leads us to Infer that tho Wheal eiop In that State will be sadly delleleiit as compared with last year. California farmers have icceiitly shown a disposition to m1I grain at tho present enhanced rates, and It looks now as though the bulk of the crop would soon pass into the hands of shippers. liullctin. Snao The Ming puller belonging to I mole Sam, ami built for duly on tho Wlllnnictlo river waa moored at tlio Salem dock yestenlay. This boat commenced woik about two months ago at Corvollisand has taken out all the snags obstructing naviga tion in the river between that place and Salem. The boat will proceed down the river to-day and will attend to anything in the way of snags be tween hero and Oiegon City, on Its way down. The Captain of the craft informs us that bo expects to lie through with this work In the course of another mouth. This boat was built out of the money appropriated last vear for tlio use In clearing the Willamette. The amount we believe was $10,000. Th Is year another appro priation was made bv Congiess of $:i,tXH, which Is Intended to complete the w-oik of removing all snags in the liver between Corvallls and Oregon City. NliiUwntni. Tin: Dain.s and Tin: Citor.s. The unusual frcqucunt ad hoary showers for this time of year In Oregon which have prevailed since Monday have done a good deal of injury to crops up the Valley, on both the east ami tho west sides. Persons In troni Yam hill by yesterday afternoon's train Inform us that whole Ileitis of wheut and oats Just ready for the reaper were lodged, and from the other side of the Willamette we have similar reports. In town here some of the showers Were very violent, although of but shoit duration, and during the after noon yesterday thunder and lightning accompanied the rain. Pelweeushow ers, however, the teinperatuie wa de lightful and the atmosphere SulMiii. Om:oo Cnv. Tho annual meet ing of the stockholders of tho Oregon City Woolen Ma mi fact u ring Company wan held nu Saturday, August Sid, and (lie following named Directors were elected for the ensuing year: It. Jacobs, J. Jacobs, W. S. I.add. After whkh, (lie newly elected Hoard or ganized bv dieting tlio following otllcers: It. Jacobs, President and Mauaulng Agent! J. Jacob-, Vice President; W. ri. l.mld, Treasurer; M. A. Stiattnu, i-tcrulnry. Pi. i .Mm. (i.W. Walling A Sou at the Willamette Nursery, OiWego, have four aerosol peach plum trees, from which lie lias dried tho present season about eight tons. The trees me all eight years old. To pick, dry, aid puck this laigo quantity ilfty hand were loni-taiitly employed fur twelve diiju. Walling A Minuau one of tin largi"t nureiie in the Mate of all llul.- ut fruit tree-. is Mk.moiiv. A handsome imuble monument U soon to be erected over the remain- of the late MoJ. Francis, winch now lie In tho military ceme tery at Vancouver. Tho monument will be about twelve feet III height. Kuropcnn Immlgratlou. There Is no subject which more nf ' fects tlio interests of the country nt ' large, and the prices of farms and of ' lireadstull's, than that of Kuropean 1 Immigration forovory person brings some money, mill always, brings nius. I tie; ami it Is not too much tosay that , u part of our prosperity is duo to ne , cessions from other countries. Tho ' number of Immigrants that arrived List was ll!i,(l((i, ami from tlio following countries: Oioat Hrilain, 1 including Ireland, l."7,00.'; Cerinany, ' 1 1),V'0"; Sweden and Norway, ''l,!)!i;t; France, 1.1,781; Italy, 7,!tl!); Ausfro- Hungary, ll,i:Wj Switzerland, -1,0:11 ; , Uussiu mid Poland, il,!)Si; Denmark, ,!I,7M; China, l.Olil; Dritish North America, mostly in transit, ;i2,t)('!). Tlio total isan iiicrcusunf itAiicr cent, over tho year previous. Tins year is to witness. unequal lucrea-e, perhaps a greater one. Among that which is noticeable is the certain arrival id a part of .100,000 known as Mcnnonitos 'from Kii-terii Prussia ami South western Hus-ia. They woio former ly from Oct many, mid they settled in ltussia about 100 years ago mi the' condition that they should never he subject In military duty; but now tho agreement Is to be no longer observ ed, they uro coming to America. They have peculiar religious view, being radical Daptlsts; theyaro op posed to cnpital punishment, are in-dii-trioiis, and ure mainly farmers. , Somi'oftlieiri lass settled in Ceriiiuii town, I'enn., nearly L'OO years ago. A committee lias already arrived in' Philadelphia to make locations for over fail) persons now on the way. They w ill probably go West, possibly to Kansas. Theyaro all intelligent,! and will form the best class wc have yet received from Kurope. i: or i'Aiiis. 1 cannot too strongly urge upon the fanner, ami producers of the State tho import ance of attending the local ami Slate ! Fairs. These should ho great festal , days, not only for relaxation and j amusement, hut for social culture, I and to stimulate ami excite Honora ble emulation among producers, in all that relates to jirogre-i in their J particular department of industry; days for comparing exhibits nf Mock, grain, manufactures, and other pro ! ducts of tho county or State, and to encourage an active ami healthy competion which may lie productive of great good. , if Mr. A. has a superior animal or 'article on exhibition, Mr. D. natural ly wishes to know how each was pro duced, so that ho can do better in the future. A man w ho is a mere looker on tills ear catches the spirit of ri valry mid competition, and Is .stimu lated to exhibit net year, ami carry oil' tho reward if ho can, for no one, possessed of that spirit which Miould actuate every producer in the State, is content to let hi- neighbor do bet ter than himself, with the same op portunities. -,S' h'i '. til in W'hntmin Aijriciiltiii'ul S'ichty rjmrt, FlNi: Paintimi. We have itcelsed fiom l M. Wnlte, i:q., Seeietnry of the Oregon State Agrieiiltuial Society, one of thu handsomest po-ters ever printed for the Society. In book, Job, and divoiathc piloting Mr. Waltc -trlve- to excel. John II. Smith, Ks'j., of l.lim loan ' ty, requests all thos.) who hac me morials to Congress for the Improve ment of the Willamette river, to ; forward them to II, dold-mlili, Kq,, j at Portland. I Deed's Panorama will be on chl Ibltlou at the Linn County Fair. DtisTt'ATi'i.i: rou Fatti:nin(I. -In order-to fatten cattle with satis factory prollt, nothing is more im portant than a proper selection ; at the same time nothing is more iliftl cult to describe than how to dolt. A-k an experienced and skillful buy er how to select cattle and sheep for feeding, and ho will tell you to so led tlio-i" that will feed well and fatten easy. A-k him how to tell such nutn to answer, best in format Ion he can impart Is, Massachusetts from J.l.'i to Mi that he lluds It a matter of practical I Michigan from ',1 to US evperience, Judgment and skill, '"wa rm!" ' ,0 ''j .,, ...i.... i..... . i... " ..i. .r i .,!.... Minnesota from it to '2, i.uin-i moil no- n'.-mi in im ui'lliinr i I II,..,,. , t.i ... nw " rules that can bo repealed, or do-1 ' vf VA't C scribed mid explained. Still It i ' ro. , PM t, W foumlthat themalu point Is to get ai"1 '" 'r "" '"V f ' ,, u . good thrifty animal that lias ifivor' l ll oxcepl lio Southern State, boon checked nor stunted in growth, ' the increase has boon equally aston- hut Is of good size, whether youngor' is), iK,. tho latter tho growth ban full grown, and has a goo. , healthy . . ,...,,. ,.,,,.,,. ... l.111IMl.llmieo Mien nil animal will, " . . lut. Protection Don. The llguresof the last census are Just appearing In u classified form, and are unanswerable proof of tho value of such protection as secures to a nation its own manufacturing. Tho growtli of public industry in tho nov erul States is almost incredible. Dur ing the past ten years the following llgures will show the Increase of 1870 . 4i- i hud in ten ., , ., - ,,,,. , , . ,. i i,. ,., over the production of ISiiO: mis, and he lluds It dlictilt ., .. ', - .,-,,, -,,- mt . ' . ., , . ,., New ork fro u li l o 7).i i llluns. nu me Miosi.uice oi me iviin-ylvanla from L'OO to 7PJ " ii ii ii i tiiiiii i!irtitfii I'l have good quarters, round barrel, oi me general impoverisiinieui occa well ribbed ami good ehe-t, with siif- -U"l by ho war. tieorgla nlono lleient room Air good, lieallliv lungs. I1 doiihleil the value of her inanii The hair Is rather tine ami sort, T'''u"' ut all over the West am and tlio hide has a mellow Com-li, ! Nrjh tho lnrrc:iM nf iiianufac ured neither too loos nor ll.ihbv, nor anv-' products has been enormous. Under iiii,,,r in... i.i.i.. i,M.i ii. ...... m. i a continuance of nrolecllon no one iiiiiiu um Mini) ui'iuitu nil . tlllil . . . . ,r.,,..r.,i ,,,. r,l..,,.rii,.. , ,i,,.., i ,i. ciiu say wiu'to mis inuiisiriai pros- note quiet and eontented hablls, ! pi'rtt.v Is to stop. Its great progress, sliowing that noeon'iderable portion fmwever, cleaily forecasts tho tlmo oi tlio teed will lie wasted.- i:.r. or Timi: and Lahoii. This Is something which has yet to be learned by the majority of farm- as coming when this country will ! cease to e. port either bonds or spo !ele, and when the balance of trade ' will be in our favor, .'jruiiuji: I I'll fanner's productions uro of re- ere. i ho scarcity and high price of j y K0, quality, as they .should be, labor, in-doors iiml out, is graduidly I they will be sought in preforenco to teachlngamiieli needed les.ou. The i what others have. There) is (lie time is speedily coming when there greatest dltloroneo in tlio world be will be the same skilled devices with ( tweeii choice butter and middling; thisvlewasthereare in the median- between assorted well-kept potatoes le arts when "hard times" will 'and haphazard lots; between grain have thinned out or decimated the that is ripe, clean and pump and great army of tliiMightless, uoncalcti- shrunken foul grain, ami so on biting plodders who call themselves i through the whole list, and when n farmers, but whoiirouslitlleontitleil i character Is established there will ho always men willing and anxious to 1 pay extra prices. An Imi'outant Tin tii Ui.imsat- i:n. Farmers have to compote with to that title as a monkey is to he call- on a man. Capital ami brains are yet to con trol tlio business of production Ju-t as they do now that of niauufactur- !. ?., !... .. ..!,....! ...i.l ..... I.......I1.. I iiiu iu-?iiii-"i liumii linn rvMi'iiiuiir ' i tt a i .it i business management on a farm are ra,, ,r.' '""'' roau; auu qulto as sure to prove remunerative Unit man will make the most money as in any men untile or mauufactur-i who can raise the best article ut tho ing business, provided the same In- ,.st ,.,,, f (hero are any unjust telllgent kmjwleilgeof the theories ,tws, t inos, or monopolies injurloti ami pracuca iieiaiis m ngriciiiiuie to agriculture let us do all wo can to are super-aiiiieu 10 100 iiiisiuessiiiai Illcatious. I have seen miim exam ples which prow what I here u-aert. I limit AVic Viirxr. remove them. This is simply our duty. Itul in the me.iutlmo let u not forget to Improve our farms, our -lock, and our. elves. .. Hani., in Amrriniii Aijrli'uUurhl, 'I'll i: New York iiriihl ays: W. I'. Machcu, who was in the United (aching a condenser to the rooster. Stale-Senate, dosing up the term of A pound of collce w III yield an aver-1 """. Carrot Davi ol Kentucky, ago or about -.'.grains of callelne.- - d"''"' December i!, 1871!, to the .id of eountryaiiioiintMooine''..,0(0;irthls lUl,u )ri,.( tjustlfy the-tenl In allvu saving could be elKtcled on all tho column letter. It is propo-eil to save the eallelne, tlio iiio-t of which is now wasted in the process of masting collce, by at- coffee roasted, It would amount to about ''"' toils annually of this most valuable part of Ihv berry. ANOIIII.IlOllANI. I'aiik. The N. Y. Iltrulil jiubllshes a lepmt that the State Park Commission apiolut ed by the last Legislature favor tho coiiversiiui into a State park of an Immense tract of land almost entirely In the Adirondack", much frequented of Octobi r nixl by tourits ami covering alsnit Kit, Cosj.i:.ssi;(,i it Am u i.i,s. Syd ney Smith once lemarkud: "After you have written an article, take your pun and strike out half tho winds, ami you will be surprised to see how much stronger It will be." Faiii ai Si. ii i. i.. The third annual Pair of the Western Washing ton Agricultural A-sociatloii will but held at Seattle on (he l-l, '.'!, and t'd Ills esilmnted that the fanners of Iowa and Illinois have saed about the Ciilted States tu" millions of dollars In purchasing park on the Yellowstone. which, when finished, ho the large-t park in the ll. it-lil 1 .1 1 1 inn. 111. I'ul ,,,... ..... ..,( ooo acres, would Roods through I bo fiislruuientality of the Oranges this season, Poini.ANK.-The. workof ii building Seventy thousand m,uu.Is of wool the burnt district of Portland is going mv K.,.n Mdpped from tlio KiiBcno on at a very lively rate. dej-ot tills season. A i