IH -.Jin -i. ii i .. . iiiiiimiii i i . ) ljjuut $2,50 por Year, in Advance. NOTICE TO 81JUSC1III1FKS. '" The date toarluirnllrr tlio Itrlutrd name on the paitor la the dole of llir KXPIIIATIO.N oranbucrlplloii. xraws by TSueanAgr. Now York July T.-Stokcs, Sim nionsund King will.it Ii supposed, iiiiiif uiiii ikn ... -. -' ..J..-.- ...., iii. cacnDc tlin death liellullV through llio now law requiring proof of deliberate inioni 10 mil lorcoiiviuumi u muiuui in the first, degree, It is stated that the law under which Roscnwclg, the abortionist, was con victed, with lt penalty of seven years' imprisonment, was legislated out of existence by the passage of the new law making malpractice attend ed with fatal result punlshablo with death. Itesenwelg has been for months In the Tombs awaiting a new trial, but ho has not'been ruludlctcd, and it Is believed lie cannot be. Chicago, July 8. Accounts from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Mate that the unprecedented rain stornis of lust week (lid Immense damage to crops of wheat, which In many loeolltles were nearly ready foj harvest. The glow ing com also sustained severe damage. The central portion of Ohio seems to nave suiloreu mosi, nnn 1110 unworn tlereil most, nu tuo nmoiini , u0.,u., the Canby massacre, go to crops, fences, bullilngsAft'er(llt.lMMlnlo,,u of ,M)L.ung and lis, Is estimated at hundreds of hWl.nrs ,a. Court the prisoners d of dollars, lhe storm was Werc brought luaud arraigned. Three of damiigi and stock thniiftiiiiilri Z . . V... 1 itll it. I ess general In Illinois?, but Mill l" I toss win ou very cuusu em. --. I ll. (..... ! O 4 la II O.I.t.1 lit. IKlUJ. UIIUIIK", aillf O. it. IIIIIIUKUV J....W- cd over Odin, Illinois, last night mi- rooting many houses. 1 ho Melho. st Church wus wrecked. The Methodist I Mi 11 mli nnd utiutno honso at Salem were wrecked. Orchards, miles of fences and thousands of acres of corn were blown down. At Iliirrlbburg, III., the storm blow down the Inter national Circus lent while it wus full of people. The lamp tired the can vas but were soon extinguished. Kvunsvlllc, Ind., July 8. A destruc tive Btorm and tornado of great sever ity pasfed over this city ami vicinity about 8 o'clock lat-t night. A nuinucr Tie 1M,IU1 H-outs-llogus Charley, of shade trees were blown down and 1 lSlint.klm.my j, steamboat Kriuik mtit In ed. 'lhe front of a house was , , UooUjCjiuwUi be oxamined to partly blown out. Consldenible dam- morrow litre was done to Trinity ami tuo Lain- olic Churches, which were being built. At Henderson, Ky roors were blown oil and frelgnt cars blown from the track. Much timber was destroy- ed in the siirroundlnir count iv. In'r. Warwick County grcnt Uiimugo was done In and around lioonevllle to the 1 orchards, crops and buildings. All the tclegrupn wires were nroKon. . number o ponons wero Injured. Trains 011 tlio tit. Louis and south western Italiro.ul wero detained by trees across thu true!;. Chicago, July t). -A 11 extraordinary accident occutrid at Klckapoo Station, on tho lino or the Missouri I'acille Hallroud last eventmr. Tho track at this point runs for some distance along thu bank of tho Missouri 1 1 vcr, and suddenly, wltliout warning a half ffofe'HMn'rt,-. 'ws It appears the tmck has been under- mined by tho river, without having' uiirueieii inu iiiieiiiiuii in uii imiu. . licports trom points in Illinois and Iowa, covering nearly the whole or At Salem, the exercises were of the those States, hIiow that while the UsUllj character. There was a pro recent heavy rainstorms have injured ,.os,0 W,U.J, formed at tlie Court all the crops to some extent, there will i,,,,,.,,,! ,,iarched to .Marlon Square, tu fl full llVuriinrii fif will II 11 irnilllti. . .. -. . . t . II... i.i7.,.7. 1 . P.T 111 i "1.1. UlllbV, Uiy I". i 1. l.-IIIIIJa,H. ,,T..;,i,,Bi " ...(( the special says an Impression prevailed In tome quarters death of chief Justice Chaso that the ucaiu 01 ( President dent Intends to oner the Chler siiin t.-iiutor Coiikllni;. has naYay..MMakch"ld gomi of the best Informed men Justices. wlthl amoiiir in Washington, and it is at tusi tie lleved to be basod on the fact that President Orant hns uctunlly tendered him the iKisltlon. If tills proves lim it is still believed to U mutter of doubt whether Coukllng will neceit thu offer. ltoslou, July 0. The Wool market is well sustained. Prices are (Inn. The new clip of llecce ool is being received In moderate quantities. Spring California Is quoted ot :3(a,.'l7e. Washington, July 7. Theniimbeis of the commission appointed by the Trustees of Howard University to con sider and reiKirt upou certuin state ments assailing the tlnanelul muuage- incut of tlic University, more especial-' llll'lll III Hie l lllveiOll.Y. llll'ie VSJIUeiil.- IV designed cast discredit or SU9- plcloll oil the part Ocn. Howard, have ! submitted u leturii, topther with a statement of the President us to thui, i tliianciiil c llllou of the Institution. It Is reported that the proceedings' of llio Hoard of Trustees will show that not a single dollar of l.'nl vorsity niou-l .... . .tn ....... . ...in IMIT1 voteii as a gratuity to (.',.1,. llmvurd. nor unv lnonev at nnv nor any time under prctuxt to which ho was i(lot ninny eiitiuc-J 111 consideration jfor valuable a ilid Indispensable servi ces faithfully reudured. and that there lit nothing mysterious or'dllllcult to fully explain tlio present condition of Howard University. The report in signed by Fred Douglas, George C. Uaker, Itev. Ezra Whipple, the other member of tlio commission being ab sent from tlio city. N Trial of the Modoc Murderers. ' I Fort Klamath, Jnlv fl via Ashland, July 0.-T11O Military Commission mol tills mni'iiiiig. 1'rcKcnt All the members. The Judge Advocate pro ceeded with tho trial of Captain Jack, Sohouehln, Hasten Charley, lllaek .Ilin. Htotviek and Hurneho. the Indi ans wlio were present at the time and Wni! IIHIIIKIII. in im ik wiu-k-vh wore examined lliddle. h h lull itll Woman, Toby, ' T and Ii. S. I)..,.- T()liy .,. w positively that Captain ,..,... '. , ,,,,., ..,.. ,imt Selionchlu shot Meuohum, thai Jioston wuaricy sliot Dr. Thouius, tiiai liooxa Jim tried to kill Ii. H. Dyar and also that Uarncho Kuocued tier down wun a gun and tried to take her horse. Tho testimony of I-'. Kiddle eorrobo- rates his wife's In the main. The testimony of Dyar amounts 1 to illt(?&.1l1ltraiT0t wi? out when tiring commenced and that ... ....... cimg,,u l,v iioka Jim. . 1, t...,,,,. u ... i,,rw.i.'u iimwii 1 re-,.,,,, ',,. t.m .,. ,...,1 i Pv,w...i,., i 0 ,)rt.w.t ,a luo t, jal to-monow 7th ' ... . . .lu,,,,!..!. i.n- ImmI i.n.m i-..e..lvnd ' v.. n... ..,i.ir....ui .. M.ii.r'lim" 'muring nuns, .....1,, ll0, .0 brim.' the Lost ltlver I lr,i,.P..rs .rru thu Coiumisbloiiun ' Tor -.. . i 1 . iiunierers neiore inu woinmissioiiurs or trial. It Is supposed these mur- crurs will be tinned over to the Joints In Jackson fount v. Orcjfou. iin " . The trial of the I 'once 'oninilsslon niunleieis will pnibably be concluded on or bcfo.othemhlnst. Tiu: I'ouitTii. Our national anni versary appcaru to Imvo licen cele brated with inure than the uual for- vor, Judging fiom tlio accounts jiulh- z vz:tz:!Z vUMu. 1110 pr.iuno m on triiifc tho day by nelgliboilioiMl celebra- tions IS one wu nro kiiki hi si'u is m-owlng more and more into favor. K. M. Hcwlev, JCsn., and tho oration w,w !?livered by ltev. W. It. .Stew- where tlio ueciurauoii was reau ny " TaytL 1, ."-... f . ."iT. '.' ., ' ". " " , ""V' , "V.." V.i.l , discoursed by tho band. J'.xiiiDitions hy the Tur.Vereins and the Fire Uepartmeut closed the day. """" Mr. C. P. Ilolmnii has ngreil ivltli the owners of much of the Max crop in I.I1111 county to pull th lliix and clear it of all foul seeds lor . hlcb they will rN'i.lv.1 two dollars tier bushel cash Somo men are now passing through their llax Ileitis and pulling out all foul weed la-fore their .feuds shall uiatuie. A large amount of this clean seed will be dealt out' Jo farmer for seed. DemiK'rat, W. It. Iloon. of Salem,' Is 'now load litor on the Daily Kvinlng News of ,Hland. SALEM, OREGON, JULY 12, 1873. Jefferson. H,to' Wlllamitle farmvr: 0n ,ny wnv from Saleurto Albany . . . , nill,,t -i, rir.,.i.i I ml " t( u,.,cn to Uriuul I.o(Ibc, 1. O. u. T., I ciuioii on my esteemed i friend Jacob Con.-er, and reimlulu over night, I had 11 little tlmo to look around. 1 was forcibly Impressed with tho npponrunec of Jcfftwnn. AH north of tlio canal, which lets in tho waters of the S.iiitiitin to the fac tories, looks rather old; there being no signs of any recent buildings be ing erected there. Hut at, and south of the race or canal, I saw signs of thrift, mid a lively business. Tho enterprising gentlemen who own and run tho IIK.VVr.ll ItOaiKllY MANl't'ACTOKY, ... . . . . . . ro driving ahead, and Instead of waiting in masterly inactivity for mmcthtngto turn up, they are making things turn up. I was shown through nil the rooms, nnd all tho machinery, by my old iriend Mr. A. L. Stlnson, 1 from whom I obtained somo data which aru hero presented. The j amount of wool worked up hy the company, Is 2,000 ltis pur month. Numbor of ope rotors employed Is from in to 20 during the busy season. Twenty-two and a half dozen pair of .Shaker socks, besides ladies' hose, u re muilo daily, which aro equal to miy mn,i0 j i0 United Status. ! , 1., ..n ,.r (iw.-n K.b. , l,.w.li.I e '' "" "' i,,UJ'0 sootks ro teled .and toed by hand, which gives em- ploymont to many females or the I t-y around. Tho demand for I these socks is far beyond tho supply. ; Price per do.en is live dollars. ciiAiit iwc-roitv. This Is run hy Mr. .1. M. Mcl.Icr, who commenced business heroayear go. Its Its water power is drawn from tho ditch here, like that of tho Heaver Unuinr., U1... ...mi ,,ll,, ,,,..i,i,, that of the Heaver lilanliig macliino Tlio timber used ...''. ... ' . .1 :) Oregon growl!). The rounds of tin. chairs mo nmiloofdoL-wood: the -..w ....--. ..... ..,.,-,..-,....,... mo cnairs aru )uaiieoi oogwoi KU;k.s of maplo, and the posts , , . ' ' . ' . plo and usli. 'lhrco hands a ..Ilk mill a.xla M'lkHi.i. l.il.a.lj liaA .k.a. 1 1 1.1 VIII ployed liere,onu of wiioin is tlm hosa. Tho turning inachliio docs much W(ffk m )tuir tlMal,H,imi,ltfl lic. sides tills one. Upwards or 0,000 chairs can bo inndu Jiero yearly IT called for. About 00 sets or superior cliairs nro made and sold lieru pur annum t ,rt.Mmt Tho ch-il yra ,n vams ttml nr. ' tyle, ns well as the workm.i Tho chairs are or llncst in.slilp, nnd oin bo sold cheaper than lmjiort i i.i, f n, t, ..i -t .,r. Ilclonllyrfncouragcd,the quantity can Ito Increased to any extent. Mr. Mct.lcr desorves unt'our.iguiiii'iit. tin: mm.m. Hotli tho saw mill, planing mill, and ilourlng mill aro in excellent running condition, and doing a good business. .Situated iixjn tho t). .V CMt. Jt.,iMl upon I.eSantla.n river, which is navigable horo for light drart steamors much or tlio year, t,K.ro miinufactiirliiB establishments are iK-coinlng of more nnd more im porUmce. (iulto a village is spring ing up around them. Thu quantity of water from thu river Into the ca nal, which runs all Uicm- factories, can be Increased to- an unlimited amount. Thegeiitlemenntthe head of thenu are live builnc.- men In whom the public can couilde. This then Is hut one of our groat business uxilnts, where unlimited water owor is had. If our people could only bo prevailed upon to encourage homo manufactures, and cease to buy Im imrted articles, which could be madn hero of hotter quality, and thereby avo our money from passing away never to return, how much better it would bo for us! Such a plan was adopted by our good old sires a cen tury ago in tho Colonics. Never can we expect to have permammt good times here, until vo encourage homo manufactures nnd homo in dustry. We have tho raw material here for nearly every description or articles which we roqtiiro or need And IToiir people would buy only or ourown manuracturers,such business would increase to nn unlimited ex tent. David Nkwhom. June '.2S, 1873. Patrons or Husbandry. Killlnr Wll.imii'ttd Purmrri With your permission, 1 will let those interested know how tlio Or "dor is gaining ground. 1 havo or ganized nine granges lately, and he low give the Master and Secretary's name of each, also thu post-olllco address: Corinthian Grange, Linn county. W. 1 Alexander, Master; K. J In ner, Secretary. Post olllco, Albany. Shi'dd's Orange, Linn county W. M. Powers, Master; V. M. lliuehurt, Secrotary. Post oHla', Sliedd's. Grand Prairie Grange, Linn co. J. J. l'lnliiyson, Master; N. 11. Fry, Secretary. Address, Albany. I Iarrlsburg Grange, Linn county John II. Smith, Muster: W.J. Brum well, Secretary. Address, 1 Iarrls burg. Sprlnglleld Grange, Lane county John S. Kelly, Master; A.J. Kbbert, Secretary. Address, Siiringllcld. Philomath Grange, llonton co. A. G. Mulkey, Mustor; A. 11. llrown, Secretary. Address, Corvnllls. Soan Creek Orange, llonton co. Jacob Modie, Master, address, Cor vnllls; .1. t. iiaitur, hucreuiry, ad dress, Albany. Locke Grange, lleuloii co. An thony Simpson, Mnster; (',. K. Moor, Secretary. l.xcelslor Orange, iiiiiililll co. A. J. Pitman, Master, P. (X address, Wheatland; V. L. Smith, secretary, address, D.iyton. There aro sixteen Granges In the State, Including she above. Nino more clubs haveinado application, ami aro ready to organize at any time. Hy tho first or August, our number or suli-granges will probably exceed thirty. Tho (.(moral Deputy or tho National Grango, N. V. Gar retson, Is at present in California, and will soon visit Oregon and or ganize our State Grange, mid Impart thu secret work of our Ordur. It is to be hoped the friends or the Order will take hold or the work nnd move it 011 as rapidly as possible, so that our Statu Grange may lie begun witli a gsid number. W. J. C'AMI'HKM., Deimty. II Ail. Siokm. The Progression I l says: The severest hall storm over known In Oregon passed over Hcog gins' Valley In thu Wtsteru portion of Washington county, 011 tho 20th ult. The storm cume from tho wrest. Iduck, fearful, with terrlllcthunderaiiil lightning. Mr. S, K. Wilcox Informs us that In the valley It almost destroy ed the crop of Mr. George Davis. Thu hail was almost coutliit-d to thin place. It killed over n hundred chickens, and beat his crop Into tho ground. The hull In low places was jilted to the depth of Imo feet. Volume- V. Number 21. .ollrc. Notice is hereby given that there will bo n meeting of the Marlon County Farmers' Club held at Legis lative Hall in Salem, Saturday, July 'Jtlth, 187:), at 10 o'clock a. in. And for tlio guidance of nil concerned, tho following article of the constitu tion of said Club is published, and all Clubs aro expected to scud tho amount designated In said article: Aut. (I. Each farmers' oluh or as sociation In this county shall ho en titled to Tour delegates to all meet ings or this association orilub, and each club or association or farmers or mechanics may become auxiliary to this club upon payment of two dollars for each, anil the payment of a like sum annually, to tlio Treas urer of this Club. .1. Hl.NUV UllOWN, Sec'y M. O. F. C. Salem, July 7, 1S7J). Ucrl Sugar. IMIIor WltUmrttr I'lrmot . 1 wish to enquire ir you can give us any information In regard to the matmracture of sugar from beets? 1st. How inatiy iouuds of beets Is required to yield 0110 pound sugar? i!d. What Is tho mode or operation or making sugar from ItoctsV ild. Do you think tho manufacture ofsugar from beets, In this country, Willamette valley, profitable, either 011 a small or largo scale? Wo used to do 11 fair business In Illinois in making wliiskyon a forty gallon still; (he pork made from tho slop paid ail expouses, ami what wo got for our whisky was not profit, (.'mild wo not, during the winter months, cliaugo whisky making Into sugar making, even 011 a smallscale, and still make fair wages? Cl.ACKAMAH FAIt.Ml'.lt, July 3, 1873. Pittin.itii:sTho llsheiles 011 thu Lower Columbia aru doing an excel lent business at present, as tlio re cession of tho water has enabled them to rcsumii opciiitlous ngaln. Largo quantities of salmon-boxes, charcoal and tin are shipped to thorn almost daily, and all are utilized almost ns rapidly ai they airlvo at their destin ation. JiiiI'.Iiil' lioni Iho catch nl- ' ready and tho piospects for the future, . It is estimated that thu catch for this year will amount lu value to $1,000,-;u(Ki.-fi. 1 Hruuric iiv I.KUITNINO.-Durlng I thu thunder and lightning of last 1 Friday, thu line rcMdcucu id' Hon. II. A. Straight, near thu Clackamas river. I was struck by a Hash, whluh passed I down through thu bath-room, struck nrlllo which was loaded, tearing oil' I the stock nut diil not discharge the I gun. Tiieru was no damiigu doiiu be 1 sldu tearing a hole In thu house. Thu ! family were all out in thu yard at the time. Thu flash of lightning uppar- rently passed into the ksouikI. infer- prine, , Fiiii.mi.n'h I'.i.kctio.v. The annual 'election for a Chief Engineer and As 1 slstant of the Salem Flru Department was held 011 Monday, July 7th. The candidates for Chief Engineer worn ' John llolinuii, of Hook iV Judder Co. , No. 1, and J. N. Mntheuy. of Tiger' Engine Co. No. -. Thu latter was elected, after it spirited contest. J. II. Huttn, of Cupltul Engine Co. No. ), , wus elected Assistant, without opposi tion. 1 I'liKKiins. The outlook at the present Is unytlilng but fuvorablo for low fielglits. San Francisco udvlces report available touuiiKO scarce, tho closing rates for grain charters in June being H. 17s and Ud. Tha freight market is strong for all voy ages with' the exception of steam carriage to Hong Kong via Yokohama, which is abundant and rates nominal. '.