w-m mn ytwwwiV'T'wr"A WILLAMETTE FAEMEE. "I 6 ijortmtltitntl. i 1? J IIri:ixa-i.v Tiikk.s i.v Tiir. Fall. Tlin flmnlenpf iflvfis tllO follnwlllff I ... i... nn..n.i., 4i, ., 'BOOKS FOR FAB.MERS and OTHERS Tiiomat' Fruit cuiturist. ;uKKU3"wn uv '""""B '" '"" . Trappers (lu do PREMIUM LIST or tub VX WILLAMETTE FARMER Fourth Year of Publication. clilnson I Thomas' Farm Implements unci Ma chlucry . Thompson , Food or Animals I Tim Ilitnker Papers I Tcjjctroelcr'a Poultry llook , Ten Acres Kiiougri The Horse. (Stonchcnj;e.) English cdb i linn, 8vo.. (. IiaL'f! The Mule. (Illlcy). of trees In winter: " wo lmvo no doubt Unit moro trees arc lout from Imperfect licoliiig-In than from nny other cause whatever. This every observing iior&on who lias seen tho way hi which the roots of trues are burled in masses with largo intersti ces of air everywhere) timong the roots will tisacnt to. Trees badly licclcd-ln fsliotild not remain so twenty-four hours before planting out. Clods of masses or uarlli are merely thrown on tho top of tho roots, and only .shade tliem from the hun's'rays. In ti few days tho roots will become dry, because they are not in contact witli tho moist earth. If the liecliiig-iii is well performed every crack and crevice will be com-. pactly Jllled witli tho pulvorized enrth, and tiio trees will keep a long j time as well as in tho nur-ery rnv. ' if badly bccled-iii during autumn ' and left till spring the trcesare near ly, if not wholly, ruined by freezing and drying combined." Any person who cbooi.. may collect a club of subscribers, forward in tho names and money by registered loiter, and receive tlie iircmliim. The 1'remluan arc Intended for nie -iibcrlbcrf, but In club of ten one-half may bo old onca. A s Table f Premium for ilic Fourth Volume. I l I l-C A 5 4 Allen s .1. I' i American Cattlo 1 SO Allen' lb. I'.i Itural Archtlccturc i 1 AO Allen's ill. I..) American Farm Jlook.. 1 W Allen a (It. I and I.. 1. New American l'arm llook ' M Aliens (It, I..) J)leae of Domestic, Animal I 1 00 American lllrtl Fancier II jau American ltoe I'nlttirlst ( I'M American mils and ls ml Plant".... 1 Alvood'Couiitrynndbtiburli.iiiHtmscs 1 Ml Anhllnt'ire. Ily Cummin s k Miller 10 00 lllilciiell'n Vlll.1'0 llulliler 10 tut Artof-awl'llln.'. (Iloll)) 1 no 1Icmi..iil'imiIi' ltiir.il Economy 1 w Hrnks .New Hook or 1 lower .... 1 7i ItnNl's Flout rC'nrilcti Directory 1 .VI llult's Family Kitchen (Jardener 10) Ilalley's OurOiMi lllrdi of the United , Slate 1 .VI ! llcmeurs puullcrcr'ii Companion 'i Mil UrM;. man's Young (iardmer's A-ht- lint ' 'l!ll Ilurr's Vt t,i-tablcs of America i t no iininen n .ixrictiiiurui incmicai .inai y-li Cliurltoii'it ilrupu (.rower's (iuldu oio s ficriuariflii.. Vnnz a Villages ami Cuttaifus.... ...... Wallace's American Trotting Hcjlstcr. Wallace'. American Stud llook. ol. 1 warder s American romoiojry lleautlfyinz Conutry A superl) quaito volume. Warder's Hedges and F.eri;reeiis...... Warlng's Draining forProlUaudllcaltli Warlnjt's Elements of Agriculture Tucker's Hei!lterof Itnral Allnlrs.... Warlnji'i Kartli Closets and Karth fccw- ... an Wcldenmanns Itnmns. A 2 1 llthoffranh nlates. in colors Wheeler's ifurul Home Wheeler's Homes for the People White's Cranberry Culture Woodward's Cottages and Farm House Woodward's suburban and Coiintr) lloutes Woodward's Country Homes Woodward's Orapo and Horticultural Hulldlnr; Wood irard's National Architect Wright's Practical l'oultry Keeper.... Watson's American Home Uardeu Youman's Household Science Votiattaud Hnooncrnn tho Horse Youatt and Martin on Cattle Youatt on the Hog Yonattoii Slue SOU, 1 60 $1 00 1 CO 10 Ul 1 SO 4 60 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 500 10 00 a oo 1 50 1 50 1 (Kl 150 ImI 15 00 00 3 00 1 S3 1 50 1 M 1 50 1 50 14 00 3 00 3 00 t 50 1 60 1 50 1 00 1 00 Mf&k& tzZfapeS.Oetiafr Fur a ilu.li of four subscribers, nt $3.50 cacli,an extra topy of the l'tnti it to the uctteMip of the club. Aildre". FAHMKIt OITICE, fl1im. Cntiel.i nd's Country Life '- i Copley's Plain and Ornamental Alpha Hi.r.r.iMNfi ri.owr.ifs. Almost aii i crarLllMioV.,,'N,ii;i'riVeri;;;.'.'.'"!;;;'.'.;; Ir.,i.,iu uli.ni iliihlms (In. iiltrlit Tim Crott's Mndel Snburbaii Archlteiture... jower.s .sleep tiurnig uiu uigiii. i no enrilt.lcr lini j0ict-, nnnJ uout. vnntntil irrna in luill XL'Kli flit film (Holly ..w.Y'""'" "V " -"" Carp, liter and. lolner. (It. Hl.ldell). and witli lilm rle, weeping. Many kiifinitry .r the irm. (Niciioin.. i lUVC.UHHVi " illlllllliMi 3 00 3 00' i ;3, coo! tiSDITMG M! CIST! - Wf yhd&toevg eftjzrfircSaZe'aZffie Z0wesf-ftM7X&prc& i ss .ii .a jw ss . r s 'miA x. ssrr m - ; j - r ji ri -- m srfatufsjitrMe SaTeytfe. AytfttiKS plants are so cciisitlvo tliat tliey flo-o their leaves during the parage of a cloud. Tho dandelion opens at live or nix In tho morning and shuts at nlnu in tho evening. The goat's beard wakea at threo in tho morning and shuts at llvo or six In tho eve- I liadd's (lt o. II) Modern I torso l)o.lor, Mint s.mrncan uaitie Doctor... liana's Mm k .Manual Darwin's Variation of Animals and riant'. 3vols Dead Hhnl; or Sntirlsmau's Complete (lulde . ! . Do Voe's Market Assistant Dnwnliig'sl'nilt ami 1'rult Trees, New Killtlon. D(tao, immi.... Iloniilng's Ijniil-cnnu Uardtntiig II.IU llllli.'ri f '. .till.., Ilt(tlll.M nine. Tilt! KtlL'lish dlllsV shuts 111 llownlng's Ilurnl Ksssvs ti.. i.i... u I.. l... ........I ,,, Hit llreull's Vinejanf Culture. (Ilr. in uiuT5uniu m uiu ujiniif,, n..,. iiiriier.i ii. . ii .!.... ill.. ..4 ii... Ilastwoiid on Cranberry Ui-uua im "uiij-a iju iiiiv.;. mu K., western rrult-drower's (iiildo early beams or tiio morning sun. The crocus, tuliji, and many others dose their blossoms at different Kieletli's SdiiKil-lloustt Anhttecluru I ictii s rear culltin- I rank 1 oresler s I I eld Sports, fvu , o. ... Frank Forester's l'Ili and I'l-lilng. f M,, till nigral lin." Frank Forester's Alanunl lor Youni; spiirtsiiien. S mi. I'll. nk Forester's llorm nuil Ilorseuiau rliln. H to., 3 vols Frenrb s l'arm llralnao Fuller's Forest Treo Ciilturlst I- tiller s uraprt L'utiuiist. liours toward tho evening. Tho ivy leaved lettuce opens at eight in the morning, ami closes forever at four in tbe afternoon. Tin night-Mowor-i i...,., ..t..i.i i., I.. ... tt juwiuui i.i.i. 3 ...H..C ...... ..v, ..,..., Sll.a-,, vrui. ultiirl.t begins to OXpnnd its lliagniflcCIlt fuller's Strawberry Ctilttiri.t I awci-'i'-nv.uiiii,'i .iiu'3?iiiiii ... ..u i .- light; it is full blown at midnight, and closes, never to open again, witli tho dawn of day. In a clover Held not a loaf opens till after sunrise. Thobo plants which seem to bo awake ' 1 1 ?,?i" " to w 'i ! f, '7 V: all night have neon called tnu " hats and OWlSOftilO Vegetable kingdom." illray'sSdinoUnd Field llmikorilotany , . i Uaruuy's llarns, Out-bulMlui; ud Fen. ITS.,,,,,,, . Harris' lu-icls Injurious to Vegetation, (.loin. Harrison 1 (SI t 00 1 50, 1 60 1 60 1 .VI 1 43 BOSWELL'8 Standard Fruit Dryer, CI WMMte with or witr.out Force cm Wm& Feed. Pm. io rj sHuH 5 Us: M M n in ' H i S HH is O (raHHHB i IUM..I , Fulton's I'eailiCiiltiire... Fanning for llojs Fishing In Aimrliun Waters, colt), Flagg's lltiropean Vlmjanls Flint (Charles I..) on lirasses , Flint's Mlltli Cowssiul Dairy Farming Oueunu on Mlleb Cows (inn, KiMl ami Xailillc. (irny s Manual of llotany and Lessons, III I Mil AuTii'iciAi. Clouds to rnorix-r (JiiArics. A congress of vino grow ers 1ms been held last autumn In tho Wutl of Franco, whoso mdinbors, bofdro fppamtlng, tried a most inter esting experiment. plan to counteract tho destructive effects of frost which, at certain critical periods), is fatal to their crops by tho creation of clouds of Miioko to hover over tho grounds. Iron vessels, containing a preparation prluciial.y of tar, were dl.poM'd at intervals over tho vineyards, tmd Henderson's llariTeulmr for l'rollt.... Henderson's l'racllral Floriculture.... Herbert's Hints to Housekeepers . uoopcra ihiokoi i.iergreens. nop lunurr ...::: .. i I imnier Him irnnner, It AMIS.SIIIipi a Hsrathy's tlrapa Culture and Wlne-Ma king Hattlelil's Amerlian House Carpenter.. iiuy p .mciiiir intiirniiir (Jeuiilni.'s) Jaciues' Manual of the House les aril Horse Training Made IEust. Ilusnian s (irapes ami Wine., .Iseoues' Msuual of Ihn IIhum Jacnues Manual of the (lardenaud Farm film 5 Hi 3 00 600 II So 1 1 ?4I 1 ."Jl jisi 1 (J 1 .VI 3 1 50 1 50 3.M 3 50 73 1(11 1 50, 1 W Johnson's How Crons Feed Johnson's llow Crops (Irow Johnson's Feat ami Its I'ses i Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry.... Johnston's Kleininls of AgrUultuial I 'homlatrt. . tho ifaaiorlrtl ot on lire, tliusVrotlut-.3SSSS HllliS ii--;-:."i4i-,::. .... B .... .. ........... "-!- '' y-"... .... lllg IIIICK ClOUtIS, WHICH llOVerCU OVer Jrnutngs on III.' Ilorsoutid his Diseases ilm liiniliinilHiiri.iil flir miles iinitiinl. .''il.V.l'.f.L'ni"'!"- I.eurliar's How to llnllil a llot House Mathew a Illustrated Horse Dim lor . Majhcti's lllustiateil llone Manage 4UI 3 Ml 10 00 4(11 1 50 1 60 1 60 1 75 3 OU (l IX)1 I i on .150 3 50 I 50 1 60 I 60 9M 3 ( 3 00 1 33 1 73 tho land and spread for miles around. HI". JlAl.l 1I1UKOH UIO IOIIOWII1K M-'ll- . lai-UI Inble rfiiwrkH : "It Is univi.sonablo .M,JKlVri,?.V,f".l!;!r!,.,.,!fc!..! foexiwet lnlnlHters to ,bo njwnyi at ' 1,UI"? .'' rc,u1 'ok-..erpmg for . sit .. .. 11-1 r aruicrs ....,,. .....,.... receive rtiucrs aim hiwhvm Manutueitire or Mtiegar. inuauce). . .1. .. .....l.. .1 Mechanics ivinpantou. (Mcliolson).. U'lr people J' Murrrll's American Miei.henl i rmiin i- i . .... l.Ut.knfV)r rrnctlial HooV-KvrpIn for Home to receive callers I.... ..!.... II. ruiiiuiiK nmiui iiiikmik men ii-ni'ie , Murrel s Amer can Mien or to expect tllelll to bo i.'iistuiitl.V ' j3"j"r"1Vi lilovKl.... ulllployeil III tllCtU WATH, mill at llio . Mlleiinlln'llnrsKiwtV." ... . .... .... . .. Mohr on tin llrsnt-Vlne.... Minil lime l onilg llliu IIIO pilipil m, Cornelius's Voung llou.ckcer's thingH now n. old in ii Mate o elab- - xJMMXi".:" oriile propru(liiii. LulnNplnsl men , NrrU'nm'uiiiiro nxUlnto read, write awl think, if);;rFU.V.Vi,ForhAcr!V:V tbvy arv to teach oontlmivuily any M-aikanrsAtiuiae i ih souiy of in. body of lvoplo; ami tho moiv tenbh- rimcr. tiiiiuirr iiii nr.iiiur ..." ..! luKund explauntlon tho jHH.ple ro- ISmIu'". l'""urv ':.:::;; fitilrn. nr tho iiinr.. slniiilo (hi. l.tiil.t U IMrihsrAli lorso. ' , , --" . . nluli) s Mj Io lio iiindr. tin. liion.. stnilv l ilomnml. nluey illon 4h1 for It. An ul.Mir.1 idea prevail ' J lZt vZ'l; aviiionir hdiiki lllitliinUliiis iwroiw flml I ami's lulb , Unuk)'s Mjsteiles u( llee-Kirpliie,., iii.sianii.il rtiiiuug I Sllll untlilnKliiK ihtohh tlin inlniistorM who cK'uU, uud dltli.i;iilli In llio ilanlrn. .'iilluro for 1'rorH . 1 3 00 3 III' 3 nil 3 00 Mil1 1 Mi am 3 Ul' Ii 13 I Kind's Floners for I'srlor and (tanlen . K.xlsu-r of Itural Attslrs. llound, Hie .! from thosi!.,wlin reud, do not m-vd ' iuwiiivNcwKi.VfnVs'oriiioiiVuuiw i)rnmknprurutlon." iJSJfMiji' , - - Kaudatl's Hhrrn lluslBdry Itaa4airs sii.Wini Mheep llusbaudry Itln'rs' Mlulatum Fruit Oanlrn J" mo diwbey Ihu, dloli science, even in tho iuot trilling Glutei of con- iMr- ilcular. or ullow oumelvti to do what we have noinc feant uuy not l ciujttLJiglit, $ idill gruwjucro nd !&- Meepy,-- until- the -voice- of tjoDKljuce lias no longer tho power to SVJn'uu. ' ,J;v. If Z3t Itural Cliureli Arvhlticture. olors, 43)latrs.. iv,u,.rs Unci Mr ctlk Folio, In nldir's Ijind Mrasarrr...... ..... 1 Sllkmii's Ho.lrrn Carpentry ,, Siroiu;'s cutiliatloo of theOraie KaanJrrs1 HoiwHU ifcy Hrhcnck's (larvlsnsr's Teat- llook Stf.srt'tlIWabtfIo,i....,'.i TI'flKv By Dinks, Mailtrwajid Hut 1 WJI I 1 6o: 5 00 3 (II 3 III, (II1 t U0' 73 100 73, 3 00, S (100 1 M' 75 1 50, I Ol 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 (II .100 3(V 1 50 1 50 3 11) 1 50 1 ft) 1 00 11 AO ( Ah I uu 300 73 150 1 M a 8 3 4 3 1 ," 4 c tl 3 Iron Heater, Bread Raiser, Dairy Heater, &c, COMBINE!)! POSITIVELY THF. MOST rnOFITAllLEind useful lu entlnn of the age. combining cheap, ness, durability and economy, uud can be applied to a greater larlety of puriwses than any other ma chine extant. As a Fruit Dryer, It stands unrivaled, and Is acknowledged by ulen line men to lontaiu tho only true principles for drylnu fruit, and Is so simple In oustnictfon that a mere child at once understands ami operates It. As a Room Heater, Tho I'llsmatlc C Under concentrates tho beat. Ignites the carlioii, and produces moro heat thaji any other known ilcilcc. wblch, bclui; distributed by tbonerrontud slileMlndoublo currents ofbot air, Mill heat tiro, three, or fu-n four rooms (If properly connected) with let's fuel than any one of the panio rooms ran be heated to the samn lemnrr. aluru ly any sloio or heatlnjr apparatus lu me, white at the same time It destaoys all noxious pis es, rauslug a pleasant and healthy atmosphere and cs i n teroierainri throiij;bout all the apartments. lu tho summer lime, nhllc liolllru; tbe tea-kettle, making loast, heatluc Irons, Ac, by a single valve tliesKturrenlsof heat are turned Into the outride line, ahd the brat la scarcely frit In the room. As a Clothes Dryer, IT HAS NO COMl'RTlTOIr. and itlieioi. r ltion Is hall. d with delimit by the ladles, as thoirrcairst labor-sjiiliig lureutlon of the ae. In Lumber Drying, The principles of this lnremlr)rl, a ai.i.Uitl, are luialualile and ulthout competition. MII.MNKIC4, lUKKIlt, CKIAlt MANI'FACTl'. ltKHS AND OTIIKltS Will find It u'n ally to tin Ir adiantace to sie this machine and luiestlpale Its properties, We could imbllsb rolnmns of testimonials from the best citizens of Ohio, lndlaua, Illinois, Mlchl Kan, lona. and other Mates, of Its superiority otci any luremlon of the aire, hut at the machine mniv stand on lis pun MK1UTS, It must be retn In (! erallon to be fully apprvilatcd FAItMKtS, llltlXtl VOl'lt FAMILIES ItOLL TIIK Bos well Heater and Dryer. It Is exactly wnat yon want and nocJ, Iinll6s of any dry-house or kiln ) on may now hai e. W do not aslc you to buy a complication of patent 'mte$Sziue$fals&afaQ)itftntt6ser. C&cXntH'Zeeo'etl ya6?4 fa fA& s&eSi vTWtsT&ti iijw cjfsj ff. -r. 1 yz&ajwt40 zrrr &J&&ftk 'Vist &d4 CiZse gfies W&sCksfuS&MK ANIi nil. Jl -TI V ('KI.KJm.VTKI) PEORIA PREMIUM PLOW, So well rmil Favorably Known tliroii" limit the West and Pacific Sloiw. Improveil ipooially Jbr the season of 1872-3, with Patent concave, ,teel liiu'li lamlsliile. Scotch clavis. and hL'h standard. Sole Ajrents for the 3sXl-tolxell XTzzfrxxi. 7Vel&oxx. ilyfiom au exatuluatloii of a iinxleli iif see the full Hrcd machine perform lta r.M.,iit.l ' rlchts. uenl but come anil work as rciiroseutoil. ,.1.l',l'',;.1,,."?. "w'lnu llous. Clmrch. Seminary, Public Hall, Hotrlor llettauraut, to which this ma' chlue Is not applicable, useful aud profitable. Ladle and criitlemin, jou are respectfully Intl. till to call ami examine the machine for yourseli es, for It Is Impossible lu a shott adicrtUcrurnt toenu' V 7fJHt y THE MITCHELL WAGON. MbZZer J0O jotd'ast naacfri?H?edflM ) ft) forAe4ej I'l'pTtSi v: 'tLSfa$d6- IV" Senii claims an seruml by Inters patent. of arhal mi-rate ait the pood onalltli-s orthls truly wonder ful, jet simple, FAMILY F1UF.N1). ' IV Seiiti claims an. secuml w bleb place It ln)onU ihu rvack The suWrlber, lunlu,; purrbaseil tho eacluslrt rUhl for the Mate o( Oregon, la now manutactDriu tbsm for sl. oa State btrect. In Malsai, where a variety of styles uud a Biarlilae In cprraUan ran b seen at any time. Xoili JOB OAB1I. Opposlu Gill, t-k-W X Civ'ailaok Blorf, ii. 'ii .ii'i i s i. rn- Salsta. Orecoa riin.ll.' II I 'A'TTORHXT AWTI fVinvmrrriaUsir r si' A. omtt, la ruton IWck, F4ate rtrwt, Saleo. Janin-ly. Wttto Uiv4riity, SALEM IRON W0EKS, JsrZ, B. P. DRAXE, PROP., s j ; M ,v" vu ' rvirT?vXT pcr jcr at (hr ain .ir..i, ;;:;; ji&jjxv " rmiftij iq VfDi, ? , W QIT T.!:'''"--'"- " pier xjr i.?..!5 rr ' f?5.,,il,'n,'lr lf 'I u. CTL'AMENilISES.SAWMILlfi.QRISTlHIXS .7 "' 'JINV,r,'-,K,M'-i""!ik '"" ?il.pir,l,umps.ndaUklBdiOf ityleicf m- iO??L""S' ''? 'l A" )mihI rv 01 nu- rblmre mada to order. Machinery rtpalnd M a Uilies. lor particulars, address ih. l'n.M.i .Imn n.nir... Pattern maklnff done In all lta Yiri. The Lcat tirm b.iri eptei'iib-r 4:1 ' - - "a'.M't'l.'ar. llev.H.U. MsJvH.B.Dl'r,-:ci en I ,. or of Intellecteal PkiUrt.iibv. Ilcy. 1IoiucLtav,'A.V l'r.i(.. , v.u I nutlca. ' oJo II. Cotiir.R, A V.. I'wr, aral Hrlenee. -'sl.'1' rrorVswr uf Tlsvii an.. Awf ' T.:' Wnclpal oj b- W.I. a . MlHO. A. UiSKUL.TlH'..' VlrC f. is ronns, i. Ml all ktad of llrasa and Iron f .ri 1.1.,-s. nt short notice. t OMtUgS mrftir Li. U' 'II k U.n an. WillamtUUniveriity Tf'- JaaMHT IXCOEEOKJlT- M. oovclioolla Oregon, ciasticai, i NnrnaJj sad .chsrtilcrae t ttai mioraliHi.iUn( tae trcUlt4, cal. Ouajij. MlaL tam-jmrniam U(CS, 3 si. r IK, Pscreury TdWTmmi,