" u.iiwjpl.1"!' iuj'ii in i miiijiiwu.vfvPiri)WWIm $2.50 por Year, in Advimce. NOTH'i: TO NI'ltWrillllKIIS. I The date H)iritrlug niter llir printed nnmc on the pnper In tlir dntr of the ISXPIII.lTlOtt orxtilxrrllHluii. XTSWS BY TSXGXIAPH. St. lYIersburtf, May (I. .lenies Orr, Ambassador from tho Cnltcd States, died in this city I'nnn lutlamma tlou of the luns. lie had been III from cold home time, but his death i wn wholly unexneetod. Washington, May ".Chief .liistlce Chasu died here this inornlnj of apo- plexy. Ho was attacked yesterday. , London, May ".A dispatch from Home savri the condition of the 1'opc Is iireearlous. i liostou, May 0. Oakes Ames was' attacked by paralysis at " o'clock , last evenlnsrat his residence In North j Maton, and is uncoii'clous; liis; symptoms are dangerous In thu ex- treme. Ames has nut attended to business since Tuesday la-t, but was at otllce Wednesday, when he was advised to fjo home tor ret. JIN phy sicians have but little hopes ot his recovery. Ills system has been weak ened by a kidney trouble of live year's existence. Ames Is t-lxty-nlno years' of ape. Clilcao, May 7. A Tribune Wash ington special says the vacancy in the mission lo St. Petei'shm-!,', e lea ted by tho death of .lames L. Orr, Is already attraetln panics here, who are wait Inj; patiently for the return of the 1'reslilcut. At pict-cut it Is said Jinle uham,of Ohio, stands first upon The President's list of men who are to be appointed lo a llrst-elass foielpi uilsiou upon the occurrence of a va cancy. According to a Washington special, U-K"tliitlniwiui-progR'tHln;; there to1 turn over the lauds granted by Texas ' to the Parisians who puiehascd the1 HI l'aso bonds which wll relieve tien eral Fremont from the Judgment of the French Courts. Xew Orleans, May (1. The Metro politans took iilet poxscfslon of St. MartiiiHvlllc on Sunday noon. That lilfj-ht two Metropolitan scouts were daiiKerouxly wounded in the submits, one of whom died. A large meeting tills afternoon was addics-ed by (icii-1 eral Campbell and others to endorse ' the action of the peopleofSt. Martins ville. Another llfty Metiopolltans leave this evening to rclnfoice St. Maitiiisvllle. , Xew Iberia (La.), May 711 a. in. Firing was heard this morning. A courier from tliccltieiis' camp report ed three Metropolitans killed and four wounded within two squares of the Court houe, where Colonel Itadger had concentrated his forces. Cltlcns are collecting from every pint lou. From Attakappas most of tho recruits lire of the better class, woll mounted; mil iniliiii.t!li' iii'itKtil l lilt I lnKili. dim vm 11111,1 miiii'i mi 'im loading shot-guns. So far young men s iriiicipauy niivo gillie inm uiu nciu. Vf.irlml ..nil. I.. Ii.l.'lia !.. Willi I.I..I. ..... ...v.. .... i. ....... ...V ...... me iiegioes organize niu are jnepsii-, lug to frutrate them. i Captains of steamboats have been ' warned not to transport armed Met ropolians, coiiMi-iiciitly they did not bring those at Uayou, knuwlng that their boats would be blown up. The ellt re JUyou ' eclie Is under siliveii- lenee by organled bodies of cltleus. Kellogg',, troop, can , only reach SI. ?me;!10 'r" . !!.KJi v'r,::;,"'; an engagement took place Inst night, but no rajMirt has been iccelvcd up to the present hour. Uashluuve, May 7. Klght Metropo litans arrived this inoniiiiir. The clt l.uns refused then, all shelttr, and thev tiro all stopping In a small uegio cabin, tilled with negroes. They have been ordered to go to St. Martins ville, but can get no trausortutloii. The ferrv boat here has been removed, and thc'Tcche boats are Mupiicd near Frnnl.lln and guarded by citizens. The people of Ne burgh, Nework, are much exercised now over the or der of the School Hoard closing the public, schools for colored children, and assigning the piipllsaoiongtbeK-liools now UM'il excliihively for white chil dren. There apprel.eni.lons of u gene ral withdrawal or white children from the bchool. , I.s Angeles, May ii. The follow lug from .in army corressiniliMit in ill I tiPL.ii rrr f. w. -- f.,nnfi.r.ll ,,. . . - , .i,. Arizona, mailed at Camp Date Creek (April "Mh), says: "Dctchay, one of tlie principal chlofx lias Just arrived ii i ,.... v.. ..i.. mm. i im,ii,i,.n.,i ...in. ......... . ...... ..... . v ..... .. .. ... loo more warriors. Over 1,100 Mo- lave and ApaehcTniitns have surrend ii..i.n.. ii. i i ... i.i . Keneral order requiring Indians on reservations to he accounted for ilallv, had Its most hajipy cllcet ami aided him greatly in Ills campaign. "; " " ' h , Washington, May ...-llencral.-dicr- miiii, In a conversation on the Modoc nthi r, Hhnwn that he Hilly appreciates the situation, lie has entered upon I the Mil.Jcet with his eharacterlstle ft.nuTfi.Hl will i,e K...t to Scholh.ld wl hmi .l"ly to toe .t .nan that can he sparcil. A regiment will he conveyed to iJiiiuiin to lie in rcadiiics fur iiromul movement and a body of Jl Indian M-out will ho raNed. Sen- ator t'aseily has had several Inter- views with Sheriuau and Is hatlstled mat no eiiuit will lie suaied at Head- quarters to eiml.le ScholleM lo Inllict on Captain .lack and lihi fellow eav- aues n hlow tout will not mmui he for- ftol,i,.,i" i,'y ,.1't'"ii',,lu.' 'i1,'!"'"'. "". ,!!'' of mi .Vmu'Var. Hie Jliulors. - Lava l!cd, May 'i.Notliiii'; new to record. The liullaiisurosup.o-ed them at' llho attack o!rc!!pt"'nm...a Largo tiros are scon nightly In that direction, which proves that some of .lack's gang mo Mill there. Ifi-d a'S "lu.m'im.nt un'tll' Col? Wln.rion arrives with what troops can be gath- ort'd from Camps Harney, Warner, ami lilitwell. vt'i-vprociiriou- l'0" " S'rcka, Mavis'.-From Capt, Hl.cr, of the Oregon militia, we learn he has raicd a company of ." men uu- der theproclaiiiationiir(iov.!rover i?.V.!!: 111 IX .LV.V.Vwm;. .ViirJl ereiinii amp erne, ami protiaoiy would leavo and Join. The Snakes, improved farms Is 117,'JSO.OOO: Um not less than an have surrendered at Ukl. (he ,.lt( ,jVlJ.r IM1IIH, rmigh , T , ' r " ,, ,,' . ' f . VV "i other points. In a recent ennvcrsa- ,..,.. jviw.I- unit i'nt so linllv wlilim. I,ul",,rr macrcs In rarmsol im Mud il,.f,?,.fe..l,KtL,l,: . (.u,u.r,.'1.'l,.lV' Crook wore sent lifter tho Mndncs Tho r.illroail companies have liail The men are to enlist fur tho war,, hi pay for can always bo obtained. I'uwell stne nc.irCheslnut, havesatls unlfs sooner dhcluuged. His com-' Hence, no more lanil grants for tltO'e lied then. .-elves that they have found nianil i now camped six milos be-'t.0l;l.S( ,v Wl..' -riiis re;soning a protection against Um eplootle. SSi.'"'!!.'; seems-entlr'ely Just. All the land , Knowing that Itor.ix has a healing V. I.M,::,...., liii.'iw.i.is!,,,.!,..;, L'rants hitherto made, have not been Inline . lualliiiiuatlou of the Oregon. " The courier who eamo in lo-day was liiioru.eu iiy ioe eourier iiiei-i- lug him at Hall' from the Lava bed. tliiit he was llri'd on between Dorrls' ranch nnd Hall'., obliging 1,1m to lie out all night concealed. (ie... Davis Is inspecting the conn- Tho b,"iraewa"on containing the i.il iM.ii. wiipiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiufc , mh baggagonl ien. Davis wis rigged with a roadometer, and the exact enlrMuSnomYrelt II, Aulf "t tlieentniiicelo the lava' bed juit SI miles. rroin m. i.ogeu, wiiii came neiu . ,',",. ,-..,.. )it snrlni' V-illev ' "t ok f om I lol '""h, J ' ,l-J SvlMn l?Z ys!& iniz&i" ltd IIIW tU'MH"" " "'- "'' " en from tho lava-lied. Ho does not bellovo tho I'itt Ulver Indians com- K Van .v o I l luyiikely I,mI so,,," tl.ev llave never M.owu any such Milrlt, except those on the south folk of IMtt Uler. The-e soutli-lorK iniiiaiis null uie iioies in. tin. i.iilv Indians he thinks, who irotlifOI IIJ JIHI 111 in It J ,u'.; "" might take a hand In tho light. Soilll lorlv 1 lutes were paiiuuu iqi and well armed in Surprise Valley, nlxiut the time Hernard'.s troois ciiiiio over to the lava bed, anil fol- lowed him part of the way a fact LonllrmeU iy tiieir Mopping m uie house of ii family on the route, who ch 'alarmed, but wcro told ...Hans that thev intended were iiiuc by the I noliarm, iwiney wereouiya icrj .e Mnlito- Imllui, seen 'with M.", l'uui"wl.5.. vllltcd by Steele, Fair" I -- .- ic nwm SALEM, OREGON, MAY 10, child, mid others, fnrmoily credited as Snuku Indians. This look rca- .sonuble, aNo, from the fact that If .i . i.. ..... 1 1....1 ...i.i. i... -w.. IHU-.1: in inriill ui-ii ..nil 1111; ii- docs were Snakes, there nn many , n tlit recrvulion at Yaiuox whii ' i nun. were ,-i'iu unci nil' .iiihiocs "' ,,,hU w",,w tvo ll.i;in In 'J1' :!Um, l n ,u' I.''" 'orally lights his troops volunteer Mvle. A ' K'tl Van llremer arriv- ed from Hot Spring Valley yoster- day, and reports tho IMtt Ulver In- ,,,iw till ,K.m.,.,L. ,,m. ,,d only i.,,. ilin Mmloiw miiviiMni.k llu-ni fV", .""m. llielr !dd lie hun , o(M. :,.. ,, f, u, rt. 'Ve ' v..r there nmoi.-: the I'll. Ulver "-, - l-vvlou-ly reported ' i Wlisil llcroiius of tin- I'lililH Iloiaaln? I'HKA'.o, April li, IS?:). i:.iit.r wiikunt'ito farnvr: i. t,...,., ,.. ,i i n... ,.,.11,.,. ,.r n,,, . " "' V- i American ( oni;ro.ss tojlve away the public lands to a!uio-t any enterprl-e thateanxendtoNVashlnKtouanlnllu- '1"l Ill-. I" relation to p-ants fieipiently made to Agricultural Colleges, the llitml .Vnv ) 7.ir.-.iys: "The new Agricultural College bill before Coiijjiv. N not one that we ,.0,u.,. Wo haw got tired of tl,,s to"'1 Kwnt '""1"- '" ''.'.. - "' '" wnieii mo iiiium appropriated to Agricultural Colleges have been used is not calculated loi stir iiur.-ym- lniM in "'"'f f '"'"""' "l'l - ropri - "tiuiw. If f.irmer.s of the country want theirsoiiseducaled In the .scion - ces adapted to their profession, let them pay, as other people do. We, 1,UVl, '"""' '" ",l' ,in,lnl tliut what Is not worth paying for is not woith having; and that what can be K,)t w,u,t paying for Is not ajipro- i-IiUwl, mill what people nro willing appreciated, with one or two excep - tlons. Some of our public men act lr ,.... .,,,.,.,,,,,,1 li-it wbiitovor '" If tl,l l.I (' 1. Nvl",,,n.r they can get from the (loverninont, either by right or r.ul means, Is tho Kmit ,le,lderatu... in legislation. This -,.,,,,,. ,, ..., , th w,rkllfS of tlie Credit Moblller. scheme. I mler .,,,,,...., .,,.. liiillrn-iil this institution the 1 ...III "r wi co-d the (lovernineiit fJinjmo.ooil, while tho actual eo,t was only 7I - '"".'".' tln-r- wa- , prollt of $!,. H'MI.HW. ,, Vlew of tlie rapid iiisappearanco ...... . .... . of the public domain, under this do- nation policy of Co.. gr.'s.lonal legis- ii. ... h.uowi..g statistic.., fur,,. r I- ! from the (ieneral Lund Olllce, wm ,)(, ll( jtltfr4-t to agricultural .ouimunl.y. From V) to IS70 .belaud a half mills Mr thesupport of free amounts Maud: schools this year, i.uin rurinmii!-i' ... ... is .vvi re. - mm"'.1!':":!! :'r.i.uv.M Arqiirrmi.-Coxon, the man ac i,iuu msiiiM.i, ,.)ui., .vc .. .'i.sii..j smvh. Iji1 slvrr. . siii.. .... it,h7.i,4 " .lru for IliKri.kl liuineuivtn.. ui..'.l u,,,, iami. giiriiii.sti,.. .. .. ans um-n m imimum.- ........ i (,,,.;i",,,V;-r.ii." .:..' .'..': ... i.f.M'-' - m,ui tu wnv-"" ",41 3,:mi:i ; iirt..iUiTn.j.. . . . lai.i'i'-si Ttal i! lo IsM ...lrt.lnh.0.1 Add to till-, alsiut ,'0,()0,i00 more, granted Mute LS70 and wo see where u. i,l has l-oiic. It is a very mi- - -... ww - K)rtant faot to notice, that u groat amount of this land has U-on dona- ted as M.b,idle.s to mllroa.K From I'j; t ,wi jjnyj" iMimLwiiwim'j',iwwrtitwwisMwi'i'iniiumMtiwiwiu. 1S7.'. this exhibit the legislation fur nil- roads N apparent , , ...... 'i -., .. ... r.,1,.,.1 Jli' wnolo urea i)f tlto lulled sll,t,'s is If lt!!,H,000 acres of land and water. The number of acres In iiiriiiiiiiMii ..fiiiii donated to them twice us many acres ,,s thm, 1rt, ,,r nu,rnV,.( farms, and an amount neirlv ennalliiL' the total "" amount "' 'l "' "U "" nnmherof acres of land in farms . anv kinds. The total amount grant- ,.,i (,, rallrouls einnot fall Miort of laiiro.ui.s i.iuuoi um mioiioi M'011,000 acres. The annual rove- 'u to the.-e companies from tho sale and rent of .her ands tt 11 he in mene, and the Inlluence which they will wield over their tenants and cuMomors, will lie of no .small inter est to this nation, either for K'X'd or fur evil. The city of Uelfa-t in Ireland, with .. .-,,,, i pop.n.u.o. ... ..-.-,,.,,. nm o.v one man. His annual income from rents alone Is over ci2fHiiitf itlii. lint this amount sinks Into In-iKnIlkMiice ineomp.irion with the income which mud be derived by the railroad com- panics from their lands donated Id them by the overnuieul. It M-em-that this business of "Iv iug away the pul-Ue domain should ' cease; that what remains should, ho I given as uomc-dciiis. i riitniii..iiioii Is tho policy of railroad eon, panics, At the pre-ent time a half dozen , men control the great portiou of the ro.uls in the Culled Stales, and if ' thtdr power increases in the future ns It has In the past, they must ultl- mutely control this government. j Kt.x. "'" lii.u.w tiii: i:i-iooi.a ellv paper remarks, that the pioprietors of the establishment to rcllue borax on , mucous memliraiio of the u.outli, i '" ""' 'imnan genus, they gave four '"""; """.,""." ;""" '"" i"" - Uwl, In their food, to each ot their, horses, not one ol whom has been attacked, while many others about 'V!" 'j'" . . !'.w, "?. V', Vl-"it!l.Tl" J''hyiHn-unlHa,1 Itu'Vho qualities ol uorax, anticipate lavor- ab e lesu s f.ou. t he Hsu of the new ll.,lu.(,y.,v. : ..., V(.,,, I ,. Al.Wll7:i,Ullv. ,lniVl., ,,aH ,,,.,, , u ,. .MlMlll.r, r ' Itoseburg, Judge of the Sicond Judl. t. nuniui. to fill the vacancy canst d ' .........-. ,y the death of Judge Thayer. - , ,H.TAx.-At t.,e m.i.m.i ,. ' ing last Saturday, the voters of Salem I district decided to levy a tax of two , ci. sed of the murder of Mr. Hasbruoli, . in Yamhill county, laht winter, was tried at Ijifiiyettu lat week, mid au- quitted. Foil Sam-:. A flue carriage Is ad ' vertlscd for sale In our columns, to- day. ( ijcl.ri,t.r Is to vl.slt San ,, .VV: P... .V. ?' ..., i'.tr . g- luminal iivk iiiwiiw'i . A ,.,, ;,.,,i..,nur I x ic- ,e.r,. J,o ld ,.(.., jII.nI t'l lll'l Imo. Volume V.--Number 12, Cltol' l',iosiu:rrrt in C.M.iroiixi.v. TheSand,,iauclsco Coiiiiniivltil JlertiM of May 'Jd says : The month of April was In every sense a dry mouth. It was not until the ailh that we were visited with any showers: then, aualu, on the L'Ttb, with a slight raiu-fall. In all less than olio half an inch of water fell In April on an average llinnu;li tho Slate. This little revived the droop ing grain, but was not sulllcleut to secure a crop on late planted fields, neither has it furnished us all tho moisture required to secure to us a full average crop yield. We want more rain, and that -jieoillly, to save many large Wheat llelds from entire destruction, t'sitally the mouth of May gives us a few passing showers, ami we are. vet hopclul (hat we may (iius be blessed. Accounts fiom the interior are very eoulllctlug. In some lucidities mound our own Hay, wher. last year cops were light ami blasted, prospects are now billllaut for full average crops. Others again are quite the reveisc, yet We do not believe that the cereal e.ops as a whole ar anything lil.e as uupropltious as some people would try to make us believe. i II may be that the crops on the west sldeSaii.loaqulnarehUll'eringseverely, yet even ll.eie will be enough for seed and food, leaving us (he gicat eastern valle. of the river, etc., to feed tho multitude and for export. Hovrs HriiN.'i. -On last 1'riilay night the steal. lets Alice ami Shoo I Flv were burned in the basin at Ore gon City, within a few feet of the Mooring mills of Larorq.ie V Co. Tho total loss Is about $a,ii.Mi. We under stand that the Alice will be Immedi ately rebuilt, as the hull and macliiu eiy me iiiilnjuicd. The timely exer tions of the Flic Depaltu.cut saved the mill ami waiehotise fiom destruction. The steadies li.-loiiged to the old Hue. .Mt'lttimt. A man iianicd.l, I). Hob bins, a lnehelor, living four miles west of Oregon City, was found dead lu his bed last Tuesday morning. Ho had been shot lo the bead with a lllle ball, and when found had been dead two or tl.lcc days. It is stippiiM-d tllU dell was dune lor money. The di cfiiM'il was .".'i .years old. - K.s.M'f, Hi'itiini.i. it Co. have a new advertisement In the F.mi.muu calling attention to their Moult of agricultur al inachluciy. This old and well known bouse ale lu the field will, all the advantages in-ee.ss.iry to do busl ness on the most favorable terms. Diiownuii. -A little boy, about nine years old, sou of Ceoigu Williams, colored, of this city, was drowned lu the liver last Tuesday. Ho got be yond his depth In the water in tho eflbit to iccovcr a whistle which ho had dropped. TiikOov. (Iuovuii. This splendid nteamer Is very popular with Uiuhhip pers ami traveling public, mid every down tiiii hIio caiilcs from forty to llfty passengers and from MO to -) tons of freight. OKr'KiniKli. The comiuuulciitluit entitled "What becomes of the Peo ple's Money'."' will appear next wcijk. Uia.TA II 1. 1., druggists ami apoth- eeailcs, aie to be found In llrovcr.V. Mil lei's blok, opposite the ( 'hcn.eketa Hotel, ami the piesciit linn is a con - .Miliilatlon of the Interest fonnuily . i .. .... i i. j r.....i . .. .I'JIM'.sl'llU'll ir .1. Ii. . I... .inn. ..... and Hell A Johns. They have the ser vices of Harry Hear, an accomplished pliai'iuacUt, e. pel le need In compound ing iucdlcll.es.