$2.50 per Year, in Advance. NOTICK TO STJUNtKIBKItS. I The date up pent-Ins after tlir printed name on the paper la the date or the BXPIHATIO oriiiburrlpllon. XIWI BT TEIaEORJUPH. Ni:w Yonic, Jim. (). Stokes was hi Oyer und Terminer this morning to receive sentence. Trcmalnc, hi coun sel, made an address In relation to n bill of exceptions to the Judge's rul ings, which he proposed to oiler. The prisoner was then asked what he had to say why sentence of death should not liq passed. .Stokes thereupon Mild that lib had not violated itho law In tentionally, that the testimony upon winch no was convicted was manu factured and perjured. Judge Hoard man then, in a very feeling address, i in which ho alluded to the prisoner's ' youth and social surroundings, sen tenced tlio prisoner to be li sniped on Friday, tho 2Sth day of February, being the shortest time that could be legally allowed it convicted man. Stokes' counsel were in consultation last evening. Thev weie greatly sur prised at the verdict, nnd expressed their purpose of applying at once forir stay of proceedings, and ultimately, If possible, to secure another trial. , Yesterday morning, shortly after ten o'clock, a rain-storm began, which soon turned to sleet nnd continued un til everything became fringed witli icicles. No such spectaclo has been witnessed in years before. The trees ere- encased in ice, locomotion on the sidewalks becamo utmost Impossible, and throughuot the day the streets looked deserted. About half-past twelve telegraph communication with points outsldo of the city was stopped , by the ice on the wire, which broke them down. I CmcAoo, Jun. 0. Minnie Myrtle Miller delivered her lecture on. Joa quin Miller to an nudlcncotof about 100 at Union Park church on Saturday night. The press comments wero. complimentary. Tho weather here is clear nnd cold. Four Inches of snow fell on Saturday night and yesterday. St. Louis, Jon. 0. Tho snow-storm which prevailed over u lurgo part of this State nnd Kansas on Friday and Saturday was the heaviest known for over twenty years. Snow fell from one to two feet deep on a level nil through Central and Northwest Mis souri, and in somo places it has drift- oil limltw All (mlim ntv ilntnvnl inanv hours some of them stuck i'ast In drifts. Cuicacso, Jnn. 0. The Journal' Washington special soys : "Asa re-1 suit of tho Cabinet consultation yes terday in referenco to affairs In Loui-' slana, the president has advised Gone-' rnl Kmery, commanding tho United i States forces at Now Orleans, that the ' Warmouth legislature cannot bo in tefcred with for peacably assembling to-day, so long as tho existing govern-i nient. Nkw Ohi.kanh, Jan. 0. Tho city Ls quiet tills morning, nnd fear of a con flict are subsiding. Very little busl- ness doing. Some 3,000 persons already assembled about the City Hail und Lafayette square. The meeting there will unboubtedly bo large. Tills morning a battalion or iniantry ami a company of cavalry rode up from the . barracks to their tempory quarters on the comer of Magazine and Julia streets. Nkw Oklkans, Jan. 7. An im mense crowd of citizens estimated at 20,000, gathered In Utfityetto square and other street's iifllio neighborhood of tho Odd Fellow's Hall, where, at nnnn In.nuv. the Wnrnioth Leclsiil- ture met. The crowd was remarkably quiet. No quorum was present in either House, nnd both adjourned un til noon to-worrow. The Kellogg legislature met a usu al, but adjourned early. Nkw York, Jan. u. 'Witncs.c.s in tho Stokes easo who were detained in conllnment for a year are discharged. New Ypbk, Jn. 7. Stokes, when sent buck to thftTonibs yesterday, to assigned to- thft-jnurdcrcr's cell. He stated to a afcorter last nlltbt that money secureJTlUo verdict ; that the boy, RedmoHaind Hart, were bribed, and" their testimony convicted lhlni. Ho had expected an entire accqutttal. He declare that ho a a victim of SALEM, excited public sentiment ; that the had their minds made up to convict him before tho testimony was given: that on their selection the Jurors all stated they had formed opinions. He was conlldmetit, however, that Ids counsel would obtain astay of proceed ings, and also another trial. In Oyer and Terminer Court, this mornlmr. notwithstanding the unrent endeavors of Ills counsel to further do- lay Judgement, Judge Davis refused to ' entertain such ' motion", and ordered the criminal trial of Tweed, in which he is Implicated with the Connolly frauds, to be proceeded with. His counsel, however, proceeded to makea dilatory argument. Washinuton, Jan. 7. At n Cabinet meeting Secretary llslknup lend a (ilnKA n.llikl.i.ll fnAIII aTl III 111 1.at ory, saying everything was quiet, General Sherman and other promln- cut ntilclnl of the Civil service, ex- KotririWoIiVXMVOrlcutiM." thuthas been hvoyonr.-In the United Ni w Oiu.kans, Jan. 7. The elty it States Is generally leaner und hnrsh very quiet. The Pinchbeck l.ogMa- or, and worth much les than It would iikSkT'Sm. 7.-L.t nlghl, In "' lf " -"" the northwest part of the city? Hun stnyed in tunmlii or Lngliind." La?en, an Inoffensive young Swede, Tho reason Isobvlouslv tlmt Ainer was staqbed to the heart while trying lean ngrleulture bus not yet arrived to assist a companion to en-ape Irom ,.,,.. , . . . a mob of young hoodlums who want-.' t,mt l,olllt development, at only attacked him. The murderers which tho fanner can with advaiit-, escaped. 'ugo feed sheep with that continued tenlayXe full supply of food which insures at cr of Lnnron, the Swede who was oneo thu best profits from the mutton ' stubbed Monday night, to James ( and best qunllty to and value of, thu jeiancy, nuns uwyor, 11 inty louneeii years or age, who lias been arrested and is now In Jail. Advices from Now Orleans to the Government stntes that there Is no nrobabillty of an outbreak there Dispatches rccieved this evening do dure there is n general feeling of tiou to meet the full requirements of relief at the declssion of the Senato keeping tho pure blooded combing coupon oSl ",,l",ry lnt !hc cooled breeds, nnd consequently, I' Secretury Fisli is repotted to have think It rciiMiimblo to concludu tlmt Mild, Saturday, that the Cuban iovo- a ,xri,Q proportion will seek to pro lutionists not having gained uuy more ... t, t , , , , r , t ground than they possessed three '" , . . ,U yearn ngo aro not any moro entitled Tat next best, I am satisfied Is the to belligerent rights now than then. Merino, and Its grades or crosses ' He nlso said the Government has no ...wi. .iln i.'hl1N1i Itrnmli I Imvn scheme of annexation in connection u"1 V J'"t"sl1 brccils. I liae, with our naval force at the Sandwich ( quoted In former papers, Mr. Hayes, island-'. to tho c licet that a line medium wool, " such as would be produced by a cross ' Ki-noPKAN. between u full-blooded Merino, j London, Jan. 0. Fmpei-or Ktipolc-j und full blooded Southdown Is re- 011 Was inoro reStlCSS last Ulcllt than ' nulrnit In llir lorirnut iitiitntlllos. mill at any time since the operation, hut Ills physicians express themselves well satisfied with his progress. He will probably have to undergo a sec ond operation. VAttnlAnii It ml CfiiSinl niuifli i I-11 licrformeil to-day, with favorable results. Tho British Government declines tnsupiort tho pronoal of the Hoyul Geographical Society for sending out an Arctic exploration party at public "&, Jim. 7-Tlic condition of NniMleou is favorable. His pulus hut night diminished and ho tested quietly, ,111s case Is no longer regard- cd as critical. Tho Gazctto de France reports that Don Alnhouso entered Cataloulu on Saturday night and 7,000 Carllsts con centrated in l'rovenco Allcantra. The Insurgents are about to enter on a vigorous campaign. PAWS, Jan. 7. The Carllsts have torn up tho rails of the road between i Maehande and lialboa, mid between Alasa and Pampclloua. They also tot tire to a rallroHd station with petroleum, completely destroying I . nnil tradrt tirisoilers of Iho I ottlcaTd and em.vioyees. Tlio North iff u nnra in 1 n ni n mi ern Spain Hallway trains have tem porarily ceased running. ,. . . 7" 7" , .""" .,., blX'ltiSnX ftlTon.S'SS: gou nnd California railroad. The main truck has sustuined littlu or no damag.-;butnmiiyof the side tracks nnd Hwliclu-s have hud the founda- tlon swept away. i the Ixm," as his authority, this In- -- -- h- 'tcniiedlatory wool was derived from lL-n'HollrtdAy-Ieft Huh Fryucisco fori,,,. nccjdentid ram lamb of the Mor- ring i'i- winter OREGON, JANUARY Hhnt Kind or Wool Is Best Tor Oregon Croners to Produce. v- ...... x A HV JOHN MINTO. s Having treated the question ns to tho requirements of long wooled sheep of the he.st,1EnglMi breeds in Its benrlng upon our gcnernl subject, wit liiivii miAii tlinf w Hut nvlilntifwt . f . ,.,,.,' i.....,i.. n ofl,,u ninnufurturem themselves, It . is essential to success in producing n first class combing wool from theso breeds, that the growers "nfioultl keep ticli- hcej Aril fed," as well ns , pay attention to the breed. Tlint farmers cannot keep their sheep on 'can pastures, that for the general lack of this requirement of constant pood feed, "tho woolof the Leicester .y00l i 1 think it not unreasonable to as sume that nt least ulue-teuths of the wool growers of Oregon, uro not now nnd not likely to soon he in a condi- .. ., illior,liniiIlrv wool first ' brought Into notice in Franco, but lately making Its appearance iu,Uiu American wool market from Aus- tralla, New Zealand, and Tasmania, is highly appreciated, and for which ti,t.ro Mlkely to bo nn Increasing de- . "liiiui. The production of tlie-e wools In my opinion, will much better suit tho circumstances nnd condition of Oregon wool growers generally, than , ., C01irK,r mllMllg wooj, and tho Merino nice of sheep which mainly contribute to their production has proved so much better adopted to American agriculture generally, than any other breed that It l to-day n,n nrcdnminatlnir breed 111 tho Unl- . . .,, ,.,,.. Illknf n'l.rlmi ted States. AMth rams or the -Merino blood to breed to, any coarser wooled fl,eP., mn hhiu be made to yield . . .... .... , lllclltoneii --- - Tlio production or mo second men tioned, an intermediary wool, may not Iki so easily accomplished, as it seems to require) a combination of breeds which hn. not yet been tried much in tho United States. viw.nllni ri,.0 Glddcs who According to Geo. UMWU, WHO quotes Mr. Hayes In tho " Fleeeo anil champ, France, In lfc, and ftirefulfy ' 11, 1873. bred from by one M. Grauxs. The staple, and remarkable freedom from lamb was remarkable for having a grease, a- to constitute them a now head of unequal size nnd tiulof greal standard of excollencu in wools'" length. (This is very definite as a which "cannot fail to be In demand, description of tho sheep.) The wool If T am right In deducing tho truo Is described as being "remarkable history or the origin of this interim; for Its softness, nnd alsive all Tor its diary wool In Australlla and Now lustre which resombled that or silk." Zealand, It is very plain, that It Is This again taking Into view the way within the power or Oregon wool tho French use language Is not very growers to grow such wools, nnd L definite. Taking tho wholo story or have no doubt that with puro blood tho origin of this Maiicbamp Merino ed bucks or the Merlnoand Leicester Into the account, Henry S. Randall or Cotswold, to have recourso to, n pronounces it probably a mongrel Hock or graded sheep can soon ho cs sheep between the "Merino nnd tablMied which will yield n large somo long wooled variety," there Is proportion of such wool, another version of the origin of this As (o which families or the Merino Muuchamp Hock, which ascribes the and which or the Kugllsh breeds production or this Intermediary should he ucd, N n question upon wool or superior combing qualities, which men will, a- they always have to a crosN between a Dlshley, (Lei- differed. Mr. Hayes quotes n Mr cester) ram and .Merino ewe, which "Win. Latham, a very Intelligent Is certainly most probable. Hut flock master of lltieiius Ayre.s," In u whether the Maucbamp sheep was work devoted to improvement of the an accidental sheep of puro Merino wools of that country as being very bl(H)d, or the result of a cross between favorable to the French Merino for the two races before mentioned wo tluitpurpo.se. Mr. Lutbam claiming have tho evidence orMr. Hayes, that that the best results or Australian large quantities or Intermediary breeders have been attained by the wool or the samq description are now use or llnmhaullct French Merino received from Australia, and Xuwjitud Kugllsh, or George III, Merinos Zealand, and no one pretends that ( In the work of regenerating the flocks these wools eomo from thu Man- or that country. The superiority of champ or "Dlshley Maucbamp" hl.e.welghtlerllecce.better rattening Merino. On the contrary wu all qualities, rower skin folds, and a know that after'the discovery of gold1 eorporlal vigor which makes them in tlioso countries, the wool growers better reproducers," arc amongst the In order to meet the demands of the 'reasons why Mr. Latham prefer mining population for mutton, mado there families above the exquisite every effort to that cud, by tho use 'Sllo-dan, beautiful Nigrotte or "Elcc of tho so called mutton breeds upon toral Saxon Merinos-." It ilocs nof their orlglonal stock or Merinos, nnd appear that Mr. Latham had tried in their purity. Tho result accord-, tho American Merino for the purpose ing to Mr. Hayes, is quoted by Geo. and, I have no doubt that with tho Geddcs in tho following language: exception tnal they might bo round "1 have tho authority or Mr. Howes to give the wool an overcharge of for saying that tho experiment has grease, and In some families tend signally railed, that the Leicester, ' too much to folds, they would bo Cotoswold, and Lincolnshire slieep, found second to neither the French, hnvo been repeatedly carried to Aus- or Georgo III Merino, for crossing tralla, and tho Capo of Good Hope, with long wooled families or thole and every elrorF mado to Introduce' grades. Indeed, I think It Is very tho culture of the long wooled sheep, questionable whether n buck 'Is over but It has been found that after a lit- found too oily and yolky for crossing tlo while, the wool Is converted Into I with a grade Hocks or dry harsh nnd htilr, and It Is now ndmltted that brushy wooled sheop. A.smyorlgl long combing wools cannot bo grown nal stock or Moriuos comprised (In in Australia oral the Capo." fact, 1 may say yet comprises) all of Tho concquenco or these results, those families' or the Merino, 1 am are a general recurrence to the Mcr- enabled to form a very fair opinion. Ino blood again, and the results of ujiou the point of which Is best, and that course of cio-slng Ni a stylo of of the three, I should leave out the wool " being lniKirtiiut Hir clothing Gergo III Merino; because, as 1 bo purposes, as well as for combing," of Ueve, the French, und American, such " lluencss, length, soundncsi or have more and better itoliita (o re The fulluwlic I' a iHjttlon il Mr ltnulnllV re intrk upon llilr tulijm: Aftt-r .joiillns thu do rcrll'tlouoflbcMooliM Inln "luiu'.tral'lit,llly. rlmllar In mulialr." "M. Oriiiu, tlio owner or nfthliilanili, tirnl from him other, ulilcli riM-in MeJ him." " lu vih iiIniiiiuciiI )inr, Ihu lunib. wcra of Ittft klnrl', oue iorlii!.' the rnrkil vlJ. tie himiI of tho Mcrlnon, ouljra llttla loiiL-cr unit doer, thu otbrr llkr tlm hew tin-cd." AtUt Ilia akllful brnilrroliKliimln Hock, comWnlnji the Due llk tli-tcc ullh a Fin.ilkr licuil. hroxhr rlanka, ml morr cimcloua thrrl." Thl, ricrplllitf In a itr iH Ami ll a trtwi.a renulrluir Dltlout Deralatrucu. For .awral jiara, I have been alao tnlng coinbl nil Ion ImIwr-d thu Merlnoand Lttcatiernd Ilia re anlia In Iho Ulltr ran to lar a. invr have gone, re. accord Willi the alM)a description or M. Orauia brretllniroperitlona, whether breed ran he ra. tabtlaned between the two ratta bearing tble later- medarjVovl, ami eooiblnlng u part Ut rl feed s C4 ouajiiee ui me jeicr.ici, n be Merino, rrmatse lo be ae. IcrtUf, i4)luiTbrdlbouiff xkMtMMhmor. acrpttcfl.npoji .tWjH'l"? 1 oaaivv iv wm rnv a ao, than I now aw. 'tula rwia i rpon- menllTanlnvltliisonetoiTrmnsbrewI'r. bn iuLdilecti.tr.lM .nU Merluo-or li.l.rmeUlary aba.i.. Al th.t IW .O.ll.li a Imrnlaaa famllir ut tmtfl bliMMleil Murlnoa. aaaHBaaaaBBBBaBBaaaaBaiaBa Volume IV. Number 47. I commend them for crossing purpo se. 'lliulriiiiiiifllii're Muula In tku nuukeU of Now iiiV. uid fjimloii, llliiUlrf ilrruiniUnrc upon wlili li I LT'iiiiid the iDfi-rrnco tint tlio wool. ruHrraol Au.lrtlU aail New ZulauiJ, are mur 1111' In th Marino aliKk nralii, nnd In addition Hie tut I ha I there haa lattlr amuuir uonultoa bu iiuan. .hu in .iuiiiuiii .1 ium IUUtf ffOOll IllUC naa u lion of Iho.cioiiiitrln. MiinrlolalwYliiu coma In OreRou ine oreiornnnnoi loni; woohii mrrii from during thu at tun Jtiit. It la rro.oina oiv 10 The new Sunday law passed at tho late session of the California legisla ture Is being generally enforced throughout the State. m.r Ala,. nla..4tlltlit aTaa-mll tt I lll' t fl rWf "".Z'.tfJrmu,!. "" "ir.VR.Zf. -"--" - r" "etle- With S,'timeUl''crs. ir rui'liufo iimi iiivau amiiiaip iuiiciiui in i.im.m.. rl ..'.' .r .1 l.l H...I .1... I..I.I m.pLal 1