Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 16, 1873, Image 1

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    S2.50 per Yttir. in Artvunce.
Volume V. -Number 2fi,
.OTlfi: TO MI JIM'IUII mis.
Tlio ditto niiprurliis alter the prlutrtl
iniuo on tlio paper Ik tlintlnto or tlio.
liXI'Ill.tTION til Niilikcrlitloii.
California Crops and Market.
We copy tlio following from the
San KrnnuUco Commercial JTertiltl, of
thi "tli of August :
The receipt of Wheat from this In
terior seems to he sterility Increasing.
in jiuy wo exported ton him cargoes
HllillLlXn FlUMKIIS' 11.111.
Cluh mot tit Wllborn King's. Thi
1'rosldont, It. ('. (leer, In the elmir.
Uiuler the head of Now Huslni,
which Is the time for receiving new
inemlier.-i, the Secretary said, thai,
of urniii to the United Kliiirilom. and .nceordinir to the Constitution of the
J ii Mm,' fromprebt-iit JiHllLMtlons wuistato Union, the lliflilaiul Club is
i will dispatch mote than double that ' ,. , . , , , . dolee-ates
number in August. Tlio shipping t,lltl,l(,(1 ,l) suml "" nu) "' 'aits
. trade Is now fulily active; at this to tlmt Union, but nil addition of
writing there nru upward of twenty thtoo more members to tho tilth will
!ellfer:,:i,,V,rh,erct,le,i.'r,Uverv ' -'l' M have
largo llc-t under eluvrter to uirivo now !!., and tho question is, shall wo
within tlio next sixty day. Freight ' solicit three- nuiieof our neighbors to
NowYotk, Aug. l'J. A Washington
special says tlio proceedings of the
Court-niiiitlul In thecal of C.iptiilu
.lads and othur Modoes worn received
nttho War Denaitoicut to-day. UN
believed that tlio Court found (hem
all guilty and sentenced lliem to be
Theio wns inticli excitement to-day
among petroleum dealers, caused ly
lw linivv iliw.lliu, Ill iirlfii4 nf illlili
and rellned oil, In the foco of the fact engagements for ; Hie moving of this j()lnuui tlierebv'obtain the requisite
Hint. HhtiimenU frnm tills cltV thli suumiii s crop to the United Kingdom ' ,... ... ....;, .,..' .......
year up to the lltli Inst. Iiavo reached
. Vl.l i "-- tl.ll !!- ..... .V.....
the unusual amount of 7S,00l),00l) gi
Ions. Tlio chief cause of the decline
is ia Id to bo the increase In the sup
ply, resulting from the produce of
eight new Wells in.Pcnsylviiniu which
are yielding an average of lle hun
dred barrels a day.
George N. Kauuders, who wan con
.splciiotis on the Confederate side din
ing tlio ItchclUnii, tiled very suddenly
tills morning ut his tesldenco In Sev
enteenth street, of heart disease.
Washington, Aug. 12. Additional
icports from the scene of the Wuwusett
disibter now place the number lost at
seventy-one. An Investigation Into
the cnuo of the disaster Mill begin to
luol iom.
Scranton, I'a., August 12. A large
number of women and girls wero on a
mountain near here to-day gathering
berries, when a thunder storm anne
and twcnty-ono berry-olckors took
shelter In an abandoned shanty. Al
most Immediately afterward the luilld
lug was struck by lightning nnd two
women, Mrs. Mary Kllen nnd Miss
Cnrollno Sclicuk, wero Instantly
killed. Seven others Mere seriously
Injured, but Mill recover.
A fearful explosion of fire-damp oc
curred in the Central Coal Mine In
this city, this morning, through the
neglcet'of one of the bosses, who left
Men approached with naked lamps,
the damp Ignited, and a terrlllu ex
plosion occurred. Kvon Humps was
so badly burned that his recovery Is
doubtful. Tlio concussion threw Pat
rick Ilauaghaii through u door, Inju
ring lilin Internally. William llcdloc,
also burned, will recover.
Washington, August 31. The Attor
ney General has decided that no spir
ituous liquors can be Introduced into
tlio Indian countiy without nn order
from the War Department, mid that
thojurlsdlotlou or that Deparnicnt is
exclusive of all other authorities.
Hear Admiral L. M. Unldsborough,
commanding the Washington Navy
Yard will take command of tlio Asiat
ic (station eaily In November.
Washington, August 12. The Spec
ial Commission have sent to the De
partment of State a full report on tlio
Irregularities charged against flenc
ral Thomas !'. Van lturen nnd his re
plies thereto, together with thu corre
spondence, evidence and reports con
nected therewith. The correspon
dence is voluminous and touches upon
all points Involved In the manage
ment of the American Department,
Mich us the reception of money by
Van burcn for tho privilege of erecting
bars, restaurants and various other
tilings heretofore published. The
Special Commission tlnd that the
Commission to Vienna has been man
aged corruptly and for personal pubi
ses, to the great detriment of the Am
erican Depatuient mid In violation of
American honor, nnd has exosed the
United States to national humiliation
at Vienna und thioiighotit the world.
The evidence shows no tuking of mon
ey by any member of the Commission
witn tlio exception of Oerenil Van
llureu and Mr. Mnyer. '
New York, August 14. Within the
just three days no less man vessels
have been chartered in the petroleum
trade, with a carrying capacity of 100,
000 barrels, and 18 vessels in the grain
trade, with a carrying capacity of 600,
000 bushels. The grain goes to Ureat
Britain audt the petroleum to the continent.
I run all the way fiom XI up to i'.'i -I
some half doen ships now muling at
I the latter llgute. At the present nil
' lug rates for Wheat farmers show a
disposition to sell, to follow the mar
. kot;yotat em rent prices of Wheat
and ireight there Is no margiiiof prof
I it lult to the cxpoitcts, and unless
Ungllsh market ilso during the clot
ting mouths of thu year heavy losses
i will le entailed upon the shipper.
I The quality of most of the Wheat
ollered is up to thu full average,
I welching 02 lbs and upwaid to thu
uiiMtci. Accounts as to tne iiroiiiiuie
number, .".S. nnd have another vote
in the .State Union. The only person '
present except tlio mouthers, Joined, '
und now wo luck two, whkii wi will I
get tit the next meeting. Our Cluh I
has been in operation it little more,
than tt your, mid pending the qtios-'
tion of increasing our membership, '
.several f.irineis indulged in retro
.spcetivo comparisons to tot the value
of the Institution.
Mr. Cranston Mid that "any ono
enipyleld lire yetcoiijlletliig.biiljutlg-'m.,y Kn(,w what 1 think of it, when
I tts-uro you that I sun decidedly in
fiivni-uf continuing the CI uh,iilt hough
I must apologize for nut being mote
lug trout thu 'large 11. ig requirement
will realize
regular in itttendiince. Thu general
here and In Oregon, wo
lilitl-.i Ilmli .... ... .......... ..... .... I..
IllflU tll.lll 4111 4.liilLU Vll'l', )lh 1H-
lug a Ices surplus for export than last
year. Many grain Held arn yielding
lll.lf IIUlll l
I ' a - . . .. .....I I. .4 t.lll ..I t I -J ..l.tl.i. .... .... i.ill.i.i.
1 'iiio price or wheat tor expoit in '"", -" - ... ir
.Inly ruled from SKK'i to$l To'ciceutnl: .tlottal institution is becoming more
the opening rute for August, $1 77J apparent every day, oven ut the end
.ThcserK Kach man's best knoMl-
Mater very liberal cupplles and thus edge is becoming the Joint mid inili
give dispatch to vessels. Unrloy con- vidtiitl property to till. Wo uro iiiu-
. tlnues to bo sought for, chiefly for ex- ,.,,.i.. s,ui mmmvliKF ,in,i ,.l
I port to Peru. The crop is good, and u" ) " ssl!tl ng, linproMiig, nntl elu-
we think there Isa general disposition (Vutingour-jolves. It isdoingagre.it
slioM-n to meet tlio views of export- deal of good, nod nobody any harm.
era. Jtyo is much wanted for distill- Tlio mondeint mav think Hint tin.
ntinii l,..t ,i,..,.viii.i,. .,.,...i,. iiini, i 1" im-rLiiaui inaj uiiiik imii tno
Corn is in limited request, with a fair I f'muM aro "rKiiiilzcil against tlioni,
d. Plottr is tending but such Is not the ease, fi
farming attractive heretofore tho Ouvnh Komh: V.i.t.t:v. The I.n
reverse has been true. Want of (Ji.uulo Xaittiul, August Dili, contalnn
method, .yspin, has reduced It to u tho follow lug In ichitlou to the hnr
question oriiierotnanuallalior, which vest In (Jrand Hondo valley, Union
to most people is repulsive. Tlio county, this seacon :
cluh discussions will encourage sys- , Never before since the settlement of
!..... i,. iiw.n.riii mwi ii. .. miin.itii, nr ''".inil ltonde valley has there been
tcmatic tli ought and tho adoption of HU(.h a vl,,(, r,mtHi lmH(v 1UU wrnt
tight method'', In a word, truly sel- as Is now being haivested. To np-
entllle agriculture, which Mill attract provlnate the number of bushels tr
our siiiiirt thlnklni' vniiths Instead ! ,,,u'n I'leiluced in the valley Is next to
oursnarl, tlitni liq, outlis, ns tad ( ,,,,,,,, ,lllt tho tttjiount. by thoso
oftlrlvitigtheni Into towiKand cities, , t.t calculated to Judge. Is nlaccd nt
mere to note out u miseraiiie exist
enco In tlio ovorcroMdod trades and
.Mr. Henry Warten said that his
.short experleuco in tho Cluh had
convinced him of the necessity of its
continuance. In a farming commu
nity, where tlio farms rango from
UK) to till) acres, there Is, anil can be,
hut little Michihllity; (hero Is too
much of thu earth's surface between
neighbors, and It is practically Im
possible to spend tho time in travel
ling around to seo what they aro do
ing. Uioquciitly weeks Intervene,
that a farmer scarcely knows of the
existence of his neighbor Isolation
reigns. Now, thu Cluh presents mi
opportunity of breaking up this state
of things, and bringing us into closer
relationship. In one half day a farm
er can see all of his neighbors, enjoy
ToO.OiM busheK of which oOiuiOO will
be mirplu. Ol the sum total llrst men
tioned (.10,000 bushels will bo wheat,
ltiO.000 o.its and r,0,0M but ley. When
it is considered but, one neic In ten of
our best arable lauds are cultivated
the agricultural rcxoiuces of Union
county can easily bo compielicndrd.
The hav emu of ( Irani! ltonde valle
this year exceeds that of any precced-
lug year, owing to the earn bestowed
upon natural and uitlllelal meadows.
One gentleman who is a lucky owner
of a ranch of ucai ly a thousand acred
In extent, Inlorins ns that there will
be nut less than .1, 000 tons of hay
which will teiualu uncut as It is not
Wai.ia Wau.a.-AI it nioder.itd
estimate, Walla Wnlla Valley luu.
half a million bushels of grain for
shipment abroad, and estimates It
surplus product of all descriptions,
one million bushels Is within bound.',
litis Iminenso surplus tends to dctuess
the market, and coupled with alack of
a season of social converse, know of, facilities for moving tho crop, whcnl
!...!.. ...... .io ...........1. i ....t.,' is uiiii at, nn iy cents a uusliel. To
tliv.ll utility, UAI'tliViiir.i tlllll VPI.III- . . ., i i . .. i i .
v ' l.'iim llilri Miiriilnu in lli. Hi'.ii laml nr
....... ....--.-..., ... ... , . ...v ...
the question, iiiiI so for tho iircseul,
Is colli-
, stock In warehouse.
for what is
iipwant in sympntiiy Willi tho rlbe In for thu farmer's Interests, is, In tlio
Wheat. Unfortunate yfor us our ex- , ... ... ... .... , , ' ,
nnrt trail.. In tho etnll' .r llf I. I.innn. 'OUff Hill, to tllO Interest of 111! WllO
sldcruble, not siiillclent to employ our . Hvo by legitimate jmrsuit-. When
llourlng mills more than ono-thlrd of tho farmers aro educated, energetic, '
which is defective moro or less; and h wealthy, and It is idle to talk of a
while this kind Is dull nnd unsalable, country, or people, being poor or tin-'
Oregon tlecco of long staple Is much ' f......,,.,.,, wi, ii... tutors nfilm ,.ll
sought after nt goSd prices. Hides ,0"uiml0i W,,UH ' ' "Hfrsor tho soil
and Tallow continues in request at 1,ro impotent. No country can bo
current rates. Leather is less actlvo powerful where they aro i-overty-aud
prices not rcmiiiterutlve. Our at.-i,.i-,n.. t i. ...... iw,....i.i e- ...
root cron seems to bo promising, both ,., ,....,., ., .... r V ,
Sucar Urat aud Chlcvory. Hops and beBliiiiliifc', Hint tho Clubs Mill ovent
Tobitcco promlsu well. Ills too early uully develop many things of ad van
to peak with coiilldenco In regurd to tajjo for tho whole peoploofthoKtale.
the Cotton plant; accounts from Mer- 'M,, r.i,,. . . i,,,,,......!,.,, .,.., ,i
ceil, however, nre encouraging. Tlioi,, ''"th , "er-,",''K u'rv ''.V.
Dairy Interest of this coast Is being, Tlio population of tho btato is small,
steadily and successfully developed, I nnd 1 urn surprised to think that the
uc'plndW -'"y "'' wl,'d I camo in
tor and Cheese. jOhio, eonttiliis one-fourth as many
Wheat The receipts are quite lib- people as the whole State of Oregon. '
erui; the bulk of that now; arriving We lloc,i nloro people, and they of
bought a week since at full rates,. , , ' , , i
Millers yet give a prefereneo to old tourn0 """t I'O employed, hut wa
grain, paying therefor $1 b0l 82) have not tho means or facilities to sot
1 M, aecordliig to quality. Tho latest thorn immediately to work. Wo'
quotation at litiuil Is lis (ldlls lud , , ,,.. 11101111r,.,.-J .i ...m; i
tor average, nud for club, 12sG0l2 2d. n,,u,t luno i mfuclurp-, nml with
mj uiuiii our jiupui.iiioii vui increase. i
Thus far, thu Clubs, anil through '
Ions, and eugiigo with them in a crit
ical examination of tluiio nttestionsi or at least until the railroad
upon which depend tho prollts or I'letod, thu prospect for the fanners is
their labors. I must say that tho ' n,ll,,'r '""
Clubs answera gieat many objections j AH-niiiiA.-nirccton In the Astoria
which tlio majority of people have ( Karmers' Warehoiiso Company were
against the business of agriculture, chosen, at a meeting held at Astoria
but iinno mum clleetually than thali"" ??""'' Iu. nf,',,l,,l,,wlM.: .'Vf1
,,,,., ' I. I.dwitrds, . lliible, Col. Jainort
of social slarvation. Taylor, I). K. Warren, .1. II. I), tlray,
Tho discussion of tho main qties- Samuel Adair, (.'ol, J. Taylor was
tlou, "Tho repeal of the Spcclllc Cn-i,l,il0!f.,,1,,r?l,lvinl Y l,i' V I),lrw,l"rt?' !!'
. ; , ,, .1 i j i . U. in ron, Vice President, and S. 1).
tract Law," was continued to a Into A(,rr Secretary. They will soon
hour, after which a votu was taken, ' complete tho organization ami preparo
ami tho law was repenlod by a uimn-'l f'.r business In a short tliiiu. Wharf
i,,,,,,,,.,, and warehoiiHo will bo built this sea-
imotis oa. H0 T(l jTroumi woru HVC1.CI f0r
Tito principal objections to tho law ' tho wharf on Monday,
wore stated, pointedly, to bp as fol-i -
Iom-s: HoUHKltUiiNKl). Tlie.SWifiiW says
It rotards Immigration to tho Statu; mat " Hatuiday, Aug. 2d, tho rosl-
It operates 'against tho credit of tuo,,u,,t' "f n Mr- l-'"'"i 'Kbt mile
National Government; it diminishes n,m" fro,n Ln (,rl",,. took Arojust
tho volume of our circulating medi- "r dinner nnd while tho men were
mil to such to such nn ovli.nt ns In "l worl '" l,,u M,y ,,el1' N"UloillstttllCo
nn to miiii to sunt an extent as to . Tle ,UM0 nn, ul tf) ,.0,t,.u,
put tho regulation of tho prices of with the execution of a little bedding.
ourproducts Into tlio keepimrof spec- was nil consumed. The loss was about
tilutorfc; it lncreaes tho prices of Im
ported articles and complicates ex
change, ho that any conversion Is ul-
Tho closing prlco here is$l 7fl
up to 1 b-ti eo lor oiu Jiuiiiug.
I' lour At the close of July about them, tlio two meetings of tho Stuto
2,01X1 bbls Sulem Mills, Oregon, ami 11..1.... Imve dono morn tnu-nnls iill.
500 bbls Magnolia mills, ditto, sold at u,uon "llNe Uo"0 n,oro twirds call-
(litiMT Kioiim. Tlio dispatches re-
iu.,1 ., '..rrlll.. r..l.. ul. ...... X"K?..,., '.,,l.
.......u .. 4. ,. ,.r n. t. I " "u" '"'n
mJ v .-!--' "i ....... H(l(tu ,, 1U mu ,Hl w,IjU d(
If hero wero any good reasons for ,nt u, t(, ,,ro,)urly Hl, nlH0 l(,
tho law, there aro nono now, und lt. cro.H.
heuco It should bo repealed. ' '
Tho next meeting ol tho (iuli was j FOXlTZiAKS IVXAIUCST.
at Henry W'.rren'.s on tho liill. of , Vom M,K ,.,,.,. 0rfgonlaH
July, at which lima the mciiiheni, nrKl)t r e,Mirl ,, 10 following:
partook of 11 bountiful repast sot by , wll.Bt-Wu noto 111rlv.il of small
our host, and proposed a ittrvvtt lots of nuM' crop; though sufllolont to
noma picnic by the (iuli sometime In snow 1110 exceiieuco 01 me grain not
$- V bbl. Most of tho loriner sold in
lots for local use, the latter for export.
Supplies from Oregon seem to be fall
ing oft' matc'rlally. The AJax, at
baud on the Oth lust., brought only
2,000 qr ks.
Wool Most of the choice North
! lne out 1111 nxiirfsslim if thu rinl
wants of tho country, than all other,
agencies. Wo must press forward
und maintain tho Clubs. Nature hits
dono enough for us; wo must now do
something for ourselves. Advanta
ge mouth of September.
Wlimi Mw. enough to establish prices, ltuyerw
" IIL" UIU .!.,. ...Ul. i trn..ui.,l, lM....llat..u
tiiiiolsnxedandotherelrcuiiistniicesaro ti ..iferlng 1 M i eonlaf.
known, wo propose to extend an I Homo of tho new crop has been con
Invitation to tho Kdltor of tho AVii.- lrttV!1e'1 ftt "'" ,,",1,.?, Pr';c-
1 riuiir iiiitHiiiiniiiiiuiiiK 11111 nn-
I.AMKTTi: FAHMI.U to 1)0 Oil 1)1111(1
vnure at Sun Prunelsco our market
ern ellrm have been closed put, and gCs aud fiiellities aro worthless, un-'
tliere remains In market nothing very . 4iin .,, rrPu.,(i (
desirable. Comiiil.slon inercliaiiu '? 'oy aro exerclsod.
with a speech or a story, us well as 'rcmnlns stationary, us our stocks nm
to tho members of tho other Clubs of "I""11 n" P'''" r,!' " ni J"tiy
tho county. T. W. J)avi:xi'out,
still hold much inferior burry and
heavy fleece, the demand for which is
very limited at 1310c. Oregon Wool
arrives rreeiy, and is taken reauuy o
shippers at 2527c, Recent arrfvahi
from Oregon exceed 2,000 bales, the
most or which lias been placed witu
lu our range.
Tlio President said that ho had no
intention of trying to cover tho wholo
ground of ndvantago arising from
prgunleatlon, but would mention ono
which was tnoro Important than was
generally thought to bo, and that Is,
we aro doing something to make
J'i:iuo.nai.. W. J. Campbell, Depu
ty of the National Orange, gave us a
call this week. Ho was 011 his way
home from Lauu vouuty, wheie he had
gone for tho purpose .of organizing a
shipments. We quote a 11 rm mar
ket for snperlluu $ V bid; outside
brands i f0()4 i:; siaiuinrii extra ja.
Wool Thu total receipts for thu
season aitgrgato aliout 2,000,000 lbs.
Much of tills has been of superior
qualify, and had more euro been taken
In washing ami packing, the reputa
tion of Oregon Wools would have
been an cnvlahlo one. Firm nt 22a
2.1 V "
i i