8 Few icoIo outside of Paris hud any Idea of the extent to which Min ister Wnshburno aided and protect ed Germans during the rccentFrench and Germnn war. From n istnteinont recently made by him, It appears that lie aided thirty thousand Ger mans to leave Paris and return to their nativocountry, after the decreo of the French Government driving all German residents out of city. He subsequently protected three thou sand destitute Germans, who had re mained in tho city during tho perlfc and privations of the siege. More than this, ho interposed and rescued from a violent death mora than a hundred Germans who were arrested as spies by the Communists. A rec ord such us this entitles Mr. Wnsh burno to the gratitude not only of tho ( iormun race, but of all humane men, and It is pleasant to learn that i'rlneo Ulsmark bus warmly acknowl edged the services of tho foarlc-s American Minister. How to Makk Ti:.t Pjioimmu.v. TIiu piopcr way to iiinkn u jjood tea Is n mutter of homo Importance. The plan which I linvu psactlccd for these twelve months Is thta : The teapot is at "iicu llllrd up with boiling witter, tbon Hid tea is put Into tho pot, and Is tillftu'isl to h tii nil five minutes bulVr It is used ; the leaves rudually absorb tlio water, nml Is grmluniry sunk to the bottom. The roMilt is, that trn leaves urtt not scuttled, as they are when boiling water Is poured upon tbiMii, mill ynu (,'ct all tho true ilnvor of the ten. In truth, much less tea is reoulrcil in this way than under the old and common practice. Jit mm Cuthltl, J.owlnn. CJi.Mimt M:i:it. Take one pint of inu1iiHMc.fi and two ppnoufuN of ginger, put Into a pall to I half tilled with boiling water; when well stirred together, till the pill with cold Milter, leaving loom foi one plot of yeast, wbieb miixt not I io nut III till luke warm. I'luee It on the warm hearth for the night, and lioltli It lu the iinirning. In Mruiorlani. At li lif.'lit.iriiit'Ctimriir ( nplt.it l.oiiVti .'n. II, I.i.(I.T.,1iiM INvnnlxr Till, lsTi, lim i.'iiciwiii',' irrnniiiin ami itiomiiioih were .iiIoiiIimI: IIIMIICIH, It l MM- tllfallul-l' I'lllV. ulilice In iimiiiit Iiiiiii nhy tlio li.i llcl el ili-Uli nilrtMifmeiliinil lirlnwil llrotlirr, AIIhtI ('. Iluiorl, a nirmiVr of thli l.txljjc, nml icroi nlc liy tlilt u tlliin'iioMinii ef power unit will ef Almighty OinI Willi ilixtll all llilnp. well, unit WllVluets. W'c, imGoml Trniplirt, esteem II nut nnly n duty tint rlWltw to I'xiuv- our tili.'linpirivl.itliiiMr lilt worth nml our ctlm.itlon of tin M'vy valuable wnlrTclii' In irnilenil to tin order ami tlie raiivof Tiiiiiiernncr. ItirriToro ho It itt.ilv, l, 't'ti.il lii llic il.ntli (ifA.t'. lliilunt ( ..inljl l.e,l;jii It:ti siiitalni'ila lout of nnoof iUlicaaiul i'not rutliftil inonilxTs, nml tho enter at hrsi a true oNpnncnt of lt true irlui'lilc. nil earnct iiiiiiiImT, li (;ied lein lUr. Iti-oolieil, 't1int)iUAobt'riiiiiltriuicnitoliau ll, IiIh klni'rrp ileotnn to tho rauc of tern IRTiinrr, hl untlriiii; lilmri In eur Iwlnlf n a l.i" !,'', hU cullor tlicitiliniii'i'lueiit of Hi" i.iuc In wlitclt we arc liihoilni; cutllii lilm to otirgrntltiiili' nml enhriun lilt mriuory fur nrr iii eur hi'arlH. Ilnaulviil, i'lut nUIIu mouruluK our loat fuul Imwliitf to the will of lllm who lirei bo. rcnvel iii, wutmlr to the ntrlckrn family of our iIwmwh'U nrollirr in iiiii, lunr imur ei iinii'tlen, eur hrart-Mt kiupathy,nml would i.iriMlly voiuuiouil thrill to the (toil of nil rui-v fur i-on.olatlon, feolluj; a.suml that Ho who cal'e I our llrotlicr from earth away to tlio luililir Kcncn :iImi will alxi hlmt up tint hrokrn hearti ami wlin away the tears of torruw. Itranhril, That aa a mark of rrsisvt to tho inrtiior) el lln ilwnwU hrothi'r I lie Charter of this I.CKljpi bcilnipcd In moiiriiiiii; for twenty iln. JitaoUed, That a copy ef Huso revilutloui ItU'iiliix'il upon the lulnuti'a, nml n ropy ho forward) d uiuler wnl ef Ihu LimIkh to tho linilly, nml that they Ih puhllshrdhi tho .Mi-iii'i'liv, Mato'iuan unci Karmer. tt in Illy llin foregoliv? to boa correct trnn eilpl fTeiii tin' nvoriN ef Capital I.ihIco No. II, I.O.Ii.T. Iiu Kllll.W.M. N'llllllAHKA IS TO 1I.VVKA ST.VTK Oiti'UAN AaYMiM. f 30,r05 Is oltcrcd Iii Ciihb iTli'i. Tlio appeal li mnuo on tbegnuiiiiU of humanity, from a now rjtute, whero thu tldo of iiumlgm thin is Immense, aim where such an Institution Is greatly .needed. The highexl l'rlw 1 $76,000. The tickets iuv $1 eiieh,oiHlxfor$5. J, M. Puttee, of tmnhu, liiulieeii chosen tho Gene ral Muiuiijer of tliln legal ami hliuiano imdertukliig, which Is endorsed by the (loveriiorand brt bimlnesameuof the titato of Nebraska. VQKTXdkMD " if sVJCTT. PoKiLAMi, I'-'. Tho Oregontan't iiinrkot rc(iort contains tho following : Wheut Tho iwelptaof whet aro o light that the hiiHliK'&s may ba char acterized dm nominal. In Ban KraBola- 00 the market la firm for axport brand aii uTgii uupor caiiuu. 1 no quo tatloua at thin iMrtarcSl 45 ner aontal sacked ami dalfveriHl upon th .wharf or aiongiiuo mo vewoi. - Flour the market la firm at format rates The demand for homo consump tion Is nullo Kood.nsls also that for export purposes to points northward. Tho surplus stuff is being shipped to San Francisco hvonehoutirolmr steam er, where a slight advance is realized upon cost and charges. Oats Buyers seem ut present un willing to purchase largely of Oats at prcscnt'quotations, not Going quite sure of their ground. Receipts arc full, and unless favorable advices are received prices must decline. Hay The market is well supplied Willi good Timothy at S18iW per ton. Potatoes Tho market is well sup plied and sales are active at prices ranging from 35c to 37jc per bushel. Kcirs There seems to be a cood snpply on hand, and wo quote jobbing rates ai wre per dozen. Poultry The clearing out of tho largo stock on hand ami the near np- firoach of the holidays has advanced he price of poultry to $.' 7."(?4 per dozen for mixed lots. Mrittnr Tlin mnrknt Is fulrlv sutmll- rd with tho different qualities, which aro numerous. Quotations range from 32jj.:i5 forgood, and t0(23)c V lb for choice roll for table use. Apples flood cooking. fl2Qrrc; choice, "GeVWc. Wool Hut few lots aro now offering. The market is ilrm, with much de itending on the quality. We note It... L..i.. .r t.t i...... .inii.........i m lo fciiu p.iu wi niA iviin uuiiiviiu 1111.-7 week by Everting & Jloebe, at .TJJe "r lb, clean. OAX.XFORHXA JKA1UCETS. 3V Tui.iiir.Aru. Han FitANUSCo, Dec. 10. Flour So !(.', (a. Wheat $1 HO ; some lot held at $-2; ottered $1 HO. Oals-Si! MO:!! 'Si. Potatoes AlTirket heavy at 1 001 UiO, .. nutter ( uiiioriiiii, ire-m ion, e.tuu cts. JigB" t-'allfoinhii ."WiVOTJe: Oiegon, Wool-(iulet; liiiWJIe. llhli'i Klim: ITIRIS: iIok. sHo salted. Salmon -Oregon, f u 'Si, .s:t r,o, 5:1 75 for one Hi : lilij.fjj, 'JJ II. tins: 0(5 : r-'i bbl. Aiiples Oregon dried; Sc. Pfunix-Oregoii dried; IHglOc. SALEM JIARKET. iimiir' Ti u wrrM.v nv i.rr 1.. k snirr. M0NKTA1IY. I.ei. , Ti Mucin, hiiylu;;, sic! elllu, VJc VLOUIl, OHAIN, Ac. Whi.it, best white, V ha!ii'l uen-... Oats.W bit a.. .. 1 ... I'tft Corn Meal, V Flour, best, fl sack, (V barrel). Ilucknheat Flour, V K Flax 8el. W tin tt . Urau, V Ion 13 UXf... sllclcllliiL-s, V ton , ... 'il iva... Oil Cuke Minl.Vtnn IVW&... by the sack, lu) lbs., 1 78 IIy, ptnn..., baled, V lWOCMO U0 Ion.. (IHOCKHIE.S. Bu-ir, Han I'ranclsco rcfltu'd, V " Island crushed .... powdered uranulatcd Tea, Japan, V & lmierlal C'olTee, eosla ltlca, ) t lllo Kono JiAia.. ivy, 1IK& iu i&a in ...1 WVAHi ...1 ufo.... sail 3H Sail, Carmen Island, per cwt 1 TOt Liverpool, coarse 9 lKb uairy.......... ih.ii) lUy .1 &U FiaiTri. VKOKTABLKS, 4c. Apples, ureen, V box dried. V lb l'eaches, dried, V lb 1'luuis, " " leans, V 9 l'otatws. V bushel Onions, V B t'abb.iRt'. head Carrot', V bnsh FibnTac Valiuon, Iresb, S t rniukeil, TI r pleklett, " HniMt, fresh Halibut, fresh, V & CihUIsIi, dried, " MarVerel, plekli'il, each White I'lsh, pickled, V B MKATS. Ilcff, fresh, V B coined ,,,,. sumkikl Veulsou, fresh, V t!' Fork, " Veal, " " Million. " " Ilacon, Hams, t B suar cured Mdc - Shoulders Mb lifr mw IMS ( 40i M SUU IXS. b tv t t. (,! 10(i l,b 10 ai,ii iV 70 llk llki& lit l.Vit li POUI.TKV CliK kens, dnssed, each per ilosen-.... Turkeys, each Ducks, each... . 50i .UiViutS .lOlttl . 3-,ii 1IUTTKK. KOOS. 4c. Duller, fresh rolls, V tt packet! Kcirs, V don n Cheese Oreirou prime, V t Lauiomi.., Urd. V OILS, Ac Ltutit-J Oil, boiled, V calloo I I raw-. ' ...1 1 Lard Oil, V i:alloo ,.. I CoalOll. n 1 Neal.tool OH, V gal 1 Tallow, V WOOL, HIDES. Ac. " Wool, V t : Wool Hacks, each... Whct Backs, Uierpool borlap, extra... 1 s4mlea,..t i UMea, dry, each treen, salted, each , I PrtaM.cirMfd,J., ,1 tibetf) tJklns, wool ea,ch. ,.i.,. ..,..,. I UATUKR, Ac, Harness Leather, V ft 1 40 WILLAMETTE FARMER. Mklrttcic Leather. llrldlu Leather, MS nrtf.ntxo MATEKIAL. Mmc, V bbl I KSi S B !WMi 00 i.emeni, T( dm. Plaster. V bbl. ....5 (A&6 00 ....7 009 00 Ilrlclc, V 31. Limber, ronjjb, H M feet :?L elrpprl lW" 00 H..ii.- IS 0072J CO I.ll.,tJt..:.:V. 2ffi!,irS Shingle-, cedar, V M SOWtOO MICKS Of LABOlt. Carpentir. ncnUr i S?.! ? tl.llrt ... A A . ... 5 00a 0 00 htnrtAtnaantia hr rliv. ....... ...yiuyt.., ,.w uiu.. ,, ftlYI Common Laborer, per day... .......... 9 OW 3 w Farm Hands, pcrniontb.lthboJrit....30 OOaH 00 niacksralths, per day. with board...... J 00a 4 00 Wason Makers, per day, with board.... 3 6M 3 00 HoiiscmaiJs, per month, with board.. ..10 00a) 00 Cookf. per month, with board SU C0a30 00 TRAVEL. Faro from Porllnndlo San Franctuco. Hy steamer, cabin, coin $?5 W ntierajto 15 00 Fre by Oierland Hllrond-CrniigtcT. Second Class. rnoM ax rn.u-io ,,,. clan. Car. fOOO'" (rl Id I To Omaha To Chicago To Washington. To New York... ToUoston 100 00 US 00 . 1!B U) IV, (I) 11SO) 1100 10 00 1I0UJ 110 no 11100 81 CO. Varc from New York to Kuropr. Strainer leais New York for Liverpool every Saturday; for llrenicn. every Saturday and alter nate Thursday : for Olagow, every Satnrday: lor (..l....... ........ V.i.ufl.,1 A.r Itvpr ntinfltifi iu.uuiiim, ,-,uij i-w.j ... -.., . . ... ...- w vi k : for I-inilon, every Satardiy. rirvAim i.ivh-Tii t.liprnonl. clonnln? at Cork: Klrsl cabin. StbO told; nccoml cabin, 80 oM. To larl, U3 (cold, Fln-t Cabin. To and return tlckctc, va)sold. Steamers carrying steer. aeo: First cabin. sopolil,stoerase, faecurrency. To nnd return ticket, t.W. INMA.N LINK. ToLtiorpoo! and Qjccnstoun everj Saturday anil alternatoTuesdiy. Cabin pas. M'o toLIvrpool0;l(bT3; tceraso (currencj), 1 M. S. S. COMl'ANV. l'aro to ban I'ranclsco from New York: First CIa, $1!3 to K0 curren. rv. ace ordlnc to location: Slecraeo. tffl currency. San Francisco to Ne York; First Cabin, ft00 mil, second fli. 30. Ufomtttt Mptmtt. i.itd cvxnr MTi'R3Ar, ar CLARKE Af ORAI, fi-Minuni ami raoritiETOT, Term el' Nuburrlpllon, tsr-i.v ADVANCE.seJ One copy, one ycir ($1 numbers) i?i.,iO One copy, sit montli (Sil numbers) 1,50 One copy, Ihreo months H numbers) 7. Ilalen of AdvcrtUlnir. Imo.timo. Imp. Umo. jlinto. I laniu. iooo iTcxi iiTob "JToo IS.00 18.00 00 40.00 One Kipiarc V Column.., Column.. Column.... 1.00 7.00: 7.00 II 00 lo'oo M.00 SsioolwioO 40.00 13.uu!:jo oo'40.oo!40 ooIto.oo! 73.00 1,'IOO.U) Adi crttsonients Inserted for less than one month, $i per Hipiare for first Insertion ; 1 for each subie quent Inscrtlou. Adiertliemeet en the Btli and Stlt pise, and special nonces, 'iu iw cnarijcu 50 per cent, uu tanco on tbe.aboTo rates. Keadlnp Notices, S3 conts per line. Advertisements, to find a place In the FaiiMEn, must be nnobjcctlonablo. ACKNT.1. Tlios.HuiTn.. Hmrins Hiunov O. I'. lIUKKiunr L. I). Fnazm , I'. Kt'oorrn.., John Downing. D. C. HtawaRT Wm. Kixiott. Wm A Mills.. . . , . Roscburz, Donjlas county . Pleasant itlll, Ijinc count jr ... ..Albany, Linn county , , ...Dothcl, Polk county Zcna, Polk county .. ..Hubllmltr, Marloncounty North Yamhill. Yamhill county nccuy. (.lacxamaa county Centerrltlt. Washlnrton count v Astoria, Clatsop count)- ... Dalles Cltv. Wasco eonntv UOL J. TATLOn ,.,, I. I. ItOWLAND. K. HllOlKlKBll John Htx ins, sen.. T. W. Da auronx . H. IlL'OIUS .Ioun M. IUcon l'liinr Hitz JammK. Uroivn WFWkst Sim. I. Dat , 8. U. llAUT Jiron Fiuzik It II WiLLOL'uuar.... .Forest Cove, Union coanty Ij Grande, Union county Sllterton Forest Groc Oregon City Walt Wall EucencCIty JefferMiu Jacksonville Peoria .Marshal P. 0 Umatilla Co l'llic. Linn fount t M ILKIN Iln John 1'iinD II HltiNriunT, SM Wait ..Wlllametto Forks, Lane county uiiDoro, asaiDEon county i . . . , vanyon my Waltsbnrj, W T KMriKin rrankltii. WT K. WnoDWAnn Corratlls W. V Uiac Itucna Vista I). W. Stiaims...... , Klkton .1.1). I.i Dallas. InvtNK A Monan tklo M F HrtNccn Ocrvals K MiPanLAM) Seattle W. T. WM.WcLt' Iluona Villa Tlio. Dot ban I'ranclsco I.. I1. Fisiun , " Volnev foiviii Canjonrillc N.CocKi.iiuu.... ., Itoseburc AloxioUhowm... , Oakland It, K. I.ANinALK , MeadoMvllle A. J, IIi-aiAittn Marlon Station i,. bamum. rortUnd DAVloM.UfTium Dallas. Polk couut. s si s ssa csiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sMsmmi J. O. WRIGHT, HEAI.EUJIX lnmily Groceries, CiRfnvs, Tobacco. Croclcory' IVotioniS;, Coflee, Tea, Salt,, Candles Soap, 10INX fob qipsbul rax imwkiaxcm r.i m Lvauun, ' THE NEW STYLE IMPROVED No. 9 GROVER fe BAKER'S SHUTTLE i IT MOltn StMl'LC. IlLTf EASIC1I. f.nn DETTKn SATlbFAtTlO.V IN EVEHY PAlmn Sfe-CLAIK Afcurtc, Perfect, Bcnutli'ul iu l'l-inclplc. Examine their Simple Mechanism. SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES, BY j"CH3B" "W". C3rIIL:QESnT, ranonTEH AND MANlTACTl'nEIl or Boots and Shoes, and Dealer in Shoe Findings, French and American can ajcina, upper and Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, &c, nofl UT itlflltKST CASH PKICK Fall Stock Received TERRELL & QILLINGHAM, IlKALKHS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, A Full and Complete ASOHTMENT OF LADIES' and MISSES' UNDERWEAR, Hosiery, GIovcm, Jt.s, Arc. rATTON-fe BLOCK. 3d door from Hip Bunk, Mute atrecl. Silem. Sept 41. tsrTI. aim'l MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS 0. M. SCHWATKA, t'omnirrrlal St., Malcni Orrgon, (Opposite Stewart's Elock,) TTAS' nETunxnn fkom pukchasimi her Fall Stock of Goods, And offers the Ladle ofi'ilcm and Aldnltr an clejant and select variety of Hats. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, LACES AND FANCY GOODS, Which have been aclecled With care especially for this market. Salem, Sept. 2J, I'd. Start MARBLE WORKS, MONROE & STAIGER, Dealers In MONUMENTS. AND Head and Foot Stones. ALSO, MANTELS AND Furniture Marble XO OXXEUR. ADDRKSb; A.J.MONnOK.I salcai, Orejon, j VM, HTAIGUR, ( Albany, Orcxou. uo9y COOKE, DENNIS&Co. MANUFACTUIU! SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AColdlxisa;., RUSTIC. AND ALL THE LATEST STYLES or Inside and outside, finish, of the beat quality of clear cedar lumber ever used In Salem. H SAWIIB. mil IIUNE AND TURNING, DONE WITH NEATNESS AND" DISPATCH CEDAR LUMBER AUTO ShintfloH fbr Snlo Clioap, Bet of Work t Lowest Price PUcuo elr us a call, ac oar slock, leara oar prici,andlT us your order. ., xxiaI tlftntlo (ttten to order from FAKM 87n4 Infbmitloa freely gtTta pll to, oar nlro.l .... I Skoa os Block Kilt of tho Caraeketa Hoaae. xjrtMri i . TAID OIt IIIDKd AND FUHS. m OPPOSITION TO Portland & San Francisco EASTERN GOODS AT Eastern Frloes! Save Your Money! ECONOMY U WSALTX. THE OVERLAND STORE lla on bin, ,int on the iray, $50,000 Worth of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Atvl M. a:tt of incrcbaiiJUc, ta be sold during tho Oregon State Fair, AT LOWER PRICES Than were ever before known la Salem. Ladle' hoo UH cents, worth SU cents. Drcti Good at a crcaf aacrlScc, too nun, oa hand, from 1C.V cents to 50 cents per yard ; worta from S cent to per yard. Kid Qlovea f 1, worth $1.C0. French Corseti $1, worth tl.50. Cloth and Foxed Balmoral Shoes, f 1.15 ; worti J.50.1 Larje double Counterpauea, f S.BO; worth HM, Lonidalo Sheeting, six yards $1 ; All Oilier Good la Proportion. SAI,KM,Sept.7.18Ti. 9Wd BELT & jqHNS, Druggists & Apothecaries co.-nnxnciAii rtbbbt, Opposite Chera;ket Ilouse, SALEM, . . . OREGON. DEAI.KKS L DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, 'Perfumery, and Toilet Articles, COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc, etc Fhyiioiani' Preaoriptlomt ANT) FAMILY MBCIPBS CareftiUy compiled, tt all hoars, day or night, I Am KxporloBce Brnnial. Sept. 14, lt. MT 1 i. b. rtau. O. K.BAIX. pvics-if). l, xmenwm ,, ptT BALIK. OKIOOM . MH T. CI AMU. BMVBTLt.CoI OSra. amrbtsi'i , 1U Bsrgwia U.S. TImImi Jlem, Onuoo. M .DirMa' CtwatrcUl tret, Blea,