Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 03, 1873, Image 1

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    $2.50 per Your, in Advance.
NOTION TO Sl'IISt'lllHl.lt.N.
The tin to Aiiitmrliiganer Hip iirltilrd
Siinino on llir impor In tlit-tlntr of tlir
ll.Xl'IUATION oriibcrliilliiii.
The Modoc War.
Another Fight 41 Soldiers
Killed and Wounded!
Yrokn, April HO. The following !!--patch
was received nt 4 o'clock tlili
morning: .
"In the Lava lied, April 18. No
Iiullnus having ticcn seen during the
past two davs, (Jen. Glllem sent out a
reconnoltcrlng party on the ilfltli, con
sisting of Company K, l'Jth Infantry,
nniler this command of Col. Wright,
Untterles K nml A, lth Artillery,
nniler I.leut. Howe, I.leut. Harris and
Lieut. Cranston, the whole paity nn
iler command of Major Thninn.
About 11 o'clock In the morning, they
reached Gravel Mound, about three
miles south of the old stronghold,
vwliuro they received a volley from a
ledgu of rocks.
t Tlio lire was returned by ourincn and
tthcy then retreated and rallied by
-.'troops. The Indian ran around the
c thu hlult' mid came In front mid
topened lire upon A and K llutterie,
'.Fourth Artillery. The Infantry Coin
's panv was then ordered to fall back but
trailed to halt and left the position
-demoralized. The Company com
mander and his noiwommist loned
stall' kept thclrposltlon but the men
kept up their retreat.
After the troop fell back thoModoe
'came and took up the position that
was to have been held by our troop,
thu surrounding those left. At thl
itlmt the Warm Spline Indiana, ten
in number, came up In the rear of the
Modoc mid held tlieni down to the
rocks for a while till they shifted
-about and gained a position that
made the small cover of Major Thotn
"ns and others woithlcs, and herethey
illil the fatal work of the day. From
vthls point they succeeded In killing
Miijor Thomas, I, lent. Howe Sergeant
Mtnmerund two private., and wound
Mug Assistant Surgeon Xemlg. l'nr
'Iugthl time I.leut. Wright and the
men who staid with him were slain a
fast a they showed their head above
the rock. Wright was shot In the
i breast. Five of hi men were shot
, dead and two wounded.
;; The troop hi camp were In arms by
i thl time. Orders were given the
Waim spring Indian. to move Inline
,' dlately to the scene of action. Col.
(.Miiou was ordered to have all hi
." troop that could leave start Ininudl
' utelv. Tioop K, II and F had nl
' ready started from thl side. The
ground 1 so rough that the t mops did
not reach the battle ground till night,
nud they could do nothing but lay
upon their arms. About midnight
three wounded men came In and re
jjpoitcd all clear In front, and all Hilled
Jiuiil wounded except three or four
Our troop wi to aroused and an
jndvnneo made for a short distance,
, and they then ic.-tid for the night.
At daylight, Major (ireen sent a party
of skiimlhers who found the packer,
""-..!. M.. u .. .. I . ...II ..
j.oius t) euer iiiiii nvo siiiu ici -. in no
other party In a sage thtelat, MaJ.
Thomas, Lieutenant Howe, burgeon
llcinlg, three Sergeant-, and four pri
vate all killed or woundul. I.t.
Wright and men were found upon the
extreme left. I.leut CranMon and
live men are still niUsing and are
Mippix-ed killed. The following I the
list of killed and wounded, a far as
can be ascertained at present : killed
jitaj. 'i nomas, J.ieiit. Jiowe, hergeant
iltome, I.leut Wright, ten private,
one eltlcn, u packer namid l.oul
i "Weber.
Wounded AsMtant Surgeon
IZeinlg, I.leut. llarrland 1(1 iirlvatcs.
Missing Weill, uran-tou ami live
Out of flo men that went out. li are
(killed, wounded and missing.
Sen. Olllein's force nroeeeded to the
cave and were lighting when the cou
'rier left.
Yreka. Anrll 18.-Geii. Jeil'C Dav .
Col. liardie, Col. Sumner nud MnJ.
Lydecker, arrived this ravening from
the south. They will leave nt 7 o'clock
in the morning for Hall's, where an
escorts waits to take them to
I MaJ. Diddle and W. I). Fox, (N. Y.
JTt raid correspondent) arrived from
the front this evening. They bring
no Important news, though the pre-
I vailing otilupui at the front was that
i there will be no more severe lighting.
Yreka, April .'Ml. Considerable ex
citement exists through this section
i In regard to the Indian troubles and
great uneasiness I felt, especially by
1 11100 living on the outside ranches.
All kind of rumors are alloat regard-
' lug the Indian breaking from reser-
. lions, but unuoof them can be traced
to any reliable source. I.leut. King-
'bury, of Company !!, l-lli Infantry,
and four men, arrived thl evening
from Fort Gaston, en route to the
lava-beds, with heavy baggage be
longing to that company. He report
I all generally unlet among the Indians
at Hoopa valley and on the lower
Klamath, though sometimes they get
,u little disorderly.
Gen. Davl and stall' left at 7 o'clock
this morning for the front.
I Tins epizootic I still prevalent ton
great extent. The horses first taken
are recovering. We have heard of no
fatal cases, though many team runn
ing In expresses to and Ironi the front
have had hard trip-,
'rim i,i(i,,,ti,u tf tin, iin,,.,i i.'tiii'ii tu
tile lute battle at the lava-lied were
expected to arrive here to-day, but up
to this hour it) a. in.) have not arrived
nor have we any later advices from
the Modoe expedition. ,
Yreka, May, May 1. -Captain Sllva
and V. 8$. Johnson arrived fiom the'
front this afternoon. They left gene
i al ts Weill's camp on Tuc-day morning.
We learn that thele has been nothing
done since the battle of the -Oth.
Everything iUlet. No futuie policy
of lighting Hie Mudoc Is settled upon.
The opinion prevailed that It was
perfect folly to attempt to whip the
Modoc In the manner thus far pursued.
No scouting has been done nud eight '
1 bodie nro known to Mill lie upon the
' Held of battle. Captain Meiidciihnll's
command arrived at camp south of
Title Lake on the'Jstli.
From Diistcrn Oregon.
Walla Walla, April 2S.-Thn fol
lowing news was brought In by a
person who got It fiom Mrs. Cock,
who was Informed byafreudly Indian.
1,-IOD warrior. are camped at White
Hind's, putting up breastworks two
and a half miles already finished.
The resident living in the Yakima
are very much frichtcucd. Left
Cock's Ferry on the Yakima Thurs
day, S-il. Mrs. Cock wa alone and
very much filghteticd. The Indians
have lelt the reservation.
Fiom Mr. O'Neil, Ju-t down fiom
Colvllle, we learn that the Spokane
Indians are very saucy and Impudent,
'lhey are going iiioiind In band of
llfleen to twenty with war paint on,
notifying thesetlleis to haw.
(ieary, who i an educated "ones,"
hail a notice, wiltten by himself,
set veil on the settler, telling them
the laud they Weie settled on was hi,
and he wanted tin in to go away. The
i-ettlers are gnatly frightened, not
knowing what the Indian-, may do.
Toronto, April -. A special from
Fort Gurry, Manitoba, reports from
the interior of the State that there has
been lighting between the American
troop and tin Itlackfei't Indian-. A
large number of thu Americans were
killed. It I feared thl Is the
bcgiuulrg of trouble in the Hlaekfuot
country. The Indians of I'ort Tullcy
are tho-c who crowed the line to tlio
number of seven or eight thoiiMind,
and threaten the Interior stltleiueuts
and Manitoba.
New York, April iiO.-Tlio Indian
Comml'-tioueis, in their discussion
kixt night thought thu mot Important
Held wa among the Sioux Indians,
who number about Wi,Mi), may be
disjxiied to give trouble If satlifactory
arrangements are not made witli them
In regard to the Northern I'acille
Itallroad. Spotted Hull's band nro
restle.- because of the recent murder
of some of hi Chief. A rising I
feared In the Hlnck Hill nud l'mtder
Itiver country, should n new expedi
tion organize to seek to ojeii that
country. The ConimUIoner will
have a'counxel v. Ith the Nex l'ercis In
this .Summer, and do not expect trouble
with them; neither do they expect
trouble with the Klamath., sJuakesor
other Indian In the Modoe country.
Commisloner Duncan ha succeed
ed in exciting the opposition of sailor.
lioiinllng!iotiH to an extent almot
to paralyze the commerce of the port.
Yeels with valuable cargoes on
board have been detained more than a
week. There I no propcet of getting
crews. The Conimlloner ha
telegraphed to the Commissioners In
rhll.idclphln, ltotou and Halaltlmore
to send along seamen by railroad, but
the bo.irdlng-liotise keepers theie
decline to furiiNh men; hence none
have come.
New York-, April ill. A New Or
leans dispatch says the detachment
ofthe Metropolitan Ilrlgade which wa
sent to Living-tone 1'arNh met with
strong rcsNtaucc all along the line.
A eouiler state.- that lighting com
menced on Sunday morning, ami he
heard the booming of cannon during
liiciiay. i oe uirce 01 aiiucu eiueii
In the lleld I said to be four hundred.
lJrowusvllle, April -!l. Secretary
Itclkuup, Sheridan and pally left to
day by steamer for New Orlcan, via
Oalvestou; they are expected to reach
New Orlc.tuti by Wednesday. The
visit id' Ihexe olllccrs to thl section
ha created the bet of feeling among
the people, who regarded it as evidence
that the the Government takes an
luterc.-t ill fiontier ali'alrs.
Cheyenne, April .".!. A storm com
menced heie about (I o'clock thl
moiniug. It extend.- east a far as
Grand !land, Neb. The train Irom
the Kat airlved six hour late.
Nothing I known ofthe condition of
of tlio railroad or tclcgiaph lines cast
of Hits Ninth J'lattc. The weather Is
moderating. Communication will be1
re-cstabli-hcd eai ly to-morrow.
Charlu-ton, April t!7.-.ilvlee from
neighboring coast -eetlon icport dls-j
list roils results to the crop troni the
killing by fi-o yesterday morning. .
Much eottou will have to be replanted.
The InJuiy to early vegetables Is Irre-.
narable. A fio-t -o late in the m-ii-ou
ha not occuried In thl set Ion for Ml
ci noii.
Loudon, April -!. Win. Chaile
Macnady, thu well-known Kngllsh
actor, I dead; aged Ml.
Mr. llnwklu, prosecutor of thu
Tlchborne perjury cae, In-day con
cluded hi opening addri'-, which he
commenced on "Wcdue-day lust. "
Ten thou-and, emigrant- left Liver
pool Inst week for the I'nllcd Slate.
Vienna, April St. American scand
al still occasion great excitement .
In aiistocratle clreh and Is discussed
with sneer. a another indication of
the woiking of Democratic Institu
tion. Giuei.il Meyer, acting under advice
of counsel, lefutes lit Mil lender hi
olllclrfl ii.iper, with the ll-t of exlilli
tors and allotment of space. I'lio now
('omml-slnuei are completely ham
pered, and will probably request the
Inteifereiice of the Austrian Govern
ment. Dr. Kusper, another of the
suspended (Vminlssloner, ha left
for ."swlti il.iud. Van liunu 1 still
Soi'TlirnN Oiimion.- The Itosebuig
I'lulndrrdrr I Jubilant over the
development of the lime imrrlcii of
Douglas County. Hereafter Oregon
need not Import lime. In the same
iuarrlc Is found an excellent quality '
of blue and white marble, which i
capable of receiving a vcty high
pollhh, and will make a very superior'
ijuallty of building stone, espielally1
foreap, sill and mantels, the intro
duction of which will lual.o a decided
Improvement In thu appearance of
both pul. lie and private buildings.
Says the Hosuliurg J'ttilndcnlcr:
Wo learn that u contract for 2,0m I
barrels of lime for the Statu Capitol
has been let to the two companies at
tills place-l,W0 barrels to each. We
also liiaril that MarVs l Cooper have
tlio contract for supplying the lime
for the Statu Fnlvelslfy lit F.Ugunc
I'll.. '
The "black mud " ofthe rmpqun has
always bicn a terror to travelers.
During the pncnt vear SU.1,(0 will ;
be expended on the principal road !
through that valley, between Wilbur'
and Cnuyonvlllts.
J5, 1S7IJ.
The Wool Market.
Kitlliir Wtltitnu'Uu Kiinnor:
Tim high prices of wool of last yoar
liuvt' been vtirloii-lyconinii'iiteil upon
with a view to various result.. No
eanillil man will however deny that
time among speculators hail much to
do with " fancy prices" then obtain
ed. Yet that It was altogether fancy,
many who nro eipially candid ure
equally slow to admit.
Tho stonily nilvanci' of wool and
mutton consumption, both in our own
uml foreign markets, together with
the Impetus (hen given it by tlio
I'raiu'ol'rtissiau war, could not well
hinder n sttb-tiiullal nud rapid ad
vance. It was tin propect of this advance
which spurred our speculators lo such
energetic action, and of courv us I
yt'iii'ially the ca-e, were not satislled
with reiisonablo enterprise, hut en
hanced (he wool market mtich above '
itsub-iilute worth nt (hat time. 1 n
cniiMMptenec wo commence on rsprlu;;
trade, not with fair uml candid Job-,
her., but with men under Ins! ruc
tion from sorelieaded speculator
who are ready to u-e tiny pretext to
depress (he local (r.nlo, In order (hat
they may cull back into their money
bags (he icsullsof llielr iros over-'
sight in this diret tlon la t year.
It I lobe regretted (h it wool-grower
ure not organized lo resist such
encroachments for such tlishunc-t re-,
stilt. Ah it l.-i, wool-growers niut be '
very watchful if their Inteiest.s. IN-!
pceially should they not be templed
with the llrst oiler that are made.
If parlies are foolish enough to open
the trade nt JO cent, let such tillers
slip. While Oregon wool h quoted
nt .Ml anil .") cents in New York, with
every Indication of n thriving nud
ready trade, why should we not have'
here In Oregon nt least :i."i cents n
thu produce price'.' Will not lo to 'jn
cent per pound, pay the money e.
ehanjje uml freight from here to
New York timl leave u proper uml ,
siillicieut b.il.ineo fur prolll'.' 1 urn
Inclined to think It will. At leat we
should he In no hurry to pay from .".u
to III cents for such expcne, which
we would be doing by at eeptingoHon.
of lid cents for our wool.
I hope to tee enterprising' wool
growirH tut imltrilly, Intelligently,
unit promptly, upon this subject.--Let
us show wily sharpers in the
wool trade, that we ure not Idiots,
lint leading and thinking men, capa
ble of getting up tiny iiiuouut of
counter plots to destroy the baneful
elfects of unjust spocuhition.
.1. V. li. n.
Sai.iim Fi.orn.-ThuS. F. Commer
cial Herald says:
"Oregon continues to kcimI us free
supplies. The AJux brought us .'1,57
qr and VJ0 lif sks, and ue are now
advised of it side of 7,NHI lilils by the
resident agent ofthe Salem mills to a
Chliii-su lirm here, say ,1,.VM) bbls
Supcrllne and ,''" bbls ICxtra for
export to Hung Kong by the iliip
I'lirtlmi M'IiIm llm. mIiIii nf I Willi .n,u
..,..... ...,', ... .,..... ......
capacity, wa chaitcrcd for $lo,000 to
proceed to (he Columbia Itiver, and
lias already Hailed North. The terms
of tliu Flour sale nro withheld, but thu
seller has the prlvllegu of furnishing
" '"'ocu niiiiu cargo, say .kj ioiik.
should he so dcvlrc, after her iirrival
,. , r. ' ", . . .
.,""-' "" disease pruva ent along
'I'" "we Jlno from ( 'anyonvll u south. '
-' H borscs at Jacksonville, have
Voluim V. Numlior II.
Wiii.vt Si'iMM.v. After sjieaklng
of the unfavorable state of the
weather In I'.uglaud, the A'. .'. 'or
wt (Itiwtoiri of a late date says :
Meantime tlieeonsuinptlonof wheat
In Great Hrltalu eoulluue lnr),e.
Potatoes, In consequence of thu rot,
continue scaice, anil high, being, It Is
said, dearer than bread, and fresli
meat arc alo very high. The tiller
ent e-tlniatc oft lie yea r'sconsunint Ion
have rauged from '22 to '2 million
quarters and the present Indication
are the latter Is the nearest correct.
As lo the expected supplle. D
appears that light supplies are held lit
Noithcru Kuiope, and that if the Ice
was out of the way enough could not
be exported to ell'ect prices In Fng
luud. Good crop.i are reported In
Australia; but the distance is so great,
and freights so high, that but llttlehas
ever been received from that distant
region. Large receipts cannot bo
es peeled from Kugllsh farmers, nor
fiom other near sources of supply. Nor
do nrescnl stock warrant the expcc
tiitiou of laige exports Ironi the At
lantic Slates; hence the only placu
wncnee large supiuicscau no expected,
I California ami Oregon. Hence the
Loudon Corn Trade List, which Ar
gues (hat tlioc who calculate on
sulllrleut supplies to last until tile
next lmrvel, at present prices, will
11 in 1 their estimates prove quite
falliiclou," I uudouble I by correct.
Ni:w Voinc Wimivt Maiiici.t. A
tclej;r.im of April l!J from New York
City says:
The hicad -tiiU'iiiarliet U better and
in a miieli morn healthy condition all
around, the demand being improved
for both Hour and grain. The whole
list s(ems about to take an upwind
l ii in, wiiicu nas already commenced
on wheat and low grade of Hour.
Ci.or.s iv CAi.iroitMA. - Thu San
FmucUeo Kiii.il I'ret, April 'J;i, says :
The gentle and seasonable lain ha
revived (lie hopes of the farmers, and
It Isgciicially acknowledged that tlio
pioduel Ion uf the coming year will
Hilly equal that of the lied. And if
we lmo a feu more showers thuro I
no doubt but the ir-ult III fully equal
the anticipation.
JUcllii of I'.iriiirrs al .lliiiniioutli.
A meeting of (he clll.eiis of Mon
mouth was held on Saturday, April
Jii, 187.'!, for the pmposo of organiz
ing u farmer.' club. L. lleulloy was
clcetcd temporary chairman, nud
.1. It. V. Ilitlier secretary. Tim fol
lowing coiuniitlte of 'irraugeuiuiits
was app dnted: I). Ireland, William
Cliurcliill, K. i:. KIkiu, .1. I'. Diciis,
uml Luke Mil I key. The commilleo
reported the following lesoluliou,
which was adopted :
lie-dved, That lhl meeting ap
point u I'll idi nt, Ylio I're.siduul,
Mecielary, As-Istant Secrelary, und
Olllcers wens eleded us follows
I'lesident, I. F. M. Duller; Vlco
I'resideut, L. Itentley; !eis'y,.I.n.V.
Ituller; A-'t Sec'y. J. I'. DIcils;
Treasurer, D. Jrel.iiul.
On motion, a toiiimlllee of three
was appointed by the Chulr to visit
the meetlnt; at Dlcu'e school-house,
on Satuiilay next, for thu puiposunf
obtaining information when Mr.
Campbell can meet us to give thu
necessary Instruction In (ho ritual of
the I'atronsor Husbandry. I. F. M.
Hutler, L. ikntley.aml .1. II. V. Ilut
ler were iipprjinted. Thirty persons
thin) gave their names n iiieuiburs
of the Club. ' H- V. liuller then re
signed as M'crolnry, ami Win. It.
Ilrailnliau was elected ti (111 thu va
cancy. It was directed that a copy of this
proceedings of this meeting be heut
to tlio Afrwiiyi-r and the '(inner, for
Adjourned to meet on .Saturday,
May 10, at I o'clock p.m.
Wm. It. ISl.Alssii.wv, See.
Tangent Is soon to become this depot
forCorvallls Instead of Albany. It I.t
six miles fiom CotviiIIIs, while Albany
1 1 ten.