Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 21, 1872, Image 1

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$2,50 per Year, in Advance,
Volume IV. Number 44,
NOTICK TO Sl'BSCHIBBRH. ciotido Mertnmres. It Frenchman.
Thodalo appearing after the printed i formerly ef San Francisco, committed
name oa the paper In the date r the
EXPIRATION ol nbaerlptlon.
Kxrera by TELSMuutB.
suicide bv shooting himself lit the
mount wait n revolver.
lion. WOrton went to Washing-
Kahtiiiii'aki:. On Saturday eve
ning lnt, about twenty minutes
ton o'clock, a slight cnrthqual
shook wns sensibly felt by a mini
The Indian 0h( rages.
WASHING! OX. Due. 1.). Itohcil anil
Stephen A. Douglas, sons of the late
Senator Douglas, hnvo prepared nnd
Mill i
ton Inst evening, it Is understood, to of iieoplc in this city. Dispnthes
D.uti.tx(irox, vVt.). Dec. 17. The , represent the shock n quite. filnrni-
llurllngtou MauuracturihgCompniiy's lug to wiino people. The Heaviest
1 P aillllir Ultll was mtrncil tlii-i iiinrn. . i. i... i.. i . ,. ' 1 ...
will present to uongress on Mommy a n), i.j oss 14 (kin B"ulR1 mipciir iu imu ivmi in viu-
claim for $:25O,O0O for their private cot-1 WvHitixKrox Dec- 17 Itotitwell 1I, Victoria, nnd on Pug'ot Sound,
ton and other property tiiken, ii-.od i n,j Jnv (:w,k Vl.rp before' the Ways Seattle, Dec. 1.',. T.nVt night, at
??i inl'i.. . i iJrAo ' i- i.i ,"! Menus Committee to-day concern- ulxiut twenty minutes o 10 o'clock,
Misslssfppl.by a portionof the I-edeml u, t.gotlatloii of a new loan. tho citizens of this place went sud-
irmV'n.,., ,.f-n, .., r.i. i'i...i,.,i . 1'ilu p'Hle Foreign Allahs donly titartlotl by tliu lieuviut curtli-
.-."..h! to-day hail eoiHdentth.u of a bill pro- quake over felt'so far north on tho
:.".b." ,i r. i." .V.i.::.r .'.,. '..... v"""KJ"r inonwposai or umirmmK n ,cont as this With the exception of
IIIUIIL Ullll 111U 1 IVIMIVlHl V.Ul'llllllK It Mill I littlf.Vn niA'nlll niwl l'i(.fIf.il til il... ....-1.1 1 a CI 1.1 "I ...
v . i tf ti tiivii m v oi'i i l u w -iiiiiiia.ii iii ;ii nimii kiiii ii
to tlie
three, Have been sent to tne President refer tho subject
vi my ovii.hu. ,"":".', """'" ."yniomuiiiice.
more- than oiio tnird of the. entile lists Oakes Aim- wis oMiniliicd by tho
required by law to be delivered to I Credit Moblller Committee to-dav.
him by nu-seugcr liavo vet been re- John Dally will be examined to-moi-
Moved. Louisiana sends lists from
two dlfl'ercut Electoral College". The
two houses of Cougrc In Joint con
vention will determine which list
diall bo eouutud on the second Wed
nesday In Februury, the time for
counting all .Electoral votes.
New Yomc. Dec. 15. Three thous
and ono hundred and forty-tlvo dollar
Nr.w Voiiif, Dec. 17. Thuilow
Weed has a long couimiiiitcatioii in
t bo JfcraUl showing tbulmpniet Icabll
Ity of carrying out the so-called civil
service reform.
Wasiiinotox, Dee. 17. Ai range
ISC", It is doubtful whether ho violent
nnd long continued u ono has boon
felt for years on the entire coast. No
damage was done, but frame build
ings swayed to and fro like small
crafts nt sea. There wero three seri
es of shocks.
(Uyniplu, Dec. l'. A harp shock
of earthquake was felt here at 2.1
minutes to 10 last night. No dam
age was (lotto further than the crack'
, rvMixixci tx ItAKKit Corxiv. The
. V . ii.- .in. . . nt.. r
- i i mjjfii'rur ill inn 11111 sivs : -- !.. ai
J' H' .?'' .""VtliwtoH, widow 'fW,UelvCo.,or(loniClty,hiiVetruck
William llrotherton, who with his.,, ,..,., ,,... ,,, ,., i.i. i,i
I two sons were killed on Iiot river, nu, ,, f (ho ol(, ,., ,oino -B feol.
, gives the followltur statement to IIh-i,,,, ls lm.,H , wWHl nIuI
(Jacksonville boiillnrl: ' .!, Mlilcli imw tl.N to Ik the
iter iiiiMHiiiu nun mo in ner mmik. .....f,, .... ...i,,,,!,,,,! nli Tliv linvi
were killed by the Indians about tenV. " "' !r,lul,nl ,, llwy, , I
o'clock on Hatunlny. About three about I..0 tons out and the rock Is of
o'clock the Indians uttuoked Iter and excellent quality, A full force of men
another sou, who Is about 1:1 years of s employed day and night on the
age. Tho boy had a Henry rllle and nine. Tim mill N undergoing repairs,
slio had a navy-size revolver. "The ml will commence cnnhlng to-day.
Indium killed In sight of the house, 'he same company mo woiklug the
a man called Chris, from Denmark, farlbno, which prospects very well.
sjiieaudtnelioy retrentisl to the house, jicie are good icoon tiolu the sum-
and with the revolver and rlllo kept dt ledge, at llogeui."
tb Indians nt luiv until twelvo n'elonk - -
Monday, when they were rellevtsl by i I'im'ukp.-AI length, after the ex
ruinur .. ..
incuts have been made between tho J? ofcollliigs and broakliig of u fow
Pimtnfllnn mill Knv llcii.irlliw.lits liv . WllUlOW DilllCS. TIlO lllOtloll WHS
liavo been forwardwl for the relief oftwhlclt tho dally weather report Issued from southeast to northwest.
inuiuiation i by the Signal Oftleo shall be furnished, Victoria, Dee. m fiast night at
iiift'ercrs bv the lecent
which occurred in Italy. to all post olllces which can bo reached il minutes to 10 o'clock this city was
mo counsoi ior iuo iiiuiwuhuii ir0m me several points or insinuation , siuiKcii uy n snnrp shock or an oartn
ueiuiibv mij-n mcy iu uv irauj u" uy man. 'i no rosimasier uencrai iii
Wednesilay to proceed with the trial dtructa all iostmasters receiving them
of Stokes for killing Flsk. . to post them immediately In frames
Richmond, Dec 15. The cry Rev. I Hupplled for that purpose bv the Tlg
riiomas Mulvoy. Vicar-General of tho I iini Oftle.
Catholic Diocese of Virginia, died this, Tho House commltteu on appropria
wi-iflTlS I5S1T IrT W ."t"? ""W."10 ePPW-oiH, k lasted ten s
Washixotox, (TJec. lo.r-1 no Jfresi-1 of the postal telegraph scheme. i Wnlliiln iw i i
lent sont to tuo ecnnio 10-uay uio; TlioScnato lias contlrmeU tliu aii- ..nrtii- At '0 mliititna ii st o iVdneic
following nominations o Pojtmitstew: polntmont of George Nourseaslteg s- ?5A'z " W.h" ? M'Sh
by a
quake, which rocked houses violent
ly ami droyo sovcral families into
tho Htreottf 'for safety. Tho move
ment wus from east to west. Iusoino
instances door-bells were rung and
erocKcry, KnocKeu irom tno shelves.
en seconds.
Cnpt. J. V. Alns
H. K. W. Bent, Los Angles; H. J. er of tho Land Onice at Liiikvllle,
waiuron, unnes, uregon; j.oi. uacon, uregon.
Oregon City, Oregon; L.H. Wakefield, Nkw Yomc, Dec. 17. At a meeting
Portland, Oregon. I of tho Board pf Immigration to-day a
Dick Taylor called on the President i communication wbh received from
to-day with a view of obtalng somo ' Secretary Fish statlug that the U. S.
modulation of Executive iolloy In authorities li Italy had been Instruct
reforenco to the alia Irs of Louisiana, cd to adopt mcosuacs to prevent a rvp
but was unable to secure anything. etltion of tho outrages on omigniuts.
New Oui.kans, Dee. 16. ThoCltl-l KUwnnI A. Pollard, editor and itu
zons Committee of thirty-seven left i tbor, died at Lynchburg, Virginia, on
this evoulng for Washington. There yesterdap, agod 15 years.
was a jargo crown at tno uepoi io wu- uiiioaoo, uec. is. A wasiiingion
ncss tuoirficpariure.
sintw York, ikc. 17. iituyer
Terminer, .to-day, after somo six or
seven motions In the Tweed case .bad
ilccu denied, Lyman Tremaln, for the
prosecution, protesteu against ono mo
mont further delay. Assistant DIs-
. viiivnu,;, ict. u. iv n iuiuiiihiui,
, sieclal says It is positively stated that
and Colfax will take charge of the New
York Tribune somo tinio next week.
Tho arrangement is fully consumma
ted, and his resignation qs Vice-President
will probably bo preseutod on tho
reassembling of Congress after tho
trlct Attorney Sullivan called: up tuo j holiday recess. Colfax Is von- nan-
last evening wo wero visited, with
quite a heavy shock of earthquake,
lasting about llfty seconds. I should
judge, followed by flvo lighter shocks
at intervals of about fifteen minutes,
uftor which a hoavy, rumbling houiiu
was hoaril ns distinctly as n ;eavy
peal of thunder. Tho thermometer
rell from ao to 25. Tho slinking
mania that had attacked term lirma
continued at irregular periods, until
4 o'clock tlilV;' morning, Although
tho first shock was violent enough to
shako buildings nnd theft1 contents
up protty lively, yet no damage or
injury was. sustained by any one,
that J, am uwaro of.
Dec. '151 Weather this morning
cloudy; no wind: thermonietor.'W0.
Walla Wnlln, Dec. lCTwo heavy
shocks tworo .felt hero, last night
Clocks stopped at 10 minutes Iwiore
Umatilla, DeclC-Weatherelotldy;
oarthquako last night.
lefendant to oleadto tho bill of ludlct-1 milno that ho will bo ubleto bring tho
ments, whereupon Graham, nrltoncr's TWbuuo up to its old standing. Ho
counsel, called for tho reading of Itl thinks bo can steer olear of the niael-
i ai.. nnmi .llvwi.,.wl Urn f Mnrlr n I im,,, t r..tt- x-itL- twilllliw l.,,..
Ullll 111U .UUU 1,1,WIV v.v... vw DIIUUI V. (.l-.. AV.n Vlllll ...'., .'.. l,,o. i . '
readlt,. Tbeblll of Indlotment la ai which Greeley was always elng,l"L:r" U1'rju i jhmwhu"iihuhko
prlnteil volume of 1,050 pages, which , drawn. A , l't njsht i throo (jlmkes; no damage,
will occupy, it ls thought, at least two New Yohk. Dec, 16. The, second ! Itolloa had four or llvo shakes of
days In reading. Ademuro was mono ttini or !?UKes began this mornliig,
in tho indictment, on which the pros-1 Judge lloardmaii of Ithica piesldlng.
ecotloh Joined Issue. Thedemurer was (The Jury is now being Impaneled,
thon ovorruleil and the dofemlnt eal-, Fo w ( l) 18llrlct.
led upon to .top cad A f , uuey, a fanner residing ncarTpr
guilty was then put lit and I tho trla 1BBIllllfcy Ohio, went liomo drunk
.ct down for the first Mondaj lnst nIghV and contnieiiccl to abuse
January. , ,. ..,... his wife, when John Gibson, her
ntlliAUEl.l'lliA, jufcc. iu. iiiu uuBw- i iroji,P ii,ot him ilind
or wnrmi ,nk.inen from i, M orotncr, snoniini.utau.
iiuvnui ..v. ,w ." "- -
resldeuno at two o'clock tills afternoon. , loxdoj;, Dec 17. It
Vllll Ullll IVIII1 illliei!ie, lllllllll ,. III,,,. ,,f l.u. .,i,,,u , iuni,.i,
Tjiii.poII. l.m M.lw,,nfLmi'MI.r,iy. flldlllllp of largtl MIIIIS lit IHOIIC
Mr. Writ-lit audit man called French v. be iierformanci- of u stupendous
She knew fotiroftbe Indians, whoso mionnt ofiiii'cbaulcal labor, tho I.iK'kn
iiiinies nui JltsjKer, Jim, Long Jim, mil ('anal nt Oregon City have beeir
vMieeycu iMoc nun jerry, me inner a . . ... ,, ..,,,., .,
bmther or Chief .lack. foniplctcl. All the masonr. and
On Wednesday following, 1. 1). Ap-1 oodwoik 1- lliilsbcd and nothing
plcgate. with a party of friendly In- remains m be done but a cry few uu
dians from Yalnax returned to Broth- Important details. Boats, we learn,
erton's house with teams to collect e '' Pst ontlivlv through the
the tead boilli. Whllu there tlivi l-nuiii nt any time, .lust when tne
woto auacKcii uy
Applegate icut o
who li an uncle
ley, to converse with
v. While there llioyi Valm' wl ,"' lime, .nisi wnen toe
by the Modocs, when , Hot boat N to have the distinguished
t one or his Indians, eredlt of passing In perfect ease and
le or Scar-raced Char- surety thee heretofore Insuperable
them, and be
says that neither Scar-race nor Jack
are dead.
Tno light between the soldiers nnd
Indians took place near tho natural
bridge on liost river. There is a large
cave about live miles from there, on
the Southwest side of the lake, and
Mrs. llrotherton thinks all the Indians
are fortcd up iu tho cave. The cave Is
at least it quarter of a mile Iu length,
nnd will holdall the hostile Indians Iu
the country. During the past Hum
mer ttud Fall these Indians have col
lected a largo quantity of food iu tint
vicinity of nils' cave, and will In all
probability defend tills point to tho
last. If they leave It they will proba
bly go to Stein's Mountain, which Is
ono of their best hunting grounds, and
Immcrs Impo-cd by nature, we nru
not alibi to state: but trust Hint It will
not be long Hemic that event can i
chronicled. On jDiiidn.
Avui.iiii.il. Kiigene Lib, Dec. 13.
The trial of L. I). Miller, for killing
of (J. T. Smith Inst Summer, hns occu
pied the attention r the Circuit Court
tor the last tliivodays. Messrs, Cliou
owctb, Caplc, Walton, Strattou ami
Stott were the attorneys for the State,
and Messrs. Dorrls, Fay. W. W. Thay
er and Jidiu Burnett for the defense.
Tito trial created great excitement,
buslncs being nearly suspended. The
Court IIouso was crowded the entire
time. The Jury retired last evening,
after it lengthy charge from Hon.
Jmlirn Thnvnr. Tlmv tvltirnnil n Vr.
lies about WO miles Fast ol Lost River' h"et this morning of not guilty.
The Indlaus mirrouuded Mrs. Bodily
and Mrs. Schlra,aud could bavu killed
both of them had they desired to, but
for the llrst time In Indian -warfare In
Oregon, thwy did not kill tho women.
They killed both of thehuabunilH, and
then asked for moro men.
KAttTiaiN Oituiox. A luttor tus
from Willow Forks, Umatilla coun
ty, says tho weather has been rather
cold. Snow fell Nov. 10th, and had
not entirely dlsappoaied at tho fast
of tho mouth. Heavy fronts nearly
nil tho time a very uncommon oc-
icurrent'oat this season. Somo of the
Vtt, ,pM ,i.,--""---"' r 11UAUUJ, ASlV. 11 HUH
Tho body was laid In tho parlor of his , ,tormlnir for twent v-four hours. Tho
lato Home, drestfed In a full Milt or rainfall has been the. heaviest of tho
black, with ft laurel wreath at thoiscason. Largo tracts of land In Lcl
headand a cross of immortelles oiii0(,atcrsblronro Inundated. In Derby
his breast. A number of largo noraljfli,ire twelve Inches of snow fell. Tno
replaced around tuo room, -telearanh linos In all directions are
A number of visitors vioweu tne- badly damaged. At Grimsby tuo galo
Giiain Cnoi'siNGitKAT Britain.
Tho English "Chaii)bor ofirAgrl
culturo" JouviHtl llgurcs a dollclency
of this yoar'H wheat crop lu Oront
Britain of 2I,079,00 bushels, not
! ciunllng u considerable loss in Infor-
has lieon I Jor quality. Another authority esti
offerings were pi
A number of
'was a hurricane. Many casualties
Kku-i VnnKil JJec. !. Uty-OUOr mnartml.
hares of the, capital stock of the, M j.i ii'r.. tho lo.tA.r
rwffitSotoWWBW otS&.8aito &$il
a0wA-nKw .11 f-Theboanl of) to bo tho,pun)OM! of tho'Qoverniuent
r.ioi.M I'lowwlar U care to intrwldce 'a law for tho abolition of
nffiItoH ' rortoco. He alsb'au.
"eV J.ii2S?iii J Tho almSouso " ou ' not ucwl the siirpfessloil of tho CarllsU
Ward'B?sliud9U taxed to Ma 'utmort I insurrection. -Aie House by h vote of
thmlthlMi to' 0, apVrove.l (hose decUraflons.
mfgranU wBt. to Vlrilnla yesUrday Losuon, Deo. IS. Tho ship Amerl
to work on a uwraUroad.. ,It now, can I'iiIou, which went ashoro near
transpires that largc-uumbcrs of Itall- Xew Haven, on a voyage from New
mi children are purchased from their Yark to London, baa brokea Up.. '
Infant soif to death on a refljot,stn)qlu. tn r.f anj M ,any paeM fs
ycteraay. overth -I
mates tho English wheat crop at 20
per ceut, below an average, and that
of Scotland, not largo at best, and
not moro than half an average."
" Investigation In Englaud, extend
ing over u period of two or three
hundred yearn, huve shown approxi
mately that' a, deflclt.of ono-tenth in
(ho cervals .raises Iho price three
tenths, deficit of two-tonths raises it
eiglit-tcnths, and so on to a deficit of
ono-hnlf, 'which raises tho price to
foui tUul one-htUf tlaaes tho average,
A surpliLS acts upon tho price in the
opposlto way.'' .
, , . . . . i i i j . i -
Colftiir tHo coupty seat o'r Vhltm'au'
n'ty'., Yhlugtan TefritoWi 'I"!
The UijrEHCOi.irJtiiiA. From J.B.
Montgomery, contractor for removal
of obstructions to navigation on the
Upper Columbia, we learn that work
nt John Day rapids Is nearly ilnlsbed.
Tho amouiit ot lock to be, removed
from1 the channel nt that point was
about 1,000 citblu yards. Four-fifths
of this have been, removed. At Uma
tilla rapids there were 500 yanls to
remove. Work at this point Is slow, '
owing to tho fart Hint the water Is not
down to its lowest stage and current
iu the channel Is very rapid and strong.
At Devil's Bend, a fow miles from
Imatllla rapids, a quantity of great
txmldcrs aro to bo removed. Jlvllt (In.
A .fiieksouvlllo miner savs advlcoi
oldest settle,-, antlcl,s,to a rpugh ! Z ,
tlmo this winter, but stock aro in i wrought by the ted devils on Lost
gtxnl condition to stand a reasonable i fiver. The volunteers liavo Wen , nc-
ntnnmit nf In.ril wimi,f ,xu iwxilil,, "V0 III tllO lllSPlinigO of their lllltlCS,
amount of hard weather, as people am, t ,s , C(, tt tJey wl W)0, Ket
Imvo nearly all provideil a jiiltublR u light out of the Modoc, who have
amount of feeil for tliolr tock As , been relurnrecd bv a number of Plutrt
winter I, al sot I ho very o,ir.y somo . M1U ,H verfndhms, nnd aro .
are Inclined to shako their bends lu - r - ""
regard, to tho cesiilt, Vo rulM-U Coos II w. -X correspondent 6f (he
nlco crop of wheat and oats Iho imst i IJeiltOn Jinmurat soys thnt on the 3d
jjcahon,3nnd plenty of vegetublos, iw lut. there were were nllio ocean ves
good as over grow anywhoro. Tils, Jk-K ami vo bay nnd river stenmoni In'
together with tho llnost beef and SKil'W.y-jri J
j mutton, will enable us to UvoJiiiKniuclnco this, Winter.
Biilwtantlal stylo through tho winter. , y?i
r... ...nil r..nlllIi.u . I'KPU IMIIUIP. i "." 1'IIK IIA1. 1 UP IWUB " "
v.h ,. .. .... .....
huUdiMr.JipnqtiU) rapldlykj yBtiauMan
inuiojittieurrui':aaui w m gaoa.
ThMvia ai agf loiiltuMli dljiUlct
'navxttvwt alfai , anl I M1 litali Inn Otd
around Col fax and iadlcationa, are
Unit that town has a bright future.
ory uncer
tain. Aftor a good deal of bogging,
pastoftleo has bcci&stiiblished hero,
Ullll U JHWUIIHSlCr Ul'yUIIIMr'U, vuy ,n,
line ban yet becu established. Wero
I( not for tho klndnesrt of Mr. Loon-'
onl 'thb vr obllorlncr Dostmnifor at
SinniUm. li'i. wniitrl nnt hn alilA in tmi.
V.UhiriMfynrynppt(era'iMifaa.iinirth:i ACCIOKNT.-J. DeUtkUmUtt of Palk
S-i e W?n a! i Sffif- , .ipo.r W twcjIlmjersUyitlaavWen'
1..J ..ifc.,.1 i,.i..;iiii.. ,i -'i'lirii TjTJvTi? 5.". -.'' . "':nT?
steaniloat, for use of the W'illnui
ItlverTritnsnortatiou Company.
was setup at Hnuth's mill on Satur
day uftonuioii. Yesterday morning
tho carpenters were engagisl iu laying
tho keel. The work .will prpgre
from this on yllh ,grfrn('Mpldiry.
'tfrmltl. j ill
lugwasfeltat JefTerfson. forearm. a