WILLAMETTE FAEMBE. 8 The Mastarrc and Itolibcrj of Ihf lloild) ,.,-i Fatnll). v. 0? , r - TJic iiartlculnm ofitho fnto (if Mils uiiioiluiiutu fiiinlly n ro dully iicart unilliijr. ItnpjwnrH tlmt tliu fnmlly wiis composed of Win. Boiltly nml wife, William and Jllclianl Krnvlgnn, two 8tep-sonfi,Tand NIoIioIhh fjclilru, n hon-ln-Inw of -Mr. Doddy. On the morning of tlm outbreak, Mr. Doddy waa about n mllo from tlio hntitu cut tint? wood, and otio of the Htep-Hous and Bclilrn, caeli witli u team, wero IniulliiK wood from another direction, wliile the other Hteii-son wni f-ome dlNtancc nurnxH thi) liillslicrdiiif;hliecp. Tin1 wivnuei llrnt came upon the latter mid hilled him, piercing IiIh head and neck with nrrow. They then proceed ed uhotitn mild and came upon tho p(.'j)-hon and Kchlni with their teaniM, whom they also nhot and killed, leav ing their IkkIIch mutilated witli uirow hhotH, and nearly Huvering Kiavlgan'ii dead from IiIh body with an ax. Km vlgan' team had become frightened at tho Hhootltig, and ran back to the house, which attracted Mr, noddy's attention. Hho nt once proceeded in tlm direction from which the team came, to uncertain the cuusu, when she waH met by a band of: some nix Indians' coming townrd tlio liouw, who accost-1 ncr in u irieniiiy manner, nun inquired where the old gentleman, her Inw-, band, was. ever once dieam ug of their tluvlllHli Intentions alio unsiis- iieclliiKiy loiiitnem tliu locality where Mr. Jloddv wax dinniiliiif wood. The poor woman then followed the trail of tho wagon foraboutnmllefroin wbeie' Mil met the Indians, and (here her I'li.o met the horrid spectacle of hur liutclieieU anil muilialcii hoii, with tho Warm blood yet no lug from his ghastly wounds, hlshcad half ev creel from his body by u bloody nx (hat lay nearby Ihu wink of these bcail less lleudsHhe hadjtist met. A short (listance further lay (he lifeless body ofHnhlra, presenting a xlmllar levolt lug sight. The lioiM'i had been taken, and the Indian ueie plcd just moving aeniHS thchlll with them. JusLlhell t 111 lctioit of u few i.-mhl , Miotrt liom lliti llllecllou Wlielo Her . ; . :. ... . . i , liushiiud was at uoik, told the iioor woman (hat his fate had nl b.ieu hculrd, and sho wildly lied fioni the horrllilii scene to the noniVet et(U" inuiit, ubiiui 1(1 miles distant, leaving tho house lo lake cure of Hself. Aiiiipiil' tlm othei thliiL'M In Mm house willed she iu her (erior and Irlghl had left behind her, was over f W0 III coin, concealed In the inntlrcss of her bed, and two llnegold uatehes, .'...'longing lo her hushtuid and hoii, hanging In full view above the mim ic 1 piece. On her return with an es cort a few days afterward, (lie money was discovered to have been stolen front iU hiding place, while the watch es were hanging lust as she had left them. This circumstanie smackH ftmugly of home white Iiiilltin Ingeii uly,JucknvlUo Tlmvx. Tiik.Moimh V.ii. At IiihI in counts from the seat of war L. S. Dvar, the Indian Agent, was at Klamath Agency, xuiioiiuded by a huge num ber nf ICIaiuath Indians, in whom he end the balance of (he whiles In the lclully have but little coulldeiieo; lieiien they have guards out as a pro tection to tlicniM'lvcH and families. Oliver Anplegate, a sou of lion. I.lud Mv AmilcKale. with his fiuiil v. was at Yainux, over thirty miles east of uiaiuain iiKc,xuiniuuiici iiy.Moiiocs, Klamath and .Sniilco Indians, whom he watches coiiNtautly, lot some of (Hem iireak out ami Join the hostile Modocs. I. 1). Applcgnto was out dally, with a parly nt friendly Klauiiithsfrom (he Valnax Agency, ilefeudlug the settle ments, (leorgo Flock, w ho was rcpoi ( id killed, had, with a party ot (en hired men from Yreka, lieen engaged at great expoimo iu gathering up Ills baud ofiihecp. Captain Kelly and (he Oregon Voluutecni wero on Lost river. Col. Oiecn had arrived ut tho camp of Piaj. jiu'Khoii, near where (be llrnt light occurred, lie expected lo move agivliixi (he Indians on Thursday last, but we have not yet heard of tlio iciult. He says the Indians must bo compelled lo siuieuder uncondltloiiiillv. The whole community was in a stale of paiuiui MiMiciisu, nio noiiy or Air. oillter liad been found on (he sliote of (he lake abova bin Ikiuhc It wax horribly mutilated lv the Indians. This makes llfteoll bodies that have been found and burled. Mil i.i:woiiM,not eloquent speeches tiormrmous; little deeds, not miracles, nor battles, nor I he great nets of mar (rydom, mnko up the true Christian life. Tlm little constant sunbeam, not the lightning; the waters of Slloani, tliHt go hoftly on their meek nillon of rvfreshment, not tlio water of tlio liver groat and mighty, rushing down iu torient, nolso and force, aie the true symbols of a holy life. TlIK KsnK.SC't: OV liARINKM-i.The indolent liablt of tho Orientals are Well illustrated by tho following boil iitot, which, Iu the regions of tho East, has muiiinusKhochr. meter of aiiHiUgc: "No man should run wheu ho way walk, walk when lie may. stand, stand when li may sit, or sit wheu he may IU down." Tlio Coimnlsiloiiors of tho Wash ington county, Xohalom Valley unci Astoria "Vngon Bond hold n meeting nt Astoria Inst week nntl inntlo pre liminary arrangements to begin work as soon ns Spring opens. This road is one of tho most Important in the Stnto and will open up for Immediate settlement one of the finest vnlleys in Oregon. Tm: Locks and Canal. The UiiUctin of" Dec. Kith says it was ex poctcd tlint n steamer would pns tlirotigli tlio Willamette Falls Cnniil and Locks to-day, but this lias been found impossible, in consequence of some of the gates not working easily, and n few nioro days will elapse be fore the Interesting event transpire-'. .fames Thomas pleaded guilty to two Indictments for selling liquor without a licciiMc, at the late term of the C'ir court for Yamhill county, and was lined SV) in each can. , 7"T ',? "'- ennont Agricultural ( ollege ' iiniii amounting to JMUUMi, i-, nil in- vested In tlio llegWerwl I.o .,..,., .,.i ..i. i.iu .... i..,..w Ml,tu' ftl"' .vMdsanincomo au of the of Sliai. Foil i, ami in wells, drains, etc., may be ell'ectually dissipated by dashing In a buckot of water, mixed with a small (pmntlty of chlorldo of lime. A eiusty old bachelor says that Adam's wife was called Eve, bcoauso when she appeared man's haplni"s was drawing to n close. Two women In Pckln, UN., brutally beat n young lady teacher of tlint place bccaueshe had punished n son of one of (hem. iimi. n i 1. 1 ens wnuy mis ce:i-eii in tonnec- tlou wltu (lie loumoijtli Jli.ii ami; as publisher and local editor. The new Custom House and Post olllconl Astoria will Mmn bo complet ed. SALEM MARKET. MONKTAKV l.i... i T.siirii, lnt)lii)r. STci fi'llln,', sin n.ODII. (iUAIN, Ac. Wheal, bent uhlle, 11 biifhel ne " ( it, IM'ii A Ml ('urn .Meat, V lb ''"'' l'luiir, l'0l. II '"'k. Ii luireli 1 S5.C.. Ilck beat Flour, V tb f.Tt S KUx Seed, V 1U (,S " llran, ton t.l (.(..... MIiMIIiiip, V I''" ' -... Oil Cikf Mull, V It'll HDOii, , lit the aack, lit) II" .... I '.i Hat, V Ion ISUUuMOuo Imltd, V I''" (& (lliomill'.s fiimr. Sin l'mncliTo retlned, V " H (land Ut II criinbed t"i& is pundered l'6 11 KMiiulatrd li-ifi IS Tea, Japan, VV '"l !U Imperial 1 MX.... Coirei', CorUllUa, V O '"'& 'a lllo 'M -X Kiino 'JKO 31 Jam Vi l Sill, Carmen l-liiid, percttt t W&.... Llerpool,rnaro 'i Otis.... lUIn 'H'1.1.,.. in)- i :. ntl'ITS, vkITktaiilks, .lr. Apple, Kreen, p 1mi , DH "5 dilid.Vlb ift S l'eacbea, dried, ii .. I'luina, " ' 1"? lleniiK, l ft IjO 1 l'utatoe. bimbel T.M 50 Oiilima. V lb A 4 rthlMRp. V do hkM)..7 CarruU, V liU Mj..., nMi7ai aUiiiiii, lieli, V B ti nnnkiM, V lb 3V& plckteil, " Wp 10 Smoll, fn.ti f"it lUlllint, rn-!i, l" s : CiHlilili, dried. " HXi In Markenl, plckb'd, each Uit :U W Idle ri.li, plckliil, V th ai MKATb, ltecf. freih. lb Nil 11 corned Kit 10 Klllllkud VMi Veulcon, lreli, V ft S!l '" lMrk, " "M U Veal. " " llkil 1J Miiltou, " " Hit 1) llamu, llama, V ul vuKarcunM l.Vii Sldca i:v. Hi Shoulder 'M II 1'OUI.TItY. L'hlekent. dn'rmsl.rach.... M!t kt doieit -1 tua M Tiltl.oji', e.uii inisi Ducka.iach Mft .. IILTTKlt. KUCIs, Ac llutter, fhh rell, V Vl W packetl 4Vt ,. lio;. V doteii 'o .. I'heete Oregon I'lluip, V lb Vt CalUVruU VJ Larvl. V "3 ' OILS, Ac. LUkcovI Oil, boiliM, V trallou 1 Vt ra, " ....1 Uui.... UM Oil, u nllon UVA.... I'oalOII. " W) ",i Neat. toot OIL W nl I TSrtt HI Tallow, V 1 WOOL, HIDES, Ac. Wool, V VVIt S3 Wwl Sack, earli ..& .. Wheal backa, Llrcipool builap, eitra... VA .. aeawleti... 4oA W lllict, dry, each........... , '.. Srwn, ultisl.rarh... t bn W nt, 4rMiJ. V 7SA1 00 Shrvp Skint, vrooloo, cacb WVM LKATUKU, Ac. Ilarnaat LealUer, V ft , U SUrtli.ff Leather, " 33. .. Iirldle Leather, " WX8. DUILDIx6MATEtltAL. Llnic, V I'M 3 W Cement, libl 5 W51.il Planter. V ubl G &"W Brick, V M " ,llW w Lumber, much, V M feet H WW... ilrtmacd. Ill 0W20 10 Hoorlnj? IS WWW 00 Lath, MM...... niiOalOO ShliiSle-, ccdir, V M 3 0WIU) tfiirri. up r t twill carpenters per iliy. I)rlckl)cr. per dat .iroafl 00 . s ooo (i no . B WW 11 00 , JBM3III .at ooaas oo 3 00(1 4 00 . 3 60a 3 00 .in wviio on .SO (KWW Oil uncKU)er, per uay StoncmaonnK, per diy Common Laborer, pur day Farm Hand, per month, ttlthhoard... Ill.ick.mlthi, per dav, with board Wagon Maker, per day, with board.. Houpcmaldo, per month, villi board.., Cooks, per month, with board TBAVEL. Fare iroiu Portland lo Man Frniulaco. Ujr teamcr, cabin, coin ftt'fiO rtecrajc n tX) Pare lr Overland Itnllroad CcnnixcY. "Flrat CUM. Second ISleepln; rno us rnANCico Clan. L'ara. To Omaha To Chicago To Wasbliitfton. To New York... Tollortcm 100 00 118 00 ri3oo ISO 00 lasoo mm 11100 no oo no oo in oo I linn in oo St 60 rare Irom New York to Kuropc. Steamrra lce New York for Llrerpool eery Saturdiy; for llrcmrn. rtir baturilajr ami alter nate Thursdays for (IIjiih'. every Saturdiy: for llamburj. eerv Tuc-day: for llare, eerylwo Kecka: fur London, eery Saturday. CL'NAIM) LINE,-To Lhcrpool, atopplni; at Cork: Klrat cabin. 1W cold: ccond cabin, ! Uiilil To l'arl". 1 cold. Flrtt Cabin. To and return tlckctn, iiocold. SleanuraiarnliiK fleer ace: Klrft Cabin, fo cold, Steirajr.t'N currency. To and return ticket. 15n. IN.MAN LINK. To LUerpool and Qneenitown erery Saturday and nlternatuTiiei'dij. Cabin pa, ace toLIcrpool(coldl$5; etcerace (ciirrcncj), 1"! M. S. S. COMPANY. fare to San Pranclaro frnin New York: l'livt tin. 13.1 lo 170 curren. ), acrordlns In location: Steeraee. fflenrrency. San Franclco to New York; Flnt Cabin, JlOO tol v, Secoud Clai. VjO LtUitiucitc Jritrnur. .l'U trtllV (ATt'ROVY. nv CLjVUICIC & OllAICr, reiat'iiriM ami pnorniETrtii. Terms or Nubfrltloii. W IN ADVANCE..! One copy, one ) ear (31 immbi r) iJ,30 Our cop). lx moiillia (til niimbera) l.UO One cop), three mouths (la number) 75 llalrs of .tdtrrllaliig. 1iiu.4i0.! mo.t mo.biin)..iim). Oniih.iiiarii too 7.00 io ou !i on is no aim Hl'oliiiim I 7.00 WHO isoo isnorwui 40 ix) s.1 (v ho mm oil 7.vii X lOlllllllJ. ...,IUIF W IAI Column ii.iimiiiiiai! liiuniiniioiTUtioiiiiuui Ilil.llllFl'llll II I w iii-i lltil ni ivri" iu.ti i.iiu iii.iin,, iieraipmre for flrt tu-ertlon; ( I for each ube- .Jllllll 1IIBI.IIIIII1. Adctllienn'iiU on the Ath mid fill lui.-e. ami Special Notice, will be chireetl Vt per cint. ad aiuooii the.abou rate. Keadlnc Nutleea, SB cent per Hue. Advertisement, to find a pbcu III the Kai.mi.ii, mut Ih' nnoberllouabU'. AUKNTM. Tno. Smith . STKI'IIKS llllltHIN C. 1'. IHllhlUItT L. I). KnAfin K K Cooith John Duhnivi. .IIofcburA Douclaa county I'lcafaiit lull, Lauo county Albany, Linn county , ueinei, i'oik county Zona, Polk county Sublimity, Marlon county North Yamhill, Yamhill county . Needy, Cltckamaa county ..CcntetrllU. Wathlncton county . .Atorla,l'liop county .Dallei Cltr. Watco conntv II. C. STEWAIIT Wi. KlJ IOTT WxAMlIU Cot. J. Ta loii I. I. ItOWI.ANII 1'. SnotxAKin Koret Cote, I'nlnn county Jons Srrvrs. eu. La Urande, Union county T, W. I)AKsroiiT v....Sllurtou s. lli'om ,VoretUroe John M. IIacos On-con City Piiirir Hi" Walla WalU Jtxr V. Itnons Kivcno City IVFWt't , .Ieft"eron Silai J. Day Jackonvlllv H. 1). IlAitv Peoria JAron Kiuirn Manhal P. O., ITmatlll Co It II WiiLoeuunr Pine, l.lnn county M W'iukik W'lllaim-lto Kork. Laue count) lln.lous l'onn . llllttboro, Wathlncton county I) II IIim.iiaiit canyon Cltt NM Wait Waltbnrs, W T KMrikm Franklin, W T K. Wooiiwaiii Conalll W.W. IIiacii llucn.i Vlta II, W. Htiaiis Klkton J 1). Lkk Dalla, Int ink A Mount.. M V Sl'ESCXIl K MrKAiiUAMi W. WlUJ Tiio H.ire L. P. KMiirit Voi.Nv Coum... ...Sclo (if rial .Siattle W. T. ..lluena Vlta ..saiiFrancl.ci' Cauyonrllle Itoteburc N.COCKtXHIKI. Atosti) Hiiown , Oakland It. K. I.ANariALE ., Meadowtllle A, J. llriuAKiii Marlon station 1 Sahi'ei Portland IlAVinM.dUTHitiE Dalla. Polk county .T. CS. WRIGHT, DKALKK.IN JPnmily Crroceries, Tobacco, Crockery' GlnsHwaro, IVotioiiH, CoflCC; Tea, Salt;, Candles Soap, AflEMT FOR IMPERIAL, TIBK INSCS.VSCE COMPANY of LONPOH. THE NEW STYLE I3IPROVED NO. 0 GROVER & BAKER'S SHUTTLE SB'WUXTG MAOZIINEIS A HE MOIli: SIMI'LK. HLN EASIEII. OIVE BETTER SATISPACTION IN KVEHY PAHTIC tiLir. be.lde lielnir of neu er l) le and hat lns more Iniprotemcnta than any other Sett injr Machine In thl market. Are UKsT-CLASs In etery repec , and made In Ihp montdcalrnblo manner, and fur. nlVhed S a lo price. On Ulal. Intarlably preferred, tc ' a o her machine. Try tho cj,8 , ,' u,j of motion; tp;.ly thein toall tarlctlcsof eettlnjr. TIIE1H CAPACITY IS WITHOUT LIMIT. Ac'eiirntc, PoWocr, Boniitli'ul in Xiinclle. Examine their Simple Mechanism. SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES, BY JOHN W. GILBERT, IMROnTEIt AND MANfFACTUnEn OF Boots and Shoes, and Dealer in Shoe Findings, French and American Oalf Skins, Upper and Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, &o., CO.n.nEHCIAI. ST1IEKT, noil' W IlIOllErT CASH 1'IIICE F'TJIL.r. Fall Stock Received TERRELL &. GILLINGHAM, PEALElis IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, A Full and Complete AOIITMENT OK LADIES' and MISSES' UNDERWEAR, Ilomioi';-, GlOVL'M, :., Jtc. PATTON' ULOCK 3d door Irom the nnnk, tnte lrecl. ba'.iin, i?ept it It; Ultnl MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS C. M. SCIIWM'KA, t'onituerdul St., - Suleni, Orrson, lOppolte blen art' Il'oclc.) TTAS RETCIINED PHOM PL'IIC IIAilNO IIEH Fall Stock of Goods, And oiler the Ladle of Solftn aal tlclnltyan elegant and elec tirlel) of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, LACES AND FANCY GOODS, Which Into been nlecteit 1th c ire especially for thl markit balem.bipt.S''. Is:: m3 MARBLE WORKS, MONROE & STAIGER. Dealer lu MONUMENTS. AND Head and Foot Stones. AL0. MANTELS AND Furniture Marble XO ORDER. ADDHKs A. J. nONROE, I I WH, STAIGER, !alcra, Oregon I Albany, Oregon. not1y COOKE, DENNI8&C0. MANUFACTHIE SASH, DOORS, BLINDS "Dl USTIC. AND ALL TnE LATEST STVLKS M of lnIde and outtlde flnlth, of the beit oualltr of clear cedar lumber crer uel in balem. SIHIl EAW1IG. sim HII TURNING, DONE WITII NEATNESS AND DISPATCH CEDAR LUMBER AND BhluifleN tbr Snlo Cheap. ( of Work at Lowel Price vuv tire u a can, aee ou pTlCM, and cSto u roar orden. SpttUI attention ctren to 01 rica rite m a call. ec our atoik, learn, our BBS, anil Information, free! ciien. eratli to oar jjbop one Block Esit of the Cac raeketa Honi. SALKM, OnEOO.V. PAID YOll HIDES AND I'UIIS. 33tf OPPOSITION -TO- Portland & San Francisco EASTERN GOODS AT Eastern Frloes ! Save Your Money! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. THE OVERLAND STORE II j on hand, and on I lie tray, $50,000 Worth of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND 8HOE8, Hats and Caps, Am in'. ort of merchandise, to bo sold Uurlnj tas Oregon State Fair, AT LOWER PRICES Than t cro ct er beforo knott 11 In Salem. Ladlca' lioo 15 cent, worth 33 ccnti. Dre Good at a great rncrlflce, too many ca hand, from lojj cent to SO cent per yard ; wortU from 23 cent to (1 per jtml. Kid Glotc tl, trortli 1.S0. French Cortcta ftl, ttorth (t.SU. Cloth and I'oxcd UiImor.il Shoes, tl.'Z ', worli Large double- Countcriauct, f5.50; tt orth $1.50 Lonadalo Sheeting, alx yardt (I ; All Other Good In Proportion. SALEM, Sept. 7, 1STL 20tdc3t BELT & JOHNS. Druggists & Apothecaries COm.1IEHCIAI 8T1IEET, Oppotlte ChemeUeta Home, SALEM, - OREGrON. DEALEItS IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles, COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc, etc Physicians' Prescriptions AXD FAMILY HKCIPK - Carefully compiled, at all hoar, day or Digit, by Am BUpcrtenccU Braulat. Sept. 14, 1STS. . w" I. n. ritKi. c "- aa. tsmmm maia. erricK-N. i, iseeBBs slock, aptt UALIM, ORKQON. 10K . K. Y. CHASM, -DBKVXT Lt. Col., JaU Burfeoa U.S. VplaMr( MJ ubk, uarotn oiocs, p win. nnii Comme rtUl atret, Salem, Oregon. W