Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 10, 1873, Page 2, Image 2

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    I .
of the Interior
followliiL' from
xx nshington Territory:
There are strong ImiluntioiiH if liostil
ity unions tlie IixHunHofthlK'J'uriltory.
Kmlssarles from (liu Modocs have
Imvo probably visited them. Settleis
have called on mo for arm", hi ft there
uru homo In tlio Territory. I uwait
Tliu telegram xvas referred to net lux
Seuictnry JlobcHoii xvhoaiithorlcs tin
Issue of arniH to tho extent of the Ter
ritory's quota of mllllln, on icqiiisi
t iota of (ho Governor, who must un
derstand that tho (ienernl Govern
ment In no way authorizes any mili
tary operations not instituted by Its
direction and control.
The Senate Committee onTran-por-tutlon
proposes to hold sessions at
several puiittsthrniigh subcommittees,
to obtain statistles and views 1'ioni the
Hoards of Tinde, Commercial Kx
changes, Chamber of Commcicc, etc..
in order tit ncei lain Hie nest metiioi
I Ilnek Klvir just below the tiestle iron
innige. Aimtit two niiniireii pel soil"
, May :i.-The Secretary Including many ladles and a iitinibi
yesterday received the , of children, had gathered on tho brlilft
in Governor Kerry, of - wltne-s the ceremony, when sud
Ilctlicl Farmers' Club.
The Club met at llothcl, May ml,
IS7:J. President Ira Town-eiul in the
denly tlie bridge gave way hud chair. Minutes of previous meeting
precipitated It" living freight Into the read and adopted; the Constitution
stream below. The scene wlilelt'eniit-
ed was Indescribably tcrilble. as the
struggling victims endeavored to flee
tlienielvcsfiom the rulnsof the bridge
and tiiiin each other. Laigu eiowils
on tin' hank" rii"hcd wildly to and fio,
many of them so distracted xvlth ter
ror as to be unable to lender any
assistance; others, more self possessed,
speedily brought rope", planks and
boats, and went nobly to work. Home
of those that were on the bildge when
u leu were m near the enils tliat they
read, and three farmers Joined the
Mr. Kyle, chairman of the com
mittee appointed to wait upon
Abrams A Co., reported that he had
no communication to make, except
that they could obtain no satisfaction
from Mr. Abrams.
Tho motion was made and carried
toappolnt Messrs. Conicgy, Hobblns,
were unio 10 reacn i nu iiiiik w i mm . , .,.. ..n.... t .,
asMl-tance, while others were fortu- """-'.''w' ";
iintoly within reach of those on shore. Mr. Abrams being present looking
I'p to il p. m., thirty-two bodies had after his own Interest, he submitted
nci'ii uikuii in. it is almost ceitain n, r.,it.,.t.... .t......,.-itti, ,. in.. i,.lb
county farmers:
First, I will store wheat for I cents
theie are others still under the wiock
of the biidgo. Seventy-four were
ieeued alive but mole or les lujuied,
some fatally.
Midiilt'ht. l"ii to this horn-no other
nouics nave ncei
lor legislative action tochcnpeli trans
iifirfnf Iiiti fif Wi.uti.rii iimihiei. In
market. This coveis tlie whole ijues-1 point, hut several otheis aie reported
tlon or the canal a,'uinst tlie rallioad. picked m at Stcillug, K miles lielow,
Among nllu-r Ihqulilcs as to the pow- i"d doubtless (he swill elirielit has
erof Congress under the clause of (he i borne otheis still farther down the
Constitution giving iillthnlitv " "'-'" ,,v,'r; '-'he gellelnl estimate of the
late the commerce between States, to ' number lot is fioiii ninety to one
icgiilatoeontinl Height mtcs on lall-i1' "id. It was statu! in previous
roads, etc., for pioduec, anil under the I dipatchc" (hat thlit-two bodies
clause to establish post route", power !",,,u recovered bcfoie duik. Five
to llx ihe eomiieiiMitiou for canvliiL' "tber bodies tloatcd pat those engaged
malls. Some nieiubeis of the com-, "l Hie wicck, and have not yd been
mltteo n I rend v claim that Congress iceovcicd. There ale supposed to bo
Mol of them. It I'
under the wicck of the
lias absolute nowcr lu these paitlcu 1 l ls! nll.v bodies that Ii
lars. Another question to be con-Id- M'''" found
red Is the power of Cniigtes to char-' bjiuglit, an
tcr trunk line inllroads thioiigh "'luge.
State", and (lie feasibility of loaning New Ynil,, May .I.--TI10 members
the credit of the (I'ovcrment to "lab-' "flho I'nllcd State" Duileii ICsiilor
liiili tiaiis-vontineutal Hues or water , big Expedition have it tin not. They
(mninimicntinii. Iicpoit that the ship canal via the
In hlsnlllciiil repoitofthe battle at j Kiiliplr and De Cicado livers will be
HioModoi! caves, foiifflit Jan. 17, Col. ' '"lies long, with a luniiel :i miles
Wheaton suvs: "I have been it vents i '""? " Is estimated the entile wolk
in (he service, and have been cinplov , wl" '.""l S-7i,Hmi,(mmi.
cd, during (lieeicater pnttion ol that ' A detachiuent of fill 1'nlted Stales
tier bushel In the imiuitry. (he farm
ers fimilslilni' their own sack". 1 will
iceoveied at this ,,,,( (., the refusal of their wheat.
Second, If the farmers draw; sacks
from me to haul their wheat in free
of charge, 1 will claim the refusal.
Third, I will receive mid ship
wheat In their sacks fiirSI per ton,
or il cents per bushel, holding their
wheat Tor two mouth", If not sold
sooner; after two months I will charge
'i cents iter month per ton storage
until sobi.
Fourth, I will not ship wheat ho
tline, on the lionticr, and generally
i ligngid lu npciatlons against hostile
Indians. I have never befoie en
(ouutcicd an enemy, clvilled or
savage, occupying a position of such
gicat uatiual slniith as (he Modoc
solilieis, left hele vetelday for tile
.Modoc country.
I.lcut. (ielieial Sheildau anlvcd in
till" city ycstciday I'lom Ills tour of
observation on the Texas fionller.
Watel town, May ."(.-Lieutenant .1.
II' 1
stiongliold; nor have I ever seen I'- " oiden, an nimy ollker stationed
troops engage a better aimed or mine at Sael,clt's llalbor, committed sill-
skilled foe." Col. Wheat iflcr ''le by culling hN (mat w ith a carv-
dcscilblng the gallant conduct of lug Knife. The death of his wife, some
iillleelsaud men of the legiilar tioops, months ago, is Hippo.nl to have de
acknowledges, in unini leini", the Hinged his mind, lie was a sou of
valualde set vices r Gen. Itos" and of Adiuiial Woideii, who commanded
Ills Uicgou voluuteei-", together with , "'V -Monitor In ' r light with the
Ihoso rendered by ('apt. I'allchlld's Mclllllliu'.
Coiup.iiiy of volunteer haipshoiicrs. New Voik, May I. A gicat calami
Col. Wheaton likewise acknowledges ty has fallen on a town called l'rcco
valiiabli set vices lelidered bv Colonels bald, caused by a laud slide fioiu a
Miller, Thompson, and Itelllnger, and ncighboiiug mountain, bv which II
Caitaiu Ivan Applegate, of Oiegou. i Immim-h wele destmyed anil !!il lei-ous
Souieof (he ('ouiliiissloucisat Vieii- peilsbed. The gicat mass which de
lta, against whom no chaiges have stios the town dammed up the ilvcr,
been made, tclcgiaphcd to See- "nil the ite-tiilillve elleets or luiin
ii'taiy I'lsb piotesting tig.iiiist (heir dallon are cNpcelcil to be addcil to the
siispeiisiou, and appealing to him to other uiMui (line",
let (heiii goaht ml and open the Amer- New Voik, May li. The boaid of
lean dcpailuiciit, which presented Indian Coinuiissiouers , unanimously
ycstciday a most humiliating appear adopted a icpoit ycstciday on life
mice. 'I'he Secictaiy I" lunch cuibar- I'lt'siilcnl's Indian policy. Speaking
rilfcil li the silliullou hill hll" iloue "I liiecais(Nol (lie leecllt leVoll ol
nive not yet longing to the farpiers without their
Motion was made and lost to em
body Mr. Ahraim' written proposi
tion lu the report of tlie committee
that was appointed to Interview
t. 1'razer's report from the county
convention held at Dallas, was re
ceived and adopted.
The report of Ira TowiwihI and
A. Stephen, delegates to the State
Convention, was received, witli tlie
hearty approval of the Club.
Motion made and carried to take
;;;. Mr, Abninis' proposition for ill".
A. Stephens wanted to know If
Abrams would give the same receipt
under nil circumstances. Ahmms
alil ye", but if he furnished sacks be
would claim the refusal of the wheat.
.loliu 1 biwley said It was very plain,
If fanners furnished their own sicks
they would receive a negotiable re
ceipt, hut If they used his sacks to
deliver their wlieat in, that Abmnis
would claim tlie refusal.
Tin Secretary said we had gone to
work to right tills wrong, and we
will do it befoie we iilt, hut we will
not gain any valuable advantage
here. If Abraiu-. would ship fornoth-
shipping man to work for us, too
much of our wheat has been on board
of a ship bound to Liverpool, before
It has been Mild, by hiring these fel
lows to store for ii". We must now
put a stop to that forover.
George Hell has bad this matter
underconslderatlon forsotnetlme; we
have too many middle men, they
must be done away with as much as
polble, but if wc have to hire one
ho must be our man. It Is absurd
for us to store our grain in the hands
of millers and shippers, with the un
derstanding that they will p.iy the
highest market price when we want
to "ell. There Is no inducement for
them to raise the price when they
have all the grain. We nre here for
business, not to talk too much, but I
must tell you last year when I o!il
my wool, an agent for n buyer told
me he could give only o) cents, no
more. I declined to sell, and In a
little while he said he could give me
oil cent". That was evidence he was
not working in my interest, but in
the interest of his employer. It may
co-t Just as much to store and ship
wheat if we build a warehouse and
do it our-elves, as If we hired it
done, but if it does it will be done
by men in our interest; which will
be some advautngeover the old plan,
and lu the course of time It must
have some ell'ect upon the market.
John llawley What Is good for
one is good for all. Will Mr. Abrams'
proposition lie considered? One of
the things I wanted la-t meeting
has been conceded, to wit, the farm
er holding the grain in his own con
trol, " In a horn." It is to the Inter
est of tlu storekeeper to bold up tlie
price of wheat. Abrams Is not in
control of your wheat if you take his
receipt. Xext thing to consider N,
If Abrams has ollered to do the
business a- cheap as we can; If he
lias, then it is best to let him dolt.
Couiegys What Is the legitimate
husiiiessot a warehouseman'.'
Abranis To eliai'tre the commis
Coinegys Tlien your work for tlie
miller or exporter is a labor of love,
me .moiio.-s, ami aim ling t.i (he a acs
luatiou ofGcn. Caubv ami I'caeeCom
mis. loner Tnoinas, they say a t reach
ciy so base admits of uo'palliatiou,
nor can any iiuiiishuicul uieled out in
Washington the pel pet tutors of the cihne be too blue and give U"Jut enough to keeii
I'leshlcht te- sevcie. Ihe .Modoewar.it Is held, n l'oIiil': that Is all w.i will over .,.
.... I. I.... . t. . r. --,-,.------- -- -- -r-
If tl... t.. I....- .. ....I.I I.. I... II
i, il nil- ti-.iiiiini.us llltlllll l,lll' II
to I'oitlaud for nothing, we would
still receive n very low price for our
wheat, the millers and shippers com
nolhiiiL' In .wind li liui.tnlihi" to Min
istcr.lav to make all po.s,,. has(t
to get tlie (iovcrniuelll out of llollble.
Gen. Vanlluicti's i plaiiatlou is e-
iticii uaity al Ihe ill paltnicul
i'I.i T ' . ti...
im.ii', .nil,! ,i, .
siieeial hhvh w In.n tin.
........ ll.... ,11 I ..... . I i.... ..I I I.. .
tiiiiii iiii-ic n in lie a i aiiniei eo ii I- , i"ittti, i-.tnmn in- i-iuui-ii hhiiim i...- ., ... ,i .,.,,,,. i .... ..in.. . .
latlon. whe.ci.t Hie Indian oiicMlon Hie I'icsl.lenfs ..,.,. policy. It U ' buig a" we depend on selling to
will be fully discussed and some plan also alUrnicd that the misdeeds ot them; it L'.'i cents a bushel Would do,
adopted to mcrt au. outbicak among iudivbluol Indians, or bauds, should we would get no more. If a man
the savages that may occur this sum-, not be ehaigcil against ihe innocent ......i.i ilni,i i.i., ...i...... ( ....mii..
mer. The I'lcsbleht Is eP.cle.l here or upon a nice. The led man has no l,u"" . ,,l"' '? "'"" ' tWlilll.x
.. . .. -- . 1 . . . -. . .. II..HIU If (It.. ..I. I .1.. .... .......I. . .. .........
one o laue lllsMilcol Ihe storv. ,Nu .- mnim nu nu goon; u iiiuiiy
dcgice ol eaggetatloii or falsehood Is of us must ell, and there is so much
loo eitiss In tie iinlii.slltil limit n.t I...I ..... i.. .i
by the nubile ,V, , V e. i.."i ll. mw " ,u " '""" "'' wo
has been made to I. the Mn.loes "Ihe re Is sav it lias never been lb.. I'OlllhlUn IIIUl 1 1 1 OHf Wheat UUr-
I fill II 1 1 1 el r mI i i ill i.i uilil In fli.. Pit n 1....! eviii ef iill.tii i.r'tli.. i'i l.iit.la .il f li.. T...1I ' ..1. .. ti.. ...Ill ..,. ...... il .i it. I I
I. ill " i ...... ..!-. ...,-..... ...... it ..... .. inv nun- .-iiit-, t, f tt in mvmi muni (III lllis
with blood hounds, as was done In an policy that It would in a hut oppression, this tliraldom
Klorl.ta uunng ! Scuinolv war. pcilod .i 'a few year" elvllle the sav- '! ,,,.. i V ... ..
This, however, ilmls no faxor at Ilie'aCe liHios, nor could they be expected , '" Hb'lumNoii --aid it would be all
War Depattmcnt and Is not lll.elv to to tiling (he led iiicu lu two ycais tu li'ht If we did not borrow Abranis'
be inloiited until all other means of bvvuiiiv w live A"iu clinic ai (he sack",
ilinliiilelne Ilium linv.. I'.ill. .1 il .. ... i vtili.. li I. II... .ii.i. I- ..i tl.
.... . .-c...0 .......,. .nttti., t iieutt .... .. in.- "i'!'..... inn .., t.
M'tlluah leganls this, as hedocssealii policy who expect the Indlsuis (o be
Imiiiiij busiuesH, lallier illsbouoiable made more live from erliiiiuiilily lliau
wailaie, ccn against m hcaillcss and people ot our luot civllled couiiuuui-
triacheions an ciieiu.N a" the Moiloc. '.v- l''our yeaiof trial has pioved the
inn' me unieeis in iiic aiu.y, uowc piiiee uiiic,i nine a success anil Willi
iulhebegiuiiiugofnct week.
nine no new atiaugciuciits
uiaile, eilbi r as ieianls the
will be
orother hosille (lilies. A liinposltlou
A Pin
t tlie
lit'orge Comegys said at the last
meeting I opposed building a ware
house, hut in debating this iticstinu
we receive more and more light on
i r, who think it will be iuipiissibl,. to ihe exception of the contest Willi a tlie subject; as, for example, Haw ley
get the Indians mil of the lava bed in ''' baud-of Apachcs.aud tile picselit
any other u .
New York, Max :. IV1K Hi mint,
Cliulriiuiii of (he Indian Cntniulsshiu
ers, glxes ( as his opinion that the
rumors of a thieatciicil gcneial Indian
War arc ginundless, and that ueailv
all icjHiiisor linllaii oiitiagis are mi
true, lie siys speculators aie laigelv
to blame for piesent outcry agaluM
Indians, lie cxintsMsl bisappioval
ol Ihe pulley of l'lesldeul Graul, and
sak tnur.xcais nf such n pellev hac
pm ed its elUiicucA, for with t'hc e
ccplioiiiif a lew uouiaillc tubes Ihe
ludliilis hac been peaceful. Minimi
ilcplicalcs the el.x ol hnlilim; (be lu
uuliappy struggle with a haudi'ul of
Modoc braves, ihe counliy has been
savi from Indian wais.
Tin: Ciui.ti S.vi:ti
ATI..V.NTU .Tho New
nuiM rit r.
x ork ( nih
sends his egsrs and butter to Allen A
l.exvls to be sold, but, if lie ascertain
ed that they were agents for a hotel,
do you think he would do If.' no, he
would sy you are nirent for hiix-Iinr
Ilawlov said. I can prove it. no
body ever got more in I'ortlaiul than
lie got from tlie agent. Abranis said
ifu mill furnishes sacks It must have
the it fusul of tlie wheat, but ll'a far
mer uses bis own sacks he can do as
lie likes with it. What has been
done Is not before tlie house.
Mr. Kvtedid not see that there
eclpt can make any (llllerciiee; if
Abrams is the miller's agent, he can
not be our agent.
'Ihe rrtit!ciit said the farmers
tlud that they cannot run and sup-
pori ineir lumuics. Aiirain.s is iiic
agent for a mill; be will store or pass
iiirougu lorn ceriaiu price, nut tut
tlie xvheat lie gets his employers call
It theirs. Ifu shipper xvants xsheat
he goes to the miller and get" what
xvheat lie want" ; they will not buck
against each oilier. When wo sold
for llii' rle we did wrong; the com
bination of the millers will hold
good. When the McMlnnvillc mill
gave an advance of ! cents and tlie
rise until a ceitain time, before the
time expired tho combination raled
tlie price to Wl cent", and for two
days it xvas one dollar. Thev did
tills to teach tlie McMlnnvtllo mill a
lesson. I have no object Inn to pav
Ahmms if lie will he our agent, but
we cannot hire hlm to work for us If
he is xwking for the Interests of
another mail.
I he Secretary said: -Mr. Abrams
Is this iiuestion so ubstriiso that vou
cannot "CO It'.' We want to knoxv. If
xve nire you inr our agent, xvill you
forego all other agencies, sell our
wheat to the highest bidder, and
work hereafter in our Interest V
Mr. Ahmms replied: That Is a
qiictluu I cannot answer. 1 mavbiiv
a mill U'OshlJ before you have x'vhea't
to -v'!.
L. l'razer would oppoe employing
Abmnis, or any one who was agent
for a mill. b
Mr. McGrew said commission N
one tiling, and storage is another.
Tlie xvareliouseman ought to bo In
the interest of tlie farmer. If he lias
an agency from a mill, ho must ...v
Jut what they order; if lie pays oifc
vein more out oi nis commission, U.
A Noiii.t: ( J nu,. -Acts or heroism
are not alone put formed by men.
They are not limited to battle Melds or
to the decks of sinking xes"uls. Lot
tie Doughcity, of Mlllvlllc, 'cw
Jersey, a young schoolgirl, studied
telegraphing last summer, and Jo
'August acccpto I a situation at HuJ-
nor, a "tatlon on thu Pennsylvania
Cciitnil ltallroad, hoarding at Kagl
Station, a mile or more distant. One
evening, on her way to the station, a
thunderstorm came up. The lightn
ing struck the instrument and burned
outtheiiiHgnct. Siie supplied another
and xvas ready for biiliic"s. Going
to the door, she noticed by the light of
a Hash of lightning, that a largo treo
had been uprooted by the. storm niul
blown across the track. An express
tiaiu or cars xvas due In a few minuted
and local trains would follow It. Sim
comprehended the situation in a mo
ment, and though opposed by serernl
men In the station, she seized a signal
lamp, inn through the fearful storm
up tlie track, and swung her lamp till
she heard the engineer xvhlstle down
breaks. The speed of thu train xvns
checked, so that the cars xvero not
tliiown oil' the track, though thu
locomotive struck the tree xvitli such
violence as to burl n heax'y brunch
against the girl's shoulder, throwing
her down tlie embankment Into n
ditch. She xvns taken out and carried
to tho olllce. where she. telegraphed
the newsof thenccldentand remained
on duty all night. A largu sum of
money xvas collected for by tlie passen
gers, xvhlch she refused. Six inohths
nltcrxvards the poor girl died from tho
elleets of the injury she received in
saving tlie trains. Men and xvonicn,
whose lives she saved, a great corpora
tion, xvhoe property xvas preserved,
took little thought or the poor girl
who had haarded so much. Strug
gling Tor home and parents, shu re
mained at her post of duty almost till
tlie time that death came to her.
J'riilrh I'ttrina:
Tin: Ki'izootv a-i iis lti:.Mi:iui:s.
The Kplzooty Is upon us. As a sun
Itary measure, ilgld cleanliness nud
a full and perfect ventilation in any
place xvlicre horses are kept In build
ings or stable", but nex'cr exposing
them to drafts of cold air.
I'eed xvarni bran mash twice a dnv
and take the liquor of boiled flaxseed
to mix the mash xvlth.
A little pure xrhlsky daily, say half
a pint, to stimulate. Llnlinciit for
external application on throat, com
posed of Iiaitshorn and sweet oil.
Sponge the nostrils xvlth a solution
of salt and hot vinegar; also xvash tho
mouth xvlth xveak solution or the Inline.
Wet lite liny slightly xvlth vinegar.
Hlanket thoroughly, and given little
exercise dally.
In Pennsylvania, Inuve" kept xvarni
and clean, not xvorked or exposed,
xvlth light reed, such as bran and boil
ed oats, xvitli llttloliay, xvero success
fully treated without medicine.
In Tennesee, a xvarni dry bed, mild
food, avoiding exposure to xvlnd and
lain, constituted the roiucdx.
In New Jersey, thosudhi best xvhi)
kept their hois0s In stables, without
giving any medicines or resorted to
and other treatment than a due regard
to cleuiillnes. .v '. llimtl 1'iih.
!... I . i. . I "" "" v w n- v
ivtal says: "LlttleTonimy llaulv, """; """ ' K1, . '" ,mr m,ori- l ,0 will get a blowing up. Hut, In rein
the only chilil saved from the Atlan- "", i vne.ip, i xx.uu an ageni io "" ur. .unimv receipts, vou
llan nice ii.'.'.iont.'ilil.i f.ti- in.. ....1. ..i- eiowdot brokers ir.it heivd iiiuiul him.
i.. ii. . i. . :"."" i 'i' i..... .i. . I,... .. .. '
iiiiiiMiiuais, or inr cxcii a whole tribe. """ '""". vnime iiic iioii oi I lit
i i... i.. i . .. ..... . I....... 'el..... .....I i.t t... . ...
tic disaster, was in Wall street Tlnirs. ell butter and eirus.lt K to mv In
day. He has been adopted by J. II. teriM to have them sold dear; fcan
tii "i;' r
siKin as it became known that the 0,her iiisui.oiit' that will xvnrk for my
stuiily little xviilf ho N but seven interest. Now, gentlemen, it is not
years olil -xxiis 'on tlu street.' a l-ihhI Police lorn r.irnnr i.. .i,iP,. iii.
a man who Is tho agent of a mill:
TiiK Wo.xi.XN lil-Csriox. A recent
decision of the Supreme Coutt of tho
Ciilted States has settled the vexed
question as to xvhethcrthu Fourteenth
Amendment to tlie Constitution ail'eets
In any way the lights of women so
far ns concern State Constitutions or
laws. The ease passed upon cainu up
on appeal fioni Louisiana, and, tbj,
repoit of Its decision by (lie Supremo
Court says :
The decision xvas delivered by Mr.
Justice .Miller, and was that tills con
stitutional provision xvas for the pro
tection mid benefit or the emancipat
ed colored nice, and xvas not Intended
to interfere xvitli State regulations.
"If (lie plalntltlshavo nrivIleL'i.s timv
are such as depend on citlcnshlpof
the State and not on citizenship of tho
I nlted States." This decision xvas
concurred in by Justices Miller, Clif
ford. Davis. Stroi.L- nml ITunl. wlilln
tlie Chief Justice and Justices Field,
llllil he insists thai (ielielul S.lei mail's
Ideas of Hie proper tlealiuclit of dull
and Nu actnnlaiicc with thus, of Pies,
blent Grant.
DImmi, III., May I. A tcnibleacei
ill lit. i ll ill v im fiiirfnl I.... ..1 II,..
occurred hele this iiltcruoou xvhile tile
hour. They tmik him Into the Stock
I'.Nchauge, wlieie (he little fellow
hoiuiuo bewildeted by the nnNe and
turmoil, lie was kls-od and liugged
and iK'tted until the deiiiotistratlve
emiearnientsiiecauiea little too much
w ho will sell our w heat to the highest
bidder; not a man who xvlil buy our
wheat at the lowest figure. We
his childish endurance. A miIi. must hire ii man to store our xvheat:
ilte or baptism w us being administered '"l'""'! xv;is started lor him in tlie he must be our man; he must work
to a miiuber.it iccciit converts io the ?' 'k ..;.. '""U''. " "t a very short for Us; xve pav him. xe must control
Huptbl Cbuiebc" hen-, at a point on i "'"V, U.1 ' .WVJ I"" ,,,w ,0 '' hlm W.. I,',, i ... ll,m,n)1
1 creditor 'Little T.uiiuiv."' I""1, 'u ,l"" Wilt a miller or
such a man is not the properciistodl-
an of our xvheat. We xv.iut a man hl' agency business, and xve are iro-
all know they would be neirotiahfo.
hi. .'lei.iucii saill, you want to to Swavm. nml llniilLtf .I.US....1...1 Ti.ii
Abmnis Imnd,; wm you furnNi ' decision vlituallv dfspoes of the case
money for hlm to buy tho wlieat of Mrs. Myra llradwoll, of Illluol,
from the farmers xvho want to sell ?i who claims tlie privilege of practicing
."several voices ansxvered No, but if laxv in that State under tlie clause or
we hire Abmnis xve xvould liave him the Foutteenth amendment,
sell it to the highest bidder. I
nu i lesmeut s.iui uieMatelon-i The
iciiiiini reeumiiieuiiea in n mi ii. i
illg to do it. Don't want to Invent in
a wareliouse if we can get the pres
eut xvareliousenien to do our busi
ness, but must break up this agencv
a flair at any cost.
Tlie Club adjourned to meet at
Perrvdnle on May 17th, at 1 p. nt., to
finish this business.
11. Ai.Kx.x.ni:i:, See'v.
I'ldiiulailcr savs: " Quarter
master General J. N. Barker hits for
warded to Jacksonville over live tonsot
freight, consisting of Kun, ammuniti
on, rations, blanket, etc., for the.lienr
the State troop which have lieen cal
led out by Gov. Grox-er. If there xvas
a deilcleiicy in the supplies lu tlie for
mer expedition, It Is evident that the
Governor Intends that noslniilarciuiso
of complaint shall exist xvitli tho