$2,50 per Year, in Advance. NOTirK TO HtBSCRIBKH. The date appearing after tlie printed mot on flic pupi-r In the Unte or the EXPIRATION ortibcrlptlon. Hoir the "Grain Ring" Operates. Dix.ii:, Poi.k Co., Dec. 20, 72. Ed. Farmer: Old Polk is ninklng preparations to sow about one-fourth more land than has over been sown in the history of the county. There is already a great deal of grain sown on the rolling laud, and plenty of land plowed now, to he re-plowed in the spring, upon which the farmers hope to realize sufficient to keep our little "grain ring" at Portland, and their numerous hangers-on up and down the classic Willamette, com monly known as warehousemen. And while I am upon this subject, it may not be out of place to publish n few of the "instructions" which the owners of warehouses nre compelled to follow, or be subjected to the dis pleasure of tho mighty " wheat ring" at the metropolis. 1. Always say that you do not wish to buy. 2. When pressed to buy, say that you have but very llttlo money on hand; and that you are authorized not to pay It out unless you can so cure all the wheat which the feller has in tho warehouse at that time, and at the price mentioned. aim a no i-nix- h.l-..i.u..Vu. 3. When asked if you can pay the balance of tho monev soon, sav Hint I .,' . you could not promise inside of sixty days, as all aro wanting to sell nt nope and Hint tho Portland buvors ' once, mm mat ino loruanu uujers cannot get money as fast as grain Is offered In a word, cot control of all ouircu. lu.i-ttorii.toitoniroioiaii, the grain with as llttlo presont out- lav ns tmsslhlo. as tho farmers have got an Idea A ... . ,-. - tliat wo are, or have been shlnninc off their era in last year lKisltior whereof I speak when I say this is the substance of tho instructions re ceived th l.i soasou, as I was one of tho "inside" parties at ono time, , made such by the confidence reposed In me by nn authorized buyer to whom I sold grain, while ho was in n rather "corned" condition. I did not tako his word, but rend his letter or instructions from a prominent wheat speculator of Portland ;,":r. ...:.. i.,,f ,.,...,..., ,lwo ,mvu "wn - aiiu tmij . v ......." -", miniwU- H.U Is tn )UV tier OWll, """' "":.. , , , . sacks, sacic ineir grain, im, ouiiu, . eInlmeil nlgo tjmt ti,0 am sows more or rent their wnrohousos, and storoovcn, y whIch ho j, ncii,e. toad it on the river or railroad, each man m,t , wjnd cannot ronch tho droI,. branding his sacks, M) that if ho has ,n SC0(, to d,turb tho distribution, a superior nrticlo of Brain ho can CaMn Gccr ,,0 ,md but nlln llin mnrn fnr If 'DlU lllnil ' . . ... .. i in nnii Jill N lii ouorntlon in . has been, and still Is, In operation in , VUIUOTI "' !'-?- " " - n.UAiJk n.i.l lina lrnvnil tn l.n fT greaWwi ablljif him trrain to al dealers, tiusgivng mm uooenem lcnt to the producer, en-- ftU.M, ? lhut ,,,, IIo ,,., ,ust fc . " ' "; "" " ' '' "; i i . ,, V,w n-rniM come from Howell Prairie, where ho w,ie!lt sl(Ie 1y Hllk. ia 1)(0 humo 11 the prominent grain- vniinii tun whont flMfUniwi tnik-.1 .. . . ' ..:.. . ' .! i o..,l ca...,ilu nr l.lo " . ' . . '-;. iiiimi;, IIIL-IU IlllVI 111" n.n Ul of apmpotltlon, If therols ii-. ThobrondcaHt and ,,,,.,.! grain.-' cotncrcial writers of the Portland TJ0 unlrorlII testimony Is in favor of papers are so plainly in tho interest Ur1Uug( for reugon8( son)0 of whIcll j of the wheat rings that the &" J distrust oven commercial reports . that are reliable. In fact, they aro a curse and scab on tho farming com munltv. and are detested accord lngly. WlIEAT-TUAPEB. ' i jsvsjjslz&fs; SALEM, HIGHLAND FAKMF.KS' CUB. The Club met In so.-sloti at T. It. lllbbard's on Saturday, the 21st of December, 1872. Vice Proldonr It. A. Leonard In tho chair. Present, eleven members. The chairman of the committee on market reports, It. C. Deer, made a verbal report that wheat had ad vanced to 7i cents and oats to ."u and .':! cents. No uIo stated that pork in tho Western States of the Missis sippi valley Is very abundant and worth only some three cents per lb., which will keep our bacon clown be low presont price. Question fordl-culon, "Thebo-t method of putting In grain." Mr. It. C. CJeer being called upon to opon tho debate, said that this is tho ull-hiijmrtuiit inelton, because many important results depend upon It. He did not feci himself (pialUled to speak authoritatively upon the subject, inasmuch as his experience with drill-sowed grain commenced last fall. Ho had, however, some Very decided opinions in favor of tho drilling method, and ho had given them to tho Faiimki: for publication. He would, therefore ask to bo ex cused from speaking atiength at the present time. Mr. K. L. Hlbbard said ho felt like reiterating Mr. Geor's statement of ho lnl)0rtulK.c of a corrcct decision f t,.lu . , , f. , ) 4eiuoii, aim iiopcti no iaise facts or looso. statements would find lacis or tooso siiiiciiienis wouiti iiiiu their way into this discussion. Ho .7,7.. . 1 . . , than broadcast sow tier, . , lll0llht from ...,. ,, , m, "lougur, irom v, nai lie nau a nnd the statements of those wllft ,lflll frIp(1 lllft ,, ,,.,,, .,,. ,' " ".V, "IT " . ",',"' : "., ' .. UU.UUUIU ri-iisuu safely upon the .sub- Imit luifarn llin Plllli Tim flrf lintnl , V , , T i . . i twenty million acres of wheat in tho .,... .. .., w United States would amount to ten millions of bushel, which now rot t 0 rouml or ,)ecomc fooa for birds. Many .scientific agriculturists claim that three-fourths of a bushel of wheat is enough upon common ground, and, If this claim be correct, It proves that by tho old broadcast method of sowing ami harrowing fourth to three-fourths of a bushel " ,, ... on every acre oi iiiuu sown, ji is Ut,1 l)0rdonnl exPrlonc w" "o orablo on account of frost, but on tho , ... tirlll-sowcil craln. but hadl,.i. a.,. w. .i....- ....M..i...r.. ...m. .... .... ed with farmers upon tho merits of. had been presented and others that ho wouiti nanie. Drill-sowed crmln I 8tanas froeziiig weather bettor, obo ' dry and windy weather better, and while all admit 'that more of tho drill-sowed grain sprouts and makes wu.j1 fvmml'tll BAtllU fVMltlttim fa LAtl' saom n i'othI (lp.il nr L'Mln mat was' i.. is., n.,. i........ r...... i.. c.i..... OREGON, JANUARY saving of seed. Everybody knows that the harrow cannot cover all the seed, and he has had enough expe rience with the drill to know that generally the seed I all out of sight and well covered from one to four Inches In the ground. Where the soil is too wet to harrow, the drill suc ceeds well, and the wind has nothing to do with it, two circumstance that are frequently of Immense import ance to the grain-grower, inasmuch as a week's difference in the time of seeding will often make one-fourth difference in the crop-. It is goner-' ally supposed the drill will work reasonably well only where the soil Is thoroughly pulverized, In excel lent order, anil free front -tone, sods, weed-, stubble, vc, but this i-.a mis take. Of course, tho holier the ground the better the work; yet the drill will accommodate It-elf to iiictiuiili-lie.- of ,-urface; will do in stony laud , or open sod, if the breaking he laid Hat; and will perform well iustubble. Mr. Allen Simp-on said he had found by experience that there Is some danger of going to extremes in favor of farming implement or new method-, and that wo ought to bo reluctant to abandon the olll until the now I well proved. There are hundreds af now farming imple ments thrown aside after a sea-ou of trial, and now methods are abandon- " ,"V ,' "" " . """ . " . ot pt tu also hunus n thtj Ho not nuet wIUl aHm;s.fi result.-. Now, it is uot uvcry 1Hllll wIlo L,m ,ov, n1 ,lot Lvcry m, wlio urn sow grain even,v ,,v hnm, ,n ulct n grout num. neroi larniers are poor wuyjv, anil n.t ,..... ' i.i.'.i "";"" f u 'J' ngnlu,t tho broadcast method. Whore ,,. .m,i liw ,... ..... .... ()V..iv. ,. tho seed has been put on i nenl, as co;.cml wh t.ltIvntorf as it 8" sowercau no, ami men wen can ! . .. ... .... uc "9iioiiiu ,,(? mwineii lououuiino innr lliri-LHI. IH! 111(1 llOI WISH io r- sst nnyjUst t.ums for the drilling method, but to subject them all to u wholesome criticism. Mr. W. Cranston desired to nay something about broadcast sowing, and would introduce his neighbor Alex. Thompson as tho machine that muM M , tho lliml olm of H .,, ,Uul sow thirty acres a day as evenly a,n drilling machine. Mr. Thomp- on sowed with both hand, at tho hm. ...... .....!.. i- ,....n '""' Hii:,iiiiniH-i.ii iim.i,.j. ,i,w ... broadcast, and covered with a culti vator, ho thought It more perfectly done than when sowed lu drills six inches apart. As to tho rest, it ap pears to be in favor of tho drill, ami in the low laud the drill may he prof- ,l..li. n. iivi. .. .w nuvtiuiw tui.i 0 '.,,,, a .jrlll. and ns he hissed J"'0'." J Tl'thl . fc J cck or oftoner to Sulciu du- spring and hummer ho had uouMnot see any difference in the u,....i ,r n... rntn nr In its growth. and henco ho concluded that there is nothlnir to bo gained in tho yield of grain. At. this point ho was in formed by Mr. Gcer that tho thresh ing macliino had discovered a differ ence of three bushels to the aero in favor of tho drilled grain. Mr. A. B. Leonard had heard Mr. .. . -... .... ii, tin. iiiif. mjvii urtiaui..isL mill mui 4, 1873. Shaw of Howell Prairie say that much of the wheat drilled in was too thick, and consequently the heads and grains were small. Mr. It. C. CJeer said that Orange Judd, of tho "American Agricultur ist," favors tlie drill for tho same reasons wo have given in tlie Club. He estimates that one bu-hel of grain drilled in is as good asonoand a half bushels .-own .broadcast and harrowed. The Secretary said that under the most favorable conditions wheat sown broadcast and well harrowed would likely produceas much a- that sown In any other way, but, as thoe conditions seldom occurred together at the time of .-ceding and the early growth of the wheat plant, and as the drill Is In tho main Independent of those condition, he thought tlie latter had yaltml the ir. lie then presented the principal point in a tabular form which wore "generally affirmed: I. Tho drill distributes the grain more evenly uh)U tlie ground. 2. Deposits at a proper depth more uniformly. :i. Can le performed in windy or rainy weather. I. Can be performed in more conditions of soil. '(. Is less laborious II. Jteipiires less seed to tho acre. 7. (lives larger yields of grain. S. Withstands early drought hotter. '., Withstands freez ing better. 10. The straw not .-o lla blo to full. 1 1, (lives a more even growth. 12. Costs less by three dol lars for every ten acres; this last In cludes tho Intere.-t on tho co-t of the drill. i rm Question for discussion next meet ing: "Resolved, That raising wheat for market is not host for tho farm ors of this district." Club adjourned to meet at Henry Allen's on Saturday, Jan. I, 187il, at which time oulcors will be elected for the ensuing year. T. W. 1)AVI:sihiit, Pec'y. XBWI BY TELEOuAPH. Nj:w Yomc, Dec. 20. The steamer James Adgu arrived on Saturday with ten men for the Albany iHiiiteiitlary. convicted of Klu-Klux outrage. I Among the prisoners Is I to v. John. Kzcll, a llaptut clergyman of South Carolina. Three others confess being concerned In fourteen iixHnHsluiillon. Cincinnati, Dee. 2!). TlilrtyMciini IioiUh are locked up in the fro.en river, exclusive of ten ferry and hsubor tow- boat. They tire so protected Io bo secure from harm when tlie liver breaks up. Tui'i:ka. iKttii.i,Dt'c.2i. The Aleh tsou, Topoka and Hauta I'd Itidlroiul was completed Io the west Hue of KansuH yesturduy. This comniiiiy ha built. '10 miles since March liixt. lu August fifty miles were laid, the larg est month's work on any road lu this country. The entire length of (lie roud, Including brunches, I -170 miles, nil graded, Ironed and equipped Mneo I son, Ciik.aoo, Deo. .'to. A Wllhllim-toll HH.ciul contains the following, 'In formation of a diplomatic character Just received hero from Mexico Is con strued by members of the diplomatic corpse to bo Indicative of a revolution In that Republic, and the impression Is that by or before January 1st u rev olution against the now (iovuriiineiit of President Iordo do Tcjudtt will oc cur. Tlio previous reports given lu this correspondence, of uprisings In mo esmics oi uoauua una ciiiiiuniiua . were decidedly antlciuatiMl. Tho Um that the people t4 Mexico uro to u great dwgree iutlmlctU.ls not dlsguUod or denied." i The dMtH ot tk9 King or tho KauoH, Kingdom, in view of the fact tUaV hu left o heirs to the throne, U tho nub jKt of cojuUWmWo eoiuaU'Ut and Volume IV. --Number 40. speculation here lu official ond dlplo niatlc circle. (Jovcrnor McCook of Colorado, who wa Minister-resident ut Honolulu prior to Oeneral (Irant's Adininlstratlon, is of the opinion that If our Oovermncnt wauls to nunox the Island it can be done now without much difficulty. If our present Mln-l-ter there shows any soil of magnan imity he can have control of matters. The KiikIMi and French Minister are absent on leave, and there are no foreign vtxc!.-or-wiirlii the Hawaiian waters except American, and lu nil the departments of tlie Government tlie Anicrleans have the ascendency. ...V'".' "'"' "w. h Xcar Plttsfleld. IJIIiioN, on Friday last, William and Ihomas ClnrkMiii, brothers mid well-to-do bachelor farmers, were found frozen to-dealh In their house, having becrt dead one week. Thomas l.o Vallqiiutte, one of the oldest operators In lite Western Colon Telegraph office lu tbl city, died yes terday of smallpox. I tin lli:.sri:u, IN. Y.i, Dec. HI. Yes terday afternoon fourteen of the women held for Illegal voting at the late election gave ball to appear at the Albany Court. Su-an II. Authonv lcfiiMMl to fiiriiish ball mid was re' mauded. Ni:w Yomc, Dec. :il-In Stoke-' trial to-day, Commodore Yauderbllt tcslllcd that Flskwasa reckless man. lie had litis opinion of him from the stall. HI knowledge, however, a to Fl-k wa 111111 1 on hearsay. Vice Pre-ideut Devon of Krlo count v also testllled concerning the character of Fisk. A Kit meter exploded In Powers' Chemical Work, Maiden lane, this morning, creating excitement, but no serious damage, except smashing all (lie glass lu (ho building. Cincinnati, Dee. !to. The Ice gorge above the city broke at ten o'clock" this morning, sinking two steamers and a number of hurut-i and damag ing others considerably. Cllic.Wio, Dee. !ll. A Washington dispatch state that Sumner's physic ians say his condition is very bad. Ho has frtspicut occurrences of acute pain In tho region of his heart a relic of spinal difficulty which has allllcted him for tlie la.-t ilOccn years. Three attacks wore very violent and prostrat ing, but of short duration. Since it has been established that tho salary of the Nicaragua M.Uilstet . ship Is llxed the applications for that position have Increased In a wonder I nil manner. Tim names mentioned as applying for tlio place uro two (iovornors of Teirltorfcs and several Senators whose terms cxplnt-tho pres ent sef-slou. I lie .laitriKtl'i) Washington special says there Is no truth in. tho report ,!.... U . .. I .1 1... t mui f-.i-i-ieiiuvv itooiweii iai tendered 111, ri.ilifiiull.kii IT., lina ill!.. , "-" ...II, ..!' .lll.. 11. .t-. .11 letter of resifjimtlon, but states that he cannot reuutiii in Ihc Cabinet after the Hit of March. Wasiiiniitiin, Disr, II. Advices from New Orleans statu that the ex citement has nearly Mtmilcd, tho peo plugeuendly acipilesidiig. A preail ntint offichil here reiurks that bufoi the iiewHimpcrs It rould not be known In Administration, uunrtcrs tlint.tiicre was uny wide-spuiMl dlssatisfuclui. Theslatoiueiil that Attoriiev:-(leii-end Williams will retire tnw the Cabinet Is grouuilless. Clin. Alio, I.-. III. Tho Journal' Washington spwlul says au' Kxecu tlve order will probably Ui.Cs.sucd to morrow', addntMcd to tho. ljVderal offi cers lu various States nujtiilng them not to interfere with .SvuJUi mutters In any way whatever, hivUeniillno their ellorts strictly to tlw iH-rforniance of their legitimate dut!(. Montiiuai., Hi'i. at A fire t,hl morning destn;(t'u fancy-goodi en tablishincut, tp broom fuctcy of WIIhoq, Woimiiul Co,, the but and ai.uv IllUlliry '1 .Villi"!! .IIIWI nun an tyllolul vf,uaix'li(iiiHc. Tb.ij.llremeii Kuyisltlu' uPrrou mil ug bid ldl.ugs with ter wMkttfteen degrees below zero, and wutwfroxe wherever Ufiill. T0ria, Dec. .'Us-)ftcr Jijinunry i4 ten and coffee luttMirtis) fropi tin- ..... (.. 11 .. V rv 11. 1.1.11 .r ... Kr cent, duty ad, valorem, H. M. B. Aowt Mailed ut daylight for tho Harwich Islnndi, and wUILk. UUOWC4I y mo vim iieifton on xnurs day. ' ' ' i i it 1-i