Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 04, 1873, Page 2, Image 2

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1 price that (ho si.no mild be obtained law of Jndelitedne,"re6f laws, etc. j arguments are worth anything, this Ing the i.ry ( uocks, BJ nd
f.. i.i.i...ii ir... r.. ,.? ..nmi.fn..f.,u''n.i ,.,.i.i,i,. in.' i.i ..., i,n im.wi.nf. snwliiff 'steamers jj nig ui uio iovee, sowe
..v... will IIUJIIIJUIilllT IIIUIIIIHIIIIS. ill ',, "f. - -v..yi.i.wv,i. ...... vw... -y ttUUtU HU, ..... " - -o
Fur the WHUmett Firmer.
Burning Tinker.
There J? ono subject of great Im
portance coneorlng which our State
Legislature neglected to enact u law.
Wo mean In regard toprotccMng the
forests of tho-Criscndo nnd Coast
ranges of mountains. It lias been,
and htlll Is tho practice of hunting
nnd other parties while in tho mount
ains during' tho months ofuly and
t docs no such tiling;
such cvldcnco Is
Friend Gcer, you
seven or eight of which were totally
wrecked. Kerne cargoes will provo a
total loss. Ten, barges of coal were
swept away and sunk. Tho loss of
nnnl In S130.000. UMV til rod ilnvst
tho Cascade mountains nlon'tr tho "uwsaffecng our legislature lor u t, best. butlt,
Santia.n river, where lire, have not SoSloud thl fnimlnFof bene-1 It is no test at all;
destroyed It. a beautiful sneclos of fleial. lnwrf in tim t,inn. Thrnuirh worth notliintr. .
white pine can bo obtained, nnd suf- tho temple of minlery tho few rule, m lmvo to give something more flU,,niy 0f coal Is left In tho hands of
uciuiiuy cicarnuu. sou to no uscu in , -v.o.. ""i 1 A Ji v itangioie tnau iniiiorn wmimiuu. ueiuur. nu lucimmw umwm,
making patterns in tho foundry of ,ffi& Now. the conclusion of tho $$$ $$ Mft3
this city, nnd tho,proprlotor of that may be right, but, if so, I fail to see whole matter: Mr. Gcer says that ( tll, pric.i WS5 per barrel, Mitch will
enterprise outaiucu some thousands " Jiy eyes aro poor, nowevcr. x no 13 hkc a tK)y mat conciuucu miw cause great suner.ng uuiong mo poor.
effect, and wo are informed Mint for ! Y'Jf,
that purpose It was excellent. It is
used quite extensively by tho settlers
in that sccdon of tho country for tho
various uses they may have. Hut
year by year tho annual Arcs arc dcrf-
ustrato this bv a little Inci
dent. A gentleman bought a tine
owe, which soon gave birth to two
Iambs., A llttlo son, observing It,
communicated tho joyful news to his
miner: 'imaiuaai oiu owes got iwo
pasturage for wild game, and for do
jnostie stock of portions who aro In
the habit of summering their herds
m tins numerous small prairies there
lobe found. Hut, in reality, tho fires
nro caused
propensity oi somo men to destroy
they like to see tho destructive
flnmcs climb (lie valuable cedar, the
'tiujostic .spruce and pine, and watch
with gloating eyes us they roar in
Increasing fury and leap from tree to
lroo Willi the speed of tho wind
lambs!' Tho father answor'od, 'That's
fill fieri 1t frf-stfrta ntAltl aa.i l.rtfiA A
breed ofshecfi.'.'ilio lltfte fellow w'asrik, and Harry told him that the
so elated, back ko went to tho owe , drill was the cheapest and tho best,
aim lamns. iio saw ono oi tnciamns therefore ho concludes It Is tho best
August tocUlro to the woods o troylllhI, lnoch nccdod nrtIcIo
clearer tho timber, ns they sny, in , , m!stakc.n, thcro lsa
order to Increase nnd Improve the ',, aintna ,. ,' .,,,, ,
.., !..... . It i t .. .. 1 u -w wikv' -. jit'jt.iy wi . mm.. W HIVIVIWIW HV VUHVlMUVg W -. M J
destroying public timber but at the yn WoVranTnlnl ?h ff ' "l ,nI"? f " loU1
samo time if our Stato Legislature 'JJadJDadJoneofthclaiiibslsdcadT ,nbout tlio moon, Kvcrybody ays
nati enacicd a law to puni-u men ror iiunor Miys, 'That's nil right, my those black -.pots that wo
wantonly letting timer on fire, It I01M!It,!'? ow9!u ra,ou m1 ouc ifaceof tho moon aro a ma
his mother was a bad woman because It is Impossible now to gl yj a reliable
ovary body said she was bad .vThls jgggo gO" gj three
is a very unjust conclusion, for any tho sinking crafts. ,
ono to pronounce sontcuco without Uoston, Dcc27. Tlionhlp Pcruvi-
L 0,TrL. lihVsi.cdy&K'WcUi
VWl uviun 11V H UVJI JLWI.i,
'go on tho
man that was
llllt fit Hlinllll) lli. tl ..,,. n --- --- -- rn. lllii Mil Jl. r. I 1 i
:'"'. " '.?' "" '. l '. " . would .-ave the tlmberforfuture im. ,""?'""? ?"?.w A ."' ""iZ? " tmiiMmrtod there fortratherliiffstlcks ,tlvc'
ny iiionniunii aim vicious i.,., , . , ,.,,. , .. , , r . ' ' ".niiawinooiueriiyiiig; iiooiu :,,,., ., , " .in, , ' TIim
.,.. .....,... besides having a benellclal elfcct on i mi ,i,,.i,n, iii,,iiiiiinii on the Sabbath dav. Now this is, men;
i . i-ii j nil llll'll villi v-oa -. . " - ......w... ...t-.. -..w., .,.,
--........ v.. .-, ., ,. ., . (iHh .iinILtiix ....1..II4T.... II. 1 . . i
& Co.. of Mils city. r
The value of tliQ merchandise burn
ed with the freight sheds on Long
Island wharf to-day Is estimated at
"i:w Yoiur, Doe. 27. The weather
Is clearing up. A lew local trains
from tho Immediate vicinity in Now
Jersey arrived since ten o'clock, but
only UY l'ie am oi scvciiu exinv iou-
our -iinllnry
A TltAVl I Kit.
tu nrtitclitnrnliln KIlOTirlnry
l&... -1... ...Au I... h..AM... n. 4l.A nl.
nlli-lfrlif lininlii.1 ilmi'ii 4n iw trMU miiumiltnn ""'"" '." ,1"' .'V. V."""V. . 7" ....
. niniovM imii .; ..v,... p.w,aui. BiJtWrt ll Tllit IIUIlllI H1IT1I11IPH III in II If
Sciircll) of .Uonry Tnics-Ilml Laws.
l-:i. Fahmi:ii: Why I
.carco on
the lambs are dead!' 'That
yson; inecwe'ii get iiitanti nave a to generation, and friend Uecr mu
mi iiecco on uer tins inn.' Jiiterest- ,..... ., ,i. . ,,.,
ed, tho boy run up to seo the ewe
iigiuii, aim ioj sue was dying oon
.... , died. Away lie ran, bawling: ' D.i
it.Mi:u: Why N money so Dad! old ewe's dead, too!' The ;
tho Golden Coast? This Is man looked up, scratched his lie
In tho fall of IK I!) nr .V there was ' an iiuimrtaiit question. With mines where It didn't Itch, and slid,
rt lire set out in tho (Wade mount
nlns somewhere near the Abiipia,
and it ran .south to the south forks of
tho Santlum, and ome say to the
fiend of the Willamette valley, n dls
mm man 00 ngnt, nut J can't tr
iClllKllllUll IlOlt Mtlk.j
Ilroiiikiist, or tbc Drill 1
nil round u, why Is gold v hard to
A .few reasons will tell. All we
buy wo pay gold for. This gold goes
out of the mouth of tho Columbia .-.. .. "....". .
(jiikw, i.r ni i,.wi ,..,,. i....ir-i ,,.11.. I.. .,.,. -., ,.....i i i.. ''"' i-MiMi.it: mis is an excellent
m, I ll... I.- III. ..r u., i i r. I i.. i. .i.i i r i . . .... lime ll
...... ., iii.ii.iui in in iimi ih null! K"""t ro uruilglll MICK lor us loimy.
ten to twenty-live miles. For two Not a dollar is returned! Tho money
nonius tlio names raged In a Uidy goes out, and goods como in. Con
stantly taking out meal from tho tub
leads to tho Inittoiii. We are now at
the bottom.
and bread, none being rvclovcd of the
A largo I'otcu of luborcrs aio clear
ing Uroadway of snow
Washington, Dec. 27. General
Francis A. Walker has tendered the
President IiIh resignation as Commls-
utiiMiin tf Tmltntt A f1iitiu ti inXtn rflnnf.
I 1 nil i si !! 4 1 n l.ilt lint tt i It .-.. -w i a
iiiuiiii-uin.--ii.Mmi mu um, iiuiniui- on the 1st nl January, it is unucr
standlngyour thirty-ouo years' ex-' stood his resignation has been accept-
believe that thcro is really a man in
tho moon. Friend Geer, you will
ng: 'Dad! have to bring forward -.omothing
more reasonable than this absurd
noiisenso to provo that tho drill ii
of tho finest timber in the world
Tho sinoko was so den.e in (lie val
ley that a farin-liou-e could not be
seen scarcely a hundred yards away,
and so strong that tlio pitchy Ingre
dients could easily bo ilNcerued by
taste. Leaves were carried into the
, traders, speculators,
tho steamers, Ac, aro all taking mo
ney away in a stream. And, to keep
up a Just c(pilpoio, Ju-t as much
for tho fanner-, of Oregon, those
long winter nights, when by tho
fireside, to study and discuss ques
tions pertaining to farming. My old
friend Italph Geer has given mo con
siderable of a drilling, and nearly
ruined all my calculations about
broadcast sowing. Italph is a brick
when lie Is on It.
J fcir ItalphV miiulV In trouble new.
Miiy Fnniilriicc nan Ileal It;
At il IT lir.iaik-a.t timing will nut On,
Tt.np the I.nnli III drill tt.
Jamf.s Fini,ayon.
ed, but his successor will not bo ap
pointed until after tho return of Secre
tary Delano from Cuba.
The oulcial programmo forthoPresl
deiit's reception on Xow Year Day is
The Now York train, duo last night,
arrived at eight o'clock this morning.
Tlio Potomac Is frozen over.
The weather has moderated.
The ice on the Potomac is six Inches
l'ltn.ADKi.i'iirA, Dec. 27. Snow has
blockaded all tho highways and tcm-
valleya distance of twenty or more ' money should come in In n stream,
miles. A great many of the inhabit-, as goes out in a stream. If this was
iints of tlio valley were made .sick, so, times would bo good and money
especially those predisposed to pill-, plenty. Hut, Is this the ease? Far
moniiry diseases, and several claim from it. It Is exceedingly dilllcult
tliattlielr disease was developed by to get money to pay taxes'. Tho In
tho deleterious etreets or smoke. The ( boring ortlon of community aro
mountain streams wore affected sorely pressed to make ends meet,
also, a great Mrliou of tho water The fariners-tho pillars of the State
ovajioiated, and tho remainder was -are in trouble. .Stock, grains, a-c.,
so strongly impregnated with ashes are low, and fow sales for cash. We
us to cause Mm death of thousands or need cash to pay our taxes for no
tho beautirul speckled trout. There thing but gold mid silver pays taxes
was no relief until the fall rains set and how can we pay out what we
In and extinguished the (lames, and can't Kot. Yt wn miwf iwiy our
mil, mi men inn uio an- clear up so tuxes,
Yoiuc. Doc. 27. The streets
jto-diiy are banked with snow. No
such snow-storm has been witnessed
J In this section for upwards of twen- ,,rarlly suspended the receipt and
' fV ?Lyi- , I'aHt ,,lg,,t t,"rtPMV w'' delivery of merchandise.
m.iii-u in ui mi viinj iiiuriii uie iJo.STON. Dee. 1!7. The bark Kodosh
iiUMiness is no-iiyuspenil- i0f uston from Manila for this port.
I sald'exceptingthe left-hand dig I ..sK" IJZ tv. Thou'S f"' S"IA"Ln,Fhlnt ii..!1
gave tho grain drill. Now I NiMtnlent .low., town at hotels or their iUInKnsTorc cans ml The Carta
nothing against the drill whatever. "Wees owing to Inability to reach iffilZn woW
I stated as my opinion that tho drill- :','.." '. .f Ti'" ..V' . .'i1 ' l""??." L . of the crew were saved
Mr. Geer says he admired nllth.it U-'"I"K Ihislm
sald'excei.tlngthe left-hand dig I LE"1
The machinery of Statu must
not stop. Aro w-uot in a tlV There
Is a screw loose some where.
Again : Hanks break up, and keep
out or circulation a largo Kirtlon of
money lor a jmriionc. That nur-
.! MM... lllil.l.in..liL,..M ln. In., rlrtti.l.,
I... . v J i I.U ..IVIIII.IItlt'..l lU-llll. Biillllin
ng will not produce, as C. 1 on tin averago with yesterday-10
liurkhart and others liave. said, from degrees above zero. The storm told
live to ten bushels per aero more !,,wiv,.l:f ",Km bl,.H,1"C8,p,1 c,,l'-'cln"y "
ii.,,., tr.. .,..., i ....t.. v Vr ,no ''s'lny of niallti. There were no
than broadcast sowing. Now, Mr. malls yesterday except thoso sent ear-
Gcer, hero Is whore I .stand, and ly. The Postmaster reports that no
where I Intend to stand until 1 s0e l,,n" ,,aM "rrlveil here lnce yesterday
this thing tcsteii fairly and squarely, ' " MloW ,.0VcntC(, n K,aroh for tllc
n.i a iiiini, ii. ).u v mil. vou iiuvo sain. Kins iiuriil in tile Centre-street lire.
that you have not seen It fairly test- 'r,,e Superintendent of liullding,
ands of bulhflngs In tho city more
imi.geroiis ti.au me one uurucu m
comer street
ed. after an experience of thlrtv-ono ' "" '-', says there aro thous-
that tho inhabitants could see across
tho valley.
Nearly every year since tho prim
tico has lieou kept up, mid especially
for tlio last six years. Most of your
readers will remember that only last ,,., u to aid In making tho elrculu
tioti (Y.s, and interest won. They
gain; the masses lose. And is tills
all? lly no means. F.vory fanner
who travels or freights On the rail
road imys tribute to Germany. The
years, but bellovo what somo one has
told yon. I will now examine the
four reasons you give In favor of the
grain drill. I. It saves seed. Now,
The report of tho loss of llfu bv tho
lire in Centre street is continued. Six
girls uml one boy were known to be In
I can sow Just as much or as llttlo per tho building at the time of the tire,
Cincinnati. Dec. 27. Tho board of
Trade has resolved to employ an accnt
to remain nt Loulsvlllo and look after
tTo Interest of members in the speedy
shipment of freight southward.
Li:i:u:s (Del.), Dec. 27. The har
bor is frozen ovcr,aud vessels aro slow
ly drifting out to sea in tho Ice.
Mn.Mi'HiH, Dec. 27. Tho total loss
by the sinking of the barks and
i steamers hero to-day will not exceed
Augusta, Deo. 27. Tho snow-storm
continues here, with no signs of abat
ing. LiTTi.i: Rock, Dec. 27. Tho city Is
entirely out of coal.
CoM.iNdwooD (Canada), Dec. 27.
Cantain On nnd his chief cncrlneer.
with four of tho crow of the steamer
September, a dense mass of smoke
hung over the valley like a funeral
pall, entirely obliterating tho view
ofourlH'tiutirulmouutalnsaud tower
ing snow peaks, and causing much
sickness, endangering the lives of
hunting, prospecting, and rusticating
partlesnl thattimo In tlio mountains,
valuable timber to supply the I'nltod
States ror a century to come.
These tires do not, except In a very
Tow places, clear off tho ground, but
merely kill all, and fell a small ikm-
centagej but, in a Am years Mm trees .stato to bo run bv
Jail, and places can now be found
where It Is almost utterly Impossible
to travel through, as tho timber lies
In very direction, piled sometimes
ten feet deep, awaiting tlio next sea
son to bo again passed overaud artl
ally burned.
Valuable mountain roads from Mils
valley to the Const or Fasten! Oregon
aro annually damaged so much,
that instead of being good Invest
montx, are usually a source of Kink-
....u.v.. .v...r.i. ii . . ! i niiii it nii twtv tiiiiiii-. in a iinni.il .
m-rvi.ii w.s.., so mere is very iniio tu ;',;""" .., ',.,".. Uumberlantt, which was frozen up.Ju
advantage In reason number one.- I S ! S I JUiar Lake hi November, arrived list
2. It puts ,o grain In belter, because Utiles Inubie " " " Uw JiSoffi5
HcoversallthognilnaproperdepM,. 1Wh.i.iaImhi'oiit ilW, Dec. 27- h0 S.lrt" fiv?n?fert K
This Is good, and no honest farmer 1,'"' !lh' .'.?,. hV.ni .yJf"'" tho Htcaincr In mfti quarters wfth tho first
...in i....V. ...... it .i , ' ,., lMptlst church In the beventh ward , ...,., in ..iinr.r,, ..mi Mm iou-nr,l
11 have any objection against this; ,.f the city, tho floor and celling gave JYowinlcM im two w.lteM on board
nothing can bo bettor than to have way, prec1.ltatlm:ubout foiirliiiiVHl'mii'JsrJlL'ff.?!
tho grain all one depth In tho ground. IS!.Kii,!Ii'i,-F-JS,SSrw ri i r aiul wld great prlvntlous li
.1. It l (In. ..!,,, m.lf v... i.-.i.wi i te.cl1 Woro k,,.k',, alul ftbout forti J r their loiiir trainn of twontv davs. Al
money goes there to bo used against nor ,,,, ,. f . V ..I " A". ' S !Z V,r'? ..",i!!l?. "W, , were more or less frost blftcn.. Elgh
us to obtain more tribute. And is . ,1 ... . , '' 7 , r""l..auT!i 'V'p TYXn:sr t""u'' ': are stl on the way
this till '.' Srtirei'ly. Hut enough on jr
tins Kii.ii in present, nomoiiiiug an- .staudliiir
other time. f,ir...r.M.
Am tho administrations or city, ii.,,,,, ,,,,,.. i. T111....nr..i..v..m.i. Mr.. Roxey, MIks Kllzabeth llasUlngs
county, and State Judiciously, Justly, ciIb, nmliv fiir ,, 7mv i-X t ",.VV-1",.I, ?""W- ...
drills, ukmI them awhile, tut.l then Susan 1). Anthony and fourteen other
III them as 10. Xmi' If Mr. Iliw ...it , inm uuiii hiihiii ror iiitoh
a mu i iii-ui-.-H in uvery respect, t " ' I ... i ". . f iW. 'vr"" '" .uowu. Having oeen leit eignt miles
Geer to tho contrary notwlth- JW, .
. I. All or nearly all good Wer, Miss Fisher, a boy named , fZ, inlyBifto
u'lui li.ivniisoii it... .uttt ....... Klttlnirer. the child of I.tnn McMiin.i. n. ' ,. t.. xA.w .r. ...
II1U UHlllUV lunim. jii luiuiuuiumi
administered? If so, why aro taxes
so hlghV Tho vast machinery of
only some, .say.
100,000 people. Yes, wo run It.
Who controls? How can so few
though tho richest on earth bear so
heavy a burthen? Ami yot, accord
ing to tho ' powers that be,' wo hiiw'.
I), tho Imperial few! Our taxes aro
absolutely heavy enough for a people
ly voting, Vnlted States Commiss-
...,, i ,. i .1 . I, v voting, i titusi r-iaies LoniniisS'
can't bring any better reasons for tho loner Stores to-day rendered a decls
iiki. in inn n.r.1111 iii..ii nimv oi Avnitf. kinn i.i.niiiiir i.tii.ii n 1...11 in 11... mi. .it
-. ...- t,. ....v. .... ,..,.,..- - v """p I""". .- "" "."; i negiumng to resume running, out
.once oi tnirty-ouo years, then 1 siy ;,"',' ,1V., "J.'?.!' ".,,"" V"1 ' double teams. Hallroad trains
he has L'iven It both rk'bt uml h.ft. 1,".,:. ,n "lv 1". V' ".'l".' still moro or les ilelaywl. Malls w
I wouhl conclude, from these four'f" f'ttV?! !.,
tho churches, schools and other public
rexorts arc c.oscu.
Nkw Yoiik. A Washington special
says Sumner's health is precarious.
1'liysleluns nro visiting him twice a
various streetcar lines ure gradually
reasons, a grain drill Is not worth
. ...VI.IUV. 111.I.H lU Jltll.l, 1IIUIIO AllU
.. ,.. ... ... ... i. . some extreme western malls still to be
of .00,000, much less one fourth that ' llcMer m,s01l, fiir t"ll0 UMof lhc RbnUll xw W. Dc'e. 27.-Throo persons i 2& ta asWtTLJSfiS
""m,,t,r- drill, and I pledge my.,elf when it Is w.L'hf l"' fX,V" '" nr,H,kl n ,,,!,t School- mi tli" mo footing as XltS"
Mad legislation has much to do fairly tested, that If drill sou-Inn- will mm .. ....m' . " ?.f i Three ocean steamers are still over-
.. ......i i .... .. . . i --. ........ ... -ixw. 'iiiiviii v" i 1 1. ou- inr to i in nil. Minrm.
per lu-ro inoro.cy'tjon, oehln.l tine. Ihu llostoni Various parties Intervstetl In the
with tho present crisis of alfalrs. ' y(.ld threo bushels
ro home maiiufactures encouraged? ' than broadcast sowing, 1 will sow no
riintev to tho i-oriHimttiuw u-lm li.iv.. ...v wi.i.. .,v.....hv. ,, imumcasi s
S2Si V, Zi K.-S.S.'" wl """ N wu a 'lK. ore broadcast.
sjient largo sums In their construe
Some men will say
u ccptlon, behind time. Thu ltostoni vnrii
express, due at 5:30ii, m. yestenlay, , ow,.w
I nrrlvisl at eleven to-luy. mid tho Cen' iii -
trnl Iviillroad, Chicago tralus, duo yes- " M,
whip of property InCeuter street,
reu.se 10 iiikc steps lor exiinm-
... Jl ... . A. . ..-.. 4...
I.... !...... ........ ........... ..j I. ..I. ...!... .. . . - . . .. . ,------- . -, --. ri-...,.... T ..Hv .. , ill, ui.ipB ,u inn t irnwi n f,b l-nn
tlon, Instead or a source of develop-. . ; -i mat .)ir. neer nas proven rairly that , u-niuy niorn ng, arrived at .eleven to-. ifoft of Health d Wl ice say tfiev
mo.it to M. State and an InvM, Jl. 0 " ',0'T r'"" l,t'. tTL '"1 ' (,r"1 SW",R N ",0 fr Mr S,mn" & ,TlK"ngt" rx,n,, ha8 como I ? lciSl autholuy to"Xmo?
assutaiicotothotmveler. It h i ?ff lff 2
V a man wishes to taKo a Uuul ot Ii . n . i " "" "v " "" ..,. nm,iuiu ms siory oi me siiooiiug, unit
Stock to Kiislern llri.Liiti ho i-iin it.. rr ," s uimiii in, .inv Mien evi-
2y olSibl. monocles? Wore this the 'denco its this would not t iweivrtl
tttCSh?r just udmlhlstmiiou of jnaay cirt In Ortgo; It amounts
alnrouteH-llMriow'sriwilorthP l.el, "' T V 1 i ,' .. ,-f t0Mir. imlght tell friend Geer
that i nave kuown the. first preiuium
nwHntiHt for thu bot thirty acres of
wheat to tho field that was sown
broadcast, wheii tiiorb were drilleil
fields compeUuc at the '$amo Unio
ror tho same premium. If Mr. Oeer's
iuion mountain ruul.
If wo have not been mlsliifonnod,
most, If not all, of tho cedur lumber
mm by oar manufactories In this
city s obtained from points below
J'ortlarul, auU at almost douUe the
l would bo plenty, anil taxes far llglit
I er than they nrc. Tho 'people nro
B running under opprewton under
iwu which shield one portiona lew
rascals of Uie comiaunlty at Mio ex
pensoof (he other and greater por
tion. Tho printing monopoly, tho
. . r J v """"niifci ami I
lUlmltted that he shot Kisk, but didt lT U ninoiilur thnr- tlin trim ainmn
not Intend to kill him. He .ivew that ' ," ls slnr "o true source
tho shooUiur was In mirkftuM..KUk ' of Mio great Snake river, IajwIs' fork
hvvluK drawn a pistol to shoot him. I of tho Columbia,- was discovered only
SeJ&"AKVr VSAafi cS8SS5tcSSi1a? TT; "S8;
tradlcM the evidence of barker, gh-en,ake whitth was h'Urt ppoaed
yesnlav-, and denies that he had to bo the source of Madison river,
ever called FUk a blackmailer or The lake Ilea behind tho"Tetfln'
threatened to shoot him
Memphis, Dc. 27. An ice-gorre
above Taooke broke this morning and
came down with terrlflo fore, crush-
The lake lies behind tho " TeUuu"
(ronouncod tee-tongt) to your right
as you go up the overland road from
Salt Lake to Montana.